What is an educated person definition. A

Educated person

Vir eruditus

Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: Russian Language. N.T. Babichev, Ya.M. Borovskaya. 1982 .

See what an “educated person” is in other dictionaries:

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on the topic of: Educated person - useful person


Word and life

What is educated person?

Requirements for an educated person




The state is doing everything possible to ensure that children grow up healthy and happy, receive excellent education, mastered new information technology, necessary in the 21st century, have become worthy, respected people, patriots of the Fatherland.

As we see, one of the goals is to provide education, which is enshrined in the basic law of the state - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. What determines this goal setting, how necessary it is, and how its usefulness is expressed, let’s try to figure it out now.

Thus, education is the process and result of mastering systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. Consequently, in the process of education, the knowledge of all the spiritual riches that humanity has developed is transferred from generation to generation, the assimilation of the results of socio-historical knowledge reflected in the sciences of nature, society, technology and art, as well as the mastery of labor skills and abilities. Thus, in my opinion, education is necessary condition preparation for life and work, the main means of introducing a person to culture and mastering it, the foundation for the development of culture.

Based on the above, I believe that an educated person is a useful person - he is a kind of means of transmitting information.

1. Word and life

"A man's word is the blood of his heart"(Arabic proverb)

The above proverb of the people of the East means that everything that a person can convey to people that is useful through words cannot be expressed by him for the benefit of people unless it is experienced and felt by the speaker himself. The word is like one of important means communication with people should be not only a means, but also a special rational content - something that gives a person his spiritual experience life and observation.

Powerfully influencing the minds and feelings of people, such a word turns into creative process life and spiritualizes this life, giving it reasonable content and direction. All in all cultural development humanity only from this direction human activity and special spiritual values ​​accumulated, such as religion, in its true meaning, which gave in the field of feeling the moral laws of relationships between people, and science, which in the field of experience and knowledge gave abundant material for the material improvement of human life.

To liberate a person’s personality from ignorance and awaken the creativity of thought in him, education is necessary - this is the broadest acquaintance of a person with the achieved scientific values ​​through the free study of everything that is subject to the attention and judgment of a person.

The need to convey life experience, as well as the need for research hidden forces nature, innate to feeling man as a rational, thinking being. This created a continuity of one generation with another, contributing to the further mental development of mankind.

This is the meaning human word. The printed word, being a good helper of self-education, can then only fulfill his high value, when it contains serious and reasonable material that meets the needs of the human spirit, and when the reader treats it with a thoughtful disposition.

The reader began to look in reading not for solutions to serious questions of life, not for confirmation of the correctness of his observations and experiences, but for pleasure for himself during rest, not from work, but from the severity of the excesses he was experiencing. And once such a reader was born, then, according to the demand causing supply, a writer appeared who satisfied the taste of this reader, and therefore the word itself, as a means of communication, lost the high significance previously given to it, as a means of expressing only special human wisdom. It is worth recalling the words of the poet: “Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal: sow, - the Russian people will thank you from the bottom of their hearts!..”.

From all that has been said, a conclusion should be drawn for both the writer and the reader, and for the latter, perhaps, it is necessary no less serious attitude to reading, as it helps self-education. The very essence of reading should not consist in a simple mechanical perception of other people’s knowledge, other people’s thoughts and moods - “what last book says, then it will fall on the soul"; the essence of reading is to experience one’s own thoughts and moods excited by what one reads, that is, to translate other people’s words and thoughts into the language of one’s spiritual feeling, which is born from deepening one’s consciousness into the transmitted thoughts in connection with one’s observations life.

Only such an attitude creates the condition for the enlightenment and development of human consciousness, for life is, first of all, creativity, and in order to create, this requires active ability and the ability to understand the surrounding circumstances.

2. What is an educated person?

A truly educated person is not one who has graduated from any, even higher, educational institution- you never know the ignoramuses, narrow specialists or they make clever careerists! Not the one who has read a lot in his lifetime, even a lot, at least the most good books. Not the one who has accumulated in himself those or

Exercise 1. Read the requirements for a specialist’s speech. Using material of this assignment, make a memo “How an educated person should not speak.”

The specialist’s speech should answer the following T requirements :

1. Oral and written language there must be a specialist correct , i.e. meet Russian standards literary language(orthoepic, spelling, grammatical, punctuation, stylistic).

2. The specialist’s speech should be accurate . This presupposes knowledge of the terminology of your profession, knowledge exact value special words, laws of their compatibility and rules of use.

3. The specialist’s speech should be logical . A specialist must be able to highlight the main and the secondary, defend his point of view, build reasoning, put forward a thesis and provide relevant arguments as evidence.

4. The specialist’s speech should be clear And accessible. These qualities of speech are achieved with the precise formulation of thoughts and the logical construction of speech in accordance with the purpose and context of communication, therefore, the specialist’s speech must be communicatively appropriate - appropriate.

6. The specialist’s speech should be expressive. Expressiveness of speech is associated with the ability to use synonyms (lexical and grammatical), figurative means language (epithets, metaphors, etc.).

7. The specialist’s speech should be aesthetic. The aesthetics of speech is given by such qualities as expressiveness, purity, and correctness.

8. A specialist must be able to lead dialogue And monologue with one or more speech partners in person, by telephone or through business letters.

9. When conducting a dialogue or monologue with speech partners, it is important to remember to comply language norms. Success verbal communication largely depends on general culture a person, from his awareness of the rules of etiquette accepted in society.

The specialist must know and use formulas speech etiquette :

1. Greeting and farewell formulas: Hello; Good afternoon; Greetings; Goodbye; all the best; best wishes; see you.

2. Formulas for introductions and acquaintances: Let me introduce myself; My name is...; let me introduce you to...; please introduce yourself to this...; glad to meet you; very nice to meet you.

3. Formulas of apology and gratitude: I'm sorry; Sorry; excuse me; guilty; let me thank you; Thank you; thank you; I appreciate it.

4. Formulas of sympathy and condolences: I sympathize with you; my condolences.

5. Compliments and approvals: You look wonderful; your report was the most interesting; you are doing great; you are an irreplaceable worker; you did a great job.

6. Congratulations and wishes: Congratulations; Let me congratulate you; Wish you; happy holiday; Please accept my sincere congratulations.

7. Formulas accompanying requests: Please; be kind; let me ask you; if you don't mind; I beg you very much; it's not difficult for you; you can't (couldn't).

The specialist must be able to use politeness tactics :

1. Prevention of a negative reaction from the recipient.

I'll bother you; let me ask you; if you do not mind; I'm sorry to trouble you; can I contact you; Can you help me.

2. Objection under the guise of consent.

Yes, but; This is partly true; you're probably right, but; It seems to me that it is worth paying attention to this fact.

If you allow me to enter into a debate; I doubt that this is so; It is hard to believe; don't you think that...; if I'm not mistaken; I think.

IN last time, when we made this decision, it didn't turn out very well; let's try to avoid previous mistakes.

5. Polite refusal.

I would really like to help you, but...; I'm very sorry, but our company does not provide such services; Today we cannot fulfill your request, please contact us in a week.

6. Providing freedom of action to the addressee when demonstrating his position.

You can do as you wish, but I believe; the right to choose remains yours, but let me note that...; I don’t want to impose my point of view on you, however...; It is your right.

Task 2.Based on the above proverbs and sayings, formulate the rules of speech behavior for the speaker and the listener.

1. They kill with a knife in a deserted place, in a word - in public. 2. Cows are caught by the horns, but people are caught by the tongue. 3. If you watch your tongue, it will protect you; if you loosen it, it will sell you. 4. What is unspoken can be expressed, what has been said cannot be returned. 5. It’s better to be lame on your leg than on your tongue. 6. Don't say everything you know, but know everything you say. 7. It’s better to cry at the right time than to laugh at the wrong time. 8. The egg taught the chicken wisdom. 9. Words are pearls, but when there are many of them, they lose their value. 10. The liar’s house burned down - no one believed it. 11. Throws pearls before swine. 12. The meaning of a word depends on the tone in which it is said.

Task 3.Read the texts below, determine what types of logical proofs (reasoning with definition, inductive and deductive reasoning, analogical reasoning) are presented in examples.

1.Irina Khakamada: I believe that public policy is not a game of amateurs to assert themselves among the whole people, but this is a normal profession, the same as the profession of a doctor or an artist. There are people capable of this profession, and there are those who are not. And most importantly, if you are engaged in it, then, as in any profession, you must know the rules of the game. The rules of the game are that you must give interviews and be as sincere as possible. Whether you like it or not, dance; if you don’t want to dance, leave this profession.

2.THEIR.: We are lucky (thesis): a person does not always manage to live through several eras during one life, huge historical eras. I was born in Soviet country, I survived Gorbachev's perestroika, I survived the democratic shock therapy Gaidar and Yeltsin, and I myself created, I was a piece of this history, and everything depended on whether I could decide to run with this history together or sometimes even get ahead of it, or whether I would be afraid and then stay somewhere on the edge (arguments). I was lucky that I made up my mind, and I began to stew in the formation new history(conclusion). And therefore, of course, main idea- change, try

3.THEIR.: I recently returned from St. Petersburg, and everyone asks me: “How is it that you walk around without security and are not afraid?” I say: “Security is when a person invents a toy for himself”... It’s like decorating a small child like a Christmas tree, the mother does this not for the child, because the child is terribly uncomfortable, but for herself. So it is with security, it is not for protection, but simply to raise your loved one in your own eyes.

(Based on materials from the TV program “School of Scandal”)

The pace and manner of speech, the volume of your voice, intonation and clarity of pronunciation are the characteristics on the basis of which an opinion will be formed about you in the first minutes of the conversation. It is advisable to try to restrain the tempo of speech so that it is calm, without excessive expression. “An empty word spills out like peas from a sieve, a rich word turns slowly, like a ball filled with mercury,” said K.S. Stanislavsky about the difference in the perception of fast and measured speech. Therefore, if you want your words to be listened to, take your time and don’t chatter. However, it should be remembered that fast speech is perceived more convincingly, therefore, especially important points It's better to speed up its pace.

You must speak with weight and confidence - like an experienced specialist who knows his worth. An indecisive person can be recognized by vague statements replete with euphemisms that soften speech: “to achieve certain success” instead of “become a leader,” “not very happy” instead of “angry,” etc. The so-called qualifiers also create the impression of uncertainty: “as if”, “only”, “a little”, “apparently”. A candidate who speaks this way is viewed as a weak person, unsuitable for serious and responsible work. The impression is reduced by such self-deprecating statements such as: “I’m not a speaker,” “I’m still an inexperienced specialist,” “I’m a new person.”

If you want to test how well you can present yourself verbally, record your “self-presentation” on a voice recorder (or take a video), and then listen to the recording. Usually, even the most experienced top managers wrinkle their foreheads in annoyance when listening to their self-presentations. And what can we say about us mere mortals?

If necessary, adjust your speech towards greater decisiveness and certainty. The main thing is to be sincere. Any falsity is noticeable and plays against us.

How relevant are these tips to you and your friends? Which of the described errors in speech behavior do you notice in yourself?

Task 5.Become familiar with questions that may be asked during an interview. Using material tasks 4, formulate approximate answers to them.
1. What attracts you to work with us in this position?

2. Why do you consider yourself worthy of this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

3. What are your strengths?

4. What are your weak sides?

5. Why did you leave? previous work?

6. Have you received any other job offers?

7. Would your personal life this work associated with additional loads?
8. What changes would you make to new job?

9. What salary are you expecting?

10. What can you tell us about your professional connections that you could use in your new job?

11. How do you increase your professional qualifications?

12. What time frame could you start working?

13. Name those situations in which you were unable to succeed. Why?

14. How do you feel about the method of coercion and threats towards subordinates? When should you resort to threats?

15. Do you often use praise towards your subordinates and other people?
16. What do you like to do in free time?

Task 6.Get to know standard phrases in business telephone conversation. Emphasize those that you use most often when talking on the phone.

Conversation initiator Answering phone call
1. Starting a conversation
Greeting formula Hello! Good afternoon Hello! Good afternoon Hello! I'm hearing you!
Performance Are you worried... Firm...
He's talking to you... from the company... ...by the phone
I'm calling on an errand... my name is... ...listens
I represent...
Specifying the recipient of the conversation Would you please connect me with... Call me, please... Can I speak with... Excuse me, is this a company...? Excuse me, am I talking to...? Unfortunately, he is not here at the moment. What shall I tell to him? ...is currently in a meeting. Could you call me back in 15 minutes? ...no, he will be tomorrow from 10 to 12. How can I introduce you?
Yes, I'm listening. I'm on the phone.
Reaction to the absence of a conversation recipient Excuse me, could you tell... that... Could you tell... that the company called... and asked him to call us back on the phone... Okay, I'll tell you... Yes, please...
Tell me, please, when will he (she) be there?
Excuse me, please, when can I call back to catch him? Excuse me, please, can you tell me how I can contact him (her)? I'm from the company... on a question... Excuse me, would it be convenient if I call you back in two hours?
Apology for "unauthorized call" Can I distract you for a moment? Can you spare me a few minutes? Can I take some of your time? Yes please. Yes, I am listening to you carefully. Unfortunately, I'm very busy. Could we move the conversation to... Sorry, but I have visitors right now. Could you call me back in... minutes? Could you call back later? Is it difficult for you to call tomorrow?
2. Introduction
Background information I am calling with a question/regard (this is the question I am calling you about) next question:... I am calling upon request... I am calling upon recommendation...
Could you... We need... I have to... I was asked... ...inform...notify...discuss with you...inform...consult...contact...
3. Discussion of the situation
Link to source of information According to my assumptions... According to our information... According to management data... As we know...
Paraphrasing and authorization of information As I understand you... As I understand, you state... In other words, you think... If I understand you correctly, you say...
Correction Can you hear me? Did you understand my message? You didn’t quite understand me correctly... I’m afraid that you misunderstood me... It seems that you misunderstood me... Could you repeat... Sorry, I didn't hear... Sorry, could you speak louder (slower)?
The desire to seize the initiative Sorry, I'll finish my thought... I would like to clarify a few more details... Just a minute, I need to clarify... Sorry, I have thoughts on this issue...
Summarizing So, are we agreed? I think the situation is now clear... As I understand it, we have now agreed on everything. That's probably all I needed to tell you... Will there be any more clarifications or additions? Do you have any other thoughts on this issue? Are you satisfied with this solution to the issue? As I understand it, this is all? Are you done? On this issue, it seems, is everything? Do you have any other wishes? Do you have any more questions?
4. Final part conversation
Gratitude Really appreciate the help... Thanks for the advice... Do not mention it. This is my responsibility. It was my pleasure to do this.../help you...
Thank you for the offer, we will definitely discuss it... Thank you for the invitation, I accept it with pleasure...
Apology for the unauthorized call I apologize for interrupting you... Sorry for disturbing you in non-working hours/ on a day off... Sorry, please, for talking too long. Sorry for interrupting you from your work... Sorry for the late call.... Sorry, please, for disturbing you on a day off It's OK. Don't worry, everything is fine.
Parting I'm waiting for your call. I'll be waiting to hear from you. All the best. I'll definitely call. I will try to contact you as soon as possible. And all the best to you.
Goodbye. See you. All the best. Best wishes. Have a great trip!

Task 7.Determine which form of public communication is used

(report, message, speech, conversation, lecture).

Speech by a library employee in a group with an overview of new arrivals; speech of a parliamentary candidate during a pre-election meeting; the Prime Minister's report on the work of the government; speech of a young scientist at scientific conference; speech by a trade unionist to students; conversation between a psychologist and a student; explanation of the material by the teacher during a lesson with students.

Task 8.Choose the correct statements.

1. A speech at a funeral meeting is a protocol and etiquette speech.

  1. A toast is an entertaining performance.
  2. A joke for an audience is an entertaining performance.
  3. Greeting speech at the opening of the conference - this is a protocol and etiquette speech.
  4. A report is a prepared speech.
  5. A lecture is an informational presentation.
  6. A student’s answer in an exam or test is a persuasive speech.
  7. A conversation between a dean and a student is public speaking.
  8. The rector’s congratulations to university graduates at the graduation ceremony is a convincing speech.


Dean of the State Faculty of TSTU

prof. Pavlova I.I.

3rd year student gr. IST -34

Smirnova A.D.


Please allow me early delivery exams for the summer session due to the fact that during the session I will have to undergo a course of treatment in a sanatorium.

I have attached a copy of the voucher to the sanatorium.

Three qualities - extensive knowledge, habit of thinking and nobility of feelings - are necessary for a person to be educated in in every sense words. (Chernyshevsky N.G.)

Education is something that people undertake in relation to themselves and for themselves: a person “forms” himself. Others can teach us, but we can only “educate” ourselves. And this is not an empty play on words. Educating yourself is completely different from learning something. We study in order to acquire various skills; We are working on our education - to become something, to be in harmony with this world. How can you describe it?

Yes, at the beginning of life, we, being stupid babies, greedily and thoughtlessly absorb the culture into which our birth immerses us. Over time, with the development of memory, intelligence, morality, we learn to evaluate culture and begin to see its flaws, point them out to adults, which results in the emergence of youth protest subcultures, which today often, instead of aiming at creative criticism, lead either to self-destruction or destruction society, that is, destructive criticism - criticism without any creative proposals to correct the situation.

Our education thus consists of the basic programs of the psyche absorbed in childhood, stereotypes accumulated on top of this (this also includes various facts), some kind of development of the intellect machine, if we are lucky with the environment, then some kind of development of feelings, and if we are very lucky - then a certain culture of thinking, skills of changing one’s psyche, working with information, understanding methods of action and creating knowledge at the pace of life.

Also, all this is connected in the psyche and guided through life by a system of moral standards, which for the most part is also drawn from culture and partly constructed independently at a more conscious age, and also recommendations of conscience, which we, due to our morality, either follow, and then problems in life we have less, because conscience protects us from significant mistakes, or we are deaf to it, and then life in every possible way points out to us the need to turn our attention to this very advice of ours.

If we relate to the task of preserving or acquiring the ability of this society to further development culture and support personal development everyone, then society has the right to demand from everyone:

Self-control (i.e., a person’s will must have power primarily over his instincts and culturally conditioned behavioral skills, including habits - unconscious automatisms of behavior). This is so because self-control is the basis of the most important personal quality, which opens up the possibilities for the free development of society: “acceptance” - the ability to perceive people as they are, and tolerantly (without indulgence) treat them, regardless of their personal vices, shortcomings and mistakes they make (including systematic errors) . At the same time, “tolerance” presupposes rejection, overcoming and suppression of attempts to enslave oneself, resulting from other individuals and corporations, both through the use of force or the threat of its use by potential enslavers, and through the creation of heterogeneous dependence on the individual “patron” or “patrons.” corporations, etc.

Sociability combined with caring and kindness, since these are the qualities that allow you to enter into communication with other people, both in order to live and work together with them, and in order to help them identify and resolve their problems.

An effective personal culture of feelings and a culture of thinking, since they are the basis of people’s creativity both in work and in helping others, the basis for the safety of others in communication and in joint activities with a person.

Possession of general cultural skills and mastering a standard education for society, which unites all adult members of society into each historical era. This group of criteria includes reading and writing skills, among others.

This is the minimum that all citizens in society should have, but many do not reach this level of education.

As you can see, knowledge of facts is only a very small part of real education and good manners, however, many people have problems with this.


Reader fiction, from which he learns how to express his thoughts, desires and feelings. He studies the language of the soul. Realizes that the same things can be perceived differently than he is used to. To love differently, to hate differently. He learns new words and metaphors that describe states of mind. By replenishing his vocabulary, enriching the palette of concepts, he learns to more accurately express his experiences and thereby feel more subtly.

An educated person talks better and more interestingly about himself and the world than someone who can only repeat fragments bright phrases or aphorisms once confirmed by him. A person’s ability to accurately express himself allows him to deepen and clarify his idea of ​​himself. This process can continue indefinitely.

In addition, reading involves one of the most important mechanisms of the psyche, on which the future depends, as individual, and all of humanity as a whole. This is imagination. If you don't imagine, don't dream about your future, someone else will make it for you. Today, the imagination is being fought in every possible way Mass culture, which teaches one to only consume ready-made information, but not to create, not to imagine something new. As a result, a person becomes an appendage to the TV or to the tape in social network. The book teaches our consciousness to imagine, create worlds, endow them with details and features that are not even in the book - it teaches us to create!

We live in an age when the pace of development of society, its economic progress and the life of each of us depends on knowledge. Without them, a person cannot cognize nature, master its riches, manage modern technology, manage production, set up his own business, he cannot be a harmonious person himself.

The prestige of knowledge, the prestige of education is becoming increasingly higher. Neither upbringing nor education can be given in a ready-made form. Becoming educated means, first of all, learning to learn, and for those who have mastered this skill, the education process lasts a lifetime, and life itself becomes varied and vibrant.

Write by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. how (not, not) people tried, having gathered in one small place, to disfigure the land on which they

huddled, as they (not, nor) stoned the ground so that nothing would grow on it, as they did not clear away the emerging grass, as (not, nor) pruned the trees and (not, nor) drove out all the animals and birds - spring It was spring even in the city. The sun was warm, the grass, alive, grew and turned green everywhere it was (not, not) scraped off, (not, not) only on the lawns of the boulevards, but also between the slabs of stones

Replace each one-part sentence with a two-part one. 1) Dahl was lucky enough to be a guide through the Kazakh land for A.S. Pushkin. 2) "Let's not talk

about my story,” Jesus said quietly. 3) Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! 4) How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her?

HELP ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS TEXT 1. What problem does Yu. Yakovlev raise? 2. Do you agree with the author’s position?

Once upon a time at the cinema it happened to me strange meeting. I was wandering around the crowded foyer, waiting for the session to start, and suddenly I saw our counselor Alla, tall, fair-haired, wearing teardrop-shaped glasses. A tall tenth grader sat next to her. They were eating ice cream in waffle cups and talking animatedly about something. At first I thought that I had made a mistake, but when I was not too lazy and walked past again, my doubts were dispelled - it was them. I even blushed with excitement. When everyone entered the hall in a crowd, I lost sight of them. But then I discovered that they were sitting not far from me. Instead of the screen, I looked at them. I saw a tenth grader put his hand on the back of the chair on which Alla was sitting. But then the light went out, and I had to interrupt my observations. The next day, rushing to class early, I began to tell the kids about my discovery with undisguised pleasure. I talked about ice cream in waffle cones and the back of the chair. And we all had a lot of fun. Suddenly I heard a cough and looked around - the Teacher was standing in the doorway. He silently beckoned me with his finger, and together we went out into the corridor. “Now you’ll go back to class,” said the Teacher, looking somewhere past me, “and say that you didn’t meet anyone at the movies and that you invented all this with the ice cream and the back of the chair.” - But I saw them! - Yes, you saw them, but you shouldn’t have told anyone about it. Ashamed. - Is it a shame to tell the truth? - I asked and looked at the Teacher defiantly. - This truth does not belong to you. If people spill out all the “truth” they know about others, they will choke. Not every truth a person should know about another. And then I decided to catch the Teacher. I said: “So it’s better to lie!” “It’s better to remain silent,” said the Teacher. - Do you know what someone else’s secret is? This is also true. But it doesn't belong to everyone. In this case, it does not belong to you. You divulged someone else's secret - it's the same as taking someone else's property. Vile! Now I looked at the Teacher in confusion and did not know how to object to him. And he said: - Go. And tell me you came up with all this! - Lie? - I asked sharply. - You came to this yourself. So, lie... in the name of truth. I despondently trudged into class and in a depressed voice announced that it was all a lie, that I had never met any Alla, and that I had simply plucked a tenth-grader out of thin air. - Yap! - someone said. I swallowed the sneer.