Max Tal is wise with money. Beggar old man

30 new mudras for good luck

30 new mudras for good luck, achieving goals, acquiring the right qualities at the right time.

A book about the ancient Indian secret art of mudras - the special position of the hands and fingers. For the first time in one book you will find descriptions of 30 mudras that will change your destiny for the better: mudras of “strengthening the wind of fate”, understanding where to sail, “true desire”, for creating favorable circumstances in life, for acquiring the right qualities at the right moment, for strengthening the capabilities of the intellect, to overcome fear, to achieve material goals, to attract loving and understanding people, to increase external attractiveness and many others.

36 wise words for money and influence

The art of mudra has been around for over two thousand years.

It is known that with the help of various folds of the fingers, it is possible to restore the normal circulation of qi energy in the human body and, thus, treat diseases, restore damaged organs, slow down the aging process...

Mudras: fulfilling money desires in 5 minutes a day

The art of mud has been around for many thousands of years. Using simple combinations of fingers, a special circulation of energy in the body is ensured, which helps treat diseases and slows down aging.

But few people know that there are mudras that also give power over fate. Until now, information that mudras help to gain money was practically not available to anyone.

Reader comments

Igor/ 05/07/2018 NO! He talks about this in every description. Read the instructions carefully.

Victoria/ 05/07/2018 Do you mean 2 mudras at the same time?

Victoria/ 05/07/2018 I have a question, is it possible to do mudras at the same time?

Olga/ 03.25.2018 Thank you for the collection of books - awesome! Those who doubt that mudras work, just need to be attentive to changes. They work so smoothly and naturally that it seems that everything happens by itself, and they have nothing to do with it. Don’t expect drastic changes, they won’t happen. I’ve been practicing for four years. For the first 3 years I thought they weren’t working. But after analyzing the events and comparing them with the mudras that I performed earlier, I realized that everything worked. Now I can’t imagine life without mudras. They help in life very well!

Guest/ 02/26/2018 For some reason there is no information anywhere about the author Tal himself

Guest/ 12/15/2017 don’t work in vain))) Mudras only work for PR people of bullshit literature. But in general. from the point of view of a scientific approach, with gestures/mudras we give signals to our subconscious mind for the spectrum of its work in a certain direction, but since the subconscious mind is a repository of information - a set of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, the subconscious mind does not recognize many mudras/hand gestures, and therefore does not work in this direction will not happen.

Mikha/ 12/15/2017 OK. I am personally interested in your results, because using this book by Ufimtsev I was able to influence my body very well.

Guest/ 12/14/2017 Hello everyone! I practiced mudras for about a year, but nothing worked out. Abandoned. I found Vadim Ufimtsev’s book “Secrets of Finger Gestures”. I’ll try to study with it, although I think it will be like with Max Tal’s books. Of course, many thanks to him for his work, but I think that there are people for whom this knowledge does not work, I am an example of this. In general, if I don’t abandon this book, I’ll write it off later.


I/ 08/12/2016 For the mudras to work quickly, do not forget about a positive attitude. This greatly speeds up the process

Olga/ 03/22/2016 The mudra for attracting urgent money works flawlessly and very quickly! The last results of performing this mudra simply shocked me. It worked great, the next day after execution, I can’t even find words for this magic. I recommend to all!

Dmitry Sh./ 11/7/2015 I like his books, short and about the main thing. The simplest, most accessible and cheapest (free) way to change your life. I believe that everything operates according to the law of attraction and energy.
I like that this author is the first one I know (but I just haven’t come across) to describe how mudras influence life, and not physical health, as is written everywhere. It is quite logical that the mudra that treats eye diseases heals the area of ​​life to which the eyes belong. This is foresight, knowing what you want from life in the future (in the case of myopia).
Moreover, my advice to people is to carefully monitor the results. I have a positive mudra result for success at work. Before I started doing this there was a problem with the work. I found a good place (maybe it was a coincidence, God only knows). I did it at work too, and it worked well, there was enough work. The next time I went from the same company but to a different place of work, where, to my surprise, the working conditions were even easier, despite the fact that the salary was the same. Strange coincidence. I continued to do the mudra and apparently went too far, the energy stagnated, as the author said, do it when you are going to work. In general, I put it aside as long as I am satisfied with my work. I’m doing another mudra, and now I’ll do this one prophylactically for 3 minutes for 1 week, only in the morning.
Good luck everyone and be careful. And many thanks to the author for warning in advance about possible side effects, this gave insight and helped to quickly find the cause and eliminate it.

But this way you can cause harm to yourself. But this will not be done by the mudra, but by your own bad intention. It will just come back to you and hit your life.
Therefore, be doubly careful. Do not allow even a hint of unkind thoughts and wishes towards other people.

What happens if you choose the second path - the path of good?

If you choose the second path, then all you need to do is perform the mudra and form the intention to remove obstacles from your life in a way that will benefit everyone.
How exactly these obstacles will disappear is something you don’t have to think about. The energetic Universe has its own ways and methods of solving problems. Your good intention will do its job, the mudra will create the necessary circumstances - and then everything will be resolved, perhaps even without your participation, but precisely in such a way as to restore the disturbed harmony.

Condition three: the right mental attitude

As we have already said, for the best performance of mudras, it is advisable to be in a calm, relaxed state.
This is especially important when performing mudras aimed at improving relationships with people. We all know that any nervousness, anxiety, or fear greatly spoils relationships. And if you perform the mudra in a nervous or restless state, you will thereby introduce interference into the channel of its action. That is, put obstacles in the way of the unfolding of that ideal energy configuration of space that is inherent in the mudra.
As a result, favorable circumstances will develop, but it will be difficult for you to take advantage of them. Perhaps someone else will use them instead of you - someone whose mental attitude in this situation turned out to be more favorable.
The practice of mudras itself already has a beneficial effect on our physical and mental state. So, as you practice, you will automatically get into the right state of mind. But first, it is very useful to practice a little in creating it.

Practice creating the right mental attitude

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Imagine that you were temporarily transported to another world - one where everything was created especially for you, so that you feel good, comfortable, pleasant and joyful. You've earned this little break and can safely leave all your usual worries behind for a while. You will return to them later if you want, but now it’s time to enjoy the peace.
Imagine yourself where you enjoy being, where you like everything, and most importantly, where you feel completely safe. It could be the Garden of Eden, or some kind of resort place, or an uninhabited island, or a temple.
Create in your imagination such an ideal place for yourself. Fill it with whatever you want - let there be flowers, the sea coast, a rainbow, a blue sky or twilight with burning candles. Remember that you are doing this only for yourself, you are creating your own world where you and only you are the master.
You can be in this world as long as you want. Breathe deeply and measuredly and imagine that you are exhaling all your worries and anxieties, and inhaling pure and bright peace, which spreads pleasantly and relaxingly throughout your body.
If you have some kind of heaviness in your soul, unpleasant memories, grievances, if something is oppressive, exhale it all, and inhale joy and poise.
Gradually you will find the right mental attitude.
In addition, you will create your own special sacred place that you can go to any time you need to get your emotions in order.

Mudras bring harmony to the energy of the human body

Pay attention to how you walk, stand, and sit. Are there pains, tensions, or discomfort in your body? Almost every European over thirty years old definitely has something like this. Tense shoulders and back, incorrect posture, headaches from tight head muscles are a consequence of a “civilized” lifestyle.
Where there is even the slightest tension in the body, energy flows poorly or not at all. This means that a person’s connection with the outside world through energy threads is interrupted.
The practice of mudras is truly invaluable, not only because it opens up the possibilities of managing the material world, but also because it is healing. By practicing mudras, you restore the normal flow of energy in your body. Energy channels are cleared and activated, communication with the outside world is established through energy threads.
This is why mudras always work, even if the practitioner is inexperienced and has never engaged in energy practices before. Mudras are like a self-tuning instrument that begins to work on its own as soon as you take it up, and also has a beneficial effect on the practitioner. After all, when our energies are activated, purified and come to harmony, the very reasons for illnesses and ailments disappear. It is no secret that the causes of illnesses must be sought in disturbances in the flow of energy. Practicing mudra, successfully eliminating these disorders, will make you feel much better, both physically and psychologically. Moreover, you will notice the effect immediately - the mudras act instantly, even if you perform them for the first time in your life.
Therefore, anyone can practice mudras without preparation.

Anyone can perform mudras, regardless of age and health.
Mudras are performed only while sitting with a straight back. If you want, you can sit on the floor in the lotus or half-lotus position or cross-legged. But you can practice just sitting on a chair.
You need to sit with your face facing east.
Place of study - any, but preferably secluded. You can imagine yourself in your sacred place that you have imagined to create the right mental state for yourself.
The presence of other people is permissible only if they are like-minded people, know what exactly you are doing and approve of your activities. You can also study in a group with like-minded people. When several people perform the same mudra, the effect will be stronger.
The best time to practice is morning or evening. Ideally, twice a day, both in the morning and in the evening. But in some cases, other times of day are acceptable. Usually the mudra is performed for several minutes (from 1 to 5 minutes). To more accurately determine the duration, monitor your sensations. A mudra usually works as long as it is pleasant and easy for you to perform and does not cause tension or discomfort. So you can safely trust yourself to hold the mudra for as long as you want. In some cases, this duration of time can be extended to 10, 15 minutes, in exceptional cases - up to 30 minutes, but no more.
More specific instructions will be given in the sections devoted to the description of mudras.
An important condition: all mudras are performed with both hands at the same time.

The order of work on the book

As already mentioned, you can start either from the second or from the third part - as you wish. The procedure for both practical parts is the same.
In order to help you successfully cope with your work, the description of each mudra is built according to a convenient scheme, which includes sections “Who will need mudra” and “How does mudra work”.
All that is required of you is to follow a certain order in the practice of mudras.
First, read the section “Who will need mudra” for each of the mudras given in the book.
It lists a variety of life situations in which it is necessary to apply this particular mudra. You can easily correlate your circumstances with the situations described and understand whether this mudra is suitable for you.
Then, when you have read the relevant sections for all the mudras, choose, based on what you have read, only one (!) of them, namely the one that you need in the first place.
Please note that it is very important, based on your life situation, to choose only one mudra that is most important to you at the moment.
You cannot practice several mudras at the same time. Otherwise, you risk creating multidirectional flows of energy, which will either simply “extinguish” each other and not produce results, or will begin to stretch your energies in different directions, scattering them in vain and again making results impossible.
Having chosen one mudra, read the corresponding section “How Mudra Works”. This will help you understand the mechanism of action of mudra and find out what result you can expect.
Then read the “How to Use” section and follow the directions there.
After you have practiced one mudra for the required time, be sure to note the result and the changes that have occurred in your life during this time.
Notice even the most insignificant changes at first glance. Don't neglect them. At its source, the river sometimes appears as a barely noticeable stream - but later it turns into a powerful stream. Likewise, the energy of your well-being, wealth and success can grow from seemingly insignificant events in your life.
Do not practice mudra for longer than the period indicated in the “How to use” section, even if it seems to you that nothing is happening. Changes are coming in any case - but first at the energy level. In the material world they may appear a little later. When exactly depends on your individual characteristics. After all, each person has his own pace and rhythms of life, his own speed of movement towards the goal. There is no need to artificially rush things, this will not lead to the desired result. Just calm down and wait.
Only after the results of performing the mudra have not only manifested themselves in the physical world, but have also stabilized, can you choose a new goal and a new mudra.
The book provides sufficient information so that you can implement all your intentions and desires with the help of mudras. But for those who are especially meticulous, a surprise awaits at the end of the book. If among the readers there are those who want to become a real master in the practice of mudras, special exercises are given especially for them in the appendix to this book that will allow you to quickly achieve perfection and help not only yourself, but, perhaps, other people in achieving theirs. goals and fulfillment of desires.
The energy practices given in the application will help you not only improve in the art of mudras, but also feel the energies of the surrounding world and the human body.

Tuning exercises: simplest energy configurations

Preparation for mastering mudras, as already mentioned, is not required. But if you wish, you can precede your practice with some attunement exercises. Which, moreover, can provide you with significant assistance in various life situations. The following few exercises, which will only take you a few minutes, will allow you to create simple energy configurations that can have an extremely beneficial effect on your condition. In addition, they will help you in a variety of situations in life. And at the same time they will become a kind of warm-up before practicing mudras.

For calm and concentration

Sit with your back straight and breathe through your diaphragm. Place your hands in front of your chest with your palms facing each other. Slowly close your palms. Fingers pointing up.
Close your eyes. Focus on the point in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows. In a few seconds, your feelings will come to harmony, you will calm down and be able to concentrate to make the right decision in any matter.

To receive power and knowledge from the Cosmos

Stand with your back straight and breathe from your diaphragm. Place your hands in front of your chest, palms up. Close your eyes. Focus on the throat area. Stay in this position for no more than a minute. Then place your palms on the heart area. Open your eyes.
You have reconnected with your Higher Source and now have the strength and knowledge to continue on your path in the right direction.

To overcome negative emotions

Stand up straight, breathe from your diaphragm. Bend your elbows, keeping your elbows close to your sides. Clench your hands tightly into fists, then sharply unclench them, throwing your tense, outstretched fingers forward.
Repeat several times, finally remaining in a position where your fingers are tense and spread out. Close your eyes. Focus on the area of ​​the spine at the base of the neck. Stay in this position for no more than a minute. Then shake your hands sharply and open your eyes.
Tension caused by stress or negative emotions is released and you will feel light.

To protect against foreign influences

Stand or sit with your back straight. Breathe from your diaphragm. Place your hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other. Rub your palms together, then move them apart - just let them move apart.
Then turn your hands with your palms facing your chest, edge up, fingertips pointing towards each other. Close your eyes. Focus on the solar plexus area. Stay in this position for no more than a minute.
Open your eyes. Now, if you need to maintain calm, composure and a sense of security in a difficult situation, when communicating with other people, you are fully armed.

For successful self-realization

Stand up straight, breathe from your diaphragm. Close your eyes. Place your hands in front of your chest, palms facing you, edge up, fingertips facing the fingertips of the opposite hand. Focus on the solar plexus area. Then open your eyes and at the same time make an opening gesture with your hands - as if your palms are gate leaves that diverge outward. Focus on the eye area.
Repeat two more times. This exercise is especially useful for difficulties in self-disclosure - in communication, work or creativity.
So, you have not only set yourself up properly, but also stretched your fingers, launched the processes of energy movement in them - which will be very useful to you when mastering mudras. Therefore, you can immediately begin the main course of our classes.

Part II. Mudras for gaining prosperity, prosperity, wealth

How to choose the mudra you need

In this part of the book you will find a description of a variety of mudras, numbering 21.
This number of mudras - 21 - is not accidental. The energetic vibrations of the number 21 correspond to qualities such as wealth and prosperity. Therefore, 21 is a number that attracts the energies of material wealth.
The energies of this number structure the energy of the external environment around us in a special way. All things and objects marked with the characteristics of the number 21 have truly miraculous properties. Beads of twenty-one beads, a chain, cord or ribbon 21 centimeters long, a bouquet of 21 flowers, a service of 21 items, etc. - all these things, placed directly in your energy field or in the space of your habitat, will contribute to the constant growth of your capabilities, increase in wealth, success in any activity.
This part of the book, containing 21 mudras, also structures the space of your life in a special way - provided that you work with it. By replenishing your arsenal of knowledge and skills with 21 wise mudras, you yourself will become the center of attraction for wealth and well-being.
But this, of course, does not mean that you will have to constantly perform all the mudras described here. If you wish, you can master them all - but for each specific life situation it is very important to choose the right mudra that you need now.
Each mudra is extremely specific and is aimed at accumulating a certain type of well-being energy around a person. To choose a mudra, you need to understand what kind of energy you need. To do this, you need to take into account, firstly, your current financial situation and, secondly, the result that you want to get. If you evaluate these two indicators incorrectly and choose a mudra that is not quite suitable for you at the moment, there will either be no result, or you will not get the result you expect.
Here's an example. In the book you will find a description of the mudra of great wealth and the mudra of access to a constant source of abundance. Some readers may think that the remaining mudras are not needed at all: indeed, having received great wealth, what more could you want? After all, all problems in this case should be resolved by themselves, right?..
Unfortunately (or fortunately), this is not the case. Not all people are ready to gain great wealth overnight. If a person is currently in a state of poverty, then the mudra of great wealth will not work for him. After all, any mudra activates a certain energy chain. If you are poor, then it is likely that the chain that attracts money into your life is broken - there is some gap in your energy. And in order to start receiving money, you must first close this gap. This goal is not served by the mudra of wealth, but by the mudra of financial stability.
Think for yourself: if you don’t have basic financial stability, how can you hope for wealth? It’s really not worth jumping over steps like that. Your path to wealth, like any path, must begin with the first step. Namely, with the restoration of a more or less normal financial situation.
The same thing applies to the mudra of accessing a constant source of abundance. If you are sure that there is no gap in your energy through which this abundance will both come and go, follow it. But if you don’t have such confidence, first set yourself a more modest goal. Otherwise, until the gap is patched, not only the newfound abundance can flow through it, but also the remnants of even that insignificant concentration of well-being energy that still existed around you.
So, if your financial situation is far from prosperous, start with the mudra of financial stability, let it be the first and most important for you.
And if things are really bad, you are at the bottom of poverty or a financial crisis, and you don’t yet see a way out - mudra will help you to gain inner strength, the description of which comes first in the next chapter. After all, without the necessary inner strength, it is impossible to patch up the gaps in the energy sector and find a way out of a difficult situation.
There is no need to immediately aim for great wealth even if you currently need money to solve a specific problem. Money for a specific goal will come to you easier and faster than great wealth - if you choose the appropriate mudra correctly.
Therefore, think about what goal is more urgent for you now: to become rich - or to get money for a specific purchase, trip, improvement of living conditions or education? If you have a specific goal, perform the mudra that attracts money specifically for this purpose, and not “wealth in general.”
Mudra for great wealth should be performed when you have real prerequisites for this, but you want to activate favorable opportunities and attract the necessary luck and fortune. For example, you open your own business. Or you just graduated from university and are getting a job. Or you are already working, and you have income, but there is a chance to get a better paid position. That is, a new period begins in your life, in which wealth is not only desirable, but also real under a favorable combination of circumstances. This mudra will help you ensure such favorable conditions.
But if you are just lying on the couch and not planning anything new, if there is no important thing, a responsible stage in life in your plans, the wealth mudra simply will not work.
If you don’t yet have a well-paid job (or even no job at all), mudra will help you get a job.
As we see, mudras act very selectively, differently in different cases.
But you should not be afraid that you will not be able to choose the right mudras that will help you. The sections “Who will need mudra” and “How does mudra work” are designed specifically to help you easily cope with this task.
For greater convenience, mudras are presented in four sections:
the first is dedicated to quickly improving your financial situation, getting out of poverty,
the second is intended for success in business, work, buying and selling,
third - for success in monetary transactions,
the fourth – to fulfill monetary desires and protect against loss of money.

Mudras for quickly improving your financial situation

Mudra for gaining inner strength, for overcoming stagnation and crisis

Who needs mudra

This mudra is necessary for you if you find yourself in a deep financial crisis from which you see no way out.
It is for those who cannot cope with poverty, whose incomes are steadily falling despite all their efforts.
This mudra is for those who feel that they do not have enough strength to cope with circumstances.
It will help when there is a desire to do something and achieve success - but there is a feeling that there are only closed doors around and all your attempts to change something end in nothing.
It is also for those who are overcome by laziness and find it difficult to force themselves to act, although they need to act.
This mudra is for those who want to act, but for some reason cannot. But not for those who are inactive because they don’t want to act!
The mudra will help you get out of a streak of failures or a vicious circle where troubles, problems and troubles haunt you.
In order for your actions to finally begin to bring the desired result, so that the financial crisis, poverty and failures are left behind, you first need to acquire special strength for this. So far, your desires, aspirations and actions simply lack energy, so you suffer failure after failure. This energy will not be given to you by anyone or anything from the outside - it can and should be created within yourself.
This is the mudra of the Beginning - because it creates the main thing: the potential for success.
This mudra provides the main conditions for success - fortitude, charisma, it will sharpen your intellect and intuition and, of course, attract the energy of abundance.
Think about how ready you are for this. Because, having discovered the source of power within yourself, you will have to immediately find a use for this power - act, otherwise an excess of energy can lead to undesirable consequences, including a nervous breakdown and illness. That is why this mudra is one of the most difficult.

How does mudra work?

This mudra clears the inner source of your strength.
Everything unnecessary that bothers you simply falls off like the petals of a withered flower. Doubts, lack of self-confidence go away, negative emotions that interfere with your success and experiences recede. You blossom and the best in you comes out. You become resistant to external influences, including other people’s opinions about you. It ceases to be a limiting factor for you. Now you can completely rely on yourself, trust yourself, your strengths, knowledge, intuition. No one will lead you astray from your path.
By opening your inner source of strength, mudra simultaneously starts the process of restructuring the circumstances around you. Be attentive even to the little things! The combinations of circumstances you need will begin to appear, happy coincidences that may seem random to you.
But remember that after you have performed this mudra, there will be no more accidents. Life will start giving you chances. Don't miss them.
Also, be attentive to your dreams - they can give clues and guide you on the right path, warning against wrong steps.
Notice other signs, portents, and clues that will begin to appear on your path. Usually they themselves draw attention to themselves - this could be a conversation overheard by chance, or a line in a newspaper headline that says something important, supposedly to you personally, or other similar things. Think, analyze, trust your intuition to correctly read such signs.
Pay special attention to those special moments in your life that require you to take action. You will definitely feel when such a moment comes. Your awakened power simply will not allow you to remain idle. And you yourself will feel that passivity is inappropriate, something needs to be done. Moreover, the circumstances themselves will clearly tell you what exactly you need to do. You can't go wrong.
Take action even if you are not entirely sure of the correct action! In fact, now you will only get lucky chances, and in the end everything will work out in the best possible way.

How to use

This mudra is very strong, so it is enough to use it for only 3 days, 1 time per day, preferably in the morning (but not immediately after waking up, but when you are already awake, up and ready for action), for 3-5 minutes .

Description of mudra

1. Place your hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other, side edge down, fingers pointing forward.
2. Bring the bases of your palms closer to each other and connect them tightly.
3. Fold your little, ring and middle fingers inside your palms. Now each of these fingers touches the same finger of the other hand with the middle phalanges.
4. Connect your thumbs so that their lateral surfaces fit snugly against each other, and lift them vertically up, at an angle of 90 degrees to the palm.
5. Connect your straight index fingers with your pads and extend them forward, away from you.
6. Close your eyes, breathe slowly, measuredly.
7. Focus on the solar plexus area and imagine that a powerful source of your internal energy is forming there.
8. Form in your mind the intention to create a powerful internal support, an energy core, and imbue yourself with a feeling of growing inner strength in order to get out of stagnation or crisis.
9. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Mudra for “breakthrough” in the material sphere

Who will need this mudra?

This mudra will help those people in whose lives there has never been financial success, who are used to barely making ends meet.
Don’t give up and think that you are doomed to live in poverty for the rest of your life.
Poverty is not the norm. And you are just as worthy of success in the material sphere as any other person. You are poor not because you are worse than others, but simply because you have some kind of distortion of energy, perhaps inherited.
Start your practice with this mudra. It is she who will help correct the unfavorable energy structure that programs you for poverty.
If you do not correct this situation with the help of this mudra, then neither the mudra of wealth, nor the mudra of abundance, nor the mudra that attracts money, nor all the others will help you.
If you have any specific goals - for example, you want to take out a loan or pay off debts - first still practice this mudra, and only after mastering it, move on to mudras that correspond to your goals. Otherwise, they will either not work at all or will work badly.
Please note: mudra helps precisely in case of total monetary bad luck. If in your life there is a place for both successes and failures, if periods of lack of money are replaced by periods of prosperity, you do not need this mudra, in this case other mudras will help, for example, for attracting money, for success in business, etc. - depending according to your circumstances.
And only if there is no wealth in your life now, it didn’t exist before and is not expected in the future - this is wise for you. It can change your life, and then completely different prospects will open up in the future.

How does mudra work?

The mudra creates such a powerful energy flow that completely transforms the unfavorable energy configuration that previously set you up for poverty. Energy distortions are straightened out, energy flows are organized, leading monetary energies directly into your life, and not bypassing you, as was before.
Since our internal psychological state is determined by the state of energy, as a result of performing the mudra you will feel stronger and more confident, you will gain the feeling that you are worthy of success, prosperity, and wealth. Gradually, there will be an increasingly complete deliverance from the psychology of poverty.

End of free trial

Mudras- these are special combinations of fingers, hand gestures, with the help of which various combinations of energy threads are created that connect us with the world around us.

Our entire world is permeated with energy threads. These threads permeate the entire human body and connect a person with the outside world. There are millions of entry and exit points for these threads on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Thanks to these connections, a person is a part of not only the nature around him, but also the entire Universe.

The Universe is a living organism, a person is its cell, connected with a whole variety of living threads through which energy and information are transmitted.

This connection is direct and reverse. We can receive energy and information from the Universe and thus replenish our supply of vitality and correctly navigate the life around us. But we ourselves can influence the world around us through the threads that connect us to it. We can create such combinations of these threads that will change the energy of the space around us in the best way for us.

Everything that happens to us in life first appears in the form of an energetic configuration of space. And only then this energy “scheme” or “project” is embodied in the form of real events.

With the help of mudras, we can create abundance in our lives, attract money, ending poverty forever.

We can establish the relationships we need with people. We can protect ourselves from all unwanted influences. We can gain strength and power, fulfill our wildest desires and achieve our highest goals.

Using various finger placements, you can restore normal circulation of qi energy in the human body, treat health, restore damaged organs, and slow down the aging process.

When the energies in the human body are too weak, the entry and exit points of the energy threads on the fingers and palms cease to be active. They become something like clogged springs that can no longer provide the purest life-giving moisture.

But it is enough to master a few precise gestures that have a great impact on reality, and your life will change. It will become orderly, even the most insoluble problems will begin to be solved, and prosperity will come into your life.

Mudras for gaining prosperity, prosperity, wealth

Mudras for quickly improving your financial situation

Mudras for success in business, work, buying and selling

Mudras for successful money transactions

Mudras for fulfilling monetary desires and protecting against loss of money

Mudras of influence and power

Mudra that will protect you from pressure from different people (except for obvious enemies and rivals)

Current page: 1 (book has 15 pages total) [available reading passage: 10 pages]

Max Tal
36 wise words for money and influence

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The art of mudras - special gestures or positions of the fingers that can change reality - has been a sealed secret in the East for a long time. This art was passed on from teacher to student, and according to legend it was even believed that anyone who revealed the secret to outsiders could die. And, of course, for a European over the past centuries it was unthinkable to even think about getting even a grain of this secret knowledge, in order to touch it even with the corner of his mind.

I don’t know why it happened that I became the European to whom knowledge was not only revealed, but who was awarded the honor of carrying it further, introducing Europe, so far from it before, to the secrets of the East. Have times changed so much or were there other reasons for secret knowledge to become apparent - but one way or another, the forces controlling my destiny led me straight to this secret. And we probably don’t always need to know how and why our fate turns out this way and not otherwise. We cannot comprehend this with the human mind, and all that remains is to follow our destiny, for it is from the Almighty, and the Almighty knows best what is good for us and what is bad, and which path we should follow for the sake of best serving Him.

My Indian teacher blessed me to impart this knowledge to you. And if this book is in your hands, it means that this knowledge is intended for you. In amazing, inscrutable ways, sometimes something comes to us that becomes the most important thing for us in life. Truth, and even fate itself, comes in amazing ways.

Knowledge was not at all easy for me. Before it became available to me, I lost everything I had and almost lost my life itself. Later I realized that this was a kind of test that I needed at that time. If I had not walked this line, it is unlikely that my rather lazy and clumsy brain at that time would have been able to mobilize to master new knowledge, and even so unusual for a sober and self-confident European.

I will try, as briefly as possible, to talk about my adventures, which, perhaps, could become the basis of a novel, or even more than one. But my task is not to entertain you, but to provide information that will help you correctly perceive the knowledge presented in the book: treat it with due respect and seriousness.

Words about my chosenness. Surprise and shock!

Many years ago I was an ordinary student, with very ordinary abilities. My life path seemed predetermined: having received an economics education, I was going to go into business, following in the footsteps of my father.

But one day a friend introduced me to his yoga teacher. And I suddenly became so interested in this activity that I started studying, and quite seriously. Although my successes were modest, of which I was aware.

One day a stranger came to class and for some reason I wanted to please him. There was something special about him, some kind of strength. And I started trying my best. But, apparently, due to excessive effort, he was unable to perform even the simplest asanas.

When this man approached me after class, I pulled my head into my shoulders, expecting a devastatingly low grade. But instead, words came out that surprised me. I even doubted: had I heard wrong? “You have the stamp of being chosen,” that’s what this man told me. “And your time will come.”

The meaning of what was said did not immediately reach me. And when I got there, I experienced a real shock. I? Elected? What does it mean? And most importantly, what should I do next with this?

But there were no answers. All that remained was to wait that perhaps they would appear after all.

Afterwards I found out that this person was the teacher of my yoga teacher. I remembered this meeting for a long time, but time passed, and nothing in myself or in the world around me told me what my chosenness was. And I began to pray that God would show me this.

When we seek answers to our questions, those answers will come - in one form or another. The answer to my question about what my chosenness was came to me in such a strange form that I didn’t even immediately understand that this was the answer.

A poor old man. Strange meeting and strange conversation

– You must listen to me. I, too, once had the stamp of being chosen... like you.

I shuddered. Who is this man? How, how does he know?.. Of course, I listened carefully to everything the old man told me.

And he said that I should immediately drop everything and go to India - unless I want to repeat his fate, becoming the same poor tramp.

It turns out he wasn't always like this! On the contrary, he was once a rich, successful man, the heir to enormous capital. And once upon a time he, like me, heard that he had the stamp of being chosen and that his mission was to go to India and get special knowledge there that would help many people. But in his youth, he neglected this advice received from a wise man and did not go anywhere.

Soon his family went bankrupt, and no matter how he tried to improve matters, nothing worked. As a result, he lost everything, and even the roof over his head.

For several days I was impressed by this meeting, but then I decided that the words of a half-crazy old man could hardly be trusted. And a trip to India was not in my immediate plans.

And so, when I had already begun to forget about what had happened, the extraordinary circumstances of my life reminded me of the old man’s words.

Serious troubles in my family. My path lies to India

My father's business failed. For me it was like a bolt from the blue. It turned out that things had not been going very well for a long time, but my parents hid this from me, hoping to improve the situation until the last moment. However, bankruptcy could not be avoided. We found ourselves in huge debts, so much so that we even had to mortgage the house. Because of this, my father suffered a heart attack.

In such a situation, I could not continue my studies at the university. I had to look for at least some kind of work.

For several days I walked around like a restless person, trying to get used to this new reality, and then, unexpectedly for myself, I quickly got ready and went to India - completely without understanding what I would do there.

I will not go into the details of this trip - I will only say that after a long flight with transfers, flight delays and an overnight stay at the airport, I arrived in Delhi already quite tired and sleep-deprived and, having barely reached a simple hotel with a very ascetic atmosphere, I immediately collapsed on my bed and fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up, I began to think about what to do next. I didn't have any travel plan. So I decided to start by going to Rishikesh, a city that I had heard a lot about as the yoga capital of the world.

But there was no train going to Rishikesh, but there was another one going to a city nearby, two dozen kilometers away.

I decided that I would somehow overcome this distance, and without hesitation I boarded the carriage.

The path really tests me

And then I made a mistake - I did not fasten my luggage to a special ring under the seat, as other passengers did. As a result, before I had time to doze off, there was no trace of my backpack - a nimble thief was operating on the railway, and maybe more than one.

And I naively hoped that with my arrival in India all the troubles would disappear like smoke. How I scolded myself for my childhood belief in fairy tales! The troubles seemed to only acquire new dimensions.

I got off at the final station without money or documents and in a state close to despair. My legs themselves brought me to the market, apparently because my body had been demanding food and water for a long time, but I had nothing and nothing to quench my hunger and thirst. I probably looked hungry and unhappy, and besides, I couldn’t explain anything because I didn’t know the language, and the local merchants, feeling sorry for me, began to give me some rotten fruits and vegetables. Either from hunger and thirst, or simply out of nervousness, I greedily ate it all, forgetting that nowhere, and especially in India, should one under any circumstances eat vegetables and fruits unwashed.

It is not surprising that very soon I felt all the symptoms of acute poisoning. I barely reached a building, sat down on the ground, leaning against its wall, and apparently lost consciousness, because I remembered what happened next very vaguely. I was hot and delirious, my condition was critical, but miraculously help came to me.

My savior and first guide on the path to knowledge

Not realizing how much time had passed, I woke up in some cozy room. It turned out to be a small hotel, under whose walls I began to feel ill. The owner of the hotel, a smiling, friendly middle-aged Indian, naturally saved me. And when we got to know each other better and started talking, it turned out that my savior (who asked to call himself Mr. Keshin) is, if not a specialist, then quite a knowledgeable person regarding ancient knowledge, and in particular, the science of how to use gestures hands to master the art of managing the material world.

This is how, seemingly by accident, I first learned about the art of ancient Indian mudras. Although, as I now understand, nothing accidental happened on my path. Fate itself led me and suggested every step, and if I went in the wrong direction, it pushed me, without much ceremony with me. What to do if there was no other way to lead me to my destiny except to put me through a whole series of trials and troubles.

Mr. Keshin, having learned about my misadventures in India, paid attention to my hands and said that everything that happened to me was natural. My hands, too tense, reveal me as an anxious and restless person, and the habit of clenching my fists unnecessarily speaks of my instability and barely restrained aggressiveness. I don’t hide it, I was hurt by my interlocutor’s phrase that a person with such hands is capable of losing not only money and things, but even himself.

But I did not become angry and offended - after all, these words were spoken softly, and besides, in the tone of Mr. Keshin’s voice one could hear sincere sympathy and a desire to help me.

Then I learned from him that my energy meridians were almost not working. Since I did yoga, I, of course, knew about energy meridians. But with the self-confidence characteristic of me back then, I was convinced that everything was absolutely fine with these same meridians. And then suddenly a real Indian assures me of the opposite.

I was extremely excited by this conversation. I felt: here it is, the prophecy about my chosenness, is beginning to come true. I realized that I was on the right path. It was no coincidence that my path led me to India.

As a result, Mr. Keshin promised that he would introduce me to a real Teacher, a specialist in yoga, and in particular finger yoga, as the ancient art of mudras is sometimes called.

And when I, having recovered from my illness, gained strength, Mr. Keshin and I set off.

We walked for a long time along narrow streets filled with hot sun, and then came to a small building, which turned out to be a Shiva temple, where there was a four-armed statue of this Hindu deity.

Mr. Keshin told me to look at the two lower hands of the statue, folded in special gestures. And I immediately felt the special energy inherent in these gestures. It was then that for the first time in my life I realized that gestures can carry information almost greater than words.

When we left the temple, Keshin told me that it was Shiva who brought people secret knowledge - about how, with the help of hands, or rather, gestures, one can gain power over the material world.

“Power is not in the sense that you Europeans understand,” Keshin clarified. – For you, power is the ability to subjugate other people. We don't need that here in India. Why subjugate another, make him your slave, when you can be the master of matter itself? That is, of your own free will, create for yourself everything that you need, without making immeasurable efforts for this, neither your own nor others.

– And you can also create money out of thin air? – I asked with a grin.

Teacher. The most important meeting

At first I thought that the priest of the Shiva temple, who was reciting mantras the entire time we were there, was the Teacher that Mr. Keshin was talking about. But everything turned out to be much more complicated and mysterious. The path to the Teacher, it turns out, has not yet begun. I still had challenges along the way. After all, Keshin said that to meet the Teacher I would have to go to the mountains, and alone! To unfamiliar mountains covered with jungle.

How naive I was, thinking that the Teacher lived somewhere nearby. In fact, he turned out to be a hermit living in the mountains. Keshin told me that he never leaves his habitat. Therefore, there is only one way to meet the Teacher - to come to him yourself, no matter what the cost.

This test, of course, also had a lot of meaning. Only those who really really need to meet the Teacher can walk alone through the mountains and through the jungle. Whose intention to meet him is absolutely firm and unyielding. Who is ready to achieve this meeting at any cost.

I was ready to find Teacher at any cost. I was already firmly convinced, and most importantly, my heart told me that I simply needed to meet him. And that I will not give up on this intention.

Keshin told me in detail how to find the road and pointed out all the landmarks along the way. And the next morning I set off along the route indicated to me.

I was ready for all the twists and turns of the road. I was very determined. I promised myself: I will not give up, I will not turn back, no matter what obstacles I encounter along the way.

And, apparently, as a reward for my strong determination, the path did not present me with any unpleasant surprises. It didn't even turn out to be very long. By noon of the same day I went to the place where, according to all signs, the hermit’s dwelling should have been located.

But I didn’t even have to look for him: the Teacher was sitting near one of the boulders, of which there were many on the vast plateau where my path ended, and seemed to be waiting for me.

He was actually waiting for me!

I was immediately filled with awe for this gray-haired, dark, thin man, whose age was revealed only by his gray hair. I still carry this instant reverence and great respect for the Teacher in my heart.

He asked to call him simply Old Man, and I agreed, although it immediately seemed to me that this name did not really suit him.

Of course, in reality his name is different. But he has reasons not to give his real name. And I respected this desire of his.

Start. Ten days dedicated to mastering secret knowledge

My training began with the Old Man studying my palms for a long time, and then lightly touching several points on them. I immediately felt energy flowing in my hands. The hands seemed to come to life, awakening from a long hibernation. I began to literally feel every cell in my hands. They seemed to be endowed not only with special power, but also with consciousness.

I came to the Old Man every day for ten days, during which he taught me how to awaken energy in my hands, then control this energy and, through the energy born in gestures - mudras, control the energies of the surrounding world. Each lesson lasted about three hours. This time flew by unnoticed. I was ready to go to him again and again, but one day the Old Man said that on this visit to India I would not come to him again. The first cycle of classes is over, and now it’s time for me to return home and practice on my own.

I myself felt that it was time to return home. And I could no longer continue to enjoy the hospitality of Keshin, who still selflessly provided me with food and shelter.

Knowledge brings me money!

However, the Old Man has told me more than once that this visit to India is not my last.

Looking ahead, I will say that this is what happened. Since then, I began to travel to India annually and live there not for two weeks, but for two or three months, learning mudras from the Old Man every day.

And at that moment, despite the completed course of study and the changes that I felt in myself (my anxiety disappeared, peace appeared, and a feeling of special energy in the body, and my hands no longer lived an unconscious life separate from me), I I still didn’t know where I could get money to even buy a train ticket.

I told Keshin about this, he looked at me in surprise. Then he said restrainedly: “You already know the money wisdom.”

Money wise? During my training, the Old Man never uttered these words. I perceived our classes with him rather as preparatory to mastering the energies of well-being. It never even occurred to me that I could already own them.

But I couldn’t go to him again - he clearly told me that this was the last meeting. I had to figure it out for myself. Having retired to the room that Keshin had given me, I began to remember everything that the Old Man had taught me. I practiced all the hand exercises, all the gestures, mudras that he showed me many times every evening, and now it was not difficult for me to repeat everything. But I still couldn't figure out which of these gestures could help me get my money back.

I repeated the mudras that the Old Man taught me again and again, and listened to the sensations of my body. I began to understand that the gestures in which I put my hands together noticeably changed the energy of my body. Then I felt how the energy of the surrounding space was changing. I caught these subtle changes, trying to understand what information they carry, what they mean, what impact they have on reality.

And I began to act at my own peril and risk, continuing to intensively practice exactly those mudras that, as it seemed to me, should help me.

The next morning I went outside - without knowing why. I no longer needed to go to the Old Man; I still didn’t have the money to return to Delhi. It’s just that, as they say, the legs carried themselves.

I came to the memorial cemetery, where the ceremony of honoring some saint at his grave was just ending. People were coming out from behind the fence. Several women sitting on benches at a distance got up and also walked away.

On one bench, where the woman had just sat, some object remained. As I got closer, I saw that it was a wallet. An ordinary women's leather wallet, of which I have seen quite a few in local shops.

Grabbing my wallet, I immediately rushed after the woman and shouted:

- Madam! You left!

An elderly Indian woman dressed in a sari turned around, her face showed a moment of horror, which was immediately replaced by joy when I gave her the wallet. She began to thank me, I muttered something like “No need for gratitude” and was about to leave, but she took bills out of her wallet and began to persistently shove them at me. I refused, but she did not lag behind, and I accepted, rather out of politeness.

Automatically putting the money in my pocket, I headed back to my hotel, to Keshin. And already there he discovered that he became the owner of almost two thousand rupees.

And only then did it dawn on me that my mudras had worked! Money wise, how could I not understand this right away!

On the same day, I settled with Keshin, although he refused to take money for food and shelter, saying that I was his guest. But in the end, he still agreed to a small amount, clearly giving me a significant discount.

This mudra should be performed when you are already on the path to realizing your dream, and you feel that the very crucial moment is coming when everything must be decided. This could be some important meeting, or an exam, a job interview, or just a moment of waiting when you have to find out what the answer will be - “yes” or “no”, whether events will unfold in your favor.
You yourself will feel and understand when the development of the situation will be important, determining for the realization of your dreams. On the eve of this event or during it, you can perform this mudra, which will direct the course of events in the best way for you.

How to use

This mudra is not for frequent use. This is understandable - there are not so many truly decisive situations, turning points in our lives. It only needs to be performed once, on the eve or during the decisive event. There will be benefits from just one minute of performing the mudra, but the optimal time is 10 minutes. If you do not have the opportunity to perform mudra for 10 minutes, and the situation is critical and requires energetic correction, perform as much as you can, but not less than a minute.

It is generally not recommended to practice more than one mudra at a time. But the five mudras included in this section are one of the exceptions. These five mudras can be practiced simultaneously on special occasions, but with one condition: they must be performed continuously one after another. In this case, these five mudras transform into a new quality and form essentially a new mudra - one dynamic mudra, consisting of five parts.
Special cases when this mudra can be used are:
if there is a situation in your life where you simultaneously need luck for the whole day, invulnerability, additional strength, resistance to chaos and a turning point in the situation that will work in your favor,
when you need to very quickly resolve a protracted painful problem,
when you need to get things moving,
when you need to break a long streak of troubles,
when a situation that is important to you is not going in your favor, and you need to quickly turn the tide of events in your favor.

The complex of five mudras is a very powerful remedy. Do not use it frequently so that it does not lose its potency. Remember that this is a last resort for extreme cases. It is used when nothing helps at all. Try not to resort to this remedy more than once every six months. Performed only once, each component of the five mudras complex is held for 3–5 minutes.

Chapter 3. Mudras for acquiring the right qualities at the right time

Mudra "Power of Mind"

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms up.
2. Connect the pads of the thumb and ring fingers of your right hand. Bend the remaining fingers a little.
3. Connect the pads of the thumb and index fingers of your left hand. Bend the remaining fingers a little.
4. Using the ring formed by the thumb and ring fingers of your right hand, clasp the upper phalanx of the middle finger of your left hand. Photo 11.
5. Place your hands at the level of the solar plexus and contemplate the mudra for one minute. At the same time, breathe evenly and measuredly and make sure that your attention is not distracted by extraneous thoughts.
6. Then close your eyes and mentally say: “I know the solution.” Repeat this phrase slowly to yourself three times.
7. Open your eyes again and contemplate the mudra for another minute.
8. Continuing to hold the mudra, close your eyes again and concentrate your attention as if you were listening to the space from where the correct answer should come to you.
9. At this point you can complete the mudra, or you can continue it by sitting with your eyes open and contemplating the mudra, or continuing to sit with your eyes closed and listen to space. The answer you are interested in will not necessarily come right away - it will come exactly at the moment when it is needed.

Photo 11.

Who needs mudra

This mudra is necessary if you need to solve some intellectual problem on which your success depends. This could be a difficult job, or some kind of entrance test, or negotiations in which you need to present the most compelling arguments that can convince any opponent. This mudra will also help in the case when you are already trying to complete a task, but the task is not being solved. Take a break and do it. This will help not only to mobilize the powers of your intellect, but also to see new unexpected approaches to the problem that can give the desired result.
If you are trying to solve a problem without any idea of ​​where and how to look for solutions, mudra will help you find the path that will lead to a solution. If you feel that you are already close to victory and the solution is somewhere very close, mudra will help you make a decisive leap to grab what seems close, but is slipping away.
The “Power of Mind” mudra promotes discoveries, all kinds of insights, and the search for new creative ideas. It will also help you remember what you have forgotten, as it strengthens and sharpens your memory capabilities.

How to use

Mudra can be performed both on the eve of a situation when you need the power of the mind (for example, on the eve of an exam), and in the process of doing work, solving a task that is difficult. Perform once, for any time from 3 to 15 minutes (depending on the opportunities provided by the situation and the complexity of the task - the more difficult it is, the longer you need to hold the mudra).

Mudra "Cyclone Center"

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms facing each other. Fingers point forward.
2. Make fists with both hands so that your thumbs are inside your palms.
3. Straighten the little fingers on both hands and connect them with pads. Do the same with your index fingers.
4. Without straightening the remaining fingers, bring them closer to each other so that the middle and ring fingers of the right hand are adjacent to the corresponding fingers of the left hand with their nail phalanges. Photo 12.

5. Hold your hands just below your waist with the angles formed by your index fingers and little fingers pointing forward.
6. Contemplate the mudra for a while (no more than a minute), then close your eyes and focus on the solar plexus area. Feel how inner peace spreads there, gradually covering your entire body. At this stage, depending on the situation, you can perform the mudra with your eyes open, looking into the space in front of you.

Photo 12.

Who needs mudra

It happens that we are prevented from achieving our goals and fulfilling our cherished dreams by banal nervousness, irritation or a tendency to panic, when on the contrary we need endurance and composure. When we really want something, it is common to worry and worry: will everything succeed as planned, or will something interfere with us? A reasonable amount of excitement can even be useful in some situations - it mobilizes strength and helps to get ready. But when anxiety goes beyond reasonable boundaries, it becomes a hindrance, as it deprives a person of strength and the slightest ability to think sensibly and concentrate on his task.
This mudra will help you gather, concentrate and not succumb to excessive excitement. It also helps to remain calm in difficult, nervous situations and even in the midst of general anxiety.
If you are afraid that at the most crucial moment your nerves may fail you, and because of this something important will fall through, perform this mudra both on the eve of a crucial step and in any situation when you need to pull yourself together and calm down.

How to use

In any situation when you need to calm down, overcome nervousness, irritation and excitement, or on the eve of such a responsible situation. In this case, the mudra is performed once for any time from 1 to 15 minutes. If you just want to calm down and, for example, fall asleep, you can perform the mudra for up to half an hour. If you have to take active actions, you should not perform the mudra for more than 15 minutes, as otherwise you may lose the necessary tone.
If you are currently experiencing a restless, nervous period in your life, fraught with irritation and excitement, perform the mudra daily, morning and evening, and again in the middle of the day, for 3-5 minutes. In addition, this mudra can be used preventively - even if nothing particularly irritates or worries you, you can use it to achieve deeper inner peace, which contributes to the best solution to any problems.

Mudra "Calm Water"

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms down. Fingers point forward.
2. Connect the thumb, middle, ring and little fingers on both hands into a pinch.
3. Index fingers, straight, but not extended, but relaxed, softened in the joints, directed forward. The hands do not touch each other; the distance between the index fingers should be about a centimeter. Photo 13.
4. Keep your hands at solar plexus or waist level. If you are sitting, hands folded into mudra can be placed on your knees.
5. Look straight ahead with a calm, relaxed gaze. Breathe smoothly and measuredly.
6. Feel the gentle confidence and calm spreading through your body. Mentally say: “Everything is fine. The current is smooth. Everything goes according to plan".

Photo 13.

Who needs mudra

This mudra is necessary when you need to, without pitfalls, calmly and without hitches, go through that part of your path to your goal where not everything depends on you. For example, you need to get someone’s signatures on documents, go through some approvals or other necessary procedures. So that everything goes smoothly, calmly, without unnecessary worries, so that you do not receive refusals, so that you do not have to agree on the same thing several times, this mudra is used.

How to use

Apply on the eve of a situation that you cannot influence directly, but in which you are interested in a smooth, quick and calm resolution. It can also be used when the situation is already unfolding - for example, when you are at a reception with someone higher up who is deciding your fate. The mudra can be performed several times a day, depending on the situation, from 1 to 15 minutes. Before performing the next exercise, take a break of at least half an hour.

Mudra "Cheerfulness and Determination"

1. Place your hands in front of you with your palms facing each other. Fingers pointing up.
2. Bring the bases of your palms together so that your hands are folded like an opening flower bud.
3. Connect the index and thumb of each hand into a ring.
4. Straighten your little fingers and point vertically upward, your middle and ring fingers are slightly bent. Photo 14.
5. Place your hands at throat level.
6. Look straight and firmly straight ahead.
7. Form a strong intention to take action.
8. Say to yourself: “I am determined and full of strength. I'm ready to act."

Photo 14.

Who needs mudra

This mudra is needed when you have goals and a desire to achieve them, and there are no special obstacles in sight, but active actions are required from you, but you just can’t decide on them. If you are putting off some important task just because you cannot muster the courage to finally do it, this mudra will help you gain courage and determination, throwing off laziness and apathy like a bad dream. Moreover, regardless of the reasons that caused laziness and apathy.
These reasons can be either fatigue and poor physical health, or uncertainty and indecision. Mudra will help you overcome any reasons why you hesitate and hesitate to act.

How to use

Mudra is performed whenever you need strength for active action, in order to make a choice, make a decision or take a decisive step. Perform it in the morning, upon waking, for 5–10 minutes. Just doing it is enough to make you feel much more active and determined. If this does not happen, do as many days as necessary until you are ready to take action. If you need to maintain determination and activity for a long period of time, perform the mudra whenever you feel that your activity and determination are decreasing.

Mudra "Fearless Tiger"

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms facing each other, fingers pointing up.
2. Press the heels of your palms against each other.
3. Bend the little fingers so that their pads rest against the palm, and the second phalanges are adjacent to each other with their back sides.
4. Bend your ring fingers and connect their nail phalanges.
5. Bend your middle fingers and bring them together so that the tips of your nails touch each other.
6. Bend your index fingers slightly, but do not join them, but hold them almost vertically.
7. Straighten your thumbs, point them upward and connect them with their side surfaces. Photo 15.
8. Place your hands at eye level.
9. Look as if through the mudra with defocused vision.
10. Take three deep breaths and exhale and repeat to yourself three times: “I am courageous and determined.”
11. Form a firm intention to maintain courage and determination for as long as possible.

Photo 15.

Who needs mudra

This mudra is intended primarily to overcome fear - regardless of what exactly you are afraid of: that you will not cope with the task, that obstacles may stand in your way, or some real threats, enemies, etc. It does not matter, imaginary your fears or real ones - mudra will help you overcome both. In addition, it will give you faith in yourself and in your strengths, and you can easily overcome even those obstacles that seemed insurmountable to you.

How to use

Mudra is used in any situation and at any time when you need to overcome fear or self-doubt. It is performed for any time from 3 to 15 minutes, no more than three times a day. It is not recommended to perform mudra every day; do it at least once every two or three days, then it can be practiced for as long as you like.

Dynamic mudra from a complex of five mudras

The five mudras listed in this chapter are as unusual as the mudras from the previous chapter: when combined into a single dynamic mudra, they take on a new, special meaning and endow you with special qualities. These are not only those qualities together that each mudra gives separately, but also something more: with the help of this dynamic mudra, you can make a real breakthrough in your movement towards the goal, overcoming obstacles that seemed insurmountable.
When to use a dynamic complex? Then, when you have a desire to get something that seems out of reach to you, but, nevertheless, is very desirable. This could be a new house that you don’t have money for, a new job that you don’t think you have the ability for and you don’t even know where or how to find it, etc. If before it seemed reckless to you even dream about something like this, then the mudra complex is quite capable of releasing such potential, the existence of which you did not even suspect in yourself. In addition, this complex will help you see and use real opportunities to achieve a goal that seemed unrealistic. You will understand that in fact everything is available to us if we really want it.
Apply this dynamic mudra every morning for a week, but not more than once a year. And remember that under no circumstances should you practice any other mudras at the same time as this complex.

Chapter 4. Mudras for achieving material goals

Mudra "Full Cup"

1. Place your right hand in front of you, palm up, and your left hand crosswise on it, with the side edge so that the edge of your left palm lies across the lower phalanges of the fingers of your right hand.
2. Bend the fingers of your right hand to clasp the left hand lying on them from the back.
3. Connect the thumb and index fingers of your left hand into a ring.
4. Place the thumb of your right hand at the joint of the resulting ring.
5. Bend the middle, ring and little fingers of your left hand a little and spread them slightly apart. Photo 16.
6. Hold your hands at chest level, look at the mudra, feeling how energy is concentrated in your palms, which spreads through your hands and fills your body.
7. Form a firm intention to get at your disposal exactly the thing you need. Say mentally: “The cup is filling. I get what I need."
8. Continue holding the mudra, first focusing on the desire to get what you need, and then simply letting go of all thoughts.

Photo 16.

Who needs mudra

This mudra is intended for a very specific purpose - attracting the material things we need into our lives. It happens that we have money to buy and there seem to be no obstacles to purchasing the right thing, but we have doubts, fears of buying a low-quality or unnecessary thing, or making a mistake in our choice. In this case, the mudra will help sharpen your internal ability to recognize the things you need and of high quality.
The mudra will also help if you need something, but there is no way to purchase it due to lack of money or for some other reason. Keep in mind that this mudra helps not only with shopping - it allows you to attract a thing into your life, and it is difficult to predict in advance which way this will happen. A thing can not only be bought, but also donated, bequeathed, found, etc. Therefore, when performing this mudra, be open to any chances that come your way.

How to use

If you are going to make a purchase, do it once, in the morning before the purchase for 10-15 minutes. If the purchase is very large, it is allowed to complete three days in a row on the eve of the purchase.
If you need an item, but you don’t see the possibility of purchasing it, do it for any period from a week to a month, twice a day, morning and evening, for 5–10 minutes. If even after this the thing does not come to you and even if there are no chances for it, take a break, perform the mudras from the previous chapters, and then return to this mudra again.

Mudra "Flow of Abundance"

1. Place your left hand in front of you, palm up, and place your right hand on top, crosswise, also palm up (so that the back of your right hand lies across your left palm).
2. Connect the thumb and ring fingers of your right hand into a ring so that the pad of the thumb lies on top of the nail of the ring finger.
3. Bend the thumb of your left hand and position it so that its pad lies on top of the nail of the thumb of your right hand.
4. Keep all other fingers straight and extended. Photo 17.
5. Keep your hands at the level of your solar plexus. Feel how the flow of energy it creates enters your solar plexus and fills your body.
6. Close your eyes and form a strong intention to obtain new sources of income.