What happens to the planet in the New Year. What will happen to the earth in a billion years?

Message from Kryon and the Mayan Masters

about what is happening on the planet now

Greetings, Dear Ones. I Am Kryon.

Today, together with me, in this interdimensional

the natural place of our new communication

Mayan Masters, Galactic Engineers and Architects from the Sirian Mother Ship "ATON" are present.

We will talk to you about what is happening now on your planet. And about how you can survive these changes, subtly and timely harmonizing every situation on the planet. Balancing all energies.

But at the beginning, once again, about what is happening in reality. What people call disasters and tragedies is not a disaster or tragedy for the Earth. What you think needs to be prevented or corrected - the Earth thinks needs to be done now and this will change the whole situation with the spirituality and awareness of earthlings on the planet. I hope you understand what I mean now. Yes, people are dying. Yes, there is a lot of suffering. But this all speaks of the BEGINNING OF WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR.

This is hour "X", this is time "X" on your planet. The earth is throwing off the shields, shackles and fortresses of ignorance that have shackled it and your consciousness and existence for so long. Thousands years. What you see now in Japan is happening on the global stage of the world. The main thing is to correctly perceive what is happening.

The Earth does not consider this to be a tragedy. Do not attribute your perception of what is happening to her! Gaia has observed ignorance, ingratitude and injustice for thousands of years, and thousands of human destinies are known to her, which passed under the yoke of false reality, false knowledge and false religions. Laws imposed by creatures who created them for only one purpose - to use the energy and resources of a single human race, which was forgotten for many centuries.

I am contacting you today, not to calm you down and put you to sleep again. No!!! Do not be calm, in the sense that blind people are calm when they do not want to see, and how blind chickens are calm when they are being slaughtered. But fear is a bad travel companion. So do resistance and aggression. Embrace change and change with the world. Synchronized with your planet and the entire solar system. Changes will not stop. Gaia's waltz, which consists in changing the poles, changes everything solar system. These are the promised times! And these are your times! This is what you are here for. This is what you incarnated on Earth for during these times. Oh, how your Souls waited for them!!! We were waiting for this great boldness of freedom - TO BE ON EARTH HERE AND NOW!!! If you didn’t want it, if you were afraid of it, you might not incarnate. You had a choice.

Dance with Gaia and love her every day. Everything that is on it, because soon everything will change irreversibly. You will see a NEW PLANET, NEW LANDSCAPE, AND BREATHE NEW AIR. You will see that you have become a NEW RACE! And now it’s not someone, and somewhere – it’s YOU!! And now I’ll tell you a little about why these changes are happening and who is making them. It is you! Your consciousness. The consciousness of the Earth as a whole, including humanity, animals, plants, and everything that is on Earth, is changing, expanding and growing. This is YOUR UNITED CONSCIOUSNESS, which now causes matter to change rapidly, Earth, poles and fields of the Earth.

You are all ONE. And soon you will wake up. These are the promised times. Greet them. Gaia will continue this dance, Gaia dances NATARAJ. She defeats the demons of illusion and the very cause of false artificial consciousness. Gaia is merciful to her children, but merciless to lies. Now she has gained freedom and gained strength. Hold on, fasten your seat belts! Gaia ascends and throws off everything that has become obsolete - all the old energies.

I've already told you and I'm telling you again -


All this will soon no longer exist on Earth. And you don't have to be around when they are destroyed.

For your information, Japan was the only manufacturer and supplier of ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND MEMORY CHIPS for all states of the Earth that conducted tests on humans and used psychotronic influence and what we call “electronic warfare”.

Many victims….. You see a lot of sadness among ordinary people who didn't know about it. These people have a contract, and this is the Higher Will of the Plan of each of them. But it will be much worse for everyone if the system false world, built on suppressing the will and erasing the memory of people will continue to exist. But this won't happen. Gaia does not agree with this. And therefore, be prepared - it will destroy everything that does not correspond to the HIGHEST TRUTH. Not only around you, but also inside you.

And with her you will be freed. You now see a picture of the collapse of the economy of this country. Those who used this beautiful country, the energy of love and strength of this people and all the people of the planet will never again be able to restore their false art.

And all countries, all states of the Earth, which used the services of those who stood behind the scenes and produced “artificial memory” for people, have now lost access to these programs and new technologies and developments. And your states need them more and more, and these methods must be more and more sophisticated in order to keep the already almost raging consciousness of people under control. But you can’t keep an awakened genie in a bottle.

If your consciousness is awakened, despite all the tricks of the government elite and those who stand behind it, no one and nothing can stop you. For many years, your memory was erased at night. You have been intimidated for many years and have been implanted with other people's thoughts and desires for many years. Know that those Souls who made sacrifices for the salvation and liberation of the world did so in Joy. Even if we didn’t have time to realize this on Earth. You suffer with them. Cry. Let your tears wash away the blood of the world, the sacrificial blood of lambs, the innocent. And those who are suffering now and will suffer in the future. Cry in the redemption and purification of the world. Don't hide your tears - Warriors of Light. Don't hide the tears of men and women. Because I know how much it hurts. I know this with you. YOU ONE ARE A HUMAN FAMILY!

Let go in peace of those who have already left. But know this. That there is not a moment of injustice in what happened, because your entire world was unfair from beginning to end, your artificially created world without God. And without the Laws of Love and Freedom. This world has been unfair to children for centuries. To women. To the old people. To those who kept truth and love, to those who brought it to Earth. I mean now the world of technology, the world of progress, pseudosciences and false religions. A world with a distorted time matrix.

There is still so much you don’t know about yourself and your true peace and origin. You still don’t know so much about Love and the Earth. We simply could not convey much knowledge before. For the reason that you would not have heard them and would have absorbed them with your heart. Hallelujah! The earth is opening! And this means that hearts open, people’s consciousness opens. But now, soon, you will see and understand everything for yourself. We don't need to talk about this. You become living Witnesses of the highest Mystery. There is nothing more precious personal experience, and even the Messages of the Spirit will not replace it for you.

Now listen to what your ancient Galactic Mayan Ancestors and Engineers of the ATON Spaceship tell you:

Hello to you, Children of the Earth and the Sun! We are Maya. Your cosmic ancestors. We have come to help you make this TRANSITION. And provide support to EACH OF YOU! And to all of you in general. But first, we want to tell you little secret, regarding our prophecy for December 21, 2012. Those of you who are familiar with the ancient Mayan works know that we have not given a single inaccurate or unfulfilled prophecy. There are some that you haven't deciphered. Not completely understood. And those that are intended for TIMES BEYOND THE THRESHOLD. Why do you think our forecasts are accurate? And why are they so timely? Do you really think that we just sat in one place and saw the future? Maybe you think that's all we did?

Yes, prophecy is our art. This is how we DO TIME. But you are now ready to know that we have already taken part in each of our prophecies. Each of them has already been played as a good performance on the world stage of the Earth. This is our work - adjusting the Ray of Time and human consciousness. We have already been to the named dates and these times are programmed that way. We have invested in them certain programs of evolution and Transition. Therefore, our forecasts are accurate. We simply “MADE” them ourselves.

We participate in the non-linear order of development of all Times of the Earth AT THE SAME TIME. And if you travel back in time, you can meet our work already there - in 2012, or when it fell Tunguska meteorite, or when Atlantis sank. We will explain the meaning of this work to you a little later. So that you don’t think that the Mayans are only predicting death and destruction for you. No - we are destroyers of boundaries, especially the boundaries of the human mind and mentality, but we are CREATORS in the cosmic sense. And to be Maya is destiny. This is our Destiny.

Now you are literally hypnotized by the date 2012. The prophecy speaks of the COMPLETION OF THE TIME CYCLE. This is your TRANSITION. But it doesn’t say that one of you cannot do this before the appointed time. Nothing is closed from you anymore. In 2012, your time will end - linear, artificial, the supply of frequency to the Earth, which shaped your world, will stop. Civilization. Worldview and perception capabilities. And instantly, quantumly, a different frequency will turn on, which you have never known while incarnate.

This is the frequency of the CREATOR. Frequency of GOD. Therefore, the Earth now, before accepting these superfrequencies of true time, is spiritually and physically cleansed and prepares to accept them, undergoes the Fiery Baptism of the Earth. And each of you in this cycle is like a cell of the planet. All of you together will be able to experience these changes and accept what the evolution of Spirit, Soul and body offers you. If you do not close your consciousness, then it means that you are waltzing in a synchronous flow with Gaia and Gaia hears you because you are open. The earth will take care of you, each of you. If you trust her completely and accept irreversible changes.

You will leave your apartments, your cities and build new settlements. You will form clans and tribes and return to a natural worldview and a natural way of life. But all this not before Gaia herself lets you know that this needs to be done. Everything needs to be done in a timely manner. Here and now. But you will not return to savagery and a primitive way of life (Actually, savagery and primitiveness have never existed on Earth even among the first peoples who inhabited this planet, all this was simply imposed on you by the ignorant vision of linear science, the more ancient people you meet in time, the more wisdom and strength you will see in him).

As your system of the technological world turns off, your natural natural abilities living cosmic consciousness to telepathy, materialization and time travel. But first of all, now, in order to save your life and help those around you, you must RETURN TO THE EARTH.

IN spiritual sense. You have to come back like this prodigal son returns to father and mother. You must return to her with your heart, and through the Temple of the Heart, and make sure that the Earth hears you. You must tell her:

"Mother Earth, we are your children, we remembered you and ourselves. Forgive us. We have returned to you, open the doors for us, let us into your Home. Show us your true face, take off your cover, we want to see you. Cover and protect us, give us food and shelter. We are your Children, Mother Earth - we are on the Threshold and we are with you, remember us and forgive us, and love us again, lead us"

What we give is not just words, it is a formula for your survival. But you can repeat it every day, you can even scream, but if your heart is closed to the Earth, you cannot do anything. If you want to learn how to talk to the planet, ask your child to talk to it, ask the children how they see the Spirit of their planet. And they will tell you and show you how to do it. For your wisest and most powerful ancestors are embodied in children. You are afraid for your children, you are afraid to think about what will happen to them during the Transition. It's funny, but they came to Earth to guide you through this TRANSITION. They came because it was theirs deep love and taking care of you.

For many thousands of years, these beings have observed your paths on Earth. These are Priests, Shamans, Mages, Immortal Masters, those whom you call the Enlightened Ones. Now they have incarnated to guide you. Don't be afraid for your children - they will take care of you. And They will actually teach you to speak with Gaia. Now the Higher Hierarchy of Light is once again passing on the Torch of Earth Preservation to humanity.

And so now everything depends on you. It depends on how aware you are and how much Mother Gaia cares for you. Therefore, you will no longer say in indignation - “Why does God allow this?” or “Why doesn’t God do this for the Earth...?!!!” - now you are again the KEEPERS of the EARTH. And now GOD IT'S YOU AGAIN! And there is no one else to shift responsibility for our planet to.

This is your planet - and today it is ours the main task- TELL YOU THIS. Those who can hear the Earth will be able to smell the wind, the vibrations of storms and earthquakes, you will be able to “see” with skin cells, you will again learn to hear stones, understand animals and birds, and foresee floods. Soon you will have no communication except your telepathy.

What will you do then? If you again harmoniously tune your consciousnesses to your planet and again, as before, become one with it, then you will be able to understand the elements and negotiate with them. You can't just manage everything here. Everyone here is equal partners. And therefore Sorceress Earth can do EVERYTHING for you. When we first arrived on this planet, it was so unusual and unpredictable for us.

Our task was to become part of its inhabitants, part of the tribes of the Earth in order to bring Knowledge and Memory synchronous with the Higher Plan of God for further evolution person. But we were one of the first to arrive. Gradually, acquiring three-dimensional bodies, we began to need food and water, in conditions that protected our lives. Every evening we all gathered around the fireplace and told each other ancient Space Legends, we sang Songs, and Gaia listened to us. She sang with us. Because the first thing we did when we arrived was to establish spiritual telepathic contact with the planet. And she did it for us with great pleasure.

Sitting by the fire in the evenings, we addressed the planet with all Respect and Love for this world and for its Great Soul and we told the Earth everything we needed and everything we didn’t understand. Then we went to bed, and the spirits of the Earth came to us, Gaia taught us in a dream, and showed us how to live here on this planet, how to get our own food, what we can eat and drink, how to make dishes, what tools we need.

Gaia taught us her arts and taught us to hunt - she allowed us to survive. And she also created for us the right climate, when we could not protect ourselves from frost or extreme heat, she created springs for us in the deserts, and entire houses and even palaces where there were none before. Gaia - Great Sorceress. And we are living witnesses of this Magic, the mercy of your planet and Mastery.

Later, when our First Tribe on Earth was divided into many smaller tribes and we dispersed throughout the Earth in accordance with our task and the Higher Plan - we preserved the art of telepathy, despite the fact that the world was increasingly immersed in the third dimension, and we must preserve communication through dreams became increasingly more difficult. For some time we maintained contact and memory of each other, and this time on Earth was wonderful - we built our Star Cities of Memory synchronously, and left signs in all countries and on all continents - so that later, in oblivion, which we foresaw to remember our ways and our connection with each other and restore our connection with the Earth and our integral Telepathy.

Part of the First Tribe left Earth, according to the task. Part of us is you. And we encourage you to remember us now. And remember this planet. If you can restore connection with the Earth, and with all its spirits and elements, then your Transition will become a Holiday of Harmony and mutual assistance. So that you have EVERYTHING, you now need only one thing - Love for the Earth and understanding of the Mind and Spiritual Life of the Earth.

The planet is very attentive to every person. Be attentive to her too. Your spiritual connection with Mother Planet will give you food and shelter, and healing, and water, and the necessary climate in right times. You must come back again. You must again teach yourself to dream together with the planet in order to see your New level. Where you are going and who you will become, and what tools you need to get there. The treasury of Gaia will reveal everything. And a person has no greater wealth than a conscious connection with Her. For the Earth itself will lead you to the Transition and beyond.

We are waiting for you every day to return to us. So that you remember us and the Earth. The cycle of old time is ending. The world will change completely in the new frequencies of true time.

A new wave is coming and new cycle, but this flow will no longer be functional in the 3rd dimension and on the three-dimensional Earth. Therefore, for some, these are truly the last times on the planet. But the entire Earth is now emerging from the old, hard and thick shell, from the hyper-shell of the third dimension. A new, clean, light and shining Earth soars above the shell of ignorance and lies, and ascends like New star in the Universe.

Know that we created prophecies and a calendar not to scare you, but to help you naturally move to the rhythms and frequencies of the wave of Time that will turn on full power behind the TRANSITION. We

We welcome everyone reading these lines, and we honor all the Children of the Earth and the Sun.

WITH Big Love, Sefera.

Family of the Golden Planet-ATLANTIS.

City of Hierarchaim.

I’m not giving you an answer, I don’t know what’s happening to the Earth, but we should all be prepared now for the worst, the Earth will never be the same. Published on the web portal

Michio Kaku is a famous American scientist, specialist in the field theoretical physics. Known as an active popularizer of science and author of popular science books.

“Look around, every day we see news about abnormal and unusual weather and natural disasters. Earthquakes are shaking countries and regions where there have been none for hundreds of years. Incredible hurricanes, devastating storms, tornadoes and tornadoes where they have never been seen before.

Almost every day, nature presents incredible surprises, unpleasant surprises. All countries of the world are suffering and there is no place on Earth that is not affected by these global changes. More recently in the USA in Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming, 30 powerful tornadoes hit in just 1 day. All this was accompanied by the fall of huge hail, the size of a tennis ball. Residents of these areas encountered this for the first time in their lives.

In Minnesota and Wisconsin, the residents themselves call the recent disaster the Weather Apocalypse and they no longer understand or know what is happening with the weather.

I’ll tell you that it’s time for everyone to get used to the new world, to the new Earth, and it will never be the same as before. This new reality. And it will only get worse.

Previously extreme weather were sometimes observed, it was considered part of the climate cycles of our planet, but now we can no longer deny that the weather is becoming abnormal everywhere. The frequency of manifestations of anomalies, their strength, their power and destructive impact are alarm signal that a global catastrophe is approaching. Moreover, it is not approaching gradually and will not arrive sometime in a hundred years, it is already here, already standing at our doorstep.

To deny what is happening is irresponsible and stupid. Global and catastrophic changes have occurred on Earth. Already happened. And every day everything will only get worse and worse.

Why this happens - I don't know. And no one knows. Perhaps something from outer space is affecting the Earth, or something is happening to the Earth itself, something very bad. Maybe our planet is tired of us, of people, of everything that we have done to it.

No one can yet give an answer to what is happening, we can only observe, carry out modeling and analyze the situation, try to predict what will happen next, that’s all that science is capable of.

I’m not giving you an answer, I don’t know what’s happening to the Earth, but we should all be prepared for the worst now, the Earth will never be the same again.”

March 25th, 2018

But all good things come to an end. One day the Earth will become unsuitable for supporting life as we know it. Maybe this won't happen for millions of years. But astrophysics tells us that a catastrophe can happen at any moment. And in general, someday people will have to face these very reasons closely

Scientists have found many reasons why the Earth can become lifeless.

1) The core of the planetwill cool down

The earth is surrounded magnetic field called the magnetosphere, which protects us from solar wind.

This field is created due to the rotation of the planet, due to which the liquid iron-nickel shell (outer core) moves around the solid metal core ( inner core), forming a giant magnetic generator.

The magnetosphere deflects energetic particles emitted by the sun, changing their size and shape.

If the planet's core cools, we will lose our magnetosphere - as well as protection from the solar wind, which will gradually spread the Earth's atmosphere throughout space.

Mars, which once had water and an atmosphere, suffered just such a fate several million years ago, becoming the dry and lifeless world we know it today.

2) The Sun will expand

The sun, and especially our distance to it, is perhaps the most important factor, thanks to which the existence of life became possible.

However, the Sun is a star. And the stars die.

Right now the Sun is in the middle of its life path, constantly converting hydrogen into helium using thermonuclear reactions.

But this can't last forever. In a few billion years, the hydrogen in the Sun's core will run out, and it will begin to recycle helium.

Due to the fact that recycling helium provides much more energy, the Sun will begin to expand, and possibly pull the Earth towards itself.

We will burn and evaporate.

Either that, or the expansion of the sun, on the contrary, will push the Earth away, it will leave its orbit and will be doomed to wander through space as a wanderer planet - a dead piece of cold stone.

3) The Earth will collide with a wanderer planet

There are many planets in space that move freely through it and do not revolve around a star. Planets quite often find themselves thrown out of their star systems during their formation.

Recent calculations show that the number of wanderer planets in Milky Way exceeds the number of stars by 100,000 times.

One of these planets could approach Earth and dangerously destabilize its orbit.

Or a rogue planet could collide with Earth. Moreover, this has already happened - about 4.5 million years ago, a small planet collided with a larger one, which formed the Earth and the Moon as we know them.

4) The Earth will collide with an asteroid

Hollywood loves such scripts.

Rocks from space can be very destructive - one of them destroyed dinosaurs. Although, of course, in order to completely destroy the planet, much more asteroids are needed.

But it can still happen. For example, in the hundreds of millions of years since the formation of the Earth, asteroid impacts have been very common. The impacts were so strong that the oceans boiled for years, and air temperatures were above 500 degrees Celsius. Life on Earth then was single-celled, and was represented in the form of particularly heat-resistant microbes. Most of modern forms I couldn't bear to live like that.

5) The Earth may come close to a wandering black hole

Black holes are perhaps the second most popular cause of planetary death in Hollywood. It's easy to see why.

They are mysterious and frightening. Even their name itself sounds creepy.

We don't know much about black holes, but we do know that they are so massive that not even light can escape beyond their event horizon.

Scientists also know that there are black holes that travel freely through space. So it is possible that one of them may visit the solar system.

If light cannot escape from a black hole, then the Earth certainly cannot. There are two theories about what will happen to a planet after it crosses the point of no return of a large enough black hole. A smaller one will simply stretch (as astrophysicists say, “spaghettiify”) the planet.

Some physicists say that beyond the event horizon, atoms will stretch until they are completely destroyed.

Others say that we will end up in another part of the universe, or even in another dimension.

But even if black hole does not pull the Earth into itself, then if it passes close enough, it can cause earthquakes and other natural disasters or disrupt the orbit of the planet, so that we either leave the solar system or fall into the Sun.

6) The Earth will be destroyed by a burst of gamma radiation

Gamma-ray bursts (or simply gamma-ray bursts) are some of the most powerful phenomena in the universe.

Many of them are the result of the collapse of a star during its death. One short burst may contain more energy than the Sun can produce in its entire life.

Such a powerful flow of energy could deprive the Earth of the ozone layer, leaving us defenseless against dangerous ultraviolet radiation, and trigger a mechanism for rapid global cooling.

A gamma-ray burst that hit the Earth 440 million years ago could have caused the first mass extinction.

But fortunately, David Thompson, deputy director of the gamma-ray observation project, said that gamma-ray bursts are actually not very dangerous.

He said the chance of Earth being caught in a gamma-ray burst is about the same as "the chance of me meeting a polar bear in my closet."

7) The Universe will fall apart in its final “Big Rip”

This is something that can destroy the entire universe, not just the Earth.

The point is this: an unknown force called dark energy, causes the universe to expand faster and faster.

If the expansion continues (which is very possible), after 22 billion years, interatomic bonds will weaken and all matter in the universe will gradually dissipate as energy.

But if we assume that the Big Rip does not happen, then what could happen after global catastrophe, which humanity will not survive?

It is quite possible that some microbes will survive, from which life will then develop again.

But if the destruction is absolute, then, as a last resort, we can hope that somewhere in the universe there is another intelligent life, who can give us the last honors.

What is happening on planet Earth?
(analysis of domestic and foreign materials)

Information about what is happening now on planet Earth is growing like a snowball. Almost every day brings new materials from different sources. There are many websites dedicated to this topic, and it is gratifying to note that among them such domestic sites as www.e-puzzle.ru have taken a strong place; www.ascension.ru; www.year-2012.narod.ru; http://soznanie.org; www.kais-c.ru, etc. Not to mention the published materials of Kryon, Steve Rother, the Telos group, Kahu Fred Sterling, etc., channeling materials regularly appear on the Internet through various contactees (Ronna Herman, Celia Fenn, Aurelia Jones, T. Mikushina and others).

It is clear that everyone receives information from their own source, and it highlights individual aspects of the overall picture of the ongoing Ascension of the planet and humanity on new level consciousness of higher dimensions. You can have different attitudes towards such channelings (the voice of your Higher Self - your intuition will always tell you exactly how), but with an objective analysis, you can note the commonality that unites these materials. Almost all of them talk about the energy shift that occurred at the end of 2006 and about the increasingly noticeable changes that have been taking place recently.

Let's start with known sources, trusted by many Lightworkers. High spiritual teacher Solara, an 11:11 seer who regularly posts monthly forecasts on her website, speaks of a "quantum tide" that began in the fall of 2006 and will continue into 2007-2008. She writes about the ongoing process of entering the Invisible - the "Lotus World".
In one of his recent interviews, Drunvalo Melchizedek addressed the issue of the shift that has occurred and the opinion of the Mayan elders (whom he has great confidence in) on this issue. Here's what Drunvalo said: "... Even earlier, the Mayan elders noted that the ongoing processes are ahead of the "schedule" by 5 years... And so - on September 5, a few days ago, (according to their opinion) - we entered a shift (of dimensions) ) and did it another year earlier than they expected!”
Drunvalo says he sees profound changes in how people perceive their surroundings - from the mindset of "Something is wrong here, I have to change it!" All more people moves to the understanding “Everything is one and good, I am safe and One with everything!”

Drunvalo here is referring to the information previously released by the elders that the 2012 transition will actually take place in 2007 (for more details, see the summaries of past years published on this button). Interestingly, Kryon raised this same issue in one of his channelings last year (08/19/2006, San Diego, California). He said that this does not apply to all people, but only to “a certain part of humanity - the one that will be ready to accept the energies of 2012 next year.”

Interesting information about events taking place on Earth is contained on the domestic website www.kais-c.ru. These materials are received by a group of Lightworkers (KAIS group), which regularly meets for joint spiritual work. Their materials concern both global and cosmic aspects, they cover the entire history of man from the beginning of time to the present day and contain forecasts upcoming events. According to the materials of this group, the Earth began entering the photon belt in December 2006.

There is a lot of scientific and esoteric material about the photon belt. Adama, describing the point of view of the Lemurians, says that the photon belt consists of 12 huge vortexes/funnels of intense waves of Light. "The photon band, shaped like a huge circle of waves of light, was first discovered by your scientists in 1961." It is believed that the entry into the first funnel occurred in May 1998. According to the materials of the KAIS group, the meeting with the edge of the next wave of light from the photon belt, expected in January 2007, actually occurred in early December 2006 and took place in a mild way without chaos, power outages or any shocks. Those who are interested in these phenomena, accompanied by the completed time shift and changed energy characteristics space\time can learn more about this on the website www.kais-c.ru.

Many people are already noticing the impact of the energies of the photon belt in their well-being (drowsiness, fatigue, changes in sleep patterns and eating habits, etc.). It must be said that those who resist the Light and the changes it brings to the Earth will not be able to go through all 12 funnels. Therefore, it is very important to realize everything that is happening on Earth and prepare yourself for these new conditions.

The Light of the Photon Belt can be said to have the high frequencies and properties of the Ascension Flame. But the photon belt is not all, the most important thing comes after it. This is the streak of Fire that we have to go through, those Fiery Energies that E.I. wrote about. Roerich and which are mentioned in the channeling about the Baptism of Fire (Saint Germain), published in the materials of the scientific and esoteric almanac "THE NEWS". Here are excerpts from this text, reproduced with the kind permission of the authors.

“Fire, Heat entered the body and enveloped it. All centers instantly flared up, not only the main ones, but along the entire periphery of the body.
The heat subsided, leaving a feeling of lightness, transparency and airiness throughout the body. Silence and Peace spread throughout the surrounding world. And, it seemed, there was no fear of this burning fire, at some moments unbearable to such an extent that I wanted to shout: “Father, do you want to burn me?” But complete trust in the Father did not eject not only a heart-rending cry, but not even a shadow of a murmur arose inside the man’s heart.
Only under such conditions, in such cases will they pass human consciousness through the Strip of Fire at the moment its orbit intersects the planet. And this is not a photon stripe... it is a Cosmic Fire Stream, which is hidden behind the photon stripe from the “eyes” of not only physical instruments, earthly scientists, but also from the eyes of clairvoyants and magicians of all stripes and ranks for a reason known only to the SOURCE. ...

Don't be afraid of anything Dear friends and our students. Complete, Absolute Trust in God, in Heaven will help you joyfully and easily undergo the Fiery Baptism promised to all the Worlds back in time immemorial. Prepare your human nature... to pass first through the waves of Photon Light, and then through the Furnace of Cosmic Fire. Prepare psychologically to accept Fire with Joy and Love, and He will answer you in kind, and will not burn your bodies, but will instantly transform you into something new. mild condition, behind which stands immortality. This will be your Transition, the same Ascension in the body, which was spoken about earlier through many messengers of Heaven - the Workers of the Earth."

But what will 2007 itself be like? Teachers say that this year will bring us a lot of new things. Solara believes that 2007 is a critical year that will be marked by "All or Nothing." She calls it the Great Year of Transition and the Mega Turning Point, after which there will be no return to the past. The KAIS group writes that “2007 is a year of change, open possibilities and pure creativity. The year will help open the eyes of all people on Earth, realize the presence of the subtle world and see interaction with it.... This year is fertile and rich for those who breathe love... ( his) motto is “love with all your heart and create yourself with Love in the service of your neighbors.”

And this is very consonant with the fact that Archangel Michael calls this year the Year of Love. And this year one of the things has already happened major events in the transition of the Earth to a new level of consciousness. This is the opening of the 8th gate on the island. Mallorca in Spain, which was held on February 11th by Solara with large group like-minded people, joined by thousands of Lightworkers around the world. More than 40 anchor groups worked in Russia in support of this global event. We at the Flower of Life Center also conducted a special meditation 11:11:11 (February 11 exactly 11 hours 11 minutes Mallorca time), uniting in spirit with all the Lightworkers on the planet on this significant day.

This year, another one of the interesting events of our days is expected, information about which came from Kryon. It says that on September 9, 2007, the Indigo children will receive their “plan”, which will be based on the universal delivery of energy to the new consciousness of children on this planet. It's about that all the Indigos of Earth will be organized in some way. In fact, there will be a shift in consciousness; "Indigos will have a collective purpose. "Organization" - they will begin to intuitively understand their plan. And as always, they all have free choice and can do whatever they want. But you will see a slow and collective movement of the youth of the Earth towards the creation of very unusual progress that is now in the air..."
We are further advised not to be surprised if Indigos “twitch governments, create the seemingly impossible, resist systems and throw away some sacred rules, for this the only way creation of the New Jerusalem. The old paradigm must go. You will find them in Palestine and Israel, you will find them in Jordan and Syria, you will find them in the Emirates and Kuwait, you will find them in Iraq and Iran. … These are the places where Indigo children will make the biggest changes. We give you this date as the beginning of their plan. ..."

Finally, information about last interview Drunvalo, which he gave in January 2007 during the joint Earth-Sky/Live in the Heart seminar in Washington. In it, he summarizes the predictions of the indigenous peoples, which surprisingly coincide, and the information about the future that he himself received from his spiritual guides. He says he was allowed to see into the future. And although he makes an optimistic conclusion that “we will succeed,” nevertheless, we will still have to go through that little “eye of the needle” when everything will seem hopeless, the very end. And then something will happen and the situation in the world will quickly change completely. But first, this will cause the departure of many people in three waves in very short periods of time (Solara also speaks about this in her book “Star-Born,” which, unfortunately, has not yet been translated into Russian).
In the prophecy American Indians it is said that the remaining people will gather together in one heart and become practically one being. They will no longer have divisions based on race and religious affiliation, and they will become like one family. Then, with this newfound high state of consciousness, these remaining people will take the earth and fly on it as if on spaceship, which lead to a new place, and a wonderful new life will begin on earth. (Here again there is an interesting analogy with Solara, who sees the ascension of humanity as a huge bird rising upward - a white dove, composed of ascending human souls, where each will be in its place.).

Drunvalo says that this will happen when Mother Earth is cleansed, and we fix everything on it, but not through technology, but with the help of pure Consciousness. With its very essence. Mother Earth knows who these people will be who will unite into one heart - in that Sacred place, which is often called the lotus. “When you enter there, Mother Earth will take full charge of you, protect you and provide you with everything you need... So be fearless and just have faith in the presence of God.”

Previous ideas about the Earth are now crumbling like old ice. What until recently seemed unshakable is melting under the hot rays of new discoveries. This is the current situation in geology.
At the epicenter of the dispute was the question: do the continents move or stand unshakably in place? There are enough facts “for”, but no less facts “against” (they were discussed in detail on the pages of “Around the World” in the tenth issue of the magazine for 1971). On the one hand, the contours of the continents, which is especially obvious for America, Europe and Africa, are similar to each other: they can be “folded” along the coastal edge of the Atlantic and, without much of a stretch, get a single whole. The similarity of the continents lying along the shores of the Indian Ocean is also obvious to geologists. All this is now being proven even mathematically. Random coincidences? Completeness! Where have you seen this “accident”, which occurs over many thousands of kilometers? In addition, it turned out that the geological structures of one continent continue on the other, as if the ocean was nothing more than scissors that cut through the fabric of the upper layers of the earth's crust. So is it possible to doubt that the continents once touched each other, formed a single whole, and then separated?
Can. If the movement of continents over long distances is a reality, then, one might ask, why haven’t the continents “distorted”? Why has it remained almost in its original form? thin film the earth's crust, if there was movement of such huge masses in it? In addition, the continents, moving, would have to shift relative to their deep structures. What to do in this case if the “roots” of continental faults can be traced hundreds of kilometers deep, and the thickness of the earth’s crust under the continents is on average only 30-40 kilometers?
A new hypothesis is now trying to reconcile these and many other contradictions. tectonic plates. The picture in the light of this hypothesis looks like this: the expansion of the oceans is a process of flooding of continental margins, the “diving” of continental blocks to depths of hundreds of kilometers. Some contradictions are removed, but the operation is by no means painless. After all, the continents rise above the oceans because they are composed of lighter rocks than rocks ocean bed and even more so the rocks of the mantle on which the earth’s crust rests. In this sense, the continents are like ice floes floating above the depths of the earth's firmament. It’s not so easy to “flood” them without the complex tricks of theory.
We forgot to mention one more, extremely important circumstance, which came to light only in recent years: the oceans are young! Drilling deep into rocks on the ocean floor has made it possible to determine the age of these rocks and, thus, the age of the oceans. It turned out that the oceans are many times younger than the continents!
This fact made an impression on geologists, perhaps no less than the appearance of his father’s shadow on Hamlet. It turns out that a hundred million years ago there were continents, but the World Ocean did not yet exist?! There were no oceans on Earth, there were only seas like the Mediterranean?! What then was in place of the oceans?
Of course, hope immediately arose that drilling individual sections of the ocean floor did not reflect the whole reality. That, perhaps, new drilling will cut through much more ancient rocks of the bed and then everything will fall into place.
So far these hopes have not come true. There is a high probability that they will not come true. The globe, as it was possible to establish in recent years twenty, is surrounded by a network of giant oceanic faults (mid-ocean ridges and rifts), and observations indicate that these planetary faults are like spreading seams.
Let's try to interpret them in an unconventional way. Let us assume that the globe is expanding.
The idea of ​​the Earth expanding seems new and unexpected. It is curious, however, that it was first expressed back in 1889 by the now forgotten scientist I. O. Yarkovsky. She did not disappear without a trace, as one might have expected (after all, then, in general, there was no serious facts, which would confirm it). On the contrary, the same idea later came to the minds of a variety of scientists, and more than once. So there was something to this idea? Only now can we fully appreciate it. Indeed: what was in place of the oceans when there were no oceans? With the assumption that the Earth is expanding, this “damned” question is removed by itself: the Earth was smaller, and the continental blocks stood end to end. Another “damned” question of modern geology: what is the system of planetary ocean faults? Seam, without any quotation marks. The seam along which the Earth “cracked” during expansion; a seam from which deep substance enters, gradually forming the oceanic part of the earth’s crust. Another “damned” question. As is known, continental crust strikingly different from the oceanic one. In terms of thickness: in the first case, the thickness of the earth’s crust is 30-40 kilometers, in the second - 5-10. In structure and composition, the continental zones of the earth’s crust are, so to speak, “three-story” - a complex of sedimentary rocks on top, a complex of granite rocks in the middle, and basalts at the base. But in the oceanic zones of the earth’s crust there is no granite complex. If the Earth really expanded, then such a difference is natural. Oceanic crust younger, therefore simpler and thinner.
And in the light of the expanding Earth hypothesis, what does the irreconcilable dispute between supporters of moving continents and supporters of stationary continents look like? It turns out that both are right. Here, speaking jokingly, we get a version of the popular song: “Continents move and do not move...” In this case, many factual contradictions are removed. The outlines and structures of the continents are similar because the continents actually once formed a single whole. Do continents move without significant deformation, without being “severed” from their deep roots? And this is understandable: the continents themselves do not move, they do not “float”. They, along with all their deep “roots,” move like the tubercles of a football bladder when it is inflated with air. I am far from thinking that the idea of ​​the expansion of the Earth removes all contradictions, resolves all problems of tectonics, and establishes order where previously there was chaos of mutually exclusive facts. It never happens that a hypothesis (or even a theory!) explains everything without exception. This is natural, because the diversity of nature is limitless. Therefore, new knowledge, resolving previous ambiguities, confronts us with new mysteries.
The Earth expansion hypothesis, of course, cannot be an exception. I don't want to stop there minor issues, which are of more interest to specialists (for example: if the earth’s crust stretched, then how to explain the folding?). I will only note that there are explanations for such “inconsistencies”; How convincing they are to critics is another matter. Here I want to focus on more common problems. The question immediately arises: if the Earth expanded and is expanding, then does its volume change, while its mass remains constant? Or is it not just a matter of changing the volume, but also the mass of the Earth?
Eat simple formula, which relates the force of gravity on a planet to its mass and the distance of the surface from the center. Namely: the force of gravity is proportional to the mass of the planet and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center.
Therefore, there is a way to test whether and how the Earth is expanding. If we find evidence that gravity has not remained constant throughout geological epochs, then the hypothesis of the expansion of the Earth ceases to be a “pure idea” that “conveniently” explains geological contradictions. If it turns out that the force of gravity decreases with time, it means that the expansion of the Earth was due to an increase in its volume, but the mass remained unchanged. If, on the contrary, the force of gravity increases with time, therefore, the matter is primarily in the increase in the mass of our planet.
Is there any actual data here with which we could test the hypothesis of the expansion of the Earth?
It is known that with the emergence of life on land, the size of animals gradually increased during evolution. Not all of them, of course, but they increased. In general, this is understandable: a larger and, therefore, stronger creature is easier to resist predators. This enlargement reached its maximum in the Mesozoic, during the era of the dominance of reptiles - dinosaurs, when the earth was trampled by giants, in comparison with which the elephant was simply a dwarf. But then a turning point occurred. Giant dinosaurs gradually become smaller (relatively speaking, of course), then die out. Small mammals at first become the leaders of land life. After liberation from the tyranny of dinosaurs, their size increases. But, firstly, this is a much weaker outbreak of gigantism than before. Secondly, in the last millions of years there has been a steady decrease in the size of the largest mammals (the cave bear or deer were larger than modern bears and deer; the mastodon was larger than the mammoth, and the mammoth was larger than the elephant, and so on).
It is possible that some still unclear biological patterns are at work here. But at least another interpretation is equally valid: gravity increased on Earth, and under these conditions the “design” of the giants became less and less rational; the giants died, so to speak, crushed by their own weight.
Let's move on. Who among us did not build sand fortresses as children? Did you try to achieve impressive steepness of the walls? But dry, loose sand does not allow making the slope steep. Any loose rocks have their own, strictly defined angles of repose. They depend both on the properties of the rocks and on the force of gravity: the lower the force of gravity, the steeper the slope angle will be, other things being equal.
In the ancients sedimentary rocks You can find clear traces of “petrified” inclination angles of granular formations (wind ripples on sand, ancient dunes, river sediments). So: while measuring the slopes of ancient granular formations, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences L. S. Smirnov discovered that in the past steeper slopes were formed than now!
Does this mean that before physicochemical characteristics were loose rocks different? Extremely doubtful. So, the force of gravity was less?
Let's try to see if the force of gravity is still growing. There is little data here (measurements began recently), but they still exist. Thus, according to observations in Washington, from 1875 to 1928, gravity increased there from 980,098 to 980,120 milligal. For the Baltic, Leningrad, Caucasus regions, Central Asia According to observations from 1955-1967, gravity increased on average by 0.05-0.10 milligal per year. Is it a lot or a little? Small, almost imperceptible, if you measure history over years and millennia. Many, very many, if you count over millions and billions of years geological history Earth. The recorded rates of increase in gravity turned out to be approximately consistent with the theoretical calculations that we made: over a hundred million years, the force of gravity on the Earth’s surface increased by approximately two and a half times, while the radial size of the planet doubled. And 600 million years ago it was 6-8 times smaller than today.
It should, of course, be noted that the rates of increase in gravity recorded by instruments can be interpreted differently than we do. All this can be explained by fluctuation, episodic deviation (in one period of time the force of gravity increases insignificantly, in another, perhaps, it decreases, so that the average remains unchanged). And yet such an interpretation is nothing more than an assumption that has not been proven. And how can it be proven or disproved if hundreds of years ago, not to mention thousands and millions, no one took or could take any measurements of gravity? The problem must be considered as a whole, and this totality convinces us that the size of the Earth and the force of gravity on it did not remain constant.
Of course, here the “killer” question immediately arises: how, due to what, did the mass of the planet increase? I don’t want to give my interpretation here. Let me just remind you that before the discovery of the laws of genetics, Darwin’s theory (a theory, not a hypothesis!) literally hung in the air, because Darwin could not answer the question of why favorable changes cover a species and do not dissolve in it. Time passed and the answer was received.
I tried to show that the idea of ​​expanding the Earth is no longer just a “pure idea”. That she is able to illuminate a lot in a new way. But, of course, only honed on the “touchstone of facts” can it lead to completely undeniable conclusions.

V. Neiman Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences