What is radiation presentation for schoolchildren. Presentation on the topic "Radiation - problems and prospects..."

Radioactivity has appeared on earth since its formation, and man throughout the history of the development of his civilization has been under the influence of natural sources of radiation. The Earth is exposed to background radiation, the sources of which are radiation from the Sun, cosmic radiation, and radiation from radioactive elements lying in the Earth.

  • Radioactivity has appeared on earth since its formation, and man throughout the history of the development of his civilization has been under the influence of natural sources of radiation. The Earth is exposed to background radiation, the sources of which are radiation from the Sun, cosmic radiation, and radiation from radioactive elements lying in the Earth.
  • Radioactive radiation.
Ionizing radiation (IR) existed on Earth long before the origin of life on it and was present in space before the emergence of the Earth itself.
  • Ionizing radiation (IR) existed on Earth long before the origin of life on it and was present in space before the emergence of the Earth itself.
  • The damaging effects of ionizing radiation were first noted in 1878 in Saxony (Germany). 75% of iron ore miners were diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • It turned out that the rock is characterized by a high uranium content. The cause of the diseases was the radioactive gas radon, which accumulated in the air of poorly ventilated mines.
  • Radon is the most common source of radiation.
  • It is an invisible, tasteless, odorless, heavy gas (7.5 times heavier than air). It is released from the earth's crust everywhere. Its concentration indoors is usually 8 times higher than outdoors. The best protection against it is good ventilation of basements and living rooms. Other sources of radon entering residential areas are water and natural gas. When water is boiled, radon evaporates, but in raw water there is much more of it. The main danger is if it enters the lungs with water vapor. Most often this happens in the bathroom when taking a hot shower. Under the ground, radon mixes with natural gas and, when burned in cookers, heating and other heating devices, enters the premises. The annual dose to humans from natural sources is approximately
  • 30-100 mrem (0.03-0.1 rem).
Reducing indoor radon exposure. A person receives most of this dose from radionuclides that enter his body through inhalation of air, especially in unventilated areas.
  • Reducing indoor radon exposure. A person receives most of this dose from radionuclides that enter his body through inhalation of air, especially in unventilated areas.
  • Biological protection measures include: exercise, hardening, good and nutritious nutrition.
  • At the same time, abuse of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs depletes the nervous system and, therefore, reduces the body’s resistance to AI.
  • 0.003-0.3 rem
  • 0.01-0.1 rem
  • 1 µrem
  • 0.02-0.1 mrem
  • 18-35 mrem
  • Watching TV
  • At a distance of 2 meters
  • Accommodation near a nuclear power plant.
  • Irradiation per year
  • Flight in space
  • By ship within 1 hour
  • "X-ray" of teeth
  • "X-ray" Chest
  • cells
  • The sensitivity of individual organs to radioactive radiation varies.

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Biological effect of radioactive isotopes Larisa Valentinovna Kulichkova is a physics teacher of the highest qualification category. MKOU gymnasium No. 259 ZATO city of Fokino, Primorsky Krai

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Nuclear energy is the source of everything that exists. Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon, regardless of whether scientists discovered it or not. Soil, sediment, rocks, and water are radioactive. The sun and stars shine thanks to nuclear reactions occurring in their depths. The discovery of this phenomenon led to its use. Now there is not a single industry without its use - medicine, technology, energy, space, the discovery of new elementary particles, this includes nuclear weapons, nuclear waste, nuclear power plants.

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Radioactive radiation has a strong biological effect on the tissues of a living organism. Excited atoms and ions have strong chemical activity, so new chemical compounds appear in the cells of the body that are alien to a healthy body. Under the influence of ionizing radiation, complex molecules and elements of cellular structures are destroyed. In the human body, the process of hematopoiesis is disrupted, leading to an imbalance of white and red blood cells. A person becomes ill with leukemia, or so-called radiation sickness. Large doses of radiation lead to death.

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Glossary of terms: Ionizing radiation Radiation dose Exposure dose Quality of irradiation Effective equivalent dose Critical organs Radioprotectors Nuclear ionizing radiation 1) Alpha radiation; 2) Beta radiation; 3) X-ray and gamma radiation; 4) Neutron flux; 5) Proton flow.

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Sources of ionizing radiation Natural ore deposits with alpha or beta activity (thorium-232, uranium-238, uranium-235, radium -226, radon-222, potassium-40, rubidium-87); Cosmic radiation from stars (streams of fast charged particles and gamma rays) Artificial Isotopes isolated by man; Instruments, devices that use radioactive isotopes; Household appliances (computers, possibly cell phones, microwave ovens, etc.)

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Different radioactive substances penetrate the human body in different ways. It depends on the chemical properties of the radioactive element. Radioactive substances can enter the body with food and water; through the digestive organs they spread throughout the body. Radioactive particles from the air can enter the lungs during breathing. In this case we talk about internal irradiation. In addition, a person may be exposed to external radiation from a radiation source that is located outside his body. The liquidators of the Chernobyl accident were mainly exposed to external irradiation. "Radiation Entrance Gate"

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The effects of radiation on human tissues and organs, susceptibility to ionizing radiation.

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Ionizing radiation, when exposed to living organisms, primarily leads to the ionization of water molecules, which are always present in living tissues, and molecules of various protein substances. At the same time, free radicals are formed in living tissues - strong oxidizing agents that are highly toxic and change the course of life processes. If a person is systematically exposed to even a very small dose of radiation or radioactive substances are deposited in his body, chronic radiation sickness may develop.

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CLASSIFICATION OF POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF RADIATION OF PEOPLE Radiation effects of irradiation of people Somatic (consequences of exposure to radiation affecting the irradiated person himself, and not his offspring) acute radiation sickness chronic radiation sickness local radiation damage (radiation burn, eye cataracts, damage to germ cells) Somatic-stochastic ( difficult to detect, since they are insignificant and have a long latent period, measured in tens of years after irradiation) reduction in life expectancy malignant changes in the blood forming cells tumors of various organs and cells Genetic (congenital deformities resulting from mutations, changes in hereditary properties and other disorders in sexual cellular structures of irradiated people)

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What radiation can lead to Even small doses of radiation are not harmless and their effect on the body and health of future generations has not been fully studied. However, it can be assumed that radiation can cause, first of all, gene and chromosomal mutations, which can subsequently lead to the manifestation of recessive mutations.

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Radon and its decay products make a significant contribution to human exposure. The main source of this radioactive noble gas is the earth's crust. Penetrating through cracks and crevices in the foundation, floor and walls, radon lingers indoors. Another source of indoor radon is building materials (concrete, brick, etc.) Radon can also enter homes with water (especially if it comes from artesian wells), when burning natural gas, etc. Radon is 7.5 times heavier than air. A person receives the bulk of the radiation dose from radon while in a closed, unventilated room; With prolonged intake of radon and its products into the human body, the risk of lung cancer increases manifold; invisible, tasteless, odorless, heavy gas

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Radiation can cause severe effects occurring within hours or days, and long-term effects occurring over years or decades. The harm caused to the human body depends on the dose of radiation. The dose, in turn, is determined by two circumstances: the radiation power (the amount of radiation emitted by the source per hour); duration of exposure. The higher the radiation dose, the more serious the consequences. A person who receives a very large dose in a short period of time will likely die within a few hours. What can radiation lead to?

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The word radiation comes from the Latin word radiatio - emission of radiation. In the modern language of natural sciences, radiation is radiation (ionizing, radioactive) and propagation in the form of a stream of elementary particles and quanta of electromagnetic radiation. The word radiation comes from the Latin word radiatio - emission of radiation. In the modern language of natural sciences, radiation is radiation (ionizing, radioactive) and propagation in the form of a stream of elementary particles and quanta of electromagnetic radiation.

Ionizing radiation is one of many types of radiation and natural environmental factors. It existed on Earth long before the origin of life on it and was present in space even before the emergence of the Earth itself. All life on Earth arose and developed under the influence of ionizing radiation, which became a constant companion of man. Radioactive materials have been part of the Earth since its inception.

There are several types of radiation: * Alpha particles are relatively heavy particles, positively charged, and are helium nuclei. * X-rays are similar to gamma rays, but have lower energy. By the way, the Sun is one of the natural sources of such rays, but protection from solar radiation is provided by the Earth’s atmosphere. * Beta particles are ordinary electrons. * Neutrons are electrically neutral particles that arise mainly near an operating nuclear reactor; access there should be limited. * Gamma radiation has the same nature as visible light, but has a much greater penetrating power.

The effect of radiation on the human body is called irradiation. During this process, radiation energy is transferred to the cells, destroying them. Radiation can cause all sorts of diseases: infectious complications, metabolic disorders, malignant tumors and leukemia, infertility, cataracts and much more. Radiation has a particularly acute effect on dividing cells, so it is especially dangerous for children. The body reacts to the radiation itself, and not to its source. Radioactive substances can enter the body through the intestines (with food and water), through the lungs (during breathing) and even through the skin during medical diagnostics using radioisotopes. In this case, internal exposure occurs. In addition, external radiation has a significant impact on the human body, i.e. The source of radiation is outside the body. The most dangerous, of course, is internal radiation.

The most dangerous radiation for humans is Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation, which can lead to serious illnesses, genetic disorders and even death. Charged particles are very active and interact strongly with matter, so even one alpha particle can be enough to destroy a living organism or damage a huge number of cells. However, for the same reason, any layer of solid or liquid substance, for example, ordinary clothing, is a sufficient means of protection against this type of radiation.

To protect against alpha radiation, a simple sheet of paper is enough. Effective protection against beta particles will be provided by an aluminum plate with a thickness of at least 6 mm; Gamma radiation has the greatest penetrating ability. To protect against it, you need a screen made of lead plates or thick concrete slabs.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 44 Presentation on the topic: Radiation and its effect on living organisms Completed by students: Anatoly Devivier and Konstantin Ovcharov, 9th grade, Tomsk. Radiation surrounds us everywhere. We were born and live in an environment of natural and artificial penetrating radioactive radiation. Typically, a person is exposed to two types of radiation: external and internal. External sources include cosmic irradiation, and internal ones, when food and air contaminated with radiation enter the human body. Under natural conditions, a person is irradiated from sources both external and internal. There is also artificial radiation i.e. created by man. It can be both harmful to a person and beneficial (for the treatment of serious diseases). Radiation itself can be very useful for humans; of course, you need to know how to use it in order to use it for health procedures and in various enterprises. the privilege of the heaviest elements of D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic table. “Radioactivity is the spontaneous (spontaneous) transformation of an unstable isotope of a chemical element into another isotope (usually an isotope of another element); in this case, electrons, protons, neutrons or helium nuclei (a-particles) are emitted.” The essence of the discovered phenomenon was a spontaneous change in the composition of an atomic nucleus located in the ground state or in an excited long-lived state Radiation Radiation has always existed. Radioactive elements have been part of the Earth since the beginning of its existence and continue to be present to the present day. However, the phenomenon of radioactivity itself was discovered only a hundred years ago. In 1896, the French scientist Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered that after prolonged contact with a piece of mineral containing uranium, traces of radiation appeared on photographic plates after development. Later, Marie Curie (the author of the term “radioactivity”) and her husband Pierre Curie became interested in this phenomenon. In 1898, they discovered that radiation transforms uranium into other elements, which the young scientists named polonium and radium. Unfortunately, people who deal with radiation professionally have put their health and even their lives in danger due to frequent contact with radioactive substances. Despite this, research continued, and as a result, humanity has very reliable information about the process of reactions in radioactive masses, which are largely determined by the structural features and properties of the atom. negatively charged electrons move in orbits around the nucleus - tightly coupled positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons. Chemical elements are distinguished by the number of protons. The same number of protons and electrons determines the electrical neutrality of the atom. The number of neutrons can vary, and the stability of the isotopes changes depending on this. Most nuclides (the nuclei of all isotopes of chemical elements) are unstable and constantly transform into other nuclides. The chain of transformations is accompanied by radiation: in a simplified form, the emission of two protons and two neutrons ( -particles) by a nucleus is called - radiation, the emission of an electron is called - -radiation, and both of these processes occur with the release of energy. Sometimes an additional release of pure energy occurs, called  -radiation. 1.1 Basic terms and units of measurement (SCEAR terminology) Radioactive decay is the entire process of spontaneous decay of an unstable nuclide. A radionuclide is an unstable nuclide capable of spontaneous decay. The half-life of an isotope is the time during which, on average, half of all radionuclides of a given type in any radioactive source decay. The radiation activity of a sample is the number of decays per second in a given radioactive sample; unit of measurement is becquerel (Bq). Absorbed dose unit of measurement in the SI system - gray (Gy) - the energy of ionizing radiation absorbed by the irradiated body (tissues) Equivalent dose unit of measurement in the SI system - sievert (Sv) - absorbed dose multiplied by a coefficient reflecting the ability of a given type of radiation to damage body tissues . Effective equivalent dose unit of measurement in the SI system - sievert (Sv) - equivalent dose multiplied by a coefficient taking into account the different sensitivity of different tissues to radiation. Collective effective equivalent dose unit of measurement in the SI system - man-sievert (man-Sv) effective equivalent dose received by a group of people from any source of radiation.Chapter II The effect of radiation on organismsThe effects of radiation on the body can vary, but they are almost always negative.In small doses, radiation can become a catalyst for processes leading to cancer or genetic disorders, and in large doses often leads to complete or partial death of the body due to the destruction of tissue cells. The difficulty in tracking the sequence of events caused by radiation is that the effects of radiation, especially at low doses, may not be immediately apparent and often take years or even decades for the disease to develop. In addition, due to the different penetrating ability of different types of radioactive radiation, they have a different effect on the body: - particles are the most dangerous, but for - radiation even a sheet of paper is an insurmountable barrier; -radiation can pass into body tissue to a depth of one to two centimeters; the most harmless radiation is characterized by the greatest penetrating ability: it can only be stopped by a thick slab made of materials with a high absorption coefficient, for example, concrete or lead. The sensitivity of individual organs to radioactive radiation also varies. Therefore, in order to obtain the most reliable information about the degree of risk, it is necessary to take into account the corresponding tissue sensitivity coefficients when calculating the equivalent radiation dose: 0.03 - bone tissue 0.03 - thyroid gland 0.12 - red bone marrow 0.12 - lungs 0.15 - mammary gland 0.25 - ovaries or testes 0.30 - other tissues 1.00 - body as a whole. The likelihood of tissue damage depends on the total dose and the dosage size, since, thanks to their repair abilities, most organs have the ability to recover after a series of small doses. Table 1 shows the extreme values ​​of permissible radiation doses: Organ Red bone marrow Permissible dose 0.5-1 Gy. Lens of the eye 0.1-3 Gy. Kidneys Liver Bladder 23 Gy. 40 Gr. 55 Gr. Mature cartilage tissue >70 Gy. Note: The permissible dose is the total dose received by a person over 5 weeks. However, there are doses at which death is almost inevitable. So, for example, doses of the order of 100 g lead to death in a few days or even hours due to damage to the central nervous system, from hemorrhage as a result of a radiation dose of 10-50 g death occurs in one to two weeks, and a dose of 35 grams threatens to be lethal outcome for approximately half of those exposed. Knowledge of the body’s specific response to certain doses is necessary to assess the consequences of high doses of radiation during accidents of nuclear installations and devices or the danger of exposure during prolonged stay in areas of increased radiation, both from natural sources and in the case of radioactive contamination. However, even small doses of radiation are not harmless and their effect on the body and health of future generations has not been fully studied. However, it can be assumed that radiation can cause, first of all, gene and chromosomal mutations, which can subsequently lead to the manifestation of recessive mutations. The most common and serious damage caused by radiation, namely cancer and genetic disorders, should be examined in more detail. In the case of cancer, it is difficult to estimate the likelihood of disease as a consequence of radiation. Any, even the smallest dose, can lead to irreversible consequences, but this is not predetermined. However, it has been established that the likelihood of disease increases in direct proportion to the radiation dose. Among the most common cancers caused by radiation are leukemia. Estimates of the probability of death from leukemia are more reliable than those for other types of cancer. This can be explained by the fact that leukemia is the first to manifest itself, causing death on average 10 years after the moment of irradiation. Leukemias are followed “in popularity” by: breast cancer, thyroid cancer and lung cancer. The stomach, liver, intestines and other organs and tissues are less sensitive. As for the genetic consequences of radiation, they manifest themselves in the form of chromosomal aberrations (including changes in the number or structure of chromosomes) and gene mutations. Gene mutations appear immediately in the first generation (dominant mutations) or only if both parents have the same gene mutated (recessive mutations), which is unlikely. Studying the genetic effects of radiation is even more difficult than in the case of cancer. It is not known what genetic damage is caused by irradiation; it can manifest itself over many generations; it is impossible to distinguish it from those caused by other causes. There are three ways that radioactive substances enter the body: by inhaling air contaminated with radioactive substances, through contaminated food or water, through the skin, and also through infection of open wounds. The first way is the most dangerous because: the volume of pulmonary ventilation is very large; the absorption coefficient in the lungs is higher. Natural sources of radiation Natural radionuclides are divided into four groups: long-lived (uranium-238, uranium-235, thorium-232); short-lived (radium, radon); long-lived solitary, not forming families (potassium-40); radionuclides resulting from the interaction of cosmic particles with the atomic nuclei of the Earth's substance (carbon-14). Various types of radiation reach the Earth's surface either from space or from radioactive substances in the Earth's crust, with terrestrial sources responsible on average for 5/6 of the annual effective dose equivalent received by the population, mainly due to internal exposure. Radiation levels vary across different areas. Thus, the North and South poles are more susceptible to cosmic rays than the equatorial zone due to the presence of a magnetic field near the Earth that deflects charged radioactive particles. In addition, the greater the distance from the earth's surface, the more intense the cosmic radiation. Artificial sources of radiation exposure differ significantly from natural ones not only in their origin. First, the individual doses received by different people from artificial radionuclides vary greatly. In most cases, these doses are small, but sometimes exposure from man-made sources is much more intense than from natural ones. Secondly, for technogenic sources the mentioned variability is much more pronounced than for natural ones. Finally, pollution from man-made radiation sources (other than fallout from nuclear explosions) is easier to control than naturally occurring pollution. Atomic energy is used by humans for various purposes: in medicine, for energy production and fire detection, for making luminous watch dials, for searching for minerals and, finally, for creating atomic weapons. The main contribution to pollution from artificial sources comes from various medical procedures and treatments involving the use of radioactivity. The main device that no large clinic can do without is an X-ray machine, but there are many other diagnostic and treatment methods associated with the use of radioisotopes. The exact number of people undergoing such examinations and treatment and the doses they receive are unknown, but it can be argued that for many countries the use of the phenomenon of radioactivity in medicine remains almost the only man-made source of radiation. In principle, radiation in medicine is not so dangerous if it is not abused. But, unfortunately, unreasonably large doses are often applied to the patient. Among the methods that help reduce risk are reducing the area of ​​the X-ray beam, its filtration, which removes excess radiation, proper shielding and the most banal thing, namely the serviceability of the equipment and its proper operation. Man is the architect of his own happiness, and therefore, if he wants to live and survive, then he must learn to safely use this “genie in the bottle” called radiation. Man is still young to realize the gift given to him by nature. If he learns to control it without harm to himself and the entire world around him, then he will achieve an unprecedented dawn of civilization. In the meantime, we need to live through the first timid steps in studying radiation and stay alive, preserving the accumulated knowledge for future generations. List of used literature Lisichkin V.A., Shelepin L.A., Boev B.V. Decline of civilization or movement towards the noosphere (ecology from different sides). M.; “ITs-Garant”, 1997. 352 p. Miller T. Life in the environment / Transl. from English In 3 volumes. T.1. M., 1993; T.2. M., 1994. Nebel B. Environmental Science: How the World Works. In 2 vols./Transl. from English T. 2. M., 1993. Pronin M. Be afraid! Chemistry and life. 1992. No. 4. P.58. Revelle P., Revelle Ch. Our habitat. In 4 books. Book 3. Energy problems of humanity/Trans. from English M.; Science, 1995. 296 p. Environmental problems: what is happening, who is to blame and what to do?: Textbook/Ed. prof. IN AND. Danilova-Danilyana. M.: Publishing house MNEPU, 1997. 332 p. Ecology, nature conservation and environmental safety: Textbook/Ed. prof. V.I.Danilov-Danilyan. In 2 books. Book 1. M.: Publishing house MNEPU, 1997. - 424 p. T.Kh. Margulova “Nuclear energy today and tomorrow” Moscow: Higher School, 1996

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Increased radiation and the most rational diet Residents of many regions of Russia live in remote places near nuclear power plants and in conditions of increased radiation, consuming the gifts of nature, dachas and, of course, shops. Many people use cheaper products that have not been tested than in government (controlled by the radiation service) trade. This suggests a conclusion... do not buy untested food products. When exposed to ionizing radiation, the human body experiences serious changes.... Disorders of fat, vitamin and mineral metabolism occur. Diseases can manifest themselves in the form of pathologies of the hematopoietic organs, digestive, nervous, etc. systems, a weakening of the body’s immunoprotective function, which leads to a decrease in its activity and general resistance to various types of influences. The nutrition of persons exposed to radiation must satisfy a number of principles.

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Mushrooms now contain higher levels of cesium-137. Many types of technological and culinary processing of mushrooms can reduce the content of radionuclides in them. Thus, washing with running water can reduce the activity of cesium-137 by 18-32%. Soaking dry mushrooms for 2 hours reduces the isotope activity by 81%, and dry white mushrooms by 98%. Cook mushrooms once for 10 minutes. reduces the activity of cesium-137 by 80%, boiling twice for 10 minutes. - by 97%. Therefore, boil the mushrooms twice for 10 minutes. allows you to practically free them from radionuclides.

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Reducing the intake of radionuclides. thorough washing of products; exclusion of meat and bone broth products from the diet; preliminary soaking of meat and root vegetables for 1-2 hours.

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Acceleration of the release of radioactive substances. introduction of additional liquids 500 ml per day (tea, juices); - taking herbal infusions that have a weak diuretic and choleretic effect (chamomile, mint, rose hips, dill); - regular bowel movements, ensured by the use of (whole bread, cabbage, beets, prunes, etc.); -introduction to the menu of products rich in peptides - for binding radionuclides (juices with pulp, apples, citrus fruits, green peas, etc.).

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Using the radioprotective properties of food by introducing proteins that reduce the absorption of radioactive substances and increase immunity (meat, dairy products, eggs, legumes); - use of foods high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (nuts, fish, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds); - consumption of vitamins A - rose hips, carrots, garlic, beef liver, etc. C – rose hips, dill, citrus fruits, black currants, etc. B – meat, dairy products, buckwheat, oats, fruits, etc. E – sea buckthorn, eggs, corn, fish, walnuts, etc.

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Enrichment of the diet with mineral salts to replace radionuclides and replenish the deficiency of micro- and macroelements iodine - eggs, oats, legumes, radishes, iodized salt, etc. cobalt - sorrel, dill, fish, beets, cranberries, rowan, etc. potassium - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, pomegranates, apples, potatoes, etc. calcium - cottage cheese, cheese, legumes, turnips, horseradish, eggs, etc. iron – meat, fish, apples, raisins, chokeberry, etc.

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Use of food Introduction to diet pharma. Preparations: activated carbon tablets, ascorbic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, tablets containing calcium. Eating salads, juices, infusions, honey, wheat bran (steamed), this restores the magnetic field and frequency characteristics of cells damaged by radiation. The use of natural dairy products, in particular cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, butter, but not whey in which radioactive elements are concentrated. When preparing boiled meat, the first broth is removed, the meat is again filled with water and cooked until cooked. If the meat is used for cooking, for example borscht, then it is best to use meat that has been boiled twice. Since ruminant herbivores eat large quantities of grass, which may contain radionuclides that pass into the animal's tissue, beef is less preferable than pork. Pork fat is considered absolutely pure, because... radionuclides do not accumulate in it. For this reason, it is healthy and safe to consume lard. Broths, jellied meat, bones, and bone fat should not be consumed.

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In connection with recent events in Japan, which suffered from natural and man-made disasters: earthquakes and tsunamis led to fires and explosions at nuclear power plants. It has now been proven that even small doses of increased radiation can cause a mild form of radiation sickness, decreased immunity and a wide variety of negative consequences in the future. Ingested radionuclides are especially dangerous due to their ability to accumulate in the most vulnerable organs; they are slowly eliminated from the body. Vitamin deficiency increases a person's radiosensitivity and aggravates the course of radiation injury. Ionizing radiation itself can cause pre-existing vitamin deficiencies. A decrease in the body's resistance to radiation exposure serves as a compelling reason for the widespread use of vegetable products in nutrition.

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Reducing the content of radionuclides in food products is facilitated by their correct technological and culinary processing. In carrot roots, when washed, the content of cesium-137 decreases by 6.7 times, and when peeled, by 4.3 times: potatoes must be peeled. At the same time, the activity of cesium-137 and strontium-90 decreases by 30-40%. Removing the covering leaves of white cabbage helps reduce the content of radioactive substances in the cabbage by 5 or more times.

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Reducing the content of radionuclides in food products is facilitated by their correct technological and culinary processing. Cooking (boiling) vegetables in salted water makes it possible to reduce the content of radionuclides by 50%, and in fresh water - by 30%. The same thing happens with other products: meat, fish. After boiling potatoes in salted water, the amount of cesium and strontium isotopes in it decreases by 60-80%. Frying does not reduce the content of radionuclides in food. It is better to fry after preliminary boiling.

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Reducing the content of radionuclides in food products is facilitated by their correct technological and culinary processing. The simplest technological processing of vegetable products (fermentation, pickling, pickling, etc.) helps to further reduce radioactive contamination. It allows you to eliminate the consumption of products contaminated with radionuclides above established hygienic standards. Salting cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons, the brine of which is undesirable for food, protects from radiation. In these cases, the activity of cesium-137 entering the diet with salted vegetables will be approximately two times less than its activity in the original fresh products.

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Household sources of radiation - Christmas tree decorations These frequent inhabitants of mezzanines in the 1950s were produced with SPD. Due to the shedding of light mass from old age, they create deadly dust, and Radium-226, which is part of the SPD, when decaying, emits radon in huge quantities. The excess of the natural background in the immediate vicinity of such toys ranges from 100 to 1000 times. The dose rate of some specimens exceeds 10,000 microroentgens/hour.

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Household sources of radiation - minerals and jewelry Radioactive minerals are not uncommon - the most common and dangerous, in my opinion, is the mineral charoite - a beautiful semi-precious stone, often inlaid into rings, necklaces and earrings. And although charoite itself is not radioactive, it often contains inclusions of radioactive thorium-232 (usually black inclusions).

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Radioactive wrist and table clocks Wristwatches are one of the most common radioactive items; they are often handed down from grandparents and kept as a memory, irradiating everything around them. The place where such watches are disassembled or broken turns into a hotbed of radioactive dust, the inhalation of which is guaranteed (sooner or later) to lead to a diagnosis of cancer. They also emit the radioactive gas radon-222, and even if the watch is far from you, inhaling the radioactive gas for years is a big risk. The excess of the natural background in the immediate vicinity of such clocks ranges from 100 to 1000 times. The dose rate of some specimens exceeds 10,000 µR/h

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Household sources of radiation - dishes Old, antique tableware can pose a danger in terms of increased background radiation due to the fact that the radioactive element Uranium was used in its manufacture. It was included in the composition of colored glaze for coating porcelain products and in the composition of the charge for melting colored glass. The daughter products of the decay of Uranium-238 are Radium-226, the radioactive gas Radon-222, the infamous Polonium-210 and a number of other isotopes. All this together is the reason for the significant radioactive radiation that such dishes possess. The equivalent dose rate from such household items can reach 15 microsieverts per hour, or 1500 microroentgens, which is more than 100 times higher than the normal natural background!

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Household sources of radiation - food Radioactive food is a very common occurrence; every summer in Moscow alone, large quantities of radioactive berries and mushrooms are confiscated. If you bought mushrooms or berries outside official markets, you can say with a high degree of certainty that you purchased products contaminated with radiation. Such huge volumes of radioactive products are due to the fact that the Chernobyl accident and accidents at the Mayak enterprise, as well as a huge number of nuclear tests, significantly contaminated the territory of the USSR with isotopes - the Chernobyl imprint can be traced in the territories from Bryansk to Ulyanovsk, where berries such as blueberries or cranberries , as well as almost all mushrooms literally absorb such dangerous isotopes as Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 from the soil.

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Household sources of radiation - photographic lenses Some lenses contain lenses with radioactive thorium dioxide-232; these lenses have a rare low-dispersity property. For a long time, companies such as Kodak, Canon, GAF, Takumar, Yasinon, Flektogon, Minolta, ROKKOR, ZUIKO could not make such lenses without Thorium-232, and the effects of radiation exposure were not sufficiently studied, which made it possible to produce such lenses until the 1980s. A photographer with such equipment in a 12-hour working day receives more than 3,600 micro-roentgens of accumulated dose instead of 120 micro-roentgens, which he would receive without a lens - in a couple of years a solid dose is accumulated and the risk of cancer increases proportionally.

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Military and civilian equipment - compasses Military and civilian equipment - toggle switches Military and civilian equipment - military devices (radiation dosimeter) Military and civilian equipment (smoke detectors) Military and civilian equipment - electronics (lamp equipment). Military and civil equipment - electronics (lamp equipment). ...deadly dangerous Plutonium-239 The most common of them are Hadrianov compasses. For a long time they were the main compasses in the USSR; until the 70s they were produced with SPD. They have a leaky housing through which radioactive dust spills out; other models of compasses had radioactive paint applied to the surface of the device, which was not protected by anything except a small recess on the body. The excess of the natural background in the immediate vicinity of such compasses ranges from 10 to 500 times. The dose rate of some specimens exceeds 5,000 µR/h

25 slide

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