What to do to get more things to do. How to get more done in a day and what are “time thieves”

The number of tasks completed during the day, compliance with deadlines, as well as consumption internal resources given different people With varying degrees difficulties. And if the question arises of how to manage to do everything, then the answer is not always in the area of ​​excessive stress and lack of breaks and entertainment. Anyone who is late everywhere, is stressed and does not have time to do anything, most likely cannot devote an extra minute to entertainment and relaxation. The problem here is not the number of responsibilities and tight deadlines, but in the ability to determine one’s capabilities.

The ability or impossibility of having time to complete what is necessary is regulated external factors, that is, the number and duration of necessary tasks. Naturally, this cannot be completely ignored, but punctuality and efficiency are also internal habits, similar to waking up early, maintaining cleanliness or intolerance to lies. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day, only someone is able to use every allotted minute. Learn techniques on how to get everything done in a timely manner a short time It is possible, however, it will require significant emotional and volitional costs.

Most good helper when starting changes, this is a list of tasks. It is optimal to create a diary or program on your phone, which will describe tasks for the upcoming day, but also the week and month. The more detailed the days and tasks are described, the more more chances fulfill your own wishes on time. For example, if next month or six months later you are writing down a reminder about a colleague’s birthday, then a couple of weeks before the event, you need to make a note about the need to buy a gift, and a few days before that you need to enable the pre-selection item. The larger the event, the more entries regarding it should appear in the planned schedule - the ability to decompose the process into component actions will help you get rid of the rush and do everything systematically.

Many people divide such a diary into personal and work matters right on one page; others keep several different notebooks for different areas, some are distinguished by colors or by time. There is no clear advice here – the main thing is convenience. The technique of highlighting tasks by urgency and importance, as well as indicating the time, works well. At first, you can write down all the little things, right down to wiping shoes, washing dishes, sending correspondence - these small things can eventually be taken over by you. the lion's share of your time if they are not included in your daily structure and calculations.

The to-do list needs to be checked every evening and those items that have not been completed today or have suddenly appeared must be added. Tasks that have arisen again are set in accordance with the deadlines for completion, and overdue tasks are set as priority for the next day. In general, you need to strive to ensure that everything planned for the day is completed. It’s better to sit until midnight than to postpone it until tomorrow or the end of the week. This approach helps avoid the accumulation of unfinished tasks, and also encourages speed and quality so as not to finish at night. In addition, thanks to this approach, it becomes possible to feel your capabilities. Some problems with deadlines are not due to laziness or planning. If you notice that, despite making every effort, you cannot keep up with the responsibilities of your main job, freelancing, and still have time to go to the gym, then the optimal solution would be to redistribute the load or give up something instead of constant night vigils. When you begin to notice that you have completed everything on the main list of tasks and there is still time left, then you can start looking for additional activities.

To make it easier to navigate the implementation, you need to periodically check the list throughout the day. You can answer a couple of emails while the meeting is delayed. Every day has similar pauses that can be filled with idle chatter or completing part of the list.

How to manage everything and live life to the fullest? It is necessary to take into account all areas of your life, because pauses can be filled not only with work moments.

For example, you can have time to make an appointment with a doctor or hairdresser, drink a cup of coffee, or send a funny picture to your loved one. It is important to understand the difference between effective use time and a waste of it. So, if you reply to an old friend on Facebook while riding in the elevator, this is rational. If you’ve been scrolling through your feed for an hour instead of following through with your plan, you’re putting yourself in stress mode for the evening.

Daytime can be structured so that it is more than enough for everything, but for what is planned, a routine is needed. This should apply to the beginning of the day - the alarm clock must be set so that you have enough time to get ready, when you can not only get ready thoughtfully and calmly, but also solve sudden force majeure situations (the need to iron a shirt or replace a burnt-out hair dryer). Discipline that begins with manifestation in free time, begins to shape the entire way of life. For example, you can stop setting your alarm clock after it rings to get some sleep, or you can learn to end an empty conversation with a friend when you need to write a project or log off from social networks when it’s time to go to class.

Leave the house at the appointed time, go to a meeting in an unfamiliar place with a reserve so that you have time to orient yourself in the situation. All decisions can be optimized, many actions can be omitted. The fact that you miscalculated the time, didn’t prepare the night before, or fell asleep in the shower is only your fault, not the people who will have to wait for you. The association with a plane that will still take off at the specified time works well, whether you arrive at the landing or not - similar attitude should appear for all life events.

To minimize the physiological factors of fatigue that reduce productivity, include taking care of your well-being into your daily routine and routine. These are regular medical examinations, sufficient sleep, providing vigor and physical exercise, helping to compensate for emotional costs.

How to manage everything in 24 hours? Distribute tasks not according to the principle of ease of completion or pleasantness, but according to their importance or proximity to deadlines.

If your filling has fallen out, then it is important to make an appointment with the dentist in the morning, and not wash yesterday’s dishes or prepare a project presentation. Start with the most important and difficult, reducing the level of responsibility of tasks towards the evening. If you put routine tasks in the first half of the day, then the main energy will be spent on this, and then in the evening it will be quite difficult to take on work that requires creativity or emotional participation. All projects, events affecting further move life needs to be done as quickly as possible, but dusting and putting together puzzles can be postponed to the evening, because doing or ignoring such things does not change the picture of life much.

The day should be filled not only with useful and necessary plans, but also with periods of rest. A specially designated time period for lunch, coffee, a walk, viewing offers from online stores or chatting with friends. If at work you are distracted by your colleagues’ offers for a snack, and in the middle of dinner with your companion you give work consultations, then you will not be able to express yourself effectively, and your time will be wasted. Such behavior, which maintains boundaries, evokes respect, and the desire to act to please others ceases to be admired quite quickly.

There is no need to try to do everything at once in one go; this usually only leads to exhaustion. The importance of periodic breaks affects both the efficiency of work and the speed of execution. During physical work, you can lie down or sit down; if the work involves mental stress and constant sitting, then it is worth including periodic walks. You can go buy bread from the store near your house, water the flowers in the office, go to the next department if they wanted to talk to you, or just get up to stretch. For some, it is easier to take scheduled breaks once an hour; for others, they help separate the meaningful parts of the tasks being performed. Even when thinking about how to keep up with everything with a small child, the rule of needing breaks is the main thing for maintaining adequate perception, instead of being deliriously immersed in the problems of a newborn.

How to keep up with everything at work

Everyone's work involves the masses various features, starting from the duties performed, ending with the place of stay. But there are universal rules that help optimize the work, and sometimes complete it earlier. It’s worth starting with putting things in order - this applies to both the office office and your own home, it is important for those who are traveling or associated with technical support. Perfect order and the organization of space initially help to tune in to the work process and concentrate. For example, the problem of all freelancers is the lack of an organized workspace, while the presence of soft pillows, cute toys and constantly running children or pets makes it difficult to concentrate on the process. But this is also true for those whose workplace outside the home - lack of systematization of files on the computer, chaotic storage of consumables ultimately takes a lot of time.

Look for ways to optimize and simplify the work process using the latest developments, monitor the emergence of new products in your field. It is stupid for an engineer to draw everything by hand when AutoCAD is available, for a surgeon to operate with a scalpel when he can use a laser, and for an accountant to use an abacus instead of 1C. Devices that make life easier and save time are present even for creative artists and musicians. You can use lighter, more ergonomic tools or order supplies online without wasting time on personal trips to the store.

Set silent mode or disable notifications from social networks. Set restrictions on incoming calls or use special functions manage incoming calls. The less you are distracted by external stimuli, the less time it will take to return to the workflow. Discuss this point with your loved ones, agree on a method of communication in case of unforeseen situations.

Look for new ways to solve situations not only with the help of gadgets. It may turn out that the inconvenient work of the printing house, which makes you wait a long time for an answer, can be solved by changing the printing house itself or opening a printing center. You don’t have to do automatic work if you once ask someone to write a corresponding program for you, and you can not worry about timely congratulations to your colleagues if you pay for classic gifts indicating dates and delivery in the required service. Try to automate or delegate the routine as much as possible.

The psychological aspect is the fear of appearing incompetent when a person tries to do everything on his own, even if he is really overworked. At such moments, it is quite possible to ask your colleagues for help - this will relieve your personal schedule and improve your relationships. You don’t need to transfer absolutely everything, but you can ask the person who goes to the printer to answer the call or take your documents for printing.

If colleagues often take advantage of your reliability, increasingly shift responsibilities, or have even made it a habit, then it is necessary to stop such violations. Familiarize yourself with your responsibilities and henceforth refuse to fulfill those of others. The exception is when you yourself are not overloaded with work or have managed to finish everything, but asks you for help good man. Don’t refuse out of principle, otherwise when you need help, there will be no one to turn to.

Start working with the most important tasks, and complete current ones as you go or if you still have the strength and desire. Human nature is such that the results of activities depend on the point of application and the quality of use. Here it is important to monitor the dynamics of your personal activity, so that knowing the hours of your highest performance, plan important or difficult moments. If you are a night owl by type of activity, then in the morning a scheduled sorting of mail, planning next day, automatic data entry or template actions, but then you can start calculating important trajectories or making appointments with difficult clients.

You can keep up with everything at work when you feel your rhythm and work with. The desire to squeeze results out of oneself by any means, without taking into account intrinsic motivation and the state can turn into apathy that lasts for weeks. Having rested well, the body itself will show excellent results, and a half-hour walk can help you.

How can a woman manage everything?

A woman’s life is very diverse, and the desire to do everything at the proper level and have time can sometimes lead to nervous breakdown. The question becomes especially acute of how to manage everything with a small child. The basic principles repeat the techniques of time management, but there are also several absolutely feminine tricks for saving time. It is important to initially decide what you don’t have enough time for and what you need to do. After all, if all the time is spent on unnoticed matters, because of which important areas of relationships and development suffer, then this situation is corrected completely differently than when a woman is late due to her unwillingness to come.

The more responsibility and responsibilities appear, the harder it is to cope, and if at first this is still a manageable level, then at a certain stage you can load yourself up so much that independent decision becomes simply impossible. It is important for a woman to learn to ask for help, and it can be anyone - a husband can look after a child, a colleague can bring in documents, a friend can help choose equipment. This will save time needed for rest and replenishment.

There should be breaks and time dedicated to self-care. Rest does not always mean lying down - this is where you need to include all the activities that fill you with energy and motivation. The more effective the process of recuperation, the faster you can cope with regular workload, the more strength you have in life to fulfill your desires.

Making a list helps you not forget anything, but features female psychology are such that desires are more readily fulfilled. You can play on this if you replace the list of necessary and obligatory things to do for tomorrow with a wish list. Even if it is a planned trip to a car service, written as “I want to go to a scheduled maintenance” already gives a lot of pleasant emotions and includes a creative adaptation. For example, you can drink delicious coffee in your neighborhood or read a chapter of your favorite book.

How to manage everything with a child? Combine several activities. You can not just go for a walk with your child, but combine it with your own yoga classes fresh air, and even get busy physical education child. Cleaning is also perfectly combined with physical activity, as well as listening to audio books, and if communication with friends is transferred to a beauty salon, then the amount positive emotions takes off enormously, while saving time.

Taking on several things at once is risky, but quite doable. And the ability not to lose sight of several aspects at once helps to dramatically save time, and such grouping of activities also develops attentiveness. Therefore, it is periodically useful to practice “chasing two birds with one stone”; the main thing is not to abuse it and soberly assess your capabilities.

Think and do

The simplest exercise for developing the ability to do several things at once can be called “think and do.” The essence of the exercise is that while performing any physical work load the brain not only with this very work, but also with other thoughts. You can, for example, remember the multiplication table or favorite poem. Washing dishes and reading poetry, for example, is not that difficult.

When a simple reading of poetry and a solution in the mind of simple mathematical examples If it works, you should complicate the task for the brain. Along with cleaning, which is often done “automatically,” try to think through plans for tomorrow and look for solutions pressing problems or calculate the costs for last month. This interweaving of physical work with extraneous thoughts, by the way, helps to cope with routine tasks faster, and the time spent completing them flies by noticeably faster.

Think, do, remember

Doing three things at once is also easy. So, while the pie is baking in the kitchen, you can check email or repair the faucet in the bathroom. And, besides, in parallel, no one forbids you to mentally calculate the cost of the next renovation in your apartment.

The difficulty of the lesson is not to forget about the pie. It turns out that in addition to immersing yourself in thoughts, monitoring the oven and fixing the faucet, you will also have to control your internal timer so that the cake does not burn. At first, it is better to set an alarm clock, the sound of which will remind you of the pie. Over time, after 1–2 months of training, it will be quite easy to cope with three or even four things at the same time.

The most difficult thing is for the followers of Caesar, who, as you know, could easily do a dozen things at once, keep all the things in memory and not lose sight of anything. To do this, you need to train your memory, which is facilitated by memorizing poetry, reading books and playing the musical instruments. Creative people By the way, it’s easier to get used to saving time by doing different things in parallel.

You look at some people and you wonder how they manage to do everything? And at work everything is perfect, besides, they can take on some additional loads, and they work out with their children, and look good, and everything is fine in the family, and at the same time they still have time to do something for the soul, for themselves, sports, hobbies .

In fact, everything is very simple, the secret of such people lies in the ability to organize themselves and their lives. Anyone can achieve this if they have the desire.

We learn to have a lot of time.

  1. First, you will have to develop the habit of always having a diary and pen with you.
  2. Every evening, in detail make a plan for the next day. It's important to pay attention to this interesting activity time in the evenings, since our consciousness will have time to process this information overnight.
  3. TV, worst invention humanity. It takes a lot of time and vital energy. Eliminate the habit of watching television from your life. This time can be used more productively. For example, read, play sports or take a walk with the children. Successful people don't watch TV. They are building their lives.
  4. The importance of the Internet in our lives cannot be overestimated. The Internet opens up a lot of opportunities for us to educate ourselves and earn money. However, it should be remembered that The Internet should be used wisely, and visit only those sites that can actually be useful. And all sorts of games and communication networks are the work of the poor and losers.
  5. We feel free to refuse offers, which are of no interest to you and do not bring you any benefit. By agreeing to the requests of others without having the desire to do so, but in order to avoid awkwardness, we damage ourselves.
  6. We practice our ability to perform different types work simultaneously. Habit write down your to-do list in your diary simplifies this task. You can group types of work that you can perform in parallel. For example, putting broth on the stove, and cleaning the house, listening to audiobooks. It all depends only on your imagination. You will get a lot done if you take this advice into account.
  7. Try to do a lot without focusing on quality. Obsessing over quality takes a lot of time. It's better to do a lot of things. And over time, you will begin to get a lot of quality by itself. Use your body wisely, let it work while it works, you will still have time to lie flat on the couch in front of the TV. When you're young you have to work to ensure good life yourself and your loved ones. With each passing year, the capabilities of our body do not increase, but, on the contrary, lose their effectiveness.
  8. Develop habits wake up early, eat right, exercise, think positively, don’t ruin your body with various nasty things like smoking and alcohol. The busier a person is, the better he feels and gets more done.

We are waiting for your assessment

Many of us have found ourselves in a situation where 24 hours in a day are absolutely not enough. This could be due to the launch of a new project, the establishment of a new business, a quick move to another country, or some other fateful change. In such situations, you need to structure the process as much as possible, focus on the main thing and take control of what is happening. If we can do this, then the most difficult period will be a powerful breakthrough and will take us to a completely different level.

I had such a period too.

Writing the first book in my life, articles, conducting consultations, preparing and designing new online programs, conducting courses and groups, as well as many other current affairs. Among other things – family, children, school, kindergarten, training and a huge number of everyday issues. To complete all these tasks there was a deadline - in best case scenario, marked “to do today.” But basically - “do it yesterday.”

So, how can you manage everything without going crazy?

I will share the secrets that help me keep the rhythm, and also explain what is needed for everything to work.

1. Individual sleep-wake schedule, or why waking up early doesn’t work.

I once conducted an experiment - I got up at 6:00 for a month. Everything seemed to be going well, and I really managed to do a lot of things in the morning. But one incident arose: I felt sleepy at 21:00. Soon I noticed that my husband and children were not receiving enough of my attention, resentments grew and all the bonuses from getting up early literally melted away before our eyes.

Why might you not be able to get up earlier?

You may be taking this task literally and not seeing the bigger picture. After all, obvious benefits also have their price. And if you soak in bed in the morning, does it give you a boost of energy for the whole day?

What to do?

Approach the organization of early rise very individually, taking into account the benefits and losses from the formation new habit. Having examined the situation, you can determine the optimal time for your “early rise”, which will suit you and will not bring unnecessary inconvenience.

2. Concentration, or why we don’t have enough energy to focus.

I once noticed that with total concentration on the task at hand, my productivity increases significantly. The biggest breakthrough was that I wrote 75 pages of a book in 2 days. Of course, I planned it so that no one would bother me. The children were with their grandmother. My husband is on a business trip. At this time I was distracted only by the most necessary things.

Why can't I concentrate on the task?

You probably just don’t know how to work with attention, and it wanders around. different sides like a homeless boy.

Or perhaps you overdid it and left out an important detail. You can concentrate completely only using the “shift” method: tension-relaxation. That is, after intense stress, you need to treat yourself to deep relaxation of the same intensity.

It is also important to ask yourself certain questions:

  • Why do you need to complete this task?
  • What bonuses will you get from this?
  • Do you really want to do/do this?

What to do?

Think about the meaning of the task being performed for you and learn to concentrate. The following may help you with this:

  1. : will teach you to concentrate on the reactions of the body.
  2. Psychotherapy course: you become aware of how thoughts are connected to feelings and the body
  3. : will teach you to concentrate on the current moment.

3. Delegation, or why we tend to shoulder everything.

I realized that if I didn’t outsource some of my work, I would simply run out of steam. Therefore, a nanny partially helps with the children, and a cleaner helps with the apartment. I also took on an assistant - an assistant who puts things in order in tables and presentations.If you cannot afford extra expenses, then think about who could help you just like that. Grandparents - to sit with the child, a friend - to take your child to training with hers. I am sure that with any income you can find different ways Don't put everything on yourself.

Why can't I delegate tasks?

You probably think that you can handle everything yourself and no one can do it better than you. You’re also just used to doing what you do, and it’s difficult for you to change the established system.

But think about this: “In order to get something you never had, you need to do something you have never done.” Authorship is attributed to Coco Chanel

But we dream big, right? This means that something needs to be changed in the system and focus only on strategic tasks.

What to do?

Break down your tasks by priority. You can do this using the Eisenhower Matrix.

Determine which of these tasks can be delegated to other people, and start looking for them.

4. Sports, or why we don’t use this resource in our lives.

I do yoga and after training I often find myself thinking that I came up with new idea. form new neural connections, which, in turn, affects creative thinking and creativity. And, of course, you are guaranteed an excellent mood after training!

Why can't I play sports?

Perhaps you haven't found your sport. For example, I started running several times, but gave up every time. Running is not my thing. But I found the sport that suits me best. Don't give up on your search: physical activity is directly related to general condition health, they also affect psycho-emotional state and cognitive abilities.

What to do?

Find a sport you like and fit it into your must-do tasks. Watch how your productivity changes after class and see for yourself that it works.

5. Perfectionism, or why we are constantly preparing for something.

The need to do everything with an A plus - hello from school. They gave us two grades for mistakes, and we tried our best not to make mistakes. The desire for quality in completing a task is very important factor, but in many cases it does more harm than good.

I’m writing this article now, I need to send it today. You can improve its quality as much as you like, but I have a deadline! So I do everything that depends on me this moment time, and don’t let perfectionism run rampant. After all, it is better to receive a response from the editor with a proposal to correct or redo something, or even try next time, than not to take this step at all.

The most effective training happens only through practice.

Did it - got it feedback– worked on the mistakes – did it again.

Why do we feel like we're not ready?

This is still the same greeting from childhood. We are not taught to go straight into practice. Look: school is theory, institutions are also mostly theory. When on average do we start practice? At 20 years old? And we get used to the idea that before we start working, practicing something, we need to prepare for many, many years.

Maybe it's time to reconsider this setting?

What to do?

Answer yourself the following questions:

  • Why are you preparing for so long?
  • Are you afraid of the opinions of others?
  • What specifically do you want to improve?

The key is action.Scientists have proven that every new skill acquired changes the structure of our brain. This means that when learning new things, a person changes at the physiological level. He becomes capable of more and gains access to new opportunities.

6. Quality rest, or why we don’t allow ourselves to relax

If you are “a Swede, a reaper, and a pipe player,” then you cannot do without quality rest. It is impossible to concentrate on a series of tasks and make a breakthrough if you are tired and, as they say, “your brain is not cooking.”

Why can’t you get quality rest?

We often feel like we are wasting our time by resting. We don’t see the benefit of taking a break because we’re in a hurry and have deadlines. But the interesting thing is that with quality rest, your efficiency increases significantly, because we get down to business with renewed vigor, which leads to saving time and greater results.

What to do?

Be sure to arrange a day-off for yourself as a reward for the work done. Go out of town on the weekend, go through, start

7. Planning, or why we fear this word like fire.

Write down 6 things every day that need and can be completed during this time. Distribute them in the list so that the first two are the most important, or key, without which you will not move.

Do everything in order!The idea is that with this approach, you will do the most difficult things first, because they are at the top of the list. This will make your progress towards your goal very noticeable.

Why can't I plan?

Sometimes something comes along that throws off all our plans. And then we get disappointed and give up this disastrous business, deciding that it is completely not ours. You may also feel that you are creative person, and planning is the business of structural people. Or you take on too much, which leads to burnout and exhaustion.

What to do?

Try the six technique business Share yours big task or a series of tasks into small pieces and distribute them along a time scale. After all, “you can’t eat an elephant whole, you have to eat it piece by piece.”

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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And live life to the fullest. This question is really difficult. After all, many people have problems over time. And only some manage to relax, live life to the fullest, and do all the planned things. You can learn such a technique. It is enough to follow a few simple tips. At first it will not be easy, because redistributing time and planning the day is a responsible task that requires special skills. Only with experience will you be able to organize your day without any problems so that you can get everything done. What tips are recommended to follow?

Living life to the fullest is...

Once all the important and difficult things are behind you, everything else will be done faster. Nice welcome, but it will require some effort in the initial stages. Therefore, you will have to show persistence and perseverance.

Attracting Help

Co next advice Mothers with small children should be well acquainted. By the way, they are the ones who most often think about how to manage to do everything and get enough sleep at the same time. What can you recommend in addition to the above points?

For example, do not refuse help. Moreover, attract loved ones to her. You can ask your husband to wash the dishes and clean the house, while the mother herself goes to pick up the child at kindergarten and takes him to the doctor. Or entrust your spouse with cooking dinner.

By the way, if we're talking about about household responsibilities, then in order to keep up with everything, it is recommended to separate household tasks. Of course, if a representative of the fair sex sits at home all day, you just need to manage your time correctly. But in modern world women work just like men. Therefore, to answer how to manage everything and live life to the fullest, you need to learn to ask for help and redistribute responsibilities.


Another very useful trick- involve modern devices in business. A variety of gadgets and equipment are not only entertainment, but also benefits for humans. You can make the most of newfangled devices to make your life easier. This way you can manage everything and not get too tired.

Cooking can be entrusted to a pressure cooker/multi-cooker, cleaning to a robot vacuum cleaner, and so on. This way you can save a lot of time. As a result, the person will have more possibilities relax. Especially if you do not deviate from the previously drawn up schedule.

Be careful: some modern gadgets only waste time! It is recommended not to use during working day Internet (allowed only for work purposes), social networks and other entertainment. Sometimes even a banal news check can take several hours. Therefore, you should not give in to temptations.

Now it’s clear how to manage everything and relax at the same time. Everything will definitely work out, but you have to try hard from the beginning!