Log of combat reports of the 3rd shock army.


Fund 317, inventory 4306, file 37.
Sheet 3.
Report dated 01/09/42.
1. The troops went on the offensive.
2. Almost along the entire front, units met organized resistance in strong points village Zalesye, Zaozerye, Boloshovo, Mashugina Gora, Bol. and Mal.Chastivets, Petrovshchina, Staroe Selo, Barutino.
The best results were achieved by the right flanks of the 23rd and 33rd SD.
4. A significant obstacle is the high snow cover.
5. By 17.00 the troops reached the following position:
- 20 RRF surrounds Zalesye, up to two reinforced companies with heavy artillery, having a northern battalion. Zalesye and 2 baht. south and southwest Brigade command post - Elnik.
- The 23rd SD and the 78th ski battalion occupied Vysochki, are fighting on the approaches to Roven Mosty and blockading Zaozerye.
- 33 SD with one battalion of 164 SP blocking Terekhovshchina, with the second battalion by 17.00 reached the line of the Peschanka River (1 km east of Gorodishche). Units of the 82nd joint venture surrounded Boloshovo and captured Gvozdovo.
- 257 SD captured Azaryevo and, blockading Staroe Selo, baht. 948 joint venture is fighting for Barutino.
Sheet 5.
Report as of January 10, 1942.
20 SBR, leaving their forces in the Zalesye region. companies, the main forces advance to the Mezhniki district, from Matrenino, overcoming deep snow and an unfrozen swamp, they reached Sarai (4 km southeast of Mezhniki).
Position of 225 SP, advancing north. Roven Mosty in the direction of Gnutishche, unknown. North Zaozerye left one battalion of the 225th joint venture. The position of the ski battalion sent forward is unknown.
The hill was very well fortified, and reinforcements were constantly coming there both by land and by air.
33 SD - 73 SP is moving from Gorodishche to Laptevo, 164 SP is moving from Dorishche to Melikhovo, 82 SP is approaching Pervomaiskaya.
One battalion of the 164th joint venture was left until the outbreaks of the incident in the Mashugin Gora region were eliminated.
During 9 and 10.01.42. The division has losses of about 200 people.
257 SD until 16.30 to regroup on the line Staroe Selo, Tarasovo, Koloda.
The 943rd joint venture got involved in the battle for Buratino, but under heavy fire the pr-ka withdrew, losing 7 people. killed and 95 people. wounded.

Decision as of January 11, 1942.
I decided:
- 23 SD with the main forces to capture Molvotitsa;
- 33rd SD with the main forces reach the road Stavni, Lug, Rudakovo;
- 257 SD to seize the district of Pustynka, Lyushino and 31 SBR - district of Vosshagikha, Volodarskoye, Shumsky;
- 20 SBR - Shepelevo, Teplynka;
- 27 SBR - Gnutishche, Shabanovo.
Com. troops army Mr. Turkaev.
Ch. military owls br. com. Ryazanov.
Beginning headquarters mr Pokrovsky.

Sheet 7.
Report for the morning of January 12, 1942.
The 20th RRF with the main forces entered the area south of Mezhniki.
23 SD - 3 km west. Palagino.
33 SD, reaching the line Kozhino, Kadnikovo, Melikhovo, Dorofeevo, part. 73 joint venture and 164 joint venture are fighting for Mamonovshchina, preparing for an offensive in general direction on Sysoevo.
257 SD by the end of January 11, 1942. - 1 km east. Lake Yagodnik, level 224.5 north. shore of Lake Steregut. Preparing for an offensive in the direction of Gorbovo.
31 SBR captured Shepelevo and fought for Kokovkino.

In connection with our movement to the southwest. The position of the Demyansk group of pr-ka is becoming more and more threateningly deep communications. and bases 3 UA.
Therefore, I consider it necessary to speed up the beginning in every possible way active operation against this group.

Sheet 10.
To the commander of the Kalinin Front.
Results of military operations for January 27, 1942.
The 23rd SD, having replaced the battalion of the 42nd SBR in the Gusevo, Naumovo sector, fought intense battles in the north throughout the day. and north-east Molvotitsy with the advance advancing from Belle 1st. By evening, parts of the division were scattered and thrown back to Belle 1st.
The pr-k showed the greatest activity in the direction of Kholm from the west. and southwest
33 SD - from the morning of 01/27/42. pr-k went on the offensive from the Pronino districts along the Kuzemkino-Kholm highway. By 11.00 up to 600 people. pr-ka.
With artillery and aviation support we broke through into Kholm. There is an intense battle going on in the city.
The division commander was ordered to find out the situation on the spot. pr-ka and bring the perpetrators to strict liability. At the same time, instructions were given to leave cover to the north-west. and sowing outskirts of the city. Concentrate the main forces in the south. Hill with the task of defeating the avenue operating in the Pronino-Kuzemkino region and re-occupying the west. part of Kholm, advancing from the west.
01/28/42 A member of the Military Council leaves for the division.
54 SBR - order: by the morning of 01/28/42. go to the Pokoloty - Kachanovo, Khomyagino district with the task of intercepting the Loknya, Kholm highway, striking in the rear of the avenue. Ski battalion, assigned to the brigade, remains in the Samushenka region and conducts reconnaissance in the north. and zap. directions.
257 SD - order: proceed to active actions with the goal of ending January 29, 1942. together with the 3rd RRF, capture Velikiye Luki.
Newly arrived 391 and 130 SD and 154, 86 SBR arrived. After unloading, we concentrated in the following areas: 391 SD - Polganovo, Sukhaya Niva, Vladychno (6-8 km southwest of Molvotitsa).
86 SBR - Meadow, Rudakovo, Perkhovo (6-8 km south of Molvotitsa).
Sheet 14.
Comrade Konev (com. Kalinin Front).
Results of military operations for 01/31/42.
Army troops defending on the right flank continue active actions in the region of Kholm and Velikiye Luki.
Pr-k, rendering everywhere active resistance, continues to concentrate its forces in the Loknya region.
33 SD - improved its position with frequent attacks. The division was able to use 73 joint ventures to attack Kholm from the west.
The 45th Rifle Brigade captured Pronino, intercepted the Kholm - Loknya road, and thereby ensured that the 33rd Rifle Division would not break through the avenue from the west into Kholm. One battalion continued to clear pr-ka district Tarakanovo.
The pr-k conducts persistent attacks along the Loknya - Kholm road.
Sheet 16.
The pr-k puts up stubborn resistance to Holm. In the districts of Khvoroshino, Tarakanovo, Maksimovo, Markovo Avenue, new units were concentrated. In the district of Bezhenitsy, Loknya there is a concentration of troops of an unknown number. The project seeks to liberate and strengthen the Kholm group, while simultaneously carrying out sapper work in a number of places along the Lovat River
33 SD and two joint ventures of 391 SD are fighting in the city of Kholm.
45 RRF defends the front of Pronino, Skaruevo, Lug.
54 RRF defends Khudyaki, Rystsovo, Pogorenka.
26 SBR set up a barrier towards Gruzdovo, 38 SBR through Poddorye, Vichevitsy advances towards Ratga and further towards Bezhenitsy.
The 8th Guards Rifle Division through Shapkovo, Kakachevo, enters the Mazury district (12 km west of Kholm), from where, after the defeat of the avenue, together with the 75th and 45th Rifle Brigade in the district of Khvoroshchino, Maksimovo, Sopki, it advances on Zamoshye and further on Loknya.
54 SBR defends the districts of Maslovo, Rystsovo, Pogoreltsy, Malkino with the approach of 45 SBR, 33 SD goes on the offensive towards Selebino. Then, together with the 33rd SD, the west comes. Lovat river on Velikiye Luki, Novosokolniki.
The 33rd Rifle Division, after capturing Kholm, advances behind the 45th Rifle Division to assist in the defeat of Temny Bor Avenue, Ulcers.
From 7 to 24.03.42 The map of the combat operations of the 33rd SD shows that divisions were brought up to the Kholm region: 75 SD - the village of Ivankovo ​​(northwest), 37 SD - the village of Kuzemkino (southwest), 391 SD - village Bretskoye (south-east), 45 SD - Mikhali (south-west). Tsarevo - village Zaplatino - Taryzhino (south of the city of Kholm along the Kunya River) battle 03/18/42. with units of 117 SD.
Strezheno (along the Lovat River).

Ski battalions of the 3rd Shock Army


Vasily Karpovich Pyatkov
Konstantin Sergeevich Belov
Semyon Semenovich Frolov

Before Velikiye Luki

The 3rd Shock Army was in defense at the Kholm, Velikiye Luki, Porechye line until the end of November 1942. Along with main task- creation of a strong and insurmountable defense during this period, intense combat training was underway in units and formations, and the coherence of crews, crews and units was improved. Much attention was given fire training personnel, organizing the interaction of units and subunits with artillery and tanks during the offensive, and fighting at night. The actions of the assault methods of the enemy's strongholds were carefully practiced. Combat training personnel was the focus of attention of commanders, political workers, party and Komsomol organizations. Party meetings were held in the formations, where the results were discussed offensive actions and the tasks of the communists in combat training and creating a strong defense.

The same issues were discussed at meetings of primary party and Komsomol organizations. At meetings and conferences in units, commanders and political workers explained the tasks of combat training to soldiers and sergeants and promoted the experience of hero soldiers. Members of the Military Council, Major General P.K. Ponomarenko and Major General A.I. Litvinov, who replaced him in July 1942, and the heads of political departments of the army and formations took an active part in these events.

Serious attention was paid to strengthening party and Komsomol organizations, involving best fighters and commanders. Each unit had an inexhaustible source of replenishment of their ranks. After all, any battle gave birth to new heroes, tested in a harsh struggle with the enemy. Warriors who were famous in battle were accepted into the party. As a result of the work done, as well as the patriotic desire of soldiers in difficult days for the Motherland to be in the forefront of its defenders, in the first quarter of 1942 alone, 931 people were accepted as members and 3,290 as candidates of the party.

Much work was done to educate personnel in the spirit of hatred of the enemy. During the conversations, the agitators talked about the atrocities that were being committed fascist invaders in temporarily occupied territory.

The workers of the liberated villages told the soldiers a lot about the hard life in fascist captivity. Rejoicing at their liberation, they helped with all their might Soviet army. 86-year-old collective farmer M.K. Kuzmin from the village of Kurakino, Velikoluksky district, like Ivan Susanin, set an example of selfless service to the Motherland1. Matvey Kuzmich, under the compulsion of a Nazi officer, in early February 1942, was supposed to lead a battalion of skiers to the rear of the Soviet troops, to the village of Pershino. All night the battalion drove through snowdrifts, ravines and bushes. The guide knew every forest path in these places. He accurately calculated the route, not to Per-shino, but to the village of Malkino, where the day before he had sent his son to warn Soviet commanders. At dawn, Kuzmin led the battalion to the 31st sector rifle brigade. Only now did the invaders realize that the guide had led them into a trap, but it was too late. Soviet riflemen and machine gunners almost completely destroyed the enemy skiers. M.K. Kuzmin also died the death of the brave, shot by the Nazis.

And when silence fell, on the banks of the Krupitsa River, which flows into Lovat, the soldiers of the 31st Infantry Brigade froze in formation. They paid their last military honor to their comrades who had fallen in battle. The glorious one was also buried here. Soviet patriot Matvey Kuzmich Kuzmin.

The enemy often tested the strength of our defenses near Velikiye Luki. He launched repeated attacks with forces ranging from company to battalion, supporting them with powerful artillery fire and tanks. But each time, having failed to achieve his goals and suffering heavy losses, he rolled back. Defense 3rd shock army was impregnable to the enemy.

The enemy showed the greatest activity in the sectors of the 31st Infantry Brigade and the 948th rifle regiment 257th Infantry Division. His attacks became especially frequent in May. When repelling one of them, the squad commander of the 63rd separate ski battalion of the 31st rifle brigade, Sergeant A. S. Golovin, who was awarded the title of Hero, covered himself with unfading glory Soviet Union M. K. Kuzmin

This happened on May 20, 1942. The enemy launched his next attack on the site of the 63rd ski battalion. The Nazis marched in serried ranks, and the nerves of some of our fighters could not stand it. They began to move away.

Sergeant Golovin, quickly running up to the machine gun, opened destructive fire on the enemy and forced the Nazis to lie down. Then, turning to the soldiers, he commanded: “Forward to the enemy!” Jumping out of cover, he led his soldiers into the attack. The entire company rose with shouts of “hurray.”

The Nazis wavered and turned back. Pursuing them, the company broke into the village of Pershino and occupied it. At the same time, Golovin destroyed three enemy bunkers with the soldiers located there. Thus, the courage and bravery of Sergeant Golovin helped not only to repel the enemy’s attack, but also to recapture the village of K from him

There were continuous battles near the Hill. Our troops gave no rest to the enemy. They attacked its defenses almost every day, inflicting significant losses. Sometimes, after powerful artillery preparation, the enemy went on the attack, supporting the infantry with slippers and self-propelled guns. Enemy aircraft also attacked the battle formations of Soviet troops. At times a very difficult situation was created, but the soldiers and commanders of the army units and formations, showing exceptional tenacity, courage and heroism, repelled the enemy’s onslaught and again launched counterattacks.

The activity of fighting in those days near Kholm was reported almost daily by the Sovinformburo. Thus, a message dated May 17, 1942 said: “On one of the sections of the Kalinin Front, enemy infantry attacked one of our units. Our soldiers under the command of Comrade. Mo-mysh-Uly met the Germans with fire from mortars and machine guns, then launched a counterattack and drove back the Nazis. More than 120 enemy corpses remained on the battlefield. 2 German tanks were disabled."1 This message referred to the actions of the 1073rd Rifle Regiment of the 8th Guards Rifle Division, which he commanded at the time faithful son Kazakh people captain Momysh-Uly Burdzhan. The Germans often tested the strength of the defense in this sector, but each time, suffering heavy losses, they rolled back.

The soldiers and commanders of the 33rd Infantry Division, Colonel I.S. Yudintsev, who in March replaced Colonel A.K. Makariev in this post, selflessly fought the enemy. On May 28, the Nazis unsuccessfully attacked units of the 33rd Infantry Division three times.

In the battles for Kholm, many soldiers and commanders distinguished themselves, who with their bold actions did not give the enemy the opportunity to break through the encirclement and connect with their units. For exploits in the battle in the Kholm area, 640 people in the 33rd Infantry Division were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union.

The fighter detachment of the 33rd Infantry Division under the command of Senior Lieutenant A.I. Grigoriev acted exceptionally bravely and decisively in battles with the Nazi invaders. At the end of May, in the battles of Ka-kachevo and Shapkovo, he defeated an enemy punitive detachment of up to 500 people, thwarting the enemy’s attempts to penetrate Kholm from the north.

In the battles near Kholm, the soldiers of the 73rd Infantry Regiment of Major S. Ya. Loboda became famous. Located on the most critical sector of the front, this regiment, with its decisive actions and continuous attacks, inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment.

We worked selflessly these days medical workers army, providing assistance to the wounded on the battlefield. No wonder the best of them were awarded the Order of Lenin. These were N. A. Golubev, M. M. Ignatiev, N. A. Puntus, V. V. Serov, A. N. Sartakov. The Order of the Red Banner was awarded to A. I. Veselkov, S. V. Governors, P. T. Gulyaev, N. N. Dyachkov.

Sometimes there was a calm at the front. But even at this time, machine gun fire was often heard - these were our brave scouts. They, penetrating behind enemy lines, with their bold and decisive actions revealed the places of concentration of infantry and tanks, the location of headquarters and command posts, artillery and mortar firing positions. The activity of scouts became especially intensified from mid-June 1942, when our troops near Kholm received orders to stop attacks and take up a strong defense.

The most active reconnaissance was carried out in the zone of the 33rd Infantry Division. Scouts more than once destroyed fascist rear areas, captured prisoners and trophies, and delivered documents and valuable information about the enemy. In just two months (June - July), the division's reconnaissance company made four raids deep into the rear, destroyed over 200 enemy soldiers and officers there and brought with it several prisoners.

At the beginning of August, a reconnaissance detachment was temporarily created on the basis of the division's reconnaissance company to carry out the combat mission. This detachment was led by commander training battalion, formerly commanded reconnaissance company, experienced and brave intelligence officer Captain A. A. Babanin. On his personal account there were more than 100 exterminated Nazis and 10 cited “languages”. The commander's chest was decorated with the Order of Lenin, which he received in March 1942. The soldiers always boldly marched, led by this courageous commander, to accomplish any task.

The scouts received the task of going deep behind enemy lines, in the village of Temny Bor with a sudden raid to defeat the headquarters of the 39th German army corps, take prisoners and documents, and if you fail to penetrate the village, raid one of the garrisons.

On the eve of going on a combat mission, a meeting of communists took place. Each of them was assigned responsibility for a certain area of ​​work: some were entrusted with air surveillance, others were distributed among patrols in the combat guard. There was not a single group of fighters that did not have a communist in it. The commissioner of the detachment, senior political instructor N. G. Lebedev, held a conversation on the topic “ Better death, how fascist captivity" He spoke about the Nazi atrocities against civilians, the wounded and prisoners, and called on the soldiers to fight until last straw blood, to be persistent to the end, to mercilessly exterminate the fascist occupiers.

The division commander, General I. S. Yudintsev, speaking at the rally, spoke about the importance of the upcoming raid behind enemy lines and that great responsibility, which was assigned to each soldier and commander for completing their combat mission. The scouts assured the division command that they would spare no effort to successfully conduct a raid behind enemy lines.

Despite great difficulties and heavy equipment, the soldiers endured all the hardships of the campaign with great courage. By the morning of August 7, Babanin’s detachment reached the Kholm-Loknya highway. The core of the detachment was located one and a half kilometers from the road.

Intelligence established that the Nazis, alarmed by the frequent raids of our soldiers and partisans in this area, created engineering barriers here, made rubble and built dugouts, cut down the entire forest on both sides of the road and organized continuous patrols.

These unforeseen enemy events complicated the further advance of the detachment. It became clear that we could not get through without a fight. Therefore, Captain A. A. Babanin decided to deceive the enemy: he made a fire raid on the enemy in opposite movement direction, fired at it with machine guns and mortars, and then quickly retreated into the forest and took up defense.

An alarm arose in the enemy camp. His guns started talking, shells exploded where the detachment was no longer there. The Nazis began to send reinforcements from neighboring garrisons. Soon the scouts found themselves surrounded. The enemy ring was shrinking. The detachment commander decided to let the Nazis get closer in order to beat them for sure. When they had 30-40 m left to overcome, Babanin ordered to open fire. The crackle of machine guns, machine guns, grenade explosions - everything merged into one roar that echoed through the forest. The Nazis clearly did not expect that a well-organized reconnaissance detachment was operating against them. Their ranks wavered. Our soldiers immediately used this. With a decisive attack, they began to mercilessly destroy the enemy, driving him into the swamp. Here many of the Nazis found their graves.

The scouts showed great endurance, perseverance, courage and heroism. Machine gunners sergeants A. A. Lutai, F. I. Rodionov, reconnaissance officer G. S. Zinchenko, fighters N. P. Belozerov and A. M. Tsvetkov acted bravely. Lieutenant V. G. Rusan and junior lieutenant I. P. Savinov skillfully led the platoons, inspiring the fighters.

As a result of a swift strike, skillful and decisive actions, the detachment not only broke through the encirclement, but also inflicted great damage on the enemy: they destroyed up to 150 Nazi soldiers and officers, took 7 prisoners, captured 5 light machine guns, 5 machine guns, 16 rifles, 7 pistols.

Under the circumstances, the scouts were unable to penetrate Temny Bor, but they completed their task of defeating one of the enemy garrisons and capturing prisoners with honor. For courageous actions behind enemy lines, 32 raid participants were awarded orders and medals; Captain A. A. Babanin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In conditions of active defense in the army Special attention addressed the development of the sniper movement. Each regiment trained at least 20-25 snipers.

Units and formations held meetings of snipers and excellent shooters. The renowned masters of accurate fire, Sergeants I. Pisarev and I. Suleymanov, who exterminated hundreds of Nazis, passed on their experience to young soldiers.

At one of the conversations with soldiers, I. Suleymanov said: - When the battle is on, you don’t have to count your enemies, you have to have hands to destroy them. When I went to war to defend our native Soviet land, I was eager to destroy as many enemies as possible. I am a steppe man, I have a keen eye and a steady hand. I liked the sniper specialty. Friends told me about the properties sniper rifle And optical sight, helped to study the habits of a fascist and all the intricacies of shooting. And now I already have 239 killed Nazis on my account. This is the result of tenacity, perseverance and the ability to outwit the enemy.

Meetings between fighters and renowned masters of sniper fire turned into good school training of marksmen. Every fighter dreamed of being the same, serving the Motherland as faithfully as Suleymanov, Pisarev and their comrades.

It was the second half of August 1942. It was an alarming time. Taking advantage of the absence of a second front in Europe, the enemy managed to concentrate large forces on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front by mid-August and launch a new offensive there.

Leading bloodshed defensive battles, Soviet troops were forced to leave Sevastopol, Rostov and Kharkov. The enemy completely captured the Donetsk coal basin, captured the rich agricultural areas of the Don, Kuban and a number of important areas North Caucasus. He managed to approach Stalingrad and start street fighting in September. In the north-west of the country, troops of several fronts, including Kalinin, fought in harsh conditions fighting, trying to pin down as much as possible enemy forces, prevent their transfer to the south and thereby provide assistance to the defenders of Stalingrad and the North Caucasus.

Under these conditions, the task of the 3rd Shock Army to pin down enemy forces and inflict significant losses on him in manpower and equipment in the Velikiye Luki direction became even more important. She completed this task successfully.

The 3rd strike pinned down significant enemy forces near Velikiye Luki. As a result of its active actions, the enemy not only could not use them in other sectors of the Soviet-German front, but was also forced to transfer additional reinforcements from the reserve here.

For the battles carried out by the army during this period, thousands of soldiers, sergeants and officers were awarded orders and medals. And as a confession successful actions The army as a whole was awarded to the army commander, Lieutenant General M.A. Purkaev, with the Order of Kutuzov, 1st degree, and his appointment as commander of the Kalinin Front. On September 18, 1942, Major General K.N. Galitsky, a man with great life experience, who was at the front from the first days of the war, possessed great strength will, perseverance and high organizational skills.

Voenizdat 103160, Moscow, k-160 1st printing house of Voenizdat 103006, Moscow, k-6, Skvortsova-Stepanova proezd, building 3


Fund 317, inventory 4306, file 37.
Sheet 3.
Report dated 01/09/42.
1. The troops went on the offensive.
2. Almost along the entire front, units encountered organized resistance in the strongholds of Zalesye, Zaozerye, Boloshovo, Mashugina Gora, Bol. and Mal.Chastivets, Petrovshchina, Staroe Selo, Barutino.
The best results were achieved by the right flanks of the 23rd and 33rd SD.
4. A significant obstacle is the high snow cover.
5. By 17.00 the troops reached the following position:
- 20 RRF surrounds Zalesye, up to two reinforced companies with heavy artillery, having a northern battalion. Zalesye and 2 baht. south and southwest Brigade command post - Elnik.
- The 23rd SD and the 78th ski battalion occupied Vysochki, are fighting on the approaches to Roven Mosty and blockading Zaozerye.
- 33 SD with one battalion of 164 SP blocking Terekhovshchina, with the second battalion by 17.00 reached the line of the Peschanka River (1 km east of Gorodishche). Units of the 82nd joint venture surrounded Boloshovo and captured Gvozdovo.
- 257 SD captured Azaryevo and, blockading Staroe Selo, baht. 948 joint venture is fighting for Barutino.
Sheet 5.
Report as of January 10, 1942.
20 SBR, leaving their forces in the Zalesye region. companies, the main forces advance to the Mezhniki district, from Matrenino, overcoming deep snow and an unfrozen swamp, they reached Sarai (4 km southeast of Mezhniki).
Position of 225 SP, advancing north. Roven Mosty in the direction of Gnutishche, unknown. North Zaozerye left one battalion of the 225th joint venture. The position of the ski battalion sent forward is unknown.
The hill was very well fortified, and reinforcements were constantly coming there both by land and by air.
33 SD - 73 SP is moving from Gorodishche to Laptevo, 164 SP is moving from Dorishche to Melikhovo, 82 SP is approaching Pervomaiskaya.
One battalion of the 164th joint venture was left until the outbreaks of the incident in the Mashugin Gora region were eliminated.
During 9 and 10.01.42. The division has losses of about 200 people.
257 SD until 16.30 to regroup on the line Staroe Selo, Tarasovo, Koloda.
The 943rd joint venture got involved in the battle for Buratino, but under heavy fire the pr-ka withdrew, losing 7 people. killed and 95 people. wounded.

Decision as of January 11, 1942.
I decided:
- 23 SD with the main forces to capture Molvotitsa;
- 33rd SD with the main forces reach the road Stavni, Lug, Rudakovo;
- 257 SD to seize the district of Pustynka, Lyushino and 31 SBR - district of Vosshagikha, Volodarskoye, Shumsky;
- 20 SBR - Shepelevo, Teplynka;
- 27 SBR - Gnutishche, Shabanovo.
Com. Army troops Mr. Turkaev.
Ch. military owls br. com. Ryazanov.
Beginning headquarters Mr. Pokrovsky.

Sheet 7.
Report for the morning of January 12, 1942.
The 20th RRF with the main forces entered the area south of Mezhniki.
23 SD - 3 km west. Palagino.
33 SD, reaching the line Kozhino, Kadnikovo, Melikhovo, Dorofeevo, part. The 73rd joint venture and the 164th joint venture are fighting for Mamonovshchina, preparing for an attack in the general direction of Sysoevo.
257 SD by the end of January 11, 1942. - 1 km east. Lake Yagodnik, level 224.5 north. shore of Lake Steregut. Preparing for an offensive in the direction of Gorbovo.
31 SBR captured Shepelevo and fought for Kokovkino.

In connection with our movement to the southwest. The position of the Demyansk group of pr-ka is becoming more and more threateningly deep communications. and bases 3 UA.
Therefore, I consider it necessary to force the start of an active operation against this group in every possible way.

Sheet 10.
To the commander of the Kalinin Front.
Results of military operations for January 27, 1942.
The 23rd SD, having replaced the battalion of the 42nd SBR in the Gusevo, Naumovo sector, fought intense battles in the north throughout the day. and north-east Molvotitsy with the advance advancing from Belle 1st. By evening, parts of the division were scattered and thrown back to Belle 1st.
The pr-k showed the greatest activity in the direction of Kholm from the west. and southwest
33 SD - from the morning of 01/27/42. pr-k went on the offensive from the Pronino districts along the Kuzemkino-Kholm highway. By 11.00 up to 600 people. pr-ka.
With artillery and aviation support we broke through into Kholm. There is an intense battle going on in the city.
The division commander was ordered to find out the situation on the spot. pr-ka and bring the perpetrators to strict liability. At the same time, instructions were given to leave cover to the north-west. and sowing outskirts of the city. Concentrate the main forces in the south. Hill with the task of defeating the avenue operating in the Pronino-Kuzemkino region and re-occupying the west. part of Kholm, advancing from the west.
01/28/42 A member of the Military Council leaves for the division.
54 SBR - order: by the morning of 01/28/42. go to the Pokoloty - Kachanovo, Khomyagino district with the task of intercepting the Loknya, Kholm highway, striking in the rear of the avenue. The ski battalion assigned to the brigade remains in the Samushenka region and conducts reconnaissance in the north. and zap. directions.
257 SD - order: proceed to active actions with the goal of ending January 29, 1942. together with the 3rd RRF, capture Velikiye Luki.
Newly arrived 391 and 130 SD and 154, 86 SBR arrived. After unloading, we concentrated in the following areas: 391 SD - Polganovo, Sukhaya Niva, Vladychno (6-8 km southwest of Molvotitsa).
86 SBR - Meadow, Rudakovo, Perkhovo (6-8 km south of Molvotitsa).
Sheet 14.
Comrade Konev (com. Kalinin Front).
Results of military operations for 01/31/42.
Army troops defending on the right flank continue active operations in the Kholm and Velikiye Luki regions.
The pr-k, offering active resistance everywhere, continues to concentrate its forces in the Loknya region.
33 SD - improved its position with frequent attacks. The division was able to use 73 joint ventures to attack Kholm from the west.
The 45th Rifle Brigade captured Pronino, intercepted the Kholm - Loknya road, and thereby ensured that the 33rd Rifle Division would not break through the avenue from the west into Kholm. One battalion continued to clear the Tarakanovo district from the avenue.
The pr-k conducts persistent attacks along the Loknya - Kholm road.
Sheet 16.
The pr-k puts up stubborn resistance to Holm. In the districts of Khvoroshino, Tarakanovo, Maksimovo, Markovo Avenue, new units were concentrated. In the district of Bezhenitsy, Loknya there is a concentration of troops of an unknown number. The project seeks to liberate and strengthen the Kholm group, while simultaneously carrying out sapper work in a number of places along the Lovat River
33 SD and two joint ventures of 391 SD are fighting in the city of Kholm.
45 RRF defends the front of Pronino, Skaruevo, Lug.
54 RRF defends Khudyaki, Rystsovo, Pogorenka.
26 SBR set up a barrier towards Gruzdovo, 38 SBR through Poddorye, Vichevitsy advances towards Ratga and further towards Bezhenitsy.
The 8th Guards Rifle Division through Shapkovo, Kakachevo, enters the Mazury district (12 km west of Kholm), from where, after the defeat of the avenue, together with the 75th and 45th Rifle Brigade in the district of Khvoroshchino, Maksimovo, Sopki, it advances on Zamoshye and further on Loknya.
54 SBR defends the districts of Maslovo, Rystsovo, Pogoreltsy, Malkino with the approach of 45 SBR, 33 SD goes on the offensive towards Selebino. Then, together with the 33rd SD, the west comes. Lovat river on Velikiye Luki, Novosokolniki.
The 33rd Rifle Division, after capturing Kholm, advances behind the 45th Rifle Division to assist in the defeat of Temny Bor Avenue, Ulcers.
From 7 to 24.03.42 The map of the combat operations of the 33rd SD shows that divisions were brought up to the Kholm region: 75 SD - the village of Ivankovo ​​(northwest), 37 SD - the village of Kuzemkino (southwest), 391 SD - village Bretskoye (south-east), 45 SD - Mikhali (south-west). Tsarevo - village Zaplatino - Taryzhino (south of the city of Kholm along the Kunya River) battle 03/18/42. with units of 117 SD.
Strezheno (along the Lovat River).

Ski battalions of the 3rd Shock Army


  • 1 Combat path during the Great Patriotic War
    • 1.1 Liberated cities
    • 1.2 Newspaper "Frontovik"
  • 2 After the war
  • 3 Memory
  • Literature


3rd Shock Army- an operational military formation within the Red Army. On May 1, 1945, soldiers of the 3rd Shock Army hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag.

1. Combat path during the Great Patriotic War

1.1. Liberated cities

During the Great Patriotic War, the following cities were liberated by troops of the 3rd Shock Army:

  • Velikiye Luki - January 17, 1943
  • Nevel - October 6, 1943
  • Idritsa - July 12, 1944
  • Sebezh - July 17, 1944
  • Rezitsa (now Rezekne, Latvia) - July 27, 1944 (together with the troops of the 10th Guards Army)
  • Wangerin (now Wegorzyno, Poland) - March 3, 1945
  • Labes (now Lobez, Poland) - March 3, 1945 (together with troops of the 1st Guards Tank Army)
  • Freienwalde (now Chociwel, Poland) - March 4, 1945
  • Dramburg (now Drawsko-Pomorskie, Poland) - March 4, 1945 (together with the troops of the 1st Polish Army and the 1st Guards Tank Army)
  • Regenwalde (now Resko, Poland) - March 4, 1945
  • Gultsov (now Golczewo), Poland) - March 5, 1945
  • Kammin (now Kamień Pomorski, Poland) - March 6, 1945
  • Gollnow (now Goleniow, Poland) - March 7, 1945 (together with troops of the 2nd Guards Tank Army)
  • Stepenitz (now Stepnica, Poland) - March 7, 1945
  • Pankow (suburb of Berlin) - April 23, 1945
  • Berlin - May 8, 1945 (together with other armies of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts)

1.2. Newspaper "Frontovik"

Military Council of the 3rd Shock Army. From left to right: A. I. Litvinov, K. N. Galitsky, I. S. Yudintsev, A. N. Tevchenkov. 1942

The 3rd Shock Army had its own newspaper, Frontovik. Its pages depict the military valor and glory of the army’s soldiers.<…> Well, how did our editorial team live? The same as the troops. It approached Berlin, located several kilometers from it, and then, when the advanced units advanced to the city center, the editorial office moved to its eastern outskirts. It was housed in a surviving multi-room mansion. There was also a large garage in which several Mercedes cars were parked. Whose are they? IN this moment- draws. The owner of the mansion and, naturally, the cars darted to the west... Our mansion was always deserted. No one sat in the editorial office in those days. Everyone went to the streets of Berlin, to the center, to where the battle was going on. Often correspondents, having taken possession of fast Mercedes, galloped through the burning neighborhoods to the Spree, to the Reichstag. We all had the same goal: not to miss anything, to capture everything significant on the pages of Frontline, especially the storming of the Reichstag and the moment of hoisting the Victory Banner. The editors focused on the 150th Idritskaya rifle division, because by April 30 she had crossed the Spree, captured the “House of Himmler” and came almost close to the Reichstag. It was she who was destined to hoist the Victory Banner. <…> The Frontovik correspondents rose to the occasion in those victorious days of 1945. In their reports, articles, correspondence, and essays, they reliably captured glorious feat warriors of the 3rd shock. Now, leafing through the file of the army newspaper, you clearly see the battles in Berlin and in the Reichstag.- Yu. A. Levin. Glorifying the feat

At the end of 1941, I had the opportunity to work as the executive secretary of the divisional newspaper “Patriot of the Motherland”. Our 282nd Division was part of the 3rd Shock Army, which was being formed in the area of ​​Lake Seliger. Somehow in those hard days The editor of the newly created army newspaper “Frontovik”, Major Anastas Baldakov, came to see us. I met the editorial staff. And then he declared: - I need journalistic personnel. And put my name in notebook. A couple of weeks later I received an order to appear at his disposal. It was sad to part with the team of “Patriot of the Motherland”, with whom I became friends and worked together, but what can I do! I put my simple belongings into a wooden suitcase and set off on the road in a passing car... The editorial office of Frontovik was stationed in the village of Pruzhintsy. Major Baldakov greeted me warmly, outlined the situation, introduced me to the editorial staff, and then said: - A week to take a closer look and grind in, then get to work! Thus began my journey as a correspondent for an army newspaper. In the morning I visited the printing house and editorial departments. Everything was different here: further away from the front line, the cannonade of guns could barely be heard. After all, the front line is 20 kilometers away. Met at the editorial office interesting people, experienced journalists who previously worked in central newspapers. Among them were Leonid Eliseev, a member of the USSR Writers' Union, and Nikolai Avvakumov, talented, courageous and enterprising people. Before the war, Avvakumov worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda» . - From the memoirs of Alexey Kuznetsov.

2. After the war

After the war, the 3rd Shock Army was part of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany.

  • Directorate (Headquarters), (Magdeburg);
  • 12gv.sk;
    • 23Guards SD;
    • 52Guards SD;
    • 33sd;
  • 79 sk;
    • 150sd;
    • 171sd;
    • 207sd;
  • 7sk;
    • 265sd;
    • 364sd;
    • 146sd;

After a series of transformations, it was renamed the 3rd Combined Arms Red Banner Army. See 3rd combined arms army.

3. Memory

A street was named in honor of the 3rd Shock Army in Velikiye Luki.


  • Military encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Voenizdat, 1984. 863 pp.
  • Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: Dictionary-reference book. M.: Politizdat, 1988.
  • Galitsky K. N. Years of severe trials. 1941-1944 (notes of the army commander) - M.: Nauka, 1973.
  • Semenov G. G. The shock comes. M.: Voenizdat, 1986.
  • A. Isaev. Toropetsko-Kholmsky operation (9.01-6.02 1942) Military Literature.
This abstract is based on

25.12.1941 - 1954

The army was formed on December 25, 1941 by transforming the 60th Army (1st Formation) as part of the Moscow Defense Zone. Since December 27, as part of the North-Western Front.

Since January 21, 1942, as part of the Kalinin Front. In January - February 1942 she took part in the Toropetsko-Kholm operation, in November 1942 - January 1943 - Velikolukskaya operation, in October - November 1943 - the Nevelsko-Gorodok operation.

Since October 13, 1943, as part of the 2nd Baltic Front. At the beginning of 1944, the army fought heavy offensive battles west and northwest of Nevel, by March 1 went over to defense at the line Balandino, Simanovo, Pustoshka, Denisovo, where she held the line for more than four months.

Since July 1944, the army took part in the Rezhitsa-Dvina offensive operation. On July 10, the troops went on the attack and broke through the front line of the enemy’s defense Location on Kharitonov, Naragovo. By the end of July 11, forward formations had reached border of the river Alola, bypassing the strongest enemy barriers and bypassing Idritsa from the north- On July 12, the city was liberated. On July 17, the army cut Highway Opochka - Sebezh, July 17 army troops liberated Sebezh.

On July 17, 1944, troops of the 3rd Shock Army reached the borders of the Latvian SSR, on R. Zilupe. In front of the 3rd Shock Army, the enemy had a group of troops consisting of three infantry divisions (329th and 23rd German divisions and 15th Latvian SS Division).

Army troops along the entire front successfully developed an offensive in the general direction towards Rezhitsa ( Rezekne) . On July 26, troops reached milestone railway Rezhitsa- Dvinsk ( Daugavpils) . July 27 after fierce fighting Rezhitsa was completely cleared of Nazi invaders.

In the Rezhitsa-Dvina offensive operation, troops of the 3rd Shock Army, having advanced 140 km, liberated the territory from the Nazi invaders with total area about 6000 sq. km, 3145 settlements(including cities of Idritsa and Sebezh), assisted the troops of the 10th Guards Army in the liberation Rezhitsa, destroyed 14,750 enemy soldiers and officers, 13 tanks and self-propelled guns, 180 guns and mortars, 203 machine guns, 17 tractors and 70 vehicles, captured about 3,000 people, captured 350 machine guns, 189 guns, 26 tanks, 21 tractors, 72 vehicles and 32 warehouses with ammunition, equipment and food.

Since July 28, the army has been taking part in the Madona operation. The 3rd Shock Army, which had arrived by this time Lubanskaya lowland, received an order to overcome it and reach river line Aiviekste. The army was given the task: in cooperation with the 22nd Army, to destroy the retreating enemy and take possession border of the river Aiviekste, go to border of Cesvaine, Madona, Marciena. The 10th Guards Army was advancing on the right, bypassing lake Lubana from the north and south.

On August 6, army troops reached river line Aiviekste, crossing the river and entering the borders Vidzeme Upland, by the end of August 13th they came out west of Madona. The army was given the task: to strike in the general direction to Ergli and in cooperation with the 10th Guards (right) and 22nd (left) armies, defeat the opposing enemy group, take possession abroad Ergli, Ozolmuiza.

On August 17, army troops with five divisions attacked enemy positions and crossed the R. Arona and began to develop an offensive in the northwestern direction. Released on August 18 several settlements southwest of Madona, and the advanced units of the 5th tank corps, having covered 30 km, broke into Ergli district.

Only by the end of August, as a result of many days and stubborn battles, the troops of the 3rd Shock Army reached the Ergli area and to the south of it. The situation stabilized and the 3rd Shock Army received the task of gaining a foothold at the achieved position.

In the Riga operation, the 3rd Shock Army was assigned a responsible task: to break through the enemy’s defenses at August site, Ozolmuiža, in cooperation with the 42nd and 22nd armies, defeat its units north of the river Western Dvina and master abroad Taurupe, Mengele. In the future, advance along railway Ergli - Riga and go out to Marciena district, Madliena.

On September 13, the troops of the 3rd Shock Army regrouped and occupied initial position for the offensive, the offensive began on September 14. Troops of the 3rd Shock Army broke through the enemy's defenses on a narrow 5-kilometer front. By the end of September 18, as a result of heavy fighting, it was possible to push back the enemy and reach Ogre River. On the night of September 22, hiding behind the rear guards, the enemy withdrew his troops to west bank Lichupe rivers And Ogre and switched to a mobile defense.

On September 24, the 3rd Shock Army received new task: regroup in area southwest of Mitava (Jelgava) and replace the formations of the 51st Army of the 1st Baltic Front there.

From September 28 to October 3, 1944, troops of the 3rd Shock Army marched to new area and changed the formations of the 51st Army to border Mitava, Gardena, Besnier. The army received the task of firmly holding the defensive line, concentrating its main efforts in Mitava area And Dobele, by October 15, complete the equipment of the cut-off defensive line along the Dobele, Auce, Kalnamuiza line; provide a junction with the 1st Baltic Front. The 22nd Army was defending on the right, and the 51st Army of the 1st Baltic Front was on the left.

On October 10, the 3rd Shock Army received a front directive to prepare to go on the offensive to defeat Kurland group the enemy together with the 42nd Army in general direction Saldus, Libava (Liepaja), the immediate task was to break through the enemy’s defenses and take possession abroad Biksta,Auce. The start of the offensive was scheduled for October 16. The 22nd Army was supposed to operate on the right, and the 4th Shock Army of the 1st Baltic Front on the left.

On October 12, tasks were set; the 79th and 100th Rifle Corps were to strike at general direction to Marberg, lake. Zebres, defeat opposing enemy forces and advance to a depth of 15-17 km.

On October 16, after a short artillery preparation, the army troops went on the offensive. Overcoming stubborn resistance, they broke through the main and intermediate lines of defense and began to slowly move forward with battles. The enemy resisted fiercely. During October 17 and 18, he brought the 24th Infantry Division into battle from reserve, so the 79th and 100th Rifle Corps in the following days had to fight stubborn battles with counterattacking units of the 24th and 93rd Infantry Divisions, supported by " Tigers" and "Ferdinands" of the SS tank brigade "Gross". On October 19, fierce battles were fought on all sectors of the front, as a result of which the enemy managed to somewhat push back our units by the end of that day.

On the morning of October 20, the commander of the 3rd Shock Army brought into battle the 7th Shock Army, which had been included in the army at the beginning of the offensive. rifle corps, however, this did not lead to the desired result. As a result of fierce bloody battles, by the end of October 21, it was possible to advance only 5-6 kilometers.

On October 21, the 3rd Shock Army surrendered the occupied zone to the 22nd Army and by the end of October 23 made a night march to area east of Vegeriai here to prepare an offensive in a new direction. The 100th Rifle Corps was ordered to be transferred to Debele area 22nd Army, and instead of it the 14th Guards Rifle Corps was included in the 3rd Shock Army.

In the period from October 22 to October 26, the army regrouped forces in a new direction and prepared for the operation, and on the morning of October 27 it went on the offensive from Vegeriai district V northwest direction to Saldus. At this time it included the 7th, 79th and 14th Guards Rifle Corps.

The army struck north of Vegeriai forces of two corps with the task of breaking through the enemy’s defenses on Yurgashi area, Vegeriai, destroy the opposing enemy and, advancing around Auce from the south, in cooperation with the 10th Guards Army, by the end of the first day of the operation, seize abroad Kevele, Rumbeneki. In the future, step on Ozolmuižu. The 7th Rifle Corps operated on the right flank, with the 364th and 265th Rifle Divisions in the first echelon. To the left of it the 79th Rifle Corps was advancing, having in the first echelon the 150th and 171st Rifle Divisions. The 14th Guards Rifle Corps received the task of preventing the enemy from breaking through in the southern and south-eastern directions with strong defenses and with units of the 146th Rifle Division striking in the sector Vegeriai, Šilos in the direction of Beleniai.

The 33rd Infantry Division remained in the army reserve. From the very beginning, the fighting in the Vegerya direction became fierce. They were difficult, exhausting, and took place under almost continuous autumn rain. Greatest success appeared in the offensive zone of the 150th Infantry Division. The enemy continued to offer stubborn resistance. In order to complete the breakthrough of its defense, on the night of October 28, the second echelons of the corps - the 198th and 207th rifle divisions - were brought into battle.

By the end of October 31, the army troops, waging continuous battles and repelling counterattacks, advanced 25-30 km, captured dozens of settlements, including the town of Vegeriai, and formations of the 7th Rifle Corps approached an important node of enemy defense - Auce.

Attempts by army troops to continue the offensive in early November desired results did not give, the enemy troops, finding themselves in the Courland cauldron, had heavily compacted battle formations and put up fierce resistance.

3rd Shock Army, entrenched on border Pulyas, Jaunserzhi, Mežmali, continued to conduct defensive battles to block the enemy’s Courland group until the end of November 1944, and on December 15 it was withdrawn to the reserve of the Supreme High Command Headquarters.

On December 31, the army was included in the 1st Belorussian Front. In 1945, army troops participated in the Warsaw-Poznan, East Pomeranian strategic and Berlin strategic offensive operations. Soldiers of the 79th Army Rifle Corps hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag.

After the end of hostilities in Berlin on May 2, 1945, army troops participated in the disarmament of the remnants of the German Berlin garrison. After the end of the war she was part of the Group Soviet Troops in Germany, headquarters - Magdeburg.

In 1954, the 3rd Shock Army was renamed the 3rd Combined Arms Army. On January 15, 1974, the 3rd Combined Arms Army was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In 1990, the division was withdrawn from the GDR, with the disbandment of the unit.

Army commanders:

  • Lieutenant General Purkaev Maxim Alekseevich from December 1941 to August 1942
  • Lieutenant General Galitsky Kuzma Nikitovich from September 1942 to November 1943
  • Colonel General Chibisov Nikandr Evlampievich from November 1943 to April 1944
  • Lieutenant General Yushkevich Vasily Alexandrovich from April to August 1944
  • Lieutenant General Gerasimov Mikhail Nikanorovich from August to October 1944
  • Major General Nikolai Pavlovich Simonyak from October 1944 to March 1945
  • Colonel General Kuznetsov Vasily Ivanovich from March 1945 to 1948

Members of the Army Military Council:

  • brigade commissar Ryazanov A.P. from December 1941 to February 1943
  • Lieutenant General Ponomarenko Panteleimon Kondratievich from February to March 1943
  • Major General Litvinov Andrey Ivanovich from March 1943 to May 9, 1945

Chiefs of Army Staff:

  • Major General Pokrovsky A.P. from December 1941 to February 1942
  • Major General Sharokhin Mikhail Nikolaevich from February to August 1942
  • Major General Yudintsev Ivan Semyonovich from August 1942 to March 1943
  • Major General Busarov Mikhail Mikhailovich from March to May 1943
  • Major General Fedor Andreevich from May to October 1943
  • Major General Beilin Veniamin Lvovich from October 1943 to August 1944
  • Lieutenant General Bukshtynovich M. F.. from August 1944 to May 1946


Army composition

from June to December 1944

Rifle, airborne troops and cavalry

  • 7th Rifle Corps - since October 1944
    • 23rd Guards rifle division
    • 33rd Infantry Division - from Decemberto December 15, 1944
    • 198th Rifle Division - from October to November 1944
    • 265th Rifle Division - since November 1944
    • 364th Infantry Division - from November to December 1944
  • 12th Guards rifle corps - since December 1944
    • 52nd Guards rifle division - since December 1944
    • 364th Infantry Division - from December to December 15, 1944
  • 14th Guards rifle corps - since October 1944
    • 33rd Infantry Division - until December 1944
    • 198th Rifle Division - from November to December 1944
    • 379th Infantry Division
  • 44th Rifle Corps - from September to October 1944
    • 115th Infantry Division - from September to October 1944
    • 319th Infantry Division - from September to October 1944
    • 325th Infantry Division - from September to October 1944
  • 79th Rifle Corps
  • 93rd Rifle Corps - for July to September 1944
    • 219th Rifle Division - for July to September 1944
    • 379th Infantry Division - for July to September 1944
    • 391st Rifle Division - from July to August 1944
  • 100th Rifle Corps - from September to December 1944
    • 21st Guards rifle division - from September to December 1944
    • 28th Infantry Division - from September to December 1944
    • 200th Rifle Division - from September to December 1944
  • 391st Rifle Division - for June to July 1944
  • 155th fortified area - from November to December 1944

Artillery RVGK, army and corps artillery

  • 6th Guards artillery division breakthrough
    • 29th Guards cannon artillery brigade - from August to September 1944
    • 69th Light Artillery Brigade - from November to December 15, 1944
    • 134th Howitzer Artillery Brigade - from September to October, from November to December 15, 1944
    • 87th Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade - from November to December 15, 1944
    • 119th Howitzer Artillery Brigade high power - from November to December 15, 1944
    • 4th Mortar Brigade - from December to December 15, 1944
  • 136th Army Cannon Artillery Brigade
  • 385th howitzer artillery regiment - from August to October 1944
  • 827th Howitzer Artillery Regiment - for July to October 1944
  • 6th Guards anti-tank artillery brigade - from November until December 15 1944
    • 318th Guards anti-tank artillery regiment - for July to August 1944
  • 18th Anti-Tank Artillery Brigade - from Novemberto December 15, 1944
    • 171st Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment - from October to November 1944
  • 163rd Guards anti-tank artillery regiment
  • 4th Mortar Brigade
    • 193rd Mortar Regiment - from September to October 1944
  • 203rd Guards horse-drawn mortar regiment
  • 14th Guards mortar brigade rocket artillery - from Novemberto December 15, 1944
  • 85th Guards rocket artillery mortar regiment - from September to October, from Novemberto December 15, 1944
  • 93rd Guards rocket artillery mortar regiment - for July to September, from Octoberto December 15, 1944
  • 310th Guards rocket artillery mortar regiment - for July to August 1944
  • 36th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division RGK - for Julyto December 15, 1944
    • 1385th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment
    • 1391st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment
    • 1397th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment
    • 1399th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment
  • 1622nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment
  • 467th separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion - for Julyto December 15, 1944

Armored and mechanized troops

  • 29th Guards tank brigade - for July to September 1944
  • 31st Guards separate tank regiment - from Novemberto December 15, 1944
  • 227th separate tank regiment - from August to September 1944
  • 239th separate tank regiment - from August to September 1944
  • 373rd Guards heavy self-propelled artillery regiment - from August to September 1944
  • 1539th heavy self-propelled artillery regiment - for July to August 1944
  • 991st Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment - from August to September 1944
  • 999th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment - from September to November, from Decemberto December 15, 1944
  • 1476th self-propelled artillery regiment - from September to December 1944
  • 56th separate division armored trains - for Julyto December 15, 1944
  • 57th separate division of armored trains - for Julyto December 15, 1944
  • 62nd separate division of armored trains - for Julyto December 15, 1944

Corps of Engineers

  • 8th Motorized Engineering Brigade - from September to October 1944
  • 19th Assault Engineer Brigade - until July 1944
  • 25th engineer brigade
  • 924th separate engineer battalion - from Novemberto December 15, 1944
  • 54th Pontoon-Bridge Battalion - from November to December 1944
  • 88th Pontoon-Bridge Battalion - from August to October 1944

Flamethrower units
