46th Machine Gun Artillery formerly 484th Regiment. To the assault battalions

It has been 40 years since the creation of the 18th Machine Gun and Artillery Division stationed in the Kuril Islands. Ceremonial events on this occasion were held in concert hall Kuril House of Culture and Sports.

The unit's birthday is considered to be May 19, 1978. At the same time it was announced that the division was created as a counterweight to a powerful military group from the USA, Japan and South Korea. Our southern neighbors from the country rising sun with the support of the United States, they have repeatedly declared (and still unsuccessfully declare) claims to the Kuril Islands and southern part Sakhalin. To ensure that these statements remained only declarations of intentions, the country's leadership decided to create a formation on the islands of the Kuril chain capable of resisting border conflicts and possible aggression.

Based on the directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces and the directive of the commander of the Red Banner Far Eastern Military District, the division was formed in the village of Knyaze-Volkonskoye Khabarovsk Territory and included in the 51st Army.

At the end of the spring of 1978, the first units of the division arrived at Iturup and Kunashir to carry out combat duty. Large-scale construction of military camps and military infrastructure began.

The division has become an example to follow. For high performance in combat and political training, she was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the District Military Council. In the 2000s, the unit was recognized three times as the best in the Far Eastern Military District.

Over the course of forty years, there were tragic moments in the life of the 18th Machine Gun and Artillery Division. The personnel also remember this, and they also remember local residents. The earthquake of 1994 cannot be erased from memory, when about 50 buildings were destroyed in military cities, including the hospital in Goryachye Klyuchi. People died. The last bitter loss is the death of former division commander General Valery Asapov while performing a combat mission in Syria.

In memory legendary commander, who did a lot for the formation of the division, his colleagues edited a video, the soundtrack for which was the song “Officers” performed by Deputy of the Assembly of the Kuril City District Igor Sereda.

Deputy division commander for work with personnel, Colonel Andrei Gorbachev, speaking about the feat of Valery Asapov, noted that in this moment The best personnel of the unit perform combat missions in hot spots of the world.

Andrei Gorbachev read out a congratulatory letter from the very first commander of the 18th Machine Gun Artillery Division, Colonel Ivan Morozov, and then an order from the current division commander, Colonel Ruslan Abdulkhadzhiev, to encourage personnel. The list of those awarded commendations and anniversary medals includes more than 100 military personnel.

The district authorities did not stand aside and presented the division with a television, adding words of gratitude to the gift.

There are places where the expression “the people and the army are united” is perceived abstractly: there are quiet places, there are no military formations,” noted Tatyana Belousova, chairman of the Assembly of Deputies of the Kuril City District. - And our region became part of the USSR as a result of the victory of the Red Army in the Second World War, and every day we pass next to those who wear shoulder straps, who serve our Motherland. And these are not simple words. Soldiers and officers in the division change, generations change, but we live with you not just as neighbors, but as one family.

The division survived the difficult 90s, and today it is gratifying to see how difficult, but the construction of new buildings and houses for officers. Of course, we need to add speed, but I hope you and I will live to see the moment when everyone in the division will be provided with housing, when we finally build a road between Kurilsk and Goryachye Klyuchi. You just need to wait a little, and this moment will definitely come. From the bottom of my heart, allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, wish you peace, good prosperity, and career growth.

It has been 40 years since the creation of the 18th Machine Gun and Artillery Division stationed in the Kuril Islands. Ceremonial events on this occasion were held in the concert hall of the Kuril House of Culture and Sports.

The unit's birthday is considered to be May 19, 1978. At the same time, it was announced that the division was created as a counterweight to a powerful military group from the USA, Japan and South Korea. Our southern neighbors from the land of the rising sun, with the support of the United States, have repeatedly declared (and still unsuccessfully declare) claims to the Kuril Islands and the southern part of Sakhalin. To ensure that these statements remained only declarations of intentions, the country's leadership decided to create a formation on the islands of the Kuril chain capable of withstanding border conflicts and possible aggression.

Based on the directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces and the directive of the commander of the Red Banner Far Eastern Military District, the division was formed in the village of Knyaze-Volkonskoye, Khabarovsk Territory and included in the 51st Army.

At the end of the spring of 1978, the first units of the division arrived at Iturup and Kunashir to carry out combat duty. Large-scale construction of military camps and military infrastructure began.

The division has become an example to follow. For high performance in combat and political training, she was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the District Military Council. In the 2000s, the unit was recognized three times as the best in the Far Eastern Military District.

Over the course of forty years, there were tragic moments in the life of the 18th Machine Gun and Artillery Division. The personnel remember this, as do the local residents. The earthquake of 1994 cannot be erased from memory, when about 50 buildings were destroyed in military cities, including the hospital in Goryachye Klyuchi. People died. The last bitter loss is the death of former division commander General Valery Asapov while performing a combat mission in Syria.

In memory of the legendary commander, who did a lot for the formation of the division, his colleagues edited a video, the soundtrack for which was the song “Officers” performed by Deputy of the Assembly of the Kuril City District Igor Sereda.

Deputy division commander for work with personnel, Colonel Andrei Gorbachev, speaking about the feat of Valery Asapov, noted that at the moment the best personnel of the division are performing combat missions in hot spots of the world.

Andrei Gorbachev read out a congratulatory letter from the very first commander of the 18th Machine Gun Artillery Division, Colonel Ivan Morozov, and then an order from the current division commander, Colonel Ruslan Abdulkhadzhiev, to encourage personnel. The list of those awarded commendations and anniversary medals includes more than 100 military personnel.

The district authorities did not stand aside and presented the division with a television, adding words of gratitude to the gift.

There are places where the expression “the people and the army are united” is perceived abstractly: there are quiet places, there are no military formations,” noted Tatyana Belousova, chairman of the Assembly of Deputies of the Kuril City District. - And our region became part of the USSR as a result of the victory of the Red Army in the Second World War, and every day we pass next to those who wear shoulder straps, who serve our Motherland. And it's not simple words. Soldiers and officers in the division change, generations change, but we live with you not just as neighbors, but as one family.

The division went through the difficult years of the 90s, and today it is gratifying to see how difficult, but the construction of new buildings and houses for officers is underway. Of course, we need to add speed, but I hope you and I will live to see the moment when everyone in the division will be provided with housing, when we finally build a road between Kurilsk and Goryachye Klyuchi. You just need to wait a little, and this moment will definitely come. From the bottom of my heart, allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, wish you peace, good prosperity, and career growth.

Congratulations were continued by the acting administration Vadim Rokotov. In addition to the TV, the division personnel were given certificates of honor and a special memorial sign in honor of the 40th anniversary.

After the ceremony there was a concert amateur groups Kuril region and soloists of the division orchestra. The artists were awarded a standing ovation.

In connection with the growing tensions between Russia and Japan, I somehow became interested in the state of affairs at the “stumbling block” - namely the military group of the Southern Kuril Islands. Which, as is known, includes the territories of the South Kuril and Kuril administrative districts Sakhalin region, islands of Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan, Habomai, etc. "Little Kuril Ridge", Specifically - from the position of how we will defend these very "stumbling blocks" "if there is war tomorrow." Then I tried to summarize the collected data.

The resulting picture, to put it mildly, was not encouraging. Actually, there is nothing to defend the islands with, and the notorious “3,500 military personnel” from the 18th Machine-Gun-Artillery Division are not there (media data), but real number The island's garrisons are less than 2 thousand bayonets of this division (by state) and 1 thousand border guards of the 114th Kuril border detachment (by state). In fact - less.

Actually, it looks like this:
1. MO (parts subordinate to the Ministry of Defense):
1.1. 18th Machine Gun Artillery Division:
1.1.1. 46th machine gun artillery regiment(Kunashir garrison). Number of people - more than 700 people (staff), including the seconded department of the FSB and the medical battalion of divisional subordination:
- 264th motorized rifle battalion (498 people on staff);
- 228 separate anti-aircraft division - about 100 people;
- 308th medical battalion (101 people on staff).
1.1.2. 49th Machine Gun Artillery Regiment (Iturup garrison). Number of people - about 1200 people (statewide):
- 69 separate cover battalion - about 100 people;
- 110 separate tank battalion- 150 people (and 31 tanks);
- 1114 separate communications battalion - 237 people;
- 614 separate engineering and construction battalion - 374 people;
- 584 separate repair and restoration battalion - 246 people;
- 1229 separate company EW - ?;
- 911 separate medical service company - ?;
2. FSB (subordinate units Federal service security):
2.1. 114th Kurilsky border detachment.
2.1.1. 10 border outposts (7 in Kunashir, 1 each in Shikotan, Habomai and the Lesser Kuril Ridge) - 500 people (per staff; taking into account shift personnel);
2.1.2. Division of border ships - about 300;
2.1.3. Garrison Hot Beach (rear support units) - about 200.

For those who do not know how to read the states, I will explain. The Southern Kuriles grouping is an unbalanced set of undisbanded relics of the old “18th Division” (which, before being renamed in the 90s, included the same two regiments, but under different numbers) and a tiny number of truly necessary units, among which anti-aircraft divisions can be distinguished, motorized rifle and tank battalions. In fact, there is no available composition, and the shortage is 20-25%, while the remaining set is far from being of the best quality.

This is bad, very bad, and quantitatively and qualitatively the garrison of the Kuril Islands does not even reach what was here in Soviet times:

2 gun-artillery regiments (484 and 605, 2 motorized rifle and 2 machine-gun artillery battalions each), a separate tank battalion, a separate anti-aircraft artillery regiment, a separate jet division, a separate engineer battalion, a mixed aviation squadron, 4 separate companies, Kuril border detachment (which was at least twice as large - 26 border posts + larger number patrol ships and boats).
In total, this amounted to about 5,500 military personnel from the Ministry of Defense and 2,000 border guards from the KGB.

But, unfortunately, even this non-maneuverable and non-mobile structure was destroyed, and there was simply nothing to repel a possible landing (tank firing points were destroyed, there was no heavy artillery, there were 2 batteries of 82 mm mortars). And a possible landing will include both the landing of saboteur detachments during the threatened period, and the release of the first wave of invasion from helicopters and special vessels, and will include approximately the following forces:
1 company of rangers - 130 people;
Japanese Special Forces Corps forces - approximately 400 out of 700 in total (others have slightly different tasks);
landing airborne brigade from helicopters - about 1900 people;
Landing from special vessels - (ship landing - 3 "Osumi", 2 "Miura", 2 "Atsumi", 2 "Yura", 2 "Yusote" - up to 2000 infantry and 70 tanks with standard loading).
TOTAL: 4500 people with 70 tanks in the first wave alone. In fact - tank brigade with reinforcement units, while the tanks will be Type-90 (the most adequate enemy is the T-80), and in the reinforcement units there will be solid special forces. At the same time, the units defending the islands will most likely be previously exposed to air and naval strikes in places deployments and are localized by the actions of special operations forces, i.e. No more than 1-2 days can be left for the organized defense of the islands after the Japanese have landed and consolidated on the bridgehead (on both Iturup and Kunashir, the main battles will take place in the limited space of low-lying isthmuses in the center of both islands).

The conclusion is the following: the organizational structure of the island garrisons needs to be changed, and urgently, to remove from it units that have lost their relevance (a construction battalion, for example), and to saturate them with units adequate to the time. They should look something like this (the structure of the 46th and 49th regiments is synchronous):

In the regiment:
- 3 machine-gun and artillery battalions, each consisting of a mobile battery (company) of MLRS, a company of self-propelled guns, a machine-gun anti-aircraft gun tank company, battery of covering mortars (3 x 300 = 900 people);
- 1 motorized rifle battalion (500 people);
- 2 tank battalions (2 x 150 = 300 people; 62 T-80 tanks);
- 1 medical battalion (100 people);
- 3 support companies (repair and restoration company, electronic warfare company, communications company - 200 people);
- 2 three-battery anti-aircraft missile divisions (2 x 125 = 250 people).
- 1 helicopter squadron.
TOTAL: 2300 people per island and per regiment.

The structure highlighted above is not accidental: the presence of three machine-gun and artillery battalions with a modified staff ensures shelling from three sides landing zone (it is local on both islands and is located in the area of ​​​​the regional centers), with maximum mobility and mobility of the shelling, the dual structure of tank battalions and missile divisions ensures the constant presence of one of them “in the field”, i.e. outside the location of the unit (with the corresponding withdrawal of the unit from the attack of aircraft and naval missiles).

To these quiet heights
I will rise and the silence will rise.
How our companies fought here
She will remind me right away.
I'll remember the shelling again
And hand-to-hand combat.
The shipbuilders fought to the death -
My nice weather.
The last grenades are in my hands,
Smoke billowed, blurring the vision.
IN last time soldier friends
They asked for fire on themselves.
These slopes trembled menacingly,
Burning on fire for so many days.
And now no longer in this world
Heights are dearer and dearer.
There are no dearer friends of the dead -
That bright, young grove,
That almost all, barely, having lived
Mown down at the roots by misfortune.
Over the new grove the distance is winged,
And the dawn splashes brightly...
We haven't forgotten you guys
You gave your life not in vain.

Peter Kobrakov

In the center of the village of Nizino, among picturesque ponds, stands modest monument. This is a memorial sign in honor of the militiamen of the 264th separate machine gun and artillery battalion who died in September 1941 while defending our Babigon Heights.

Through the efforts of the Veterans Council 264 of the OPAB, and especially its chairman N.I. Semyanov, this monument was erected in September 1967. The names of 126 defenders of Leningrad, who laid down their lives in that distant September, are carved on marble slabs. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War In our country, militia units began to be created.

The 264th separate machine gun and artillery battalion was created on July 16, 1941 in the building of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute on the basis of LKI student volunteers, workers of the Admiralty plant, a non-ferrous metal processing plant. At the end of July, the battalion was sent to Peterhof and became subordinate to the Krasnoselsky sector of the Krasnogvardeysky fortified area. Here, on the site of Old and New Peterhof, the villages of Maryino, Olgino, Sanino, Sashino, Kostino and Nizino, it was necessary to create a fortified area with long-term defensive structures. The combat effectiveness of the battalion was determined by the fact that almost all fighters had military training, and some - experience of combat operations in the Finnish company of 1939-1940.

Mikhail Stepanovich

Mikhail Petrovich

Ivan Vasilievich

Vyacheslav Ivanovich

Mikhail Stepanovich Bondarenko was appointed battalion commander, and Mikhail Aleksandrovich Krysov was appointed political instructor. Bondarenko was not a novice in military affairs: he participated in Finnish war and for his bravery he was awarded a gold personalized watch by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR and the Order of the Red Star. Political instructor M.A. Krysov is a participant in the Civil and Finnish wars.

Mikhail Petrovich Chernikov was appointed chief of artillery; his daughter comes here on May 9 and on the anniversaries of the battles of September 19-24.

Battalion engineer Vyacheslav Ivanovich Botov previously fought in the ranks of the Red Guard back in October 1917, then fought in the Civil War.

The head of the chemical service of the battalion was Shelinsky Georgy Ivanovich, who for a long time headed the Council of Veterans of the 264th battalion.

Since July 18, the Opabovites were in Peterhof - building fortifications: pillboxes, bunkers, digging trenches. The summer of 1941 was very hot: the temperature rose over 30 degrees.

The first battle took place on the outskirts of Krasnoe Selo, the combat mission was completed.

From September 19 to 24, 1941, the battalion defended the Babigon Heights, the headquarters was located in the Pink Pavilion.

On September 20, hot battles broke out in the area of ​​the villages of Nizino, Kostino and Sashino. Against the second company and detachment Marines The Germans abandoned 2 infantry regiments and tanks. For three days the battle did not subside, day or night. The Nazis launched attack after attack. Especially heated battles broke out in the Belvedere area. The soldiers fought until the last bullet, until the last grenade. They died like heroes, but did not leave their positions. Of the 18 soldiers of the garrison, commanded by junior lieutenant D.I. Meitin, only two survived.

On the northern slope of the heights near Belvedere, soldiers under the command of junior lieutenant Yuri Nikitin fought. "The bunker is surrounded. German machine gunners are bombarding us with grenades through the ventilation ducts. We fight until last straw blood, but we don’t give up!” - this message came to command post battalion by telephone. The entire garrison of the bunker died, destroying dozens of fascists.

On the morning of September 22, after strong artillery preparation and air strikes, the Nazis moved towards New Peterhof. The battle unfolded on the approaches to the Pink Pavilion, where the battalion headquarters was located. Its defense was headed by the chief of staff, senior lieutenant I. F. Myagkov. Our artillerymen, under the command of our lieutenant M.P. Chernikov, rolled out a gun into open positions and, with direct fire, shot at the advancing chains of German infantry.

Dozens of fascist soldiers died from well-aimed machine-gun fire from the garrison under the command of Boris Freimon, located just to the right of the Pink Pavilion.

However, enemy machine gunners managed to infiltrate the headquarters. And here it's mine sniper art showed former students Semyon Zaslavsky and Viktor Rychkin, who themselves died the death of the brave.

By the night of September 22, by order army command The militia fighters blew up the remaining firing points and retreated to the right flank of the fortified area, into the woods near the Old Peterhof station. The retreat of the fighters was covered by bunkers in the area of ​​the Fountains platform, the garrisons of which were commanded by Vladimir Chuchman and Abdel Takanaev.

During the attack, our fighters burst into Zayachiy Remiz and recaptured the Fountains platform. Individual groups we went to the Pink Pavilion, to the village of Sashino, in the Upper Park area.

During the counterattack, the battalion advanced forward, captured prisoners and trophies: a battery of light guns, tankettes, machine guns, field mobile radio stations.

But success could not be consolidated, since no more than 5% of the battalion’s personnel remained alive: out of 1,100 militiamen, no more than 100 people survived. The following died the death of the brave: battalion commander M.S. Bondarenko, Commissioner M.S. Krysov, chief of artillery M.P. Chernikov, many company commanders and political instructors. Boris Potapov died near the walls of the Pink Pavilion, blowing up himself and the enemies pressing on him with the last grenade.

The battalion was disbanded, but completed its mission combat mission- from that day on, the enemy did not advance a single step in this sector of defense!

This is how the Oranienbaum bridgehead was created!

Material prepared by Sheiko Ilya

Based on materials from the Museum of Military Glory 264 OPAB

– 2 individual battalions- 117th motorized rifle (military unit 45869) and 11th tank (military unit 75230);

– 75th separate communications company (military unit 52489) and a separate company of tank firing points (military unit 75407).

In December 1989, the UR turned to the creation of the 105th machine gun and artillery regiment of the 129th division.

UR No. 14 (military unit 74971) was created in the early 1970s. on the basis of UR No. 114, formed in Transbaikalia (Sherlovaya Gora station) in March 1966 - this was one of the first UP of the post-war formation. It included the separate 256th machine gun and artillery battalion (military unit 55278) and 4 battalions of tank firing points (military unit 47005 and military unit 47009 - others unknown), an artillery division, and a rocket artillery battery. In 1989, he was asked to create the 363rd machine gun and artillery regiment of the 122nd division.

UR No. 15 (military unit 28560) began to be created on 03/05/1966 and covered the direction to the village of Novogeorgievka, being part of the 5th Army of the Far Eastern Military District. It included separate 5 machine-gun and artillery battalions; 279th (military unit 78654), 398th (military unit 64804), 854th (military unit 51835), 861st (military unit 51839), 862nd (28560-K), 25 1st tank battalion (military unit 52490), 1190th rocket artillery division (military unit 67911), 21st (military unit 21678) and 40th (military unit 21740) separate artillery batteries. And on October 19, 1989, the UR turned to the creation of the 114th machine gun artillery regiment of the 127th division.

UR No. 16 (military unit 16604) was created in the early 1970s. on the basis of UR No. 97, formed in Transbaikalia (Bilutui station) in March 1966, it included:

– 4 separate machine-gun and artillery battalions – 252nd (military unit 64805, Shakhalinor settlement), 571st, 572nd and 642nd;

– 64th separate tank battalion (Bilituy village);

– 122nd separate battalion of tank firing points (aka 95th tank battalion, Bilituy village);

– 625th separate artillery division (Bilituy village);

– 1193rd separate rocket artillery division (Bilituy village).

In 1989, the UR was reorganized into the 383rd machine gun and artillery regiment of the 122nd Guards machine gun and artillery division.

UR No. 17 (military unit 31796) was part of the 45th army corps Far Eastern Military District, and then the 15th and 5th armies, it included 4 separate machine-gun and artillery battalions (250th - military unit 67914, 316th, 317th - military unit 44983) and the 26th tank battalion (military unit 52491), rocket artillery division (military unit 55594). Covered the direction from the border to Dalnerechensk. Directed to create the 365th machine gun and artillery regiment of the 130th division.

UR No. 18 (military unit 40942) with headquarters in the village of Krasnokamensk was subordinate to the 36th Army of the Western Military District. It included separate:

– 4 machine gun and artillery battalions: 150th (military unit 75408, Nagadan village), 377th, 379th and 405th;

– 63rd tank battalion (military unit 48418) and 2 battalions of tank firing points (including the 960th, military unit 55511), later reorganized into the 78th separate tank battalion;

– 2 separate artillery divisions – 423rd and 1139th divisions. rocket artillery division (military unit 32143).

In 1989, the UR was reorganized into the 363rd machine gun and artillery regiment of the 131st division.

UR No. 19 with headquarters in Dauria, it was subordinate to the 36th Army in Transbaikalia. It consisted of 3 separate machine-gun and artillery battalions (6th, 176th and 178th), 60th tank battalion, 261st battalion and 37th company of tank firing points. In 1989, the creation of 363 1st machine gun and artillery regiment of the 122nd division.

UR No. 20 (military unit 45052) as part of the 5th Army of the Far Eastern Military District, part of its forces covered the state border along the western slopes of the Pogran-Petrovka hill, and with the main forces it occupied defense along north shore R. Barabashevka along the line of Barabash village, Primorsky village to Amur Bay. It included three separate machine-gun and artillery battalions (803rd, 879th, 881st), 617th motorized rifle battalion, 66th tank battalion (military unit 22154), a rocket artillery battalion, and a 100-mm anti-tank battery guns; On December 11, 1989, the area was turned to the formation of the 250th machine gun and artillery regiment of the 129th division.

IV. Machine gun and artillery divisions in the late 1980s.

18th Machine Gun Artillery Division was created on May 19, 1978 in the village of Knyaz-Volkonsky near Khabarovsk and, upon formation, was transferred to the Southern Kuril Islands, where it was stationed on the islands of Iturup (the main part of the division) and Kunashir, where its 484th regiment was stationed. One of the battalions was sent to about. Shikotan ( see adj. 3.1.4). The division and its regiments received their numbers in a row artillery formations and units, and only in 1989 did the regiments change their numbering, becoming general series numbers of motorized rifle regiments, while remaining machine gun and artillery, but at the same time replacing their former organizational structure. In 1978-1989 the staff of the division differed slightly from the staff of the motorized rifle division of the ZakVO or LVO:

- division headquarters and department military counterintelligence KGB;

– 2 machine-gun and artillery regiments (each with 2 motorized rifle battalions with MT-LB and T-55 tanks, and 2 machine-gun and artillery battalions, an artillery battalion with 130 mm M-46 guns);

– tank battalion (in total there are 94 T-55 tanks and 3 PT-76 tanks in the division);

– artillery regiment (D-30 guns with Ural-375 tractors);

– anti-aircraft missile regiment (SAM “Strela” on MTLB);

– separate communications battalion;

– 4 separate companies (engineering, repair, medical, and automobile);

– 2 individual platoon(chemical protection and curfew).

But by the end of the 1980s. The structure of the division changed significantly, and although it still consisted of two machine-gun and artillery regiments, now each of these regiments had 4 separate battalions, and each of them had its own combined arms number. Each of the machine-gun and artillery battalions included 2 companies of tank firing points (RTOT) - each with 10 IS-2 or IS-3 tanks (without engines), and 6 artillery platoons of tank turrets (AVTB) - each with 6 turrets of T-55 tanks mounted on concrete bases. In addition, the regiment included: a tank company, an artillery division (2 batteries of 2A36 guns, a battery of BM-21 rocket launchers), an anti-tank artillery battery (BS-Z guns), an anti-aircraft division (ZSU-23-4 battery, Strela-2M battery "), and 3 companies - reconnaissance, communications, repair, as well as a chemical protection platoon. At the same time, within the division itself, the artillery and anti-aircraft regiments were folded into separate units - a rocket artillery division and an anti-aircraft missile division, respectively. The resources freed up from the reorganization were aimed at forming tank and artillery units within the regiments (the disbanded anti-tank division also moved there battery-by-battery). As part of the division, 4 separate battalions were created on the basis of existing units (engineering, repair and restoration, medical, material support) and a separate chemical defense company. A little later, the 1229th separate electronic warfare company was formed. With such a staff, the division became part of the Russian Army.

In the fall of 1989 in Transbaikalia and Far East The reformation of some existing motorized rifle divisions into machine-gun and artillery divisions began. As a result of such transformations, 7 divisions were reorganized: 122nd, 123rd and 38th Guards, 192nd, 277th, 272nd and 135th motorized rifle divisions became, respectively, the 122nd, 129th and 131st Guards, the 126th, 127th, 128th and 130th machine gun and artillery. They included 1-2 machine gun and artillery regiments, which were created on the basis of the former SD. At the same time, some motorized rifle regiments were disbanded or withdrawn from the divisions, but otherwise the composition of the divisions remained virtually unchanged:

122nd Guards Machine Gun-Artillery Volgograd-Kiev Order of Lenin Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Division(former 122nd Guards Motorized Rifle - see chap. thirty), stationed in Dauria, instead of the disbanded 375th Guards motorized rifle regiment received the 363rd and 383rd machine gun artillery regiments formed on the basis of the 11th, 14th, 18th and 19th UR.