Artillery regiment of the 55th Marine Division. Russian Marine Corps: composition and deployment

I got married for the first time at the age of 19, now I can’t say whether that love was real or whether it was childhood feelings.

We lived in marriage with our first husband for 7 years, the husband was good and kind, calm person and I had nothing to complain about. Now I understand that we were just different temperaments, and then it seemed to me that we were too different and this could not continue.

They say correctly, be afraid of your desires, they tend to come true. I wanted more emotions, passion, fire and love, and I found it all on my own. I started an outside relationship with a work colleague, now it’s very bitter and embarrassing to remember all this, but then I was happy and rejoiced at something unknown.

I plunged headlong into new feelings and made even more mistakes. I divorced my husband and left the site to live alone, when I told my lover that it was time to decide who he wanted to be with me or his wife, he said that I was a stupid fool, and that I was always just a hobby, that he was not going to ruin his family for some reason walking girl

To say that I was shocked is to say nothing. I fell into depression, quit my job and was terribly worried about everything. A couple of years later I married someone else, without love, but I thought we respected each other, I was hoping for a calm and quiet marriage, but it didn’t work out, everything turned out like in my youth, only now it’s the other way around. One day my husband said that he fell in love with someone else and that he was leaving for her. Even though there was no love between us, it all still hurt a lot.

After my last marriage, I was alone for a very long time; I had a lot of complexes and a feeling of guilt about my first marriage. Fate is a strange thing, many years later I met my first husband, we began to communicate with him and became very close. I fell in love with him again, I realized everything that I had done and what gold I lost then, what pain I brought him then. A hope arose in my soul that everything could still be fixed and that I could start over, but all my hopes were dashed in an instant.

He said that after me he married successfully, that they loved each other very much, that they had two wonderful sons who are already adults, and that two years ago she passed away. After long conversations and memories, he said that he loved her very much, and I was a good friend and sister to him, and he would like it to be so. And we remained friends. For me it was wildly painful and scary, because it was all my fault, but I couldn’t do anything. And two years later he was no longer there, he just went to bed and didn’t wake up.

To all those who read this, I want to say: “don’t repeat my mistakes, now you may not care, but perhaps in the future you will really regret and suffer about everything, the site, but nothing can be fixed.” I am already 48 years old, I am an old, sick and lonely woman, unwanted by anyone, I have neither a family nor children. All my life I made mistakes, I destroyed the present and chose falsehood and lies, and now I bitterly repent and regret everything, but I can’t change anything, it’s too late, it’s too late.

My husband and I met at his best friend’s wedding when we were 22 years old, for me it was love at first sight. Andrey also showed signs of attention towards me. The very next day after the wedding, we met again in the park, where our first date took place. Our romance was stormy and intense. Andrey completely satisfied me as a man and even more. For me, he became the prince that every girl waits for deep down in her soul. He was smart, kind, handsome, caring, strong, and fair. He tried to cheer me up when I was sad, encouraged me in difficult situations and helped me with my problems. He was my support, my ideal, and I truly loved him with all my heart. One year later we began to live together, and a year later we got married.

At this moment, the first difficulties for our marriage arose. My husband was never lazy, he always tried to help me in everything. I've never had a situation where I'm working around the house and he's not doing anything, he's just not that kind of person. We cooked together, we cleaned together, we did everything together. However, despite all his efforts, problems still hit our family. Financial difficulties. As a young family, we did not earn as much money as we would like, which caused conflicts from time to time. After one of these conflicts, which escalated into the first major quarrel, I left home for two weeks. Andrey, despite his non-conflict nature, showed no desire to make peace, and I was too proud to come to him first. In the evenings I just sat and waited for him to make the first move. On one of these evenings, the same one came to me best friend Andrei, Dima, at whose wedding I met my beloved. He and I were also friends, so seeing how bad I was, he came to support me. We just talked about nothing, communication with him was very easy and relaxed, and I didn’t even notice when we moved from a simple conversation to a passionate kiss. We spent this night together. I didn’t regret my action; I considered it a fair punishment for my husband’s indifference. However, literally three days later, Andrei came to me with a bouquet of roses, apologized for his behavior and asked me to come back. As soon as I saw my beloved, it was as if scales fell from my eyes and I realized what I had done, but it was too late, so I decided to forget about it and atone for my guilt before my husband in any way. We moved in together for a long time, my husband became much more attentive towards me, and everything was perfect until the day when I found out that I was pregnant, and after calculating the timing, I realized with horror that the father of the child was not my husband, but Dima. I thought for a long time about what to do, but I could not make a decision and continued to do nothing until it was too late for an abortion. Thus, there are no questions left to give birth or not to give birth. 6 months later I gave birth to a son.

Every night after being discharged from the maternity hospital, I looked at Andrei and Kirill and cried, realizing that because of my stupidity I had betrayed my beloved man. I knew I had to tell him the truth, but I couldn't break his heart. Throughout my pregnancy, he glowed with happiness, telling everyone that his beloved wife would soon give him a son. And how he looked at him for the first time in the maternity hospital and, unable to contain himself, began to cry. “My son, my joy, my father’s pride,” this is what my husband said about our son. How could I tell him that it was all really a lie? In the end, I still decided to tell him the truth, but only when Kirill grew up at least a little, but that never happened. I continued to lie.

14 years have passed. Everything was wonderful in our family and I forgot about this deception a long time ago, because the father is not the one who gave birth, but the one who raised. But as they say, everything secret comes out someday. The truth was revealed absolutely by accident when, during the move, my husband found and read my letters written to his best friend, but never sent by me. Coming home in the evening, I found him standing at the window in the dark with these letters in his hands. Seeing him, everything in my soul broke, I immediately understood - he knows. My husband didn't say anything, he just looked at me. There was no anger in his eyes; they were absolutely empty, like those of a dead man. I burst into tears, begged him to forgive me, tried to explain everything, but he didn’t say anything in response. I understood what a scum I was and was ready to suffer any punishment, but Andrei... He simply walked away from the window, sat down on the sofa and began to cry. Seeing this, I completely broke down, I started getting hysterical, I just couldn’t stop crying, and he continued to silently look into nowhere with tears on his face. Then he got up and left the apartment without saying anything, and I just continued to sob, realizing that I had ruined his whole life. My husband and I are 38 years old, Kirill is our only child, we wanted to have another one, but nothing worked out due to my health problems. My beloved man spent his whole life taking care of his best friend’s child, he was the meaning of his life, his pride, and now he knows that it’s all a lie. That night I only thought about what I had done, I wanted to die. It was only because of our son that I didn’t commit suicide. The next morning my husband came home, without telling me anything, he packed his things and left, despite my attempts to stop him.

2 months have already passed since this moment, but I continue to look for meetings with my loved one and try to beg his forgiveness. I’m probably a fool, but I believe that I still have a chance, because Andrei still hasn’t filed for divorce and continues to communicate with his son every day. This does mean something, right? Please help me with advice, what should I do? How to regain your husband's trust? I am ready to do anything to save our family.

10-03-2013, 01:31 Olga

My payback.

In March of this year, I published my story on the site. It's called - "Betrayal with consequences" from 03/10/2013 - 00:31. And so, I decided to write a sequel. What else should I do? Today is the New Year, holidays. It's time for a cheating site.

15 years ago, out of resentment towards my husband, I cheated on him with his best friend. She became pregnant from him. Gave birth. She didn’t tell the truth to anyone, hoping for luck. And in January 2013 everything came to light. The consequences were catastrophic both for our family and for the family of Dima, my husband’s best friend and my son’s biological father.

After Andrey returned to the family, I began treatment so that we could have our own child, but to no avail. In the end, we decided that there was no point in this - nothing would work anyway, and these procedures are not cheap. My husband reacted normally, as it seemed to me at first. Only later did I understand how much pain it was for him.

But the worst thing happened at the end of summer. This was exactly what I was so afraid of - our son found out the truth. I will never forget this day. I want to forget, but I can’t... I sincerely believed that I could protect my child from the consequences of my sin. I hoped, I prayed... To no avail. When Kirill found out the truth, something broke in him, in a matter of days he turned from a sweet, kind boy into an embittered and merciless person towards us, his family. We have been living in hell for almost 4 months now: our son started drinking alcohol, smoking weed, he sleeps at home every other night, and we don’t know where he spends the rest of the time. He made some creepy friends, the very sight of whom gave me chills, “shabby” girls with a corresponding reputation throughout the entire region. During this time, the police already remembered my face by heart, but they never did anything meaningful. “These are your home problems, sort them out yourself. We have nothing else to do except look for tramps” - that’s all we heard there.

The son also hates Andrei, although before this he never left his side. What words did he say to his father... I understand that he is just a child who suffers because of my sins, but my husband did not deserve this either. He went through so much when the truth about Kiryusha came to light, then we refused to have our own child, and now this hell. Andrey began to have heart problems; a month ago he was taken to the hospital with an attack. They thought it was a heart attack, but thank God it turned out okay. He is currently on pills and may need surgery in the future. The doctors forbade him to be nervous, and his son does not miss any opportunity to inject him. I hold it back as best I can, but I can do very little. In my husband’s eyes I constantly see his pain, his grievances. He just lies in bed for days and is silent. I told him that depression can harm his heart, but he doesn't listen. My husband is only 39, but during this time he began to look about 50 years old - he turned all gray, became covered with wrinkles, huge bags appeared under his eyes... I live in a hell that I created for myself. Every day I curse myself for my mistake, my betrayal and pray to God to bring peace and tranquility to our family. But I don't believe in it anymore. Not in God, not in a happy ending for us. Only now I realized how stupid it was to hope that such a crime would go unpunished for me. Just one betrayal destroyed the lives of 6 people and that’s on my conscience.

Dima (her husband’s best friend) had it even worse. He and Nastya divorced, she sued him for all their property, throwing it out onto the street, and she went on a spree. He goes to clubs, drinks, changes lovers every week. She never recovered from the betrayal of her husband and mine - her best friend, practically her sister. I tried to talk to her several times, but at the mere sight of me she fell into hysterics, swore, swore, and started to fight. She was always moral weak person and I... I broke it. Their daughters (13 and 6 years old) live with Nastya’s mother in a one-room apartment so as not to see their mother’s boyfriends. And I haven’t heard anything about Dima for half a year, since their divorce. Nothing at all.

So December 31st has arrived. Happiness, joy, fun... But not for me. My husband went to his parents in another city, where Kirill is, I have no idea. He doesn't answer the phone. I didn’t have any friends left either - they began to shun our family when everything came to light, as if we were lepers. I sit at the table, sit with a bottle and cry. Not for joy. So lonely... And how we are in the past New Year celebrated... Oh, it was winter, so winter. What is there to live for? Will I be happy in the new year? Will? You don’t have to answer, I already know the answer.

Forgive me if something is wrong, I didn’t want to spoil anyone’s mood. Just talk to someone, clear your soul. Happy New Year to you people. Best wishes to you and your family. Here.

Despite the fact that the life story of the famous red commander, times Civil War Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is known almost by the second, and there are about a dozen versions of his death; from time to time, new incredible hypotheses appear in the press about who was actually responsible for the death of the famous division commander. In particular, Claudia, daughter of V.I. Chapaeva, in her repeated interviews, repeatedly claimed that her father was killed by his second wife.

Don't take wives to the front

During the fighting against the White Guards, V.I. Chapaev, as you know, maintained strict order in his division. This continued until Dmitry Furmanov arrived at the division’s location. The new commissar took his wife with him to the front, despite the fact that the rest command staff divisions left their loved ones at home. No matter how much Vasily Ivanovich tried to explain to the commissar that the front was not a place for women, nothing helped. It is not surprising that soon the spouses of all management team to brighten up the hard everyday life of their husbands. Constant squabbles, swearing, and division of privileges began. The division turned into one large communal apartment. IN AND. Chapaev, who by the end of the Civil War had managed to divorce his first wife Pelageya, looking at his subordinates, married again according to “ Great love"on a woman with a similar name - Pelageya. While my husband fought for happiness working people, new wife raised a daughter and two sons of a division commander from her first marriage.

Payback for treason

According to one version, it was V.I.’s second wife. Chapaeva, after she was caught with her lover, killed him out of revenge. This point The daughter of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, Claudia, expressed her views in her interview with an AiF journalist. As the elderly woman stated, the situation at the front was very difficult and V.I. Chapaev constantly disappeared at headquarters, not devoting enough time to his wife. It is not surprising that the woman, bored without male affection, soon began an affair with the head of the division’s artillery depot, Georgy Zhivolozhinov. Everyone knew about the affair except the husband. However, one day, as in a bad joke, V.I. Chapaev unexpectedly came home at an inopportune time. The bedroom was locked, and from behind the door they could hear characteristic sounds love pleasures. The angry division commander tried to break down the door, but it did not budge.

At this time, Zhivolozhinov, realizing that V.I. was having a conversation with him. Chapaev will be short, he started shooting. Several bullets pierced the door, but did not hit Chapaev. Enraged by such treachery, Vasily Ivanovich spat and went to headquarters. Soon, an unfaithful wife appeared on his doorstep and fell at his feet asking him to forgive her betrayal and make peace. However, Chapaev remained adamant. Having not achieved what she wanted, Pelageya went to the location of the White Guards, where she reported on the number of troops in the division, best directions for an attack and the time when it is most convenient to carry out an attack. Further events well known.

Unexpected frankness

The story told by V.I.’s daughter Chapaeva, it looks logical, but quite strange. At the same time, the most surprising thing is how Claudia learned about the betrayal of her father by Pelageya. She saw the fact of betrayal personally, but the little girl was clearly unable to trace her stepmother’s march to the White Guards. It turned out that, despite the break with her husband and the imminent death of Chapaev, Pelageya did not abandon his children from his first marriage, continuing to raise them as family. Only a few years later, according to Claudia, her stepmother herself told her that she had betrayed her father by passing on information about the location of troops in the division to the whites. The girl believed her stepmother. After a loud scandal, she wrote a letter to Nadezhda Krupskaya with a request to punish Pelageya and her lover. From the wife of V.I. Lenin's letter to his daughter V.I. Chapaev ended up in the GPU. However, when the answer came, it turned out that the competent authorities would be happy to restore justice, but did not have any opportunity to do so. Pelageya, by this time, had lost her mind and was not subject to trial, and her lover Zhivolozhinov was already serving a ten-year sentence in the camps.