Why did the girl cheat on her boyfriend? Psychology of betrayal: why girls, women, wives cheat

Any betrayal is a betrayal. Questions arise: “What’s wrong with me? Why did she betray me, it was still good? And what should I do now?". The answers to these questions are worth looking for by looking at the situation through the eyes of the traitors.

Reasons for female infidelity

Any betrayal is a consequence of more serious problems in relationships. Of course, the easiest way is to blame your wife for everything. However, this is not correct. Without getting to the bottom of the reasons for adultery, you will repeat the same mistakes over and over again. And this will lead to the same disastrous result.

Before starting the analysis, you must make sure that your wife is really cheating. The most sure signs collected in .

Sexual differences between the parties

“Our relationship lasted three years. During this time, I never had an orgasm, until one day I met a guy in a club. That’s when I found out about other sex and broke off the relationship.”(Ekaterina, 23 years old).

Sexual dissatisfaction- a textbook reason for cheating on husbands.

Unlike male orgasm, female orgasm is a delicate matter, which is much more difficult to achieve.

The problem is aggravated by parental education, which prevents the first person from starting a conversation about sexual preferences.

Some girls are open about their desires, but do not find understanding from the conservative partner.

Different sexual temperaments of partners are also a reason for cheating. Imagine the situation: a guy comes tired after work or school, has dinner and watches TV, or plays computer games. Lack of sex the girl compensates in someone else's arms.

All this time, the man sincerely considers the relationship normal. When this happens, he falls into a stupor and does not understand that this happened.
Unfortunately, reasons related to sex can hurt a man's self-esteem.

Total control on your part

“My boyfriend and I dated for six months. During this period I was under constant monitoring. In the end, I got tired of it and left for someone else."(Irina, 21 years old).

If your morning begins not with a cup of coffee, but with viewing her pages on social networks, you have serious problems.

The fear of losing a girl is based on lack of self-confidence. Self-confidence is the most important quality that girls value in guys. If you constantly demonstrate its absence, you risk losing the respect and love of a woman.

You can read more about the qualities of a real man that all women value in.

Lack of attention

“My ex looked after me beautifully: flowers, gifts, surprises and other pleasant little things. A year passed, I moved in with him. He stopped paying any attention to me at all and started spending all his time with his friends. free time. He went to see them without me. Later at work I met a young man. After a couple of months I left"(Oksana, 29 years old).

Of course, the girls know that the candy-bouquet period is coming to an end. But this does not mean that you need to stop paying attention to her. A woman at any age wants to feel desired and loved. If work, friends, computer games are preferred to her company, she fills in spiritual emptiness on the side.

I wanted some variety

“We have been living with our boyfriend for five years. I love him very much, but during this time we got stuck in a routine, I know in advance what he will say and what he thinks about. Once I met a young man, I wanted new sensations, and I cheated on my boyfriend. I still haven’t admitted to cheating, he won’t forgive.”(Alena, 27 years old).

When your living together turns into a series stable and dull days, any of you can get tired and switch to any bright spot that can add new colors to life.

There are also situations when a girl simply changes partners frequently. If you are on this list, you don’t even have to worry about it – the problem is definitely not you.

Environmental influence

“I lived with my boyfriend for about two years. My parents and friends didn’t like him right away; they considered him unworthy of me. He felt this and began to avoid meetings. Because of this, we often quarreled. After another quarrel, I went to a club, where I met a guy and cheated on my beloved.”(Svetlana, 25 years old).

Unfortunately, many married girls depend on the opinions of their social environment. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you will have to make a choice - either to gain the favor of people close to her, or to limit influence and convince her of making the right choice partner.

Don't avoid meeting her friends or parents so as not to give a reason once again discuss you.

In revenge

“Tired of my ex's numerous infidelities, I decided to repay him in kind so that he could feel what it was like. I didn’t prove anything, he continued to cheat, and we broke up.”(Alexandra, 27 years old).

Such a relationship right away doomed to fail. If you suffered the same fate, after breaking up, think about the reasons for your betrayal.

You can't forgive - where to put a comma?

Men experience betrayal more difficult, some even become depressed. What to do if a girl cheated on you? How to survive the betrayal of your loved one?

First you have to pull yourself together, calm down and force yourself to accept the situation. What happened, happened. There is no way to fix this.

Don't drown the problem in alcohol - it won't help.

Switch to other activities: Plunge into work, communicate with friends, take up a hobby. If this does not help, seek help from a psychologist.

Does it make sense to restore the relationship?

After you calm down, try soberly evaluate the situation.

If the girl repents and wants to return. Ask yourself whether you can forgive your unfaithful lover. Some men succeed.

However, to forgive does not mean to forget:

  • Will you be able to have sex with her like before?
  • Will you constantly suspect her if she stays late at work?
  • Will you be able to refrain from bringing up memories and not mentioning them during every quarrel?
  • Are you able to trust the traitor as before?

If you are not sure that you can forget about a girl’s infidelity, it is better to forget about the relationship. IN otherwise, your life together will turn into hell.

The best cure for female infidelity is prevention

To avoid cheating in the future, you need to constantly work on your relationship. remember, that their main enemy is routine. It is enough to follow simple recommendations to create variety.

Regular varied sex

In bed you can't think only about yourself. Find out what your partner likes. Do not be shy: serious relationship imply mutual trust. To liberate her, start with your fantasies.

Try new positions, arrange a sex excursion around the summer city, go with her to a sex shop, try it out, arrange sex via SMS or Skype. There are many options, it all depends on your imagination. You yourself will discover a new quality of sexual life.

Signs of attention

  • Compliments. To make a girl feel desired, do not forget to regularly remind her of this. Write her compliments via SMS, notes.

    A list of the most original compliments to a girl’s beauty can be found.

    Options for the most original places for a date -.

  • Present. Give gifts and flowers not only on holidays.

    Go on a trip to the sea together, fly to Murmansk in winter and look at northern lights. Spending time together brings both partners closer.

    For a few more, see this article.

Do not rush to become despondent if your girlfriend cheated on you. Look at it from the other side: You gained experience, albeit unpleasant, and realized your mistakes.

Try turning the page and start enjoying freedom or finding a new darling. And forget your defeats, there are still many victories ahead. Good luck to you!

Many men are concerned about one question: Why do women cheat? In many couples, everything works out just fine. There is love, smiles, laughter. What pushes a girl to cheat?? What should a guy do and how to build a relationship with his beloved so that your girlfriend doesn’t even think about cheating.

Let's get started why do women cheat on their husbands?

1.You pay little attention to her. Men have a very stormy and rich life by it's nature. Work, friends, parties, cars and many other things occupy all our attention. And sometimes there is very little time left for our woman. It shouldn't be this way. I'm not talking about expensive gifts and various decorations. If you've been in a relationship with your girlfriend for a long time, don't stop surprising her. Emotions are very important for women. Beautiful SMS, funny gifts, courtship and compliments from the person you love will always be very valuable for a girl in love.

2.Don't be henpecked . Taking into account the first point of this article, we must not forget about the second. You need to love, respect and appreciate a girl, but you must not forget about your masculine. If a woman sees that she can use and control you, then you are a weakling and a wimp. The only good thing about these people is that they can be built the way she wants. But you won't attract her like a real man, and this is a good reason for treason.

3.Girl's dissatisfaction. This may sound strange, but this is one of the reasons why girls cheat on guys. Girls love sex as much as guys and that's a fact. A man should give his woman pleasure in full. If a girl doesn't get it from her boyfriend, she will get it from another.

4. Too much attention for her. Girls need to pay attention, no one argues with that. BUT you need to do it in moderation and not overdo it. Every person of the fair sex will be pleased to hear the cherished “I love you” or “I miss you,” but there is no need to say this three times a day. There is no need to bombard her with calls and snot in front of her. Soon she will definitely get used to it and get bored with it. The girl may even think that you will not get away from her, since you are in love like a child and repeat it all the time.

5. Treason out of spite. It happens that a girl herself found out about her boyfriend’s betrayal. She will nag his brains for a long time and remind him of this. But that's not the worst thing. The thought may arise in her head: “he cheated on me, why shouldn’t I.” And if a worthy guy appears on her horizon, then the feeling of revenge may take its toll. To prevent this from happening, we can only advise one thing: do not cheat on your loved one. If she doesn't satisfy you sexually, leave her and find someone else. And if it suits you in all respects, then you shouldn’t risk everything for fleeting pleasure.

These are the main reasons female infidelity . Now you know, why do girls cheat. If you have any additions, write in the comments. dear readers. Also don't forget

On the issue of betrayal, we are always categorical when it comes to others. However, if you think about it, quite often we ourselves are to blame for our partners’ betrayals. In the article we will talk about how girls cheat and why this happens. We will describe here the most typical cases.

How a girl cheats on her boyfriend

There are three possible options here. The first is that the guy stops paying enough attention to the girl, preferring her to some of his hobbies and spending all his free time on them. In this case, not every girl is able to endure this for a very long time. Sooner or later there is another guy or man who, seeing the saddened beauty, begins to care for her. So the process of rapprochement gradually occurs - and here it is betrayal. However, it also happens that everything happens much faster. In this case, of course, you can judge the girl, but her boyfriend is no less to blame. The second typical case is that a guy has found himself a girl of, let’s say, “not difficult” behavior, who is guided by the principle: “To make life happy, one man is not enough.” Well, as they say, further in the text. Here again - where did you look before? As a rule, such relationships begin on intimate grounds and the guy becomes attached to the girl, but she does not become attached to him. Well, the third option is revenge. Moreover, this may be revenge not necessarily for betrayal, but often for other offenses: neglect, disrespect, etc.

Why do girls cheat?

We have already partially answered this question. But the shortest and most accurate answer: they cheat because something doesn’t suit them in their present. young man. This could be either the young man’s attitude or problems in bed. We also cannot exclude the possibility of a rich lover who fulfills the girl’s material whims. At the same time, sometimes they simply don’t think about the young man. But this rarely happens. Basically, the reasons for betrayal are banal: disrespectful attitude, neglect, reluctance to improve quality intimate life. You can argue and condemn as much as you like, but infidelity, both on the part of the girl and on the part of the man, as a rule, both are to blame. And one more question that worries many: how often do girls cheat? In fact, debates about which sex is more promiscuous are useless, since I have always said and will never tire of repeating: there are plenty of both faithful and not-so-loyal people among both sexes. Therefore, you should not “cut everyone with the same brush” and offend your significant other with your mistrust. Appearances and manners can also be deceiving. Sometimes a girl with a playful character may turn out to be more faithful than some quiet woman who smiles shyly at you in the evening, while she herself is having an affair behind your back. In addition, betrayal is not nearly as common as some jealous people would like it to be. And, as we have already said, almost any betrayal has its own reasons.

How to avoid cheating

In the case of girls for whom “one man is not enough,” the question is rhetorical. Only if such a person loves you very deeply can you count on her loyalty. If not, then you will either have to come to terms with her adventures and wait for bright times to come, or send your friend to hell and not indulge yourself with illusions. If a girl has high material needs, you need to try to satisfy them, or the girl should also love you very much. In other cases, you just need to pay enough attention to your other half, take care of her, pamper her with affection and compliments, at least sometimes give gifts and spend more time together. After all, when a beloved man is nearby, any normal girl will not even think about cheating, simply because she doesn’t need anyone else. Conclusion: be close more often and do things together, discuss each other’s problems, being sincerely interested in the concerns of the woman you love. Well, I think now you understand why and how girls cheat. And as everyone knows: forewarned is forearmed.

When people talk about love, they mean the devotion of their partners. And creating love relationship, everyone hopes to be faithful. However, betrayal is becoming more and more common. Moreover, not only boys, but also girls can cheat. Why to the guy?

What is treason?

To understand why guys might be interested in this topic, we should consider what treason is in principle. Treason can be understood as:

  1. Sexual intercourse of a girl with another guy.
  2. Psychological or emotional desire to be with another man.

In other words, the girl is not completely giving herself to her boyfriend. She dreams, wants, or even already has sex with other guys. Everything that a girl gives to other men, she does not give to her partner. This is not only betrayal, but also a waste of valuable things that could bind the girl and the guy even more together.

Cheating is the same for everyone. However, many are beginning to separate male and female infidelity, they say:

  • A man cheats only physically.
  • A woman cheats emotionally.

A man can cheat with another girl, but this does not mean that he loves her. He's purely on physical level can satisfy its needs. If a woman cheats, it is often at the emotional level. That is, she must like her partner in order to agree to sleep with him. There is a deal of truth in it. However, there are also girls who also cheat only at the body level, without including the emotional sphere.

Cheating means giving to a third party what the partner should receive. This is why betrayal is so unpleasant: it was not he who received affection, love, sex, but another person.

However, betrayal still carries moral character. Society used to shame those who cheated on their spouses. Today, society no longer prohibits men from cheating, but it still reproaches women. However, the hour is not far when women will be able to cheat and be proud of it, showing off to their friends.

Why does a girl cheat?

Why does a guy need to know why his girlfriend is cheating? If he found out about infidelity, then he shouldn’t look into it, but just leave the cheater. And yet you should find out the reasons female infidelity. For what?

  1. So that the next girl doesn't cheat if the reason is the guy.
  2. To save the relationship if the guy wants to forgive the cheater.

So why does a girl cheat? There are actually a lot of reasons:

  • The girl doesn't love the guy. Relationships are not always built on love. Sometimes girls date just to not be lonely. You can meet “for a bet” or for the sake of revenge on another girl. For whatever reasons, a girl doesn’t go out with a guy, and if she doesn’t love him, she will definitely cheat on him.

If a girl doesn’t care what a guy thinks about her, then she may not hide her “trips to the left.” Similar situation often develops in relationships where a guy is madly in love with a girl and asks to date him, and she, simply out of pity or having nothing better to do, agreed to his proposal. While he is chasing her, she is interested in other guys.

  • The girl loves variety in sex. We can say that today “diversity” is considered fashionable. If previously only guys wanted this, now girls also make it their goal. I want to have sex with many guys, try new things and learn everything possible.

Such sexually liberated girls can also be found. However, they often propose to build open relationship. And this is the problem of the guy himself, that he wanted to build a serious, not an open relationship with her.

  • The girl takes revenge. If the guy himself cheats, and the girl finds out about it, then they may not break up. The girl will simply start cheating too if she doesn’t want to break off the relationship. She may be sad because her boyfriend is cheating on her, or she may be angry because this fact. Sometimes partners build an open relationship, but in this case it is difficult to call “going to the left” cheating.

If a guy is happy with an open relationship, then he chose the right way. However, if a guy needs you, then you should first think about your behavior. If you don't want to be cheated on, then don't cheat yourself. And it’s better to always start a relationship when you need it, and with a girl who is really interesting and loved to you.

  • The girl is looking for emotions. Modern guys consider it necessary not to show off theirs. They confess their love, give gifts, but do not show their feelings, giving emotions quite rarely. And the girls begin to experience a shortage. If at first the girl endures, then soon she will not stand it. She cannot live without emotions that she does not receive from her partner.

Experiencing a lack of love, a girl can pay attention to a man who will begin to court her. It is much easier to remain faithful to a girl if her partner gives her emotions. However, if there is an excessive deficit of love, she may doubt the need to be faithful if another man begins to court her beautifully and romantically. Guys who do not give feelings to their young ladies should know this.

  • The girl is looking for attention. One of the common mistakes guys make is that as the relationship progresses, they stop paying enough attention to their ladies. If at first they walked a lot, talked often, he gave her gifts and compliments, then he stops doing this. As soon as sex has happened, the guy has had enough of the girl, he begins to devote time to work, friends, partying and drinking.

If a girl starts to get bored and long time being without a boyfriend, then she begins to doubt her need for a partner. If he does not give her attention, emotions, does not give compliments, does not rejoice with her, does not spend leisure time together, then it turns out that their relationship is somehow inferior.

But this is the mistake of many guys who think that they only need to try at the beginning of a relationship. Make no mistake. If earlier girls were condemned for cheating, then modern ladies are becoming ambitious young ladies and bitches who must think about themselves. And if a guy does not pay attention to his beloved, then she may perceive this as his lack of interest in her. So she cheats.

  • The girl is tired of excessive love guy. It turns out that too much love from a man is also tiring. If he calls 5 times a day, constantly monitors a woman’s movements, lavishes her with gifts, repeats his love many times, does not let her out of his arms, constantly kisses and demands sex, is ready to leave work just to be with his beloved more , then over time the young lady gets tired of it.

Undoubtedly, it’s nice when your partner pays attention. However, moderation is needed here. There should be neither more nor less attention, love, affection and other pleasant moments, since any extremes lead to betrayal. A girl wants to cheat on a guy who gives her everything and throws the whole world at his feet. Such generosity only becomes tiresome and boring over time.

If you love girls, then don't give them gifts pleasant moments. Sometimes step back, mind your own business, communicate with other people so that your world does not become fixated on your partners.

  • . If the relationship between a guy and a girl is platonic, without sex and bodily pleasures, then soon the young lady will begin to cheat. She may not refuse her boyfriend, but she won’t infringe on herself either.

How can relationships be built without sex? This happens when a guy is shy or afraid to take the first step. But the girl is waiting for this, so that the guy wants her. As long as he doesn't want her, she will wait. And if he does not show sexual desire for too long, then she will soon begin to consider him impotent.

If a girl is interested in a guy in some way, she will not break up with him, but she will definitely start cheating on him. And if a guy doesn’t attract a lady in any way, then she will break up with him altogether due to lack of sex.

  • The girl seeks pleasure in sex. Unfortunately, there are guys who don't bother to satisfy their girls in bed. They have sex, achieve orgasm, and in order to bring the girls to a “happy ending”, they either do not have enough experience or have some problems.

If a guy does not want to satisfy his girlfriend, then she will quickly eliminate this flaw in bed with another gentleman. If a guy understands that he is doing something wrong, which is why his lady does not achieve pleasure or orgasm, then he can solve this problem himself or together with her.

It is better if the girl knows that the guy wants to correct the situation. Together they make her happy, rather than him quietly trying to cope with his shortcomings. The girl must clearly understand the situation, otherwise she will think that the guy doesn’t care about her and will go to seek solace on the side.

  • A girl meets a guy for money and gets sex on the side. Here, as the girls themselves say, it doesn’t matter how handsome the rich suitor is. If he has money, then you can already meet with him, so that he gives expensive gifts, takes her to restaurants and nightclubs, takes her to the sea, etc.

Let the rich guy be fat, ugly, unkempt. The girl will close her eyes to everything. She is not sexually attracted to him, she different ways trying to avoid sex with him. However, intimacy is needed, and she gets it with those guys who, although not rich, are attractive and sexy.

Bottom line

Girls can also cheat, since morals have long changed. If guys allow themselves a variety of sex, then girls will start to have sex. And if a guy wants to find a faithful girl, then he should eliminate the reasons that lie within him, so that even the most faithful lady is not provoked into betrayal.

Infidelity is always painful. However, it does not cause such discomfort to anyone as to a deceived man. Knowing why girls cheat will help keep you warm family relationships and prevent the couple from breaking up.

Males and females look at some things completely differently. Including treason. For the first ones, this is physical contact, a tribute to nature, for the second - an emotional connection. It is important to set clear boundaries from the very beginning of the relationship so that everyone knows what is considered cheating.

Why girls cheat: features of female infidelity

There can be several reasons for female infidelity - fear of age, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence. It is always important for a girl to be beautiful and attractive.

30 years and older - crucial moment when the fair sex needs attention most. They, like cats, begin to seek affection, confirmation of their own sexuality. However, men believe that a married lady who is satisfied with her marriage will not commit adultery and a casual relationship is a sign of young, mentally unbalanced women.

Relations between the sexes remain normal as long as the emotional, ethical, and sexual needs of the partners are satisfied and they understand each other.

Why do girls cheat?

To understand why women, you need to know the "law of psychological betrayal." According to him, over time, the attention of a partner becomes addictive, and we gradually stop responding to it. Everything becomes familiar, patterned. The attention of another person from the outside is more unexpected and is perceived much more emotionally.

If a man stops treating a girl less attentively and having sex with her, she may interpret this in her own way - he himself is cheating on her. Accordingly, the ground begins to “prepare” for the commission of sin in revenge.

There are girls who are capable of starting a non-binding romance, but who will never leave the family. In any case, all excuses and justifications ultimately come down to one thing - dissatisfaction (in relationships, sexual).

Reasons for female infidelity

There can be many reasons for female infidelity, but according to experts, women are more often driven by emotions. A girl can put up with some of her partner’s shortcomings, but if a man shows indifference to her, she has a desire to make up for their lack. As women age, they lose self-confidence, and cheating helps them believe in their own capabilities.

It also happens that in married couples sex happens according to a schedule or they forget about it altogether. For some time, the woman will endure, feeling sorry for her husband, but, in the end, her patience will come to an end. This is how a lover appears. However, this does not mean at all that she simply does not consider the very fact of intimacy with another person to be treason.

The cause of female infidelity may be desire beautiful life. The man nearby is a transit point. As soon as a more “worthy” one with money appears on the horizon, she will immediately forget about the first one.

An offended girl is a vengeful lady. If a loved one cheated on her, then under the influence of emotions she is ready to take a desperate act, which she will later regret or completely satisfy her ardor.

It happens that a guy can’t muster up the courage to seduce his chosen one, so he delays the moment as long as possible. The girl is burning with passion, but does not want to seem easily accessible. After some time, interest in such a man cools down, since relationships without bodily pleasures are practically impossible.

The cause of female infidelity can be sexual dissatisfaction. IN in this case there may be physiological problems in a man, inexperience, etc. An excess of attention can be a factor in infidelity. Girls quickly get bored with endless declarations of love, constant care, and unlimited text messages. Everything is needed in moderation, and sometimes less.

If you and your partner are like-minded people, strive to diversify each other’s lives, have common hobbies, topics for conversation - you definitely don’t need to look for something new on the outside. So dream, act, and best of all, work on your relationships.