Lesson September 1st academic year. How to plan class topics for the school year

Alena Ruchyeva
September 1, 2017–2018 academic year. Class hour for 2nd grade students “Russia, looking to the future”

Class hour

Subject. Russia, looking to the future


1. Acquisition by students of new knowledge not included in curriculum;

2. Formation of a position towards various phenomena surrounding reality;

3. Developing the habit of thinking about your life, behavior, actions, the skill to be fruitful

Progress of the class hour

No. Teacher's speech

1 slide Good afternoon, Dear Guys! Congratulations on your start school year! Exactly one year ago, 1 September, ours was born great team . And today we have already entered our second year. Over this year we have grown and matured. Each of you has become a year older.

Now in our second class _ students- _ boys and _ girls. Some of you are 7 years old. Some are already 8. Ours general age- _years.

Today, on the Day of Knowledge, all the children in our country, by decree of the President, have a single theme class hour. Now you can guess which one for yourself!

Slide 2 Look carefully at the screen. Please name it in one word. There are symbols in front of you, symbols of what? (RUSSIA)

Slide 3 White clouds, blue water, red fire. What do these colors remind you of?


5 slide Spasskaya Tower, president, Kremlin, coat of arms. Where is it, in what city?

6 SLIDE (MOSCOW) Yes, it's impossible to imagine Russia without its main city, the capital.

7 SLIDE What unites all these images?

Guys, have you guessed what we will talk about today?

Slide 8 Solve the puzzle and find out the exact name class hour. Match the numbers with the desired letter.

Slide 9 « RUSSIA, FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE» . What means future?

Slide 10 Now, in the present, Russia-this is the most big square territory, the world's largest area of ​​tundra, taiga, permafrost, Arctic lands. The largest area of ​​forests and black soils (fertile lands)

11 slide Russia ranks 1st in the world in oil production

12 slide 1st place in the world in reserves drinking water and forest resources

13 slide 1st place in the world in the production of rye, sugar beets, sunflowers, buckwheat, currants, raspberries.

Slide 13 In the nuclear industry Russia is considered a world leader in terms of scientific and technical developments.

14 slide Very strong position Russian The Federation occupies a position in the field of space exploration.

Slides 16-24 Do you know what professions people are behind all these achievements? Crossword"Do we know the professions"

Slide 25 Guys, who will you be, who do you dream of becoming?

The little man grows, develops, becomes a citizen of his country; from a small seed grows a beautiful tree, a flower... But look: the seed must be watered, the little man needs care, protection, development of abilities, and only then he will become a citizen.

People have this expression: A person must plant a tree and build a house. What does this mean? Of course, and a literal tree. Each of us should take care of nature. Must love and preserve her. In their dacha or garden, everyone takes care of their own seedlings and seedlings, their own flowers and berries. He tries to water them, weed them, and remove excess dirt. And in nature, when you go on a picnic or pick mushrooms, or go fishing. How many of you pick up trash after yourself? How many of you put out the fires on which you cooked your kebab?

But there is also another meaning to “plant a tree.” This is to enable a new generation to grow and become a new tree of life, the Tree of Life. Your great-grandparents are the roots, your grandparents are the trunk, your parents are the branches, and you are the leaves. But, every branch and twig, every leaf must contribute to best sequel life. How to do this?

Today I invite you to plant a tree of ours future.

Today you are children sitting at their desks, and tomorrow you are doctors, musicians, programmers, teachers, military men, engineers.

I suggest you sign your piece of paper and continue the phrase on it "When I grow up, I will become...". (glue the leaves)

Slide 26 Shout with flags "I live in Russia»

Now let’s check your attentiveness using checkboxes. When I raise the white flag. Tell me together "I", blue - "LIVING", red - "IN RUSSIA» .

Slide 27 It’s for you to live in the country future. You are the foundation of our state

Slide 28 And what our planet will be like depends only on you!

Slide 29 Guys, everything is in your hands!

Slide 30 To new achievements, to new victories, and to new knowledge!

Publications on the topic:

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Class hour is a flexible form of communication between teacher and students, when students are involved in a particularly structured activity that helps them form the correct system of relationships to the surrounding space.

Class hour implements the following functions:

educational: the acquisition by students of new knowledge not included in the curriculum;

orienting: forming a position towards various phenomena of the surrounding reality;

guideline: application of acquired knowledge in practical life;

formative: developing the habit of thinking about your life, behavior, actions, skills for fruitful communication and argumentation own opinion.

A thematic lesson will be held in all schools to mark the start of the new school year. The theme of this year's lesson is: “Russia, looking to the future.”

September 1, Knowledge Day in the 2017-2018 academic year, in all schools countries will pass thematic lesson"Russia looking to the future."

In some schools, the topic is given by the principal or secretary. If not, then the teacher must choose the appropriate topic for the lesson. It could be on the following topics:




Most Popular patriotic theme. Especially in junior classes. Usually, at the first lesson on September 1, they talk about the significance of the country’s flag and anthem. This lesson has elements of education, the portal rsute.ru learned. But it is not always interesting and understandable to students.

IN last years The first day of September in Russian schools is not an academic day. It is rather an exciting moment of meeting new teachers, old friends, school yard etc. On Knowledge Day, it is customary to conduct the only Peace lesson, a single theme which is traditionally established by the ministry for all schools and classes. Most often, this is one of the global world problems, the essence of which teachers must convey to the children. And since it is not easy for 1st grade students to explain important things during the World lesson on September 1, 2017, we have to use a number of methodological techniques And age characteristics: interactive or game uniform conducting a lesson, presentation and other multimedia, visual materials etc.

The main goal of the Peace lesson is to instill patriotism and deep pride in their Motherland in every student.

But teachers of the youngest children also set themselves other tasks:

familiarize children with the concepts of “peace”, “homeland”, “native land”, “patriotism”;

explain the meaning of " white dove"as a symbol;

interpret the colors of the national tricolor.

Responsibility for the organization, preparation, implementation and results of such lessons lies with classroom teacher. The forms of activities are extensive and are determined by the age of the students, their individual psychological characteristics, experience and teacher choice.

It can be:



creative forms,


fun starts,


According to a long-standing custom, Knowledge Day in Russian schools takes place in the form of a single class hour on September 1, 2017/2018, at which mutual congratulations are heard, school-wide news is reported, and various speakers creative teams and authoritative persons, the necessary instructions are provided.

Single class hours are also held throughout the year with several classes of similar age categories per important topics: life safety;

significant events in the life of the school.

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In recent years, the first day of September in Russian schools is not an academic day. It is rather an exciting moment of meeting new teachers, old friends, the school yard, etc. On Knowledge Day it is customary to celebrate Classroom hour, a single theme of which is traditionally established by the Ministry of Education for all schools and classes. Most often, this is one of the global world problems, the essence of which teachers must convey to the children. On September 1, 2018-2019, there will also be a class hour that will unite students from all over the country on a topic no less important than in previous years.

From the history of Knowledge Day

Previously, in Russia, until the mid-30s, not everyone educational institutions The school year began on September 1. And only with the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of August 14, 1930, a single start date for the school year was established.

Officially, Knowledge Day was established on October 1, 1980. After ceremonial lineup Lessons of courage, peace, glory and defense of the Fatherland were always taught.

June 15, 1984 Presidium Supreme Council The USSR, by its Decree, declared September 1 as the Day of Knowledge and a national holiday. Timed to coincide with the beginning of the academic year in secondary and higher educational institutions, Knowledge Day is still celebrated in many countries post-Soviet space, where traditionally the educational process starts with the beginning of autumn (in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan).

Today, on the first day of September, ceremonial assemblies are held, and then schoolchildren go to their classes. On holidays it is not customary to study in the ordinary sense of the word. The guys will have some unusual activities:

  • peace lesson;
  • current class hour;
  • other interesting events.

What is a class hour?

Class hour is a flexible form of communication between teacher and students, when students are involved in special activities that develop their the right system relationships to the surrounding space.

Class hour implements the following functions:

  1. Educational: students acquire new knowledge not included in the curriculum.
  2. Orienting: the formation of a position towards various phenomena of the surrounding reality.
  3. Guide: application of acquired knowledge in practical life.
  4. Formative: developing the habit of thinking about your life, behavior, actions, the skill of fruitful communication and argumentation of your own opinion.

Thematic lessons September 1

A thematic class hour is held in all schools to mark the start of the new school year. On September 1, Knowledge Day in the 2017-2018 academic year, a thematic lesson “Russia looking to the future” was held in all schools across the country.

In some schools, the topic is given by the principal or secretary. If not, then the teacher must choose the appropriate topic for the lesson. It could be on the following topics:

  • patriotic;
  • educational;
  • free.

The most popular patriotic theme. Especially in the lower grades. Usually in the first lesson on September 1 they talk about the significance of the country’s flag and anthem.

What to tell the children? About how important it is to live in peace with each other and try to avoid war. Because Peaceful time is an opportunity to get an education, happy life, creating a family. Children can be shown photographs from those parts of the world where given time military operations are underway. States suffer from battles ordinary people and, of course, children.

Age of schoolchildren Suggested class topics
1 class “Getting to know the rules and daily routine at school
“Notes from the history and life of an educational institution”
"Famous Alumni"
2 – 6 grade "How I spent my holidays"
"I'm talented"
"Study and sports"
7 – 8 grades "Me and the Law"
"Older generation"
"Healthy lifestyle"
9th grade "My motherland"
"My future profession"
10-11 grades “Where should I go to study?”
“Who am I in politics?”

Teachers of the youngest children set themselves the following tasks:

  • familiarize children with the concepts of “peace”, “homeland”, “native land”, “patriotism”;
  • explain the meaning of the “white dove” as a symbol;
  • interpret the colors of the national tricolor.

The main goal of the Peace lesson is to instill patriotism and deep pride in their Motherland in every student.

Are you ready for work and defense?

One of the topics proposed for the first class hour of the year was “Ready for Labor and Defense.”

The abbreviation GTO is very familiar to parents of schoolchildren. IN Soviet times these letters were perceived casually, and they were proud of the insignia received during training. Return to topic patriotic education is gaining relevance again. In fashion and excellent physical fitness

In 2014, President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the return of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” system. According to Education Minister Dmitry Livanov, starting from 2015, the results will be taken into account when entering higher education institutions.

Form of conducting Peace lessons

The forms of activities are extensive and are determined by the age of the students, their individual psychological characteristics, experience and choice of the teacher.

It can be:

  • discussions;
  • competitions;
  • creative forms of activities;
  • games;
  • trainings;
  • fun starts;
  • excursions.

During thematic classes, teachers use a number of methodological techniques:

  • interactive or game forms of teaching;
  • presentations;
  • visual materials.

The class teacher is responsible for the organization, preparation, implementation and results of such lessons.

You can watch the class hour “I am talented” here:

Looking for aggravation political situation in general, more frequent Act of terrorism, mass riots and wars in the Middle East and Africa, I want to believe the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will not be devoted to discussing the next conflict in these regions and in the Donbass. Today everyone hopes that in the new school year, elementary school students, children from grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 will simply listen to stories about our planet and see presentations by older schoolchildren demonstrating the beauty of the planet using photos and videos. native land, the fragility of the Earth's nature. In grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the first lesson may cover the topic “War and Peace.”

Presentation for the lesson of Peace on September 1, 2017 for 1st grade

On September 1, 2017, on Knowledge Day, after the ceremonial assembly, the first teacher of the children who have just officially started school will invite all former preschool children to sit at their desks. What will the Peace lesson, which opens the new school year, be devoted to? Of course, getting to know school rules, teachers, other teachers. After this, 1st grade students will listen to the teacher’s story about their homeland and its importance for each of us. During his narration, the teacher will give a presentation about the anthem, the flag of Russia, and talk about the importance of maintaining peace between representatives different nations such multinational country, like ours.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - Examples of presentations for 1st grade

The tradition of holding a Peace lesson on September 1 lives in Russia and some CIS countries, former republics USSR, since Soviet times. It was in 1939 that this date marked the beginning of the greatest tragedy that occurred in the 20th century - the Second World War. Brutal, bloody battles lasted for almost six years in Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia. According to the latest (but, unfortunately, also inaccurate data), our country, then consisting of fifteen republics, lost more than twenty-seven million people. More large quantity people, including civilians and children, were injured and maimed. Only 10-15 years later it became possible to eliminate the consequences of the devastation caused by the battles of 1939–1945. Conducting a presentation on the prevention of violence and the desire of each of us to live, looking into a peaceful sky, the teacher will show the 1st grade students photographs of the war years. He will show boys and girls who have just sat down at their school desks videos from the “hot” spots of our days, talk about the importance of sincere and good relations between people, starting back in early childhood.

Peace lesson in elementary school - September 1, 2017 in grades 2, 3, 4

Conducting the first lesson in primary school, the teacher can invite people who have been involved in hostilities recently to visit children in grades 2, 3 and 4. Unfortunately, the tradition of meetings with WWII veterans has practically become a thing of the past - since the end of last battles 72 years have passed since 1945. Few of them fearless warriors, who were then fighting for peace on Earth, lived until 2017. The lives of many veterans were claimed not only by the merciless time, but also by the wounds received during the battles. Today's soldiers and commanders defending the right to freedom of relatives in the East of Ukraine, Syria, republics African continent, can tell young listeners about the joy with which they greet liberators every time civilians cities where fighting.

I draw the word PEACE

The sun is shining above the earth,

Children play on the grass

The river is blue, and here it is -

The ship is sailing along it.

Here at home - straight to the sky!

Here are the flowers, and this is mom,

Next to her is my sister...

I draw the word "peace".

What is peace?

World peace is my dream,

Let people live as one family,

Let there be no more wars and guns

The mouth of the door will open in houses everywhere.

Love and trust are for me, and endless peace for the whole Earth!

The theme of the Peace lesson in grades 2, 3, 4 - September 1, 2017 in elementary school

When preparing a Peace lesson in elementary school, the teacher chooses topics that reveal the importance of preventing wars, which always lead to casualties. The teacher can tell students in grades 2, 3 and 4 about the glorious American woman - ten-year-old Samantha Smith. During " cold war" between Soviet Union and the United States of America, the girl was not afraid to come to our country. She was not afraid of made-up stories about Russian aggression. Relaxing in Artek with schoolchildren from different countries, she realized: not a single child on Earth wants war and death. Children's friendship can help adults look at the problem of maintaining peaceful relationships differently. Perhaps, having united, the guys by example They will show that for friendship there is no difference between religions, nations and gender of people.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - Knowledge Day in grades 5, 6, 7, 8

Speaking about the problem of peace and war, students high school They are already beginning to form their own thoughts. On Knowledge Day, in lesson 1 on September 1, children in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 can be asked to write a short essay on the topic “What is the world.” After the teacher collects and checks the students' work, the most interesting of them will be read aloud. The teacher can ask the children to express their opinions out loud regarding the conclusions of their friends at their desks. A discussion about peace and war, held on Knowledge Day, will help every child understand: war is the most terrible destroyer of their tomorrow, the world is the creator of the future.

Examples of Peace lessons and class hours - September 1, 2017 in grades 5, 6, 7, 8

Explaining to children in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 the meaninglessness of wars for ordinary citizens, the teacher will tell schoolchildren who benefits from the death of people, the destruction of entire cities and even states. These few dozen people, surrounded by a small group of minions, dreaming only of money, indifferent to the suffering of others, make billions of dollars in world wars. The statistics are frightening - the sale of weapons brings more profit than the illegal trade in hard drugs and people in all countries together. After the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, every child should understand: children have the strength to fight for life on Earth.

Peace lesson September 1, 2017 in high school

At the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in high school, it is customary to discuss not only wars that do not stop on the planet for a single day. Children in grades 9–11 can raise the topic of equality between the sexes, tolerant attitude to representatives of other religions and national minorities. A knowledge lesson can be devoted to environmental issues: The concept of “peace” refers not only to “non-violence”, but also to the purity of our rivers, seas, lakes, and unpolluted air. Each of us, through our actions, can preserve the beauty of the Earth and peace on the planet.

Examples of Peace lessons in high school with video - Topics for September 1, 2017

By their example, high school students can easily prove to other schoolchildren and adults that you can fight for peace not only with weapons in your hands. On September 1, 2017, they can hold actions in support of schoolchildren from “hot spots”, organize fundraising for the treatment of the wounded, and organize fairs and sales of homemade souvenirs. All proceeds will later go to those in need.

Conducting a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in 1st grade, the teacher can briefly tell her new students the history of our country, the flag of the state, and explain the words of the anthem. In his presentation on Knowledge Day, the teacher shows schoolchildren in grades 2, 3, 4 videos and photos from countries where shooting and the sounds of exploding shells are still heard today, children and old people are dying. On the first day of school P grown-up high school students, even boys and girls of grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, can help teachers themselves and spend a class hour in elementary school.

The beginning of the new academic year 2017-2018 is always very exciting and very important stage, which allows everyone to move on to the educational process as efficiently as possible after long period holidays and summer holidays. It is with the help of the correctly chosen topic for the first lesson that teachers and lecturers are able to choose the right direction to achieve positive results thanks to the correct mood of their students.

How to choose a topic so that the first lesson of 2018 remains in memory?

It should be emphasized that the first lesson in the 2017-2018 academic year should immediately set students on the “appropriate” note. On the one hand, the chosen topic should be motivational and spiritual, as this will help energize students to achieve positive results throughout the entire academic year. On the other hand, it is not possible to give preference only to topics of a motivational nature, since it must necessarily have learning goal. In addition, it is impossible to ignore the educational essence of the topic that is chosen for the first lesson of the school year. Thus, holding the first training session per year will help with three main pillars of modern educational process, that is, we are talking about training, motivation and education, so necessary for the young Ukrainian society. First of all, it must be emphasized that proposals for the topic of the first lesson will depend on the age of the participants. For example, the topics discussed will be different when talking about students primary classes, fifth to ninth grades and students high school, that is, 10-11 grades.

A space for discussion with primary school students

If we talk about what issues are recommended by representatives of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine for joint discussion during the first educational session of this academic year, then they will concern, of course, Ukraine and its place in political map Europe. The Ukrainian authorities actually propose to consider in detail the basic concepts associated with the path of our state to achieve its goals. In addition, during the first lesson with primary school students, teachers can discuss the topic of friendship and the importance of a sense of patriotism in modern conditions development of the country.

Possible topics to cover with students in grades 5-9

The topic of the first lesson in the 2017-2018 school year, which can be discussed with the teacher by students in grades 5-9, will also concern the Ukrainian-European issue. In this case, the topic will be more in-depth and serious, since during the first lesson it is recommended to conduct active dialogue and productive mental collaboration with students. The main goal of such classes this year will actually be to encourage students to evaluate, analyze and formulate their own statements regarding the proposed theses. During the first training session, you should become familiar with the historical and cultural character relationships Ukrainian state and Europe, to determine the concept of Ukrainian citizenship and the representation of Ukrainians in modern European space.

What questions should be discussed with students in grades 10-11?

Considering the sufficient knowledge that high school students possess, representatives of the Ukrainian educational industry offer teachers a choice of one of the more serious and difficult topics in order to conduct the first lesson of this school year as efficiently and positively as possible. Thus, the topic of the first lesson in the new 2017-2018 academic year may concern not only the relations of the Ukrainian state and modern Europe, but also extremely difficult period in the history of the country called the Revolution of Dignity. In addition, students in grades 10-11 can be asked to present their own vision of how they imagine the development of the future Ukrainian state in modern conditions.

In fact, no matter what topic is chosen for the first training session, depending on the age category and experience of the participants, main goal the triune basis remains not only in teaching something new, but also in development and education. Discussing an important and sometimes sensitive topic together in class can really help modern to the younger generation to form a worthy and correct idea of ​​what path our Ukraine is on.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this school year is intended to better and more effectively transfer the initiative in presentation and discussion during the first lesson to students, especially when we're talking about o 5-9 and 10-11 grades. In this way, teachers will be able to motivate and inspire their students to correct formation own opinion regarding serious and relevant topics for the Ukrainian state.