Myers Briggs personality types deciphered. Myers–Briggs Typology Test

Organizational behavior: textbook Spivak Vladimir Aleksandrovich

2.6. Popular Myers–Briggs personality model

Let's consider research opportunities personal properties and predicting behavior based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a very popular model in the USA, by the famous management specialist R. Daft.

The MBTI uses 4 pairs of attributes to help identify one of sixteen various types personality.

1. Introversion - extroversion: indicates the source of mental energy. Extroverts (E - extroverts) gain energy from interacting with others, while introverts (I - introverts) gain energy by focusing on their own thoughts and feelings.

2. Sensory - intuition: indicates how a person processes information. People with sensory preferences (S - sensing) collect and process information using the five senses, while those belonging to the intuitive type (N - intuition) start from a holistic image. For example, the latter concentrate more attention on structures, relationships and guesses than on elements and details.

3. Thinking - Feeling: This pair of characteristics determines what role emotions play in decision making. People with a priority in the field of feelings (F - feeling) are guided by their values ​​and concepts of right and wrong; in addition, they take into account emotional reaction others on the decision being made. People of the thinking type (T - thinking) try to be objective and strive to logically justify their decisions.

4. Decisions - perception: indicates the attitude towards ambiguous situations and the speed of decision making. “Judging” individuals (J – judging) love accuracy and certainty. They enjoy setting goals and summarizing results; they make quick decisions based on available data. On the contrary, “perceiving” (P - perceiving) are prone to uncertainty and do not like summing up the results; During the decision-making process, they may change their point of view several times. A person of this type usually collects and processes a large amount of information before making a decision.

Various combinations of these characteristics form 16 personality types. A person’s weaknesses and strengths are determined by the preferences he gives to introversion - extraversion, sensory - intuition, thinking - feelings, decisions - perception. People who are aware of their preferences can change them in the process of learning and gaining life experience.

Here are figurative generalized (in slogan format) characteristics of each of the 16 types:

1. ISTJ: Natural organizers of life.

2. ISFJ: Dedicated to their job.

3. INFJ: Inspiring leader and follower.

4. INTJ: Free thinkers of life.

5. ISTP: Just do it.

6. ISFP: Actions speak louder than words.

7. INFP: Make life more enjoyable.

8. INTP: Life Thinkers.

9. ESTP: Seize the moment.

10. ESFP: Let's make work more fun.

11. ENFP: People are the result.

12. ENTP: The result is progress.

13. ESTJ: Natural leaders.

14. ESFJ: Everyone's friend.

15. ENFJ: Sweet-tongued exhorters.

16. ENTJ: Natural born leaders.

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Hamlet, ENFJ (approximately 5% of the American population)

ENFJs are known for their love of people. First among their priorities are

relationships with people, caring for others. ENFJs love life and are aware of their

involvement in everything that surrounds them.

They are often idealistic and loyal to their values. ENFJs are usually

devoted to what deserves their respect. They are energetic, often exalted,

but at the same time, with a sense of responsibility, they consciously and persistently achieve their goal.

ENFJs are naturally self-critical. However, they respect feelings

people around them and rarely criticize in public. They are acutely aware of how

behave in a given situation and are themselves distinguished by impeccable behavior.

They have a certain charm, know how to present themselves and produce favorable results.

impression; gets along with people easily. They have an even character, they are tolerant of others and

They don’t like to create tension around themselves. They know how to behave diplomatically. This

born leaders who are popular. They are contactable and know how to clearly

express their thoughts and usually use this gift.

ENFJs often make decisions based on their personal feelings about the situation.

situations, sometimes ignoring the actual state of affairs. They are interested not only

obvious phenomena, but also their possible consequences, as well as to what extent these

the consequences may affect other people.

Extremely organized by nature, ENFJs prefer to live in an orderly environment.

the world and expect the same from others. They feel good when all problems are solved, even if

they themselves do not take part in these decisions.

ENFJs are benevolent, empathetic, and a source of strength and support.

those around you. They understand people well, have a sense of responsibility and

caring about others. As a rule, they prefer to see in other people only

positive traits.

Possible weaknesses

ENFJs are so empathetic and caring about others that they take risks

take their problems and experiences too close to heart. Sometimes they're head over heels

They go into business that is not worth the time and energy spent. When something is not

it turns out that they are very shocked and disappointed. This may lead to

that they withdraw into themselves, believing that they are underestimated. They need to realize their

their own shortcomings as well as the shortcomings of the people they care about.

They need to learn to choose their battlefield and not expect fantastic results,

and limit your expectations to what is reasonable.

needs and problems. Because of their desire to avoid conflict, they sometimes support

relationships that cannot be called fair or equal. ENFJs are so anxious

so as not to upset others, not to accidentally hurt their feelings that are not noticed

obvious facts in situations that require a critical attitude. For ENFJs

it is very important to learn not to shy away from conflict situations, if possible

cope with them, because this is an inevitable side of any human relationship.

ENFJs often jump into new tasks with enthusiasm and sometimes

wrong assumptions or make bad decisions - after all, they should think

there is no time, and they simply do not have time to collect all the necessary information. Need to

slow down, slow down, pay more attention to the details of your plan. After waiting and

Having received all the necessary information, they will save themselves from possible mistakes.

Increased attention to emotions can lead to them escaping

logical consequences of your actions. If ENFJs try to pay attention

only to people, but also to facts that may influence their decision, it will benefit them

only for the benefit.

ENFJs are good at accepting positive reviews, however, critical statements in

they bear their address painfully and as a result may give the impression of being touchy,

easily vulnerable people. Even the most innocent criticism or kind criticism

they perceive motives as personal insult, often become indignant and angry. Their

reactions are sometimes so unexpected that others may think

completely absurd. In such cases, the ENFJ should stop, take a step back,

try to look at the situation objectively, and then give vent to your feelings.

If ENFJs try to hold back their emotions, important and useful messages will reach them.

information contained in any constructive criticism.

ENFJs, in their idealism, tend to see the world not as it is, but as it is.

I want to see him. They idealize relationships between people and thus put

putting yourself in a vulnerable position. They try to turn a blind eye to the facts that

contradict their beliefs.

ENFJs who don't learn to face unpleasant facts end up

because instead of solving their problems, they let everything take its course. To sum up

Having said that, it can be argued that ENFJs need to keep more than just their

hearts, but also eyes.

Dostoevsky, INFJ (Approximately 1% of the American population)

INFJs are residents of the land of ideas. They are independent, they think originally, strongly

feel, have strong principles and an integral nature.

INFJs believe in their own ideas and conclusions, despite being skeptical

others. They obey their gut instinct, which they value above opinion.

they see deep meaning in things and actions. They also highly value their insights,

even if others do not share their enthusiasm.

INFJs are idealistic and dedicated to an idea. With calm persistence they

ensure that their ideas are accepted and put into practice. IN

In people they respect the integrity of nature. Their determination sometimes reaches such a degree that

which turns into stubbornness. Through the strength of your convictions and the desire to act

for the benefit of others, INFJs can become outstanding leaders. Their activities are often

receives recognition from society and various honors.

INFJs strive for harmony and agreement and try to convince people that they are right. They

attract people to their side not with shouting and threats, but with approval and praise. INFJ


Generally, INFJs are happy to decide difficult tasks. The more difficult the task, the

She captivates them more. They usually think carefully about their actions and so

go deep into some problem that for some time they can’t do anything else


INFJs are able to empathize and sympathize with others and are driven by a strong desire

contribute to the common cause. They are sensitive to the interests of others and often

They get along very well even with difficult people. INFJs themselves can be

deep, complex personalities. They can be closed at the same time and always

ready to open their souls to those they trust; be very vulnerable and possess

strong character. As a rule, they give only to a small circle of old friends

warmth and love.

Possible weaknesses

Because INFJs tend to get caught up in their ideas, they can sometimes be impractical.

or they neglect small details that are boring but require attention. Paying

more attention to real details, INFJs are more likely to realize their creative

Devotion to their principles can develop tunnel vision in them. They can

stubbornly resist change and refuse to change a decision once made.

Sometimes they tend to ignore facts that do not support their position, or

resist ideas that conflict with their values. They may turn a deaf ear

objections of others only because they consider their position indisputable. INFJ would be

It is useful to look at yourself and your activities from the outside, as if with different eyes.

Sometimes INFJs can be too intransigent when defending their point of view. They all

They strive for perfection and are sometimes too sensitive to criticism.

Despite the fact that people of this type strong will, they often do not know how to behave in

conflict situations and, if the conflict cannot be extinguished, there are strong

disappointed, even to the point of disappointment. The more objectively the INFJ approaches

themselves and their relationships with others, the more they protect themselves from

such troubles.

Huxley, ENFP (Approximately 5% of the American population)

ENFPs are full of enthusiasm and new ideas. Optimistic, spontaneous, confident

themselves, creative natures, they have an original mindset and a keen

sense of perspective. ENFPs view life as an exciting show.

ENFPs have a strong interest in a variety of events and phenomena and

They try not to close off any prospects for themselves. They are receptive and vigilant

observers, from whose attention nothing escapes that does not fit into the

the framework of the ordinary. ENFPs are inquisitive; they prefer to comprehend rather than judge.

Endowed with a rich imagination, able to adapt to circumstances,

lively, quick-witted ENFPs value inspiration above all else, and often

They make talented inventors. They are often nonconformists. Nobody

He doesn’t see them better, how something can be done in a new way. ENFPs open up new paths for

thoughts and actions... and they leave them open.

Implementing your innovative ideas ENFPs rely on their impulsiveness

energy. They are extremely proactive and enthusiastically take on new solutions.

tasks. They are charged with energy from communicating with people and successfully combine their

talents with strong qualities others. ENFPs are charming, chubby vitality. TO

They treat others with sympathy, delicacy and warmth and are ready for everyone

to help. They often show miracles of insight and sensitivity and

help others achieve their goals. ENFPs try to avoid conflicts

prefer to make as many new acquaintances as possible and a lot of effort and time

spend on maintaining personal connections.

Possible weaknesses

ENFPs come up with new ideas easily, but often find it difficult

focus on one thing, and sometimes they feel confused before

the need to make a decision. They see so many different

options and opportunities that make it difficult to choose the best. Often they go far

not the best choice or trying to do several things at once. Having learned more

carefully choose the point of application of their energy, ENFPs will save themselves from wasted

waste of time, effort and talents.

When starting any business, ENFPs are primarily interested in solving the very first task.

or inventing something new. They love to use their creativity

ability to the most important and complex aspects of the problem, after which they often lose

she's interested. Lack of self-discipline prevents them from finishing what they started. People

ENFP types take on a lot, but do not complete everything. Written plan

work would help them not to be distracted from the main task.

Generally, ENFPs are not very good. organized people. They would be very

useful to learn how to properly manage your time and organize your

activity. They usually do very well if they work in conjunction with

more practical partners. Moreover, this form of work is the most common

suits me because ENFPs don't like to work alone for long periods of time.

ENFPs are not very interested in small details. They themselves light up from the game

your imagination and perspective to create something original, and therefore not

burden themselves with collecting the necessary information to carry out this or that

project. Often, instead of making a plan or doing preparatory work, they simply

improvise, starting literally from scratch. Because of this, ENFPs are at risk of never moving forward.

from the stage " brilliant idea“or, having started the task, never finish it.

Restless and impatient, they are more likely to put aside some

uninteresting little things and will move on to something new or unusual. ENFPs act

It’s much more effective if you look closely at reality and

objective impressions are collected. Then their inventions and innovations become

great practical value.

Yesenin, INFP (Approximately 1% of the American population)

INFPs value inner harmony most of all. Sensitive, dreamy,

devotees, they are extremely jealous of their subjective values, and

often their actions are motivated by deep personal faith or devotion to the ideal

which they consider worthy.

INFPs are interested in developing what is already known. They concentrate energy on

your dreams, imagination; are open-minded, curious and

insightful and often able to look far ahead. In everyday life

they usually show flexibility, tolerance, adapt well to

circumstances, but are always extremely firm in their inner convictions and

They place very high - almost unrealistic - demands on themselves.

Serving ideals and principles fills almost the entire life of INFP people. If they

do something, they plunge headlong into this activity - and, despite the fact that

They take on a lot and somehow manage to accomplish it all.

They understand other people well, are responsive, have compassion and are very careful.

relate to other people's feelings. They avoid conflicts and never impose their own

opinion of others, unless we are talking about their values ​​and ideals. INFP is easier

express your thoughts and feelings not orally, but in writing. They can convince

defend your values.

INFPs rarely reveal the full depth of their emotions and often come across as

reserved and calm people. However, in the company of friends they are capable of being

relaxed and very sensitive. INFPs value friendships, but don't make too many.

a lot of acquaintances. They value very highly those who understand their values ​​and ideals.

Possible weaknesses

Since logic is not an INFP's priority, they sometimes misinterpret

interpret facts and are not aware that they are behaving inconsistently. When

dreams are too detached from reality, others may perceive them as

people with quirks. INFPs would do well to listen to more opinions.

practical people.

Due to their commitment to their own ideals, INFPs sometimes ignore other points

view and exhibit a certain conservatism. The reality around them

are not particularly interested, and often during their studies they do not notice that

happening around.

INFPs often think about their idea for much longer than necessary to

start any project. In their quest for perfection, they can polish and

it takes so long to polish off ideas that nothing is ever learned about them. This is dangerous

trend, as it is extremely important for INFPs to find a way to express their ideas.

To avoid the risk of disappointment, they need to work on themselves and more

focus on practical activities.

INFPs take their endeavors so personally that they become too vulnerable

for criticism. They place too high demands on themselves. It may

cause them to doubt their abilities when in fact they

able to achieve a lot. If they fail, they sometimes see the whole world in black

color. INFPs should try to develop a more objective view of themselves and

environment, so as not to be so defenseless both before criticism and


INFPs try to please many people at the same time, so they may encounter

difficulties by defending an unpopular position. They avoid criticizing others

it's hard to say no. If INFPs don't directly show their negativity

relationship, opponents may unwittingly get the impression that they agree with them,

and this will cause misunderstanding. INFP needs to develop more

determination, self-confidence. If they learn necessary and honest criticism, it will

will only benefit them.

Jack London, ENTJ (Approximately 5% of the American population)

ENTJs are outstanding leaders and have no equal when it comes to decision making. They are clear

see the consequences of events and options for their development and are ready to lead others.

These are talented thinkers and great planners of far-reaching plans.

Due to the fact that ENTJs are people with analytical warehouse wow, they're especially good

demonstrate their abilities in areas where a sharp mind and common sense are required.

Striving to be first in everything they do, ENTJs easily notice

vulnerabilities in any situation and find a way to eliminate them. They prefer

improve the system rather than leave everything as it is. ENTJ people enjoy

special pleasure in solving complex problems and striving for excellence in those

areas that interest them. ENTJs value truth above all else and only listen

to logical arguments.

ENTJs are constantly striving to expand their knowledge and use systems approach To

exploring new areas. They enjoy solving complex theoretical problems.

They are much more interested in the consequences than in the present state of affairs.

Natural leaders, friendly and straightforward, ENTJs are able to take charge

control any situation in which they may find themselves. They are good organizers, so

how they have the ability to see far ahead and clearly explain their

representation. They prefer to adhere to rather strict and rigid principles in life.

rules and demand the same from others. They give their all to the cause and expect

that others will also work under such stress.

Possible weaknesses

Driven by the desire to quickly move on to the next task or more important goal,

ENTJs sometimes jump to conclusions. They should slow down from time to time

pace to collect all the necessary data and think through the consequences of your actions

both at work and in personal life. Action orientation forces them

get down to business immediately instead of stopping, double-check everything

facts and circumstances relevant to a particular issue.

Due to the fact that ENTJ people are guided by logic in all matters of life, they

by nature they can be tough, direct, impatient and indifferent to needs

and the feelings of others, if they do not see any logic in other people’s emotions. ENTJs can be

Great arguers, they can be difficult to get along with. Often they don't recognize

sensible advice from outsiders. Instead of criticizing everything, they

You should listen to the opinions of others and express gratitude to them for their participation.

ENTJ people need to make it a rule - take their time, listen to the opinions of others,

before rushing forward with your ideas. They should curb their desire

dictate your will to everyone and suppress everyone with your authority.

Objectivity in the perception of life does not allow ENTJ people to delve into emotions,

makes it difficult to show tolerance or empathy towards others. Because ENTJs don't give enough attention

attention to their feelings or do not express them, their emotions may get out of hand

control. This is especially dangerous if it seems to them that someone, and God forbid, dear

person will begin to question their competence. The most insignificant

it would seem that incidents are capable of causing an outburst of emotions in them, and these outbursts can

hurt loved ones. ENTJs will mess up much less, and they will also hurt themselves

There is less harm if they try to sort out their feelings. Having learned to express and

control your emotions at the same time; as a result, they will remain masters

positions, and this is exactly what corresponds to their nature and what they constantly strive for

strive. Oddly enough, ENTJ people may not actually be like that.

experienced and knowledgeable, as their self-confident appearance may seem. Having accustomed

themselves to use the advice and help of others, they will only strengthen their personal

influence and achieve great success.

Robespierre, INTJ (Approximately 1% of the American population)

INTJs are people who strive for perfection in everything. In achieving their goals they

driven by an unquenchable thirst for independence, knowledge, as well as a strong belief in one’s

original ideas.

Logical, critical, and inventive, INTJs are capable of

see the consequences of any changes and, as a rule, ensure that

theoretical constructs have found concrete embodiment. They are demanding of themselves and

others, they try to burden not only themselves, but also those around them with work. There aren't too many of them

hurts other people's indifference or critical attitude towards oneself. INTJs are the most

independent of all personality types and prefer to always do things their own way. They

usually do not stop in front of obstacles. Someone's authority is in itself for them

doesn't mean much, they can only accept other people's rules if they see

them for the benefit of their main goal.

INTJs have an original mindset, the ability to penetrate deeply into the essence of things

and rich imagination, so they often take part in brainstorming sessions. They

theorists by nature and are excellent at operating with complex, global concepts. They

good strategists and, as a rule, clearly see all the advantages and disadvantages of a phenomenon or

Problems. In areas that are of particular interest to them, they can

prove themselves to be good organizers, deep and insightful. In your own

They can put all their strength, energy and perseverance into an invention or project. Many

they achieve success thanks to their determination and perseverance in achieving

Possible weaknesses

Excessive demands on themselves sometimes cause INTJs to overestimate their own and

other people's opportunities. They don't care whether their standards match those of others;

Only one's own standard matters. They don't care how they behave

will affect others. When making comments, they can afford to be rude. They are not

welcome others' attempts to challenge their views or express personal feelings towards them

attitude. Because they don't care too much about how they are treated, they may

It is a mistake to assume that others are equally dispassionate. They need to learn

accept the emotions of others and recognize that these emotions have a right to

existence. This way they can avoid judgment from others and unnecessary insults.

Because INTJs place too much importance on their own

foresight and promising ideas, they might miss important facts, miss

weaknesses of their ideas and delay their practical implementation. The more

facts will be in their arsenal, the easier it will be for them to convince others of practical

the meaning of new ideas. INTJs need to simplify their complex theories and learn

present them more clearly.

INTJs often prefer to work alone and sometimes neglect participation and

the help of other people. Outside advice will help them quickly draw conclusions about

practical suitability of the projects being developed.

INTJs will achieve great success if they decide to entrust non-essential work to someone else.

others, and they themselves will do only the most important things. This will help them overcome

excessive stubbornness and desire to take control of everything. Showing great flexibility,

they will be able not to get distracted by trifles, to focus on the main thing, and as a result

society will benefit more from their innovations.

Don Quixote, ENTP (Approximately 5% of the American population)

ENTPs are not afraid of challenges and do not like to be bored. They are energetic and inventive, intelligent and

lucky, love to talk. They constantly strive to improve their

professional level and personal influence.

ENTPs are adventurous by nature. They are passionate about new things and don’t like to miss out on anything.

possibilities; very proactive and act under the influence of strong creative

impulses. ENTPs value their own inspiration above all else and strive to embody

life your original ideas. They are inquisitive, versatile, flexible,

receptive people, very inventive in solving complex practical and

theoretical problems.

ENTPs have a lively mind and openly express their opinions, quickly finding

vulnerabilities in any project or situation and often enjoy

your ability to put forward convincing arguments for or against. They have

Excellent analytical skills and able to think strategically. They

They can almost always give a logical reason for anything.

Most ENTPs like to test their inhibitions and often

come to the conclusion that many rules and restrictions exist only to

so that they can be changed, if not broken altogether. Sometimes they deny

generally accepted order of things, encourage others to ignore what is already

accepted rules and often fail to meet expectations. They love to live freely, they are looking for

variety in everyday situations and enjoy it.

In relation to others, ENTPs behave as their imagination tells them.

As a rule, they have many friends and acquaintances. ENTPs have a sense of humor and

radiate optimism. They are charming, often the life of the party, their enthusiasm

is passed on to others, and they often invite them to cooperate. ENTP is wrong

strive to give people their assessment of how to understand and adapt to them.

Possible weaknesses

Because ENTPs value the most creativity, they can sometimes neglect

using conventional methods only because they are not original. Rejection of everything

true and standard results in the fact that important

details. Often they do not do the necessary preparatory work, but immediately

move on to the main thing. And as soon as the most basic problems are solved, they move on to

the next exciting task, without looking back at what has been done. People like this

like we should strive not to chase two birds with one stone, but to bring

started to completion.

ENTP people have a habit of talking like a machine gun, without giving the other person

insert not a word. They are straightforward and fair, but can be rude or

tactlessness, mindlessly criticizing others. They need to understand that feelings

those around you must be protected and respected, although it is not at all necessary to separate them.

ENTPs can be charming, funny, fun-loving, but sometimes insincere. Them

you should suppress the desire to adapt to others and play to the public. Them

You should sometimes reveal your true feelings to others.

The fact that ENTPs are reluctant to limit themselves to one activity is explained by

fear of missing out on other, more profitable and interesting opportunities. Their desire

catching on to several things at once can lead to the fact that it will not be possible to do them

rely and other people's plans will be in jeopardy. If ENTPs think more about

consequences of their actions, this will help them become more responsible and reliable.

The ENTP's innate liveliness and ability to anticipate events often leads to

that they sometimes mistakenly assume what the other person is going to say, and

interrupt him. If ENTPs calmly and carefully look at what is happening

around, listen to the suggestions and statements of others, this will help them

relieve yourself of reproaches for lack of tact and attention.

Balzac, INTP (Approximately 1% of the American population)

INTPs are those who engage in solving conceptual problems. This is the type

intellectuals who are characterized by a logical mindset and bursts of creativity


Outwardly calm, withdrawn, detached, INTPs are absorbed in the analysis of some

Problems. They are characterized by a critical attitude to reality, skepticism,

precision of wording. They try to find common principles for many of their ideas and

use them to explain your theories. They like to be present in their discussions

logic, prefer to touch on one specific topic and can argue until they get hoarse

for the sake of the argument itself. INTPs can only be convinced of anything by

logical reasoning.

Typically, INTPs are creative and original thinkers. They value their intelligence

energetically increase their professional level and are interested in increasing

professional skills of other people. What INTPs put first is not

is already known or obvious, and the opportunities that open up based on

achieved. They enjoy devising ways to improve things or

solving difficult problems. Their thought processes are extremely complex, it is easier for them

manages to systematize concepts and ideas on how to engage in organizational work with

people. Sometimes their theories are so complex that it is difficult for those around them


IN highest degree independent, INTPs enjoy the speculative and contemplative

activities. They tend to be flexible, have a broad outlook, and are interested in

searches for original, but at the same time sensible ways to solve problems, but not

how to implement these decisions in practice.

Possible weaknesses

Because INTPs rely only on logical analysis in everything, their attention

what matters to others may slip away. If something appears to them

illogical, INTPs are willing to reject it, even to the detriment of own interests. Them

you should try to find out for yourself what is really important, and then it will be easier not to

allow yourself to be at odds with your true feelings.

INTPs, like no one else, are able to find weak spots in someone else’s idea, but are very stingy with

praise. They can get caught up in some little thing and prevent the whole project from moving forward,

because they don’t want to see a single contradiction. Their critical directness for

those around him can turn into ruthlessness, albeit without malice. Them

you need to learn to be interested in what worries others.

Since INTPs are only interested in complex tasks, the routine steps that are inevitable in life

every job, they become impatient. They may lose interest altogether and even

abandon a case that consists of many small details or requires too much

close examination. If INTPs direct their energy not only inward, but also

outside, this will give them the opportunity to acquire enough practical knowledge, to

make your ideas acceptable.

INTPs sometimes experience something of an inferiority complex when they try to

life follow your own high requirements and achieve excellence.

If they learn to share their feelings with others, it will help them make more sense.

a real and objective view of ourselves.

Stirlitz, ESTJ (Approximately 13% of the American population)

Nobody better than people ESTJ type does not fulfill its plans. It is thanks to them that everything

spins and happens. You can rely on them, they treat their work conscientiously,

always fulfill their obligations. They love order in everything and remember a lot

details and can delve into any detail. They act strictly according to plan, as a result

which is what they achieve success.

ESTJs are driven by a desire to make decisions. Often these decisions are based on

their past experience. ESTJs are distinguished by a logical mindset, an objective view of

peace and analytical abilities, they also have the gift of persuasion. They listen

only to logical arguments.

ESTJs look at things realistically, are practical, and are not carried away by fantasies. What occupies them is

what really exists, what you can touch with your hands, and not abstract ideas and

theories. In general, what has no practical significance does not interest them. They

are well aware reality, their main concern is that

happens “here and now”.

In everyday life, ESTJs adhere to a certain set of rules, they

required and reliable. They tend to support traditions and are interested in

preserving already established institutions. They are consistent in

relationships with other people, although their own and other people’s emotions do not seem to them

just as important as other aspects of life. They are not embarrassed to evaluate others,

express their opinions out loud and are often supporters of strict discipline.

ESTJs are easy-going, sociable, open, and responsive. They are understandable to

those around you, because “what is in front of you is what really is.”

Possible weaknesses

Because ESTJs place strict ethical demands on themselves and others and

trying to impose their standard of behavior, they can create an impression of themselves

dictators. By being more flexible and open-minded, ESTJs can avoid being blamed.

in excessive severity.

While ESTJs have a knack for logic and objective analysis, they don't consider what

others will be influenced by a decision that is quite natural for them. They can

relate to both your emotions and the thoughts and feelings of others.

Critics by nature, ESTJs tend not to verbally express their praise for someone's

achievements and merits. It is advisable that they pay more attention

the talents and successes of those around them and were not afraid to express their approval to them.

Sometimes ESTJs get so carried away own affairs that they have no time to stop and

listen to someone else's opinion. It is not in their nature to ask the “what if” question, and therefore from

The hidden meaning, the second level of what is happening, often escapes them. The easy way

“take off the blinders” - breathe, pause and give others a chance to speak.

ESTJs often jump to conclusions instead of thinking carefully.

think through the situation. They should learn to deliberately postpone decisions until

how everything will be collected necessary information, especially alternative


Those ESTJs who can curb their desire to control everything and everyone who learn

see life not only in black and white, but in all shades - they will achieve more

flexibility and achieve greater success.

Maxim, ISTJ (Approximately 6% of the American population)

ISTJs are serious, sensible people with a sense of responsibility. On such

society holds on. You can trust them, they honestly fulfill their obligations. Their

the word is the law.

Practical ISTJs are matter-of-fact and meticulous. They are diligent, careful and methodical. They

have an unrivaled ability to concentrate. Whatever they are

were engaged, they will definitely bring the matter to the end, everything will be done in an organized and

reliably.. They are distinguished by clear, well-thought-out presentations, they are very

it is difficult to distract or cast doubt on what they are convinced of.

Calm and hardworking, ISTJs have a practical mind and a good memory,

especially in small things. They can convincingly justify their views and rely on

your experience when you need to make a decision. They highly value logic and objectivity.

analysis and know how to use them. They try to complete their tasks exactly on time.

They adhere to a certain system and order and are tolerant of those who

does not share their views.

ISTJs are cautious and traditional. They are good listeners and like clear and

clear wording. Their slogan is: “Say what you mean and mean what you say.”

ISTJs have an innate tendency to be alone and even in difficult times will remain

outwardly calm. These are people of duty, distinguished by constancy, but under their

a calm appearance can hide strong, although rarely discovered

Possible weaknesses

A common problem for all ISTJs is the tendency to get bogged down in small details and

daily turnover. As soon as they get down to business, they immediately lose flexibility and do not

willing to perceive a different point of view. They are sometimes skeptical about new

ideas if they do not see their immediate benefits. They need to think carefully

your plans from start to finish, paying attention to alternatives that

they might not have been taken into account before. ISTJs can improve their effectiveness in many areas

activities if they take the trouble to broaden their horizons and consciously calculate

consequences of your actions.

ISTJs do not always understand the needs of other people, especially people who are different from themselves. Because of,

that they do not like to show their feelings, they can give the impression of people

cold and indifferent. They need to express out loud praise to others more often, rather than

keep yours positive ratings with me.

Having a logical mind, ISTJs tend to demand the same from others. They

tend to impose their opinions on others and reject the views of less

persistent interlocutors. Sometimes they consider their opinion to be the only correct one and

more creative or innovative methods are dismissed. If they refuse

habits of rejecting untested or unconfirmed unusual methods, they

will develop greater tolerance towards people, and they themselves will be able to take advantage of more

effective options.

Hugo, ESFJ (Approximately 13% of the American population)

The driving force behind ESFJs is the desire to help people by solving problems.

specific problems. ESFJs have a sense of responsibility, they are friendly,


ESFJs place great importance on harmonious relationships with others;

They are, as a rule, sociable, talkative, helpful, and know how to behave. They often

idealize the object of their admiration. ESFJs really need to be

noticed and appreciated, so they are extremely sensitive to indifference

or critical remarks addressed to you. They often make strong judgments

They are determined and like to see things through to the end.

ESFJs are practical, have a sober outlook on life, and are organized. They

are attentive to important information and little things, remember them well and not

They love it when someone gets confused about facts. They reinforce their opinion or plan of action

personal experience or the experience of those who are completely trusted. They are clearly aware that

happening around them, they strive for active and useful activities.

A characteristic feature of ESFJs is conscientiousness, which is why they tend to be

bound" by a sense of duty and various obligations. They are the main support of any

organizations. Social connections are of great value to them, and they

try to maintain them at the proper level. They often outdo themselves in

trying to do something pleasant or useful for others and receive special

pleasure when you manage to settle troubles or organize a big celebration.

Possible weaknesses

avoid conflicts rather than resolve disagreements once and for all. Sometimes they pay

too much attention to the feelings of loved ones. When they are overwhelmed by worries, they may not

notice the obvious. It is advisable that they learn to resolve conflicts and

misunderstandings directly and openly, relying on your innate sensitivity, tact and faithful

tone even in the most difficult situations.

Wanting to please someone or provide a service, ESFJs often completely forget about themselves. Them

It can be difficult to say “no” or ask for help yourself just out of reluctance

to offend or disappoint someone. They usually find it unpleasant to express or listen to

constructive criticism - after all, they often take everything to heart. If they

If they feel that they are unable to change anything in their life, they may become despondent.

It is advisable that they look at their problems from the outside, without prejudice.

This usually helps them gain a fresh perspective on things.

While sincerely trying to help others, ESFJs are sometimes persistent,

help, they should wait a little and find out whether their services are really needed.

ESFJs often rush to make decisions, failing to see what is not in their hands.

surfaces; They don’t have time to think about the consequences of their actions. They are not

interested in finding new, extraordinary ways to achieve goals and can

appear inflexible. They should not rush to conclusions and not give up

new approaches to the problem. This way they can quickly find the optimal solution.

Dreiser, ISFJ (Approximately 6% of the American population)

ISFJs are loyal, dedicated, compassionate, and sensitive to

to others. They are conscientious, have a sense of responsibility and receive

It’s a great pleasure when they know that people need them.

ISFJs view life practically and have no illusions. What they value in people

modesty, prefer to communicate with balanced and calm people. They keep in

remember a huge number of facts and know how to use them; remember well

details and details. ISFJs try to thoroughly understand the task at hand, and

this phase of work does not irritate them. ISFJs prefer things that are clear and understandable.

explanations and formulations.

They take full responsibility if they see that their participation will actually be

useful for business. They approach problem solving systematically, but at the same time carefully.

working out the details. ISFJs tend to be conservative and traditional.

values. When making decisions, they rely on common sense, their prudence

inspires confidence.

ISFJ people are calm, modest, serious, and hardworking. They are distinguished by their soft

character, ability to empathize, tact. They are a good source of friends and

colleagues. They love to care for others and prefer to provide specific,

tangible help. They are sociable and treat people warmly. ISFJs don't usually exhibit

show off their emotions, but this does not mean that they are not capable of deep experiences.

They are protective and devoted to their friends, love to work and honestly

fulfill their obligations.

Possible weaknesses

Due to the fact that ISFJs live in the present, it can be difficult for them to see the situation in

perspective or predict possible developments of events, especially if

encountering difficulties for the first time. They may need help to look in

ISFJs are in danger of getting bogged down in the daily routine and endless

work, both their own and those for whom they feel responsible. Often they

overload themselves with work, preferring to take on everything themselves and do as much as possible

more carefully. Lacking self-confidence or prudence, they risk that this

some people can use it for their own purposes. They need to express their

demands, and not hide them “in a bottle”, so as not to find yourself in the role of those in need

in help. They will benefit from mentioning their needs and successes more often.

ISFJs often take a long time to understand technical issues.

details. Sometimes they try to plan everything down to the smallest detail and get very worried if

something unexpected happens. Therefore, it is important for them to learn not to waste their

ardor and not worry about trifles. Additionally, ISFJs need to find ways

make time for the rest and entertainment they so deserve.

Zhukov, ESTP (Approximately 13% of the American population)

ESTPs have no problems - they are always happy with everything! Active, easy-going

character, spontaneous, they enjoy the present and do not worry about

ESTPs look at things realistically and in understanding the world rely only on their feelings,

who are completely trusted. They are inquisitive and insightful observers.

They accept things as they are, are broad-minded and tolerant of

to others. They also accept themselves with all their shortcomings. ESTP people like

concrete things that can be touched, taken apart and reassembled.

ESTPs prefer to act rather than talk and solve problems as they come.

emergence, and very successfully, because they are able to perceive facts, and

then quickly find logical and reasonable solutions without wasting much time and

effort. They can conduct diplomatic negotiations, happily using

unconventional approaches, and are usually able to convince the other side or achieve

consent. They are able to grasp the basic principles and make decisions based on

rather based on logic than on your emotions. They are pragmatic and can be firm,

if the situation requires.

Well-meaning and charming, ESTPs are successful and feel good about themselves.

in almost any situation and in any company. They are sociable, versatile, funny,

They usually have stories and jokes in stock for all occasions. They

perform well when it is necessary to defuse a tense situation and

reconcile the conflicting parties.

Possible weaknesses

ESTP people tend to live for the moment and for the unexpected.

conflicts are responded to with “extraordinary measures”, which can create chaos for

those around you. Due to their inability to plan ahead, they may miss out on favorable opportunities.

possibilities. Sometimes they take on too much, overestimate their strength and

As a result, they cannot fulfill their obligations. ESTP people can be advised to:

peace; and also try to plan in advance how to finish the work on time.

ESTPs are sometimes dismissive of other people's feelings and can appear rude and

tactless due to the desire to always be honest. Their assertiveness can sometimes be

interpreted as bad manners and alienating the people they seek to entertain.

It will become easier to communicate with people if they try to combine their

observation and sensitivity to others. They are more successful when

relate their courage, energy and love of fun to the conditions in which

other people feel comfortable too.

In an effort to solve a problem as quickly and effortlessly as possible, ESTPs often

rush from one adventure to another, brushing aside what is not very

captivates. They should learn how to manage their time and also plan

long term plans. This would help them be better prepared to carry out their

tasks. They will be more successful if they slow down a little sometimes,

develop rules of behavior for themselves and think about what consequences may

lead to their actions.

Gaben, ISTP (Approximately 6% of the American population)

ISTPs are straightforward, honest, and pragmatic people. They prefer action to talking and

very unpretentious.

ISTPs are good analysts and are more interested in the objective basis of things and

phenomena. People of this type are naturally good at mechanics and usually

They work great with their hands. They often come to logical conclusions based on

own experience, calling things by their proper names.

Curious and observant, ISTPs only accept arguments that

based on reliable facts. They are realists and use them to their advantage

sources and resources available to them, and are also practical and good

sense of time.

Quiet and reticent, ISTPs can come across as cold and withdrawn. They

They are shy in communicating with everyone except close friends. ISTPs are not recognized

leaders above themselves. They are honest and fair, prefer relationships as equals,

quickly navigate the situation and immediately (sometimes impulsively) react to

change. Thrill And active actions charge them with energy. Usually they

They don’t like to sit at home and are fond of sports.

Possible weaknesses

Because of their habit of making decisions on their own, ISTPs often do not consult with anyone and

do not share important information, so people who are directly affected by it

remain completely unaware of what is happening. ISTPs are reluctant to share

impressions, feelings and anxieties - they simply do not see the need for this. Them

you should understand that others need and important to know what is happening to them. After all

sometimes only they can provide the most accurate information.

ISTPs are realists to the extent that they usually look for and find ways to solve any problem.

problems with little effort. They spend a minimum of time preparing for work and

They may not complete their plans at all, just to have more leisure.

Development detailed plan will help with all phases and components

overcome their inherent lack of initiative and the often-occurring cooling.

ISTPs perceive the world as “see-hear-feel” and prefer

open possibilities and options, and therefore in other situations may manifest

indecision. And the thirst for thrills can lead to recklessness or

rapid loss of interest in the matter. By setting goals and following through on them

obligations, they will be able to avoid the disappointments and dangers inherent in

careless lifestyle.

Napoleon, ESFP (Approximately 13% of the American population)

ESFPs are true lovers of life. They are bursting with energy and fun and their optimism.

decorate the lives of those around them.

Adaptable to any environment, easy-going, ESFP

They are benevolent, generous, and treat people warmly. They are extremely

They are sociable and often the life of the party. They enthusiastically participate in any

activities, and also play sports and often take on several tasks


ESFPs are keen observers and see and accept things as they are. They

completely rely on their feelings and experience and are not inclined to be satisfied

theoretical explanations. By giving preference to concrete facts and having

With a good memory for details, they learn best by doing. Common sense

helps them both in communication and in work. They come to conclusions based on

Forgiving of themselves and others, ESFPs do not seek to impose their will on anyone. TO

Tactful and supportive ESFPs are usually treated very well by those around them.

ESFPs have the gift of persuasion and are indispensable in resolving disagreements. They like

companies and are good conversationalists. They love to help others, but

prefer to provide specific, tangible assistance.

Spontaneous and charming, ESFPs love surprises and perform miracles.

ingenuity when they want to please others.

Possible weaknesses

For ESFP people, learning and enjoying life comes first, but sometimes

they do this at the expense of other responsibilities. A constant desire to communicate can

become a hindrance for them in other matters, and sometimes cause big troubles. This

addicted people, it can be difficult for them to force themselves to maintain discipline. Their

the tendency to constantly be distracted from completing the task at hand can develop into

laziness. Having learned to understand the priorities of your tasks and finding a reasonable

balance between work and pleasure, they will expand their capabilities and gain

foresight. Having learned to give “time to business, an hour to fun,” they will be able to

overcome your weaknesses.

They get so caught up in the minutiae of everyday life that they have no time for plans for the future.

future, and thereby expose themselves to the danger of being taken by surprise

changes. But they could be completely dealt with by thinking in advance how

act in a given situation. ESFPs need to learn

predict what might await them “around the corner” and develop

an alternative plan in case of trouble.

ESFPs tend to sometimes make decisions without considering the consequences. They are bigger

They trust their subjective feelings rather than objective information. They are like that

They value their friends so much that they are often ready to idealize them. ESFP is advisable to learn

take a step back and think through the causes and consequences of your actions, as well as

work on yourself to overcome your tendency to be indecisive. If they

If they follow our advice, then saying “no” will not be so difficult for them.

Dumas, ISFP (Approximately 6% of the American population)

ISFPs are gentle, caring, sensitive people, possessing extremely

strong personal principles that they do not shout about at every turn. Often they

express their emotions and passions not with words, but with actions.

Shy and reserved, ISFPs are actually warm-hearted and enthusiastic people, but

No one knows about this except those close to you. ISFPs are often misunderstood

due to the fact that they do not know how to openly express their feelings.

ISFP people are patient, flexible, get along well with others and do not

seek to impose their will or control the actions of others. They dont have

the need to evaluate others, they take the actions of others for granted. From

Neither people nor things escape their attention, but they do not look for hidden meaning in them.

Since ISFPs live in the present, they try to reduce the period to a minimum.

preparatory work or planning. They are able to calculate their

actions only very short term, and when they finish work, then immediately

They relax because they are focused on the “here and now.” They love to enjoy

“in the current moment” and are in no hurry to rush to the next thing.

They are interested in what can be learned and felt directly from experience. Often

these people have artistic taste. They strive to surround themselves

beautiful and pleasant things.

Having no need for leadership, ISFPs are often loyal followers

ideas, reliable team members. They approach life from their perspective

subjective values, and therefore prefer to communicate with those people who

will try to get to know them better and understand their ideals. Trusting by nature and

responsive, they need harmonious relationships with others and very deeply

experience conflicts and disagreements.

Possible weaknesses

Extremely impressionable, ISFPs become imbued with other people's problems and sometimes

get so carried away that they completely forget about themselves, get too tired and even

may get sick. Without refusing to care and help others, they must devote time and

for myself.

By focusing exclusively on the immediate, they can be short-sighted. More

complex problems leave them confused. Because they have no idea

it comes that a way out must be sought not only in the present, they, as a rule, lead to nothing

are ready in advance. They often find it difficult to organize their time and mobilize

resources. They need to learn to overcome their tendency towards sybarism and develop

ability to switch to other concerns.

ISFPs take criticism very sensitively, they are easily offended, and they often have

hands down. They may come across as too trusting people

because they don’t expect any tricks or hidden intentions from others. They need

pay more attention to your own needs and learn to understand your motives

behavior of others. The more objectivity and sobriety they show,

the better they will be able to understand the characters of people.

The article discusses the development of Jung's typology. The American and domestic branches of the development of his ideas are compared. The overlaps and divergences between socionics and MBTI are discussed.

Key words: Jung, socionics, MBTI, Myers-Briggs typology, tests, theory, distribution.

As you know, the analogue of socionics in the USA is the Myers-Briggs typology, which is often briefly called MBTI after the name of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) questionnaire - Today it is an officially recognized test and scientific direction in psychology. More than 3 million typings are carried out per year in the USA alone; 86 of the 100 largest companies form teams taking this typology into account.

Developing independently and, accordingly, having differences in terminology and models, socionics and MBTI still represent one scientific direction and coincide in the main thing: types and their descriptions. At the same time, many of the obstacles that socionics faces today are already a passed stage in the development and recognition of MBTI.

Socionics and MBTI, being in unrelated, parallel development, repeat the history of many exact and natural sciences, for a long time developing on different sides iron curtain or oceans. Examples of such development can be aircraft rocket science, cybernetics, genetics and many other sciences. Today we see that MBTI is more focused on practical application, socionics - on a deep study of the theoretical part, as well as on the development of additional models.

What is socionics?

T.N. Prokofiev describes the basis of socionic theory as follows:
“The socionics approach is based on the idea of ​​K.G. Jung about the presence of mental functions in a person, each of which performs its own work. K.G. Jung identified four mental functions: thinking, feeling, intuition, sensation, which can be considered as channels for perceiving, processing and transmitting information different quality. By analogy with the natural metabolism of cells, the flow of information coming to a person is split by the psyche into separate components. But not just any one, but a specific channel corresponding only to it is responsible for receiving and processing each of these components.”

In this regard, A. Augustinavichiute writes:

“The discovery of C. G. Jung is the discovery of a mechanism for selecting signals perceived by the psyche. This mechanism can be called the information metabolism (IM) code or the rules of the language through which information is transmitted.” Therefore, the second name of Socionics is “the theory of types of information metabolism.”

In socionics, Jung's mental functions are renamed by A. Augustinavichiute, and thinking, feeling, intuition and sensations are called logic, ethics, intuition and sensory, respectively.

“Having presented, following Jung, each of the four functions in an extroverted and introverted setting, Aushra received eight mental functions, which correspond to eight aspects information flow. The combination of computer science and psychology made it possible for Aušra Augustinavičiūta to build models of the structure of psychological types. Model A is built in accordance with the position of S. Freud's psychoanalysis on the structure of the psyche, including consciousness and the unconscious: ego - superego - id. The structure is depicted as two rings of functions. The mental ring reflects primarily the social in a person, the vital ring reflects the biological. The socionic model serves for reliable diagnosis of psychological types, as well as for determining the relationships between personality types» .

What is MBTI?

In 1921 K.G. Jung published a book called Psychological Types, the academic language of which was difficult for the layman to understand, and, accordingly, few could apply his ideas in practice. However, during World War II, two American women, Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katherine Briggs, developed an accessible way to use Jung's ideas in everyday life. Their goal was to give people the ability to easily determine their type without diving deeply into Jung's academic theory.

The Myers-Briggs Indicator has been the subject of widespread scientific analysis and study, sufficient evidence has been collected for the validity and reliability of the test (Carlson, 1985; Furnham & Stringfield, 1993). The Myer-Briggs Indicator Form G is based on Jung's teachings about personality types. Typing is carried out in a self-diagnosis format using a test printed on paper. It consists of 94 questions with a choice of one of 2 answer options. Based on these answers, preferences are determined according to the four dichotomies described in Jung’s theory: extraversion/introversion (Extraversion–Introversion), sensory/intuition (Sensation–Intuition), logic/ethics (Thinking–Feeling), rationality/irrationality (Judging–Perceiving). By the way, it should be noted that Russian word“irrationality” has a negative connotation, corresponding to the Russian “unreasonable”. "Form G" is the marking evolutionary development questionnaire, which went through several stages of clarifying questions based on the results of a scientific analysis of the methodology and results of this test. Thus, MBTI theory currently defines dichotomies, types (16), and several small groups have been described.

The MBTI test is the most popular test in the United States and, according to written sources, in the world. It is mainly used in business and education for more efficient work with students and employees in corporations. The test results are used primarily for career guidance, as well as to determine your leadership style and to form effective teams. Those. Most often, the test is financed not by the person being typed, but by an interested organization. There are special practices and exercises aimed at teaching workers how to use their strengths for more effective solution tasks and to better understand the actions and thinking of other team members.

The questionnaire is also informally used during hiring, although the MBTI organization itself is categorically against this and regards it as discrimination. In the USA, the resume does not indicate gender, age, nationality or skin color, because... If denied, the company may be sued for denial on grounds of discrimination, even if the person provided the information themselves. That is, for ethical reasons, the MBTI is considered a tool for improving the inclusion of people in the work process, and not for filtering.

It is important to note that MBTI is not a science, it is a product. It was created to make Jung's type theory accessible to people, and the result is a branded, proprietary test. The test has been developed for decades, tested and verified. But nevertheless, the test itself is a derivative of psychology, including Jungian psychology, which is developing and includes interpretations and analysis of the MBTI test.

The main development in the popularity of MBTI is thought to have occurred in the 1970s, with 1.5 million typings recorded in 1986 and 3.5 million typings in 2011. This means personal paid typing followed by work with a licensed specialist.

Anyone can obtain the right to use the test by completing a four-day training and briefly learning how to interpret its results. Mostly the target audience- these are trainers personal growth, corporate trainers and psychologists. Psychology in the USA is a licensed profession. Therefore, according to the law, in order to work with clients, you must constantly gain qualification points for professional education and pass exams every 5-10 years. The MBTI is part of the scoring system in psychology.

Similarities and differences

Over the past decades, many attempts have been made to link these two systems. We would like to present the resulting conclusions from an article by Lithuanian researcher Lilita Zelita from 2014 in the journal “The humanities and social studies”.

Lilita Zelita has studied more than a hundred works of socionic researchers and more than sixty works of MBTI specialists. General conclusion sounds like this: “Socionics and MBTI have a common theoretical base (C. G. Jung’s Theory of Psychological Types), a general description of the main dichotomies, partially divergent functional models and common final results (16 types and their characteristics). Both theories do not contradict each other, but are mutually complementary, and thus can be used to better understand oneself and others in everyday situations, in the family, in education, in work.".

That's what it means. All basic dichotomies coincide, several small groups are known in MBTI, the general description of the types coincides with the socionic one.

At the same time, the MBTI also has functional models of each type.

Rice. 1 Type functions in MBTI

For half of the types (extroverts), the models completely coincide with the socionic ones. And the models of introverted types differ from socionic ones (Fig. 1). So, for example, for the ISFP type, which stands for introvert/sensory/feeling/receptive or in socionic terms introvert/sensory/ethical/irrational, i.e. SEI (ISFP, “Dumas”) theoretical model of the order and volume of functions looks like in the following way– the first, dominant function is introverted ethics, and the second, complementary function is extroverted sensory. According to the socionic model, this would correspond to the ESI type (ISFJ, “Dreiser”)..

The functions in the MBTI model are defined as follows.

It is important to note that the type in MBTI is determined through the dichotomies of Jung’s basis based on the results of filling out the questionnaire, and the models do not form the basis for further theoretical constructions and practical application.

Lilita Zelita explains the differences in the theoretical layout and descriptions in MBTI and socionics by differences in the types of their founders and key representatives. The language used in type theory is understandable to ordinary people, since its founders - Katherine Briggs, Isabel Briggs Myers and others, were from the humanities club, and their leading functions were ethics and intuition. Socionics was founded by A. Augustinavichiute, and most of its key representatives, including V. Gulenko, G. Reinin, A. Bukalov, T. Prokofieva - from the club of researchers with the leading functions of logic and intuition.

It is important to note that MBTI is considered as self-identification, self-report: a person shows who he wants to be, what interests him. This is done on the basis of independently completing a test of 96 questions within 20 minutes. Additionally, information is provided on the percentage preponderance of the dominant trait. In this way, a person can see which functions are more pronounced, and where the excess or deficiency is insignificant. Often a recommendation is given to look at information about a related type. The test results are then verified by a specialist.

Socionics focuses on assessing the type from the outside, which is more objective, but technically much more difficult. For correct self-diagnosis, a person must not only have a very deep knowledge of socionic theory, Model A, the characteristics of various types and be free from social stereotypes and approved models of behavior, but also to understand and know yourself well, to accept yourself as you are. Such requirements make self-diagnosis very difficult and biased. This issue is discussed in more detail in the article by T.N. Prokofieva and V.G. Prokofiev “Puzzle technology. Quality standards for socionic diagnostics".

This fact - self-diagnosis - explains the difference in assessing the uniformity of the distribution of types among people according to MBTI and socionics. In socionics, as far as we know, it is believed that the distribution is approximately uniform, but in MBTI there are statistics according to which the distribution is uneven. The extreme representatives are the types ISFJ - ethical-sensory introvert - 13.8% of the population, and ENFJ - ethical-intuitive extrovert - 1.5%

A number of articles discussing the complexities of MBTI typing emphasize that the main problem is an overly simplified description of types. After all, extroverts are not necessarily noisy and introverts are quiet, but the point is how a person perceives and processes information. Here you can see a direct connection with the concept of “information metabolism” and the coincidence in this issue between MBTI and socionics. And in order to avoid superficial interpretation, it is recommended that the diagnostician personally explain the results of the MBTI test.

In 2008, personality researchers (Linda V. Behrens and Dario Nardi) added four additional functions in the MBTI model, the so-called “shadow” functions that a person does not normally exhibit, but which can arise when a person is under stress. Shadow processes " work more at the edges of our awareness... We usually experience these processes in a negative way, but when we are open to them they can be quite positive“- write scientists in the manual for working with the MBTI test “Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code”. Thus, the latest MBTI model has 8 features, of which 4 are in conscious block, and 4 are in the shadow. Here is a table with a translation into Russian based on materials from the site

Accordingly, extroverted functions of the type in MBTI are reflected by introverted ones in the shadow block, and vice versa. Thus, in the last theoretical model MBTI researchers have deduced the presence of 8 functions, 4 main and 4 shadow, which theoretically corresponds to the mental and vital rings in the socionic model A. At the same time, “shadow” functions “are activated at the borders of awareness” and more often demonstrate themselves with negative side, which coincides with the characteristics of the subconscious according to Freud and Jung, but does not quite correspond to their location in model A, because the reaction to the vital functions of model A is not always negative.

It should be noted that the interpretation of the “main” functions of the MBTI is generally similar to the socionic one, but not in all respects.

The first one is basic. Develops first in childhood, requires a minimal amount of energy to use, is the strongest and most confident, can sometimes cause inconvenience to others with its “dominance”

The second is auxiliary, the second is developing. With it we support both ourselves and those around us. In a positive way - caring parent, in the negative – too caring, critical, inhibiting.

The third is additional to the auxiliary(although interpreted as a function of children's joy). Source of energy. At the age of 20-30, we are attracted to activity in this function. Often creativity occurs according to the third function, but in its own way negative manifestation the person appears too childish.

The fourth is painful. This function can develop already in adulthood, giving balance to life. Before this, fears, negative projections on others and “shoulds” are associated with it.

The interpretation of the role of each of the identified “shadow” functions in MBTI still differs from the interpretation of the socionic model, while reflecting the corresponding main functions.

Fifth the function is characterized as crybaby.

Sixth – critical parent, stopping and demoralizing others.

Seventh - a deceptive distraction, according to it, what is not important seems important to us.

Eighth – demonic, destructive a function whose actions are usually regretted later.

Comment by T.N. Prokofieva:

"Let's analyze the correspondence of models using the example of TIM ILE (ENTP, Don Quixote) to see the similarities and differences.

What can we say? In some places the characteristics are similar, in others they are not at all. Especially in terms of the functions of the ID block, the MBTI interpretation is not similar to the socionic one. And with awareness and unconsciousness, not everything is clear.
Of course, I would like to read more detailed descriptions, which means "basic" in the MBTI, for example.
Is it the same as in socionics? What about “auxiliary”? This was the case with Jung, but a lot of time has passed since then. How do Western colleagues understand all this now?
Well, what about introverted models? Let's look at the example of SEI (ISFP, “Dumas”).

If certain similarities were observed with the extroverted model, then judge for yourself with the introverted model. So far the result is puzzling. Does anyone use this model? Does she have detailed interpretation and practical application?
And the most important thing I want to say is: a model is just a model. It is designed to model some processes for easier study and description. It is far from a fact that this model is conceived and interpreted as a model of information metabolism in the socionic sense. Perhaps it serves to model completely different processes.
There is no way to say that there are different types in the MBTI just because the functions have been assigned a different number. We know the main thing: types are determined using a questionnaire based on basic dichotomies and used on the same grounds. Models are not involved in diagnostics, nor in type descriptions. What exactly do they describe and whether they are used for something or whether they remain simply written on paper - I would like to understand"


The MBTI test does not fundamentally contradict socionic theory in terms of Jung’s basis. This is not surprising, since both theories have the same basis. Moreover, the latest theoretical research MBTI brings it even closer to socionic theory. At the same time, the MBTI test is supported by a significant number of international studies, confirming both its scientific significance and reliable confirmation of the idea of ​​​​four dichotomies and 16 types.

The key difference between MBTI and socionics is the point of view of the person being typed. In one case, this is self-typing, which, in fact, results in information not so much about who a person is, but about who he sees himself. In socionics, the methodology is aimed at independent typing of a person the way he interacts with real world. The difference between the results of self-typing and typing can be very significant, because in fact these are answers to absolutely various questions.

The Myers-Briggs typology is a system for diagnosing individual differences that arose on the basis of Jung's ideas and has received powerful development over the past decades in different countries of Europe and the USA.

World experience in applying the Myers-Briggs typology

The Myers-Briggs diagnostic system has found wide use in major Western companies, which indicates its practical reliability and validity. This diagnostic system not only has a serious scientific basis, it has also proven its effectiveness in real practice after many years of use. For example, in the United States, up to 70% of high school graduates undergo personality type determination using the MBTI, which helps them navigate the choice of their professional path. This typology is actually integrated into the US government standardization system. In particular, it is approved by the American Psychological Association as a "Category 1" continuing education pathway for psychologists.

The Myers-Briggs typology was developed by Katharina Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers-Briggs based on the work “Psychological Types” by Carl Gustav Jung. Katherine Briggs's first publications date back to the late 1920s, the first version of the test in 1942, the first version of the manual for the use of typology in 1944. The classic test version of the typology is known as " Myers-Briggs questionnaire" .

The technique of I. Myers and K. Briggs (Myers - Briggs) was based on the recognition of the behavioral characteristics of individuals as innate characteristics. Hence the unproductiveness of any interpersonal conflicts between representatives different types mentality.

There are different ways to diagnose types according to the Myers-Briggs system - interviews, projective methods, situational behavioral testing, as well as classic test options for determining individual preferences.

The differences between people can, in a very generalized form, be reduced to the following contrasts:

* extroverts - introverts E-I: the first draw energy from communicating with people, can support any conversation, perceive information as it comes in, are contactable; the latter need privacy to process information, although, purely outwardly, they may not have visible problems in communication;

* sanity-intuition S-N: the first make decisions based on everyday practical experience - their own and those around them, they are not inclined to fantasize; the latter rely on their inner voice, premonitions, little correlating them with stereotypes of behavior in such situations (they act not “as is customary,” but “on a whim”);

* logic-feeling T-F: the first in processing information and making decisions rely on simple logic, objectivity, and act according to clear laws and rules; the latter are guided by ethical categories, they are characterized by subjectivity and humanity;

* prudence-impulsivity J-P: (this pair was added to the main classification by famous psychologists Myers and Briggs): the former plan their actions and try to adhere to the developed strategy; the latter retain a wide range of options depending on the circumstances.

Based on the possible combinations of the selected pairs, the 4 most stable combinations- psychotypes. Each type is subdivided into 4 more psychological portraits - depending on the characteristics of the manifestation of the characteristics of each psychotype (or type of mentality). Generalized types (archetypes) have the following designations: SP, SJ, NF and NT. Depending on the characteristics of the characterological manifestations of a particular archetype, the following subtypes are possible: ESFP, ISPP, ESTP, ISTP; ESFJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ; ENFJ. INFJ.ENFP, INFP; ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, 1NTP. The general characteristics of the type are, in principle, true for the subtype, but personality traits leave their mark on the inversion possibilities of manifestation.

The percentage of representatives of all main types in Russia is approximately the following: 30% SP, 40% SJ, 25% NF, 5% NT. Regional characteristics may influence the ratio. For example, in areas of pioneer (extreme) development there may be more representatives of the SP type (up to 50%), in scientific centers the share of NT may be slightly higher than the average (up to 7-10%), in the old developed areas of the “red belt” the share of SJ can reach up to 60-70%.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is designed to determine one of 16 personality types. It includes 8 scales, combined in pairs. The purpose of the typology and tests is to help a person determine his individual preferences - which poles of the scales should he choose? more correspond.

1. E-I scale- orientation of consciousness:

E(E xtraversion, extraversion) - orientation of consciousness outward, towards objects, I(I ntroversion, introversion) - orientation of consciousness inward, towards the subject;

2. S-N scale- a way to navigate the situation:

S(S ensing, feeling) - orientation towards specific information, N(i N tuition, intuition) - orientation towards generalized information;

3. T-F scale- decision-making basis:

T(T hinking, thinking) - rational weighing of alternatives; F(F eeling, feeling) - making decisions on an emotional basis;

4. J-P scale- method of preparing solutions:

J(J udging, judgment) - a preference to plan and organize information in advance, P(P erceiving, perception) - a preference to act without detailed preliminary preparation, focusing more on circumstances.

The combination of scales gives the designation of one of 16 types, for example: ENTP, ISFJ, etc.

D. Keirsey ( D. Keirsey), developing the ideas of Myers and Briggs, identifies four groups of types, calling them temperaments: NT, NF, SJ, SP.

Difference from Jung. Myers-Briggs typology and Jung typology use different functional models of type.

Jung also used the terms “judgment” and “perception” in relation to rationality and irrationality:

“I designate both previous types as rational or as types of judgment, because they are both characterized by the primacy of the functions of rational judgment.

“I designate both outlined types as irrational on the basis already stated, that they base their entire course of action not on the judgment of reason, but on the absolute power of perception.”

Thus, Isabel Myers did not introduce a new concept with “judgment”/“perception”, but only chose one of Jung’s designations for “rationality”/“irrationality”. However, at the same time, changing the functional model of Jung's types.

Fundamental differences in the type models of these typologies exist for introverted types. Introverted types in the Myers-Briggs typology have dominant and auxiliary functions like Jung’s types with a different meaning: rational/irrational (decider/perceiver). For example, the introverted type with dominant thinking (this is the rational/decisive function) is rational in Jung, and irrational/perceiving in the Myers-Briggs typology; using the example of specific types - the INTP type in the Myers-Briggs typology has the first 2 functions like the Jungian INTJ type (introverted thinker with auxiliary intuition), and vice versa. According to Jung, only types with a dominant rational function are called rational, and only types with a dominant irrational function are called irrational, and this does not depend on the type’s extraversion/introversion trait.

Also, some followers of Myers-Briggs (Joe Butt, Marina Heiss) observe a difference in the functional model in relation to the extraversion-introversion parameter of the 3rd function. For Jung, the extraversion-introversion parameter of the 3rd function differs from that of the dominant function, while for some followers of Myers-Briggs it coincides.

Another difference between the typologies is that the understanding of the Myers-Briggs followers of the content of Jung’s 8 functions (there are 8 taking into account extraversion/introversion) of Jung may differ from the understanding of both other followers and Jung himself. This is a consequence of the fact that, having paid great attention to the development of MBTI, the binary features underlying this test were much better developed than Young’s functions.

Criticism. A number of researchers question the scientific basis of the test method for diagnosing personality type according to the Myers-Briggs system. Some of these doubts stem from the lack of any training in psychology, and particularly in the field of psychometrics, by Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs, the original developers of the MBTI. It is not known that they use traditional methods for developing tests to determine validity, reliability, and internal consistency.

The validity of the MBTI has been measured repeatedly, including its construct validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability.

In addition to the MBTI test itself, some key points of the Myers-Briggs typology are controversial due to the lack of sufficient scientific validity. So there is no serious experimental justification functional model type used in the Myers-Briggs typology, and in particular the validity of its difference from Jung’s model. There is no experimental substantiation of the correct understanding of 8 Jungian functions (there are 8 taking into account extraversion/introversion) by followers of Myers-Briggs. There is no experimental basis for much of the type descriptions (so-called type profiles) found in books and on the Internet.

In general, given the insufficient experimental validity and the results of some experiments, which significantly contradict the theory and each other, the world scientific community is critical of the Myers-Briggs typology, as well as Jung’s typology in general.