Human possibilities are limitless. Showing strengths

Find the ability to restore lost body parts human body- the dream of scientists of all times and peoples. After all, many people wonder: why a lizard, having lost its tail, can completely restore its original appearance and functions, but a person cannot regenerate a lost arm or leg.

Damaging vitally important organs or losing limbs, a person’s life changes radically, making him inferior and causing a lot of inconvenience. However, such injuries will cease to be a problem and become a thing of the past if medicine learns to “grow back” lost organs or parts of the human body.

More recently, such procedures for the regeneration of human organs could only be found in science fiction films. But today it has become a reality. Regenerative medicine has stepped forward quite far and, as practice shows, is making significant progress in realizing its dreams.

Advances made in regenerative medicine

Modern restorative medicine is focused on two main trends. The first is to grow the missing organs and tissues on the patient’s body or in test tubes separately from him, with subsequent transplantation to the injured area. Initial phase In this direction, the solution to issues related to the skin is considered. First, new skin tissue was removed from corpses or from the patients themselves. Today, leather is grown in large quantities in special laboratories. If this internal organs that do not consist of a single layer of cells various types, then slightly different methods are used.

One of the first internal organs to grow was the bladder, and then successfully implanted into the patient. This body is one of the most important in ensuring the vital functions of the body. It consists of connective, muscle tissue, as well as mucous membrane. It is known that a filled bladder has a capacity of about one liter of urine and resembles the shape balloon. So, for its cultivation, a special frame base was made in the form of a full urea. Next, living cells were placed on it in layers. The organ took root well with the patient and subsequently performed its functions remarkably well.

Another area of ​​this medicine is the following: to restore or “repair” damaged and injured areas of the body with the help of the body itself, while using its reserve reserves and hidden abilities. IN in this case possible additional resources and delivery of a kind " building material» to ensure the recovery process natural structure DNA. Let us note that, according to leading experts in this field, every person’s body has a reserve resource of stem cells - about thirty percent of them, which are consumed throughout life.

Experts studying the patterns of aging of living organisms, including humans, have concluded that species duration human life can be about 130 years, the reserve of which accrues up to 50 years. The fact is that external factors and the deteriorating conditions do not help this in any way. Ecology, stressful situations, emotional and physical stress squeeze and wear out the body to the core even before the moment when, according to scientists, we should be in the prime of our strength. If a person could use his internal reserves in time, this could greatly help in treatment after injury and in rehabilitation after serious illnesses with complications, especially in childhood and adolescence.

Ability to grow bone tissue

Since the middle of the 20th century, a group of Soviet researchers led by leading biologist Lev Polezhaev, successfully conducted the most difficult work to reconstruct the cranial vault in humans. Previously, the method was successfully tested on animals. The area where the skull was missing was almost twenty square centimeters. Along the edges of the hole, specially crushed bone tissue in the form of powder was poured. This entailed a recovery process and, as a result, the damaged areas were completely regenerated.

Recently, Israeli scientists specializing in the development of regenerative medicine have discovered another way to “grow” bone tissue from the human body’s own fat deposits, obtained by liposuction. When positive results preclinical testing, in the near future, new technologies will begin to be practiced in Europe and Israel, including the cultivation of bones and dental tissue for dentistry, as well as complete replacement bones of a lost limb. Today, reconstruction of bone tissue is possible only in small areas of a few centimeters. The next step is to grow larger bones, such as the hip bone.

The new technology has already proven its effectiveness and practicality in animals. And if the tests on humans are successful, which does not raise any doubts, then this will truly provide tremendous assistance in regenerative medicine and will open up new ones in it. unique opportunities.

To summarize the above, we can be completely confident in the reality of the regenerative functions of our body. Many facts and techniques have already been provided that prove the success of curing diseases that were previously considered incurable. The possibility of complete restoration of injured or lost body tissues and even internal organs has also been proven.

Unique unexplored capabilities of the body

Although the human body has been quite well studied by scientists and specialists in the field of genetics, there are still many unsolved and inexplicable mysteries that show the unique capabilities of our body. Many of them are very difficult for our minds to understand. There are a lot of amazing cases that happened with ordinary people. After all, according to scientists, our body uses only ten percent of its capabilities out of a hundred. The following cases prove that amazing abilities are hidden in him.

Society knows of a case when a resident of the Russian Federation, walking with her small child, was distracted for a minute and saw that the baby ran out onto the road right under the wheels of a car. Eyewitnesses were shocked that the frightened mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car.

Also during the war there was interesting case, when a fighter pilot got hit by an iron bolt in his steering wheel, causing it to jam. Frightened by the possible fatal accident, the pilot pulled the steering wheel towards himself with all his strength and leveled the flight path. Already on the ground, after a thorough inspection, the mechanics found this bolt cut off. Further examination showed that to cut such a part, a force of 500 kilograms is required.

One day in the last century, an elderly woman’s house in a Russian village caught fire. Grandmother Matryona was sick, she saw and heard very poorly, and practically could not walk. The entire village came running to the scene of the fire. Already grieving for the poor old woman, the residents were surprised when they saw Matryona climbing over a high fence with a large chest.

There are tens of thousands of such phenomenal phenomena all over the world. These are just a few of them. And we can only admire our body and ask questions: Where is the limit of human capabilities? And does it even exist...?

Scientists conducted and demonstrated an experiment involving fleas to make people think about their possibilities! Human capabilities are limitless!

They took glass jar, in which the fleas were placed and then covered with a lid. [You probably know that in ordinary life fleas jump very far and high. For example, from dog to dog. – Approx. from Cold E.]

The fleas, in their usual habit, jumped high, but they realized that it hurt because they hit their heads on the lid, and they began to jump a little short of reaching it so as not to hit their heads on obstacles.

The fleas stay in the jar for three days; after the lid is opened, not a single flea can jump higher than this limit!

It is surprising that their behavior now will not change until the end of their lives, and what is most terrible is that even with further reproduction, all their offspring will follow their example.

Man acts according to absolutely the same principles. A man, trying not to bang his head against the wall, obeys many life situations and begins to restrain himself.

All sorts of difficult situations in life they intimidate us and can shake our truth and self-esteem. Just like fleas in a jar, we may not even realize that the lid has been gone for a long time and it has been removed, and now we have a choice!

Think about whether this invisible lid is slowing you down, in the form of TV, radio news, the media, your favorite environment, all these stupid stereotypes and templates. All this can form beliefs about our limitations, puts us in open jar where we can't afford to jump.

Answer yourself, maybe you are sure that this or that idea can only bring you bruises and abrasions?!

How can you get rid of imaginary restrictions?

Analyze your life and highlight all your failures and achievements. Get it out of your head, no goals achieved, which are no longer relevant. And “reanimate” those you once selected important goals, which still light you up and with confidence in your strength and victory, set about implementing them.

It will be very cool if you come up with new inspiring dreams and goals, and see a new bright picture of your life. But here is a tool for performing the most cherished desires- Card of Desires.

You perceive failures as normal and necessary step to victory. Go beyond your comfort and you will achieve great things.

Throw away the gray one and everyday life! Enjoy life and enjoy what you do! Be happy and filthy rich! Be free! You can do a lot!

There is no lid, like that spoon in the movie "The Matrix".

Human capabilities are limitless! NO COVER!!! There are no boundaries!!!

Discover Happiness “Love – Rejoice – Dream – Develop – Prosper”


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1. Trust your brain

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Finding the ability to restore lost body parts of the human body is the dream of scientists of all times and peoples. After all, many people wonder: why a lizard, having lost its tail, can completely restore its original appearance and functions, but a person cannot regenerate a lost arm or leg.

By damaging vital organs or losing limbs, a person’s life changes radically, making him inferior and causing a lot of inconvenience. However, such injuries will cease to be a problem and become a thing of the past if medicine learns to “grow back” lost organs or parts of the human body.

More recently, such procedures for the regeneration of human organs could only be found in science fiction films. But today it has become a reality. Regenerative medicine has stepped forward quite far and, as practice shows, is making significant progress in realizing its dreams.

Advances made in regenerative medicine

Modern restorative medicine is focused on two main trends. The first is to grow the missing organs and tissues on the patient’s body or in test tubes separately from him, with subsequent transplantation to the injured area. The initial phase in this direction is considered to be the solution of issues related to the skin. First, new skin tissue was removed from corpses or from the patients themselves. Today, leather is grown in large quantities in special laboratories. If these are internal organs that do not consist of one layer of cells of different types, then slightly different methods are used.

One of the first internal organs to grow was the bladder, and then successfully implanted into the patient. This organ is one of the most important in ensuring the vital functions of the body. It consists of connective, muscle tissue, as well as mucous membrane. It is known that a filled bladder has a capacity of about one liter of urine and resembles the shape of a balloon. So, for its cultivation, a special frame base was made in the form of a full urea. Next, living cells were placed on it in layers. The organ took root well with the patient and subsequently performed its functions remarkably well.

Another area of ​​this medicine is the following: to restore or “repair” damaged and injured areas of the body with the help of the body itself, while using its reserve reserves and hidden abilities. In this case, additional resources and the supply of a kind of “building material” are possible to ensure the process of restoring the natural structure of DNA. Let us note that, according to leading experts in this field, every person’s body has a reserve resource of stem cells - about thirty percent of them, which are consumed throughout life.

Experts studying the patterns of aging of living organisms, including humans, have concluded that the species life expectancy of a human can be about 130 years, the reserve of which accrues up to 50 years. The fact is that external factors and deteriorating conditions do not contribute to this in any way. Ecology, stressful situations, emotional and physical stress squeeze and wear out the body to the core even before the moment when, according to scientists, we should be in the prime of our strength. If a person could use his internal reserves in time, this could greatly help in treatment after injury and in rehabilitation after serious illnesses with complications, especially in childhood and adolescence.

Ability to grow bone tissue

Beginning in the middle of the 20th century, a group of Soviet scientists led by leading biologist Lev Polezhaev successfully carried out the most difficult work of recreating the vault of the human cranial bone. Previously, the method was successfully tested on animals. The area where the skull was missing was almost twenty square centimeters. Along the edges of the hole, specially crushed bone tissue in the form of powder was poured. This entailed a recovery process and, as a result, the damaged areas were completely regenerated.

Recently, Israeli scientists specializing in the development of regenerative medicine have discovered another way to “grow” bone tissue from the human body’s own fat deposits, obtained by liposuction. If the results of preclinical testing are positive, new technologies will begin to be practiced in the countries of Europe and Israel in the near future, including growing bones and dental tissue for dentistry, as well as completely replacing the bone of a lost limb. Today, reconstruction of bone tissue is possible only in small areas of a few centimeters. The next step is to grow larger bones, such as the hip bone.

The new technology has already proven its effectiveness and practicality in animals. And if the tests on humans are successful, which is beyond doubt, then this will truly provide tremendous assistance in regenerative medicine and will open up new unique opportunities in it.

To summarize the above, we can be completely confident in the reality of the regenerative functions of our body. Many facts and techniques have already been provided that prove the success of curing diseases that were previously considered incurable. The possibility of complete restoration of injured or lost body tissues and even internal organs has also been proven.

Unique unexplored capabilities of the body

Although the human body has been quite well studied by scientists and specialists in the field of genetics, there are still many unsolved and inexplicable mysteries that show the unique capabilities of our body. Many of them are very difficult for our minds to understand. There are many amazing cases that happened to ordinary people. After all, according to scientists, our body uses only ten percent of its capabilities out of a hundred. The following cases prove that amazing abilities are hidden in him.

Society knows of a case when a resident of the Russian Federation, walking with her small child, was distracted for a minute and saw that the baby ran out onto the road right under the wheels of a car. Eyewitnesses were shocked that the frightened mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car.

Also during the war, an interesting incident occurred when a fighter pilot got an iron bolt in his steering wheel, causing it to jam. Frightened by a possible fatal catastrophe, the pilot pulled the steering wheel towards himself with all his strength and leveled the flight path. Already on the ground, after a thorough inspection, the mechanics found this bolt cut off. Further examination showed that to cut such a part, a force of 500 kilograms is required.

One day in the last century, an elderly woman’s house in a Russian village caught fire. Grandmother Matryona was sick, she saw and heard very poorly, and practically could not walk. The entire village came running to the scene of the fire. Already grieving for the poor old woman, the residents were surprised when they saw Matryona climbing over a high fence with a large chest.

There are tens of thousands of such phenomenal phenomena all over the world. These are just a few of them. And we can only admire our body and ask questions: Where is the limit of human capabilities? And does it even exist...?

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The human body is like a small universe. It would seem that our body has been studied as much as possible, but many facts and amazing achievements of the human body prove that there are still untapped possibilities. Undoubtedly human capabilities great, but are they limitless? Someone can hold a horse in their hands, glue a lot of pieces of iron to the body, someone instantly multiplies several in their mind multi-digit numbers. It is believed that those who find themselves in extreme conditions a person may suddenly discover extraordinary physical capabilities; and all because at the same time he enters the so-called state of altered consciousness. In such borderline state the individual gains the strength to lift a multi-ton weight, make his skin stronger than armor, and walk on hot coals.
Nowadays, there are methods for using your unique physical potential not only by chance, but also by at will. But not everyone succeeds in mastering such art. Such disclosure techniques hidden possibilities Human training has long been used in the training of intelligence officers. But before such mentors appeared, various phenomena had to be studied and the secrets of their appearance had to be revealed.
To study fantastic human abilities, the special services even organized expeditions to remote corners of the planet. Shamans and magicians, their mysterious rituals and spells became the object of close study. Let's say, the capabilities of men and women from the voodoo tribe. Voodoo magic in the 20th century, perhaps, became the most desirable “prey” narrow specialists from the intelligence services of leading countries of the world. The sensational capabilities of magicians from India were no less interesting. Outstanding parapsychologist of the 14th century, author of the treatise “ Universal history“Ibn Haldon assured that in India there were unique people who were only able to point a finger at a person, and he fell dead. At the same time, during the autopsy it turned out that the deceased was missing... a heart.
This kind of phenomenon from the practice of world magic became officially known in XVII century, when in 1696, on board the ship of Count Gennes, heading to the shores French colonies, they brought a black witch who knew how to dry out the important internal organs of any person. The ship's doctor, who had heard about the miracles of African sorcerers, before, according to tradition, the sailors were buried in sea ​​waves The boatswain, who unexpectedly died after the threats of the witch, opened the body of the unfortunate man and, to his horror, saw that the heart and liver of the deceased were dry, like gunpowder.
The black sorceress, at the request of Count Gennes, showed her ability to “devour” things from a distance. In the morning, all the pumpkins that were locked in the chest turned out to be empty, covered only with dried peel. After the old woman promised not to harm any of the crew, the sorceress was returned to her home island, for which the ship was forced to change course and make a detour. But the main thing is that all this was recorded in historical documents witnesses of those distant events.
If you believe that a person is not only physical, but also energy body, you can understand the principles of the “work” of magicians who influence the actions or state of a person. For example, the same well-known evil eye among the population - damage - may be the influence of the owner of a certain negative energy to another person. Physical body operates according to the energy program; and the invisible impact falls precisely on the energetic one. After the evil eye, the system of energy coordinates changes and the usual circulation of energy is disrupted. It’s as if the person is being coded. The body's functioning begins to malfunction, the person becomes worse and worse, he falls ill, although as a rule doctors cannot determine the cause of the disease.
Energy magicians (familiar to us from folklore as witches, sorcerers and demons) are able to “throw a code” onto the chakras of a person who has positive, white energy, for their recharge. For example, profit from the energy of strength, health, sexual energy, etc.
Experts in killing with a glance, breaking through the energy field of another person, still exist today. Relatively recently, the FBI was involved in one of these cases, when those involved in strange death president American company on production electronic devices turned out to be a Lebanese Arab who was associated with the notorious Al-Qaeda and who killed a competitor using a “hypnotic gaze.”
There were cases in the Soviet Union when high-ranking officials passed away as a result of the influence of people with occult abilities. They began to write about incidents of this kind only in the late 90s of the 20th century, when publications about parapsychology, magic and other “devilish things” appeared in the open post-Soviet press.
It would seem that it would be much easier for the intelligence services, rather than the mysterious human capabilities associated with magic, to study possibilities that fall into the category of clearer phenomena. For example, resistance to physical tests (thirst, hunger, temperature changes), strength tricks, magnetism, etc. Before such tests as records were included in popular reference books, many people were tested for “strength”. Moreover, most of whom acted as guinea pigs against their will, but were, say, prisoners of gulags, concentration camps, prisons (including secret, closed ones), sentenced to death penalty criminals. And even by random passers-by, captured as biological raw materials for scientific experiments. In connection with the last statement, we can cite increasing last years in Russia, cases of memory loss by young men who remembered only that they were suddenly given some kind of injection on the street, after which they ceased to belong to themselves, and what happened to them next, what actions were taken against them and what they themselves did is unknown . Special attention Journalists from the popular TV show “Wait for Me,” as well as the NTV channel, drew attention to similar incidents. It was even suggested that, under the influence of an unknown drug, a person could act as a hired killer, and then be released with his memory erased. However, it is unlikely that the special services are engaged in mass catching of people on the streets and train stations and then releasing such witnesses. This may indicate that the technologies used by security professionals have fallen into the hands of bandits. The author is convinced that this happened during the period of collapse Soviet Union, When unique technologies special services fell into the hands of unscrupulous people.
From historical literature It is known that experiments on human survival in extreme conditions were carried out in the first half of the 20th century by such powerful organizations as the OGPU-NKVD and the Special Department of G.I. Bokiya, "Ahnenerbe" under the supervision of Reichsführer SS G. Himmler. However, this does not mean that inhumane experiments were not carried out in countries other than the USSR and Germany. The Americans and the Japanese also became famous for their cruel, inhumane experiments. Just remembering this historical experience no country wants.
Now in open and usually popular sources you can find information, say, that a person is able to walk and talk even with a body temperature of 32–28 degrees; a state of preservation of consciousness in chilled people at a body temperature of 30–26 degrees and meaningful speech even at 24 degrees have been recorded. Apparently, such data appeared thanks to the misfortunes that happened to real people, who accidentally got into trouble and survived against all odds. However, previously, monstrous experiments in freezing living people were carried out by security officers, Nazis, and Japanese “aesculapians”; At the same time, many of these experiences were recorded on film; the frames contained moments when human hand or the leg, like an icicle, would tear away from the body and break into pieces...
How many people, through the fault of their tormentors, suffered cold shock, immersed in ice water, how many died as a result of respiratory dysfunction and cardiac arrest (as well as those tortured as a result of other brutal experiments) is recorded in documents stored in special archives different countries, to which ordinary citizens do not have access. By the way, numerous documents that came to them after the end of World War II - research reports - became valuable prizes for America's intelligence services. Nazi doctors who worked with living material from among arrested compatriots and prisoners of war.
The result of all of the above is that many of the achievements of medical scientists were adopted by the intelligence services, that is, they began to be taken into account when training specialists and used to carry out certain secret operations.