Quiz what race are you? Determination of a person's racial purity

The characteristics on the basis of which races of different orders are distinguished are diverse. The most obvious are the degree of development of tertiary hairline (primary hairline already exists on the body of the fetus in the utero state, secondary hairline - hair on the head, eyebrows - is present in a newborn; tertiary - associated with puberty), as well as a beard and mustache, hair shape and eye.

Famous role In racial diagnosis, pigmentation plays a role, that is, the color of the skin, hair and height. However, there are significant differences in the degree of pigmentation in each race. For example, fairly light-pigmented groups of the Negroid African population and very dark Caucasians, residents of southern Europe. Therefore, the division of humanity into white, yellow and black, accepted in literature, does not correspond to factual data. The peculiarity of growth (short stature) is characteristic only of a few pygmy peoples of Asia and Africa. Among the more special characteristics used in racial diagnosis, blood groups, some genetic characteristics, papillary patterns on the fingers, the shape of teeth, etc. can be named.

Racial characteristics were not only continuously strengthened, but also leveled out. Increasingly different from one another due to differences in the geographical environment with which they were associated, under the influence of labor, cultural development and other special conditions At the same time, the races became more and more similar to each other in the general features of modern man. At the same time, as a result of a qualitatively special path of development, human races began to differ more and more sharply from subspecies of wild animals.

NEGROID RACE: Negroes, Negrillies, Bushmen and Hottentots.

Character traits Negroid: curly hair (black); dark brown skin; Brown eyes; poor development of tertiary hairline; moderately prominent cheekbones; strongly protruding jaws; thick lips; wide nose.

Mixed and transitional forms between Negroid and Caucasoid big races: Ethiopian race, transitional groups of Western Sudan, mulattoes, “colored” African groups.

Negroid characteristics are most pronounced among the population living in sub-Saharan Africa, known under the collective and imprecise name “blacks.” Negroids also include Central African pygmies, or Negrills, who are very short in stature, similar in appearance to Asian Negritos, as well as South African Bushmen and Hottentots, in whom Negroid features (extreme curly hair) are combined with individual Mongoloid features (yellowish skin, flattened face, epicanthus).

EUROPEAN RACE: northern, transitional forms, southern.

Characteristic features of a Caucasian: wavy or straight soft hair different shades; light or dark skin; brown, light gray and blue eyes; weakly protruding cheekbones and jaws; narrow nose with a high bridge; thin or medium thickness lips.

Mixed forms between the Caucasoid great race and the American branch of the Mongoloid great race: American mestizos. Mixed forms between the Caucasoid great race and the Asian branch of the Mongoloid great race : Central Asian groups, South Siberian race, Laponoids and Subural type, mixed groups of Siberia.

Caucasoids, whose formation center is attributed to South-West Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe, can be divided into three main groups: southern - with dark skin, predominantly dark eyes and hair; northern - with fair skin, a significant proportion of gray and blue eyes, light brown and blond hair; intermediate , which is characterized by medium-intensive pigmentation. Based on the color of the skin, hair and eyes, on the structure of the facial skeleton and soft parts of the face, on the proportions of the cerebral part of the skull, often expressed by the cephalic index (the percentage ratio of the greatest width of the head to its greatest length), and according to some other characteristics, various Caucasians are distinguished second order races.

Southern Caucasians in general, given their range, are called Indo-Mediterranean race. Among relatively long-headed(dolichocephalic) populations of this race are distinguished the Mediterranean proper in the west And Indo-Afghan in the east , composed of short-headed(brachycephalic) southern Caucasians - Adriatic , or Dinaric , race (population of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea), Central Asian, or Armenoid (Armenians, some other West Asian populations), and Pamir-Fergana (Tajiks, part of the Uzbeks).

Characteristic features of the Mediterranean race:

Characterized not tall, almond-shaped dark eyes, dark skin, large nose, narrow lips and dolichocephaly. Representatives - b most of the population of the Iberian Peninsula, southwestern France, southern and central Italy, Israel, southern Greece, islands Mediterranean Sea, and North Africa belong to the Mediterranean race.

Indo-Afghan race - distribution: central and eastern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan

height - medium/high
length of legs and torso - long legs, short torso
hair structure - wavy
hair color - black/dark chestnut/reddish chestnut
back of the head - convex
face - narrow, long
eye color - dark brown
nose - long, narrow, convex/straight, protruding
base of the nose - high
the tip of the nose is bent down
jaw - deep
hairline - highly developed
beard and mustache growth is strong

Dinaric race- sub-race Caucasian, represented among the inhabitants of the Balkans (Albanians, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc.). The race was named after the Dinaric Alps. Characterized by tall stature; slim physique; dark (close to black) eyes and hair, brownish skin; round face (brachycephaly); straight or downward curved, strongly protruding nose; the lower jaw often protrudes forward. Head index 85-87 brachycephaly, very short occiput.

Armenoid race(Aramaic) - an anthropological type of a large Caucasian race, common in the north of the Middle East (Syria, northern Iraq, part of Armenia, Lebanon). The Armenoid race is distinguished by the following phenotype: average height, brachycephaly, curly hair, a large fleshy nose, full lips and large black “protruding” eyes, dark pigmentation, and a flattened nape. In a number of indicators it is close to dinarids. Characterized by particularly strong development of tertiary hair. Part of the population of Western Asia and the Caucasus (Armenians) belongs to the Armenoid race.

Description[typical Armenides]
[average 86-88]
height - low
physique - thick-boned, mature-boreal (according to Lundman)
length of legs and body - short legs, long torso
hair structure - hard, curly
hair color - black
back of the head - flat
face - oval, mesoprosopic, low
cheekbones - do not protrude
eyebrows - arched, fused
the location of the eyes is “Anterior Asian” (the outer canthus is lower than the inner one)
palpebral fissure - wide
eye color - black
nose - protruding, long, wide, convex
the tip of the nose is bent down
ears are small, often without lobes
jaw - wide, angular
lips are thick, the upper protrudes above the lower
chin - small, non-protruding
beard and mustache growth is very strong
hair development - very strong (hair extending onto the forehead, fused eyebrows, hair on the back)

Intermediate according to the pigmentation of Caucasians, mostly short-headed, divided into the following races: alpine (population of Switzerland and adjacent regions of France, Germany, Austria and Italy), Central European (population of Central and partly Eastern Europe, including some groups of southern Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, western Ukrainians, southern Belarusians, Lithuanians), Eastern European, to which it belongs most of Russian central and eastern regions of the European part of Russia, Siberia and Far East, as well as many groups of northern Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Alpine race(Celtic race, Central European race, Eastern race according to Gunter) - a branch of the Caucasian race, characterized by average height, brachycephaly, dark pigmentation of hair and irises of the eyes. Prominent representatives This subrace includes Hungarians, Austrians, Czechs, Slovenes and Ukrainians. Representatives of this race also inhabit Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, northern Italy and southern Germany.

The concept of the Alpine race was used by the American scientist Madison Grant to designate a population of Europeans that lies geographically between representatives of the Nordic and Mediterranean races. Spreading: central France, southern Germany, Alps, Balkan Peninsula, Northern Italy, Sicily, southern Norway, Denmark, Middle East

cranial index - brachycephaly
height - low/average
body type - picnic
hair structure - hard
hair color - from light brown to black
back of the head - rounded
face - wide, low, round/square
forehead - wide, high
eye position - horizontal
eye color - brown/dark brown
nose - short, wide, slightly concave/straight
the base of the nose is low
chin - blunt
hairline - highly developed
beard and mustache growth is strong

Northern branch: tall medium-long-headed fair Caucasians were previously described under the name northern or Nordic , race, and more brachycephalic - entitled Baltic . Some scientists divide all light Caucasians into northwestern (Atlanto-Baltic race, which includes the population of Great Britain, the Netherlands, the northern regions of Germany, Scandinavian countries, Latvia and Estonia, Western Finland) and northeastern (White Sea-Baltic race, widespread in the North- Eastern Europe among Russians, Karelians, Vepsians and northern Komi).

Nordic race:

Term Nordic race (race nordique) was first introduced by the Russian racologist of French origin I. Deniker in 1900. He described them as "a tall race with blond, sometimes wavy hair, light eyes, pink skin and a dolichocephalic skull."

Characteristic features:

Cranial index - dolichocephaly

Body type: leptosomal, normo-skeletal

Hair structure - straight/wavy

Hair color - blond/ash blond/golden blond/light blond/dark blond

The back of the head is convex

Face - narrow, long, oval-rhombic

Forehead - high, often sloping

Eye position is horizontal,

Eye shape - characterized by a long eye shape

Eye color - blue/gray/green

Nose - long, narrow, straight, protruding

The base of the nose is high

The tip of the nose is horizontal, sometimes raised, pointed

Jaw - long, deep

Lips are thin

Chin - narrow, angular, protruding

Beard and mustache growth is normal

Subtypes of the Nordic race

There are three main subtypes of the Nordic race.

East Nordic- Distributed in Eastern Europe, including Russia and to some extent Finland. It differs from the Hallstatt Nordic by a longer skull (dolichocephaly), a higher cranial vault, a more protruding nose, and often a sloping forehead. Description [differences from Hallstatt Nordic]

Cranial index - dolichocephaly

Skull - higher

Forehead - higher

Nasal profile - more prominent

The bridge of the nose is sometimes convex

Hairline - less developed

Hallstatt Nordic(other names: Teutonic, Teutonic-Nordic, Scanno-Nordid) - common in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, northern Germany, and to some extent in the British Isles.

Description of the Hallstadt Nordic type
cranial index - mesocephaly [average - 75]
height - tall
physique - leptosomal (but with developed muscles), normoskeletal
length of legs and torso - long legs, short torso, short arms
hair structure - wavy
hair color - blond/ash blond/golden blond/dark blond
back of the head - convex, pronounced
face - narrow, long, oval-rhombic
forehead - narrow, sloping
eye position - horizontal
the palpebral fissure is normal, the effect of a “swollen upper eyelid” occurs
eye color - blue / gray
nose - protruding, long, narrow, straight (sometimes slightly convex)
base of the nose - high
the tip of the nose is horizontal
jaw - long, deep
lips are thin
chin - narrow, angular, prominent, often pointed
hair - developed
beard and mustache growth is strong

Celtic Nordic- common in Western Europe, in the British Isles, in Switzerland. Differs from the Haltstatt by a shorter skull (usually mesocephaly), darker hair pigmentation (to dark chestnut) and light mixed shades of eyes.

cranial index - mesocephaly
height - tall
hair color - from ash blond to dark chestnut
back of the head - convex
temporal areas - depressed
face - narrow, long
forehead - sloping
eye position - horizontal
eye color - light mixed shades
nose - long, leptorrhine/mesorrhine, convex/straight, protruding
base of the nose - high
lips - thin/medium, slightly turned out
chin - moderately developed
hair - developed
beard and mustache growth is strong

Baltic race:

East Baltic type(also known as White Sea-Baltic race) - a branch of the Caucasoid race, localized in northeastern Europe (around White and Baltic seas). It is characterized by short-headedness (brachycephaly), a lower and wider face, a decrease in forehead height, average height, fair skin, eyes and hair, a small “duck nose” (concave bridge of the nose) and a number of other signs. It is the most depigmented of the Caucasoid races.

Spreading: Baltic countries, Finland, Poland, north-eastern Germany, Russia, Scandinavia
cranial index - brachycephaly
height - average
body type - picnic
length of legs and torso - short legs, long torso
hair structure - hard
hair color - from ash blond to dark brown
face - wide, short
forehead - sloping
eye location - horizontal/mongoloid (the outer canthus is higher than the inner corner)
eye color - light blue/gray
nose - short, concave, non-protruding
the base of the nose is low
jaw - wide, inconspicuous
chin - round

Mixed: On the eastern borders of its range Caucasians have interacted with Mongoloids since ancient times . As a result of their early mixing, which probably began in the Mesolithic era (10 - 7 thousand years ago), it developed in the north-west of Siberia and in the extreme east of Europe. Ural race (Ladoga type) (Khanty, Mansi, etc.), which is characterized by a combination of intermediate Mongoloid-Caucasian features with some specific features (for example, a low face, weakened pigmentation, a high prevalence of the concave shape of the bridge of the nose, a flattened face and light pigmentation.). In addition to the Finno-Ugric peoples, the Ladoga type is found among Russians (35%), Poles (10%) and Baltic peoples (5%)

It is close to the Ural in many respects laponoid a race with a very low face (Sami); some anthropologists combine these races into one - the Ural-Laponoid, the features of which are also expressed in a less dramatic form among the Udmurts, Komi-Permyaks, Mari, and some groups of Mordovians. Laponoid race- anthropological type preserved among the Sami - the indigenous population northern Europe, very different from classic Caucasians and related to the Mongoloid race. Main features: low stature, epicanthus, concave bridge of the nose. The face is low, mainly due to the very low height of the lower section. The interorbital distance is large. At the same time, laponoids have light skin and a high percentage of light eyes. From the first centuries of our era, in the steppe zone between the Urals and the Yenisei, it was formed in the process of mixing Mongoloids and Caucasians South Siberian a race with a very wide face and pronounced short-headedness. In the Middle Ages, on the territory of the Middle and Central Asia new mixed Caucasoid-Mongoloid populations are emerging (some Uzbeks, Uighurs, Salars).

MONGOLOID RACE: American races, Asian branch of Mongoloid races: continental Mongoloids, Arctic race (Eskimos and Paleo-Asians), Pacific (East Asian) races.

Characteristic features of the Mongoloid: straight, coarse and dark hair; poor development of tertiary hairline; yellowish skin tone; Brown eyes; flattened face with prominent cheekbones; narrow nose, often with a low bridge; presence of epicanthus (fold at internal corner eyes).

Epicanthus, “Mongolian fold” is a special fold at the inner corner of the eye, to a greater or lesser extent covering the lacrimal tubercle. The epicanthus is a continuation of the fold of the upper eyelid. One of the characteristics characteristic of the Mongoloid race is rare in representatives of other races. During anthropological examinations, not only the presence or absence of epicanthus is determined, but also its development (see figure).


Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You are a representative of the Negroid (Australian-Negroid) race if you have the following characteristics: dark (dark brown, black, yellow or chocolate brown) skin with poorly developed hairline on the body and face; full, fleshy lips, as if slightly turned out; wavy or curly, often coarse dark hair; dark (brown, black) eyes; rather narrow face with weakly defined cheekbones; high (often) growth; wide large nose, rather flat.

You are a Caucasian (a representative of the Caucasian, Euro-Asian race) if you have: light or dark skin; soft straight or wavy hair of light brown shades; pronounced hair on the body (in men); light eyes (gray, gray-blue, greenish, blue, and so on); narrow nose; often thin lips; pronounced chin; medium or tall.

If you are a Mongoloid (a representative of the Asian-American, Mongoloid race), then your appearance probably has a number of characteristic features. Such as: dark or light skin with a yellowish, yellowish-brown tint; coarse black straight hair; narrow; flat wide face with strongly pronounced cheekbones; flat wide nose; medium sized lips; weak hair; medium or small height.

Helpful advice

Sometimes it is difficult to determine what race a person belongs to. The fact is that each “pure” race has several intermediate ones. The Ural and Lapanoid groups are intermediate between the Mongoloid and Caucasoid. And the Ethiopian race combines the features of Negroids and Caucasians.

In addition, within each race there are several small groups of races. The Caucasoid group unites the White Sea-Baltic, Central European, Atlantic-Baltic, Indo-Mediterranean, Balkan-Caucasian groups.

Within the Mongoloid race, there are Far Eastern (Koreans, Chinese, Japanese), North Asian, South Asian (Javanese, Malays), Arctic (Chukchi, Koryaks, Eskimos), and American groups. Negroids are divided into Australoids, Veddoids and Melanesians.


  • Races of man, their origin and unity. Features of human evolution at the present stage

The right clothes can completely change appearance person, highlight the advantages, hide the shortcomings. To find out your size, you need to make some simple calculations that will help you always buy the right clothes.

You will need

  • Tape measure.


The main Russian size table is half-girth, this rule works both. To get the desired figure, you need to measure the circumference of the chest with a centimeter at the most protruding points and divide the resulting number in half. A chest circumference of 96 centimeters corresponds to size 48, a chest circumference of 100 centimeters corresponds to size 50. If the number you get when measuring does not match the size guide, select the closest option. If your chest circumference is 95 centimeters, you can try on size 48.

Secondary measurements for a woman are hip and waist circumferences, for women - waist and neck circumferences. Because it often happens that the top and bottom of the figure do not correspond to the same size. Men need these measurements to purchase shirts and trousers, women - to purchase skirts and trousers.

As a rule, clothing labels indicate height. And in the case of clothing, body type is often indicated. When choosing clothes based on your height, make sure that your height differs by no more than 3 centimeters from that indicated on the label.

Often there is a need to compare domestic sizes with foreign ones. For men, to find out the American clothing size, you need to subtract 10 from the Russian one. Thus, 50 domestic size corresponds to 40. For women, to find out the American clothing size, you need to subtract 34 from the domestic one. This corresponds to 12. European and Russian sizes

Definition racial purity person.

How can you determine a person's racial purity based on the spectrum of their skin?

Scientific theory.

The fact is that human skin, over the course of thousands of years of living in certain climatic conditions, has adapted to the intensity solar radiation. So, races (Africans) living in places with high intensity of solar radiation have skin with a low energy spectrum - violet-blue. The races living where the intensity of solar radiation is low (Europeans) have a high energy spectrum of skin - orange-red. It is clear why, in the first case, the violet-blue spectrum of African skin is needed to protect itself from sun rays. And Europeans have an orange-red skin spectrum in order to absorb as much as possible the very scarce sunlight. Asians will be in in this case in the middle and will have a Green-Yellow skin spectrum.



Asian (in this case, dark red tones are the natural roughening of the skin from weather conditions with age)

White European

The purer the race, the more closely they will be located in their natural range for the race. If a person has in his blood mixed race then the skin spectrum will contain tones of different races - his ancestors.

This is the basis for determining racial purity using the Spectrum Analyzer program. If a person had ancestors in his family different nationalities then this will definitely appear on the spectrogram of his skin.

Example Barack Obama contains the colors of different nationalities in his skin spectrum.

Moreover, the dark red color in this case is the result of a mixture of the white and black races - with such a mixture, the red shades of the skin spectrum characteristic of the white nation of one of the parents become even darker red in children - a mixture of the white and black races in the first or second generation.

Scope of application of this program feature.

1. Determine your ancestry - what races are present in your blood.

2. Determine the racial identity of the people you are interested in - politicians, artists, businessmen, etc.

3. Determine the race of your relatives or children.

4. Software identification of nationality of people who cannot be accurately identified by visual principles.

For example, some peoples of the Caucasus are similar at first glance to Europeans. But the spectrum of their skin will still indicate their true nationality. Also, some Slavic peoples, although they are similar to Europeans, have more yellow-green tones in their spectrum, which indicates the presence of Asians in the family. Jews necessarily carry a green line in the spectrum - this is due to blood kinship with Arab peoples.

Example Shimon Peres (dark red colors of senile skin aging)

Yulia Timoshenko



In order to determine the racial purity of a person. Select a photo from the Internet. Or take a photo of the person yourself. It is advisable to shoot in natural light without using a flash. Or using a flash but at a certain distance so that there is no glare on the face. If possible, you should photograph an area of ​​skin that is not subject to climate change, such as the stomach. Set the required photo size when uploading - i.e. It is not necessary to upload a photo in 1:1 size to determine nationality; a photo size of 250 * 250 pixels is sufficient. In this case, it is necessary to highlight - with a special selection area - at least 70% of the face or a sufficiently large area of ​​the body. Those. how larger scale photographs, the larger the scanning area should be allocated. The larger the photo scale and the larger the scanning area, the more accurate the result, but more time scanning.

The selection (scanning) area is a red square that is superimposed on the top of the photo. To bring it to the right place, click on the photo with the left mouse button. Or move the mouse cursor over the red square, right-click and drag the square to the desired part of the face or body. It is advisable that hair and lips do not fall into the scanning area. Eye contact is allowed - because this does not significantly affect the results. The desired scanning area is the lower forehead - nose - right and left cheek. Those. scanning in the center of the face. You can increase or decrease the scanning area by left-clicking on the squares “+” and “-” - in the “Scanning Area” panel

Once the square is set to the desired scanning area, check the “Detect Nationality” checkbox under the “Options” label. And click the "Scan" button. The scanning process will be displayed, the time of the total scan and how much time is left until the end of the scan. At the end of the process, a report graph will appear. If the chart does not display a report, click the “race report” button. After this, you can save the report by clicking on the “Save” menu - “Race Report”


Additional methods for determining race

You can additionally analyze the hair color - a shift to the red side indicates that you belong to fair-haired people - blonds - blondes characteristic of the European race. Offset to purple side says that dark-haired people are more typical of Eastern and African nationalities. Those. We do everything the same as for skin, only we select the scanning area – hair. However, it is more difficult to determine nationality based on hair in the sense that some people artificially dye or lighten their hair. This method is well applicable when you are sure that the hair is not dyed or very dirty.

For more detailed information on determining a person’s race using the spectrum analyzer program, please visit the program’s website or write to the forum.

A phenotype is a set of genetic characteristics adapted to certain environmental conditions in which a person constantly lives. Based this concept a definition of race is constructed as a population whose members have common external phenotypic characteristics by which they can be identified.

Types of racial phenotypes

IN scientific world the most used different classifications races depending on the region of residence of the population. The most common division is the following:

  • Australoid race - indigenous people Australia and nearby island territories (Oceania).
  • Americanoid (or “Amerind”) are the indigenous people of North and South America.
  • Caucasian - the indigenous population of Europe and adjacent countries, whose inhabitants have dominant phenotypic characteristics characteristic of a given race.
  • Mongoloid - indigenous people of the Far East, Asia, Siberia.
  • Negroid - the indigenous population of Africa and the peoples living in the neighborhood, marked by Negroid phenotypic characteristics.

Within each race there are subspecies/groups - depending on the place of residence within a particular region. However, to find differences between representatives different groups Only specialists can.

But anyone can determine the basic racial phenotype based on basic external characteristics. The main thing is to know how the appearance of people from different phenotypic groups differs.

External differences in racial phenotypes

A person’s race can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • facial features,
  • eyes,
  • hair,
  • leather.

Accordingly, the key differences in the appearance of representatives of the races will be as follows:

Phenotypic traits

Facial features


Large nose with a short bridge, massive brow ridges, powerful jaws, large teeth.

Dark color.

Soft, wavy, sometimes curly. The vegetation on the body is very developed.

Light or dark brown.


The face is large and tall. Lower jaw wide. The nose is often “eagle-shaped”, with a long bridge. The mouth is also wide. Facial hair is poorly expressed.

Dark. The palpebral fissure is wider than that of representatives of the Mongoloid race, but narrower than that of Europeans.

Dark, straight. Less often - wavy.


The nose is narrow, sharply protruding. Lips are medium in thickness. Men have developed facial hair.

Southerners have darker eye color. Northerners have a lighter color. Wide eye shape.

Soft, wavy or straight. Residents southern regions- darker. The northern ones are lighter.

The skin is light and very light.


The hair on the face (as well as on the whole body) is weak. The face is flattened. The nose protrudes weakly. But the cheekbones stand out well.

Dark. The eye shape is narrow. There is an additional fold of skin at the inner corner of the eye.

Black, straight.

Has a yellowish tint.


The jaws protrude forward. The lips are thick. The nose is wide and flat.

Brown. Wide eye shape.

Rigid, strongly curled in a spiral.

Dark brown, black.

It should be understood that this applies specifically to the indigenous inhabitants of certain corners of the planet.

However, globalization has been successfully proceeding in the world for many decades, erasing the boundaries between states and continents, promoting the resettlement of people, the assimilation of some peoples with others. Because of this, the differences between races become less pronounced. Phenotypes with characteristics characteristic of different populations appear. In addition, people have learned to radically change their appearance with the help of plastic surgery, cosmetics, and hairdressers. Therefore, sometimes it is quite difficult to accurately determine race even based on the described characteristics.

All people living on earth can be divided into three groups according to their race. Racial characteristics were formed in our ancestors a very long time ago. Their formation occurred under the influence of lifestyle, environment and other factors. Today, these signs have been preserved almost completely, and a person can find out his belonging to a particular race simply by looking in the mirror.

You will need

  • - mirror


Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You are a representative of the Negroid (Australian-Negroid) race if you have the following characteristics: dark (dark brown, black, yellow or chocolate brown) skin with poorly developed body hair and full, fleshy lips, as if slightly turned out. wavy or curly, often coarse dark hair; dark (brown, black) eyes; a rather narrow face with weakly defined cheekbones; tall (often) stature; a wide, large nose, rather flat.

You are a Caucasian (a representative of the Caucasian, Euro-Asian race) if you have: light or dark skin; soft straight or wavy hair of light brown shades; pronounced body hair (in men); light eyes (gray, gray-blue, greenish, blue and so on) - narrow nose - often thin lips - pronounced chin - medium or tall height.

If you are a Mongoloid (a representative of the Asian-American, Mongoloid race), then your appearance probably has a number of characteristic features. Such as: dark or light skin with a yellowish, yellowish-brown tint; coarse black straight hair; narrow; a flat, wide face with strongly pronounced cheekbones; a flat, wide nose; medium-sized lips; poorly defined hair; medium or small stature.

Helpful advice

Sometimes it is difficult to determine what race a person belongs to. The fact is that each “pure” race has several intermediate ones. The Ural and Lapanoid groups are intermediate between the Mongoloid and Caucasoid. And the Ethiopian race combines the features of Negroids and Caucasians.

In addition, within each race there are several small groups of races. The Caucasoid group unites the White Sea-Baltic, Central European, Atlantic-Baltic, Indo-Mediterranean, Balkan-Caucasian groups.

Within the Mongoloid race, there are Far Eastern (Koreans, Chinese, Japanese), North Asian, South Asian (Javanese, Malays), Arctic (Chukchi, Koryaks, Eskimos), and American groups. Negroids are divided into Australoids, Veddoids and Melanesians.

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