Salair ridge fauna.  Salair ridge, Guryevsky district, Kemerovo region, Russia

There is a picturesque elevated area of ​​the low-mountain Salair ridge. It stretches with its relatively aligned peaks for 300 km, up to 40 km wide. The highest point of the hill is the mountain with interesting name Kivda (618 m). Mountains Badger (566 m) and Tyagun (562 m) are also famous and popular for visiting. The beginning of the ridge is in the north of Altai in the basins of the Tom, Chumysh and Uksunay, then it follows in an arc along the Gurye and Kuzbass rivers along the Suenga river along the Tanai lake reservoir, continuing to the Bugotaksky hills in the Novosibirsk region.

Relief of the Salair Ridge

By its origin, Salair is quite ancient destroyed mountains, representing a chain of low hilly ridges. Some of them are plowed today. It was once a high mountain range, now flattened by erosion. The main peaks are presented in the center of the ridge between 53° - 55° N. w. Throughout Salair, wide river valleys dissect. From the northeast, the slope of the mountain system rises like a wall above the plain. Near the villages of Rozhdestvenskoye and Bekovo there is a steep ridge of Tyrgan. A similar form of relief is observed from Guryevsk to the village of Krasnoye. From the foot of these two steep ridges the plain begins.

Salair resembles a leveled geological time a hilly hill, dissected by the work of water and wind. In the relief, geographers divide Salair into the vast Salair plateau and the steep orographic slope of the Salair region in Kuzbass. These regions differ in modern landforms, which depend on tectonics, constituent rocks and types of erosion. The ridge was formed by uneven tectonic uplifts in Neogene times on a plain flooded by the sea. The Paleozoic foundation in the depressions of the ridge relief is covered by Meso-Cenozoic deposits.

The gently leveled hills of Salair are dissected by ravines, ravines, and swampy river valleys into separate ridges. On the Salair Plateau there are rocky outcrops composed of igneous rocks, diorites and gabbros, granites and porphyrites.

The asymmetrical slopes from the west are gentle with outcrops of shale and sandstone, gradually turning into the Prisalair upland. From the east, the slopes of the ridge are steep with a steep Tyrgan. From the north, the relief of Salair is smoothed and continues with the Kuznetsk Basin. From the south, the relief rises, turning into. Over many millions of years, numerous karst forms were formed in the depths of the ridge due to water erosion.

Hydrology and rivers of the Salair Ridge

Salair is not distinguished by high relief, there are no accumulations of snow, but numerous rivers of the Ob and Tom basins begin here. According to scientists' research, Salair has great importance for hydrological regime, level and condition groundwater in the area between the rivers and the Irtysh, the Kuznetsk lowland basin and the Kulundinskaya steppe. Its hydrological significance is similar to mountain system Alatau.

Salair and the Alatau Mountains are located in a meridional position and influence the climate and humidity of the territory. Salair became a natural watershed for the Tom River. The largest river reservoirs of Salair are Suenga, Berd and Chumysh. Not so full-flowing, but very picturesque rivers are Ik, Chem, Bachat, Alambay and Konebikha. The rivers of Salair are rich in fish, especially grayling living in mountain river reservoirs.

The Salair rivers are of great interest for novice water tourists; 1st grade rafting is carried out along the Tomi-Chumysh and Chumysh-Alambay. Picturesque river valleys They are weakly incised into the relief due to the solid foundation of the territory of Paleozoic age. Most villages and towns are located in the valleys of local rivers. The ridge is mostly uninhabited due to its remoteness and taiga impenetrable forests.

History of the Salair Ridge

The bowels of Salair are rich in minerals. In ancient times, rumors about the fabulous riches of the territory reached ancient Greece; Herodotus mentions in his writings about the distant country of the Arimasna people living in the south of Siberia.

The history of the settlement and development of Salair is associated with the extraction of natural deposits. In 1787, ore containing silver was found near the village of Salairki on Sairairka. Soon a mine was built and the entire ridge was named Salair. And today the city of Salair is located here. The word “sair” is translated among the Turks as “rocky dry river bed.”

After Ermak’s campaign, ore miners began the development and exploration of the South Siberian lands. Highest mining privileges in Kuznetsk land and Salair received the famous Akinfiy Demidov. With the active participation of the Ural industrialist himself, his craftsmen and ore miners, to XVIII century Up to 100 deposits for the extraction of metal ores were discovered here. Soon the first smelting plants in Pavlovsk, Barnaul, Suzun and roads to the mining enterprises were built. Along a highway built from Tomsk through Kuznetsk to Barnaul, ore from the Salair mine was transported to the smelters of Altai.
It is interesting to visit the old Ekaterininsky tract, along which alluvial gold was transported from the Berezovaya River. There is a lot of loose gold on the rivers of Salair, local residents always engaged in its extraction. Gold miners gathered in the village of Yegoryevskoye on the Suenga River. In addition to gold and various metal ores, there is a marble deposit near the village of Peteni, limestone deposits, coal and shale.

Nature of Salair

The nature of Salair is extremely diverse and varied. The uniqueness of natural conditions and climate, high summer humidity, winter snow abundance and mild weather conditions contribute to the rapid growth of green mass of grass and trees. Even ordinary herbaceous plants grow to enormous sizes on Salair.
On spring days, the slopes are covered with a motley bright carpet of rare and Red Book primroses of the Altai anemone, goose onion, lumbago, kandyk, slippers, Maryina roots, relict hoofed grass, bedstraw, brunnera. Relics have been preserved from the times of dominance in the territory of tropical prehistoric forests. A relict linden tree has been preserved from that time. The linden grove with an area of ​​18 hectares on the Uksunai River is a natural monument.

Salair's forests are primarily a mixture of aspen and birch, aspen and fir, with a shrub understory and the famous native tallgrass. There are Vaganovsky, Guryevsky, Krasnensky pine forests, aspen and birch groves here. On the slopes from the east they grow light forests of pines and larch trees, along the wide valleys of local rivers of spruce, birch, pine and larch trees.

Black taiga Salira

A special attraction of Salair is the so-called “Black or dark coniferous taiga”, this is a gloomy and fairly humid forest of fir and aspen, lichens and mosses grow everywhere. It is difficult to pass and littered with dead wood, a kind of kingdom of brown bears. The most valuable forests consist of fir, but there are practically none left. Near the village of Kotorovo there is a fir grove, declared a natural monument, it is interesting to walk along ecological trail through such a forest. To preserve the unique biocenoses of the taiga, the dark coniferous Salair forests, the Red Book plants of the common wolfberry, and the many-parted rosemary, the Zalesovsky reserve was created.

The fauna of the area is striking in its diversity of species, native home roe deer, bears, wolves, moose, foxes, lynxes, wolverines. In the taiga there are many stoats, weasels, badgers, hares, minks, weasels, and ferrets. Among the rodents there are Siberian shrews listed in the Red Book, and among the chiropterans there are very rare species pond bat, red anemone, great tubebill, northern leathernose.

Up to 100 species of different birds nest on Salair, including hunting birds in the dark coniferous forests capercaillie and hazel grouse, black grouse are found in light pine and larch forests. Of the rare birds of prey peregrine falcons, saker falcons, imperial eagle, eagles, golden eagles, short-tailed snakes, and shrikes nest. The taiga is rich in insects, ants, forest bugs, longhorned beetles, bark beetles, and butterflies. In rivers and taiga lakes you can catch grayling, tench, minnow, pike, and dace.

Salair in winter

In winter, the slopes of Salair invite ski lovers here. Amateur groups gather in the vicinity of Tyagun and Alambay, at the Togulenok railway station, bases of ski tourist communities have been built here. Many rent housing in nearby villages in order to start from here and return here. There are some great ones here natural conditions for organizing ski trips 1-2 k.s.

Salair is very attractive for skiers; they will be warmly welcomed at the ski resorts “Novososedovo” and “Pikhtovy ridge”, “Tanai” and “Golden Mountain”. In the south of the ridge, a system of underground karst galleries has been discovered that will be of interest to speleologists. You can visit the famous karst caves Barsukovskaya, Yegoryevskaya, Krokhalevskaya, Novososedovskaya, Tomskaya, Gavrilovskaya, Uksunayskaya.

Before you go to Salair, you need to know that there is practically no road communication here except for the Kuzbass-Altai road. There is also a YuzhSib railway line with a well-known underground tunnels and Tyagun station.

Salair is interesting for paleontologists, here you can find bones of prehistoric rhinoceros and mammoth everywhere, and there are fossils everywhere in the Devonian and Carboniferous alluvium. In Chumysh, archaeologists have found sites of ancient people, mound groups and funeral complexes.

A follower of energy-informational and sacred practices, Salair is attracted by the so-called Places of Power, which influence people’s consciousness in the most unusual way. The man here feels energy flows, euphoria and confidence, sees color glows, activation creativity. Here greenery grows wildly, healing water flows in the springs.


Salair Ridge- low-mountain, located on the territory of, and regions of the Russian Federation. The length is about 300 kilometers. 15-40 kilometers. The most significant peaks: (618 m), (566), (589), Tyagun (562), Shaggy Mountain (555), Sinyukha (536), Kopna (509).


The Salair Ridge is a heavily destroyed, partially leveled mountain range. For the most part, the ridge is a chain of low hills and ridges, largely plowed. The main ridge and spurs are most pronounced in the central part of the ridge, between 55° and 53°30" northern latitude. The ridge is strongly dissected by wide and gentle valleys.

An interesting feature of the Salair Ridge is that its northeastern slope in some places rises sharply, like a wall, above the plain. Thus, between the villages of Bekovo and Rozhdestvenskoye, at a distance of tens of kilometers, stretches the high, at some points sharply steep ridge Tyrgan (Mountain of the Winds). A similar ridge begins at and stretches in a northwestern direction to the villages of Gorskino and Krasnoye for several tens of kilometers. At the foot of this mountain range, completely flat terrain begins.

The Salair ridge is more reminiscent of a highly leveled hilly upland, dissected by processes of erosion - wind and water destruction. According to the nature of the relief, the Salair ridge is clearly divided into the Salair plateau and a short steep slope - the Kuznetsk Prisalair region. Each of these areas differs only in its inherent relief features, determined by the tectonic structure, composition rocks and the nature of manifestation of erosion processes.

The Salair ridge was formed as a mountain structure as a result of weak uneven uplifts in the Neogene on the site of a flooded plain. The rocks of the Paleozoic basement are overlain by a thickness of Meso-Cenozoic weathering crust - bauxite-bearing clays, loams and pebbles. Mesozoic sediments are concentrated in depressions.

The gently hilly, leveled spaces of the Salair Ridge are dissected by a network of ravines and gullies into a system of complex branching ridges. The relief of the plateau includes numerous outcrops, the so-called “hills” or “mounds”, composed of difficult-to-weather rocks (diorites, gabbros, porphyrites, granites). The height of these remains is different: Badger - 567 m, Shaggy Mountain - 557 m, Pikhtovaya Mountain - 510 m, Kopna - 509 m, Golden Mountain - 416 m, Belukha - 375 m.

The slopes of the mountains of the Salair Ridge are asymmetrical. The western slopes are gentle, gradually turning into the flat part Altai Territory. Outcrops of ancient bedrock can be seen everywhere: crystalline limestones, sandstones and shales. The eastern slopes are steep. A typical example Such a relief is Tyrgan (“Mountain of the Winds”), on which one of the city’s districts is located. In the northern part, the ridge smoothes out and imperceptibly passes into the Kuznetsk Basin, and the southern end, more elevated, merges with the mountain system Mountain Shoria.


It is quite clear that the Salair Ridge influences the regime of groundwater and the Kuznetsk Basin. The Kuznetsk Alatau has the same importance in the groundwater regime of the adjacent lowlands. The peculiarity of the Alatau and Salair mountain systems is their meridional position, which has a great influence on the contrast in the climate of individual regions of the region and on the general increased humidity within the mountains. The Salair Ridge in its southern part is a watershed between the basins of the Chumysh and Tom rivers c top part, in the northern between Ob and Tom. The boundaries of the Salair Ridge run along the outcrops of the Paleozoic foundation along the valley of the Chumysh River, and the northeastern border is clearly expressed by the Tyrgan ledge (near the city of Prokopyevsk), which abruptly breaks off towards the Kuznetsk Basin.

A distinctive feature of the relief of the Salair Ridge is the presence of karst forms, which owe their origin to thick layers of limestone with a low groundwater level. These are hollows, dry ravines (for example, Gavrilovsky).

The river network of the Salair Ridge is weakly incised, the valleys have gentle slopes, often asymmetrical. The watershed areas are slightly affected by erosion. They are usually flat, and on the larger ones several levels of planation with the weathering crust are noticeably expressed, corresponding to certain cycles of denudation (destruction) associated with the uplift of the Salair Ridge. The loess cover smoothed out the initial unevenness and gave the relief modern smooth outlines, and in summer, in dry, windy weather, it contributes to the formation of dust storms.

The formation of the Salair Ridge relief took place during long period. During the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic and the Paleogene period of the Cenozoic, the ridge area was a plain with a thick weathering cover. The intensification of tectonic activity led to the movement of the Salair foundation and the resumption of weathering, which contributed to the formation of deposits of nickel, gold, silver, mercury, quartzite, limestone, clay and other minerals. However, intensive extraction of these minerals, especially by quarry-dump and dredge-dump methods, led to a change in the regime, pattern and flow river system. This also contributed to the development of ravines along the rivers; landslides along the rivers, Chebura, Kasma - all this is the result technogenic impact on geological environment with irreversible changes in relief.


In Western and southern parts Summers on the Salair Ridge are warm and long, with quite big amount precipitation, and winters are relatively mild, with a thick snow cover that protects the soil from freezing. Black taiga with an admixture is most widespread here. The slopes and tops of the ridge in places with less favorable climatic conditions overgrown with light coniferous forests with an admixture of , and sometimes . There are especially many light coniferous forests on the eastern slopes. These are the famous pine forests: Vaganovsky, Krasninsky, Guryevsky and others. Pine forests have lush shrub and grass cover, but it is much less common than in the black taiga. A lot of berries and mushrooms grow in forest glades. In the black fir taiga with an admixture of aspen it grows in places, for example in the region. In hard-to-reach places of the Salair Ridge, cedars of especially large sizes are found

Salair Ridge - part of the region Southern Siberia, low mountain elevation. It is a spur. The ridge begins in the area of ​​the river. Neni, in its upper reaches. Then it descends in a northwesterly direction between and Condoma, flowing along water flow Obi. The length of the Salair Ridge is about 300 km. The hill ends with the small Bugotak hills. In territorial and administrative terms, the ridge is located in Russia within three regions: Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Altai territories. Southern Siberia, the map of which is presented in the article, is an unforgettable place!


The name comes from the Sairair River that once flowed through these lands. Translated from Turkic, “Sair” means a rocky riverbed, and “air” means a rivulet.


Salair by external signs resembles a hilly hill rather than a mountain range. The fact is that most of it has been plowed for a long time. In addition, gentle, rugged valleys run along the ridge.

In fact, Salair is an ancient mountain. The lower section of the ridge is represented. Further, in even stripes there are metamorphic rocks three eras of the Devonian period. The volcanic formations located here also date back to this time. Most upper layer The ridge is represented by clayey rocks of Pliocene age.

The Salair ridge has a rugged surface, with ravines and ridges visible. This feature was given to Salair powerful force weathering and erosion.

Based on the nature of the relief of the ridge, two regions can be distinguished, which are particularly contrasting from each other: these are the Salair plateau and the Kuznetsk Prisalair region. The last area of ​​this area is represented by a sharp slope in the northeast of the hill. The sheer wall rises 120 m and has a sharp slope. The western slopes of the Salair ridge are gentle, evenly descending towards the foot Altai Valley. Features of the relief are rock caves, funnels, and dry ravines. They were formed due to erosion processes, for a long time dominant in the territory of such natural object, like the Salair ridge.

Novosibirsk region, Kemerovo and Altai Territories - this mountain range belongs to these parts of Russia. It has many peaks high altitude. The average ones reach about 400 m. The most high point The city of Kivda (618 m) is considered. Hills of approximate height are located nearby. These are Mohnataya, Pikhtovaya and Zolotaya Gora, as well as the towns of Kopna and the town of Belukha.

Riches of the region

The long period of formation of the hill influenced the location here large deposits various minerals. Mentions of the Arimasni people, who lived in Siberia and “stealing gold from eagles,” are found in Herodotus. In the area of ​​the Salair Ridge there are gold deposits - gold placers. Gold is mined in almost all rivers that originate in mountain range. The famous gold mines of this region are Khristinsky, Ursky, Yegoryevsky, Mungaisky and Kasminsky.


Coal deposits are of great importance in the region. Several years ago, the Bachatskoye and Kolchuginskoye deposits were discovered and are being actively used. New deposits have also been discovered, although they are not yet equipped for production. These are the Elbashskoye, Izylgonskoye and Vyzhikhskoye fields.

The region is rich in iron species and is represented by red and brown iron ores. There are small inclusions of copper ores. There is active mining of metals in the deposits. Silver ores also occur in Salair. Silver deposits can be found in the northeast. Deposits of nickel, mercury, bauxite and quartzite occur in small quantities.

The Salair Ridge is a place where rocks are mined that are actively used in construction. These are sandstones, gray and white limestones, diorites, clay and peat.


Despite the fact that the height of the Salair ridge is small, several rivers originate at its peaks, which flow along both the eastern and western slopes. Descending from the mountains, these watercourses flow into more large rivers- Inyu, Berd and Chumysh. The waters of the mountain range have a significant influence on the degree of water filling in these streams. Also, the Salair Ridge (the map is in the article) is of great importance in shaping the climate in this territory. The fact is that the hill is located meridionally, which means it prevents the passage air masses deep into the mainland. Humidity in the mountains is much higher than in the lower reaches. The rivers flowing here have gently sloping banks and often flood. Landslides and steep banks are common.

Flora and fauna

The Salair ridge has rich vegetation. It is represented by coniferous and mixed forests. There are areas of aspen forests, birch groves, fir thickets, and pine forests (Gurievsky, Vaganovsky, Krasninsky). The forests are full of berries, mushrooms, rare plants - Altai anemone, holatka, kandyk, lumbago, and many unique primroses. Sometimes there are areas of vegetation characteristic of such natural area like taiga. The natives call these places the mob. The forest received this nickname because of its dense cover, through which no light passes. It is always gloomy here, fog swirls, there are a lot of shrubs, lichens and mosses, and bears are very common. In addition to brown representatives, lynx, fox, wolf, elk, weasel, and badger live in the forests.

Climate and infrastructure

The climate in these places is cool. Due to frequent rains, the air is always very humid. There are no people living on the Salair Ridge and its environs. There is also no permanent road connection. Only at the foot of the ridge at the mouths of the rivers are small villages located. Locals warmly welcome travelers and conduct excursions along ecological trails.

The climate map of Russia (the Altai Territory is also on it) actually displays all the zones in which it is located this territory. And one of unusual places is Salair. It is a must visit! This is a stunning place with so much to admire and photograph as a souvenir. Many tourists who come here return more than once to refresh their impressions.

, Kemerovo region

The Salair Ridge is an ancient low-mountain hill in Southern Siberia, located on the territory of the Altai Territory, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions. Length mountain range about 300 kilometers with a width of 15-40 kilometers. The hilly, flat and flattened spaces of the Salair Ridge are divided into a system of complex branching ridges by a network of ravines and gullies. The relief includes numerous remnants, the so-called “hills” or “kopnas,” composed of hard, difficult-to-weather rocks such as diorites, gabbros, porphyrites, and granites. Most high peaks:: Badger (567 meters), Mokhnataya (557 meters), Pikhtovaya (510 meters), Kopna (509 meters), Zolotaya (416 meters), Belukha (375 meters). The main ridge and its spurs are most pronounced in the central part of the ridge, between 55° and 53°30" north latitude.

The Salair Ridge begins with the spurs of the Altai Mountains on the territory of the Altai Territory on the watershed of the Tom and Chumysh rivers, and runs in an arc in the west and southwest of Prokopyevsky and Guryevsky administrative districts Kemerovo region, then in the area of ​​the Suenga River and Lake Tanai of the Promyshlennovsky district of the Kemerovo region goes into the Novosibirsk region, ending with the Bugotaksky hills. The massif is separated from the Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains by the valley of the Tom River, and from Gornaya Shoria by the valley of the Kondoma River.

Due to its boundary position in late XVIII century, the Salair Ridge was considered part of the Altai Mountains, and then, like the Kuznetsk Alatau, the Salair Ridge initially received the name Kuznetsk Mountains from the Russians.

The most elevated southern tip merges with the mountain system of Gornaya Shoria, and in the northern part the ridge smoothes out and gradually turns into the Kuznetsk Basin. The slopes of the mountains of the Salair Ridge are asymmetrical. The western slopes passing into the flat part of the Altai Territory are gentle. The eastern slopes, on the contrary, are steep and precipitous. An example of such asymmetry is the Tyrgan ridge ("Mountain of the Winds") on the northeastern border of the Salair Ridge between the villages of Bekovo and Rozhdestvenskoye, on which one of the districts of the city of Prokopyevsk is located. A similar ridge begins near Guryevsk and stretches for several tens of kilometers in the northwest direction to the villages of Gorskino and Krasnoye. Its northeastern slope in some places rises sharply, like a wall, above the plain, and on opposite side smoothly transitions into completely flat terrain.

Although the Salair ridge is low and does not have snowfields and mountain lakes, several rivers, tributaries of the Inya, Berd and Chumysh rivers, originate from it. As studies by A.I. Zens-Litovsky have shown, the Salair ridge has great value for the groundwater regime of the Ob-Irtysh interfluve, in particular in the Kulunda steppe. In addition, the Salair Ridge has a significant impact on the regime of groundwater and the Kuznetsk Basin.

According to the nature of the relief, the Salair Ridge is clearly divided into the Salair Plateau and the short steep slope of the Kuznetsk Prisalair region. Each of these areas differs only in its inherent relief features, determined by the tectonic structure, composition of rocks and the nature of the manifestation of erosion processes.

The predominant form of relief of the Salair Ridge is represented by karst forms, which owe their origin to thick layers of karst limestone with a low groundwater level. These are funnels, basins, ponors, dry ravines, caves (for example, Gavrilovsky). The river network of the Salair ridge is weakly incised, the valleys often have asymmetrical gentle slopes. Watershed areas are poorly eroded. The forest cover, further smoothing out the initial unevenness, gave the relief a modern smooth outline, which in summer, in dry, windy weather, contributes to the formation of dust storms.

The Salair Ridge is an ancient mountain range that borders the Kuznetsk Basin from the west. Their length from south to north is about 300 km, width 15-40 km. The ridge is strongly smoothed, average height it is slightly less than 400 meters from sea level. Several rivers originate from it, flowing to the east - to Inya, to the west - to Berd, Chumysh.

At the end of the 18th century, the Salair Ridge was perceived as part of Altai. Later, like the Kuznetsk Alatau, the Salair Ridge initially received the name Kuznetsk Mountains from the Russians. On the river Sairair (Turkic-Mongolian sair “dry rocky riverbed” and Turkic calamus, ayir “small river”) stood the village of Salairka. In 1787, a silver ore deposit was discovered near the village of Salairka. The mine built on the basis of this deposit was named Salairsky. Nowadays it is the city of Salair, Kemerovo region. Thus, the low ancient mountains later became known as Salair mountains. From a great height, the ridge looks like a green island, raised on one side above the Kuznetsk Basin, on the other - above the Ob Plain. The main ridge and spurs are most pronounced in the central part of the ridge.

The Salair ridge forms an arc, convexly facing northeast. In the north-west the ridge reaches Bugotak (Turkic bug"bull", tag“mountain”, that is, “bull-mountain”) hills: Kholodnaya (380 m), Mokhnataya (373 m) and Bolshoy (361 m). From the Bugotak hills, the Salair ridge turns sharply to the southwest into the bend of the Ob River.

The length of the Salair Ridge from south to north is about 300 kilometers, the width is 15-40 kilometers. The ridge is strongly flattened, its average height is slightly less than 400 meters from sea level. The most significant of them are Kivda (618 m), Pikhtovaya (585 m), Badger (566 m), Gusyok (589 m), Tyagun (562 m), Mokhnataya (555 m), Sinyukha (536 m), Kopna (509 m ).

The ridge begins in the upper reaches of the Neni, the right tributary of the Viya, and the Antrop, the left-bank tributary of the Kondoma, and ends with the Bugotak hills in the Novosibirsk region with a highest elevation of 379 meters. The direction of the main ridge of Salair is almost parallel to Kuznetsk Alatau.

The Salair ridge is low and does not have snowfields or mountain lakes; several rivers originate from it, flowing east to Inya and west to Berd and Chumysh. And Chumysh itself begins on Salair.

The Salair ridge and the pre-Salair areas are quite rich in minerals. In the vicinity of the village of Peteni there is a well-known marble quarry in the Novosibirsk region. This quarry looks peculiar - in the form of steps. Using special equipment, marble blocks are cut from a common mass of stone. Marble from the Petenevskoe deposit has different colors and is famous for quality.

But Salair is best known for its placer gold. Almost all rivers of Salair are gold-bearing. The population of these places has long been engaged in gold mining. Historical Center gold mining on Salair - the village of Yegoryevskoye, located in the picturesque valley of the Suenga River. The entire almost 200-year history of this village is connected with gold mining. Over the entire period of use of placers in the Yegoryevsky gold-bearing region alone, more than 10 tons were mined precious metal. Currently, industrial gold mining is carried out on the Suenga and its tributaries. A special technical structure is designed for this - a dredge.

Found on Salair whole line rare plants for Siberia. In spring, the slopes of the Salair Ridge are a luxurious carpet of primroses. The snow has not yet completely melted, but from under last year’s foliage wonderful flowers are already making their way towards spring - kandyk, Altai anemone, gooseberry, holatka, lumbago. European hooffoot is a relict plant that has been preserved on the Salair Ridge since the era when the climate in Siberia was much milder and broad-leaved forests predominated. In hard-to-reach places, dense, impenetrable taiga, consisting of fir and aspen, still remains. In Siberia, these gloomy dark coniferous forests are called chenoya or chernovaya taiga. In such a forest, dampness is always felt and twilight prevails - here is the kingdom of mosses, ferns and lichens. The mob is gloomy, gloomy, littered with dead wood. These are typical bear areas. But there are practically no large areas of fir left. One of the islands of fir forest has been preserved in the vicinity of the former village of Kotorovo. The natural monument “Black Forests of the Salair region” was organized here.

The fauna of Salair is also rich. First of all, insects attract attention - the ubiquitous ants, forest bugs, bright and fancy butterflies. A number of rare insects are found on Salair, for example, the Apollo butterfly, listed in the Red Book of Russia. In the taiga, on dead tree trunks, the work of longhorned beetles and bark beetles is clearly visible. They tirelessly recycle trunks dead trees. Grayling is found in Salair rivers. This fish is typical for mountain rivers. Bats can be found in caves and hollows. Bears, moose, wolves, lynxes and hares are found on Salair. The Salair taiga is home to an abundance of birds. More than a hundred species of birds live and breed here.

In winter, the taiga is like a fairy tale. Slender fir trees are covered with sparkling fluffy snow. At such a time, it seems that everything in the taiga has fallen asleep. But even in this harsh time, many animals are active. Squirrels and crossbills deftly remove seeds from the cones of coniferous trees. Pine also provides food for the largest taiga birds – wood grouse. All winter they feed on pine needles. Owls catch unwary mice.

The nature of Salair is beautiful at any time of the year. But she needs protection. A number of specially protected areas have currently been created on the territory of Maslyaninsky and Toguchinsky districts. natural areas. Caring attitude to the unique nature of the Salair Ridge is a guarantee that its pristine beauty and wealth will be preserved for future generations.