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Affectionate nicknames: the boundless fantasy of a couple

From childhood we get used to the fact that mothers caress our ears, calling us all sorts of pleasant words. For our nervous system, all these “cats” and “paws” are the same as “sim-salabim and akhalay-mahalai” for opening a secret passage. Affectionate treatment always immediately puts you at ease. It is the cute and gentle nicknames that people who love us give us that help us instantly tune into a friendly mood and relax.

By the way, cinema and literature are full of examples of touching and touching nicknames. Famous phrase Faina Ranevskaya in the film “Foundling”: “ Mulya, don’t make me nervous!”, became winged. It seems that the heroine “freaked out”, and with this affectionate Mulya she smoothed out all the rough edges. Here we also remember another Soviet film - “Girl Without an Address”: “Well, whatever he wants Masik , to Kusenka Did you bring it for him? Classic literature is replete with cute nicknames from the series Darling, Dove, Darling. Vladimir Mayakovsky beloved Lilya Brik affectionately called Little Fox, Fox. A Marina Tsvetaeva her son was affectionately called Moore. Yes, there are plenty more examples. All people, without exception, put affectionate labels on their loved ones to indicate their attitude and their belonging to the object of love.

The variety of cute nicknames is limited only by the couple’s imagination. But they also have their own fashion. Some are especially popular, while others clearly reflect the individuality of their owner. Here's a small rating for you.

1. The first place of honor is occupied by the animalistic theme. The leader, of course, is the cat family: Kotiki, Kitties, Kisuni and even Katsunyaki. You don’t have to think long, it’s almost always 100% hitting the sweet spot. Cats are one of the most affectionate animals, which is probably why we humans love to associate ourselves with them.

2. For those who are already quite fed up with the cat theme, bet on Zaitsev! Yes, these furry animals are not far from cats either. Bunny, Bunny, and briefly and simply - Zaya. The animal does not seem to be the most affectionate, but it is fluffy, cute and cozy.

3. Not only animals are included in the ranking of affectionate nicknames. Birds are also among the top popularity, but selectively. No Pelicans, Storks or Swifts for you. Try calling your husband: “Goose, you are mine, crystal.” He won't understand. He will be offended. Or just casually say to your wife: “Magpie, let’s eat!” You may be left without dinner. But Swallows, Sparrows, Doves, Winches, even Herons and Parrots often appear in love chatter. And those who do not really like to go through names or simply do not have extensive knowledge of orientology, use the generalized Bird.

4. However, practically any animal can be included in the list of affectionate, if used in a diminutive form. After all, the Elephant and the Baby Elephant sound and are perceived completely differently. Yes, and Toad-Toad too. For example, it is dangerous for a husband who accidentally spills sauce on himself to say: “You are a Pig!” And the cute Pig or Pig will immediately smooth out the rough edges of your comment.

5. Sometimes, in order for a slightly offensive word to turn into an affectionate one, it's enough just to hiss it. Psychologists, by the way, attribute the properties of attracting attention and favor to the letter “Ш”. Hence all these Sunshines, Babies, Babies, Lapushki and even Fools and Sillys.

6. For those who don’t particularly like to stir up cute emotions the discreetly conservative “Sweetheart”, “Native”, “Lubimaya”, “Zolotko” are suitable... Or all sorts of declensions of the names of your loved ones Sashenka, Deniska, Vanechka...

7. For couples who are in a permanent musi-pussy state, all sorts of “Lapusenki”, “Pussenki”, “Pupsiki”, “Masenki”, “Musenki”, “Shmusenki” and “Bubusenki” are ideal.

8. There are couples who have sense of humor is ok, and spouses can painlessly exchange very dubious nicknames such as “Zhopotulka”, “Puzyaka”, “Kozyavochka”, “Kazulya”. There are also “Chuchi”, “Donuts”, “Fatties”, “Gulens”, “Cranks” and even “Krakozyabry”. Partners who love each other are not at all offended by such nicknames; on the contrary, these cute “offenders” stick very quickly and sometimes hide unspoken grievances and complaints. It’s enough to just laugh it off and everything will be forgotten.

9. Edible theme is also actively discussed by lovers: “Sweet”, “Sugar”, “Pirozhenka”, “Gingerbread”, “Pie”, “Varenichek”, “Cherry” and many others. This can also include a vegetable theme: “Carrot”, “Eggplant”, etc.

What affectionate nicknames stuck with your couple? By the way, it is believed that the more inventively a couple approaches the invention of tender words, the more joint prospects await the family in the future. But an ordinary address like “Darling” is already a kind of alarm signal, which means that

Leather became the first material that man began to process and use. Its possibilities are endless - leather was used for clothing, it was used to create tools and weapons, and it was used to cover homes. Naturally, over time, in addition to purely utilitarian purposes, the role of leather processing and for artistic purposes.

There are many methods of working with leather. From embossing and appliqué to burning and intarsia. Perhaps one of the first methods was perforation, in which holes of various shapes were made on leather products, the holes were woven into patterns. Using this technique, leather accessories can be found back in Stone Age cultures.

Since ancient times it has also been used for artistic leather processing burning and engraving using paints or hot needles. These techniques were used to decorate clothes, horse harnesses, and panels. Leather wallpaper with gilded patterns was even popular in Europe for almost 300 years during the Baroque period.

But skin is a warm, living material. It carries a huge energy charge, which is a sin not to use. That is why the past special leather treatment becomes the main element of amulets and amulets.

Modern masters do not ignore this material. When combined with natural minerals, semi-precious and ornamental stones, leather amulets can bring peace, help gain wisdom, and awaken creative impulses.

But besides the classic types skin exotic ones are increasingly being used - crocodile, ostrich, stingray, eel, etc. Some products even use whole parts of animals. For example, a kraken amulet is made from the tentacles of an octopus, which can protect the owner’s wallet from attacks, and the owner himself from evil thoughts.

What would we do without our imagination, which saves us in difficult situations? Coming up with something incredible to make your life more comfortable is the motto of a huge number of people. Some inventions are amazing.

When a person finds himself in a difficult situation, his inner potential is fully revealed. To quickly find a way out, solve a problem or prevent it, people come up with completely unexpected and even original solutions. After looking at our selection, you will understand what we are talking about.

1. This is what an ideal navigation system looks like. I was confused, so confused.

2. Everything is simple and ingenious, but now the wires do not get disconnected at the most unexpected moment.

3. If you often forget your keys when leaving home, then this idea is for you.

4. Now you don’t have to be afraid of getting bogged down in a swamp - these are just walking boots.

5. To make your shower truly invigorating and refreshing, hang a couple of eucalyptus branches in it.

6. Looks like this guy's shoes have been stolen more than once, and now he has an anti-theft mechanism.

7. If you are unlucky with birds, you can simply hang a speaker on a tree and turn on their singing.

8. Comfort for pregnant women is paramount.

9. Those who don't want to spend money on special shoes to climb poles can use this idea.

10. This is the most unusual place to see paper hand towels, but it saves on electricity.

11. No more crying over those terrible onions, and cooking will be a joy.

12. Now you don’t have to collect ribbons, candy wrappers, and so on scattered around the house every hour.