It is better to receive additional education in the summer. Learning with passion

2 Sterilization

Female sterilization is also called tubal occlusion or “tubal ligation.” As a result of the operation, an artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes is created: the female egg is isolated from sperm and fertilization becomes impossible. In Russia, this method of contraception is legally permitted only for women over 35 years of age who have at least one child.

BEHIND Almost 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy; the operation does not entail changes in health, hormonal levels, does not affect sexual desire, and sometimes even increases it; the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced.

AGAINST Sterilization is almost irreversible, surgery to restore fertility is very expensive and there is no guarantee of a successful outcome; the operation is performed under anesthesia, and these are associated risks; does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection.

PEARL INDEX 0.15 (in an extremely small percentage of women, pregnancy occurred in the first year after surgery).

3 Vasectomy

Type of male sterilization. During the operation, part of the man's vas deferens is ligated or removed so that sperm do not enter the ejaculate.

BEHIND Relatively simple operation; local anesthesia; libido, erection, ejaculation, sexual desire, orgasm do not undergo changes.

AGAINST You must carefully consider your decision as reconstructive surgery is much more complex, expensive and success is not guaranteed. Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

PEARL INDEX 0.4 pregnancies per 100 women.

4 Intrauterine device

The spiral is a fairly common method of contraception in women 25-30 years old. This is a small device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent conception. Today there are about 50 types of spirals: round, spiral, T-shaped, copper or silver, hormonal, etc. The IUD prevents the implantation of the egg into the uterine wall, has a detrimental effect on sperm (copper-containing coils), and affects their ability to pass through the cervix (hormonal). Average term use - 2-5 years.

BEHIND High protection against unwanted pregnancy. Using an IUD, you can forget about other methods of birth control for several years. The spiral does not affect lactation, is easily removed by a doctor and is inexpensive.

AGAINST May cause heavy menstruation in some women. Prolonged stay of a foreign body in the body reduces immunity and can also cause inflammatory processes. The IUD is not recommended for nulliparous girls.

PEARL INDEX 1 pregnancy per 100 women.

Hormonal contraception

5 Hormonal implants and capsules

This type of contraception is a small plastic stick (the size of a match) or a thin capsule filled with hormonal drugs and injected subcutaneously, usually at inner side left forearm. After installation, implants regularly release a hormone that interferes with and also changes the cervical mucosa, making it difficult for sperm to pass through. In 2018, a new progressive product is expected on the American market - a hormonal contraceptive chip, which will be implanted under the patient’s skin and controlled using a smartphone and a special application.

BEHIND There is no need to frequently replace the implant. The effect lasts approximately 5 years. The operation is quite simple and painless.

AGAINST Side effects: nausea, headaches and possible allergic reactions. Implants are not widely represented in Russian market, from here high price. In addition, gynecologists do not recommend installing implants for girls who have not yet given birth.

PEARL INDEX 0.3 pregnancies per year per 100 women.

6 Combined oral contraceptives

AGAINST There is a risk of developing thrombosis if there is a predisposition. It takes discipline and regular application. In addition, COCs can reduce libido, cause allergies, nausea, increased sensitivity breasts, pigmentation and mood swings.

PEARL INDEX About 0.5 pregnancies per year per 100 women for combination oral medications.

7 Hormonal injections

BEHIND Availability and ease of use, wide choice. Condoms provide the best protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

AGAINST Protection against pregnancy is only 82% for male and 79% for female condoms. Many women complain that female condoms feel a bit awkward and that they can make inappropriate noises during sex. Allergy to latex is a contraindication.

PEARL INDEX From 5 to 12 pregnancies per 100 women.

11 Contraceptive caps, vaginal diaphragms and sponges

A contraceptive cap is a reusable contraceptive, which is a silicone cup with a loop that is placed on the cervix. The caps are recommended for use in conjunction with spermicides. The contraceptive is inserted immediately before sexual intercourse and can be worn for about 48 hours.

The vaginal diaphragm has the shape of a cup with a metal spring along the edge; it is inserted before sexual intercourse so that the rim is in the walls of the vagina and the dome covers the cervix. The spring presses lightly on the walls of the vagina and urethra. The size of the diaphragm is selected by a gynecologist; you can wear the contraceptive for no more than 24 hours.

A sponge soaked in spermicidal solution looks like a small donut with an indentation that should fit snugly against the cervix. The sponge combines both mechanical and chemical protection. The sponge is a universal size, and in the USA you can buy it in a regular supermarket.

BEHIND The caps and Co. are reusable, they do not change hormonal levels, and are suitable for breastfeeding women and for those for whom hormonal medications are contraindicated.

AGAINST If administered incorrectly, the effect is extremely weak. They do not protect against infections, and the quality of sex sometimes decreases. In addition, there are a number of contraindications.

PEARL INDEX From 6 to 20 pregnancies per 100 women.

12 Spermicides

Spermicides are chemical substances, destroying sperm within a short period of time (up to 1 minute). They contain special creams, jellies, suppositories, vaginal tablets, foams and films - all of this is sold freely in pharmacies. Spermicides themselves have a low contraceptive effect, so gynecologists advise combining them with barrier methods of protection.

BEHIND Ease of use, protection against certain infections.

AGAINST Low contraceptive effect. Spermicides can negatively affect vaginal flora. And one more thing: make sure that you are not already pregnant, since in this case there is a high risk to the fetus.

PEARL INDEX 25-30 pregnancies per 100 women per year.

Natural methods of contraception

13 Interrupted coitus and others

Coitus interruptus, the calendar method, a method that involves tracking basal temperature, monitoring the consistency of discharge and other methods that we inherited from our grandmothers and mothers are all natural methods of contraception. Even modern methods contraception does not provide a 100% guarantee, and the reliability of “folk” methods is even more out of the question: out of 100 women who use interrupted coitus as protection, on average, 19-20 become pregnant within a year. Moreover, none of natural methods does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

In conclusion, an important disclaimer: before choosing a method of contraception, be sure to consult with your gynecologist.

Text: Yulia Oleynikova.

For the right choice method of preventing unwanted pregnancy in this topic we will tell you what methods and methods of contraception exist. Having learned about methods of contraception, you can independently choose a more convenient contraceptive for yourself and enjoy love games without fear of getting pregnant. The term contraception refers to the prevention of pregnancy different ways: Mechanical, Chemical, etc., moreover, some methods prevent the transmission of sexual diseases.

To determine the reliability of a particular method of contraception, we will use the Pearl index, which indicates how many women out of a hundred became pregnant using one of the types of contraception for a period of time.


SEXUAL INTERRUPTION: It consists in the fact that a man, at the moment of receiving pleasure, removes the penis from a woman. The Pearl index for this type of contraception ranges from 4 to 18. In most cases, the unreliability of this method of protection lies in the man’s insufficient self-control when receiving pleasure, which leads to untimely removal of the male organ from the woman and her fertilization. Also, at the time of sexual intercourse, pre-seminal fluid is released from the male organ, which may contain live sperm, and even if the man managed to remove his organ at the moment of pleasure, this does not mean the absence of pregnancy, the woman could be fertilized with pre-seminal fluid, which is of course very rarely occurs and has no basis scientific evidence. Moreover, after a man has had pleasure, part of the ejaculate remains in the canals of his organ, which, when re-entering a woman, can lead to the release of ejaculate and pregnancy, so that the remaining ejaculate does not enter the woman, the man is advised to urinate. This type of contraception is psychologically negative for a man.

CALENDAR METHOD OF CONTRACEPTION: With this method of protection, it is necessary to calculate the days of ovulation of the egg; read how to do this here: . The Pearl index with this method of contraception ranges from 9 to 40. Remember that male ejaculate can live inside a woman from several hours to 7 days, and the average lifespan is 2-3 days. Moreover, this type of contraception is not suitable for women whose menstrual cycle is irregular.

TEMPERATURE TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: It consists in the fact that a woman measures her basal temperature and keeps a chart, almost the same as the calendar method, but based on temperature. The pearl index ranges from 0.8 to 3.

CHURCH TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: The woman monitors her vaginal discharge using tests, somewhat similar to the calendar method. The pearl index is 15.

SYMPTOTHERMAL TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: A method of protection that includes temperature and church type of contraception. Pearl index 0.3.

MEASUREMENT OF HORMONE LEVEL: Pregnancy using this method requires tests that measure the hormones LH and FSH in morning urine, indicating ovulation. Pearl index from 4 to 18.

LACTATION AMENorrhea METHOD: Method of protection in the form of an effect breastfeeding within 6 months after the birth of the child. Pearl index from 2 to 3.


CONDOM: A type of protection that involves placing a latex or thin rubber shell on the male organ, in which male ejaculate remains after pleasure. This type of contraception protects not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted diseases. When using, beware of applying oily lubricants, as oils corrode latex and the contraceptive may tear. The pearl index ranges from 2 to 12.

FEMALE CONDOM: Unlike male contraceptives, they are not worn on the male organ, but are inserted inside the woman. In all other respects, the principle of action is the same as that of the male contraceptive. Pearl index ranges from 5 to 25.

FEMALE DIAPHRAGM: A type of contraception that is a latex dome-shaped cap with a flexible rim that covers the female cervix. Pearl index from 6 to 20.

FEMALE UTERINE CAP: The type of contraceptive is very similar to the diaphragm, the only difference is that it is half the size of the diaphragm and is worn at the entrance to the uterus. Pearl index from 9 to 20.


Hormonal contraceptives have various actions protection. Some hormonal pills suppress ovulation, which is reflected in the obstruction of the development and release of the egg, other hormonal pills change the structure of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) and the fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus, others can thicken the cervical mucus, which prevents the passage of ejaculate. Independent choice of hormonal contraceptives is not recommended; it will be better if a doctor prescribes it to you with a preliminary conclusion based on the tests obtained. Frequently asked questions and general information You can read about oral contraceptives here: .

COMBINED ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES: These tablets contain the hormonal substances estrogen and progestin. Pearl index from 0.1 to 0.9.

MINI-PILI: They contain only progestin and do not contain estrogen, which, according to research, has a detrimental effect on a woman’s health. Pearl index from 0.5 to 4.3.

HORMONAL INJECTIONS: Intramuscular injections are given every 3 months and contain progestin. Pearl index from 0.3 to 1.4.

NORPLANT: A type of contraceptive inserted under the skin containing the substance levonorgestin. Pearl index from 0.08 to 0.09.

NOVARING RING: A type of contraceptive containing estrogen and progestogen. Pearl index from 0.4 to 0.65.

EURA PATCH: A type of contraception in the form of a patch attached to a woman’s skin and delivering hormones through the bloodstream to the woman’s body: Pearl index from 0.4 to 0.9.

INTRAUTERINE DEVICE: A type of contraceptive that is a plastic device with a copper coil inserted into the female uterus. It prevents the advancement of ejaculate, the attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus and shortens the life of the egg. The pearl index ranges from 0.1 to 0.5.

TYPE OF POSTCOITAL CONTRACEPTION: Applicable this type during unprotected sexual intercourse and ejaculate getting inside the woman. It consists of urgently taking a hormonal pill after sexual intercourse. Due to the high harmfulness of this type of contraception, it should be used only in emergency cases, no more than once every six months. Pearl index 2.


CREAMS, AEROSOLS, CANDLES, ETC.: They are inserted into the female vagina before sexual intercourse for about 10-15 minutes; see the instructions for the contraceptive for more details. Pearl index from 3 to 21.

INTRAUTERINE DEVICE: Yes, this type of contraception can be attributed not only to hormonal, but also to chemical methods protection, since the spiral may contain a metal that is harmful to the ejaculate.


The type of contraception in the form of sterilization is used for people who have children, since reverse restoration is almost impossible.

MALE CONTRACEPTION: This type of contraception is called a vasectomy or sterilization, which is a simple operation to block the seminal ducts. Pearl index 0.4.

FEMALE CONTRACEPTION: Sterilization of a woman is a more complicated operation than for men and involves tying the tubes to block the patency of the fallopian tubes. Pearl index from 0.01 to 0.1.


Contraceptives are traditionally divided into mechanical, biological and chemical. Various means naturally have varying degrees efficiency. Almost none of the methods of preventing pregnancy (except sexual abstinence) can give a 100% guarantee. Quite often, in order to achieve greater safety and reliability, various contraceptives are combined. However, it is best to select a contraceptive after consulting a gynecologist.

In this article we will talk in detail about the most popular types of contraception.


Condom (condom) - made of latex (polyurethane). Placed on the male penis during an erection, before engaging in sexual intercourse. After ejaculation, the condom is immediately removed and discarded. In addition to its main purpose, this contraceptive also protects partners from most sexually transmitted sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS, chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis B). The percentage of effectiveness of this contraceptive is quite high - 85-95%. However, not everything is 100%, because condoms can break and are sometimes used incorrectly.


An intrauterine device (also known as an IUD, or commonly referred to as a spiral) is a convenient and highly effective device that is placed in the uterus. Spiral, despite high percent efficiency (98-99%), has a number possible complications. For this reason, the IUD is not recommended for use by women under 23 years of age who do not yet have children. This product should only be installed and removed by a gynecologist after a medical examination. The advantages of the spiral include its long-term use - up to 5 years.


The principle of operation of the patch is that it is glued to a certain area of ​​the body, and then hormones are absorbed into the body through the skin. The effect of this contraceptive is that the development of the egg is delayed and the viscosity of the mucus in the cervical area increases. Three patches are usually used per menstrual cycle, meaning one patch is applied for seven days. Next, you need to take a week's break, and at this time menstruation begins. The disadvantages of this method include the appearance of discharge (between cycles) and headache.


This means of protection is a transparent elastic ring, which is made of synthetic material and contains hormones that begin to be released only after the ring is inserted into the vagina. By using complex system membranes, only a strictly defined amount of hormones is released daily. The ring can be easily inserted and removed by the woman herself. It is used for contraception during one menstrual cycle, which includes 21 days of use and seven days off. Side effects: spotting, nausea, headaches, etc.


The method of protection using injections is to stop ovulation (the process of the release of an egg from the ovary) by changing the mucus in the cervical area, changing the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity itself, as a result of which the development of pregnancy is impossible. The contraceptive effect of this method lasts 3 months. However, this method There are also a number of quite serious shortcomings. Problems with bleeding may occur, as well as swelling, headaches, and decreased blood levels. sexual desire. Also when long-term use This method destroys bone tissue.


The Norplant contraceptive system is six small capsules that contain the hormone levonorgestrel (progestin). The capsules are installed under the skin, on the inside of the shoulder, after which the hormone gradually begins to be released into the blood. The contraceptive effect begins within a day and lasts for five years. It is achieved by changes in the endometrium, which lead to disruption of the process of attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus. When using this implant, intermenstrual discharge may appear, the menstrual cycle may also be disrupted, depression may appear, headache fluid retention in the body, acne and pain in the mammary glands.


It should be remembered that sterilization is a method of irreversible contraception that leads to complete infertility (however, even in this case we cannot talk about 100% reliability, because there is always a chance that even the operation will not bring desired result). Male sterilization is a fairly simple surgical procedure that involves cutting and then ligating the vas deferens. Female sterilization takes place in a hospital setting and involves cutting and ligating the fallopian tubes. Do not forget that, as with any other surgical operation, during sterilization there is always a risk of complications - bleeding, infection, adhesions.


It looks like a dome-shaped cap made of latex or rubber. It is inserted into the vagina no earlier than 6 hours before sexual intercourse, while closing the cervix. The diaphragm also serves as a container for a special cream that suppresses sperm activity. The principle of its operation coincides with the principle of action of a condom - these barrier agents do not allow sperm to mechanically enter the uterus.


Biological contraceptives are a way to prevent pregnancy using hormonal contraceptives. With this method of contraception, a woman must take pills daily that contain female sex hormones. After their use, the general hormonal background changes, which in turn inhibits ovulation, changes the state of the intrauterine environment, preventing the possible occurrence of pregnancy. The effectiveness of hormonal contraception is 97-99%. There are combined oral hormonal contraceptives, that is, those that contain estrogen and gestagen, and non-combined ones, that is, those that contain only gestagen. You need to select a hormonal contraceptive with the help of a gynecologist. Since there are diseases for which the use of hormonal contraceptives is contraindicated.


These are hormonal pills that do not contain estrogens. Their effect is to increase the viscosity of the cervical mucus, which in turn makes it very difficult for sperm to pass into the uterus. Also, these drugs inhibit the maturation of the endometrium, as a result of which it becomes impossible for the egg to attach to the walls of the uterus for its further development. Mini-pills are taken without interruption for the entire time required to prevent pregnancy. The main disadvantage of this method is the slightly higher frequency (compared to other oral contraceptives) of breakthrough bleeding. Mini-pills are a solution for women who are contraindicated in the use of estrogens, including nursing mothers.


Consists of calculations using simple mathematical operations the expected start date of ovulation and abstaining from sexual intercourse during the fertile phase (the phase of ovulation during which a woman can become pregnant).
The beginning of the fertile phase described above is determined by subtracting 18 days from the shortest cycle, and the end by subtracting 11 days from the longest cycle.

The shortest cycle lasts 28 days, and the longest cycle lasts 30 days.
The beginning of the fertile phase is 28-18 = 10th day of the cycle.
End – 30-11=19th day of the cycle.

That is, from the 10th to the 19th day of the cycle, fertilization can occur, which means that on these days you need to use barrier contraceptive methods or abstain from sex altogether. The disadvantages of this method primarily include its unreliability, since initially it assumes a regular, constant menstrual cycle, which, unfortunately, not a single woman has.


It is based on calculating the fertile phase by measuring basal (or rectal) temperature in women. You need to start measuring your basal temperature on the first day of your cycle. After waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed, you need to place the thermometer in the rectum at a level of 1-2 cm, and hold it there for 5-6 minutes. The data obtained must be entered into a special chart of your basal temperature. It should be remembered that throughout the entire period it is necessary to use one thermometer, and measure the temperature at the same time every day.

During the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature is usually below 37°C. 12-24 hours before ovulation, body temperature decreases by 0.1-0.2°C, and after ovulation it increases by 0.2-0.5°C (usually to 37°C or higher). And this temperature remains at this level throughout the second half of the cycle until the start of menstruation. The fertile period begins six days before the preovulatory decline and lasts three more days after it ( total duration fertile phase - 9 days).

The advantages of the temperature method of contraception include: ease of use; absence of any side effects; most precise definition days of probable conception when planning pregnancy.
Disadvantages: high risk unwanted pregnancy (because the level of basal temperature is greatly influenced a large number of factors); the need to measure basal temperature daily.


This method consists of completely removing the male penis from the woman's vagina before ejaculation begins. Coitus interruptus is one of the least effective methods contraception. According to statistics, out of a hundred couples who use this method, approximately 20-25% experience an unplanned pregnancy. Firstly, during the initiation of sexual intercourse, a certain amount of active sperm is released along with natural lubrication. Secondly, not every man can control himself during orgasm. And also, when having sex again, you should use another method of contraception to avoid sperm getting into the vagina. The advantages of this method include accessibility and simplicity, while the disadvantages include incomplete satisfaction of partners with the process.

EMERGENCY (aka post-coital, fire) CONTRACEPTION combines methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, which are used after unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place. Most emergency contraception can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription and used independently, but we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor so that he can select the most optimal method of emergency contraception for you, check for contraindications to the chosen method and select the required dosage.


1) Douching
Douching with various solutions even immediately after unprotected intercourse is very ineffective, because sperm penetrate into the cervix within a minute after ejaculation. Also, do not forget that a small amount of active sperm can be released directly during sexual intercourse - with lubricant.

2) Hormonal contraceptives
The first way to use hormonal contraception is to simultaneously take several types of COC tablets (combined oral contraceptives). The number of tablets required for taking is based on the dosage of the level of hormones in the drugs: Miniziston, Rigevidon, Femoden, Marvelon, Microgynon, Regulon - two times four tablets (interval between taking 12 hours), Logest, Mercilon, Novinet - two times five tablets. This method called the Yuzpe method and it is effective for three days after unprotected sexual intercourse. The effectiveness of this method is not very high - 75-85%.

The main advantage of this method is its accessibility, since all drugs are sold in any pharmacy without prescriptions. Side effects after use - nausea, pain in the mammary glands, vomiting, dizziness, headache.

An alternative to COCs are drugs that contain only progestins and do not contain estrogens. The most effective drugs of this type are Escapelle and Postinor. Escapelle contains 1.5 mg of the hormone and is used once. Postinor contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel and must be used twice with an interval of 12 hours. Minor side effects, which can be caused by hormonal methods of emergency contraception, usually disappear within two days.

It must be remembered that after using emergency hormonal contraception methods, it must be used until the next menstrual cycle. additional ways contraception: spermicides, condoms, etc.

3) Non-hormonal emergency contraception
Mifepristone (Gynepristone) is one of the most effective emergency protection drugs. A single dose of this drug within three days after unprotected sexual intercourse causes a slowdown in ovulation (this process depends on the phases of the menstrual cycle), changes in the endometrium, and also prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg.

This drug has fewer side effects - for example, the incidence of bleeding is only 15%, compared with 31% with levonorgestrel. The effectiveness of this method of emergency contraception is 98.8%. The advantages of this method include the fact that it can be used for a longer period compared to other means of emergency contraception, and also that after taking it there are practically no hormonal-dependent side effects.

4) Intrauterine devices
Another way to protect against unplanned pregnancy is to use an intrauterine device (IUD). To achieve the desired effect, copper-containing IUDs are inserted within five days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Emergency contraception is an alternative to abortion, but it is strongly not recommended for use as permanent contraception, but only in “emergency” situations (maximum once every six months). Since frequent use of emergency contraceptive methods can lead to disruption of a woman’s reproductive functions.

Have you ever heard such opinions?

All materials covered at school must be repeated! Over the summer he will forget everything! Yes and additional reading needed too! The program is tough right now!

- Give the child a rest. Vacations are meant for relaxation!

We didn't do anything in the summer. They gave the child 100% rest. As a result, he doesn’t remember anything, not even the multiplication table! There were already tests in mathematics, in Russian - everything was bad! What to do?

- We also chased away a lazy person in the summer, he doesn’t remember anything, doesn’t want to study, he goes to school to socialize with friends. A lot of comments for behavior in class, he can’t sit quietly and listen to the teacher, he plays around, this has never happened before. How to force you to study?

Don't mock the kids, it's summer! He studied like that all year!

- We started doing homework together again! Just like at the beginning of first grade! Are we the only ones? What should I do?

The child moved to the second grade and during the first days he kept asking how to write this or that letter, and forgot the connections when writing and capitalization.

- For us the most actual topic- not forget school curriculum. I train every day. Every day we read, write, count. There's little point. But we continue to suffer.

How to prevent such a situation?

Summer is the long-awaited time for vacations, vacations, relaxation and entertainment.

All schoolchildren are looking forward to the end of the school year, the onset of the holidays and the opportunity to finally throw away their textbooks and notebooks.

Modern parents are well aware that it is better to put aside notebooks and textbooks only for a short - several weeks. After a couple of weeks you need to start gradually summer classes with kids.

Otherwise, on the first of September you will have to start learning to read and write again.

Younger schoolchildren are especially prone to forgetting acquired knowledge, especially if it is not regularly refreshed in their memory.

Summer is taking its toll, and schoolchildren don’t want to do assignments and study at a time when they can ride a scooter, bike, or just hang out with other children.

Little of,the modern world is filled with “various, more interesting activities than studying": computer games, television shows, animated series, social networks.

Most producers of such media products do not hide the fact that they are working hard to attract the attention of people (primarily children) and capture their interests.

As a rule, in computer games ah, the child gets everything he would like to strive for - he can be a super hero merciless to enemies, a fearless knight, a caring housewife or a super-fast racing car pilot. In other words, the child’s motivation to study has lost.

You can change your child’s attitude towards learning by correcting it motivation. Obviously, for achievements in computer games, communication in in social networks or watching films, you don’t need knowledge of mathematics, the rules of the Russian language, or the ability to express yourself in foreign language. To satisfy his desires, a child needs only a computer (tablet/smartphone/game console) and the Internet (and even then not always).

The problem of motivation is very serious. If we, adults, find it difficult to force ourselves to do something, what can we say about children?

It's important to think about this reasonable system incentives.

Obviously, if a child does not respond to your convincing arguments about the benefits of doing homework (or summer assignments), preferring computer games, then it is worth showing parental wisdom. It is necessary to combine relentless persistence and flexibility. psychological approach, devoid of aggression towards the child like: “If you don’t study, you will remain stupid, and then you will work as a janitor.”

The problem of motivation to study for children is a separate big topic, Therefore, we will limit ourselves to just a few theses.

A child should not be forced to study, but it is necessary to stimulate him so that he himself wants to learn. To do this, first of all, you need to captivate the child.

The student must understand that the goal is not high mark, but acquired knowledge that does not lose its value. Children should be rewarded not for grades, but for the knowledge and skills they acquire.

It is dangerous to use commodity-money relations as motivation. You can't pay for every grade, you need to reward great achievements that required diligence.

Choice proper motivation depends on the character of the child. Try to better understand what is really interesting to your child and why, show attention and patience.

Ahead - summer holidays and here are some simple recommendations on how to spend this time profitably and not forget what you have received for academic year knowledge.

1. Don't delay summer assignments for later. Give your child a week's rest, and then start daily activities in the morning. One hour a day is enough. But - first lessons, and then walks. At the same time, don’t forget to read every day!

2. Reward achievements. Most parents plan interesting trips during the summer holidays, visiting the zoo or going to the movies. Take advantage of the opportunity for additional incentives.

3. Do not overdo it! Everything should be in moderation; our goal is not to complete all tasks as quickly as possible, but to systematize the process.

4. Use educational and educational games.

5. Television is not only entertaining, but also educational. Summer is the best best time to watch such programs.

6. Try to use different channels of information perception. Movies, audio books and reading are your reliable helpers in this matter.

7. Various tests and tasks help you better understand the materials. This is a scientifically proven fact. Solving puzzles and puzzles is a wonderful and useful entertainment.

8. Always start tasks with complex examples. Easy tasks can be completed at a later time.

Be patient and attentive to your children.

Summer is not only the time for coveted school holidays and carefree relaxation, but also an excellent opportunity for the intellectual development of schoolchildren. In three months, you can prepare your child for school, improve his knowledge of individual disciplines, and also begin intensive preparation of high school students for the External Test with an experienced student. However, is summer education for a child justified? Or is it better to leave him alone for the entire three months?

  • Three months of carefree holidays
    Many parents believe that in the summer their children should only relax. After all educational program today is quite complex and intense, and children at school get as tired as adults every day. Therefore, no sitting over textbooks, repeating previously covered material and solving problems - the child can do whatever his heart desires. Or don't even do anything. It’s good if the family can allow the child to travel summer camps, hiking or traveling, however, if he stays in the city, then after a couple of weeks of walking the streets, watching TV and computer games, he may fall into depression and by the beginning of the school year feel exhausted rather than rested.
  • Study and discover new things
    Therefore, psychologists and teachers are sure: rest should be correct. This means that parents need to organize it properly, so that it is beneficial for the child’s outlook, his intellectual development, and, importantly, his mood. After all, summer is the best time to explore the world and learn something new. Therefore, conditions should be created in which learning will be informative and interesting, and the word “learn” must be replaced with the word “learn.” Ideal options- these are trips to specialized camps, including language ones, encouraging daily reading of popular science literature and sports, trips to museums, excursions or galleries, various creative tasks, one-day tours-travels. Classes with are also possible, however, no more than two or three times a week. And force you to read textbooks, solve problems, or go through them again school material It’s not necessary - this can not only ruin your vacation, but also completely discourage your child from learning.
  • To find a compromise
    Psychologists and teachers remind us that parents should under no circumstances go to extremes. It is necessary to learn how to properly combine leisure and intellectual development. There is no need to burden your child with studies, leaving absolutely no free time. However, idleness should not be encouraged either. For example, one or two hours a day should be allocated for the child’s self-education, and the rest of the time should be allowed to do whatever he wants. Thus, it is possible to summer rest turn it into useful and educational. As a result, over the summer the child will be able to gain many incredible impressions and knowledge, and will begin the new school year rested and full of energy.