How to correctly formulate your affirmation? Basic rules of love games.

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“Affirmations make the brain turn on and the legs move,” is my answer if someone asks for a brief explanation of why affirmations are needed and what they do.

And in more detail, an affirmation is an affirmative short phrase with which you can program your subconscious to do and achieve what you want.

This phrase, repeated every day, seems to turn on the “start” in the body and the legs follow the path leading to the fulfillment of the goal. On this path, by a happy coincidence, helpers meet, and as a result, a dream comes true. It would seem nothing complicated: you take a phrase that symbolizes your goal and repeat it day after day. But it was not there. There are certain rules and tricks for constructing such program phrases.

How to correctly formulate your affirmation?

The more unique and individual the affirmation, the easier it is to “process” and launch it. Take any goal of yours (not from a book, not from another person, etc.). What do you want? How do you see the result? This result is your goal. For example, I want to publish a book of my poems. The result is a book. Affirmation “I will present a book of my poems in November 2018.” That is, the affirmation corresponds to a specific goal (a book) and is formed directly for this goal (to publish and present a book).

Determining the parameters for achieving the goal. By what specific parameters will it become clear to you that the goal has been achieved? “I earn a lot of money” or “I earn enough money” can be repeated endlessly, but the concept of “a lot” and “enough” are too vague. For some, 100 dollars is a lot, but for others, even a million is not enough. Phrases that are more specific work much better. For example, the phrase “I make $2,000 every month” is more specific.

Firstly, there is an amount that will satisfy the needs, secondly, there is a clearly formulated period of time during which a person will receive his money, and thirdly, specific phrases make it possible to clearly understand whether the result has been achieved or not. Of course, this doesn't mean that common phrases don't work. It’s just that with the phrase “I earn enough” it is difficult to understand when the goal has been achieved, when “enough” will come. Generalized phrases carry too many factors, and until you put these factors in order, it can take a lot of time. And even worse - a person may simply become disappointed. And instead of adding a positive attitude, add a bunch of negative ones.

I have one example from my own life when the phrase was vague and not specific. This happened in 2011. I was invited to a master class at Oriflame. Naturally, they talked about the delights of cosmetics and big earnings. But what hooked me was the opportunity to go to the Venice Ball in Switzerland. I came home. She took a piece of paper and wrote on it in large letters “I’m going to the Venice Ball.” The affirmation worked. But... Since it was not compiled correctly, I did not go to the ball in Switzerland. Six months later, I moved to another city and completely forgot about the ball. And a year later I found myself at the Venice Ball, but in the Dnieper. The most important thing I got from the ball was walking along the red carpet to meet the photo and video cameras.

Brevity. Short phrases penetrate the subconscious faster. Plus they are easier to remember. An affirmation that is pleasant to the ear evokes more positive emotions, which helps the brain quickly get involved in working towards achieving the goal. If an affirmation causes rejection, there will most likely not be a positive effect.

The phrase should start with yourself: “I...”, “Me...”, “Me...” (i.e., in the first person). Affirmations can only concern the person himself, you personally, but not your environment. No one has the right to decide for another person. And such an affirmation is unlikely to work. For example, “My husband loves me” is an incorrectly constructed affirmation. That’s right – “I am loved by my husband”, “I am comfortable with my husband”, etc.

Here and now. When creating an affirmation, use only the present tense. When we ask for something in the future (or in the past), the brain takes it literally. In the past, it means it’s already passed and the person doesn’t seem to need it. In the future - it is not clear when this future will come, so the brain is simply waiting. Instead of “I can sing well” - “I sing well” (now and here). Or instead of “I found a good job” - “I work as a teacher at Moscow State University” (here and now).

“Not”, “Would”, “Can”, “Will”. In phrases we avoid the words “can”, “will” and particles “not”, “would”. Firstly, affirmation can only be positive. For example, instead of “I don’t smoke” - “Smoking cigarettes disgusts me.” Secondly, as we already know, the affirmation must be specific, but “would” introduces uncertainty, the brain begins to get confused and generally rejects this phrase. Therefore, instead of “I would like to live in Paris” - “I live in Paris.” Thirdly, “I can” does not mean that I will do it, but “I will” generally speaks of the future, which is not known whether it will come. Therefore, instead of “I can buy a car” - “I have a red Audi S8”, instead of “I will ride a motorcycle” - “I ride a Yamaha Virago motorcycle”.

Resource. Affirmation works well when it carries a resource for change. Why do you need to earn $2000 a month? Why love your husband? Why sing well? Why do you need a car or motorcycle? What will it give? What will you buy? If your affirmation fills you with strength, gives you a feeling of confidence, security, calmness, raises your drooping hands, saying it, you feel harmony, support in life, you are filled with joy, etc., then this is exactly the affirmation that is “ideally yours.” "

Emotions. Using the words “easy”, “joyful”, “with pleasure”, “comfortable” in your formulations allows you to feel positive emotions that can fill you with enthusiasm and inspire you.

How to use affirmations correctly?

Say the affirmation regularly: in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. For example, I do this in the bathroom. You can do it in front of a mirror, looking into your eyes. At first you will feel an internal resistance, because the consciousness senses that the words do not correspond to reality. This is a normal reaction of the body. You just need to not give in and continue.

Be sure to speak out loud, that is, so that you can hear yourself.

Repeat several times (French psychologist Emile Coue recommends 20 times).

Emotions. Unlike the classical practice of self-hypnosis, where you need to pronounce with concentration, without unnecessary emotions, so that the words mechanically fall into the subconscious, an affirmation must not only be supported by emotions (I wrote about this above), but it must also evoke strong emotions at the moment of pronouncing, then the affirmation works many times faster. After all, when you are “burning” with your goal, you are not indifferent to it, you need it, the brain “thinks” that this is something vital - and “leads” us to achieve our desire. That is, the stronger and brighter the emotions, the easier and faster the affirmation penetrates the subconscious. For me, emotions are motivation. An affirmation simply has to make you feel good when you say it. If you feel discomfort, continue working on the text until you feel that it is yours.

Without “all at once”. In order not to create a mess in your head, it is better to say the same affirmation. The best effect is achieved by concentrating on one thing. The more targets, the greater the dispersion, and as a result, the less result. Work through one affirmation first (at least a month), then the second, etc. You can work out about 4-12 affirmations in a year. It is best to repeat the phrase for 2-3 months.

No vinaigrette. It is worth saying the same phrase, adhering to one version of this affirmation. It’s not like today there’s one phrase, tomorrow there’s another one, but with the same meaning. Without vinaigrette in the head and in the speech.

Out of spirit and without faith. If you are in a bad mood or you do not believe in the power of affirmations, it is better to put the affirmation aside for a while and work with the reasons for your protest. Without positive emotional reinforcement, affirmations either do not work at all, because your feelings are opposed to what is being said, or they can lead to the opposite.

You can sing your affirmation (come up with your own song or put words to a well-known motive), you can mentally concentrate on it, you can write it down many times. This is like an addition to the main thing: pronunciation out loud in the morning and evening. You can also decorate the affirmation beautifully and hang it in a prominent place, for example, on a mirror, on a wall, or make a screensaver on your phone, computer, etc.

Thank the Universe for helping you realize your dreams.

Can you find affirmations in everyday life? Of course you can. The very first thing is the constantly scrolling thoughts in our head. Also, every day we come across a bunch of advertising slogans, which are sometimes difficult to keep up with. We often hear some sayings or signs, etc. Their huge disadvantage is that they mostly have a negative or selfish attitude, external, imposed on us.

Why are affirmations needed at all? What is their effect? What's the point? How it works? Affirmations can truly change your life because they erase long-standing negative thought forms and replace them with positive ones. This happens because a phrase repeated many times penetrates the subconscious and there creates a new positive attitude. Accordingly, this helps to change a person’s thinking, and as a result, life in general. Affirmations make it possible to achieve significant results in working on yourself.

Before creating an affirmation, imagine the result you want to achieve in as much detail as possible. Remember that phrases that contain the dynamics of development work best.

Any seductress who understands what to do for a man nice - ideal for every representative of the stronger sex. A woman who is experienced and has extracted the maximum benefits from life will always be loved and desired. Small tricks on how to properly satisfy your chosen one, both in bed and in everyday life, will help you maintain feelings and lasting relationships for a long time.

How to love men correctly

There is an opinion that women are very gentle and impressionable by nature, while men are cold, calculating and thick-skinned. But in fact this statement is not true. Our gentlemen need various manifestations of affection, care and tenderness towards them. They are not averse to hearing sweet words in their ears and receiving a pleasant surprise. Therefore, every woman should know how to make a man feel good not only in bed, but also simply so that he hurries only home and to his only chosen one.

How to please a man - psychological aspects

Don't neglect the basic psychological techniques that will help you keep your life partner.

Feelings Actions
Respect Even the last loser will strive to change his lifestyle if there is a woman nearby who honors him. If for ladies the manifestation of love is caring, then men value respectful relationships more.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about accepting the interests, opinions, habits and personal space of your companion. Be tactful and do not try to humiliate or insult him. Then you will feel truly happy. And, if such a criterion is not present in your relationship, then it is better to break up.

Attention This quality does not mean constant supervision and guardianship. Let it be an easy, unobtrusive concern.

Take an interest in his activities at work, his relationships with friends, and even his achievements in a computer game.

Don't forget to be flirtatious and flirtatious. The man will appreciate it.

No matter how tired you are, gather your willpower and try to surround your soulmate with attention. Otherwise, he will make up for the lack of care on the side.

Compliments and light flattery Not only the female part of the population is capable of loving with their ears. Vanity is also present in men, so he needs your approval and admiration.

Compliment him on his appearance, actions or character.

But don't overdo it and don't use lies that will exaggerate his abilities too much.

Subordination The strong half of humanity is accustomed to constantly trying on the role of a dominant.

Your partner simply needs to feel like the head of the family.

Even if the woman makes all the decisions, she must present it in such a way as if everything comes from her husband.

You may sometimes have to pacify your obstinacy and give in. Be able to arrange roles in the family so that your loved one does not feel flawed and unnecessary.

How to make a man feel comfortable

Every beauty can charm any man, but providing him with comfort in everyday life is a more difficult task.

It is known that our strong companions value comfort, and some approach this with quite serious requirements.

What do men like in relationships with women?

What needs to be provided How to do it
Well-fed state The well-known phrase that it is easier to get to a man’s heart through his stomach is not unfounded. No need to prepare pickles and delicacies. You can conquer your loved one with simple borscht or pies with potatoes, if they are prepared with soul.
Romantic mood It is accepted that a man must be a romantic. But, contrary to this opinion, our gentlemen will be pleased to receive an SMS declaration of love, a touching postcard or an unusual gift. A certain spirit of romance that envelops your relationship can bring a touch of harmony and peace to it.
Comfortable existence As you know, many bachelors do not keep their den in order. But when a woman appears in it, it is believed that she will create coziness and comfort around. That is why lovely ladies are considered “keepers of the hearth.”
Personal space It happens that sometimes we need to be alone. And in such cases, men choose companies based on interests that are not always open to women. You should not interfere with this and annoy you with annoying attention. A man who feels free will become even more attached to his beloved.

How to please a man in intimacy

Passionate kisses are preliminary caresses before intimacy begins. There are quite a lot of their types.

What do men like in foreplay? What do men think?

Using various variations of touching her partner's lips, a woman is able to understand how to properly make a man feel good. With a kiss you can even bring your loved one to orgasm. According to statistics, about three percent of the stronger sex achieve this result.

How to give a man maximum pleasure

The emotional state of two people who love each other can be conveyed with a simple touch of lips. Nobody is interested in monotonous relationships, which means that different kissing techniques need to be used.

The following types are known:

Kind of kiss Actions taken
Teasing If you have the role of a teaser, then touch your partner's lips with tenderness, lightly biting them and running your tongue over them. Take short breaks during the process. This way you will show that you are ready to continue mutual caresses.
Contrasting Alternate gentle and passionate movements of your tongue, superficial light touches of body parts with deeper ones with your lips.
Passionate These are actions full of emotions that are performed at the peak of the sensations that arise. Such kisses are long and full of excitement. Additional language techniques are usually used:

​Rotational movements

​Sucking lover's tongue

​ Caressing movements across the sky


Inato technique Involves romantic, gentle touches of the entire surface of the lips, complemented by caressing movements of all parts of the body.
Samayan technique A kind of caresses using the tongue. The woman gently squeezes it with her teeth and sucks lightly. Readiness for more active actions - gradually drawing it into the oral cavity.
Prim Performed without passion. They represent a light touch of the lips with the lips, neck and face of the partner.
Furious This technique speaks of certain sadistic tendencies that a woman has. In this case, she caresses her man with some frenzy until he becomes weak. Most often used by powerful and dominant ladies.

How to turn a man on so he gets excited

Distribution of erogenous zones according to their importance in men.

Often women have a misconception about how to properly make a man feel good, so they only use the groin area.

In fact, there are a great many excitation zones and they can be divided according to importance. Naturally, there is no need to discount the individual characteristics of the body. But if a lady has certain secrets of influencing the main places, then she can easily bring her partner to the pinnacle of bliss.

The main erogenous zones and tips for managing them are presented in the table.

Part of the body How to act to create desire
Areas with 100% excitation
Lips, tongue Lips and tongue are the main participants in the kiss of two loving people. Their nerve endings are capable of giving the most vivid and intense sensations. But you need to be careful, as unpleasant marks may remain if you put too much pressure on your lips, which not everyone likes.
Neck The most important part of the neck when performing foreplay is the back of the neck. Perhaps the association arises from childhood, when my mother stroked my head. Therefore, this action is only permissible for a worthy chosen one.
Stomach Particular attention should be paid to the navel and the area between it and the intimate area. Use a variety of methods and options for caresses. First, you can stroke with your hands, and then start touching this area with your tongue in different directions. This will show your partner that you are ready for more.
Nipples Men are quite sensitive when their nipples are touched. Therefore, you should concentrate on them. You will quickly excite your partner if you lightly stroke the nipples with your lips, touch them with your tongue and lightly suck. The final goal is achieved as soon as their hardening appears, and the loved one’s breathing quickens.
Male organ Finally, the most sensitive part of a man’s body is the genital organ, the scrotum and testicles. But when caressing them with your tongue, you should be as careful as possible. Any careless movement can cause discomfort and pain. But don’t focus exclusively on these areas of your loved one’s body; be sure to explore all the others to find those that can bring him to a state of extreme arousal.
Areas with 50% excitation
Back, buttocks The area from the neck to the tailbone is described in the Kama Sutra as one of the erogenous ones. It is the back that needs to be given special attention during foreplay. To do this, make caressing movements on the skin between the shoulder blades, bringing the man into indescribable delight. You can also bite the buttocks, alternating gentle movements with harsher ones.
Ears Some men are not happy about touching this area of ​​their body. But, if suddenly you are lucky and a kiss on the ear gives your partner pleasure, then he is a sensual person. You can easily turn it on by touching the ear shell with your tongue, sucking and biting it.
Fingers Pay attention not only to your fingers, but also to your toes. Driving your tongue along the surface of the skin between them cannot leave anyone indifferent.
Areas of individual sensitivity
Back area
The spine is rich in nerve endings, by touching which you can easily make a man feel true pleasure. Combine gentle tongue movements with light biting, but without force. You should not create negative emotions that will prevent you from achieving bliss during intimacy.
Legs Caressing the legs and feet is very important in foreplay. Combine gentle movements with light biting of the skin.
Knees Many men like caresses in the knee area. But you need to observe moderation, since after some movements it may be ticklish, which will distract from the main goal - receiving pleasure.

What you need to do to “get” a partner.

It is important to understand how to properly give a man an erotic massage in order to then experience pleasure from intimate pleasures.

  1. First, turn your attention to the inside of your fingers or toes. The delicate skin in these places can enhance the sensations. Use gentle kisses, hand strokes, and light nipping at the same time.
  2. From the areas under the knees, gradually move to the inner thighs.
  3. Try not to ignore your shins. Minor biting with the teeth is acceptable in these areas. But it is important to calculate the strength, since pain can stop the wave of pleasure. If you learn to perform the correct movements, then you are guaranteed a stormy and long-lasting relationship.
  4. Gradually move to the most sensitive back of the head and neck. But do not use your nails or fingertips when caressing. This way you will only be able to tickle your partner, which will not add any sexuality to your actions at all.
  5. Therefore, act using your palm or fingertips. Use gentle touches to massage lightly without using brute force.
  6. It is best to use your lips and tongue to bring a man to a state of arousal. Such erotic actions are most often used in foreplay.
  7. Any woman should know how to pre-prepare her man for a stormy night. To do this, you need to be able to correctly move your tongue along a sensual and unusual part of his body - the navel.
  8. Pre-massage areas of the abdomen with your fingertips, and then proceed to the main process. Your chosen one will start with half a turn. But do not forget that movements should be made slowly and not abruptly.
  9. Then move on to the most unusual erogenous zone - the areas of the popliteal fossa.
  10. As mentioned above, do not allow tickling, it is distracting. Just slowly slide your tongue in different directions.
  11. You should combine gentle kisses with passionate and deep ones. The latter are able to bring the moment of oncoming excitation as close as possible. Therefore, if you are ready for sexual pleasures, then use them.

When French kissing, the partner first gently touches the man's lips, then gently tickles him with her tongue between his closed jaws. The mouth opens slightly, which is an invitation to further action. Tongues touch with special passion, trying to penetrate as deeply as possible.

While you're at it, don't forget about another erogenous zone - the nipples. Any female representative will be glad to understand how to properly make a man feel good with his tongue and more. But in a fit of passion, you should use your teeth more carefully so that the painful sensation does not spoil all your efforts.

Kissing technique

  • Cover every area of ​​the man's face with kisses.
  • Start from the eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes and move on to the lips. In this case, it is better not to use the tongue.
  • Use your lips exclusively, gently touching them to the tips of your eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Make sure your slow movements are not too slow, but not too fast. In the process of constant training, you will learn to maintain the right line.
  • Moving on to the buttock area, don't be gentle. Use pinching and patting movements. This way you will excite your partner even more than if you gently move your hands.

Biting and sucking around the ears and behind them will not allow any man to resist. Light kisses should be used if you no longer have the strength to wait and you passionately want sex. At the same time, you yourself become excited.

In foreplay, try to use not only your lips, but also your hands, tongue, and breathing. A light and hot breath of wind from your partner gives you a delightful sensation. But do not inhale sharply, as your breath will be colder. Try to do it slowly and languidly.

Avoid excessive salivation during petting. Such actions are more pleasant than those after which you drown in the amount of drool on the surface of the skin.

If you are both ready to take decisive action, then you do not need to immediately start with kisses in the ear. It’s better to pre-warm up with a gentle or passionate touch with your lips, and only then pay attention to this area. In this case, you will get a vivid and unforgettable experience.

Basic rules of love games

If you plan to get true satisfaction from sex, then be careful and do not immediately overstep the boundaries of what is permitted.

Adhere to the following rules:

  • Slow, barely audible tangential movements of the lips towards the ear area.
  • Controlled salivation.
  • Do not use force when biting, unless your partner asks you to do so.
  • Do not concentrate on the ear area for a long time. The average duration of caresses should be no more than three minutes.
  • Alternate kissing your ear with stroking your neck and touching your lips.

What pleases men

Many men enjoy it when their partner caresses their back and shoulder blades. These areas are the most sensitive. There is room for your imagination to run wild here, but don’t overdo it. The biting movements should not be too rough; your gentleman will like it.

How to kiss a man below

The final part of your foreplay should be focused on the sexual organ. The movements of your tongue in the area between the scrotum and anus are very exciting. A gradual transition to the main organ will be especially pleasant for a man.

Use your imagination to the fullest with your tongue and hands. Light kisses of the foreskin are more arousing and the readiness for sexual intercourse increases. At the same time, you can wrap your hands around the penis in a ring and move it up and down or in a circle. It is better to caress the head with your tongue and lips. This way you will moisturize it even more and please your man.

Seeing your partner’s growing excitement, it will be quite difficult for you to resist yourself. It is the caresses of the genitals that will give him maximum pleasure and pleasure. But avoid using your teeth when playing such games. This will delay the moment of ejaculation and nullify all your previous efforts.

Any woman strives to learn how to properly make a man feel good in everyday life or in her intimate life. As you can see, it's not difficult. The main thing is to learn to understand your partner, explore every piece of his body, giving both him and yourself true pleasure. This way, you can further strengthen your relationship and enjoy every minute of being with your loved one.

How do we most often wish? Here's a typical example: “I want a million dollars. I’ll buy myself a luxury apartment in a prestigious area, a cool car, I’ll go see the world, I’ll still have some left to…”

Stop! This desire contains a bunch of other desires that are really not at all related to the initial one.

It doesn't work that way! It turns out that you want one thing, but in fact you want another. For a wish to come true, you need to work with it separately.

So, break your multi-level desire into components, each of which should be as simple as possible.

The desire must be unconditional.

Why do you need millions: to buy an apartment, a car, a dacha, to pay off a loan, to pay off debts... etc. Each of them (apartment, car, bank, debts) must be dealt with separately. Why do I need an apartment? To get rid of parental guardianship. Why should I get rid of my parents' care? To have more personal freedom. What happens after my wish comes true? I will... (what will you?)

As soon as you stop thinking about what will happen next - and the answer is a feeling, it can be considered the very wish that needs to be made!

  • Desire must be desired

So, what will happen to you after your wish comes true? Correct answer: "I will feel... happiness! Satisfaction!" Or something like that. Let's return once again to millions. "When will I have "Item A"(i.e. X millions), I can have more "items B, C, D". Do you see? No special feelings, except the feeling that something else needs to be done with this money. And this is a sure signal that the desire is incorrect.

If only the answer were: “Oooh! I’ll put this money in this glass jar, put it on the table and every day I’ll be stunned by the sight of my millions in the bank...”- wow, this is the right desire. But is this what you want? However, if you just want money, then order it. Why be ashamed? And at the same time you can order an apartment, a car, a business, debt distribution and everything else. Parallel!

If an apartment is only a means of getting rid of parental care, then you need to order (attention!) - not an apartment, but getting rid of parental care. After all, you can get an apartment, but you can’t get rid of guardianship. Parents - they can get you in your new apartment. Even at the end of the world! So, think about the result of your desire - after all, it is the result that will come true. If you want to meet a prince in a silver BMW in order to marry him, then your desire is not to meet a prince, but to marry a prince. Do you feel the difference?

  • Environmental friendliness

This means that no one should suffer as a result of your desire. How to avoid unwittingly causing trouble to others?

There is no need to desire what belongs to others: envy is a bad feeling! Those. you don’t need to wish that your neighbor’s dacha would be taken away and given to you.

And it is quite possible that your desire to get an apartment will result in you inheriting it from a relative who suddenly died. It is important to remember that your desire will always be fulfilled in the most rational way. Take this into account when you wish.

And you certainly shouldn’t wish harm on anyone, even if you think it’s fair. Ultimately, this will backfire on you.

So let your wishes be only good, so that you do not need to be afraid of their return.

  • The desire is only yours

Very often the following desires arise: “I want my child...”, “I want my husband...” Sounds familiar, right? So, such desires don’t work!

What should I do? You just need to adjust your desire. It should concern only you, and not your child, husband, parents, boss, etc. It might look something like this: "I want to be proud of my child" or “I want to admire my husband’s hard work” etc., in general, become your own reference point. And if you want your husband to help you around the house, here’s the option: “I want to do all the housework with my husband,”- keep in mind that you and your husband may have to fix taps, sockets and nail shelves together.

  • Want more

“You need to wish a lot and often. You need to wish to the maximum. The more you wish, the more you get.”

If you want a car, let it be a good car, in your opinion. What are you saying? Don't have money for one? Is there any for the old Zhiguli car? Also no? Then what's the difference? Instead of wishing for something bad, wish for what you like! You don’t really want something bad! But you can’t wish for what you really don’t want!

  • Realism

Despite the previous point, it is important to balance your desires with your vision of the World. If miracles are constantly happening around you, and a miracle is normal for you, then at least wish for a spaceship: it is very likely that you will get it! But if what you want does not fit strongly with your picture of the world, then such a desire is unlikely to come true; you yourself will constantly “slow down” its implementation.

It’s better to go gradually: first wish for a helicopter, then a plane, and then reach the spaceship.

Those. if you have nowhere to live and you dream of your own apartment, then just wish for a comfortable apartment for yourself, one that you like. But you don’t have to immediately desire a royal palace.

  • Stay tuned for changes!

You begin to carefully monitor changes in your life, “accidents,” “suddenly,” “somehow by itself.” It's already a start. Don't cling to the past, embrace change with joy. This already means that events are beginning to unfold and shape circumstances so that you get what you want. Don't create your own scenarios. Trust your feelings. It is very important! But since we have all been taught to trust our brains more, it will be difficult at first.

  • Start small

The larger your desire, the more difficult it is to fulfill it, the less faith you have in your own strengths, the more likely it is that you will miss favorable opportunities. So try it with nothing. Not a single artist begins to paint from a monumental canvas; everyone begins with sketches and sketches. By fulfilling your small desires, firstly, you will feel your strength, and this will give you confidence. Secondly, you will begin to trust yourself more. After all, if you can influence situations in small ways, you can do it in big ways. Third, you will develop a special sense of “chance.”

  • Don't wish evil!

When considering your next desire, try to avoid any negative feelings and actions. Especially feelings! For example, if it seems to you that a competitor is hindering the prosperity of your business, then you should not wish for the ruin of the competitor. Wish your company prosperity... What happens in the end with your competitor is not your concern. The main thing is that everything will be great for you. If you have to write a test or take an exam in a subject in which you are not very good, then wish to get the highest grade, and not the teacher’s illness or a volcanic eruption directly under the building of your educational institution.

  • Don't chat!

Remember that we all live at the intersection of diverse desires of diverse people. So, the less those around you know about your intentions, the less they can influence the results of the fulfillment of your desires with their own, reciprocal desires.

  • On the record!

For people who are not yet very experienced in the conscious fulfillment of their desires, in order not to get confused in their ordered and just preparing to order desires, at first it is better to write your desire on paper. Get yourself a special notebook and write in it.

So now your main concern is to desire for yourself what your soul desires.

And don't tell yourself: “I’ve wanted this for so long that there’s nothing to think about.” Even the cherished dreams of a rosy childhood need preliminary revision and reworking.

Be happy!

"! How do you like the idea that every person is born to a happy, carefree life of wealth and abundance? Do you like to think that we came into this world to develop mentally, physically and spiritually and have the right to everything that can help us achieve life? Why then is not each of us surrounded by beauty, luxury and wealth?

book author Murphy Joseph "The Power of Our Subconscious" believes that we are most often content with only what is necessary if we can draw from the inexhaustible wealth of the subconscious. being rich is the pursuit of a happier, more fulfilling and wonderful life. About, how to wish correctly wealth, read the following tips.

1. Achieving wealth by hunching your shoulders day and night at work is a sure way to end up in the graveyard early. There is no need to waste energy in this way if you can become rich with the help of the subconscious.

2. Wealth is the result of the belief and idea that you are wealthy. The idea that you are capable of achieving a lot should take a strong place in your thoughts and feelings.

3. The mistake of the vast majority of people is that they hope to achieve only the usual sources of income (wages, part-time jobs, bonuses, etc.) and do not use invisible sources.

4. Before going to bed, repeat the word “wealth” calmly and with feeling for about 5 minutes, and your subconscious will materialize.

5. Don't lose sight of the fact that those who feel rich will be rich.

6. The subconscious and conscious must have the same belief. The subconscious mind only accepts what it really considers true. To more effectively eliminate the internal conflict between consciousness and subconscious, you need to repeat the words: “Night and day I receive assistance in all respects.”

7. any business like “increasing every day,” “My income is growing day by day.”

8. To learn how to desire wealth correctly, you need to unlearn the habit of “signing blank checks.” Such phrases as “”, “I can’t afford it”, “I don’t have money”, etc. worsen not only the present, but also the prospects for the future.

9. Be consistent and firm in your convictions. If from the next second after the desire for wealth you doubt the correctness of the statement, then the positive effect of thoughts will come to naught.

10. Your ideas can be worth millions. If we desire wealth correctly, our subconscious will reliably provide us with the necessary things.

11. Rejoice in the successes of others. Greed, envy and selfishness are a serious obstacle to wealth.

Albert: I would make a small amendment to these tips, that the word wealth does not necessarily mean only wealth. Desired relationships, material and intangible objects, everything that makes life more joyful and happy, have the right to be called this beautiful word.

1. There must be ONE desire at the time of “ordering”.
2. A desire should not be a condition for the fulfillment of other desires.
3. A desire should, through its fulfillment, evoke ONLY FEELINGS, and not thoughts about new desires.
4. The desire must be “ecologically friendly”.
5. The desire should concern only you, and not third parties.
6. You need to wish to the maximum.

Let's take a closer look at these 6 points:

1. There must be ONE desire at the time of “ordering”.
How do we most often wish?
Here is a typical example: “I want seven million. For three, I’ll buy myself a luxury apartment in a prestigious area. For one - a cool car. For a couple more, I’ll go see the world, to....”
Stop! This exaggerated desire contains a bunch of other desires that may not be at all related to the initial one. It looks like some kind of matryoshka doll. This multi-layer design does not work! In order for each of the individual desires to come true, you need to work with it separately. Why?
Imagine that you are a parent. Your child comes to you and asks for one hundred rubles. What's your reaction? Of course, the first thing you will ask him is why he needs this money. Suppose a child intends to build a house for a hamster (this is a DESIRE: to build a house - that is, the construction process itself) and he needs planks, nails, a hammer... That is. the desire to HAVE MONEY breaks down into THREE SEPARATE DESIRE:
1. have planks,
2. have carnations,
3. have a hammer.
The child figured that one hundred rubles was exactly the amount that should be enough for everything needed. But you, the parent, know that you already have a hammer in the house and there is no need to buy a new one. That you can bring planks from work, but you only need to buy nails for 30 rubles. Thus, the hamster gets a new home, the child gets the pleasure of creative work, and you get the satisfaction of solving the problem economically.
The same thing happens between us and the Universe, which is the main giver of all our blessings, so to speak, our mother. Well, how are you for your child.
Moreover, the Universe will always act in the most rational way.
So, break your multi-layered, multi-component desire into components. Each component should be as basic as possible.
How to select components? With the help of questions and answers to yourself and your loved one. It’s better to write it in order to understand it thoroughly yourself.
How to understand what desire can be called “elementary”?
Very simple:

2. A desire should not be a condition for the fulfillment of other desires.
So, let's figure out our desire. What should it look like? Something like this:
Question: Why do I need seven million?
Answer: To buy an apartment, a car, start a business, put the nth amount in the bank, pay off debts…. and so on.
You clearly see that your desire is split into several other desires. Now you need to work with each of them (apartment, car, business, bank, debts) separately. But according to the same scheme.
Let's continue with an example.
Question: Why do I need an apartment?
Answer: To get rid of parental guardianship
(The answer is typical, of course you may have any other options. For example, so that each member of my family has enough space.)
Next question: Why should I get rid of my parents' care?
Answer: To have more personal freedom (options: the ability to bring home whoever I want, get rid of listening to constant moralizing, etc.)
Next question: What happens after my wish comes true?
Answer: I will…. (what will you?)
Once your answer is expressed in FEELING, it can be considered “elementary”, i.e. the very desire that needs to be “ordered” for fulfillment.

3. A desire should evoke in you, through its fulfillment, ONLY feelings, and not thoughts about new desires.
So, what will happen to you after your wish comes true?
Correct answer: “I will FEEL... happiness! Satisfaction! Total fun! ....” Or something like that. Although the answer is: “I just want it that way!” - is also accepted.
Let's return once again to the example of the desire for seven million. If we ask him our question, we get this: “When I have “item A” (i.e. seven million), I can also have “items B, C, D.” Do you see? No special feelings, except the feeling that something else needs to be done with this money. And this is a sure signal of the INCORRECTNESS OF DESIRE.
Now if the answer were: “Oooh! I’ll put this money in this glass jar, put it on my desk and every day I’ll be stunned by the sight of my seven million in the bank...” - wow, this is the right desire. But is this what you want? However, if you just want money, then order it. Why be ashamed? And at the same time you can order an apartment, a car, a business, debt distribution and everything else. PARALLEL!
If, analyzing our conditional example with the desire for money, we found out that the apartment, for which part of the desired amount was intended, is only a MEANS of getting rid of parental guardianship, then we need to order (ATTENTION!) - not an apartment, but a RIDING FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY. After all, you can get an apartment, but you can’t get rid of guardianship. Parents - they can get you in your new apartment. Even if she ends up at the end of the world!
So, think carefully about the result of your desire - the Universe will embody exactly the RESULT.
If you want to meet a prince in a silver BMW in order to marry him, then your desire is NOT to meet a prince, but to MARRY a prince. Do you feel the difference?
Your desire should be “naked” of any other desires and its fulfillment should evoke in you only feelings of satisfaction, happiness or even euphoria. That is, it must be “elementary”.

4. The desire must be “ecologically friendly”.
This means that no one should suffer as a result of your desire. It seems simple. But in reality, sometimes it turns out the other way around. And many are generally afraid to do something in advance, what if they harm someone?
How to avoid unwittingly causing trouble to others? Unfortunately, it’s impossible to completely avoid troubles in life, that’s how life works. And it is quite possible that your ardent desire to get a good apartment will result in you inheriting the apartment from a relative who suddenly died.
But! It is important to remember that in this life, in any case, everything is under the control of the Universe, which takes into account each individual life scenario and automatically blocks any “unauthorized” attempt to change something radically.
Your desire will always be fulfilled in the most rational way, but taking into account the life scenarios of all the characters in the action. So relax and accept everything as it comes. That is, with gratitude!
A few words about why you shouldn’t deliberately create trouble. Suppose you are overcome by the desire to harm someone. Suppose you even think that you are right. And that the “object” deserved to be punished. Now think: Is your rightness the most rightness in the world? And do you consider yourself to have the right to punish and pardon at your own discretion?
Therefore, for your own safety, do not create dangerous situations for others!
When launching the boomerang of your desires, keep in mind that these flying devices have one nasty habit - they come back. So let your “boomerangs” be only good, so that you do not need to be afraid of their return.

5. The desire should concern only you, and not third parties.
Very often the following desires arise: “I want my child...”, “I want my husband...”, “I want my parents...” Familiar picture, right?
So, SUCH desires DO NOT WORK!
What to do, you ask? Is everything really hopeless? No, why not? You just need to change your desire a little. It should concern you, and not your child, husband, parents, boss, etc.
It might look something like this: “I want to be proud of my child, who gets straight A’s in school,” “I want to do all the housework with my husband,” etc. In a word, turn the “arrows” on your feelings in connection with the fulfillment of your desire - that’s all.

6. You need to wish to the maximum.
One good person said: “You need to wish a lot and often. You need to wish to the maximum. You still won't get everything. But the more you want, the more you get.” And this is true!
If you want a car, let it be the best car, in your opinion. What are you saying? Don't have money for one? Is there any for the old Zhiguli car? Also no? Then what's the difference? Instead of wishing for something bad, wish for something awesome!
The universe is vast and inexhaustible. And limitless, as you might guess. All the restrictions that you have in life are restrictions associated with the bad flight of your imagination. Well, then pull the elevator and soar up!

A few more tips for the correct fulfillment of desires:
1. The desire should not be tied to time. Often we want to get something by a specific deadline. The desire, of course, is humanly understandable, but...
Firstly, the time condition creates a situation of waiting for the fulfillment of a desire. And the desire must be “released”. Only those wishes that you “ordered” and that you “forgot about” are fulfilled.
Secondly, the Universe will still fulfill your order the way and WHEN it is most optimal for everyone, including you. Give her this opportunity - relax and don’t get attached to a time frame.
2. Tune in to the Universe - don’t give up your chances! You may ask, how to distinguish a chance from a “non-chance”?
Firstly: you begin to carefully monitor changes in your life, “accidents”, “suddenly”, “somehow by itself”. This is already the beginning of your happy changes. Don't cling to the past, embrace change with joy. These are your Happy Twists of Fate. It is the Universe that begins to unfold and shape events and circumstances so that you get what you want.
Don't create your own scenarios. Moreover, do not cling to them if you created them unwittingly. Do not stop the Universe from fulfilling your desire in the BEST WAY FOR YOU.
Secondly: trust your feelings and do not refuse offers. It is very important! But since we have all been taught to trust our brains more, it will be difficult at first. However, there are no hopeless situations!
The first thing I can recommend is: start small. The larger your desire, the more difficult it is to fulfill it, the less faith you have in your own strengths, the more likely it is that you will miss favorable opportunities. So try yourself with trifles. Not a single artist begins to paint from a monumental canvas; everyone begins with sketches and sketches. So you will do the little things first.
Well, for example:
1. So that there are no traffic jams during rush hours at the very moment when I am driving.
2. So that any official fulfills any of my requests, as if for his own and beloved son (daughter).
3. So that my boss dotes on me.
4. To….
Take action!
But first, re-read the list of small desires offered to you. Is there anything alarming about him? No? Then go back and re-read point five - EXPRESS IT CORRECTLY.
Have you reread it? Fine. And where on the list is something wrong? Desires must relate to you, and not to third parties. We are rewriting everything!
Like this:
1. So that I always drive on free roads.
2. So that I immediately receive what I want from any official.
3. So that my boss and I have a wonderful relationship...
... and so on down the list.
By fulfilling your small desires, firstly, you will feel your strength, and this will give you confidence.
Secondly, you will begin to trust yourself more. After all, if you can influence situations in small ways, you can do it in big ways.
Third, you will have a special sense of “chance.” And when it appears, that’s it, you can move mountains.
In a word, do not be afraid to wish - everything is in your hands. But, before you take on the realization of your desires, still work through them thoroughly, including analyzing them on paper and “feeling” the results. Spend some time, at least a few days, on this, so that there is a clear feeling in your soul - you WANT THIS!
Don’t tell yourself: “I’ve wanted this for so long that there’s nothing to think about.” Even the cherished dreams of a rosy childhood need preliminary revision and reworking.
And as a result you will be HAPPY. Or at least you will experience a feeling of deep satisfaction :)
3. And one more reminder.
No one can be free from the law of cause and effect. Therefore, when considering your next desire, try to avoid any negative feelings and actions. Especially feelings!!! So that they, these negative feelings, do not become a reason that gives rise to even more negative consequences.
Remember: your desires are a boomerang! Your feelings are a boomerang too. Therefore, think positively and wish only positive things.
For example, if it seems to you that a competitor is hindering the prosperity of your business, then you should not wish for the ruin of the competitor. Wish your company prosperity, imagine all the details of this very prosperity... What will happen to your competitor in the end is not your concern. The main thing is that everything will be wonderful and wonderful for you.
If you have to write a test or take an exam in a subject in which you are not very good... or even very bad, then wish to get the highest grade, and not the teacher’s illness or a volcanic eruption directly under the building of your educational institution.
4. And one more small but important note.
When working with your desires, do not chat about it with anyone! Remember that we all live at the intersection of diverse desires of diverse people. So, the less those around you know about your intentions, the less they can influence the results of the fulfillment of your desires with their own, reciprocal desires.
5. For people who are not yet very experienced in consciously fulfilling their desires, in order not to get confused in their ordered and only those preparing to order desires, at first it is better to write your desire on a piece of paper. Get into the habit of writing your wish on a separate small piece of paper. Store the leaflets in a special envelope and review them periodically. Or get yourself a special notebook for the same purposes. Whoever likes it.
When you have some experience and, of course, positive results, you can abandon the piece of paper. Although it is always useful to write down your wishes and keep these notes, so that later you can see what came true and how it corresponds to your order. Once you receive the results, you can make a corresponding mark on the piece of paper.
So now your main concern is to desire for yourself what your soul longs for. And how all this will come to life - let the Universe wonder. That's what the Universe is for!

Based on materials from the book “Become the Master of Your Life” by Eugenia Bright