Abstract speech therapist classes summer vacation. Game exercise “Go!”

state government agency Samara region

"Chapaevsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors"

Abstract speech therapy session

on the topic: “Summer” for children 4-7 years old

Kopteva N.A.,

teacher speech therapist:

Pestravka branch, 2018

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Summer”.

Target: activation of vocabulary on the topic “Summer” in children preschool age.


Correctional and educational:

summarize and clarify children’s ideas about summer;

expand children's understanding of plants in meadows, forests, fields, and life


deepen understanding of the changes occurring in living and inanimate nature;

consolidate the skill of sound and syllabic analysis;

learn how to correctly construct and use complex subordinates in speech


improve the ability to form nouns. and many more numbers in R. p., select antonyms.

Corrective and developmental:

develop individual abilities children in creative speech activity;

develop logical thinking;

continue to develop the ability to coordinate speech with movement.

Correctional and educational:

cultivate a caring attitude towards nature;

bring up speech etiquette: ability to listen, not interrupt a friend.

Form of conduct: subgroup

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizing time

Children, guess the riddle:

IN clear sky The sun is shining brightly,

You can swim: it’s very hot.

I like this time of year.

Did you guess it? Well, of course it is...

2.Control of the initial level of knowledge

Let's talk about summer today. How many months does this time have?

of the year? Name the first month, second, third. What month is before July? What is it between June and August?

Which superfluous word in this row? (June, July, summer, August)

3. Main part

Exercise “Select the signs.”

Summer is a wonderful time of year. What's the sun like in summer? (bright, warm,

hot, affectionate).

The sky is blue, high, bright...,

The grass is soft, tender, fresh, young, green...,

The birds are well-fed, cheerful, joyful, agile...

The water in the river is blue and transparent

I am warm, pleasant... .

Why is the water in the river warm?

Game “Identifying the first sound in a word.”

Listen to the word, name the first sound in this word, remember your

Sun, sky, cloud, rain, grass, flowers, butterflies, birds, rainbow, scooter, bicycle, river.

Remember your word and the first sound in the word. Who had the first sound in

Exercise “Make a sentence.”

Remember your word and come up with a sentence with your word.

We have a story about summer. And I’ll finish the story: “How good

Phys. just a minute. "River".

You said that in summer the sun is bright and hot. Who wants to swim in the river?

Come out into the circle.

We went down to the fast river, bent down and washed ourselves.

One two three four

That's how nicely refreshed we were.

And now let's swim

amicably. You need to do this manually:

Together once, this is breaststroke.

One, the other is a rabbit.

All as one we swim like a dolphin.

We went ashore and went home.

Exercise “On the contrary” (selection of antonyms).

In summer there are a lot of insects and spiders and they are all so different.

The mosquito is small, but the butterfly... (big).

The butterfly has long antennae, and the bee has short antennae.

The wasp has narrow wings, while the bumblebee has wide wings.

The fly is a harmful insect, but the bee is beneficial.

The dragonfly is big and the midge is small.

An ant is a beneficial insect, and a mosquito is harmful.

The bumblebee has a shaggy back, while the wasp has a smooth back.

The back of a mosquito is thin, while the back of a bumblebee is thick.

A fly has short legs, while a grasshopper has long legs.

A bee has thick legs, while a mosquito has thin legs.

The dragonfly has a narrow back, while the beetle has a wide back.

What a great fellow you are! Let's play.

Exercise “One-Many”(with a ball).

I tell you one insect, and you tell me many.

Wasp - many wasps, beetle - many beetles...

(bee, grasshopper, butterfly, dragonfly,

mosquito, fly, ant, bumblebee).

Game “Here, of course, everyone knows ...».

In summer there is a lot of entertainment for children. Which summer games You know?

Children answer and pass the ball around in a circle (football, tennis, badminton, playing with sand, cycling, scootering, roller skating, swimming, etc.).

What else does summer make us happy about? In summer there are many flowers around.

If they grow in a meadow they are (what?) ...meadow,

In the field - field, in the forest - forest, in the garden - garden.

What wild and meadow flowers do you know?

Children answer and pass the ball in a circle (lungwort, dandelion, poppy, bell, cornflower, buttercup, chamomile, anemone, forget-me-not, lily of the valley).

Poem “I draw summer” by P. Pranuz.

I’m painting summer—what color?

The red paint is the sun, there are roses on the lawns.

And green is the field, there are mowings in the meadows.

Blue paint is the sky and the melodious stream.

What kind of paint should I leave on the cloud?

I paint summer—

it's very difficult...

And it’s not at all difficult for us to draw summer. I turn you into artists.

What paint do you choose? Why? (I'll take green paint because in the summer green grass. And I'll take the red one, because in the summer

Red poppies are blooming. I'll take white paint, because in summer there are white clouds, etc.)

What a beautiful picture we have!

You are simply great!

4.Control achieved level knowledge

What words-signs do you know about summer?

What changes in nature do you know?

Summary of the lesson.

Our lesson has come to an end, tell me what time of year we were talking about? What happens in the summer?

Well done everyone! They worked very well! Am I satisfied with you? Goodbye!

Victoria Chepurkina
Speech therapy session on speech development on the topic “Summer”.


open speech therapy session

By theme “Summer”

teachers- speech therapist

Chepurkina V.V.


Abstract speech development classes for children preparatory group.

Goals: - formation of the ability to correctly construct phrases, compose a comparative descriptive story,

Activation of speech activity by theme “Seasons”,

Formation of smooth oral exhalation,

-development organs of articulation through phonemic rhythm,

Assistance development verbal-logical thinking, attention, memory,

- development fine motor skills of the hands through finger exercises and drawing,

fostering a sense of mutual assistance class.

Equipment: “Flowers” ​​benefits for each child, story pictures for theme “Signs of Summer”, map - diagram according to topic“Description of the seasons”, riddles, tape recorder, sheets of paper (A-4 format, 2 markers for each child, blackboard and crayons for the teacher, crossword puzzle.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Children are invited to the country Why India:

Why was this country called that? (everyone likes to ask each other questions).

We find ourselves in Whyndiya using a sound “spell”.

2. Timbre development, strength and pitch of voice, auditory attention through phonemic rhythm:

Alternately I-I-... -U-U...

S-S-…-hands forward, shaking hands,

Sh-Sh-…- S-shaped body movement,

Z-Z-... - “trembling” on one leg, elbows pressed to the sides,

J-J-... - like Sh.

3. Development of oral exhalation. Children blow on flowers.

When do many flowers appear? Why do flowers grow and bloom? in summer?

4. Compilation descriptive story about the signs of summer. Solving riddles, filling out a crossword puzzle.

Children sit on “flower meadows” - pillows. A diagram map for planning a story and a crossword puzzle are posted.

Guys, let's try to talk about summer, solve the riddles and fill out the crossword puzzle.

1). Guess the time of the year:

The forest is full of songs and screams,

Strawberries splash with juice,

Children splash in the river

Bees are dancing on a flower...

What is this time called?

It's not hard to guess (summer)

Child writes down a word

to the crossword.

2). What kind of weather does it happen? in summer?

(Sunny, cloudy, cloudy, rainy).

Guess: Large, fractional, frequent,

The whole earth was watered. (Rain).

What other riddle about rain do you know?

Child: I'll look out the window -

Long Antoshka is coming.

or a lanky man walked,

I got stuck in the cheese.

3). Which natural phenomena there are in summer, guess:

Over the forests, over the river

Seven-color bridge in an arc.

If I could stand on the bridge -

I would reach the stars with the river! (Rainbow)

Who knows the riddle about the rainbow?

Child: Through the fields, through the meadows

An elegant arc emerged.

4). Guess another natural one phenomenon:

First the shine

Behind the shine is a crackling sound,

Behind the crackling is a splash. (Lightning, thunder, rain - thunderstorm)

“thunder” – in the crossword puzzle.

5). How in summer the ground is covered? (Grass, flowers).

What flower is the riddle about?

Golden and young

In a week he turned gray.

And in two days

My head is bald.

I'll put it in my pocket

Former (dandelion).

What wildflowers do you know?

(Chamomile, bell, cornflower, forget-me-not, poppy, clover, loach).

6).What trees look like in summer? (covered with leaves). Let's remember some trees and depict a mighty oak, a slender birch, a weeping willow, and a trembling aspen ( speech therapist names in random order, children perform the exercise).

7). What birds flew from warm countries in the spring (children's answers). Why?

What do birds do in summer Who do they care about? (They hatch and feed the chicks).

Exercise “Chick” (to calm music):

Imagine that you saw a chick under a tree that had fallen out of its nest. Were surprised (children raise their eyebrows). You carefully took him in your hands, warmed him and lifted him into the nest, smiling.

What do birds eat? (Insects). List.

Who is the riddle about? Striped Mistress

Flew over the lawn.

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey. (Bee)- to the crossword puzzle.

8). Finger gymnastics With speaking:

Arrived to us yesterday (waving palms)

Striped bee.

And behind her is a bumblebee (for each name of an insect

And a cheerful butterfly, bending one finger)

Two beetles and a dragonfly

Like lantern eyes. (Circles from fingers - to the eyes)

They buzzed, they flew, (F-F...-Z-Z)

Fell from fatigue (hands palms down).

9). -What's happening summer with animals in the forest? (Changed color, caring for the cubs).

What kind of clothes do people wear? in summer?

What kind of hats do they wear? Why, why?

What summer entertainment you know?

Guess: Who will tell me, who will tell me,

What do people take away from the beach?

Not in pockets, not in baskets -

On your hands, noses and backs! (A tan)– in the crossword puzzle under the number 7.

So, we remembered many signs of summer.

4. Now let’s draw the sun, sea, bird (with both hands at the same time - kinesiological technique).

5. Results classes.

We return to the nursery garden: close your eyes and make a turn.

What country did we visit?

What time of year were you talking about?

What season do you like? Why?

Positive assessment of each child's work.

Publications on the topic:

Correctional and educational goals: - Clarification and expansion of ideas about furniture and its purpose; - Improving grammar.

Correctional and educational tasks: - formation of the grammatical structure of speech - Correctional and developmental tasks: - practice with children.

Integrated speech therapy session on correcting sound pronunciation and speech development for children of senior preschool age Integrated speech therapy session on correcting sound pronunciation and speech development for children of senior preschool age. Topic: “Sound.

Speech therapy lesson on a lexical topic for a preparatory group TOPIC: “FRUITS”. Goal: -to develop attention and thinking. Objectives: -learn the categories of genitive and dative cases; - teach education.

Speech therapy lesson on a lexical topic for the preparatory group “Vegetables” Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge about vegetables. Lesson progress I. Organizational moment. II. introduction. - What time of year is it now? - IN.

Lexical topic: Summer.

Target: Clarification and consolidation of ideas about summer and its signs, expansion and activation of vocabulary on the topic, development of coherent speech. (Slide 3)


Developmental speech environment:

Continue to expand children's understanding of the diversity of the world around them;

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

Fix the names of the summer months, tree leaves;

Develop coherent speech and coordination of speech with movement;

Strengthen the ability to build a dialogue, develop general speech skills;

Develop skills in writing a short descriptive story based on a series story pictures.

Formation of a dictionary: (Slide 4)

Enrich speech with nouns, adjectives, adverbs, help children use words actively, correctly, in strict accordance with the meaning.

Grammatical structure speeches

Continue to improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences;

Practice using simple and complex sentences.

Improve the ability to use direct and indirect speech.

Connected speech:

Continue to improve the dialogical form of speech;

Learn to talk about the subject and content according to plan plot picture, compose a story based on pictures with sequentially developing action;

Educational tasks(Slide 5)

Fostering activity, initiative, independence, and interest in the activity;

build skills teamwork, cooperation,

Sunny, clear sky, heat, sunshine, maple, oak, birch, linden, aspen, rowan, June, July, August, louder, warmer, greener, perseverance, goodwill;

To instill in children an emotional and aesthetic perception of their native nature in the poetic word, music and visual arts;

Develop the ability to act in accordance with instructions.

Value: nurturing love for native nature.

Activating the dictionary: summer, long-awaited, bright, colorful, fragrant, tanning, swimming, beach, vacation.

Methodical techniques:

Verbal - conversation, questions, explanation.

Visual - demonstration of pictures, presentations.

Games - breathing exercises “Veterok”, physical education lesson “Guess where we were?” - coordination of speech with movement, didactic game “Which branch are the kids from?”

Practical – collective composing of sentences for story pictures, a descriptive story by one child.

Equipment: laptop, projector, basket, magnetic board, easel.

Demo material : presentation on the theme “Summer”, a series of plot pictures.

Handout : leaves of oak, maple, aspen, birch, rowan, chestnut, the size of a child's palm, cut out of cardboard on strings. Preliminary work: learning the exercise “Guess where we were?”, listening and discussing A. Vivaldi’s play “Summer”, examining and discussing I. Levitan’s painting “Birch Grove”, reading the story by K. Ushinsky “In the Forest in Summer”.

Organization of the lesson: on the carpet, at tables.

Lesson structure: (Slide 2)

1. Org. moment. Guessing the riddle.

2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, didactic game “Word on the Palm”.

3. Conversation about autumn. Physical education lesson “Guess where we were?”

4. Didactic game“Whose branch are the babies from?”

5. Breathing exercises"Breeze".

6. View the presentation. Compiling a descriptive story “Summer”.

7. Analysis of the word “Summer”.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

L: - Hello, children. I'm very glad to see you. Now I will read you a riddle, and you guess the topic of our lesson:

The hot sun gave everyone,

The meadows were covered in a colorful outfit,

Called for a walk, a swim,

Brought flowers and berries.

L: - What time of year is the poem talking about?

D: - About summer.

L: - Why did you think that?

L: Name it summer months.

D: June, July, August.

L: Right. What is “summer”?

D: It's that time of year.

L: Right, but what can you call it differently.

D: This is the time, the state of nature, this is the time after spring.

L: You see how differently you called summer. This is an amazing, fun time of year. There's a lot to be said about summer beautiful words, because it can be different. What words do you know about summer? Throw it on my palm.

2. Game: “Word on the palm.”

L: - What summer?

D: - Multi-colored, long-awaited, hot, warm, sunny, joyful, cheerful.

L: - How many beautiful words we said about summer. What are the signs of summer?

- What can you say about the sun? (high in the sky, bright, burning, radiant).

What is the sky like in summer? (blue, clean, light, cloudless).

What kind of trees? (green, lush). What is the grass like in summer? (high, fragrant, soft).

What is the water like in summer? (warm, pleasant, refreshing).

What are children like in the summer? (cheerful, noisy, funny, joyful).

3. Physical education minute"Guess where we were?"

A cloud came over

Thunder rolled

Running in circles on your toes

Three jumps

The warm rain fell

Running in circles

Sounding silver

Jumping on toes

Rang above us

Running in circles

And disappeared into the distance

Jumping on toes

Can't sit at home

We went for a walk


We didn’t forget to take the net

Marching, imaginary net on shoulder

Guess where we were?

They stop, shrug their shoulders, shrug their shoulders

We were across the river, on the other bank

On the big fragrant

water meadow

Change direction

Butterflies were caught

And they wove wreaths

On the fragrant hay

They went to rest

Lie on your back and relax

4. Didactic game “Whose branch are the kids from?”

L: Guys, summer left us a basket with leaves in it. Look how beautiful and carved they are. Each of you will choose one leaf and say which tree it comes from.

(Child: - This is a maple leaf. Maple Leaf).

3. Exercise "Breeze"

L: - Stand up straight, take the leaf by the thread, bring it to your lips, move it a little away from your face. Now we have no breeze at all. The leaves don't move.

Now take a breath, stretch out your lips with a straw, and blow on the leaf with a weak stream of air. The breeze cleared up a little. And now the wind blew very, very strongly.

L.:- Well done. Take your seats.

6. Children compose the story “Summer” using reference diagram(slide 6-13)

· Grass, trees

· Insects

It’s come…..(the long-awaited summer). The sun is shining brightly). The sky….(blue with white clouds). The leaves on the trees….(green), the grass….(fragrant). Birds…….(chirping merrily). Guys......(swimming in the river). In the meadow... (many flowers). Fun... (butterflies swirling).

7. Analysis of the word "Summer".

L: - Guys, what time of year were we talking about today? (about summer).

· How many vowels are in the word summer? (two)

· How many consonants? (two)

· Name the number of syllables (two)

· What rule do you know about matching the number of vowels and syllables? (The number of vowels in a word equals the number of syllables)

8. Summary of the lesson. There are sheets of paper and colored pencils on your desks, I suggest you draw summer!

The recording of summer noises is turned on: forests, water, birds, etc.

Dolmatova Elena Nikolaevna

Hello, summer: notes from a logorhythmics lesson in a senior speech therapy group. Notes from a logorhythmics lesson in a senior speech therapy group. Description of the course of the lesson and methodological comments aimed at developing auditory attention in children, phonemic awareness, general motor skills. _____________________________________________________________________ Municipal preschool educational institution combined type No. 10. Summary of a lesson on logorhythmics in a senior speech therapy group. Topic: “Hello, summer.” Developed by: teacher - speech therapist d/s 10 Brock T.A., 2002 _____________________________________________________________________ Subject: Hello, summer. Goals: development of auditory attention. improvement of general motor skills, facial expressions; hold hands and walk in a circle). Now the turnip has ripened, now the turnip has ripened, The turnip has become juicy, the turnip has become sweet, The turnip has become tasty, the turnip has become tasty. (Children in a circle squat and gradually rise - “grow up”). We invite everyone to visit, We treat you with sweet turnips, we treat you with turnips, We treat you, we treat you. (Children hold hands and walk around the turnip. It slowly spins in the center.) 7. Development of coordination of movements and orientation in space. - What sound was often repeated in the song? The water runs and runs (ssss) and a stream has formed. Let's follow him and find out where he will lead us. (The music “How our girlfriends went” sounds. Children follow each other to the music, passing through the hall and stopping in front of the trees). - A stream led us into the forest. Listen to how he sings cheerfully (ssssss). Show me how he sings? The stream ran on, and we will stay in the clearing and dance. Children stand in pairs in a common circle. How did our girlfriends go? Everyone is moving in a circle to the right. To go for a walk in the forest to pick berries They dance, turning around. Chorus: With footsteps to the right - to the left. I sow, all of it. All, all, Children go in a circle to the left, They stop walking in the forest to pick berries. They didn’t pick any berries, so they danced around. They only lost their girlfriend Chorus: Couples turn, It’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, They separate each other. They only lost a girlfriend. Hands to the sides, then As for the beloved girlfriend, They put their hands on Katerinushka’s belt. Repeat the movements. Chorus: Oh, oh, oh, oh Katerinushka. They're dancing, oh, oh, Katyusha, They're calling our dear friend. Chorus: Where are you, where are you, where are you, Our dear friend Repeat the movements of the 3rd verse. Didn't she get lost in the forest, or got lost in the grass? Chorus: It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity They're dancing, isn't it tangled in the grass? Katya sings, raises her hands, I'm not lost in the forest, pointing into the forest, then lowering, pointing to the grass. Chorus: Yes, yes, yes, yes, I didn’t get lost in the grass. Repeats the movements. I swam in a fast river and slept in the grass. Depicts Chorus: Yes, yes, yes, yes, And I fell asleep on the grass. Repeats the movements of the chorus 8. Organization of the end of the lesson. -Listen, the stream returns to us-“S-SS-SC”. (The speech therapist puts a blue cap on one child.) Let's say hello to the stream (the children take turns approaching the stream and saying “ssss”. The speech therapist ensures that the sound is correct. Then he invites the stream to run to the kindergarten, and the children to follow it. The water’s song sounds. The stream leads the children themselves. Children sit on chairs). - Today we welcomed summer, played with dandelions, listened to a song about the sun, danced around a turnip, met a stream, it led us first to the forest, and then to the village. - How did the stream sing? (the speech therapist evaluates the work of each child. Children leave the hall to the music).

development of articulatory movements; development of phonemic awareness. Progress of the lesson. 1. Organizational moment. (Children enter the hall to the music and sit down). -Today in class we will celebrate summer. -You know that summer comes after spring (sound with intonation). -What sound did you hear? 2. Analysis of the articulation of the sound “s”. - That's right, you heard the sound “s”. This sound resembles a running stream, cold water - “s-s-s-s-s-s”. (Music sounds - a song of water). What position are your lips in? Is your mouth closed or is there a gap between your teeth? Where is the tip of the tongue located - at the top or bottom? That's right, the tongue is wide, a groove is formed on the back through which the exhaled air passes - (s-s-s-s-s-s). Repeat. (Children say (s-s-s-s). - Look around you, how many dandelions there are. 3. Cultivate the duration of exhalation. - Take a dandelion in your right hand. Stretch it forward and blow strongly and for a long time. (Children blow on the accent in the music take a breath. The exercise is repeated 5 - 6 times. 4. Development of auditory attention. - The dandelions have scattered, the sun has come out, let's sing a song: The sun is red, shine bright, fly into the sky like a bird, illuminate our land. So that the gardens and vegetable gardens turn green, bloom, grow. 5. Education of phonemic perception - What sound do you hear in the words red, where is it? - Right, now we’ll do a round dance, I’ll sing to you about the sun again, and if you hear. word with “s”, clap your hands. (Children perform). - In the summer the sun is gentle, warm, different flowers bloom under its rays. When you hear the name of a flower with “s”, stop and stamp your foot. bells, iris, tulip, gladiolus. 6. Development of general motor skills. - You were attentive, well done. Now let’s dance around the turnip. (Children hold hands and stand in a circle. One child is a turnip, wearing a hat, stands in the middle of the circle. Children perform the movements). We ourselves dug the ground, we dug the ground, we ourselves filled the bed, we filled the bed, we ourselves threw the grains, we threw the grains, we watered the seedlings ourselves, we watered the seedlings, we raised, we raised the turnips. (Children take seeds from an imaginary basket and scatter them, then water the soil from a watering can.

last words

Speech therapist teacher: Korovina T.L.

Target: systematize knowledge about the seasons and their distinctive featuresand their sequence.
Correctional educational tasks:
- consolidate the skills of word formation and inflection;

- expand and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic;
- develop coherent speech; strengthen the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Corrective and developmental tasks:
- improve correct breathing;

Develop fine motor skills, attention, thinking.

Correctional and educational tasks:
- to instill in children a sense of love and careful attitude to nature, to teach correct behavior in nature.

Equipment: pictures depicting the seasons, pictures depicting the signs of winter, spring, summer, autumn; ball,Andcartoon character pearLuntik, watches “Seasons”, “Dandelions” for breathing exercises.


I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Today an unusual guest came to our class, and to find out his name you need to guess a riddle.

Adults and children know
What fell from another planet -
Purple animal
A friend for little children.

Well done! Guys, Luntik fell to us from the Moon and has not yet had time to find out everything. Today he would like to know what the seasons are. Let's help Luntik and go on an exciting journey through the seasons. And they will help us with this magic clock(Clock “Seasons”).

II. Main part.

L . In order for us to visit all seasons, we need to move the hands of the clock. Our journey begins! (We turn the clock to winter). The first time of the year we will visit...

D. Winter.

L. And to introduce Luntik to winter, we’ll play a little.

Game "Choose the word"

Listen carefully and tell me what I will talk about:

Draws, pinches, cracks, freezes...(freezing)

It whistles, rages, blows, howls...(wind)

It flies, dances, falls, lies down, covers...(snow)

Hangs, grows, melts, cries, drips...(icicle)

L. Well done boys! What can I tell you about winter fun You and I will play tongue.

Fairy tale “How Tongue made a snowman”

One winter day, Tongue looked out the window

(open and close your mouth as you count to 5) “Window”

and was very surprised. Everything around - benches, swings, and paths - was covered with white snow.

(stick out your wide tongue, place it on your lower lip and hold it until 5) "Spatula"

Tongue put on a warm fur coat, tied a red scarf on his hat and went outside. He smiled

(smile widely, showing teeth)"Fence"

looked up at the sun

(raise thin tongue to upper lip, hold for a count of 5)"Swing"

then down into the snow

(lower tongue to lower lip and keep count until 5) "Swing"

and decided to build a snowman.

First he rolled one snowball (puff out left cheek)

then another

(puff out right cheek)

and finally one more, the biggest

(puff out both cheeks and hold).

Tongue's hands were frozen. He brought them to his mouth and began to warm them (raise your palms to your mouth and quietly say: “Ha ha ha”).

When the snowman was ready, Tongue looked up first (raise tongue to upper lip)"Swing"

then down

(lower tongue to lower lip)"Swing"

on both sides

(move tongue left and right)"Watch."

and thought: “Something is missing.” He took two buttons out of his pocket and put eyes on the snowman.

(close one eye, then the other),

made from carrots a long nose

(stick out tongue and pull forward)

The tongue made the snowman's hands from branches

(pull your tongue to the right, then to the left).

Suddenly the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, and Tongue saw the snowman winking at him, first with one eye, then with the other.

(wink 5 times with your right eye, and then with your left).

This is the snowman that Tongue made!

L. Look, while we were playing, our arrows approached the next time of year - ……..

D. Spring.

L. Guys, look. Here are pictures depicting the seasons(pictures of the seasons on the board).Determine which picture shows spring. And prove why you think so? (Children's answers. For example, the second picture shows spring. Children name the signs of spring from the picture, the speech therapist seeks a complete answer: It’s spring, because the snow is melting,... icicles are dripping from the roofs,... birds have flown in,... children are wearing spring clothes, etc.).

L. Well done boys! Luntik really likes to travel with you.In the meantime, our arrows have not moved to next time years, let's play with our fingers.


The sun is smiling in the sky again , (Place the palm of your left hand on the back of right hand, fingers spread).

The snow has melted, the streams are ringing . (We spread our arms to the sides, draw a wave).

And the snowdrop is the first to bloom , (We connect our hands “bud”, spread our fingers to the sides).

Birds fly from the south with songs . (We wave our arms. We depict the wings of birds).

L. So you and I have moved on to a new time of year -….

D. Summer

Game "Word on the Palm".

- Summer, what? (Colorful, long-awaited, hot, warm, sunny, joyful, cheerful).

- What can you say about the sun? (High in the sky, bright, burning, radiant).

What is the sky like in summer? (Blue, clean, bright, cloudless).

What kind of trees? (Green, lush).

What is the grass like in summer? (Tall, fragrant, soft).

What is the water like in summer? (Warm, pleasant, refreshing).

What are children like in the summer? (Cheerful, noisy, funny, joyful).

L. Guys, look, we have dandelions growing in our clearing, let’s take them and blow on them.

Breathing exercise “Blow on a dandelion.”

We take a deep breath through our nose, then exhale long through our mouth so that all the fluff flies off the dandelion.

Ball game “Say with the word “summer”.

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist throws the ball and says a word, the child who catches the ball repeats the same word, but with the word “summer”.

Months - ... (summer months).

Day - ... (summer day).

Weather - ... (summer weather).

Morning - ... (summer morning).

Night - ... (summer night).

Sun - ... (summer sun).

Thunderstorm - ... (summer thunderstorm).

Rain - ... (summer rain).

Flowers - ... (summer flowers).

Clothes - ... (summer clothes).

Vacation - ... (summer vacation).

Holidays - … ( summer holidays).

L. Well done, you did great.Look, our hands have moved to the final time of the year and this...

D. Autumn.

A story about autumn.

L. Look at the picture and help me write a story about this time of year. (The speech therapist pronounces a phrase, and the children finish it. Each child says one phrase based on the picture).

Teacher Children

Autumn has come.

In autumn the sun rarely shines.

It often rains in autumn.

In autumn, a cold wind blows.

In autumn, the leaves on the trees... turn yellow and fall.

L. Well done! Now let's depict autumn using facial expressions. I talk about autumn, and you depict it.

Mimic exercises.

Depict Early Autumn. U Early Autumn light gait, cheerful face. She is joyful, generous, kind, beautiful.

Depict Late Autumn. Late fall sad, sorrowful, driven in winter. Depict a crying Autumn.

L. Guys, so that Luntik can better remember the seasons, let's compose landscapes.What is landscape?(This is a picture about nature). (Children are divided into four groups, each group is given a set of pictures according to the seasons).

L. How beautifully you did it! Well done!

III . Bottom line.

L. Our journey has come to an end!Luntik and I really enjoyed traveling with you. Luntik thanks you for your efforts and gives you stars.