Skyrim where to find the cry clear sky. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Walkthrough

Alduin's Wall

We need to escort Esbern to Delphine. To do this, we give him time to collect his notes and hit the road. On the spot we go down to the same Delfina basement and listen to the old man. He suggests considering Alduin's Wall, which supposedly will help us find out the dragon's weak points and defeat him. We wait for Dolphin and go to the wall, which is located in the Temple of Heavenly Harbor. If you don’t want to go with Delphine, you can immediately meet her and Esbern on the spot. We enter the temple, destroy the outcasts and go out to the raised bridge. To lower it, you need to rotate the three columns so that they have the same sign, as on the far right. When the signs match, the bridge will lower. We pass along it and go out into a room with pressure plates. You can only step on the slabs with the same sign that were on the previous three columns. Following only them, we get to the chain and pull on it. Now the trap is not scary, you can safely walk on any slab you like, and besides, the bridge will lower just ahead. We go forward and go out to the entrance directly to the Temple of Heavenly Harbor itself. To open the passage, we stand on the seal and spill our blood on it. The path is open, we go into the temple. Esbern, having examined Alduin's wall, reports that the dragon can only be defeated with a special Shout, which, unfortunately, we do not know. But the Graybeards probably know about this, you need to go to them. Throat of the world

We return to High Hrothgar and find Arngeir. Unfortunately, he does not know the Crick we need, but Paarthurnax, the leader of the Greybeards, knows him, and it would be a great honor to meet him. But because We will be a stranger to him, we need to learn some Shout, thanks to which we will have the honor of meeting the leader. We follow Arngeir and study the Clear Sky Creek. Thanks to him, we will be able to climb to the very top of the mountain, where Paarthurnax is located. To do this, simply aim at the ice whirlwind and use Clear Sky on it. Having climbed the mountain, we meet Paarthurnax, who, in fact, is a dragon. Getting straight to the point would not be a very nice thing to do, so first you need to greet each other. We study the “Fire Breath” Shout, which Paarthurnax gives us, and use it on the dragon. After that, he is ready to listen to us completely. We tell him that we want to learn the Dragon Slayer Shout. But to our misfortune, even he does not know this Shout, but the Ancient Scroll will help us with this. You need to discuss this with Esbern or Arngeir.

Ancient knowledge

The closest place to get to is Arngeir, so we go to it. He advises us to ask about this scroll at the College of Winterhold, so we will have to head there. Having reached the College, we are met by Faralda, who says that getting to the magicians is not so easy. We explain to her that we want to go there just like that, but she will ask to offer something in return for the College. We tell her that we are Dovahkiin, and by using the Scream on her, we prove it. The path to the magicians is open, we follow to the Hall of Elements, from where we go to the Arcaneum. There we find an orc named Urag gro-Shuv. We ask him about the scroll, and so that he becomes much friendlier with us, we tell him that we are Dovahkiin. The orc will agree to help us with information on finding the scroll. We give him a little time, after which he will put two books on the table. We read them and tell Urag that the book “Reflections” is completely unreadable. He says that it was written by a certain scientist named Septimius Segonius. Surely he can help us find the scroll. We head to his lair, which is located on a small island among huge ice floes floating on the sea. This mad scientist is only willing to help us if we give him some notes. We go to Alftand and penetrate the ice caves. Following them, we go out to some kind of metallurgical workshop. Destroying the Dwemer spiders and spheres, we follow the corridors, go up to the second floor and go out to the door leading to the Animatorium. We pass between the walls and come out to an inclined rise, on which three small devices are visible that launch deadly traps. We step over them and go further to the closed grate, behind which a lever is visible. We pull it, after which the grate will lower. Now you need to go down to the very bottom of the cave, moving both along a spiral staircase and through rooms inhabited by Falmers. Going downstairs, we go to Alftand Cathedral. We jump over the mechanisms for launching traps on the floor and go out into the large hall. The path further is blocked by a grate, which can only be lowered by turning the lever, which is located a little higher behind. We go forward, destroy the Dremora centurion and activate the mechanism that will open the way to the Black Reach. Having got into it and having admired the huge mushrooms, we follow to the Mzarka tower. Going up to the panels, insert the empty dictionary into the dictionary stand and press the four buttons in turn from right to left. True, in order for the third button to appear, you will have to play around with the first two right ones. We take the Ancient Scroll and go back to Skyrim.

If after all this you say that this is not one of the most beautiful games, I will bite you!

Alduin's Curse

We have the Ancient Scroll, now we need to read it at the time gap in the Throat of the World. We stand at the place of the gap, which can be detected by the curved air, go to the interface, in the “books” section we take the scroll and read it. We went back in time when Alduin was banished to our present time. Having seen and recognized the “Dragon Slayer” Shout from the Nordic heroes, we return to our time and prepare for the battle with Alduin. Using the “Dragon Slayer” we have studied, we knock Alduin out of the sky and begin to attack with all types of weapons or magic that we have. Paarthurnax will also help us with this. But no matter how hard we try, we won’t be able to destroy the dragon. He soars into the sky and disappears on the horizon.


We need to find where he is hiding. From Paarthurnax we learn that the palace of Earl Whiterun was once a dungeon for dragons. You can catch a dragon and lock it in a dungeon so that it reveals where Alduin is hiding. But first you need to get permission from the Jarl of Whiterun for this type of activity. We go to him in Dragon's Reach and ask for help. He will agree to help only on the condition that the civil war between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks ends in peace. Arngeir, to whom we are heading, can help us with this. Now all that remains is to report this meeting to Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius. First, we go to the Stormcloaks, whose jarl is in Windhelm. We find Ulfric in the royal hall and tell him that the Greybeards are calling him to a truce. He will not agree to take part in this until he is convinced that Tullius himself will not come there. But we don’t like running back and forth, so we tell him that if Tullius does not come to the truce, then he will show himself on the weak side. After thinking a little, Ulfric agrees, and we go to Solitude to the imperials. We explain to Tullius the importance of this truce, and as an incentive we say that Ulfric himself will also come to the meeting, which he cannot refuse. Now we return to High Hrothgar to Arngeir. The meeting is ready, but Delphine and Esbern also come to it. There is nothing to do, you will have to take them with you. We follow the Graybeards into the hall and sit down in a chair. They will negotiate without our help, we just occasionally support either the words of Ulfric or Tullius, depending on who we are more inclined towards. As a result, the meeting ends in a truce, and Esbern gives us a scroll that gives Odahviing's Summoning Cry. It's time to go to Whiterun and prepare a trap for this dragon. We give a signal to Balgruuf that we are ready to begin, and follow him to the gallery, where a trap has already been prepared. We go out onto the balcony, select the Dragon Summoning Scream, hold down the Scream key and release it so that our voice is stronger and the dragon can hear us. When he arrives, we attack him and gradually lure him into the hall, where the trap will be triggered. After talking with Odahviing, he will agree to help us.

No, seriously! Where else can you see such beauty?!

House of the World Eater

You need to get to Skuldafn, but you can only get there by air. We ask the Whiterun guard to free the dragon, after which we climb onto Odaving and fly to the habitat of all the dragons. Having arrived at the place, we begin to move towards the portal leading to Sovngarde. Making our way through crowds of draugr and dragons, we get to the temple. Having cleared his hall from half-dead mummies, we go out into a room with three columns and a lever. As in previous times, you need to rotate the columns so that when using the lever, open the left gate, because... the right ones lead nowhere, except to the chest. To open the lattice we need, we set up columns with the following signs: eagle - snake - eagle. This must be done from the lever side, because if you look at the middle column from the other side, then the sign will bifurcate. We follow further along the corridors populated by spiders and emerge into another room, but with the same columns. Now, with their help, we need to lower the bridge. The first column is located directly in front of the entrance to this room, the other two are on either side of the lever that is located above. On the bottom column we place the sign of a snake, on the right - an eagle, on the left - a fish. We pull the lever and follow the bridge deeper and deeper into the temple. We go up the steps, turn right into a narrow passage and go out to the bridge. We go along it to a room with a spiral staircase. We go upstairs, where we encounter a closed grate. We destroy the draugr and go into the room behind, where we find the lever from the grate. We go further and go out to the round door, near which the Draugr Overlord is located. We destroy him and take the diamond claw from him. Now you need to open the door. We set the following signs from top to bottom: wolf - moth - dragon. We turn the diamond claw and the path is open. We study the new Scream and leave the temple. Coming out into the light, we turn left, from where we go out to the stairs leading directly to the portal to Sovngarde. Without delaying for a second, we immediately jump into the portal, without getting into a squabble with the local dragons.


We are from Sovngarde, the city of souls. We go down the steps and meet a Stormcloak soldier. According to him, Alduin is hiding in this fog, and to defeat him, you need to go to the Hall of Valor and team up with other heroes. We head to the place where Tsun is blocking our way at the entrance to the hall. Despite the fact that we are Dovahkiin, he will not want to let us through until we prove to him that we are a strong opponent. We give him the first number so that he will regret that he started all this in the first place. We cross the abyss along the dragon bones and enter the Hall of Valor. After talking with Ysgramor, we approach the three Nordic heroes whom we saw when we traveled back in time using the Ancient Scroll. Having united with them, we set out for Alduin. Dragonslayer

Together with the heroes we go outside and follow them. With the help of the “Clear Sky” shout, we help the heroes get rid of the fog, but this will happen the third time. When the fog clears, Alduin himself will fly to us. Using the “Dragon Slayer”, we force it to land and begin to attack. When Alduin is defeated, we approach Tsun, who will return us back to Skyrim and also teach us the Summoning Shout of the Nord Hero.

This concludes the main plot and we can move on to other unfinished business, and I'm sure there are many more.

What is “um” and “what is it eaten with”?

Dragon Shouts (also known as Voice or Thu'um) are phrases or words of the Draconic language used to release potential energy (similar to magic). Dragons have a natural ability to use Shouts, but few humans possess it. As a Dovahkiin, your character can use Shouts just as freely as Dragons. You can learn up to 20 Shouts, each of which consists of 3 Words of Power.

To learn Dragonscream, you must meet the following conditions:---

1. Find the Wall of Power.

The Word Wall in Windy Peak.

2. Read the Word of Power on the Wall. Words of Power are individual runes that are displayed on the Wall.

Near the Word Wall. Magical energy emanates from the necessary Word.

3. Kill the Dragon and absorb its soul.

Dovahkiin absorbs the soul of a dragon in Windhelm.

4. After killing the Dragon, use its soul to unlock the Word of Power(For those who are especially slow-witted - R (English layout)).
5. Learn a new Scream. You can learn the weakest version of Shout first. To unlock other, more powerful variants of this Shout, you will need to learn two more Words of Power and absorb two Dragon Souls.

Following the main storyline, Dovahkiin will learn about 15 different Words of Power from other characters, after which these words will be revealed. The first word of the "Ruthless Force" Shout will be revealed immediately after the death of Milmurnir (The soul on the unopened "Ruthless Force" Shout will be automatically applied). To open the remaining Words for Screams, it will be necessary to absorb 44 more Dragon souls.

This is what Scream looks like in real life (Enjoy watching!):

Finding Dragon Shouts

1. Some Words of Power can only be learned at certain points in the main storyline, while others require access to locations unlocked by completing various faction quests (Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, Companions, etc.). But most of the Words are available for study at any time.

2. When you use Shout in a city, populated dungeon, or settlement camp, a messenger may run up to you and give you “Letter from a Friend”. Each such letter will open a side quest that will help you find the Word Walls. New letters can only be obtained after completing the previous quest related to the letter. The courier can find you anywhere in Skyrim and will deliver letters until all Words of Power have been learned by your character.

3. After completing the quest “Horn of Jurgen Windcaller”, you can ask Arngeir if the Greybeards know the location of the Words of Power, and he will direct you to the Wall of Words, marking it on the map. Arngeir's pointers and courier letters can be used in combination with each other. Arngeir will stop pointing out the locations of the Walls after you have learned all available Words of Power.

Initiation of the Dovahkiin after completing the quest "Horn of Jurgen Windcaller".

Inaccessible Dragon Shouts

Besides the Shouts that the player can learn, there are several used by NPCs and Dragons:

1. Alduin has a Scream known as "Dragon Storm Call". It is similar to Storm Call, but causes a meteor storm instead of a lightning storm, and the sky turns red instead of gray. Clear Sky can stop its action.
2. Alduin also has a Shout called "The Cry of Resurrection", which resurrects dead Dragons. The dragon's soul will restore his body. The power words of this Shout are “Slen”, “Tid” and “Wo”. Notably, the player can learn the Words “Tid” and “Slen” for use in other Shouts.
3. Fog trap for souls, which Alduin created in Sovngarde, is not technically a Shout, but a script. It appears where Alduin is hiding and feeds on captured souls. The words of Power for him are “Ven”, “Mule”, “Rik”, which are translated as “wind”, “strong” and “storm”.
4. The Shout that Tsun uses to send the player from Sovngarde back to Nirn is another unavailable Shout. His Words: “Nal”, “Dal”, “Vus”, which translated means “to live”, “to return”, “Nirn”.
5. The Shouts used by Dragons are modified versions of the Shouts used by the player and NPCs.
6. There is a Shout that the Greybeards use to create ethereal mannequins on which you can practice your Shouts. His words are “Fik”, “Lo”, “Sa”, which means “mirror”, “to deceive”, “phantom”. This is another Shout that is not available to you. However, it can be opened using the console command “psb”. This Shout appears to have been originally created for player use, as it is voiced for all races.
7. While studying "Rapid Dash", one of the Greybeards (Borri) will open the gate with the help of Shout "Bex". It is also not available for player exploration.

Locations of Word of Power Walls in Skyrim. Part 1

This section will describe the location of all Word of Power Walls in Skyrim (Solstheim does not count):

1."Ruthless Force"
(Pushes back and disorients the enemy. Cooldown - 15,20,45)
Where to look: First in the location "Windy Peak"(discovery when killing the dragon Milmurnir near Whiterun), second and third from Greybeards.

2."Rapid Dash"
(Cover the distance in a matter of seconds. Reload - 20,25,35)
Where to look: First in the story quest, with the Greybeards. Second - "Repose", third - "Wolskigge".

3."Death Sentence"
(Reduces the enemy's power reserve. Cooldown - 20,30,40)
Where to look: First - "Autumn Watchtower" Second - "Forgotten Cave", third - "Dark Brotherhood Refuge"(only after joining TB).

4."Storm Call"
(Storm lightning (only in open areas, not indoors) strikes your enemies, the weather changes to "Thunderstorm". Cooldown - 300,480,600)
Where to look: First - "Forelhost". Second - "Ruins of the High Gate", third - "Skuldafn"(only for story quest).

5."Time Slow"
(Slows down time. Cooldown - 30,45,60)
Where to look: First - "Korvanjund". Second - "Labyrinthian"(according to the College of Winterhold quest), third - "Witch's Nest".

6."Call of Valor"
(Heroes of Sovngarde come to the rescue. Cooldown - 180,180,180)
Will become available after completing the last quest of the storyline.

7."Call of the Dragon"
(Summons Odahviing to help you. Cooldown - 5,5,300)
Receipt - from Esbern. Needed to complete a quest from the storyline. Becomes freely available after completing the storyline.

8."Dragon Slayer"
(Forces the dragon to fall to the ground. Does not allow it to fly up for the duration of the cry. Cooldown - 10,12,15)
Becomes available through the storyline.

9."Clear sky"
(Disperses fog. Recharge - 5,10,15)
Available only through the central quest - from the Greybeards.

10."Frost Breath"
(Freezes and slows down the enemy. Cooldown - 30,50,100)
Where to look: First "Folguntur". Second - "Altar of the Sky Born", third - "Skeleton Comb".

11."Ice Form"
(Turns the enemy into a piece of ice, he has no ability to move and attack. Cooldown - 60,90,120)
Where to look: First - "Saarthal"(according to the College of Winterhold quest).Second - "Mount Antor", third - "Frostworld".

12."Elemental Fury"
(Temporarily increases attack speed (useful if using a weapon in 2 hands). Reload - 30,40,50)
Where to look: First - "Dragon Tooth Crater".Second - "Northern Bastion Screaming Wind", third - "Statue of Meridia"(to her left).

13."Fire Breath"
(Fire damage. Cooldown 30,50,100)
Where to look: First - "Throat of the World", from Paarthurnax, according to the storyline. Second - "Divided Gorge", third - "Ancient Cairn"(According to the Companions quest).

14."Animal Friendship"
(Animals come to your aid. Cooldown - 50,60,70)
Where to look: First - "Angarvund". Second - "Tomb of Ysgramor", third - "The Move of the Ancients".

(You snatch a weapon from the enemy's hands. Reload - 30,35,40)
Where to look: First - "Peak of the Ancients". Second - "Silver Lair", third - "Sanctuary of the Snow Veil"(Only for the Thieves Guild quest).

16."Kin World"
(Animals lose interest in Dovahkiin. They do not attack him, but do not run away either. Cooldown - 40,50,60)
Where to look: First - "Abode of Rannveig". Second - "Ragnvald", third - "Mound Funeral Fire"(at Ivarstead).

17."Voice Roll"
(Scream to distract attention. Dovahkiin whispers words, enemies hear them as “words of insult” and look for the source from which these words came. Cooldown - 30,15,5).
Where to look: All three words in "Double-headed pike"(Be careful. In addition to the dragon, there is a dragon priest!).

18."Whisper of Aura"
(Dovahkiin whispers words and he begins to feel all the living souls around. Cooldown - 30,40,50)
Where to look: First - "North Wind Summit". Second - "Valthoom", third - "Volundrud"(according to the Dark Brotherhood quest).


Shouts are special phrases in the dragon language that contain powerful magic. Press Z to use your pre-selected Shout. The longer you hold down the key, the more Scream words you say and the more powerful the Scream itself. You can only mark one talent or one cry at a time.

The Draconic words that make up Shouts are learned by searching the Word Wall in the world. But just learning them is not enough; you must also put a dragon soul into it, and only then it will become available to you. You absorb the souls of dragons by killing them.

A short video tutorial on shouting:

Map with the location of all scream walls (comments will be added to some places later):

Table of screams and their properties (gradually filling up, if you have anything to add write in the comments.

Scream Title







Ruthless force

Shockwave that knocks back and stuns opponents


You will learn the first word in the cry at the end of the quest Windy Peak, the other two will be taught to you by the greybeards, in the quest The Path of the Voice. Everything is according to the main storyline.

Swift Dash

Moves you a fixed distance forward


The graybeards will teach you the first word in the quest Path of the Voice, you will learn the other two in Dead Men's Respite and in Volskygge.

Fire Breath

Throws out a wave of fire in the indicated direction


Throat of the World (quest “Throat of the World”, main plot)
- ** Ancient Cairn, Ancient Crypt (quest “Test of Valor”, Companions line)
- Divided Gorge

Frost Breath

A wave of cold is thrown in the indicated direction


Harmony Kyne (Kyne's Peace)

Calms (does not attack) hostile creatures and calms (does not run away) animals


Abode of Rannveig
- * Funeral Fire, The Depths (Tavernkeeper's quest from Ivarstead)
- Ragnvald, Temple

Causes enemies who can't see you to be wary (a simple replacement for this scream is to shoot somewhere with a bow)


Double-headed peak (all 3 words of power)

Ice form

Turns the enemy into a block of ice


Mount Antor
- ** Saarthal (quest “In the Depths of Saarthal”, line of the College of Mages, quest “Forbidden Legend”)
- Frostmere, Frostmere Depths (quest “The Pale Lady”)


Knocks weapons out of enemy hands



Peak of the Ancients
- Silver Lair
- ** Veil of Snow (quest “Conversation with Silence”, Thieves Guild line)

* The passage to the Word of Power is closed by a Nordic door with a secret (the dragon claw is often located in the same location)
** Access to the word of power is only possible during the specified quest.

There are a total of 20 shouts in the game.

Sets the task: Nobody

Locality: Helgen

Reward: Absent

The game begins and you wake up in a moving carriage, next to Ulfric Stormcloak(Jarl Windhelm), Ralof(nord) and a thief. They are going to take you to Helgen to execution. According to the plot of the game, you were captured while trying to cross the border. Now you face the death penalty. The carriage arrives in the city and when you get out of it, the game will ask you to choose the appearance of your character. After creating a character you like, you will be asked to come up with a name for your character. Now it's time for execution. Priestess Arkeya tries to read parting words before execution, but is stopped. The first to be called is a Nord, one of Stormcloaks (Stormcloaks), After you.

But when you are almost dying, suddenly something black appears in the sky. What is this? This is a dragon Alduin. Although it's not the best prospect to fight a dragon, at least you're free now. Let's run for Ralof to the tower. We go upstairs and jump onto the roof, through the opening formed by the dragon. We make our way further and stumble upon an imperial soldier who orders you to follow him if you want to survive. We follow him and get to the exit from the city. But on the way out we will meet again Ralof and we are faced with a choice - with whom to go. WITH Ralof, now a refugee from the Imperials, or with the Imperial who previously put you in shackles. You decide. Regardless of your choice, you will need to go through a series of dungeons and learn some of the wisdom that awaits you in the game in the future. Also, if you choose Ralofa, you will fight with imperial soldiers, but if you follow the general Tullius- expect an attack Stormcloaks. Eventually you will get out of Helgena and its caves, and subsequently you will find yourself in a spacious clearing. Now, depending on who you chose, you need to head to either Alvor, blacksmith from Riverwood or to Sigrid, sister Ralofa. After talking with them the task will end.

Sets the task: Ralof or Hadvar

Locality: Riverwood, Whiterun

Reward: Gifts from Hadvar or Ralof

After you have spoken with Gerdur, sister Ralofa and the owner of the sawmill, or Alvor, a blacksmith from the same city, you will need to go to Whiterun. You will have to get there on your own two feet. Along the way you may also meet members Guild of Companions and if you help them defeat the giant, then they will offer you a place in their guild. One way or another, our path leads us to the jarl Whiterun. However, before entering the city, a guard will stop you. According to him, the entrance to the city is closed due to the increasing frequency of dragon attacks and now no one is allowed into the city - only for official reasons. We explain to the guard what is going on here and that the city is in danger and the path to the city is open to us.

Now we go to the jarl's palace - Dragon's Reach. To do this you need to go through two levels of the city. When you enter the palace, you will be greeted by the jarl's housecarl, Airilet who needs to be told about what happened in Helgene and of course about the dragon. She will immediately direct you to the jarl. Now you need to talk to him. After the conversation, the jarl will decide that he needs to send help to Riverwood and the task will be completed.

Sets the task: Farengar

Locality: Windy Peak

Reward: Absent

After completing the previous task, Jarl Whiterun will invite you to go with him to the local magician - Farengar. According to the magician, he is the only one here in Whiterun. Since we talked about the dragon, then Farengar will tell us about a certain dragon stone. This stone can be found in the temple at the top of the mountain - Windy Peak. Head there. Along the way you will meet bandits - defeating them will not be a problem. Come inside. Make your way through the corpses of bandits you left behind (who were still alive before your arrival), avoid traps and solve riddles.

Snake, Snake and Fish - this is the solution to the riddle of the first door

When you solve the first puzzle, you will encounter the draugr for the first time. These are ancient Nords who were buried in the depths of the mountains Skyrim. Kill them and move on. Sooner or later you will come across a room entangled in cobwebs and a voice calling you for help. As you get closer, a huge wounded spider will jump down on top of you, which you will need to kill in order to continue on your way.

You save a dark elf, and he tries to escape from you?! You catch up with him and kill him. Take it away golden claw, which is necessary to complete the task "Golden Claw". Let's move on. We come across a door with strange symbols. Open the menu and look at the order of the pictures and turn the mechanisms on the door (if you don’t turn it on, then do it from top to bottom - bear, dragonfly and owl). When you're done, place the claw on the door (in the special slot). Move on.

Inside you will see a large burial chamber and the first (if you are only following the story quest) wall of dragons, on which words of power are written. When you get closer to the treasure near the wall, a high-level draugr will rise from its grave. Kill him, because it is from him that you can take the dragon stone that you need so much Farengar. We take the stone and return to it. The task is completed.

Sets the task: Jarl Balgruuf

Locality: West Tower

Reward: Ax of Whiterun, Lydia

After you return the stone Farengar, V Dragon's Reach will come in Airilet and will report that the guards saw the dragon. We follow her and learn that the western tower was attacked by a dragon. Jarl of Whiterun wants you to go to the western tower and find out more about the nature of dragons. Airilet will go there with the earl's soldiers - you will need to meet with her. When you get there, the jarl's housecarl will offer to search the ruins for survivors. There will be only one survivor - he will tell you that a dragon flew to the tower and ate two of his partners.

Suddenly a roar is heard. The survivor says it's the dragon returning, looking for more food. The battle with your first dragon begins. I recommend using long-range attacks (either magic or arrows), since the dragon flies around and when it lands close it becomes dangerous (it can eat the character). When you defeat him, the dragon's soul will be absorbed by you. You will be able to learn the first dragon cry, which you learned in the previous task. Use it on guard to show that you Dovahkiin. When you're done, return to the Jarl. For completing the task you will receive Ax of Winterhold and your own housecarl Lydia, which will serve you faithfully.

Sets the task: Jarl Balgruuf

Locality: Ivarstead, High Hrothgar

Reward: Shouts: Ro and Vuld

Jarl Balgruuf will say that he heard the call Greybeards(that scream you heard when you returned to Whiterun) - they called Dovahkiin. You have no choice but to admit that you are the dragonborn. The jarl will tell you that you need to head to Throat of the world, to where they live Greybeards, so that you can study the screams and find out your future fate.

In order to get there, you need to go to a small settlement called Ivarstead, which is located east of the highest mountain Skyrim. The jarl will mark this settlement on your map. When you get there, you will see a bridge that leads to the first of seven thousand steps that will lead you to Greybeard. When climbing up, beware of local wildlife. You shouldn't be afraid of wolves, but a troll is a rather dangerous opponent. When you complete the pilgrimage, you will find yourself at the abode Greybeards. The first thing they will do is teach you a new syllable of an already known cry.

To demonstrate your capabilities, hold the shout key (default Z) to shout all the words and the power of the scream was more powerful. Later they will create three ghostly opponents, on which they will also need to use this shout. Afterwards, they will decide that it is time for you to learn a new cry - Swift Charge. Follow their instructions and the task will be completed.

Sets the task: Arngeir

Locality: Ustegrev

Reward: Absent

When you complete your training Greybeards, Arngeir will send you to your first test - you need to get a horn Jurgen Windcaller which is in his tomb Ustengrev. The tomb itself is located in the swamps Hjalmarka. The entrance to the tomb is guarded by a small squad of bandits - kill them and climb inside. Make your way through it, but don't fly forward - in this tomb there is another wall with a new dragon cry.

A little further there will be three stones installed in the floor. If you approach one of them, one of three doors opens. This is where the newly learned dragon cry comes in handy. You need to slowly accelerate, and when you reach the third stone, scream! If you make your way through and a companion is with you, he will pass through the doors without any problems - they now simply do not close.

Make your way further and approach the tomb. There won't be any horn on the pedestal, but there will be a note from " friend "(you have already received one before upon returning to Whiterun after the first battle with the dragon). This " Friend "offers to meet him at the Sleeping Giant tavern, which is located in Riverwood. In order not to make a mistake, " Friend " asks you to ask for a room in the attic.

Go to Riverwood and contact Dolphin behind the number. It turns out that the tavern does not have such a room and in return it will offer another, but when you find yourself inside the ordered room, Delphine will approach you and give you the horn. A parallel task will begin " Blade in the Dark" Upon completion of that task, you can return Jurgen's hornGreybeard. When you bring the horn, the elders will perform an initiation ceremony for you. Everyone will shout at you Greybeards, and you just need to stand and take the blow. Upon completion of the task, you can also contact Arngueiro to decipher what was said Greybeards.

Sets the task: Mysterious note

Locality: Grove Keen

Reward: Absent

Delphine will ask you to follow her in the tavern " Sleeping giant"during the execution of a task" Horn of Jurgen" She takes you to a secret room in her bedroom, which is inside the closet. Inside, she will be able to talk to you in a calm atmosphere. She will tell you that she is a member of the old order - Blades and will tell you that her society has been looking for a very long time dragonborn, capable of completely killing dragons. She will offer to go with her to one of the dragon's burial places and try to study it, and if possible, then prevent the dragon from being revived. According to her assumption, this burial is located in grove keene. Even if she doesn’t completely trust you yet, she still hopes that you Dovahkiin. IN grove keene you need to get to the tavern, where you will learn from a local resident that a black dragon is flying in the grove. Head with Delphine to the burial and you will notice how Alduin calls another from the grave using Thu'uma. However, most of the words are in the dragon language, so these words are unknown to us and our hero. However, the dragons notice us, Alduin flies away, and we remain in our hands Saloknira. Delphine and you must defeat the dragon. After the battle is over Delphine will see you absorb the dragon's soul and answer all your questions and head back to Riverwood.

Sets the task: Delphine

Locality: Solitude

Reward: Absent

After the battle with the dragon, Delphine will tell you what is most likely behind it Thalmor. You will need to deal with this by getting into the estate Thalmor envoy and try to find out something about it there. To do this, you need to receive an invitation to a meeting of the Thalmor. It will help us with this Malborne, living in Solitude. We head there, and there we find a tavern called “ Laughing Rat».

When you get there, tell me Malborn items you would like to bring inside. You will need to pay the rest later Dolphin, so the choice is yours. After talking with Malborne, head to Katly farm , which is located near the stables Solitude To Dolphin. Talk to her, put on fancy clothes and boots and talk to her again Delphine when you're ready. Then you will sit on the carriage and head to the messenger for a reception.

When you arrive, give the invitation to the sorceress at the entrance. Inside Elenwen will come to meet you. It's better to switch the subject by saying: " So are you Elenwen? They told me a lot about you!" After that Malborne will distract her and you can calmly go to the appointment. To distract everyone, talk to Razelan, give him a drink (if you don’t have it, ask him for it Malborna) and quickly run with Malborne out the door. Head to the pantry through the kitchen to get your things. Take the things you handed over earlier at the tavern. Now you have the opportunity to show miracles of stealth or destroy everyone there. You decide. Anyway, make your way through the elves and head to envoy's personal home.

In addition to completing the task, you can make good money there. On the second floor in her personal chambers there is an unusual stone. Inside her house, go into her office and search the chest. Inside you will find a report on the dragons and two dossiers. One on Dolphin, second on Ulrika Stormcloak. The key will help you get into the torture room, where you will find a dossier on Esberna, a certain person whom the Thalmor are hunting.

The prisoner will tell us this Etienne Rarnis and the contents of the chest. And then the Thalmors suddenly appear with Malborne. They threaten to kill him. We save him and kill the guards. We make our way further into the hatch (the key can be found from the guards who came) and get out. Now it's time to return things. Head to Riverwood. Talk with Delphine. She will guide you to Riften. Take things from the chest in her room. This ends the quest.

Sets the task: Delphine

Locality: Riften, Rathole

Reward: Absent

Delphine will ask you to find Esberna. According to the Thalmor assumptions, which you learned from the book, he is in Riften. She thinks that Brynjolf can help you in this matter. You can find it in Riften- at night in a tavern, and during the day in a shopping area. When you find him, he will offer you to complete one little task - the quest " Chance meeting" When you complete it, you can return to completing the main task.

Brynjolf will say that Rat hole is right below you. We go down and along the pier approach the door. There you will need to fight first with thieves, and later, after you pass by " Violent Flask", meet the Thalmor. We make our way to Esbern. It is behind a sealed wall. We tell him the phrase that she told us Delphine(and in general, at the very beginning of the conversation, mention that you are from her) and he will let us in. Talking to Esbern. The task is completed.

The quest gives: Delphine

Locality: Sky Harbor Temple

Reward: Absent

After talking with Esbern, heading towards Dolphin with him. When you get there, go down to the basement again Dolphins. There Esbern will take out a book and start reading. After he tells you everything, head to Sky Harbor Temple where you can find Alduin's wall. When you get there, in front of the bridge that needs to be lowered there will be three pedestals surrounded by Akaviri symbols. It is necessary to place three pedestals with a sign Dovahkiin(according to Esberna) facing you and the bridge will lower.

In the next room up the stairs you will find a floor covered with buttons. You should follow the sign that symbolizes Dovahkiin. It is better to walk and look at the floor. Then almost at the very end you will need to pull the ring to Esbern And Delphine were able to move on with you. Note: your companions don't care about these buttons. They step on them and nothing happens to them. Don't think that the same will happen to you.

After this, you will find yourself in a large hall with the head of an Akaviri. Spill your blood on the platform and enter the Sky Haven Temple. There you will find inside Alduin's wall, which we saw in the first teaser. Esbern will tell us what these Akaviri records mean. When he finishes, the quest will be completed.

The quest gives: Delphine and Esbern

Locality: Throat of the world

Reward: Absent

Esbern will tell you what Alduin was defeated by a certain cry. Delphine invites you to go to Greybeard and find out more details. After talking with Arngeir, head with the others Graybeards to the gate that leads to Paarthurnax, their head. To get to it, you need to learn a new cry " Clear sky" He will teach you Arngeir. Come closer to the gate and shout a new scream (hold down the shout key until the hero says three words of the scream in full).

Make your way up, shouting this scream from time to time. When you get there, don’t rush to attack the dragon that flies towards you. He wants to talk to you - because that’s what it is Paarthurnax. He will ask you to greet him like everyone else dova (dragons, if in Russian) - will give you the opportunity to learn a new cry. Use this shout against him. Talk to him. The task will be completed.

The quest gives: Paarthurnax

Locality: Alftand, Black Reach

Reward: Absent

After talking with the elder Greybeards, dragon Paarthurnax, head to Esbern or Arngueiro. Try to find out from them a little about the mysterious cry " Dragon Slayer" and about ancient scroll. Talk to them and they will tell you what Ancient scroll worth looking in Colleges of Winterhold. Head there. If you have never been there before, then to get inside you need to use the spell “ Magic light"on the floor, not far from the sorceress. If you do not have this spell, then you can purchase it from her. Let's go inside. There you need to find Ugara gro-Shuba, the main one in Arcanium. After talking to him about the ancient scrolls, follow him. He will bring you two books. Read them. The quest will begin " Beyond the ordinary" When you find yourself in the tower on the quest Mzark and pick it up Ancient scroll, the task will be completed.

Dragon screams (Voice or Tu "um) are Words of power in the dragon language, used to unleash a powerful magical effect. Dragons have always been able to Scream, this skill is inseparable from their nature, Screaming for a dragon is as natural as breathing and speech. Well concerns people... In ancient times, the goddess Kynareth gave them the ability to speak the language of dragons, but most take many years to learn the simplest Scream. Only the Dragonborn have the great gift of the Voice - the ability to direct life energy into Tu "mind, or Scream. The speech of dragons is in their blood; it comes to them without much effort. Your character is the Dragonborn - a warrior with the soul of a dragon in a mortal body, although no one knows this at first. The ability to use Shouts will become available upon completion of the Dragon Rising quest, after absorbing the soul of the first killed dragon.

To open a new Shout or improve an already known one, you should approach the Wall of Words and find out the Word of Power, then spend the absorbed dragon soul to unlock the word (R button), and if there is no available dragon soul, you will have to kill some dragon and absorb his soul. All Shouts consist of three Words, and each time you master a new Word, your Shout becomes more powerful: unlocking the first word from a Shout unlocks a weaker version of it, the second and third increases intensity, duration, etc.

In order to Shout, you need to press the Z button (default). Simply pressing the Scream button will produce a weak version of it, holding it for a short time will result in a medium version, and holding it for a long time will cause a strong Scream. After Shouting, there will be some cooldown time before you'll be able to Shout again (watch the compass outlines turn from blue to white).

A total of 20 Shouts can be learned. As you progress through the main quest, you will learn 15 words from various Shouts (no dragon souls are required to unlock them). You will need 44 Dragon Souls to unlock all other available Words of Power. Some Words can only be learned in certain places during the main quest and completing quests for various factions (see tables below), but most are open to learning at any time (the order does not matter). To make searching for Word Walls easier, there are two ways to obtain information about their location:

1. It’s worth shouting more often in cities, settlements, camps and dungeons, after which wait for a messenger with a “Letter from a Friend” containing a hint about a place with the next Word Wall. Messengers will continue to bring such letters until all currently available Words of Power have been found. However, keep in mind that you will not receive a new “Letter from a Friend” until you complete the quest associated with the previous letter you received.

2. After completing the quest “The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller”, you can also ask Arngeir from the masters of the Way of the Voice, the Greybeards, if they have become aware of anything about places of power, and he will mark them on the map. Once you know all the currently available Words of Power, Arngeir will stop giving you tips.

Unrelenting Force

Location of the Word Walls: You will learn the first word at Bleak Falls Barrow, it is automatically unlocked after killing the dragon Mirmulnir in the main quest, the second and third will be taught to you by the Greybeards during the main quest.

Become Ethereal

That "mind reaches the Void, changing your form so that neither you can harm anyone, nor anyone can harm you.

Location of the Word Walls: Ustengrav, where you will have to look during the main quest, Ironbind Barrow and Lost Valley Redoubt.

Throw Voice

The mind is heard, but its source is unknown, and those who hear begin to look for it.

Location of Word Walls: You will learn all three words at Double-Headed Peak (Shearpoint).

Storm Call

The scream shakes the skies and awakens the destructive power of Skyrim's lightning.

Location of word walls: Skuldafn Temple, where you will have to look during the main quest, Forelhost, High Gate Ruins.


Location of the Word Walls: Throat of the World, during the main quest.

Animal Allegiance

A cry for help to the wild creatures, and they come to fight by your side.

Location of the Word Walls: Ancient's Ascent, Angarvunde and Ysgramor's Tomb.

Slow Time

The scream forces time to obey the order, and everything around freezes.

Location of the Word Walls: Labyrinthian, where you will need to visit on the quest of the College of Winterhold, the Witch's Nest (Hag's End) and Korvanjund, where you will go on the quest for the Imperials or the Storm Brothers.

Call of Valor

Location of the Word Walls: Sovngarde, during the main quest.

Call Dragon

And the weak will be afraid of this mind, and will rush to run, seized with horror.

Location of the Word Walls: Lost Tongue Overlook, Shalidor's Maze and Dead Crone Rock.

Ice Form

Your mind turns your opponent into a block of ice.

Location of the Word Walls: Saarthal, where you will need to visit for the College of Winterhold quest, Frostmere Crypt and Mount Anthor.

Kyne's Peace

Location of the Word Walls: Shroud Hearth Barrow, Ragnvald and Rannveig's Fast.

Frost Breath

Your breath is winter, your mind is a storm.

Word Wall Locations: Bonestrewn Crest, Skyborn Altar and Folgunthur.

Fire Breath

Inhale air and exhale fire - this mind itself is fire.

Location of the Word Walls: Throat of the World, during the main quest, Dustman's Cairn, where you will need to visit for the Companions quest, and Sunderstone Gorge.


Steel is subject to this cry - you snatch the weapon from the hands of the enemy.

Location of the Word Walls: Snow Veil Sanctum, where you will need to visit for the Thieves Guild quest, Eldersblood Peak and Silverdrift Lair.

Marked for Death

Word Wall Locations: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Forsaken Cave and Autumnwatch Tower.

Whirlwind Sprint

That mind rushes forward, taking you with it at the speed of a whirlwind.

Location of the Word Walls: The first word will be taught to you by the Greybeards during the main quest, the rest you will learn in Dead Men's Respite and Volskygge.

Clear Sky (Clear Sky)

Skyrim itself obeys this “mind” - the fog dissipates and the weather becomes clear.

Word Wall Location: High Hrothgar, during the main quest.

Aura Whisper

Word Wall Locations: Northwind Summit, Valthume and Volunruud.

Elemental Fury

Tu "mind gives your hands the speed of wind, allowing you to strike with weapons faster.

Word Wall Locations: Shriekwind Bastion, Dragontooth Crater and northeast of the Statue to Meridia.