English language for 5 year old children. English games

English lesson for children 5-6 years old “Journey through a fairytale forest - in search of Capy”

Author: Yulia Vladimirovna Pluzhnikova
This lesson is intended for preschool children with the goal of getting them interested in the English language and increasing their vocabulary.
Consolidation of lexical units on the completed topics “Family”, “Colors”, “Counting”, “Action Verbs”, “Wild and Domestic Animals”
-ability to answer questions in a short form: No, I can’t. Yes. It is. No. It isn't. Yes. I do.
- develop the ability to pronounce English sounds correctly and clearly
- Develop the skill of dialogical speech.
- Develop attention, logical thinking, memory, speech activity.
- Continue the development of visual memory, visual-figurative and practical meaning, and ability to imitate.
- Learning the rhyme “Two Little Black Birds”
- Consolidation of lexical units on the topics: “Animals”, “Colors”, “We count”, “Family”, “Action verbs”
- fostering a kind attitude towards animals
- fostering love for family members
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards your comrades, a desire to help others, and the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: puppet doll, note, paper trails, a house with opening windows, red cards according to the number of children, wild animals, imitation of a forest, audio recording of the voices of nature, audio recording of the song “I’m lying in the sun”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment
Teacher: Hello, children! I am glad to see you. Let's begin our English lesson
Today we"ll count to10. Now we count to 10 and someone should appear in our room. I think our friend Capy will come to us today. Now close your eyes, let"s count to10. One, two, three...10. Open your eyes!
Children close their eyes and count to 10 in English.
Teacher: Open your eyes. Where's Kepy? I can't see him. Can you see him, Olya? And you, Tanya, can you see Kepy? (The teacher asks the children one by one if they see Capy.)
Children: No, we can't...
Teacher: Kepy is not here. Oh, look, what is it? (There are multi-colored footprints laid out in advance on the floor.) I can see somebody's steps. They may be Kepy's. Oh, there"s a note here. Here is a note. (There is a note on the floor or on the table. The teacher reads it.) "Kepy is near here. Follow the steps." "Capi is nearby. Follow the steps." I think, guys, it was Capy who came up with everything himself so that we could look for him. Well... Let's follow the steps. Let's try to find Kepy. Let's follow the tracks. Let's try to find Kepy. Stand up. Oh, there's something else written in the note. (Reads again.) "Jump to the blue step." "Jump on the blue trail." Let's do what the note says, then we can find Capy.
Children take turns following commands (Run to the green step. Fly to the red step. Walk tiptoe to yellow. Touch the white step.)
2. Repetition of vocabulary on the topic “Family” (flash exercise)
(house with windows)
Teacher: You and I followed the tracks and came to the English house What's this? It's the house in England. It's a very nice family.
Teacher: this is a very good family, a nice family. Look, the house even has windows! There are windows in the house! One, two, three, four, five, six windows! They are all different colors! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. Let's open the red window. (Opens the window.) Oh, who is this
Children: This is Mother.
Teacher: I see, mother, OK, now let's open the orange window. (Opens the orange window.) Who is it?
Children: This is Father.
Teacher: Father, I see. It's clear. Now the (yellow) window. Who's here? (Opens yellow, then the rest of the windows.)
Children: This is Sister, (Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Baby).
Teacher: Guys, don’t you hear anything? When we open some windows, I hear some sound. Now again let's open the red window. Well, of course, this is Englishsound. He loves to play around - he turns into a fly, flies into the windows and buzzes, while he also blows on his tongue. Let's listen to whose window he flew into. When you hear the sound, clap your hands louder. Let's open the red window.
Children: Mother.
Teacher: Did you hear the Englishsound buzzing? Then clap your hands quickly!
Children clap their hands.
Teacher: Now, open the orange window.
Child (opens a window): Father.
Children clap their hands.
Teacher: Now the yellow window.
Child (opens window): Sister. (Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Baby).
Children clap (not clap) their hands.
Teacher: Excellent! Great, the English sound couldn’t hide from us, we find it everywhere.
3. Strengthening the ability to briefly answer a teacher’s question
Teacher: Now let’s play a game called “Yes, I do. Yes, it is.” To do this, we will split into two teams. Serezha's team will always say Yes, I do. Vicky's team will say Yes, it is. I will ask you questions, if at the beginning of my question you hear the word do, then Seryozha’s command will answer Yes, I do. And if you hear the first word is, the Wiki team answers Yes, it is. If the team answers correctly, the captain receives a red card.
Teacher (to children): Do you like to jump?

Teacher (takes a pencil): That's right, just louder. Is this a pencil?

Teacher: Do you like to sing (walk, hop, fly, smile etc)?
Children (first team): Yes, I do.
Teacher (takes a crocodile)): Is this a crocodile (bear, hare etc.)?
Children (second team): Yes, it is.
At the end of the game, red cards are counted.

4. Consolidation of lexical units on the topic “Wild Animals”
(audio recording of the voice of nature sounds)
Teacher: Guys, have you ever been to the forest? Let's go for a walk in the magical fairytale forest today. Animals do not hide in it, but come out to people and play with them. Stand up! Let's go to the forest! Let's go to the forest. (The teacher “walks” on the spot, Spot also “walks” with his legs on the table). Go, Sveta! Go, Dima! Let's go to the forest together.
Children "walk" through the "forest".
Teacher: How beautiful it is here! Various sounds are heard. The bee is flying. She stuck her tongue between her teeth, that’s why she makes that sound. And the dragonfly flies quietly. Oh, the bear is roaring (you can show people with the appropriate sound). But here are two birds, one small sings, and the other big [u] - [u] - [u], probably an owl.
Children repeat sounds.
Children: Oh, I can see a bird!
Teacher: I can see a bird, too.
Children: Oh, I can see a bear!
Teacher: I can see a bear, too. (shows a picture.)
Children: Oh, I can see a hare!
Teacher: I can see a hare, too. (shows a picture.)
Children: Oh, I can see a squirrel!
Teacher: I can see a squirrel, too.
Children: Oh, I can see a hedgehog!
Teacher: I can see a hedgehog, too.
Children: Oh, I can see a wolf!
Teacher: I can see a wolf, too.
Children: Oh, I can see a fox!
Teacher: I can see a fox, too. That's how many animals there are in the forest. Forest animals in English - forest animals. Let's play a game called "Forest animals". Remember that there are predator animals that can eat other animals? Name them. Right you are - a wolf, an owl, and a fox, a bear. You will jump and have fun in a forest clearing, and I will tell you what animal is coming here. If it is not a predator, a good animal, call it here, waving your hand towards you, and shout “Come here!”, that is, “Come here!”, and if it is a predator, wave your hand away from you and shout “Go away!”. Let's practice. I can see a hare. A hare-bunny, what should you shout? Good for you.
Teacher: Now the game is over. That's it, game over, well done. Sit down, please.
5. Physical exercise
Now let’s relax a little in our magical forest (to the audio recording of the song “I’m lying in the sun,” the children do the following exercises:
Put your fingers on your nose

On your nose, on your toes
On your hips and on your toes
Put your finger on your knees
On your hair and on your cheeks
On your knees, on your hair
And wave them in the air.

When the children have completed all the commands, the teacher takes Capy out from under the chair.
Teacher: Aha, here's Kepy, under the chair.
Capy: Hello, kids! I am so glad to see you! Let's play with me.

6. Learning the rhyme “Two Little Black Birds”
Guys, Capy has prepared a surprise for us. Look, two little black birds from an English rhyme flew in with him
Teacher: Oh, I can see two birds. One bird's name is Peter, and the other is Paul. Look at me!

Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds
Sitting on the wall
(arms bent at the elbows, elbows spread to the sides, four fingers of each hand touch the thumb, forming the heads of two birds)
One named Peter,
(the first “bird” bows)
The other named Paul.
(the second “bird” bows)
Fly away Peter!
(remove one hand behind your back - “one bird has flown away”)
Fly away, Paul!
(remove the other hand behind your back - “the other bird has flown away”)
Come back, Peter!
(return one hand to its original position)
Come back, Paul!
(return the second hand to its original position)
Teacher: Guys, let’s all have two birds. Stand up! Look at me. Show me two birds. Show me two birds, two birds, two little black birds. Which bird's name is Peter? Let her nod when she hears her name - one named Peter. Which bird's name is Paul? She also nods - the other named Paul. Let's send Peter away so he can fly away - Fly away Peter! And let Paul fly away - Fly away, Paul! Now let's call the birds and let them come back - Come back, Peter! Come back, Paul!
Children repeat the rhyming words and perform the corresponding movements.

Guys, you were great today. You have completed all the tasks and found our guest the little ostrich Capy. But our time is coming to an end.
Time is up.
Lesson is over. See you later. Have a nice day. Good bye!

Learning English is not as difficult a process as it seems. Many parents want their children to learn a foreign language from a young age. Psychologists cannot give a definite answer to this question. On the one hand, at an early age the material is absorbed much better, but on the other hand, it is difficult for children to learn a foreign language when they don’t really know their own. But if you are a supporter of the first option, be prepared for the fact that little fidgets will not be able to concentrate on the material and will be distracted by games. Therefore, lessons are best conducted in an entertaining way.

As a rule, kids do not understand why they need to learn another language, since their brain only perceives play. This is the best way to prepare your baby for learning, as well as for delivering new material. The simplest activity you can do at home is to show different objects and name them. These could be toys, surrounding objects. Change your environment all the time. Work out at home, on the street, while you go somewhere. Don't forget to sing your favorite songs or turn on your favorite cartoons. You can simultaneously tell your child what the cartoon is about. There are also special educational animated series where the characters speak Russian and then teach children how to translate words. You can create and stick signs with words on common objects in the house. The baby will constantly come across them and will remember them over time. To reinforce the material, you can point to an object and ask what it is.

It is always necessary to start with the basics - in our case it is the alphabet. There are a lot of funny rhyming songs that will help your little smart guy remember all the letters. Once the alphabet has been learned, move on to pronunciation of sounds. Explain that a particular letter can sound different. In order to learn to read, start with short and understandable texts (fairy tales). Over time, you can ask the baby to retell the contents, and at first explain to her the meaning of each word.

Poetry is another opportunity to learn a language. Thanks to rhyme and rhythm, new words will be remembered much easier. Try to consolidate the material you have learned. To do this, watch cartoons or listen to songs that mention the expressions you have learned.

Video: Fun lessons for kids

Learning through play

Training will go like clockwork if the presentation of the material on your part is not dry and faceless. Even adults will enjoy acquiring new knowledge in a playful way, but for children it is a necessity. The simplest game is to show the little ones cards with pictures and translations. If you want to awaken a sense of excitement in the little smart guy, show the cards for a while. Don't forget about encouragement. Promise your child sweets or entertainment if he successfully studies the material.

Inform your family about your lessons and ask them to address your little one in English. Words and requests should be simple so that the child can respond without delay. Such communication will develop a habit in him. The most important thing is to create the necessary atmosphere. Immerse yourself in it headfirst. During class, everything should be thought out and remind the little smart guy about the lesson.

You can use the Internet. There are a lot of online games through which you can learn new words or improve your existing knowledge. The child may like English, or it may cause irritation. It all depends on how you structure your communication and lessons. Remember to stay calm and stock up on everything you need.

Along with this they search and read:

Everyone remembers how at school we were forced to study using boring, outdated and shabby library textbooks. Our children are luckier. But with the overwhelming choice comes a feeling of confusion. How to understand what is right for your child? We selected eight English language textbooks for children and divided them into two categories: textbooks for the youngest (6-9 years old) and for teenagers (10-15 years old).

Modern textbooks differ significantly from their predecessors. Education in them is built not only with the help of bright pictures and games. The authors of the manuals develop characters that schoolchildren like. These could be children, animals, or even mythical heroes with whom the child would like to associate himself. Next, the authors lead their characters throughout the textbook, talking about the daily lives of the heroes and the adventures that happen to them.

In addition, modern textbooks not only teach children English, but also help them develop in general. In these textbooks, the child will find many creative tasks: make a postcard, compose a song. Teenagers are offered individual, pair and group projects.

With regular classes, children will acquire a level even before leaving school.

General structure of English textbooks for children

  • The main textbook for children aged 6-9 years old is usually called Pupil’s Book or Class Book. Manuals for children 10-15 years old are called Student’s Books. They are illustrated texts with tasks. At the end of the textbooks you will find lists of new words (Word Lists) and explanations of grammar (Grammar Reference). Some publishers offer materials on regional studies (Culture Clips).
  • In the Activity Book, the student completes unit tasks: drawing, coloring images, writing words, composing essays, and solving tests.
  • In the Teacher’s Book you will find tips for teaching a lesson, correct answers to test questions, transcripts of audio recordings and additional materials for teaching units: stories, songs, discussions, games. You will also learn what skills each specific exercise develops in a child.
  • All textbooks are sold together with CDs containing listening materials. Some textbooks are accompanied by discs with video files.

Textbooks for children 6-9 years old

It is believed that 6-7 years is the most suitable age to start learning English. The child already goes to school, gets used to a regular schedule and a continuous learning process. He develops his own interests, so it is easier to interest and motivate him than a baby who is just going to kindergarten. Let's see what benefits will help the child at this stage.


The textbook (Class Book) consists of 9 units, each of which is devoted to a particular topic: school play, picnic, toys, farm. The unit is divided into several short lessons: this allows you not only to conveniently divide classes depending on the allocated time and stamina of the student, but also to carefully work through all the skills. The tasks are aimed primarily at developing active listening and speaking skills. The exercises consist of colorful illustrations, short texts and short audio recordings.

Examples of exercises: Listen and find (you need to study the image, listen to the speaker and find the indicated objects, animals or people in the picture), Listen and say (you need to repeat the words after the speaker), Listen and sing (you need to repeat lines from the song). To break up the monotonous educational process, children are offered creative tasks, for example, making a picture frame. You can consolidate the material you have learned in a playful way (Revision block). For example, it is suggested to play a board game: after going from start to finish, your child will earn points for correct answers.

As you level up the textbook, you'll encounter more text, such as emails kids write to their parents from summer camp, or magazine clippings from short interviews and articles.

After all the units you will find lyrics and even more exercises.

Additional materials

The standard kit contains a workbook with assignments and a teacher's manual. In addition to audio files, the discs contain two types of video materials. The first is short (2-3 minutes) animated videos with characters already familiar to the child from the textbook.

The second is longer (8-10 minutes) videos without animation: in them, actors act out educational sketches on topics from the textbook.

Welcome by Virginia Evans and Elizabeth Gray is a textbook published by Express Publishing. Children are teleported to exciting new places with the help of a magical character - the genie. And in the third textbook, he is replaced by the boy Oscar, who moves with his family to Edinburgh and becomes a reporter for the school newspaper Welcome Weekly. While traveling around the world virtually, children learn English.

Age: 6-7 years

Level: A1

Age: 8 years

Level: A1

Age: 9 years

Level: A1


Pupil's Book Welcome 1 and Welcome 2 consist of 14 units each. There are three lessons in units. Welcome 3 consists of six modules of three units each (18 units in total). The content of the textbook will tell you what vocabulary each unit is devoted to (environment, holidays, food, pets) and what writing skills the child will practice (description from a photo, letter, advertising brochure, invitation, recipe, article, history, schedule). Each unit has visual grammar tables and tasks for practicing this material (for example, naming the plural of nouns).

Examples of tasks: Talk with your friend, then write (children are required to act out a dialogue with each other and write their options in a notebook), Read and correct (the student is asked to read the sentences and correct the mistakes made in it), Read and answer the questions (after reading text you need to answer short questions in monosyllables).

The Revision block (repetition) is given after every 3-4 units. Also at the end of the textbook you will find an example of a script for a school play (School Play) with songs and words broken down by role. Next, a Word List has been prepared for you, with which it will be convenient to repeat the material you have covered. And finally, the creators of the textbook have saved the “Photo File Section” section. There is free space on the pages that allows you to paste your photo, draw a picture and describe it, or complete the corresponding task.

At the end of Welcome 3 you will find materials on cultural studies (Culture Clips). Here your child will be able to learn interesting facts about English-speaking countries.

Additional materials

The textbook also includes a Workbook, a Teacher's Book, audio files and color cards (Flashcards) with images of objects, weather conditions, animals, people, buildings: having visual information before their eyes, it is easier for children to remember words .

Fly High by Danae Kozanoglou - textbook published by Pearson. The purpose of the manual is to develop a positive attitude in children towards the English language. For this purpose, students are offered humorous cartoon stories, games, songs and chants.

Age: 6-7 years

Level: A1

Age: 8 years

Level: A1

Age: 9 years

Level: A1

Age: 10 years

Level: A2


The textbook (Pupil’s Book) Fly High 1 consists of 14 units of two lessons each. Fly High 2 and Fly High 3 consist of 28 lessons (no division by units), and Fly High 4 consists of 36 lessons. After a few lessons, the student gets a break in the form of a Jungle Fun section. Here are games and light entertainment material. Between lessons, children will find parts of the comic book about the adventures of the girl Sally (Sally’s Story) and other stories in the Story Time section. This format captivates children: they do not receive entertaining information immediately, but gradually, unit by unit.

At the end there is a colorful alphabet and flashcards that can be printed and cut out to make learning new words easier. Here you will also find materials for the holidays: songs, descriptions of traditions and instructions, for example, how to make a card or mask for the carnival.

Additional materials

Audio files, word cards, workbook, tests and teacher's guide are complemented by a separate Fun Grammar textbook and a Fun Grammar Teacher's Guide.

Brilliant by Jeanne Perrett is a textbook published by Macmillan. The manual aims to open children's eyes to a world full of adventures in which the main characters of the textbook Alice, Denzil, Bertie, Nora and Brill find themselves. This, according to the creators, can be achieved through reading simple and fascinating stories. The authors adhere to simple schemes when explaining grammar and presenting new vocabulary. This way, the desired result is achieved: children play, learn new material without boring and abstruse formulations, and progress in English.

Age: 6-7 years

Level: A1

Age: 8 years

Level: A1

Age: 8 years

Level: A1

Age: 9 years

Level: A1


Textbooks (Pupil’s Book) consist of 8 units each. At the end of each unit there is an Adventure Notebook section - these are activities that involve you in the learning process, for example: draw your name and make a beautiful poster out of it for the wall or fill out a questionnaire about yourself. After two units, the student completes repetition tasks (Revision). At the end of the manual there is a brief summary of the grammatical material of the entire course (Grammar Summary).

Additional materials

In addition to Flashcards, the kit also includes Stickers, which make the learning process brighter and more fun. In addition to audio files, an activity book and a test booklet, there is a separate grammar book: it consists of 30 lessons and a final test.

Textbooks for children 10-15 years old

Manuals for teenagers teach them to formulate and express their opinions on a variety of topics, offer material about the problems and interests of teenagers, and prepare them for passing the first international KET and PET exams.

New Challenges by Michael Harris, Amanda Harris, David Mower - textbook published by Pearson. According to the authors, their guide for teenagers 10-15 years old helps students learn English more effectively and develop as individuals. New Challenges not only involves children in studying topics in science, history, technology, and education, but also motivates them to express their own opinions and take an active position on each issue. Levels 1 and 2 prepare students for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) exam, and levels 3 and 4 prepare students for the Preliminary English Test (PET).

Age: 10 years

Level: A1

Age: 11 years

Level: A1+KET

Age: 12 years

Level: A2+KET

Age: 13 years

Level: A2–B1 + PET

Age: 13+ years

Level: A2–B1 + PET


The textbook for each level (Student’s Book) consists of 8 modules. Sample module topics: discoveries, talent, imagination, life stories, music, films, health, fashion. The module contains exercises to develop all skills and separately highlighted Key Words on the topic.

To develop writing skills, there is a “Challenge” section. The challenges could be, for example, the task of filling out a form to participate in an international competition or learning how to write a formal complaint (a letter of complaint). To improve teamwork skills and develop creativity, it is worth doing the exercises from the Projects block. For example, a teacher assigns a group of students to prepare posters and chants in support of their favorite sports team. At the end of each module there are tasks to test the learned vocabulary.

At the end of the manual, the authors inserted an entertaining Time Out section. There are tests, fun facts, crosswords, jokes, poems. This is followed by the Picture Dictionary section. Here you will find thematic dictionaries, each word in which is accompanied by an illustration. There are also tables with stable phrases (Collocations), idioms (Idiomatic Language) and antonyms (Opposites).

The English language program is designed for preschool children from 4 to 6 years old.
The duration of the training program is 2 years.
Classes are held twice a week.
A study group consists of 10-15 children, this allows the teacher to pay enough attention to each child.

Organization of educational activities. Usually classes begin with a greeting, as well as a phonetic warm-up. Then new vocabulary or speech patterns are taught. The lesson widely uses rhymes or songs, language and outdoor games. At the end of the lesson, a summary is held, the teacher notes the most active children, then everyone says goodbye together in a foreign language.

Types of assessment of the effectiveness of educational knowledge. Input, current and final control are used to assess the effectiveness of training sessions.

The purpose of the entrance control is to diagnose the existing knowledge and skills of students. Forms of assessment: diagnostic questionnaire, oral survey, interview with children and parents.

Current control is used to assess the quality of the material. Forms of assessment: current test tasks, creative tasks, games. Final control can take various forms: holidays, games, performances, etc. When transferring children of the 1st year of education to the second stage, the following knowledge and skills are tested:

  • Mastering lexical units (nouns, adjectives, numerals) – 60-80 units.
  • Listening comprehension of 3-5 sentences composed of familiar speech patterns.
  • The ability to pronounce 2-3 sentences composed of familiar speech patterns;
  • Ability to answer 3-4 familiar questions.
  • Sing or read 1-2 rhymes or songs.
  • Execute 5-10 commands or say 3-5 commands yourself.
At the end of the second year of study, children should master the following knowledge and skills:
  • Knowledge of lexical units – 80 – 100 units.
  • Listening comprehension of 5–6 sentences with familiar vocabulary.
  • Pronunciation of a monologue of 2 - 3 lines.
  • Acting out a dialogue consisting of 2-3 sentences for each speaker.
  • Answers to 5 questions on the covered topic.
  • Declaration of 2 - 3 rhymes or poems of your choice.
Foreign language classes at an early age develop the child comprehensively. His memory and intelligence improve, and his powers of observation develop.

The program combines theoretical, practical, creative and test-final educational material and provides for two levels of assimilation of educational material: reproductive action with a hint, reproductive action from memory.
Practical material is aimed at developing monologue and dialogue speech skills.
Creative tasks reveal the abilities of students and form aesthetic taste.
Test material allows you to objectively and differentiatedly evaluate the results of students' educational activities.

The schedule of the educational process can be changed depending on the specific educational or practical task, subject to the obligatory observance of the total duration of theoretical training, creative tasks, practical and final tests.

When working with children of preschool and primary school age, it is necessary to follow a number of rules that help to successfully solve the problems of teaching a foreign language:

  • They remember best words that name what is interesting to children and what has emotional significance for them;
  • it is necessary to create positive images of the child about himself, which strengthens his desire to communicate in English;
  • games for children of this age are the main method of teaching English; When distributing tasks for participation in the game, you should take into account the level of mastery of the material covered by each child in the game;
  • the teacher’s appeal to the characters of fiction books, cartoons, and favorite toys that the children bring to class increases internal motivation to learn the language;
  • the combination of different types of activities and various game moments reduces fatigue during the lesson;
  • the teacher’s praise during the lesson and informing parents about their child’s success is an undeniable incentive for successful mastery of the English language at the initial stage of education;
  • pedagogy of cooperation with parents lies at the heart of the educational process; Parents not only review the material covered with their children, but also prepare fragments of costumes for classes, individual cards and participate in final classes.
In this program, tasks are solved in the process of purposeful activities: in classes, educational events, in practical activities in close cooperation with parents and teachers of the institution.


Chapter Number of hours
1 year 2 year
1 Introduction 2 1
2 I love English 4 -
3 "Nice to meet you" 5 -
4 "My friends" 5 -
5 "Animals" 9 2
6 "My family" 8 2
7 "My favorite toys" - 5
8 "We love to play!" - 5
9 "My body and clothes" - 3
10 "We love holidays" - 6
11 "Food" - 4
12 "Colors" - 2
13 "Fun account" - 2
14 Knowledge diagnostics 1 1
15 Extracurricular activities 2 2
Total: 36 36

Thematic plan for the 1st year of study

Educational and thematic plan 2nd year of study

No. Name of topics Number of hours
theory practice total hours
1 Introduction 1 2 3
2 "Animals" 1 1 2
3 "My family" 1 1 2
4 "My favorite toys" 3 2 5
5 "We love to play!" 3 2 5
6 "My body and clothes" 2 1 3
7 “We love holidays!” 3 3 6
8 "Food" 2 2 4
9 "Colors" 1 1 2
10 "Fun account" 1 1 2
11 Knowledge diagnostics 1 1
12 Extracurricular activities 2 2
Total: 19 17 36

While some parents are wondering whether to teach their five-year-old child English or not, I decided to give recommendations to those who are sure that English is necessary and interesting for young children.

Let me immediately point out that there are a lot of methods and aids for teaching children English, so the teaching principle needs to be selected for each child individually, depending on his temperament, perseverance and level of development. In any case, it will be easier to teach a five-year-old child than a three-year-old child, since his brain is maximally tuned to assimilate new information, and his memory, like a sponge, absorbs new words.

English for children 5 years old comes easily and naturally if at home the parents speak to each other and to the child in this foreign language. The English alphabet, basic words - this is something that you can teach your child on your own, if, of course, you studied diligently at school. If people close to the toddler do not thoroughly know spoken English, then it is better not to use this teaching method. You should not initially teach your child the incorrect pronunciation of English words and illiterate construction of phrases or sentences. .

Another option for teaching a five-year-old child English is to attend English courses or take individual lessons with a tutor. Both the first and second options are quite effective if the teachers have experience working with children. Also, many recommend choosing an educational institution where native speakers teach children.

Another method of teaching English to five-year-old students is the method of practical learning, i.e. mastering the English language in the process of direct communication with the teacher and peers in a friendly, welcoming environment. In such a favorable atmosphere, the child without hesitation learns to correctly name letters and pronounce the first English words and phrases.

And finally, no less intensive method of learning English is an intuitive method, which is based on showing the child educational video material, English cartoons, reading to him colorful books with short poems, sentences, etc. Many parents turn on TV programs in English for their baby, which is also no less effective. The more and more often the baby hears English spoken, the faster he will learn English. I recommend using several training methods, thereby you will achieve better results.

Educational material on learning English for children 5 years old:

  • “English for children 4-5 years old” by T. Krizhanovskaya and E. Bedic
  • Video “English for children 3-5 years old” by Irina Alibekova
  • E. Karpov “Games for learning English”
  • Book + CD “English from scratch” by I. Givental
  • Book “English for Smart Children”, “Big English Textbook for Children” by A. Kuznetsova and D. Molodchenko
  • Video “English lesson for children 5-6 years old: complete immersion” Center for Language Arts Linguitania
  • Cartoon series “English for kids”
  • Educational video “Great English lesson”, “English for preschoolers” and much more.

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