Mathematical action crossword puzzle. Math crosswords

I.A. Safronova



5th grade



Crossword puzzle is a universal means of testing students' knowledge. The crossword puzzle can be used at different stages of mastering educational material and at different stages of the lesson: as a means of updating basic knowledge, checking homework, summing up the lesson. The tasks proposed in the crossword puzzle can be completed individually, in pairs and in groups. A crossword puzzle is a means of activating students' cognitive activity.

This collection of crossword puzzles is intended for students of the 5th grade of general education institutions with instruction in Russian, who study according to the mathematics textbook by the authors N.A. Tarasenkova, I.N. Bogatyreva, O.N. Kolomiets, Z.A. Serdyuk.

The crosswords in this collection have a serial number and name corresponding to the numbers and names of paragraphs of the specified textbook (§1-§22 - educational material for the first semester). To successfully complete the crossword puzzle, you need to study the material in the corresponding paragraph and the “Learn more” section.

This manual will help diversify mathematics lessons.

1.objects and units of counting

1. In which country was the numerical alphabet known to us as Arabic numbers first used?

2.What are the names of the numbers used for counting?

3. What are the numbers called in the entries “5 students”, “7 pieces”, “3 pairs”, “6 halves”, etc.?

4.What is the name of our number system?

5.What Latin word does the name of natural numbers come from?

6.What natural number follows the number 19?

7. Certain signs that form the numerical alphabet.

8.Smallest natural number.

9.What digit is in the tens place of the million class of the number 2,058,567,789?


  1. Where did geometry originate?
  2. Of two segments, the longer is the one whose length...
  3. A unit of length used in ancient times by Slavic peoples.
  4. A measure of length in the metric system we use.
  5. A device for drawing straight lines.
  6. The basic geometric figure, to depict it, you just need to touch the paper with a pencil.
  7. The part of a line connecting two points.
  8. A term that translated from Latin means “linen thread.”
  9. Endless geometric figure.


1. This concept means that the origin, the direction of reference and the division are indicated.

2. A device that shows the speed of the car.

3.Type of scale used to measure air temperature.

4.It indicates the direction of reference.

5. They are represented by dashes on the scale.

6. Beam on which the scale is inserted

7.This number corresponds to the beginning of the coordinate ray.

8. The larger the coordinate of a point, the more ... from it to the beginning of the coordinate ray.

9.What does “scala” mean in Italian?

10. One of the first scales is considered solar...




1.Which member 1 inequalities 1<3<5 называют число 3?

2.Mathematician who denoted equality with the letter “a”?

3.Which mathematician of the 17th century introduced the signs “<» и «>»?

4.What is the name of a numerical expression of the form: 30: 2?

5.What is the name of a numerical expression of the form: 30 × 2?

6.Which mathematician of the 16th century introduced the “=” sign?

7.What is the name of the sign “<» ?

8.What is the name of a numerical expression of the form: 30 + 12?

9.What is the name of a numerical expression of the form: 30 - 12?

10.What is the name of inequality of the form: 14<33<45 ?

11. Of two natural numbers, the greater is the number whose digit is... (finish the rule).


  1. An angle whose degree measure is 180°.
  2. This concept was first used by the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy (about 178 - 100 BC).
  3. What does the name “degree” mean in Latin?
  4. Using it you can construct a right angle.
  5. The inner ray of an angle that bisects it.
  6. This angle is greater than 90°, but less than a straight angle.
  7. A geometric figure formed by two rays with a common origin.
  8. This angle is indicated in the figures with the “┐” icon.
  9. This angle is less than 90°.
  10. Entered the angle sign “р”.
  11. General origin of the angle.


1. An expression that uses letters, numbers, arithmetic signs and parentheses.

2. It is used to express patterns.

3.Without which sign can the letter expression 5 × a be written to make the entry shorter.

4. The word “formula” translated from Latin.

5.Creator of modern letter symbols.


1.What law of addition says: rearranging the terms does not change the sum?

2.If one of the terms is increased by a certain number, then the sum... by the same number.

3.Component of the action of addition.

4.If one of the terms is reduced by a certain number, then the sum... by the same number.

5.What is the law of addition that says: grouping the terms does not change the sum.


1. The number that results from subtraction is: 129 - 127.

2. The number that is being subtracted.

3. If the subtrahend is reduced by a certain number, then the difference... by the same number.

4. Which number is the subtrahend in the expression 5 - 3 = 2?

5. Which number is the minuend in the expression 5 - 3 = 2?

6. The number from which to subtract.

7. The result of the subtraction action.

8. The number that results from subtraction is: 11 - 0.

9.The number that results from subtraction:

3a + 34 - 3a - 27.



1. Unit of measurement of length.

2.Name of points A, B, C, D of quadrilateral ABCD.

3.Number of sides of the octagon.

4.A polygon with five sides.

5.Number of vertices of the rectangle.

6.What do two adjacent sides of a polygon form?

7. A polygon with three vertices.

8. A science that uses the “light year” unit of distance.

9. A polygon in which all angles are right and opposite sides are equal.

10. How many meters is the perimeter of a rectangle whose width is 1 m and length is 4 m?

11.The sides of a polygon that have a common vertex.

12. The sum of the lengths of all sides of the polygon.

13. The perimeter of this polygon is calculated using the formula P = 4a.


1. A triangle with all sides equal.

2. A triangle that has two equal sides.

3. A triangle with one angle obtuse.

4. A triangle that has an angle equal to 90°.

5. A triangle with all acute angles.

6. How many meters is the perimeter of an equilateral triangle with a side of 2m?

7. Let an isosceles triangle ABC be given, in which AB = BC, then what is the side AC called?

8. Equal sides of an isosceles triangle.


1. Which mathematician of the 17th century first began to use the multiplication sign in the form of an oblique cross?

2. The law of multiplication, written as a formula

a × b = b × a.

3.Which German mathematician suggested denoting the action of multiplication with a dot?

4. Thanks to the textbooks of this mathematician in the 18th century, did the multiplication sign (×) gain universal recognition?

5.Component of the action of multiplication.

6. The result of the multiplication action.

7. In expression 3ac, the number 3 is called numerical....

8. It is more convenient to multiply multi-digit numbers by….

9. The law of multiplication, which states that the product will not change depending on the order in which the factors are grouped.



1. The general numerical factor in the expression is 8c + 16a.

2. The law of multiplication, which states that the product of a sum and a number is equal to the sum of the products of each term and this number.

3. The general numerical factor in the expression is 21c - 7a.

4.The scientist who coined the name “brackets.”


1. The general numerical factor in the expression is 42c + 2b +8.

2. The general numerical factor in the expression is 10c - 25b.

3. The general numerical factor in the expression is 70c - 100a.

4. In the 16th century, this German mathematician began to use parentheses in his works.

5. The general numerical factor in the expression is 4c + 32b.

6.This Italian mathematician used the letter L and an inverted letter L instead of parentheses.


1. The number that is being divided.

2. The number being divided by.

3. Method of dividing multi-digit numbers.

4. Divide by 0...!

5. Result of division.

7. 777: 111 = …?



1. What is the name of the component? b in the expression a: b = q (rest. r)

2.What is the name of a number that ends in digits?

1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.

3.What is the name of the component r in the formula a = bq + r?

4.What number will be the remainder if 11 is divided by 6?

5.What is the name of a number that ends in digits?

0, 2, 4, 6 or 8?

6. The remainder is always…. divider


1.To get it, you need to multiply the divisor by the partial quotient and add the remainder

2.What is the quotient called q in the expression a: b = q (rest. r)?

3.What number will be the remainder if 19 is divided by 10?

4. What partial quotient is obtained if 37 is divided by 6?



1.Order of actions.

2. One of the founders of the theory of algorithms.

3.The meaning of the expression 2 + 7 - 5 + 6 - 9.

4.The value of the expression 10 × 10: 2: 10.

5.The meaning of the expression 8 - 8: 2 + 2 - 9: 3.

6.They cannot be arbitrarily omitted or introduced into the expression.


1.The meaning of the expression (12: 3 + 2) - (15: 3 + 1).

2. A device that is used to facilitate cumbersome calculations and save time.

3.Value of the expression (100 + 21) : 11.

4. Using it, you can present a calculation algorithm.


1. The name of the Arab scholar who wrote the treatise “The Book of Complementation and Opposition”

2. The value of the unknown at which the equation turns into a true numerical equality.

3. Greek mathematician, author of Arithmetic.

4. To find it, you need to subtract the difference from the minuend.

5. To find it, you need to divide the product by a known factor.

6. To find it, you need to add the subtrahend to the difference.

7. One of the ancient states in which techniques for solving problems with unknown quantities were already known.

8. To find it, you need to divide the dividend by the quotient.

9. To find it, you need to multiply the quotient by the divisor.



1. A method for solving a problem using an equation.

2. When moving in one direction, the speed of approach (removal) is equal to

3. A method for solving a problem by actions when operating with given numerical values ​​of quantities.


2. In oncoming traffic, the closing speed is equal to speeds of traffic participants.

3. The name of a textbook that was originally intended for future army and navy officers studying at the School of Navigational and Mathematical Sciences.

4. When moving in opposite directions, the speed equal to the sum of the speeds of the participants in the movement.

5. Vessel speed the flow of the river is equal to the difference between its own speed and the speed of the river flow.




1.A square whose side is equal to one unit of length.

2.Translation of the Latin word area.

3. What is another name for Ar.


1. The area of ​​this figure is related to the second power of the number.

2. The name of the rectangle along with the part of the plane it bounds.

3. A unit of area, abbreviated as hectare.

4. A unit of area equal to 100 m2.




1. The cube has 12 of them.

2. All side faces of this figure are triangles.

3. At this point of the cube, its three edges converge.


1. A spatial figure whose surface is formed by six rectangles.

2. A spatial figure all of whose faces are squares.

3. The region of Ukraine where tomb pyramids are found.

4. The cube has 6 of them.

5. The name given to the cube by the ancient Greeks.



1. How many cubic meters are in 11000dm3?

2. A cube whose edge is equal to one unit of length.

3. A unit of measurement for small volumes of liquid.

4. How many cubic meters are in 2000000cm3?

5. This word is replaced by the Latin letter " V".


1. How many meters is the edge of a cube if its volume is 1m3?

2. How many cubic meters will be the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped with dimensions of 2m, 3m and 5m?

3. A unit of measurement for large volumes of liquid.

4. 1dm3.

5. English unit of volume.

6. American unit of measurement for petroleum volume.


1. Problems in which you need to find the number of possible options.

2. With its help, intermediate results are recorded when the brute force method is used.

3. A rule that can be used to find the number of all combinations of n elements.

4. You decide to visit a cinema, a circus and an exhibition. How many versions of your cultural program can be developed?

5. An outstanding Ukrainian mathematician who published many manuals on combinatorics and collections of problems for mathematical Olympiads.

6. Structural element of a tree of possible options.

Preface 3

1.Objects and units of counting 4

3.Coordinate beam 6

4.Numerical expressions, equalities, inequalities.

Comparison of natural numbers 7

5.Angles and their measurement 8

6.Literal expressions. Formula 9

7.Addition of natural numbers 10

8.Subtraction of natural numbers 11

9.Polygon and its perimeter. Equal figures 12

10. Triangle and its types 13

11.Multiplying natural numbers 14

12.Distributive law 15

13. Division of natural numbers 16

14. Division with remainder 17

15.Order of actions in expressions 18

16.Equations 19

17.Types of problems and methods for solving them 20

18. Power of number 21

19.Area of ​​rectangle and square 22

20. Rectangular parallelepiped. Cube Pyramid 23

21. Volume of a rectangular parallelepiped and cube 24

Horizontally: 3. Period of 100 years. 4. Result of addition. 6. A quadrilateral with all right angles. 8. What happens if you add the subtrahend to the difference? 9. Subtraction result.

Vertically: 1. A rectangle with all sides equal. 2. A period of time equal to 60 minutes. 4. What happens if you subtract a term from the sum. 5. A device for measuring the length of objects. 7. A period of time equal to 12 months.


Horizontal: 3. Century. 4. Amount. 6. Rectangle. 8. Diminished. 9. Difference.

Vertical: 1. Square. 2. Hour. 4. Term. 5. Ruler. 7. Year.

1. The part of the problem that states what needs to be learned (question).

2. A story in which there are numbers and a question that needs to be answered by performing arithmetic operations (problem)

3. Part of the problem that tells what is known about it (condition)

4. What are the names of the numbers 11, 23, 48, 97 (two-digit).

5. Part of the problem in which the answer to the problem question (solution) is found.

6. The required number in the problem (answer).

7. Arithmetic operation (subtraction).

1. The result of the action of addition. (Sum.)

2. The name of the component of the multiplication action. (Factor.)

3. A figure obtained by the intersection of two straight lines. (Corner.)

4. The result of division. (Private.)

5. The number obtained by multiplication. (Work.)

6. Very poor assessment of knowledge. (Unit.)

7. Action inverse to addition. (Subtraction.)

1. A rectangle with all sides equal (square);

2. If we add the subtrahend to the difference value, we get...(minuend);

3. The sides of the rectangle are in pairs...(equal);

4. The great philosopher, the multiplication table was named after him (Pythagoras);

5. To find out how much one number is greater or less than another, you need to subtract the smaller from the larger...(subtract);

7. In expressions with parentheses, first of all we perform the action in... (parentheses);

8. To find out how many times one number is greater or less than another, you need to... (divide);

9. Queen of Sciences (mathematics);

10. The result of division is called the value ... (quotient).


2. The number that is added.

3. The sum of the lengths of all sides of a triangle.

5. Arithmetic operation.

6. A number showing the number of unit squares in a geometric figure.

7. The difficult path from condition to answer.

8. Surplus.

9. ab = c + d.

10. What is divided into.


1. Goniometer.

2. What is below the line.

3. The place where the digit appears in the number entry.

4. Fifteen-minute madness (school).

5. Student's notebook.

6. A segment dividing a circle in half.

7. Numbers connected by action signs (role model).

8. The equation also has plants.

9. Result of addition.

10. It can be natural.

11. Written using numbers.

Answers: 1. Equation. 2. Term. 3. Perimeter. 4, Thirty. 5. Division. 6. Area. 7. Solution. 8. Remainder. 9. Formula. 10. Divider. 11. Protractor 12. Denominator. 13. Discharge. 14. Change. 15. Notebook. 16. Diameter. 17. Example. 18. Root. 19. Amount. 20. Row. 21. Number.

1. What month is it now?

2. In one word, what is 12 months?

4. Century. How old is this?

5. A unit of time equal to 7 days.

7. Twelve Brothers

They follow each other

Don't bypass each other!

What kind of brothers are these?

8. What is the name of a year that has 366 days?

Math crossword


1. Unit of measurement of liquid volume. (liter)

2. Ten centimeters. (decimeter)

3. A period of time of 24 hours. (day)

4. 60 seconds. (minute)

5. A mathematical symbol used to write a number. (number)

6. The value that characterizes the segment. (length)

7. Geometric... (figure)

8. Mathematical operation, the result of which is a sum. (addition)

9. Expression with unknowns. (the equation)

10. A square has a straight line. (corner)

11. The result of multiplying 100 by 10. (thousand)

12. The result of multiplying the length of a rectangle by its width. (square)

13. 100 centimeters. (meter)

14. A unit of mass equal to 1000 kg. (ton)


1. A tool used to draw a circle. (compass)

2. A triangle has three, a quadrilateral has four. (side)

3. The sum of the lengths of all sides of the polygon. (perimeter)

4. Ten tens. (one hundred)

5. Multiplication component. (factor)

6. A segment connecting the center of a circle and a point lying on it. (radius)

7. A line connecting two points. (line segment)

8. One thousand grams. (kilogram)

9. Subtraction result. (difference)

10. A quadrilateral in which all sides are equal and the angles are right. (square)

11. Mathematical operation, the result of which is a quotient. (division)

6th grade math crossword puzzle with 15 questions and answers contains basic math terms and concepts that apply at this stage of learning. The finished math crossword for grade 6 can be downloaded from the link below.

Math crossword for 6th grade

Questions for a math crossword puzzle for grade 6

  1. A number that can be written as a fraction in which the numerator is a whole number and the denominator is a natural number.
  2. Determine the position of a point on a plane or in space.
  3. Circle drawing tool.
  4. A number that has one or more parts.
  5. Geometric figure
  6. The relationship between the actual size of an object and its schematic representation.
  7. Lines that intersect at right angles.
  8. Lines that do not intersect.
  9. Equality of two mathematical relations.
  10. Numbers that are divisible by a given number without a remainder.
  11. A type of polygon in which all sides except one (the base) are triangles.
  12. A number expressed as the sum of a natural number and a proper fraction.
  13. The distance from the origin to a point on a line.
  14. Length x width.
  15. The number by which the given number must be multiplied to make the result one.

Galina Shinaeva

Good day, dear colleagues!

I offer you a mathematical crossword puzzle that my granddaughter and I did in the fifth grade (she will go to the seventh grade in the fall). I wanted to delete the folder, but then I thought, maybe someone will need it.

The task was to make a crossword puzzle on the picture, so - giraffe.


3. The number being divided?

5. The number that comes before the smallest natural number?

7. To solve an equation you need to find all of its…. ?

10. What happens when you add numbers?

11. How many numbers are used in mathematics?


1. Rule in mathematical language?

2. Shapes such as triangle, quadrilateral, etc. are called.... ?

4. What mathematical operation replaces the fractional line?

6. Property of addition?

8. What numbers are used to count objects?

9. If the recording of a natural number consists of one sign - one digit, then it is called ....?



3. Dividend.

11. Ten.


1. Formula.

2. Polygons.

4. Division.

6. Commutative.

8. Natural.

9. Unambiguous.

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