Essay on social studies on the topic behind every great fortune lies a crime. A world of aphorisms! wise thoughts, quotes, parables

Behind every wealth lies a crime August 26th, 2011

In the world of capital, money rules. And even more precisely those who have a lot of money. Considering Marx’s immortal expression from his correspondence with Engels, “All modern fortunes are acquired dishonestly,” it turns out that the world is ruled by dishonest people - liars and cynics. For them, murder is just a way to “solve” the problem. Ordinary and famous people, countries and peoples become victims of their ambitions. To make the truth of Marx’s phrase more convincing (since Marx’s name is also discredited), a phrase with a similar meaning was added to the title of the post: “Behind every wealth lies a crime.” Honore de Bilzac said this. You can't say more precisely.

The USA is certainly a highly developed country. The USA can be respected for many things. And personally, opposing emotions always fight within me. I respect Americans and I am furious at what the US is doing around the world. And I really don’t like the current order in the states themselves. There has been no sign of democracy there for a long time. Democracy has been reduced to the ability of homosexuals to run through the streets and shock others with their madness. But in reality there is total control, suppression of all dissent and violence.

And finally I came across a picture (thanks to, which very clearly outlined the current situation in the USA. I myself wrote a long time ago:

It's obvious to me power in the US has been usurped by financial groups. And they are not accountable to anyone. Nobody chooses them. At their disposal (albeit indirectly) is almost the entire US military machine, the ability to manipulate the opinions of people with the help of global media, the possibility of bribery and other opportunities. They are the ones who rule the USA today. Look at the dollar bill (which for some reason everyone calls the US dollar). It's not the US dollar - it's the Fed dollar. Federal Reserve Note. An attempt to change this inscription to the United States Note is punished more harshly than for the creation of new Auschwitz. One of those who wanted to return the dollar to US control was Kennedy. After this decision, he was killed. If you look at it, all the assassinated US presidents in one way or another wanted to return financial (and therefore all other) power under the control of the state and the people. A private company has actually usurped power in the United States. By the way, indirect control of the world with the help of capital is no less effective than direct control. Plus a great plus. Absolute irresponsibility.

Today any attempts to gain financial independence by anyone. First, attempts at bribery are used, then threats, then blackmail, then brute force, and then the murder of the unwanted. The most likely reason for the vile hunt for Gaddafi is precisely Gaddafi's attempt to get out of financial bondage. Not oil! Think for yourself - what difference does it make who produces oil - if then the oil is exchanged for the Fed dollar? But Gaddafi has been advocating for several years for the creation of a single African state with an Arab-Negro population and for the creation of a single gold currency - the Persian gold dinar. This would put an end to the uncontrolled exploitation of the peoples of Africa. We are now seeing the result - cynical lies, bombings, special forces of capitalist countries in Libya, financing of the rebels. And as a final chord - the de facto go-ahead (!) for al-Qaeda to do anything in Libya with air support and the actions of Western special forces. That's really true. We don't have friends and enemies - we have interests!

Read about the Fed and the dollar at nstarikov . I can’t describe the situation better than him :). He writes everything correctly.

What should we do? We must clearly understand that the main enemy of humanity today is narrow groups of financiers. Not the USA, not England, not France... Not the peoples of these countries. But only the subhumans from the Federal Reserve System, who usurped power in these countries through cunning, deception, blackmail and murder. Highly specialized training, which has been introduced for the most part in these countries, does not allow the average person to understand what is happening. Such training turns a person into a robot who can only work for someone. Bound by loans, he is not even able to effectively protest against his employer - let alone anything else.

At the same time, the global regulator and a single reserve currency, in my opinion, is NEEDED. In itself, gold security is the same fiction as all other methods. The development of humanity requires decoupling money from any material medium such as gold and taking into account the potential of humanity. And such an office as the Fed is, in principle, possible and necessary. But! It must be under the control of the peoples of the world! I am sure that a world government is necessary. And its prototype existed - this is the UN. But it happened when the USSR existed. Now the UN is a clown's office, dancing to the tune of the Fed. A strong world government - the UN is needed because, indeed, there are cases when it is necessary to intervene in the affairs of bloody dictators of sovereign countries. Because much of what has been developed today is really needed. But this must be done honestly! Today they are telling us that they are telling us that one of the most normal people in the world, Muammar Gaddafi, is a crazy dictator. His entire path is serving his people. He understands what justice is. But those who slandered him - no.

Think about what they say the legitimate authorities of Libya regarding the events in their country - “This is unfair!” Justice is the concept on which Russia still stands. And justice is a concept that all lawyers LIVE. They're messing with our heads. They hammer into us the idea that LAW is JUSTICE. What is legal is fair. This is exactly what he recently said, among others. known "lawyer" D.A. Medvedev No! No! and again NO! Justice is primary - the law should only be a formalized description of justice. If the law is fair, then once upon a time there were laws on the right of the first night!!! This is the best proof of the primacy of justice before the law.

The crime of today's rulers Western circles before humanity is that they distort and discredit those ideas that humanity really needs. Considering the cynicism and sophistication - I think on purpose. Because there is only one alternative to correct ideas - totalitarianism and dictatorship. And today totalitarianism is not in Libya, not in Russia, but in the heart of the Western world - the USA. And the advances in computing and technology in general make this new dictatorship truly total. At this rate, soon it will be impossible to think about anything that is not supported by Big Brother.

    There are people who are like zeros: they always need numbers ahead of them.

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    The beautiful thing about a genius is that he is like everyone else, but no one is like him.

    Honore de Balzac

    In the main thing we need unity, in the controversial - freedom, in everything - love!

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    One hour of love contains a whole life.

    Honore de Balzac

    Great people have always been abstinent in food.

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    The government, which is mocked with impunity, is close to death.

    Honore de Balzac

    Will can and should be a source of pride much more than talent. If talent is the development of natural inclinations, then strong will is a victory won every minute.

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    All power is a continuous conspiracy.

    Honore de Balzac

    Where there are no enemies, there is no victory.

    Honore de Balzac

    Talking about love means making love.

    Honore de Balzac


    Honore de Balzac

    You need money even to get by without it.

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac

    Honore de Balzac


Selfless and pure love certainly exists on our planet, but it blooms only two or three times a century.

There is nothing absolute in matters of morality for society.

On days of bliss, you are not aware of what rules you are breaking.

In mental life, reflections are the same events.

In life, as in nature, there are many more cloudy days than cloudless ones.

At the origin of every great fortune lies crime.

In literature, failure to achieve success means death.

In love, self-sacrifice is almost the same calculation.

At the beginning of love, as at the beginning of life, there is a period when it is content with itself.

The beginning of the disintegration of society lies in distrust of judges.

The basis of all philanthropy is vanity.

Everyone agrees on the understanding of sin; but as soon as the conversation turns to virtue, it is almost impossible to come to an agreement.

A great writer is a martyr who survived.

A great politician must be a villain, otherwise he will govern society poorly.

Faith in yourself can work the same miracles as faith in the Lord God.

Power exalts only the great.

Time is the capital of a knowledge worker.

Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.

Everything happens unexpectedly for those who cannot see the reasons.

Everything you do must be done well, even if you do something crazy.

General envy increases the chances of mediocrity tenfold, which does not arouse either envy or suspicion.

Every situation in this world is only an appearance, and the only reality is thought.

An outstanding person will forgive. It is more dangerous to quarrel with evil little souls who are only busy with how to take revenge.

Where there are no enemies, there is no victory.

A genius is responsible only to himself; for he is the only judge of his actions, for he alone knows their ultimate goal.

Chasing pleasures only leads to boredom.

Two people can save each other where one dies.

Reality has always been much more inventive than all the fiction of writers.

Money is a powerful force only when there is an infinite amount of it.

Children can appeal against the curse of their parents, but the curse of children is irrevocable.

To the crowd, genius is like madness.

Virtue is an indivisible thing: either it exists or it does not.

Achievable pleasures will always triumph over hopeless desires.

The virtues of the heart are not related to the virtues of the mind.

The beauty of dreams lies in their vagueness, their mental fog.

If you don't believe in yourself, you can't be a genius.

The women who are bought are the cheapest - they only require money.

A woman first lives by feelings, then by pleasures and, finally, by reason.

Women tend to prove the impossible based on the possible and deny the obvious, citing premonitions.

Life force, evenly distributed in a person, creates a fool or mediocrity; unevenly distributed it gives rise to a certain excess called genius.

Life is a machine driven by money.

Life is an alternation of all sorts of combinations, you need to study them, follow them in order to remain in an advantageous position everywhere.

Sympathy of feelings is followed by sympathy of souls.

With a successful lie comes shame. A failed one means defeat.

Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.

The task of art is not to copy nature, but to express it.

Evil is the same as good, the results of which do not appear immediately.

Art is the clothing of a nation.

Self-interest is the genius of money.

Beauty is the seal with which nature marks her most perfect creations.

Beauty passes, but ugliness remains.

He who does not own everything, owns nothing.

He who does not ride success will waste his happiness.

Those who did not commit foolishness in the days of spring commit them in the winter.

The easiest way to captivate a crowd is by appealing to their passions and self-interest.

It is better to deal with God than with his saints.

Love without indissoluble friendship is fleeting debauchery.

Love is for a highly moral nature what the Sun is for the Earth.

Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future.

Love combines all the good qualities of a person.

Love, hate - feelings that feed on themselves. But hatred is more tenacious.

Love forgives nothing, or forgives everything.

Love, like all living things, has an instinct of self-preservation.

Unrecognized people take revenge for the humiliation of their position with arrogance of judgment.

People often turn their character inside out, and those around them are at a loss, not knowing which side is right.

People willingly allow one to rise above them, but they never forgive those who sometimes do not stoop to their level.

Many great geniuses are ahead of the centuries, some talents are only ahead of the years.

Hope is the key to courage.

The purpose of genius is to find among the accidents of truth that which should seem probable to everyone.

More often than not, it is not the sorrows themselves that destroy us, but lost hopes.

Ignorance is the mother of all crimes. Crime is, first of all, foolishness.

Without knowing the causes, it is easy to criticize the effects.

There is no conscientious work that would not be rewarded sooner or later.

You cannot deceive the demands of nature with impunity: it is inexorable, like a necessity.

Hatred is the vice of small souls.

The inability to make a mistress out of his wife only proves the inferiority of the husband. One must be able to find all women in one woman.

There is nothing more delightful than quiet, calm happiness, but only after experiencing heart storms will you learn to appreciate it.

Never provide services that are not asked for.

Lifestyle shapes the soul, and the soul shapes the physiognomy.

Circumstances change, principles never.

Society keeps us on the leash of our vanity.

Society lives by recognized truths.

Society produces more shoots than trees.

The ordinary paths of life can partially replace the missing intelligence.

Clothing is an important issue for a person who wants to show off what he doesn’t have.

One is the creator of his own destiny, and the other is its creation.

Loneliness is bearable only for a genius who fills it with his thoughts.

God gives some people the wings of angels, others their virtues.

Lack of taste is one of those flaws that are inseparable from bigotry.

The absence of major shortcomings is already half a virtue.

Superficial education greatly develops ambition in young men and develops little of their talents.

Seeking variety in love is a sign of powerlessness. Constancy is genius in love, a sign of powerful inner strength.

Controversy is a pedestal for celebrities.

Constant work is the law of both art and life.

The truth of nature cannot and will never be the truth of art.

They despise a person, but not his money.

Events themselves do not solve anything. Their consequences depend solely on people.

Family is the last refuge of human passions.

The strength of desire is commensurate with the wealth of imagination.

Strong life shocks heal minor fears.

You should communicate less with pitiful minds: in conversations with them you leave tufts of your own fur, as if on a bush.

The word is not a sparrow; if it jumps out, you will suffer.

Chance is a notorious rogue and does not like decent people.

Conscience is a delicate matter; the desire for profit will always find a loophole in it.

Fortitude is the basis of virtue.

Passion fades when hope fades.

Happiness has no history.

Talent is a developed natural inclination.

Where ambition is involved, there is no place for sincerity.

The crowd will respect anyone who rises above it, and does not think about how this was achieved.

Anyone who wants to raise a child well is doomed to always adhere to fair views.

Vanity survives all pleasures.

The mind, like a country road, has its own well-trodden track.

Beliefs are feelings. Feelings are not analyzed, they are not discussed.

Conviction is the most powerful lever of eloquence.

Respect is the necessary basis of our feelings, which gives them calm confidence.

Respect serves as a stronghold for both parents and children, saving the former from grief and the latter from remorse.

To doubt is to lose power.

Good form lies in the ability to adapt to other people's morals, without, however, losing too much of your individual traits.

A person who knows how to respect himself is respected by others.

Human passions are inflamed equally strongly by both large and small monetary transactions.

The more shameful a person's life is, the more strongly he clings to it.

To judge a person, at least one must enter into the mystery of his thoughts, his misfortunes, his worries.

To reach your goal, you must first go.

Honore de Balzac

Behind every great fortune lies a crime. If Balzac had suddenly risen from his grave and seen Mark Zuckerberg burst into his room at Kirkland House that evening in late October 2003, the writer would have doubted the veracity of his famous words. At this historical moment, one of the greatest fortunes of modern times began not with a crime, but with just a student's prank. If Balzac had been in Zuckerberg’s spartan cramped room, he would have seen Mark rush from the doorway straight to the computer. He could also see that the guy was furious, and at the same time had a substantial supply of Becks beer with him. Mark, as always, wore Adidas sandals and a hoodie. Everyone knows that he does not recognize other shoes and is determined, despite the dress code, sooner or later to win the right to wear exclusively sandals under any circumstances. Taking a hefty sip of his beer, Zuckerberg lightly touched his fingers to the laptop's keyboard, rousing him from his slumber. While still at school, Mark noticed that his thoughts became clearer if he expressed them using a computer keyboard. The guy’s relationship with the computer was easier than with people: he never looked happier than sitting in front of the monitor. Maybe the whole point is that it was important for him to control the situation, and alone with the computer he completely controlled it? Or has a kind of symbiosis developed between him and the machine over the years? As soon as Mark put his hands on the keyboard, he was in his place. Sometimes, however, there was a feeling that Mark was only relevant here - and nowhere else. At the beginning of eight, looking at the glowing monitor, Zuckerberg walked through the keys and opened a new blog page - for several days he had been tormented by a vague idea. Anger and resentment - obviously the result of the meeting that had just taken place - gave the impetus for its implementation, for the ear to emerge from the grain. Mark typed the headline: Harvard Facemash15/ Manufacturing Process He stared at these words for several minutes without moving, not entirely sure whether to continue. I made up my mind, took another sip of beer and banged on the keys: 20:13 ***** - bitch. I don't want to think about her anymore. I'll try to occupy my head with thoughts about something else. It's not difficult, you just need to think of something to say. Mark intuitively understood that there was no need to blame the girl who rejected him for everything. How was her behavior different from the way other girls behaved around him at school and university? Even Eduardo, who was still a bore, was more successful with them than he, Mark Zuckerberg. And now this Eduardo suddenly becomes a member of Phoenix... No, today Mark will put everything in its place. From now on, he will control the situation and show what he is capable of! Mark took another sip of his beer and then reached for the desktop keyboard next to his laptop. I connected to the Internet and logged into the university network. A few more clicks and you're done. He continued writing his blog on his laptop: 21:48 I won’t lie, I had a little drink. So what if it’s not yet ten and it’s Tuesday evening? So what?! In front of me on the screen is the base of the inhabitants of Kirkland - the faces in many photographs are simply nightmarish. He smiled, glancing over the faces lined up on the monitor. He recognized some of the students and even female students, but most were complete strangers to him - although he probably met all of them in the cafeteria or on the street on the way to class. The people in the photographs also most likely did not suspect his existence, and many of the girls pointedly did not pay attention to him. I'm tempted to place photographs of pets next to some faces and have a vote on who is more beautiful. At some point, Mark even began to discuss this idea with friends who were just returning home after dinner, classes or drinking. Communication took place via email. Those around him almost never used the telephone - everything was clarified by email. With the exception of Eduardo, all of Zuckerberg's friends, like Mark himself, were obsessed with computers. The idea with animals is not very successful and, perhaps, not even funny, but Billy then suggested comparing photographs of people from the base and only occasionally of someone with an animal. Great idea, Mr. Olson! Looks like something interesting will come of this! A man like Mark simply had to like this idea. Kirkland's resident database—like other dorms' databases called Facebooks—was a static list of students with photos, sorted in alphabetical order. The idea that had captured Mark's thoughts a few days ago was now taking shape in the grandiose concept of a website. He himself was most fascinated by the mathematical basis in this plan - the computer side of the matter, the program. But it is not enough to write a program for the site - you need to create an algorithm for its operation. Mark's friends will probably appreciate the difficulty of the task, but the rest of the university barbies and Neanderthals will not understand it. 23:09 Let it be not a website, but a piece of candy! I'm not sure how appropriate pets are (these animals are not easy at all...), but I definitely like the idea of ​​comparing people. It turns out just like Turing16 - comparing portraits with each other makes much more sense than giving points for sexuality on some This will require a lot of photographs. Unfortunately, Harvard doesn’t have a centralized Facebook, which means you’ll have to collect photos from dormitory websites. And we won’t have the faces of freshmen... It sucks. It seems that at that moment Mark understood that a little more - and he would go beyond what was permitted. However, he never tried to stay within these limits. It was fun for Eduardo: wearing a jacket and tie, getting into the “final club”, making friends with everyone in the sandbox. Mark, as far as one can judge, did not like sitting in the sandbox. He would rather throw all the sand out of it. 00:58 Breaking is like breaking. Let's start with Kirkland. There is no protection here, besides, indexing is allowed in the Apache settings. To download the entire Facebook, you just need to launch the downloader. All business... The task was indeed simple - for Mark. Within a few minutes, the hostel resident database was downloaded from the university server to his laptop. In a sense, Mark committed theft - he did not have the rights to the downloaded images, and the university clearly did not post the photos online so that someone would download them to their computer. On the other hand, didn't Mark have the right to get the data if there was an opportunity to do so? Whose evil will could deny him access to what was so accessible to him? 01:03 Next in line is Eliot House. They also have everything open, but without indexing. Let's make an empty query and get all the database images on one page. When you save search results, Mozilla will download them to your laptop. Great. Let's go... Mark took up hacking with pleasure. For him, hacking the Harvard computer network was a piece of cake. Neither the computer scientists who worked for the university administration nor any of the authorities could compete with him in his knowledge of the matter. It was a piece of cake for him to bypass the Harvard network's security. At the same time, he taught the administration a lesson - he revealed the vulnerability of the system. It seemed to Mark that he was doing something useful, but his efforts hardly had a chance to be appreciated. Mark documented all his actions on a blog. Having launched a website, he planned to put these recordings there for everyone to see. The idea was perhaps a bit outlandish, but what a spectacular finishing touch! 01:06 Lowell House has some kind of security: to log into Facebook you need to enter your username and password. At the same time, administrators do not have access to the repository of user passwords, that is, they have no way to know the password of each individual student, and they will not ask each individual for it personally - this means that authorization occurs somehow differently. Maybe all Lowell residents have one common password and login? But this would be strange - the webmaster would have to communicate the password/login combination to all residents, and this information would quickly become known to outsiders. But there must be a way to communicate to users how to log in. What does each student have that can be used to confirm access rights, and what, in turn, does the webmaster have access to? Student card?17 It looks like this is the case - all that remains is to find out the combination of the name and card number of any of those who live in Lowell. But there's another catch. The photos are scattered across a bunch of different pages, and it breaks me to go through them and save them separately. I’d better write a pearl script for this case.18 Mark gutted websites - the same way cryptographers once cracked Nazi military codes. His computer was filled with pictures; soon there was half the dorm database. All the girls at Harvard - with the exception of freshmen - are about to be at his disposal, right on the disk of his laptop. In the form of tiny bits and bytes, they will all gather there: pretty and not so pretty, blondes, brunettes and redheads, with big breasts and smaller breasts, tall and short - such different girls... This will be happiness! 01:31 Adams has no protection, but search results are only returned 20 at a time. Well, we run the script tested in Lowell again, and the job is done. Dorm after dormitory, name after name, information about students migrated to Mark’s computer. 01:42 Quincy does not have an online Facebook. What a bummer! But there’s nothing you can do about it... 01:43 Stuck with Dunster. There are not just no publicly accessible folders - there are no folders at all. You need to set a search, but when there are more than 20 results, the links are not displayed. And if they are displayed, then the links are not to photos, but to php pages19 with a redirect.20 It’s cleverly wrapped up! Apparently, we'll have to tinker. I'll deal with this later. The hostel databases, which were not easy for Mark to do at once, he hacked into gradually. For him there were no insurmountable obstacles. And although Harvard is one of the best universities in the world, it could not resist Mark Zuckerberg and his computer. 01:52 Things will be simpler with Leverett. Here you also need to set a search, but you can make an empty request and get links to all pages with photos. The meanness is that you can only look at the photos one at a time. I’m not going to go to 500 pages to download a photo from each one - I’d rather open emaks21 and correct my pearl script. Let him now look through the catalog and use the links with regexes to find the necessary pages. Then it will go through the selected pages and steal photographs from them. So, the script didn’t work the first time... I’ll open another bottle of Becks. Mark, presumably, forgot about the dream, immersed in the process. He didn't care what time it was. For people like Mark, time is a weapon of the hostile establishment, along with alphabetical order. Great hackers don't live under the dictates of time that apply to everyone else. 02:08 Mather's base is structured approximately the same as Leverett's, only the catalog is divided into courses. There is not a single freshman on Facebook there... Alas. The night went on, Mark continued to work. By four, he seemed to have done everything in his power: he had downloaded thousands of photographs from his dorm databases. It was apparently impossible in principle to penetrate some of his James Bond lair in Kirkland - they were accessible only from intradormitory IPs. But Mark knew how to overcome this obstacle - a little running around, and everything would be fine. In a couple of days he will receive absolutely everything he needs. When he has the necessary data, all that remains is to write the algorithms on which the site will start working. Well, the program itself. This will take one day, two at most. His website will be called And he will be wonderful. Surely the Harvard authorities will begin to spread rot on my site, citing laws and not understanding the enormity of the project, which has every chance of spreading to other educational institutions (maybe even to those where beautiful people study). One thing I can say for sure: I really want to create this site. After all, sooner or later, someone has to do this... He smiled, finished his beer and typed a greeting that will greet all visitors to the site: We got here for beautiful faces? No. Will we be judged by them? Yes. Yes, the site will be awesome.

Anonymous: studied the shape of the wing of the cockchafer. They discovered four formulas: elliptical, serrated, sting-shaped and round. It is known that this trait is caused by the combinative interaction of two non-allelic genes. Digomositic individuals were crossed with two wing formulas: ellitic and rounded. all F1 descendants have dagger-shaped wings. write...

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  • Higher pedagogical education (Perm State Pedagogical Institute), teacher of Russian language and literature (additional specialization - teacher of history and social studies). Total teaching experience: 35 years: primary school teacher, primary school methodologist, primary school head teacher, senior school head teacher, history teacher...

  • I am a graduate student in the history department of Moscow State University. I am preparing for the State Examination and the Unified State Examination in history and social studies. Mostly in mini-groups (3-4 people). I conduct classes for those who want to learn English. Help in mastering the school curriculum in history, social studies and English. I can study on weekdays after 17.00, on weekends - at...

  • Mathematics and social studies tutor. Since the 10th grade, I have helped and encouraged my acquaintances and children in my school in mathematics and social studies. They advised me to take up tutoring. From the 11th grade I decided that it was useful both for repetition and for earning money. He graduated from school with a gold medal, a class in economics and mathematics. Currently a student at the Russian...

  • I work as a history and social studies teacher in a high school, and I am a graduate student at the Department of Regional History of the Russian State University for the Humanities. I have 2 years of experience in teaching in secondary schools, tutoring, and 3 years of experience as a guide with children's groups. I’m preparing to take the Unified State Exam in history and social studies: practicing complex tasks, detailed analysis...

  • Assistance in preparing for exams of various levels, including the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination (GIA), in history and social studies, preparation for Olympiads and assistance in “pulling up” grades in history (school and university courses), social studies, jurisprudence, philosophy, logic, economics (school course).

  • I prepare for admission to a university, graduate school, for passing the Unified State Exam in history and social studies (as well as any other types of exams in history and social studies). I provide assistance in writing diplomas, coursework, essays, tests in all humanities disciplines: history, philosophy, philology, political science, sociology, cultural studies, ...

  • 4th year student at the Faculty of Far Eastern State University. Repeated winner of regional Olympiads in history and social studies. I will provide services for preparing for writing the Unified State Exam in history and social studies, as well as conducting additional classes in these subjects for students in grades 5-8

  • Second-year student at State University of Management, multiple winner and prize-winner of Olympiads at various levels in English, Russian languages ​​and social studies. I entered the university on a budgetary basis, as a gold medalist who scored 100 points out of 100 in natural science (Unified State Examination). A person with a creative approach =) I have no personal work experience, but since I grew up in a family...

  • Effective preparation for any tests (lessons, OGE, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, creative competitions, etc.) at any starting level. I love and know my business. My students never use the services of tutors - this is my credo. I take on few students, as I provide tutor (individual) support until results are achieved. ...