What country is German? Where did it come from and when did Germany appear?

The story will be about the name of the people - Germans. This article is a continuation of another - about Berlin.

German is an Old Slavonic word, from “mute”. That is, it has nothing to do with Germany. Apart from Russians, no one now calls the inhabitants of Germany Germans. Moreover, in Rus' in the past this word was also used in relation to representatives of other nations.

“German” means “mute”, meaning someone who cannot speak a word in Russian. Well, judge for yourself, a foreigner who doesn’t know Russian is the same as dumb. That's why they were called that. For example, Gogol in his works calls all people from the West, from Europe, Germans (the French and Swedes are no exception).

Gogol writes that “we call anyone who comes from another country a German,” and the countries themselves from which the foreigners came are called “ german land"or "nemetchina" (this is more likely the Ukrainian version). So, a French engineer came from Nemetchina to Gogol’s Taras Bulba. And in “The Inspector General” the German doctor, who does not understand a word of Russian, remains silent all the time, as if he were really dumb.

Since in the 19th century, those who came to Russia were mainly envoys from the German land, the name Germans was stuck in the Russian language for the people of Germany. And Sloboda Kukai in Moscow became German settlement, because it was in this territory that foreigners lived. Although there were both English and Dutch there, there were also Germans - in the majority.

Russians are not the only ones who used the word “German” to refer to the inhabitants of Germany. It was found among Hungarians, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Serbs, and Croats.

What do Germans call themselves?

The word “Germans”, “Germany” was also not invented by the Germans themselves. The Romans called Germany the country located north of the Roman Empire itself. The Romans were the first to come up with a name for this country, but over the years it stuck, apparently due to the widespread use of Latin, and now the country is called Germany.

And the Germans themselves, as I think everyone knows, call themselves completely differently - Deutsch. This word is derived from the Old German word for "people", which was pronounced diot. It turns out that initially the Germans did not bother and simply called themselves “the people”. And at the same time, they called all other peoples in exactly the same way, for example the British, Danes and others. Information about this can be found in Latin historical manuscripts.

Neighboring peoples actually turned out to be more inventive. And still in some countries the inhabitants of Germany are called not Deutsch (and not Germans). In France and Spain they are called Alemanni, and in Italy they are called “Tedeschi”.

Thus, the Germans are called by a name unrelated to themselves not only in.

On the origin of the words “Germans” and “Germany”

According to linguists, the word “German” appeared in Russian in the 12th century or earlier. Most likely earlier, just in documentary sources Ancient Rus' this name occurs precisely at this time.

At that time the word Germania already existed in Latin. It came from him Russian name"Germany". It can be found in Roman works written in Latin as early as the 1st century AD. This is how the Romans called the territory on the other side of the Rhine River, and Julius Caesar called the tribes that lived there Germanus. The chronicler Tacitus also mentioned them.

In the Russian language, the word “Germany” was fixed only in the 19th century, when several separate principalities in the territory modern Germany united into one country. As for the word “German,” by that time it had already become firmly entrenched in the Russian language.

So later, in our country, it began to apply only to residents of Germany.

Germany is famous not only for its sights, but also for its original, extraordinary people, who have their own distinctive ethnographic features. The following narrative will help to better understand the very essence of German life and the life events of the inhabitants of Germany rotating in the cycle.

Frankly about the Germans

Anyone who has ever been to Germany could not help but notice character traits Germans, who for the most part differ high temperament, excessive pedantry and punctuality. At the same time, this people has its own ethnic characteristics, among which the most prominent are the elongated face shape of the Germans, blond hair, pale skin, light eyes, a straight narrow nose and a high bridge of the nose. That is, all the signs of the Atlanto-Baltic prevail small race, to which we can also add the average height of the Germans and the characteristic pigmentation of the skin that has appeared over time. Most German names have the same ending - Klaus, Strauss...
The German regularity and orderliness of character were served by the historical formation of the German land, which has seen many sad events in its lifetime. Her geographical position, as well as constant uncertainty regarding one’s boundaries. But, nevertheless, German life has developed on sometimes meticulous accuracy, decency, amazing punctuality, pedantry, where strength of character and inexhaustible optimism are visible in everything.
In addition, one can also say about the Germans that their bureaucratic machine has not yet undergone significant changes, which is especially clear when addressing the authorities local authorities. And according to infinite number various signs hung here and there wherever possible, this country comes out on top in the world.
Other side German people– this is hospitality and the ability to have fun, as evidenced by the numerous exhibitions and fairs that this country is so rich in.

Little weaknesses of the Germans

The eyes of Germans literally widen when they see a new car model, and this is not without reason. After all, a car for them is a lover, friend and standard high status. The average German is also characterized by an irresistible passion for travel, for which many of them save almost their entire lives. Upon retirement, buying a small van equipped with everything necessary for permanent residence and going on a long cruise is the dream of many German residents.
It is worth noting the amazing thirst for knowledge cultural life other peoples and learning their language, which explains the free colloquial speech in French, English, Russian and Italian. WITH for a long time The German people were admirers of cycling, which explains their commitment to healthy image life and preservation of pristine nature.
Every German great importance gives to his family, where close relationships between all family members are especially valued, mutual understanding, equality in rights and independence. Children, not yet reaching adulthood, often try to find a job and live separately from their parents. Therefore, by the end of school, many of them already have their own jobs and are able to feed and clothe themselves. Moreover, in family holidays All the relatives gather, and the festivities sometimes drag on until the morning.

The strong half of the German people are distinguished by their special responsibility to their family, children, wife - they are law-abiding citizens. Such openness is also manifested in appearance - the eyes of German men radiate warmth and care, despite some of the severity of the stereotype itself. In appearance, these are fit, interesting, tall, athletic men, less often – fat men with protruding bellies. Accuracy and restraint are the main character traits of German men.
They are distinguished by special discipline, reliability, and predictability.

German women

German women

Unlike others, German women you can immediately discern them by their everyday simplicity, and at the same time by their special charm and sophistication at a festive dinner or somewhere in a restaurant. Many people think that German women's faces are a little unsightly, but this conclusion is erroneous. In their own way, each of the representatives of the fair sex is unusual, attractive and has a special attractive gloss.
IN to a greater extent– these are self-sufficient individuals who cannot imagine themselves without work. Their main advantages can be called hard work, busyness, and the ability to dictate terms without violating the rights of the people living with her. Their innate independence, independence and ability to make their own way in life inspires the admiration of many force majeure To inner freedom. A woman in Germany chooses her own life path and relies only on his own strength.
However, simple female weaknesses are not alien to them, and their excessive self-confidence and independence does not at all prevent them from being loved.

Famous Germans

Besides, German nation boasts of its scientific minds and world-famous artists. One cannot help but recall the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven, the great artist Albrecht Durer, Max Born, Johannes Kepler, Albert Einstein and other bright minds who glorified Germany throughout the world.

The word “German” is derived from “”, that is, one who cannot say a word in Russian. The fact is that those who did not know the Russian language were the same as dumb, that’s why they were called that. For example, in Gogol’s works, all Western people are called Germans, including the French and Swedes.

Gogol himself writes that “we call everyone who came from another country,” and the countries themselves from which foreigners came are called “German” or “non-German” (this is closer to Ukrainian language). Gogol sometimes laughs at this word, for example, in his work “Taras Bulba” his French engineer came from Nemetchina. And in “The Inspector General” the German doctor, who does not understand a word of Russian, remains silent all the time, as if he were really dumb.

Since in the 19th century the foreigners in Russia were predominantly Germans, this name was assigned to the entire people of Germany. It is interesting that Sloboda Kukai in Moscow has since become German, in honor of the fact that it was in this territory that foreigners lived. There were both England and Holland there, but they called it German, since they all did not speak Russian.

In the 19th century, the word “German” had a pejorative connotation; this was the name given to all non-Orthodox Europeans, by analogy with how all Muslims were called “Basurmans”.

There is another theory about the origin of the word “German”. In the distant past, there was a tribe of Rus, distinguished by their particular warlike behavior. These people lived along the Neman or Nemen River. They were called Germans. These lands were later conquered Germanic tribes, and this tribe is sometimes also called “non-meta”.

What do the Germans call themselves?

The word “Germans” was also not invented by the Germans themselves. IN Ancient Rome Germany was the name given to the country located to the north of the Roman Empire itself. Since the Romans were the first to come up with a name for this country, it so happened that it stuck, and is now called Germany.

It is interesting that the Germans are called by a name unrelated to themselves not only in Russia. In France and Spain, Germans are called Alemanni, and in Italy they are called “Tedeschi”.

Nevertheless, the Germans themselves call themselves completely differently - Deutsch. This word is derived from the Old German word for "people", which was pronounced diot. It turns out that the Germans originally called themselves “the people.” They called all other peoples in the same way, for example the British, Danes and others. Information about this can be found in Latin historical manuscripts.


The word “Germans” came into the Russian language a very long time ago. This ethnonym Old Russian origin means "mute, not speaking Russian." The word "Germany" is also ancient. But the inhabitants of Germany are usually called Germans.

Why does it happen that Russian speakers refer to residents of Germany? This is due to both historical and linguistic reasons.

Language develops according to its own, sometimes inexplicable laws. Many factors are involved in the use and consolidation of a particular word in a language. Most often, the main and main creator of a language is its native speaker – people. Official sources such as documents, chronicles, literary works, reflect only the result of this creativity.

On the origin of the words “Germans” and “Germany”

According to linguists, the word “German” appeared in the language in the 12th century or earlier. In the documents of Ancient Rus' this name appears precisely at this time.

At that time, the word Germania already existed in the language. It was from him that the Russian name “Germany” came. In the works of Roman authors written, it can be found already in the 1st century AD. This is how the Romans called the territory on the other side of the Rhine River, and Julius Caesar called the tribes that lived there Germanus. The chronicler Tacitus also mentioned them.

The word “Germany” came into Russian only in the 19th century, when several separate principalities united into one country in Europe.

By that time, the word “German” had already gained a foothold in. IN big cities Rus' and subsequently Russian Empire there were many visiting foreigners from European countries. Big role The policy of Peter the Great, aimed at establishing ties with Europe, played a role in this. This, in turn, contributed to the even more frequent use of the word “German” among the Russian-speaking population.

But it is very difficult to say why it subsequently began to apply only to residents of Germany and why the Germans were not renamed like the others. Perhaps the Great Britain played a role Patriotic War, when "German" acquired strong negative connotations. Emotionally charged words hold up well in collective memory people.

Who were called Germans

One of the ancient Germanic tribes was called “Nemets”.

The Slavs called Germans not only the inhabitants of Germany, but also others European peoples: Norwegians, Swedes, Western Europeans, Danes. The Russian language still retains the word “German” in the meaning of “foreigner.” In the 20th century, among Russian speakers the word “German” was still used in relation to Estonians. But this word became entrenched in the Russian language precisely in the meaning of “residents of Germany.”

For whom else are Germans not Germans?

The Slavs are not the only ones who use the word “German” to refer to the inhabitants of Germany. It is found among Hungarians, and among Poles, and among Serbs, and among Croats.

The French, the Germans, and even the inhabitants did not follow the ancient Roman tradition former Rome.

In French, German is Allemand, in German - Deutch, in Italian - Tedesco.

But it is in the Russian language that the name of the country is not similar to the name of the ethnic group inhabiting it.


  • Encyclopedia "Around the World", Germans

Everyone probably recognized the picture on the right. This portrait of Emelyan Pugachev is considered the only reliable image. Whether this is so is not so important today.
You also heard about the man shown in the photo on the left, but you probably didn’t recognize him right away.

The fact is that it is customary to depict it like this:

Almost everyone will say that this is Bismarck, and half will remember his name - Otto von Bismarck. Only a specialist can tell his full name, and he won’t be lying if he says that his grandfather’s name was Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen.

But almost no one knows that Bismarck had the title... Prince!!! Doesn't this seem strange? Looks like he's German! A German is a German, of course, but just not the kind you and I are used to. The human age is not long. Several generations have changed, and no one remembers that Germany was born quite recently, and Prince Eduard Leopoldovich Schönhausen became the first head of Germany. He's Bismarck. And you thought that Germany always existed...

No. Such a country appeared only in 1871, ten years after the London Underground opened. What happened before the advent of Germany? Yes, just land. Counties and principalities. They paid tribute to the Holy Roman Empire, with its capital in St. Petersburg, sent noble children to serve in the Russian army and navy, well, everything is exactly like in the story of the so-called. "Mongol-Tatar yoke", when the Russians paid tribute and gave their boys to serve in the horde.

Where did the Germans come from then? I think that Anton Blagin is right. Since modern German This dialect Hebrew language Yiddish, which means that it was the Jews from the banks of the Rhine, who are called Ashkenazis, who made the Germans ( Note: the term comes from the word “Ashkenaz” - the Semitic name of the medieval West German lands, perceived as the place of settlement of the descendants of Askenaz, the grandson of Japheth).

But real Germans spoke a completely different language. More precisely - in languages, because in the north, where Pomerania and Holstein were ( Note: this is Prussia or more precisely Porussia-Border Rus'), everyone spoke a local variety of Russian. These are the descendants of the Polabian Slavs, the Pomors of the southern Baltic, and therefore Pomerania, because the Pomors lived here.

Therefore, the Pomeranians did not need assimilation in Russia; everyone understood them. Both Baron Munchausen, who spoke Russian better than our current Prime Minister, and Catherine the Second were Pomors. Eduard Leopoldovich Bismarck was also a Pomor, a Prince, by the way, not a Baron. Being Russian, how could he oppose Russia? That’s why he warned everyone that fighting the Russians is a real suicide.

And looking at the photo, without a helmet, you see not a great politician, but a zemstvo doctor, or a merchant, from somewhere in the Penza province. Now look at an excerpt from Prince Shenhausen’s letter:

Nuuuuu??? German, you say? Don't talk nonsense! The founder of the state of Germany was a Russian Prince. Remind me of “German” place names?

Clickable. You can look larger to make it easier to admire the Russian provinces in the center of Europe.

In general... Catherine No. 2 is not German, and Munchausen and Schönchhausen were not Germans either. They were Prussians. Then the question arises of what tribe the “Germans” actually belonged to. Russian Academy Sciences Miller, Bauer and Schlötzer! They spoke German and didn’t know Russian at all! And since it’s in German, it means they were Ashkenazi - aschkeNAZI...

Is it clear where the dog rummaged? That's who invented the NATION. And they are the first Nazis. Of course, they were not Russians, which is why they invented the German nation and endowed it with own language, and began to push the “Roman” theory of the origin of the Russians. Friends... Well, isn’t the same thing happening in Ukraine now!? One-on-one, like a carbon copy. Only the “German” language is already occupied, so I had to write a new, ridiculous and funny one, where “skin” is “shkirny”, and “everyone” is the opposite of “skin”.

Well, what about Pugachev? German? No, he was also Russian, but not from Prussia, but from Tartaria, and if so, then most likely he spoke two languages ​​at once, the Great Russian dialect, and Tartar, read Arabic. And if Yuismarck is a Prince, then Pugachev could actually be a Khan, and not a Cossack robber, as the Ashkenati Romanovs made him out to be. The police deal with the robbers, not selected troops, with the invincible Suvorov at their head.

Willingly or unwittingly, I come to the conclusion that the assumption that Suvorov was favored for essentially presenting St. Petersburg with the whole Great Tartaria on a plate with a gold border. It’s not for nothing that the documents to which Pushkin was allowed when he wrote his “ Captain's daughter", were not shown to anyone. And if it weren’t for Alexander Sergeevich, who (he was a cunning devil!) risked leaving us a hint in the form of a copied signature of Emelyan Pugachev, I wouldn’t have any questions now. But a question arose! Bravo, Alexander Sergeevich! This is an action! Enjoy:

These are the last lines of the Decree, and the signature, supposedly Emelka, an impostor. Of course, Pushkin did not have a photocopier; he copied by hand, but this was enough to understand: - Emelyan Pugachev had a completely different title and name. What language is the Decree written in? How are the letters in which it is written read? Just questions.

I would be grateful if you could find a specialist in ancient types of writing and clarify the situation.

Among the Karelians, Vepsians (all), niemi means cape, for example, Särkiniemi. Kuokkaniemi. A resident of the capes - "niemes" - was the name of the ancient Russians of the Germans. And indeed, the coast of Germany consists of many large and small capes located in the North and Baltic Seas, with the long mouth of the Elbe River.

The origin of the Germans, like the countries of Germany, is from Prussia and Austria. The lines of haplogroups (Y) R1a are immigrants from the east, and the R1a1 haplotype can be attributed to the Scythians - among the Germans and Swedes - these are immigrants from the east. The major haplotypes of the Prussians are (N1C, N1C1), like those of the Finno-Ugric tribes. Veps are northern Rus, tribes living in the Leningrad region.

In Eurasia, among Russians, haplotypes R1b are immigrants from the west, including Germans, or ethnic Bashkirs. R1b is a “western” haplotype characteristic of the Sumerians; as the glacier melted, migration to the north occurred. The Irish have an overwhelming majority of R1b, unlike other Western Europeans.

It is likely that all the indigenous Balts - originally N and I1 - are Varangians. Varangians + R1a + I2 – > Rus (Russians). In essence, the Finno-Ugric, Karelians, Vepsians are the descendants of the ancient Rus (Russians).

We can conditionally assume that I1 is northern Slavs, and I2 – southern Slavs. Then the Russians are a quarter Slavs. And if I2 can be attributed to those Slavs who came from the region Mediterranean Sea in the 3rd century AD during the conquest of Scythia, then haplotype I1 in the north, and on the banks Baltic Sea– origin from the Mediterranean region towards the north. Common haplotypes of Germans and Russians are (R1a, N1C, N1C1, I, K, L, ...). Russians and Germans have few J (J1, J2) that could be classified as Semites. If we assume that Semites are J, then Jews and Greeks are 40% Semites, and, accordingly, Russians and peoples of Eastern Europe– a quarter Slavic. DNA genealogists can trace the spread of R1a westward, from Eurasia to Germany.

The difference between Germans and Russians is in the R1b haplotype. It is clear that the R1a haplotype is different nations and tribes is different, but these differences are incomparable with the differences between different haplotypes. In the overall picture, you can first compare haplotypes, and then carry out a thorough detailing - haplogroups, and markers in them. In the overall picture of the origins of Russians - from (N1C, N1C1), R1a1, I1 and I2 - the Germans and French also have statistics of I2, a haplotype that is more abundant in the south. It turns out that the differences between Germans and Russians can be looked for precisely in R1b, and the age of common ancestors can be determined in the corresponding samples of identical haplogroups, of which Germans and Russians have a lot.
IN modern geopolitics, world government, probably always considered the primary task to be to prevent the combination of the potentials of Russia and Germany. Germany and Russia were pitted against each other twice in world wars. Accordingly, the interpretation of the word Germans in official “science” is “enemy”, “mute”.

ABOUT modern trends preventing a union between Russia and Germany - D. Friedman, -