I like to read because... Why I love to read

I want to try my hand at writing essays about what I see around me, about my life, about my love of reading, about what I read. This is my first experience, so please do not judge strictly. This post is about what reading is for me, why I love reading.
So... I love the feeling I get when I start reading. And the smell of printed pages. All this cannot be described in words. You can only feel it.

I'm taking another book home from work. And this means that a new, magical world will soon open before me interesting story a story whose plot you will need to understand and draw your own conclusion, or find a way out of the current situation together with the main character.

The process of reading books gives me a feeling of comfort and stability. Immersion in a completely different world, with many strangers to me, who experience feelings that I once experienced, makes me happy. A world that is not limited by the words that were once written in ink before publication is calling to me. It’s so nice to disappear completely into the world of a book.

Here is my list of reasons why I consider reading a book the best way spend time.

According to my observations, people who love to read (and not just crime reports in newspapers or short articles from glossy magazines) differ from people who do not like to read. These differences are not always obvious, but psychologists have long found out that reading is useful.

1. By reading authors who write well, you get used to speaking well.

The ability to express one's thoughts is not given at birth. Select from multiple terms the right word- this is the task. And if you endlessly insert “well”, “this”, “what’s his name” into your speech, then no one will listen to what the “speaker” wanted to say. But smooth speech, consisting of correctly chosen words, attracts attention.

In addition, reading also improves literacy. After reading the word “hello” several hundred times, few people will write “hello” or distort this word in some other way.

2. Reading helps you communicate with people.

Reading improves not only literacy, but also speech skills - the ability to clearly, clearly and beautifully formulate one’s thoughts. YOU become more interesting conversationalist, make a special impression on those people who don’t read at all.

3. Reading books makes us more confident.

When in a conversation we demonstrate high erudition and deep knowledge of a particular subject, we involuntarily behave more confidently and collectedly. And recognition of our knowledge by others has a positive effect on self-esteem.

4. Reading helps you take your mind off things.

Or else, reading can often serve as a means of relieving stress and anxiety states. We got distracted, went into the world of the author’s fantasy - and behold, own problem doesn't seem so complicated anymore. By the way, psychologists often recommend distracted reading for people who are overly fixated on any problems.

5. Reading develops memory and thinking.

When reading, we reason more in order to understand this or that situation in the work. We usually present a lot of details: characters, their clothes, surrounding objects. Also, during the reading process, you need to remember many things that are needed to understand the work. This trains memory and logic.

6. Reading protects against Alzheimer's disease.

According to scientific research, reading really protects against brain diseases. It turns out that when we read, brain activity increases and is constantly in good shape, which improves its condition. And it has long been proven that the body ages faster when the brain ages. And reading forces the brain to constantly work, as a result, old age is postponed, which means we remain young longer. I like this reason the most!

7. I have long noticed that people who read a lot are more creative.

Creative people can generate several great ideas at once. Where can you get them? From books, of course! By reading a work, you can glean a lot of ideas from it, which you can later bring to life.

8. Reading improves sleep.

If you systematically read before going to bed, the body soon gets used to it, and reading becomes a kind of signal for it, which indicates that you are going to bed soon. Thus, not only sleep improves, but also, as a result, morning vigor appears.

And finally, a few quotes about reading.

1. Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of understood ones.

2. People who read will always control those who watch TV.

3. Always a book better than the movie, because in the imagination there are no restrictions on special effects.

4. The more you read, the less you imitate.

5. People are divided into two categories: those who read books, and those who listen to those who read.

The first book I read myself was a collection of Russian folk tales. Magic world, where the Gorynych Snakes, Vasilisa the Beautiful and Ivan Tsarevichs live, where the animals talk, and in the forest you can see a goblin and stumble upon Baba Yaga’s hut, I couldn’t help but like it.

And to this day I love fairy tales most of all, everything magical and unusual. The best fairy tale, in my opinion, is Lewis Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland.”

In addition, I like to meet people through books, learn life experience writers, their knowledge of people, which they put into their works, to see distant times and countries through the eyes of those who lived in that era. Nothing can replace a book: not the best in the world theatrical performance, nor a film by a talented director.

My generation can't read. Naturally, I do not mean the ability to put letters into syllables, or syllables into words. No, we’re talking about something completely different: we don’t know how to enjoy a book, empathize with the characters, appreciate the writer’s talent and his mastery of words. A disc with a Hollywood action movie or a new computer game means much more to any eleventh grader than the entire collected works of Dostoevsky, and, unfortunately, there are very few exceptions to this rule. This applies not only to my generation: the culture of reading began to gradually disappear a long time ago.

Perhaps this is because in recent decades life has become much more dynamic and people do not have enough time to read. In addition, it is difficult for a book to compete with the constantly emerging new films, Internet capabilities, and computer games. Gradually classic literature becomes accessible to a relatively small number of people who are able to understand and appreciate the treasures it offers.

Municipal educational institution

"Tulyanskaya main comprehensive school»

Valuysky district, Belgorod region

Regional correspondence competition

“A reading family is a reading country”

Essay on the topic of

Kapustina Anna

6th grade student


There are so many interesting genres in literature: fairy tales, novels, fantasy, lyrics.

Until recently, books were of great value, and the gift of reading was great and prestigious. Nowadays little attention is paid to books, they are simply forgotten about. “Why read a thick book when you can watch a movie?” - my peers think. But I don’t agree with them!

When I read, I imagine myself in the place of the characters, analyze their actions, and find answers to exciting questions, I get to know the world. And when I watch a film adaptation of a novel? Yes, it’s interesting, colorful, but it doesn’t allow you to think or analyze. We simply swallow the content. And gradually we become callous in soul, becoming indifferent, empty robots. Is this what we want from life?

Why do I love books?! For me, books are friends, teachers, mentors. And their authors seem to me to be wise and kind wizards.

I remember in first grade I was given a collection of myths and legends, “The Enchanted World.” I came home from school and enthusiastically plunged into the world of sorcerers and wizards. Then I met Polianna Eleanor Porter, Alice Kira Bulycheva, Anne of Green Gables Lucy Maud Montgomery. They were my friends and helped me find a way out of difficult situations.

And one day my mother brought a binder of Guiding Star magazines. And then I was overwhelmed by a wave of different contradictory heroes, new authors. They seemed to know everything about me and whispered hints to me through the mouths of their heroes, my peers. I always look forward to the release of a new issue.

And recently, my godmother gave me a library of books by Yu. Voznesenskaya “Once Upon a Time There Was an Old Lady in Green Shoes,” “100 Days Before the Flood,” “Julianna,” “Quench My Sorrows...” and others. These works are exciting and instructive. The language of the books is very accessible and easy to learn Orthodox faith makes you think about own life. And it doesn’t matter at what age you read it.

I believe that the author wanted to show the reader how prayer and obedience help us. It is necessary to listen to the voice of your angel, which is present in each of us. A guardian angel tries to guide a person to true path and tries to protect us from wrong actions.

We need Yu. Voznesenskaya's books. Because television and social media are destroying our souls. And books make us think about our life, soul, about people close and dear to us. About what awaits us in future life. The author very convincingly narrates what is happening to the characters, so that we quietly become participants in the events and try on their actions.

Orthodox book teaches us to live, act according to the will of God, and most importantly, save our souls from eternal torment. Reading an Orthodox work, we plunge into beautiful world goodness, love, light. In my opinion, every family should have Orthodox books in their home library.

And how much good there is in my books!

Books, athleticism and I are a happy family together!

Reading books is my passion, to which I became addicted during my years of study at a vocational school. At school this activity did not appeal to me, most likely because they forced me to do it without really explaining why it was necessary. If someone tells you:

· athletes are stupid;
· do not read books;
· do not develop at all.

Fill him with a manual on bodybuilding, a nutrition guide, or other specialized literature. Don't worry, your conscience is on your side.

It has been scientifically proven that sports and tall physical exercise stimulate brain activity, improve perception and memory. I like to study, to constantly learn something new, so I consider books almost best source knowledge. They charge me with positivity, give me new ideas that I implement for work, let me remind you that my profession is called “copywriter”, and I simply need creativity.

About the benefits of reading.

The benefits of reading are not visible to the naked eye, but if those who consider bodybuilders to be uneducated suddenly don’t understand something, let the stupid athlete, who graduated with honors from a vocational school educational institution will focus on them:

· Expand your horizons - the book will help you find it faster common topics for conversations, especially for fiction.

· Increase lexicon - thanks to this, you can clearly and concisely formulate your own thoughts, turning speech into music for the listener’s ear. Well, or at least convey your point of view to your interlocutor.

· Teach others mistakes - many authors describe in detail their failures and mistakes in their works, why not take advantage of this. Books are a great opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others in order to become even more successful in life.

· Source Have a good mood - a fascinating publication makes a person smile, this happens involuntarily, which I have caught myself doing more than once.

· Train your memory - remembering a lot of information is important for an athlete, especially when you listen to the instructions of people who have achieved greater success than yourself.

In addition, books foster interest in life; a person who reads is always inquisitive, he always wants to learn something new in order to improve what he has. this moment.

What have I read and what am I aiming for?

· N. Hill - “Get out of your comfort zone”;
· N. Hill - “Think and Grow Rich.”

I'm currently finishing up Donald Trump's Never Give Up. Despite the fact that all these books are written by businessmen, the advice hidden in them is universal. I especially recommend reading “Think and Grow Rich” - the information contained in the publication fully opens your eyes to how our thoughts affect us, and how to build a mindset in such a way as to become a successful person.

How to benefit from the book?

1. Decide what you want to get from the book - understand why you picked up this publication and what knowledge you are trying to extract from it.

2. Retell - after reading a section or chapter, go over in your head everything you learned about.

3. Take notes - the fact is that any book of 300-400 pages contains only 20 sheets of the information you need. In order not to re-read the section again, it is easier to highlight the main idea on paper.

4. Apply what you learn - as soon as received necessary knowledge, try to immediately put them into practice, otherwise the brain will simply put them on the general shelf. This advice for specialized literature, the main purpose of which is not to entertain, but to educate.

There are many exciting things in the world that you can and want to do in free time. I have many different hobbies: drawing, computer games, music... However, most of all I love reading.

Reading is not a very popular hobby these days. Many of my mother's friends complain that they cannot get their child to read. But I don’t understand why force? After all, there is nothing more exciting than reading.

I fondly remember the books I read in early childhood. The adventures of Dunno and his friends, magical journeys Ellie, the amazing people of Oz fascinated me. Then came more serious books that made me think about serious questions and awakened my imagination. There are a lot of them, such books. And I am eternally grateful for this amazing people, writers who allow their readers to immerse themselves in unique world of their works.

Books allow readers to live the lives of their characters. This is probably why I love reading so much. As you read, you immerse yourself in the lives of the characters, live their emotions, experience and rejoice with them. I think books give their readers a great experience. After all, how often do we learn from our mistakes? And reading books, you understand how everything in the world is interconnected, what actions can lead to what consequences. Thus, books teach us a lot and make us wiser. Reading too nice way rest, relax. After reading a couple of pages of your favorite work, you are immersed in a completely different world, which is often more interesting, brighter, and more dynamic than the real one. This unique opportunity travel across countries and eras without leaving your favorite sofa.

A modern alternative to books is cinema. Many of my peers say that why read, if now you can often see a film adaptation of this or that book. I agree that modern films are full of special effects, they are very bright. However, I don’t think that cinema will ever replace fiction. Very often, when I see a film adaptation of a favorite book, I am disappointed because it is not how I imagined it. Too often, movies lose the important details that make this book so special and meaningful.

I sometimes feel sad when I realize that life is too short to read everything interesting books. But even more so, one should strive to read as much as possible, at least the best ones.

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