Lord von Leroy. Burnett Francis

Frances Hodgson Burnett
Little Lord Fauntleroy
lane from English Demurova N. M.


Cedric himself knew nothing about this. They didn't even mention it to him. He knew that his father was English because his mother told him about it; but his father died when he was still very small, so he remembered almost nothing about him - just that he was tall, with blue eyes and a long mustache, and how wonderful it was when he carried Cedric on his shoulder around the room. After his father's death, Cedric discovered that it was better not to talk about him with his mother. When his father fell ill, Cedric was sent to stay with friends, and when he returned, it was all over; and mother, who was also very ill, had just begun to get out of bed to sit in a chair by the window. She turned pale and thinner, the dimples disappeared from her pretty face, and her eyes became large and sad. She was dressed in black.
“Darling,” said Cedric (that’s what his father called her, and the boy adopted this habit from him), “Darling, is dad well?”
Her shoulders trembled, and he looked into her face. She had such an expression in her eyes that he knew she was about to cry.
“Dear,” he repeated, “is dad better?” Suddenly his heart told him that he needed to quickly hug her, and kiss her, and press his soft cheek to her face; he did so, and she bowed her head on his shoulder and cried bitterly, hugging him tightly with her arms, as if not wanting to let go.
“Oh yes, he’s better,” she answered with a sob, “he’s very, very good!” And you and I have no one else. No one in the whole wide world!

And then, no matter how small he was, Cedric realized that his father, so big, young and handsome, would never return; that he died like some other people he had heard about dying, although he did not understand what it was and why his mother was so sad. But since she always cried when he talked about his father, he decided to himself that it was better not to talk to her about him; and he also noted that it was better not to let her think while looking out the window or into the fire playing in the fireplace. He and his mother had almost no acquaintances, and they lived very secludedly, although Cedric did not notice this until he grew up and found out why no one visited them.
The fact is that when his father married his mother, his mother was an orphan and she had no one. She was very pretty and lived as a companion to a rich old woman who treated her poorly, and one day Captain Cedric Errol, invited to visit the old woman, saw the young companion run up the stairs in tears; she was so lovely, tender and sad that the captain could not forget her. And after all sorts of strange incidents, they met and fell in love with each other, and then got married, although some people did not like their marriage.
The captain's old father was the most angry - he lived in England and was a very rich and noble aristocrat; he had quite bad temper and hated America and Americans. He had two sons, older than Captain Cedric; the eldest of these sons was legally destined to inherit the family title and magnificent estates; in the event of the death of the eldest son, the second became the heir; Captain Cedric, although he was a member of such a noble family, could not hope for wealth. However, it so happened that nature generously endowed youngest son everything she denied her older brothers. He was not only handsome, slender and graceful, but also courageous and generous; and had not only a clear smile and a pleasant voice, but also an extremely kind heart and, it seemed, knew how to earn everyone’s love.
The older brothers were denied all this: they were not distinguished by their beauty, good character, or intelligence. Nobody was friends with them at Eton; in college they studied without interest and only wasted time and money, not finding real friends here either. They endlessly upset and embarrassed the old count, their father; his heir did not honor the family name and promised to become simply a narcissistic and wasteful nonentity, devoid of courage and nobility. The count thought with bitterness that the youngest son, who was destined to receive only a very modest fortune, was a sweet, handsome and strong young man. At times he was ready to be angry with him for the fact that he received all those advantages that would be so suitable for a magnificent title and magnificent estates; and yet the stubborn and arrogant old man loved his youngest son with all his heart.
Once, in a fit of frustration, he sent Captain Cedric to America - let him travel, then he would not be constantly compared with his brothers, who at that time especially annoyed his father with their antics. However, six months later, the count began to secretly miss his son - he sent Captain Cedric a letter in which he ordered him to return home. At the same time, the captain also sent a letter to his father, in which he said that he fell in love with a pretty American girl and wanted to marry her. The Count, having received the letter, was furious. No matter how severe his temper was, he never gave him free rein as on the day he read the captain's letter. He was so angry that the valet, who was in the room when the letter was brought, was afraid that my lord would have a stroke. In his anger he was terrible. A whole hour he rushed about like a tiger in a cage, and then sat down and wrote to his son, telling him never to show his face again and not to write to either his father or his brothers. He can live as he wants and die where he wants, but let him forget about his family and let him not expect any help from his father until the end of his days.
The captain was very sad when he read this letter; he loved England, and even more - beautiful house, in which he was born; he even loved and sympathized with his wayward father; however, he knew that now he had no hope for him. At first he was completely confused: he was not accustomed to work, he had no experience in business; but he had plenty of determination and courage. He sold his officer's patent, found himself - not without difficulty - a place in New York and got married. Compared with his previous life in England, the change in circumstances seemed very great, but he was happy and young and hoped that, by diligent work, he would achieve much in the future. He bought a small house on one of the quiet streets; his baby was born there, and everything there was so simple, cheerful and sweet that he never for a moment regretted that he married the pretty companion of a rich old woman: she was so charming and loved him, and he loved her.
She really was absolutely lovely, and the baby looked like both her and his father. Even though he was born in such a quiet and modest home, it seemed that a happier baby could not be found. Firstly, he was never sick, and therefore did not cause anyone any worries; secondly, his character was so sweet and he behaved so charmingly that he only made everyone happy; and thirdly, he was surprisingly good-looking. He was born with wonderful hair, soft, thin and golden, not like other babies who are born with a bare head; his hair curled at the ends, and when he was six months old, it curled into large rings; he had big ones Brown eyes, long, long eyelashes and a charming face; and his back and legs were so strong that at nine months he had already begun to walk; he always behaved so well that you will fall in love with him. It seemed that he considered everyone his friends, and if someone spoke to him when he was taken out for a walk in a stroller, he looked attentively with his brown eyes, and then smiled so affably that there was not a single person in the neighborhood who was not happy. seeing him, not excluding the grocer from the corner store, whom everyone considered a grouch. And every month he became smarter and prettier.
When Cedric grew up and began to go out, dragging a toy cart behind him, for a walk, he called universal admiration, he was so sweet and comfortable in his short white Scottish skirt and large white hat on his golden curls. Back home, Nanny told Mrs. Errol how the ladies would stop their strollers to look at him and talk to him. How they rejoiced when he chatted cheerfully with them, as if he had known them forever! What captivated him most of all was that he could easily make friends with people. This most likely happened because of his gullibility and kind heart - he was disposed towards everyone and wanted everyone to feel as good as he did. He easily guessed people's feelings, perhaps because he lived with parents who were loving, caring, gentle and well-mannered people. Little Cedric never heard an unkind or harsh words; he was always loved, cared for, and his childish soul was filled with kindness and open affection. He heard that his father called his mother by tender and affectionate names, and he himself called her the same; he saw that her father protected and cared for her, and he himself learned to do the same. And therefore, when he realized that his father would not return again, and saw how sad his mother was, he was gradually overcome by the idea that he should try to make her happy. He was still just a child, but he thought about it when he sat on her lap, kissed her and laid his curly head on her shoulder, and when he showed her his toys and picture books, and when he climbed onto the sofa to lie next to her. her. He was still small and did not know what else he could do, but he did everything he could, and did not even suspect what a comfort he was to her. One day he heard her say to the old maid:
- Oh, Mary, I see that he wants to console me in his own way. He sometimes looks at me with such love and bewilderment in his eyes, as if he pities me, and then suddenly he comes up and hugs me or shows me something. He is real little man, and it really seems to me that he knows everything!
As he grew, he developed his own habits, which greatly amused and occupied all who knew him. He spent so much time with his mother that she hardly needed anyone else. They walked, chatted, and played together. He learned to read very early, and having learned, he usually lay down on the rug in front of the fireplace in the evening and read aloud - either fairy tales or big books for adults, or even newspapers; and Mary, on such occasions, more than once heard Mrs. Errol laughing in her kitchen at his funny remarks.
“And to say that,” Mary once told the grocer, “you don’t want to listen to what he says, but you’ll laugh.” He says everything so funny and so politely! But that evening, when a new president was elected, he came to my kitchen, stood at the stove, pens in his pockets, a picture, and that’s all, but his face was as stern as a judge. And he says: “Mary, she says, I’m very interested in the elections. I am a Republican, he says, and so is Darling. Are you, Mary, a Republican?” - “No, I say, sorry. I say, I’m a democrat, and one of the strongest.” And he looked at me so that my heart sank, and said: “Mary, she says, the country will perish.” And from that time on, not a day goes by without him arguing with me, he keeps convincing me to change my views.

Mary became very attached to the baby and was very proud of him. She entered the home when he was just born; and after the death of Captain Errol she was the cook, and the maid, and the nanny, and did everything around the house. She was proud of Cedric - his manners, dexterity and health, but most of all - his golden curls that curled above his forehead and fell in lovely curls onto his shoulders. She worked tirelessly and helped Mrs. Errol sew his clothes and keep them in order.
-He's a real aristocrat, huh? - she used to say. - Honestly, you won’t find another child like him even on Fifth Avenue! And how well he performs in the black velvet suit that we altered from the owner’s old dress. He holds his head high, and his curls fly and shine... Well, just a little lord, truly! Cedric had no idea that he looked like a little lord - he didn’t even know the word.
His greatest friend was the corner grocer - an angry grocer who, however, was never angry with him. The grocer's name was Mr. Hobbs, and Cedric respected and admired him. He considered Mr. Hobbs very rich and powerful: after all, he had so many different things in his shop - figs and prunes, biscuits and oranges; and he also had a horse and cart. Cedric loved the baker, the milkman, and the apple seller, but he loved Mr. Hobbs most of all and was such a friend of him that he visited him every day and often sat with him for a long time, discussing last news. What didn't they talk about! Well, at least about the Fourth of July. (US national holiday: July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted.) As soon as the conversation turned to the Fourth of July, there was no end in sight. Mr. Hobbs spoke very disparagingly of “the British,” recounted the entire history of the Revolution, recalled amazing and patriotic stories of the cruelty of the enemy and the courage of the heroes of the Revolution, and even quoted large portions of the Declaration of Independence. Cedric became so excited that his eyes sparkled and his curls bounced over his shoulders. Returning home, he looked forward to them having dinner - he so wanted to tell his mother everything. Perhaps he picked up his interest in politics from Mr. Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs loved to read newspapers - and Cedric now knew about everything that was going on in Washington; Mr. Hobbs never failed to tell him whether the President was doing his duty or not. And one day, during the elections, everything was going, in his opinion, just great, and of course, if it weren’t for Mr. Hobbs and Cedric, the country would simply perish. Mr. Hobbs took him with him to watch the great torchlight procession, and many of the townspeople who carried torches that night later remembered the plump man who stood at the lamppost, holding on his shoulder handsome boy who was shouting something and waving his hat.

Soon after the elections (Cedric was already in his eighth year at that time), one thing happened amazing event, which changed his whole life at once. It is curious that on this day he was just talking with Mr. Hobbs about England and the Queen, and Mr. Hobbs spoke very harshly about the aristocracy - he was especially indignant at all sorts of earls and marquises. The morning was hot; Having played enough of the war with his comrades, Cedric went into the shop to rest and saw that Mr. Hobbs was leafing through the Illustrated London News with a gloomy look.
“Look,” said Mr. Hobbs, showing Cedric a photograph of some court ceremony, “this is how they are having fun now!” But wait, they will still get it when those whom they enslaved rise up and they fly upside down - all these counts, marquises and others! This cannot be avoided, let them be careful!
Cedric settled himself on the high stool on which he usually sat, pushed his cap to the back of his head, and, in imitation of Mr. Hobbs, put his hands in his pockets.
- Have you met many marquises and dukes, Mr. Hobbs? - Cedric asked.
“No,” answered Mr. Hobbs indignantly, “no, no, excuse me!” If at least one tried to show up here, he would have seen it then! I won't have these greedy tyrants sitting here on my cookie boxes!
And he looked around with pride and wiped his forehead with a handkerchief.
“Maybe they would give up their titles if they knew what was what,” Cedric suggested. He felt a little sorry for these unfortunate aristocrats.
- Oh no! - Mr. Hobbs snorted. - They are proud of them. They were born that way. Vile little souls!
So they were talking - when suddenly the door opened and Mary entered the shop. Cedric thought that she had popped in to buy sugar, but he was mistaken. She was pale and seemed agitated about something.
“Let’s go home, darling,” she said, “the mistress is calling you.” Cedric slid off the stool.
- She wants me to go for a walk with her, right, Mary? - Cedric asked.
- Goodbye, Mr. Hobbs. See you soon.
He was surprised to notice that Mary was looking at him with wide eyes and for some reason shaking her head.
- What's wrong with you, Mary? - he was surprised. -Are you feeling unwell? It's because of the heat, right?
“No,” answered Mary, “strange things are happening here.”
- Maybe Darling has a headache from the sun? - he became worried. But that was not the point.
Approaching the house, he saw a stroller at the door, and in the small living room someone was talking with his mother. Mary quickly took him upstairs, dressed him in a cream-colored evening suit, tied a red scarf around his waist, and combed his curls.
- Oh, is that so, my lords? - she muttered. - Both the nobility and the nobles... Yes, they failed! Something else was missing - all sorts of lords!
All this was incomprehensible, but Cedric had no doubt that his mother would explain everything to him, and did not ask Mary anything. When his toilet was finished, he ran down the stairs and entered the living room. A thin old gentleman with a smart face sat in a chair. In front of him, pale, with tears in her eyes, stood his mother.
- Oh, Seddie! - she cried and, rushing to him, hugged and kissed him with excitement and fear. - Oh, Seddie, my dear! A tall, thin gentleman rose from his chair and cast a penetrating glance at Cedric, stroking his chin with bony fingers. He looked pleased.
“So here he is,” said the thin gentleman slowly, “here is little Lord Fauntleroy.”


Cedric spent the next week in confusion, and the week was extremely strange and even incredible. Firstly, his mother told him a very interesting story. She had to repeat everything three times before he understood her. He could not imagine what Mr. Hobbs would say about this.
It was about counts: Cedric's grandfather, whom he had never seen, was, it turns out, a count; Over time, his eldest uncle would have become a count if he had not died after falling from a horse; and after his death his second uncle would have become count if he had not died suddenly in Rome from a fever. Then Cedric's father should have become count if he had lived; but since they all died and only Cedric remained alive, it turns out that he was destined to become an earl - after the death of his grandfather, but for now he will be Lord Fauntleroy.

When he first heard about this, he turned pale.
- Expensive! - he exclaimed. - I would not like to become a count! None of our boys are Counts. Is it possible I won’t be a count? However, it turned out that this could not be avoided. That same evening they sat down with their mother at open window, looking at the poor houses that stood on their street, and discussed everything in detail. Cedric sat on a bench in his favorite position, clasping his knee with his hands, and, all flushed, tried to comprehend what was happening. Grandpa wants him to come to England, and Mom thinks that's the right thing to do.
“Because I know,” said Mrs. Errol, looking sadly out the window, “that this is what your dad would want, Ceddy.” He loved his home very much; and there is still a lot to take into account, which you do not understand, because you are still small. It would be very selfish of me not to let you in. When you grow up, you will understand why.
Seddie shook his head gloomily.
“I'll be sad to leave Mr. Hobbs,” he remarked. - I'm afraid he will miss me, and I will miss him. And for everyone else too.

The next day Mr. Havisham appeared - he was the family lawyer of the Earl of Dorincourt, and the earl had sent him to America to bring Lord Fauntleroy to England - and told Cedric a lot. However, for some reason Cedric was not consoled when he learned that when he grew up, he would be very rich and would have luxurious castles, huge parks, deep mines, magnificent estates and tenants. He was worried about his friend Mr. Hobbs, and immediately after breakfast he went to see him. He was very worried. He found Mr. Hobbs reading a newspaper; Cedric entered with a worried look. He understood that the news of the change in his life would be a great shock to Mr. Hobbs, and all the way he thought about how best to inform him about it.
“Oh, it’s you,” said Mr. Hobbs. - Good morning!
“Good morning,” Cedric replied.
He did not, as usual, climb up on his stool, but sat down, hugging his knee, on the box of biscuits and was silent for so long that Mr. Hobbs finally looked at him questioningly over the newspaper.
“So it’s you,” he said again. Cedric pulled himself together.
“Mr. Hobbs,” he asked, “do you remember what we talked about yesterday morning?”
“Hm,” answered Mr. Hobbs, “about England, I think.”
“Yes,” Cedric agreed, “but when Mary came for me, what about?” Mr. Hobbs scratched his head.
- It seems they were commemorating Queen Victoria and the aristocrats.
“Yes,” Cedric said uncertainly, “and... and... the counts, remember?”
“Well, yes, of course,” confirmed Mr. Hobbs, “we slightly hurt them, that’s for sure!”
Cedric blushed to the roots of his hair. He had never experienced such awkwardness before. In addition, he was afraid that Mr. Hobbs would not be very clever now.
“You also said,” he continued, “that you won’t let them sit here on your boxes of cookies.”
“Yes, he did,” Mr. Hobbs announced loudly. - And I’ll say it again. Just let them try and then they will see!
“Mr. Hobbs,” said Cedric, “one of them is sitting on this box!”
Mr. Hobbs nearly jumped out of his chair.
- What?! - he cried.
“Yes,” Cedric announced with due modesty, “I am a count—or rather, I will be one.” I won't deceive you.

Mr. Hobbs became worried. He jumped up and went to the thermometer.
- The heat has gone to your head! - he exclaimed and, turning around, looked intently into Cedric’s face. - Today it's very hot! How do you feel? My head hurts? When did this start for you? He placed a large hand on Cedric's head. How terrible it was!
“Thank you,” said Cedric, “but I’m healthy.” And my head doesn't hurt. I'm sorry, but it's true, Mr. Hobbs. That's why Mary came for me yesterday. Mr. Havisham told Mum about it, and he is a lawyer.
Mr. Hobbs sank into a chair and wiped his forehead with a handkerchief.
- If not from you, then it’s from me sunstroke! - he cried.
“No, that’s not the point,” Cedric objected. - We'll have to come to terms with this, Mr. Hobbs. Mr. Havisham came straight from England to tell us about it. His grandfather sent it.
Mr. Hobbs stared in confusion at the serious face of the boy sitting in front of him.
- Who is your grandfather? - he asked. Cedric reached into his pocket and carefully pulled out a piece of paper on which he wrote something in his large, irregular handwriting.
“It was difficult for me to remember,” he explained, “so I wrote it down.”
And he slowly read aloud:
- "John Arthur Molyneaux Errol, Earl of Dorincourt." That’s his name, and he lives in a castle, or rather, in two castles, or, it seems, in three. My dad was his youngest son; had he lived, I should have been neither lord nor earl; but dad would not have been a count if his older brothers had remained alive. But they all died, and no one except me had a single son, so I had to become the count; and grandfather sent for me from England.
Mr. Hobbs was getting hotter and hotter. He wiped his forehead and bald spot and breathed heavily. He began to realize that something out of the ordinary had happened; looking at the handsome, friendly, brave boy in a black suit with a red ribbon at his throat, who sat in front of him on a cookie box and looked at him anxiously with sweet childish eyes, he saw that he had not changed at all. Mr. Hobbs didn't know what to think about his words about noble birth. His confusion increased even more, for Cedric told him everything so modestly and simply that it was clear: he did not understand how incredible this news was.
- What... what did you say your name is now? - asked Mr. Hobbs.
“Cedric Errol, Lord Fauntleroy,” answered Cedric. - That's what Mr. Havisham called me. When I entered the room he said, “Here comes little Lord Fauntleroy!”
“Well, well,” exclaimed Mr. Hobbs, “I’m lost in this place!”
He always said that when he was excited or surprised about something. And at that moment he couldn’t think of anything else.
Cedric thought this exclamation was quite appropriate for the occasion. He loved and respected Mr. Hobbs so much that he admired everything he did. He hadn't seen enough other people to know that Mr. Hobbs sometimes broke convention. Of course, Cedric understood that Mr. Hobbs was completely different from Mom, but Mom was a woman, and he suspected that women always behaved differently from men.
He looked thoughtfully at Mr. Hobbs.
- England is very far from here, isn’t it? - he asked.
- We must cross Atlantic Ocean- answered Mr. Hobbs.
“That’s what upsets me,” said Cedric. - That's right, I won't see you for a long time now. I don't even want to think about it, Mr. Hobbs.
“Well, even the best friends break up,” said Mr. Hobbs.
- But we’ve been friends for many years, right? - Cedric asked.
“Since you were born,” answered Mr. Hobbs. - You were not yet six weeks old when you first appeared on this street.
“Yes,” Cedric sighed, “I didn’t think then that I would have to become a count!”
“What do you think,” Mr. Hobbs asked, “is it impossible to refuse?”
“I’m afraid not,” Cedric answered. - Mom says dad would like this. But if this cannot be avoided, I can at least try to be good count. I'm not going to become a tyrant. And if war starts with America again, I will try to stop it.
He had a long and serious conversation with Mr. Hobbs. Having recovered a little, Mr. Hobbs did not show, as might have been expected, much hostility, but tried to come to terms with the state of affairs and asked Cedric many questions. And since Cedric could answer only a few of them, Mr. Hobbs tried to answer them himself, and speaking of earls, marquises and their hereditary possessions, he explained many things in such a way that, if Mr. Havisham had happened to hear him, he would probably have been quite surprised .

Little Lord Fauntleroy

© A. Livshits. Lithographic processing, 2015,

© A. Vlasova. Cover, 2015,

© JSC "ENAS-KNIGA", 2016

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Preface from the publisher

American writer Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett ( Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett, 1849–1924) was born in England into the family of a poor hardware merchant. The girl was three years old when her father died. The mother was left with five children, and for some time she tried to manage the affairs of her late husband, but soon went bankrupt and moved her family to America.

But life there was not easy either - after graduation Civil War defeated The south lay in ruins. Frances and her family had to earn a living hard work. To help her family, the girl began to write, and soon her stories began to appear in magazines.

When Frances was 18, her mother died. The future writer actually became the head of the family and fully experienced all the hardships of the life of the poor. Fortunately, Frances's close collaboration with several publishers soon improved the situation. financial position families.

In the 1880s, Burnett became a very popular and successful writer, whose work was warmly praised by Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde and Harriet Beecher Stowe. She has written several dozen stories and novels of various genres, but her sentimental works have become bestsellers - “The Little Princess”, “The Secret Garden” and “ Little Lord Fauntleroy."

The story "Little Lord Fauntleroy" was written in 1886 and had great success. It has been translated into almost everything European languages, plays were staged and films were made based on it.

The main character, seven-year-old Cedric from a quiet New York street, unexpectedly turns out to be the heir of an English count. A kind-hearted and friendly little boy wins the love of those around him, including his gloomy grandfather...

There are many translations of the story into Russian, made in different time. This edition uses the text of M. and E. Solomin (1907) in the literary adaptation of A. Livshits.

Chapter I
Unexpected news

Cedric didn't suspect anything.

He knew his father was English, his mother told him so. But dad died when the boy was still very small, so Cedric hardly remembered him at all - only that dad was tall, that he had blue eyes and a long mustache, and that it was wonderful to ride around the room on his shoulders.

After his dad died, Cedric decided that it was better not to talk about him with his mom.

When his father fell ill, the boy was removed from home. When he returned, it was all over, and the mother, having barely recovered from a serious illness herself, sat more and more in her chair by the window. She was pale and thin, the cute dimples had disappeared from her cheeks, her eyes were wide and sad. And she was dressed all in black.

“Darling,” said Cedric (that’s what his father always called his mother, and the boy followed his example). - Darling, isn’t it better for dad?

He saw his mother's hands tremble. Raising his curly head, the boy looked into her face and felt that his mother was about to cry.

“Dear,” he repeated, “is dad better?”

And then his loving heart told Cedric that there was no need to ask anymore, that it was better to just hug his mother, press his soft cheek tightly to her face and kiss her. He did so, and his mother immediately hid her face on his shoulder and cried bitterly, hugging her son as if she was afraid to part with him even for a moment.

“Yes, he’s better...,” she sobbed, “he’s much better... But we... we’re alone now... We have no one left, no one at all!”

No matter how small Cedric was, he realized that his tall, handsome, young dad would never return. The kid had already heard that people were dying, but did not know what it meant and why this incomprehensible event brought so much grief. Mom always cried when Cedric talked about dad, so he secretly decided not to talk to her about his father, and also not to let his mother sit motionless, silently looking at the fire or out the window.

He and his mother had few acquaintances, they lived rather secludedly, but Cedric did not notice this until he grew up and understood why no one visited them.

The boy was told that his mother was left an orphan at an early age. She was very beautiful and lived as a companion to a rich old lady who adored her. One day, Captain Cedric Errol, who was in this house, saw a girl running up the stairs in tears. She was so lovely, so helpless and sad that the captain could not forget her... And then many amazing events happened, the young people became intimately acquainted, fell deeply in love with each other and got married, although their marriage caused discontent among many.

The captain's father, who lived in England, was the most angry. He was a rich and noble aristocrat, he had extremely bad character and he fiercely hated America and everything American. He had two more sons, both older than Captain Cedric. According to the law, the eldest son was supposed to inherit the family titles and rich estates of his father, and in the event of the death of the eldest son, the second son became the heir. Captain Cedric was the youngest in this family, so he did not expect to get rich.

However, nature generously endowed the youngest son with qualities that his older brothers were deprived of: he was handsome, slender and graceful, he had a bright smile and a pleasant voice, he was brave and generous, had a kind heart and the ability to win people over. On the contrary, none of his brothers were handsome, kind, or smart. Nobody liked them at Eton; the boys had no real friends. In college, they did little science, wasting both money and time. The old count's expectations were not met: the eldest son did not honor his noble name. The heir gradually became an insignificant, proud, wasteful person, possessing neither courage nor nobility.

The count thought with bitterness that only the youngest son, who was supposed to inherit a small fortune, was gifted with brilliant qualities, strength and beauty. Sometimes he seemed to almost hate this handsome young man- for the fact that he possesses all the advantages that were so suitable for a magnificent title and wealth. However, the proud and arrogant old man loved his youngest son with all his heart.

One day, in a fit of tyranny, the count sent Cedric to distant America. He thought about sending his favorite away for a while so as not to get too angry, constantly comparing him with his older sons, who greatly bothered the old man with their antics. But after six months of separation, the count began to get bored - and wrote to Captain Cedric, ordering him to return home. Unfortunately, his message differed from the letter in which Captain Cedric informed his father of his love for the beautiful American woman and his intention to marry her. Upon receiving this news, the count became terribly angry. Never in his life had the old man shown a bad character to such an extent as when reading Cedric’s letter. The servant, who was in the room at that time, was even afraid that the count would have a blow - he became so fierce and scary. For a whole hour he rushed about like a tiger in a cage, and then he wrote to his youngest son to never show his face again. From now on, he can live as he wants, but let him forget about his family and not hope for his father’s help for the rest of his life.

The captain was very upset when he read this letter: he loved England very much and was tenderly attached to his native estate in which he grew up. He even loved his old wayward father and sympathized with him in his disappointed expectations. However, now the young man could not hope for the mercy of the old count. At first, he did not know what to do: due to his upbringing, Cedric was not prepared for work and had absolutely no experience in business. But he was courageous and a decisive person: having sold your patent for officer rank in the English army, after some trouble he found a place in New York and got married.

His life had changed a lot, but Cedric Er-rol was young and happy, he hoped to achieve success through hard work. The young couple settled in a nice house on a quiet street, and their little son was born there. And everything was so simple, joyful and cheerful that Cedric never regretted that he married the old lady’s pretty companion: she was devoted and affectionate, and tenderly loved her husband, who reciprocated her feelings.

Their little son, named Cedric after his father, looked like both his mother and his father. It seemed that the world had never seen a happier little one. Firstly, he was never sick and never gave anyone any trouble. Secondly, he was so affectionate and friendly that everyone loved him. And finally, thirdly, he was charmingly handsome.

The baby was born not with a bare head, like other children, but with curly golden hair; by six months they were scattered in luxurious curls over his shoulders. The boy had large brown eyes, long eyelashes and a gentle face. His back was so strong and his legs were so strong that at nine months the baby began to walk.

His manners were amazing for a child, and communicating with him brought a lot of pleasure to those around him. The boy seemed to consider everyone his friends. If someone spoke to him, sitting in a baby stroller, the baby looked affectionately at the stranger and smiled welcomingly. Therefore, in the quiet street where the Errols lived, there was not a single person - not even excluding the grocer who sold on the corner and was considered the most gloomy of people - who would not be glad to see the boy and talk to him. And every month he became smarter and more attractive.

Soon the baby was old enough to walk with the nanny, pushing his little cart. Dressed in a white Scottish suit, wearing a large white hat on his golden curls, strong and pink, Cedric was so charming that he attracted everyone’s attention. His nurse, returning home, told Mrs. Errol how noble ladies stopped their carriages to look at the amazing child and talk to him, and how pleased they were when the child answered them so joyfully and cheerfully, as if he had known them for a long time.

The most attractive feature of the boy was precisely this cheerful and friendly manner, which made people immediately become his friends. Most likely, this was explained by the fact that Cedric had a trusting nature and a trembling heart that sympathized with everyone and wanted everyone to feel as good as he did. The boy very easily guessed the feelings of others, probably because his parents were always just as affectionate, gentle and attentive to everyone.

Little Cedric had never heard a single rude word at home, much less swear word. The parents doted on their only child and always took tender care of him, and therefore the child’s soul was full of meekness, tenderness and warmth. Cedric constantly heard his mother called affectionate names, and he himself used them in conversations with her. He saw how dad took care of his wife, and he himself began to take care of his mother in the same way.

Therefore, when the boy realized that his father would not return again, and saw how sad his mother was, he promised himself that he must do everything to make her happy. Cedric was still very small, but he tried in every possible way to ease his mother’s grief: he climbed onto her lap and kissed her, or put his curly head on her shoulder, or showed her his pictures and toys, or simply quietly fussed around her. The boy could do nothing else, but everything he did was much more consolation for Mrs. Errol than he could have imagined.

“Oh, Mary,” he once heard his mother say to her old maid, “I’m sure he’s trying to console me in his own way.” I know it is! Sometimes he looks at me with such loving, thoughtful eyes, as if he himself feels my grief. And then he caresses me or shows me something. He is a real little gentleman. I think he himself is aware of this!

When Cedric grew up, he became such a good friend to his mother that she almost did not need other interlocutors. They are used to walking together, talking together and playing together.

While still a very young boy, Cedric learned to read. In the evenings, lying on the carpet in front of the fireplace, he often read aloud - either children's stories, or even large books that adults preferred, sometimes even newspapers. And Mary often heard Mrs. Errol laughing joyfully as she amazing things which her son said.

“It’s true,” Mary once told the grocer, “you can’t help but laugh when he starts talking just like an adult.” For example, on the evening when a new president was elected, he came to my kitchen and stood in front of the fire, with his hands in his pockets. His gentle face was serious, like an old judge! Well, just a picture! And he says to me: “Mary, I’m very interested in the elections. I'm a Republican, and so is Darling. Are you a Republican, Mary?” “Not really,” I said, “on the contrary, I am the most extreme democrat.” Then he looked at me with a look that penetrated my very heart, and said: “Mary, the country will perish!” And then he never let a day pass without trying to change my political beliefs.

Mary loved little Cedric and was very proud of him. She lived in the Errol family from the birth of the boy and after the death of the owner she became a cook, a maid, a nanny - all at once. Mary was proud of the boy's grace, his strong, healthy body and an affable character, and especially - beautiful golden curls that curled above the forehead and fell in lush curls onto the shoulders. She was willing to work day and night to help his mother, sew his dress and take care of his things.

“He’s a perfect aristocrat,” said Mary, “by God!” Look, he's as handsome as the Fifth Avenue boys. How handsome he is in his black velvet jacket, even if it was altered from an old housewife’s dress! And all the women admire him: both his proudly raised head and his golden hair. He looks like a real lord!

But Cedric had no idea that he looked like a young aristocrat, he just didn’t know what a lord was. The most best friend the boy was Mr. Hobbs, the stern grocer from the corner store. Cedric had great respect for Mr. Hobbs and considered him a very rich and powerful man: the grocer had so much in his store - prunes, and raisins, and oranges, and biscuits, and he also had a horse and cart. Cedric also loved the milkman, the baker, and the apple seller, but most of all he loved Mr. Hobbs and was on such close terms with him that he visited him every day and often sat for a long time in the shop, discussing all sorts of pressing issues.

It was amazing how many topics they had to talk about! For example, Fourth of July. When it came to the Fourth of July, there seemed to be no end to the conversation. Mr. Hobbs had a very bad opinion of all things English. He could spend hours recounting the story of American liberation, accompanied by amazing patriotic stories of the meanness and cowardice of the enemy and the courage of American heroes, and he eagerly repeated passages from the Declaration of Independence by heart. Cedric, listening to him, was so inspired that his eyes sparkled, his cheeks glowed, and his curls tangled and tangled. Returning home, he could hardly wait for dinner: he so wanted to tell his mother about everything as soon as possible.

Perhaps Mr. Hobbs aroused the boy's interest in politics. The grocer loved to read newspapers, and Cedric often heard from him about what was happening in Washington. The merchant willingly talked about the president’s actions and expressed his opinion about them. Once, during the presidential election, he even took Cedric with him to watch a large torchlight procession. And many of those who carried torches then remembered for a long time the strong, strong man, who stood by a lamppost and held a pretty little boy on his shoulders, waving his white hat at them.

Much later, when Cedric was seven years old, an amazing event occurred that changed his whole life. It is noteworthy that on the day this happened, Mr. Hobbs spoke a lot about England and the Queen, severely condemned the aristocrats, and most of all was angry with the earls and marquises.

That hot morning, Cedric, having played toy soldiers with his friends, went to the grocery store to rest. Mr. Hobbs frowned at the Illustrated London News, which contained a photograph of some court ceremony in England.

- And it's you! – the merchant nodded to his young friend. - Look what they are doing!.. Well, never mind, the day will come when they won’t have time for that! Those whom they trample underfoot will eventually rise up and destroy all these dukes, counts and marquises!

Cedric, as usual, sat down on a high chair, pushed his hat back on his head and put his hands in his pockets as a sign of approval of the grocer's words.

– Do you know many marquises, Mr. Hobbs? – Cedric asked. - Or with the counts?

“No,” the merchant answered indignantly, “I don’t know.” I wouldn't like to see any of them here in my shop! I wouldn't tolerate these greedy tyrants hanging around my biscuit counter. Like this!

Mr. Hobbs looked around proudly and wiped his sweaty brow.

“Maybe they wouldn’t want to be dukes themselves if they could be someone better,” said Cedric, feeling some sympathy for the unfortunate nobles.

- We wouldn’t want to! - Mr. Hobbs snapped. “They are proud of their position.” That's for sure! Needless to say - pathetic, insignificant people!..

Just during this conversation, Mary appeared in the shop. Cedric thought that she had come to buy sugar, but he was mistaken. The maid was pale and clearly excited about something.

“Go home, my dear,” she said, “the lady is waiting for you.”

Cedric slid out of his chair.

– Darling wants me to go for a walk with her, Mary? - he asked. “Goodbye, Mr. Hobbs,” he said kindly to the grocer, “I will visit you again soon.”

Cedric found it strange that Mary was looking at him with wide eyes and shaking her head sadly.

-What's wrong with you, Mary? – he was surprised. -Are you feeling unwell? It's too hot today...

“I’m fine,” Mary answered, “but strange things are happening at home.”

– Are you healthy, Darling? Did she have a headache from the stuffiness? – the boy asked with concern.

But no, that wasn't the point. An unfamiliar carriage was standing at the door of the house, and in the small living room someone was talking to his mother. Mary hurriedly took the boy upstairs, dressed him in his best summer suit of white flannel with a red sash, and combed his curly hair.

- Lord! - she said. – A real lord, an aristocrat... Unenviable happiness!..

All this was very strange, but Cedric was sure that his mother would explain everything to him, and therefore did not ask Mary any questions. When the toilet was finished, the boy ran downstairs and entered the living room. There sat in a chair a tall, thin old gentleman with an intelligent face, and Mrs. Errol stood next to him. She was very pale, tears trembled on her eyelashes.

- Oh, Seddie! - she exclaimed and rushed to her son, hugged him and began to kiss him; she seemed scared and embarrassed. - Oh, Seddie, my dear!..

The unfamiliar gentleman stood up and looked at Cedric with piercing eyes. Examining the boy, he thoughtfully stroked his chin with his thin hand.

Apparently he was pleased.

“So,” he finally said slowly, “this is little Lord Fauntleroy!”

Amazing surprise

Cedric knew absolutely nothing about this, he only knew that his father was an Englishman; but he died when Cedric was very young, and therefore he did not remember very much about him; he only remembered that dad was tall that he had blue eyes and a long mustache and that it was incredibly fun to travel through rooms sitting on his shoulder. After his dad's death, Cedric became convinced that it was better not to talk to his mom about him. During his illness, Cedric was taken away from home, and when Cedric returned, it was all over and his mother, who was also very sick, had just moved from her bed to her chair by the window. She was pale and thin, the dimples had disappeared from her sweet face, her eyes looked sad, and her dress was completely black.

“Darling,” asked Cedric (dad always called her that, and the boy began to imitate him), “Darling, is dad better?”

He felt her hands tremble, and, raising his curly head, looked into her face. She apparently could barely restrain herself from bursting into tears.

“Darling,” he repeated, “tell me, is he feeling good now?”

But then his loving little heart told him that it was best to put both arms around her neck, press his soft cheek to her cheek and kiss her many, many times; he did so, and she lowered her head on his shoulder and cried bitterly, hugging him tightly to her.

“Yes, he’s good,” she sobbed, “he’s very good, but you and I have no one else left.”

Although Cedric was still just a small boy, he realized that his tall, handsome, young father would never return, that he died like other people die; and yet he could not understand why this happened. Since mom always cried when he talked about dad, he decided to himself that it was better not to mention him too often. The boy soon became convinced that he should also not let her sit silent and motionless for a long time, looking into the fire or out the window.

He and his mother had few acquaintances, and they lived completely alone, although Cedric did not notice this until he got older and found out the reasons why they did not have guests. Then they told him that his mother was a poor orphan who had no one in the world when her father married her. She was very pretty and lived as a companion to a rich old lady who treated her badly. One day, Captain Cedric Errol, having come to visit this lady, saw a young girl going up the stairs with tears in her eyes, and she seemed to him so lovely, innocent and sad that from that moment he could not forget her. Soon they met, fell deeply in love with each other and finally got married; but this marriage caused the displeasure of the people around them. The most angry of all was the captain's father, who lived in England and was a very rich and noble gentleman, known for his bad character. In addition, he hated America and Americans with all his heart. Besides the captain, he had two more sons. By law, the eldest of them was supposed to inherit the family title and all of his father's vast estates. In the event of the death of the eldest, the next son became the heir, so there was little chance for Captain Cedric to ever become rich and noble person, although he was a member of such a noble family.

But it so happened that nature endowed the youngest of the brothers with wonderful qualities that the elders did not possess. He had Beautiful face, graceful figure, courageous and noble posture, clear smile and sonorous voice; he was brave and generous and, moreover, possessed with the kindest heart, which especially attracted all the people who knew him to him. His brothers were not like that. Even as boys at Eton they were not loved by their comrades; Later, at the university, they did little research, wasted time and money, and failed to make true friends.

Seven-year-old Cedric lived with his mother on the outskirts of New York. One day the boy found out that he was a real lord, and that a rich grandfather was waiting for him in England - the powerful Earl of Dorincourt, a stern and gloomy man. With his kindness and spontaneity, little Tsedrik managed to melt his grandfather’s frozen heart and, in the end, resolve the difficult family drama. The story of Lord Fauntleroy, the boy with golden curls, is one of the most famous children's books of its time.

A series: The most real boys

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by liters company.

Amazing surprise

Cedric knew absolutely nothing about this, he only knew that his father was an Englishman; but he died when Cedric was very young, and therefore he did not remember very much about him; he only remembered that dad was tall, that he had blue eyes and a long mustache, and that it was incredibly fun to travel from room to room sitting on his shoulder. After his dad's death, Cedric became convinced that it was better not to talk to his mom about him. During his illness, Cedric was taken away from home, and when Cedric returned, it was all over and his mother, who was also very sick, had just moved from her bed to her chair by the window. She was pale and thin, the dimples had disappeared from her sweet face, her eyes looked sad, and her dress was completely black.

“Darling,” asked Cedric (dad always called her that, and the boy began to imitate him), “Darling, is dad better?”

He felt her hands tremble, and, raising his curly head, looked into her face. She apparently could barely restrain herself from bursting into tears.

“Darling,” he repeated, “tell me, is he feeling good now?”

But then his loving little heart told him that it was best to put both arms around her neck, press his soft cheek to her cheek and kiss her many, many times; he did so, and she lowered her head on his shoulder and cried bitterly, hugging him tightly to her.

“Yes, he’s good,” she sobbed, “he’s very good, but you and I have no one else left.”

Although Cedric was still just a small boy, he realized that his tall, handsome, young father would never return, that he died like other people die; and yet he could not understand why this happened. Since mom always cried when he talked about dad, he decided to himself that it was better not to mention him too often. The boy soon became convinced that he should also not let her sit silent and motionless for a long time, looking into the fire or out the window.

He and his mother had few acquaintances, and they lived completely alone, although Cedric did not notice this until he got older and found out the reasons why they did not have guests. Then they told him that his mother was a poor orphan who had no one in the world when her father married her. She was very pretty and lived as a companion to a rich old lady who treated her badly. One day, Captain Cedric Errol, having come to visit this lady, saw a young girl going up the stairs with tears in her eyes, and she seemed to him so lovely, innocent and sad that from that moment he could not forget her. Soon they met, fell deeply in love with each other and finally got married; but this marriage caused the displeasure of the people around them. The most angry of all was the captain's father, who lived in England and was a very rich and noble gentleman, known for his bad character. In addition, he hated America and Americans with all his heart. Besides the captain, he had two more sons. By law, the eldest of them was supposed to inherit the family title and all of his father's vast estates. In the event of the death of the eldest, the next son became the heir, so there was little chance for Captain Cedric to ever become a rich and noble man, although he was a member of such a noble family.

But it so happened that nature endowed the youngest of the brothers with wonderful qualities that the elders did not possess. He had a handsome face, a graceful figure, a courageous and noble bearing, a clear smile and a sonorous voice; he was brave and generous and, moreover, had the kindest heart, which especially attracted all the people who knew him to him. His brothers were not like that. Even as boys at Eton they were not loved by their comrades; Later, at the university, they did little research, wasted time and money, and failed to make true friends. They constantly upset their father, the old count, and insulted his pride. His heir did not honor his name, continuing to remain a selfish, wasteful and narrow-minded man, devoid of courage and nobility. The old count was very offended that only the third son, who was destined to receive only a very modest fortune, possessed all the qualities necessary to maintain the prestige of their high social position. Sometimes he almost hated the young man because he was endowed with those qualities that seemed to be crowded out of his heir by a high-profile title and rich estates; but in the depths of his proud, stubborn old heart, he still could not help but love his youngest son. During one of his outbursts of anger, he sent him to travel around America, wanting to remove him for a while so as not to be irritated constant comparison him with his brothers, who just at that time were causing him a lot of trouble with their dissolute behavior.

But after six months he began to feel lonely and secretly longed to see his son. Under the influence of this feeling, he wrote a letter to Captain Cedric, demanding his immediate return home. This letter differed from the captain’s letter, in which he informed his father of his love for the pretty American girl and his intention to marry her. Upon receiving this news, the old count became incredibly angry; no matter how bad his character was, his anger had never reached such proportions as when he received this letter, and his servant, who was in the room, involuntarily thought that his Excellency would probably suffer a blow. For a whole hour he ran around like a tiger in a cage, but finally, little by little, he calmed down, sat down at the table and wrote a letter to his son, ordering him never to approach his house and never write to him or his brothers. He wrote that the captain could live where he wanted and how he wanted, that he was cut off from his family forever and, of course, could no longer count on any support from his father.

The captain was very sad; he loved England very much and was strongly attached to home; he even loved his stern old father and pitied him, seeing his grief; but he also knew that from that moment he could no longer expect any help or support from him. At first he did not know what to do: he was not accustomed to work, he was deprived of practical experience, but he had a lot of courage, but then he hastened to sell his position in the English army; after much trouble he found a place in New York and got married. The change from his previous life in England was very noticeable, but he was young and happy and hoped that hard work would help him create a good future for himself. He bought a small house in one of the remote streets of the city, his little son was born there, and his whole life seemed to him so good, cheerful, joyful, albeit modest, that he did not for a minute regret that he had married the pretty companion of a rich old woman solely because she was lovely and that they loved each other tenderly.

His wife was truly charming, and their little son was equally reminiscent of his father and mother. Although he was born in a very humble environment, it seemed that in the whole world there was no child as happy as him. Firstly, he was always healthy and never caused anyone any trouble, secondly, he had such a sweet character and such a cheerful disposition that he brought nothing but pleasure to everyone, and thirdly, he was unusually handsome. In contrast to other children, he was born with a whole cap of soft, thin, golden curly hair, which by the age of six months had turned into lovely long curls. He had large brown eyes with long eyelashes and a pretty face; his back and legs were so strong that at the age of nine months he had already learned to walk; At the same time, he was distinguished by such rare behavior for a child that everyone tinkered with him with pleasure. He seemed to consider everyone his friends, and if one of the passers-by approached him while he was being pushed in a small carriage along the street, he usually fixed the stranger with a serious look, and then smiled charmingly. It is not surprising after this that everyone who lived in the neighborhood of his parents loved and spoiled him, not excluding even the petty merchant, who was reputed to be the most gloomy man in the world.

When he was old enough to walk with his nanny, pulling a small cart behind him, in a white suit and a large white hat pulled down over his golden curls, he was so handsome, so healthy and so ruddy that he attracted everyone’s attention, and the nanny More than once, when returning home, I told my mother long stories how many ladies stopped their carriages to look at him and talk to him. What fascinated me most about him was his joyful, courageous, original manner of meeting people. This was probably due to the fact that he had an unusually trusting character and a kind heart that sympathized with everyone and wanted everyone to become as contented and happy as he was. This made him very empathetic towards other people. There's no doubt that similar property character developed in him under the influence of the fact that he was constantly in the company of his parents - loving, calm, delicate and educated people. He always heard only affectionate and polite words; everyone loved him, cared for him and caressed him, and under the influence of such treatment he involuntarily got used to being kind and gentle. He heard that dad always called mom the most affectionate names and constantly treated her with tender care, and therefore he learned to follow his example in everything.

Therefore, when he found out that dad would not return, and saw how sad his mother was, the thought gradually crept into his kind heart that he should try to make her happy as much as possible. He was still quite Small child, but this thought took possession of him every time he climbed onto her lap and laid his curly head on her shoulder, when he brought his toys and pictures to show her, when he curled up next to her on the sofa. He wasn't old enough to do anything else, so he did what he could, and actually comforted her more than he thought he would.

“Oh, Mary,” he once heard her talking to the maid, “I’m sure he’s trying to help me!” He often looks at me with such love, such a questioning look, as if he pities me, and then begins to caress me or show me his toys. Just like an adult... I think he knows...

As he grew older, he developed a number of cute and original habits that everyone around him really liked. For his mother, he was such a close friend that she did not look for others. They usually walked together, chatted and played together. From the very early years he learned to read, and then, lying in the evenings on the carpet in front of the fireplace, he read aloud either fairy tales, or thick books that adults read, and even newspapers.

And Mary, sitting in her kitchen, more than once during these hours heard Mrs. Errol laughing heartily at what he was saying.

“You really can’t help but laugh when you listen to his eccentricities,” she told the shopkeeper. “On the very day of the election of the new president, he came to my kitchen, stood at the stove looking so handsome, put his hands in his pockets, made a serious, over-serious face, like a judge’s, and said: “Mary, I’m very interested in the elections. I'm a Republican, and so is Honey. Are you, Mary, a Republican too?” “No, I’m a democrat,” I answer. “Oh, Mary, you will bring the country to ruin!..” And since then, not a day has passed without him trying to influence my political convictions.

Mary loved him very much and was proud of him; she served in their house from the day of his birth, and after the death of his father she performed all duties: she was a cook, a maid, and a nanny; she was proud of his beauty, his small strong body, his sweet manners, but she was especially proud of his curly hair, the long locks that framed his forehead and fell to his shoulders. She was ready to help his mother from morning to night, when she sewed suits for him or cleaned and repaired his things.

- A real aristocrat! – she exclaimed more than once. “By God, I wish I could see someone as handsome as him among the kids on Fifth Street.” All the men, women and even children stare at him and his velvet suit, made from his lady’s old dress. He walks with his head raised, and his curls flutter in the wind... Well, just a young lord!..

Cedric had no idea that he looked like a young lord—he didn’t even know the meaning of that word. His best friend was a shopkeeper with opposite corner streets, an angry man, but never angry with him. His name was Mr. Hobbes. Cedric loved and deeply respected him. He considered him an unusually rich and powerful man - after all, how many delicious things lay in his shop: plums, wine berries, oranges, various biscuits, and he also had a horse and cart. Granted, Cedric loved the milkmaid, the baker, and the apple seller, but he still loved Mr. Hobbes more than anyone else and was in such a relationship with him. friendly relations, who came to him every day, talking for hours on end about various current issues of the day. It was amazing how long they could talk - especially about the 4th of July - just endlessly! Mr. Hobbes generally disapproved of the "British" and, speaking about the revolution, conveyed amazing facts about the ugly actions of opponents and the rare courage of the heroes of the revolution. When he began to quote certain paragraphs from the Declaration of Independence, Cedric usually became very excited; his eyes burned, his cheeks glowed, and his curls turned into a whole cap of tangled golden hair. He eagerly finished his lunch upon returning home, rushing to convey everything he had heard to his mother as quickly as possible. Perhaps Mr. Hobbes was the first to arouse his interest in politics. He loved to read newspapers, and therefore Cedric learned a lot about what was happening in Washington. At the same time, Mr. Hobbes usually expressed his opinion about whether the President treated his duties well or badly. Once, after the new elections, Mr. Hobbes was especially pleased with the results of the ballot, and it even seems to us that, without him and Cedric, the country could have found itself on the brink of destruction. One day Mr. Hobbes took Cedric with him to show him a procession with torches, and then many of the participants who carried torches remembered for a long time how a tall man stood by a lamppost and held on his shoulder a pretty little boy who loudly shouted and cheerfully waved his cap.

Just shortly after these very elections, when Cedric was almost eight years old, one extraordinary event happened that immediately changed his whole life. It is strange that on the very day that this happened he was talking to Mr. Hobbes about England and Queen of England, and Mr. Hobbes spoke very disapprovingly of aristocrats, especially of counts and marquises. It was a very hot day, and Cedric, having played toy soldiers with the other boys, went to rest in the shop, where he found Mr. Hobbes reading the London Illustrated Newspaper, which depicted some kind of court celebration.

“Ah,” he exclaimed, “that’s what they’re doing now!” Just don’t enjoy them for long! The time will soon come when those whom they are now pressing will rise up and blow them into the air, all these counts and marquises! The hour is approaching! It doesn’t bother them to think about him!..

Cedric, as always, climbed onto a chair, pushed his cap back on his head and put his hands in his pockets.

-Have you seen many earls and marquises, Mr. Hobbes? - he asked.

- Me not! - Mr. Hobbes exclaimed indignantly. - I would like to see how they would come here! I would not allow any of these greedy tyrants to sit on my box.

Mr. Hobbes was so proud of his feeling of contempt for the aristocrats that he involuntarily looked around him defiantly and wrinkled his brow sternly.

“Or maybe they wouldn’t want to be counts if they knew anything better,” replied Cedric, feeling some vague sympathy for these people who were in such an unpleasant position.

- Well, here we go again! - Mr. Hobbes exclaimed. “They boast about their position.” It's innate to them! Bad company.

Just in the midst of their conversation, Mary appeared. Cedric at first thought that she had come to buy sugar or something like that, but it turned out to be completely different. She was pale and seemed excited about something.

“Come on, my dear, mom is waiting,” she said.

Cedric jumped out of his seat.

– She probably wants to go for a walk with me, Mary? - he asked. - Goodbye, Mr. Hobbes, I'll be back soon.

He was surprised to see Mary looking at him strangely and shaking her head all the time.

- What's happened? - he asked. – You are probably very hot?

“No,” Mary answered, “but something special happened to us.”

– Does mom have a headache from the heat? – the boy asked with concern.

That wasn't the case at all. Just outside the house, they saw a carriage in front of the entrance, and in the living room at that time someone was talking to their mother. Mary immediately took Cedric upstairs, dressed him in his best suit of light flannel, fastened a red belt on him, and carefully combed his curls.

- All counts and princes! Damn them completely! – she grumbled under her breath.

It was all very strange, but Cedric was sure that his mother would explain to him what was the matter, and so he left Mary to grumble as much as she wanted, without asking her about anything. Having finished his toilet, he ran into the living room, where he found a tall, thin old gentleman with sharp features sitting in an armchair. His mother stood not far from him, excited and pale. Cedric immediately noticed the tears in her eyes.

- Oh, Tseddy! – she exclaimed with some fear and excitement and, running up to her boy, hugged him tightly and kissed him. - Oh, Tseddy, my dear!

The old gentleman stood up and looked attentively at Cedric with his penetrating eyes. He rubbed his chin with a bony hand and was apparently satisfied with the examination.

- So, I see little Lord Fauntleroy in front of me? – he asked quietly.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Little Lord Fauntleroy (F.E. Burnett, 1886) provided by our book partner -


F. Burnet's story “The Story of Little Lord Fauntleroy” seemed interesting to me. It tells about the adventures of the little American Cedric Errol. Unexpectedly, he received the title of Lord Fauntleroy and became a contender for his grandfather's vast fortune.

Because of this, Cedric moved to England and was separated from his dear mother. The hero himself was distinguished by a kind, cheerful disposition, as well as an honest and just soul. Despite his noble origin, he was friends with people of the poor class, and they reciprocated his feelings.

In England, at first, Mr. Havisham, the lawyer of the old count, became Cedric’s only defender. Havisham realized that Cedric was good and kind child, he was bribed by the fact that before leaving, the boy spent his grandfather’s money on gifts for his poor friends.

But the old count did not want to listen to anything about the merits of his grandson. He wanted to make Cedric an English lord, swaggering and arrogant. It was the hero’s grandfather who deprived him of communication with his mother. At first he did not love his grandson: “It never occurred to the Count that he should love his grandson; he sent for little Cedric, because his pride prompted him to do so.”

But gradually the kindness and sincerity of the little lord melted the heart of his stern grandfather. At the first meeting, Cedric sincerely inquired about his grandfather’s health. At the same time, the old count’s eyes “glittered strangely.” Later, the old man was touched by the boy's homesickness and how tenderly he loved his mother.

Gradually, the grandfather became more and more interested in his grandson. It can be said that the little lord had a positive influence on him. The little lord forced him to do good deeds, gradually taught him to love Darling - his mother.

I really enjoyed the episode where the lord convinced his grandfather to start building new houses for tenants. These people lived in poor shacks. The count knew “about bad drains, and about damp walls, and about broken windows, and about leaking roofs.” But before, he had no intention of changing anything. And now the grandfather could not refuse his beloved grandson: “You can help them,” he said, “like you helped Higgins.” You always help everyone. I told her that this is what you will do..."

Cedric learned about the poor from his kind and caring mother, who could not calmly look at the misfortunes of people. It seems to me that Darling and her son completely changed the life of the old Count's estate.

But suddenly bad news came - another grandson of the count and his mother began to lay claim to the title of lord. These people, rude and ignorant, were only after money: “She is ill-mannered and extremely ignorant and absolutely does not know how to behave with people of our circle. She just doesn't know how to behave."

Despite all his efforts, the count rebuffed these applicants. And it soon turned out that the wife of his eldest son was an impostor. And Dick, Cedric’s American friend, helped expose her. And this woman went home in disgrace. But the episode that described her desire to take everything away from the little lord seemed to me the most unpleasant in the entire story.

In the end, Cedric legitimately became Little Lord Fauntleroy. He lived happily with his mother and grandfather, bringing only joy to everyone around him: “It’s just that a boy lived next to a kind and gentle soul and was brought up with good thoughts and caring for people. It may not be much, but it’s the best thing in life.” This is exactly what I was convinced of after reading F. Burnet’s story.