Who helped Germany revive after the war. Close friendship with the Nazis

May 10th, 2013

In the late 20s and 30s, Germany did not need to strain its strength, like we did, by creating new industries, building factories and blast furnaces, and opening hundreds of institutes. It occupied industrial countries and forced them to work for itself.

Just one fact: the weapons that Germany captured from the defeated countries were enough to form 200 divisions. No, this is not a mistake: 200 divisions. In our western districts there were 170 divisions. To provide them with weapons, the USSR needed several five-year plans. In France, after its defeat, the Germans immediately seized up to 5,000 tanks and armored personnel carriers, 3,000 aircraft, and 5,000 steam locomotives. In Belgium, they appropriated half of the rolling stock for the needs of their economy and war, etc.

But the main thing, of course, is not the confiscated weapons or trophies.

A special prize for Germany in March 1939 was Czechoslovakia, which had a combat-ready army and developed industry. Back in 1938, during Munich agreement, according to which Czechoslovakia undertook to transfer the Sudetenland to Germany, Hitler warned the British Prime Minister N. Chamberlain and the French head of government E. Deladier that, following the Sudetenland, all of Czechoslovakia would soon be occupied. But Deladier and Chamberlain did not lift a finger to protect the interests of this country. It must be admitted that the Czechoslovak leaders, having a modern army at that time, were able to provide powerful resistance to Germany, but slavishly surrendered their country to Hitler’s mercy. And Czechoslovakia represented a tasty morsel for preparing for a future war. The country's weight in the world arms market of those years was 40%. This small country produced monthly 130 thousand rifles, 200 guns, about 5,000 different machine guns... At the expense of Czechoslovakia alone, the German Air Force increased by 72%, receiving 1,582 aircraft. German tank units added 486 tanks produced in Czechoslovak factories to their 720. As a result, Hitler, at the expense of Czechoslovakia alone, was able to arm and equip 50 divisions. In addition, fascist Germany also received in addition the gold reserves (80 tons) of this country, as well as the people who meekly worked for the criminal Nazi regime throughout the years of the war. The factories of the famous Skoda company made a particularly large contribution to the production of guns, trucks, and tanks. Since the beginning of the war, German soldiers fought on Czech tanks in Poland, France, Greece, Yugoslavia, and then in the USSR...

Ribbentrop, Chamberlain and Hitler during negotiations in Munich, where the fate of Czechoslovakia was decided

Only from 1933 to 1939, during the six years that Hitler was in power, the number German army increased 40 times. Despite the Versailles agreements, the leaders of Great Britain and France stubbornly ignored this... And the strengthening of Germany’s military-technical potential after the rapid victories of the Wehrmacht in 1939–1940. The economies of France, Holland, Belgium, Norway also contributed... Even neutral Sweden and Switzerland supplied the German military industry with iron ore for steel production and precision instruments... Spain supplied a significant amount of oil and petroleum products... The industry of almost all of Europe worked for the war machine of Hitler, who 30 June 1941 stated that he viewed the war with the USSR as a joint European war against Russia.

After the war, W. Churchill wrote, for example, about Czechoslovakia: “It is indisputable that due to the fall of Czechoslovakia we lost forces equal to approximately 35 divisions. In addition, the Skoda factories fell into the hands of the enemy - the second most important arsenal in Central Europe, which in the period from August 1938 to September 1939 produced almost the same amount of products as all the British factories produced during the same time.

This arsenal, far from the only one in Europe, worked for Hitler’s army until the end of 1944. And how it worked! Every fifth tank delivered to the Wehrmacht troops in the first half of 1941 was manufactured at Skoda factories.

Czech enterprises, according to German ones - and one must think, accurate! - According to data, military production was constantly increasing. In 1944, for example, every month they shipped 300 thousand rifles, 3 thousand machine guns, 625 thousand artillery shells, 100 self-propelled artillery pieces to Germany. In addition, tanks, tank guns, Me-109 aircraft, aircraft engines, etc.

In Poland, 264 large, 9 thousand medium and 76 thousand small enterprises worked for Germany.

Denmark covered the needs of the German civilian population for butter by 10 percent, meat by 20 percent, and fresh fish by 90 percent. And, of course, Danish industry fulfilled all German orders.

France (41 million population), led by the collaborationist government of Laval, and French entrepreneurs willingly collaborated with the Germans and were their main supplier. By the beginning of the war with the USSR, 1.6 million people were employed in the French defense industry, which worked for the Wehrmacht. According to incomplete German data, until January 1944 they supplied Germany with about 4,000 aircraft, about 10 thousand aircraft engines, and 52 thousand trucks. The entire locomotive industry and 95 percent of the machine tool industry worked only for Germany.

Belgium and Holland supplied the Germans with coal, pig iron, iron, manganese, zinc, etc.

The most interesting thing is that all the occupied countries ruled by collaborators did not require payment in cash. They were promised to be paid after the victorious—for the Germans—end of the war. They all worked for Hitler for free.

In addition, these countries also helped Germany by taking on the costs of maintaining the German occupation forces. France, for example, since the summer of 1940 has allocated 20 million German marks daily, and since the autumn of 1942 - 25 million. These funds were enough not only to provide the German troops with everything they needed, but also to prepare and wage war against THE USSR. In total, European countries “donated” Germany more than 80 billion marks for these purposes (of which France - 35 billion).

What about the neutral countries - Sweden and Switzerland? And they worked for Germany. The Swedes supplied bearings, iron ore, steel, and rare earth elements. They actually fed the German military-industrial complex until the end of 1944. The rapid German offensive on Leningrad was connected, in particular, with the aim of “locking up” our navy and securing the supply of Swedish steel and ore. Significant supplies from Germany came through Swedish “neutral” ports. Latin America. Our military intelligence reported, for example, that from January to October 1942, more than 6 million tons of various cargo, mainly strategic raw materials, were imported into Germany through Swedish ports. Unlike the occupied countries, Sweden made good money from the war. How many? Such data have not yet been published. Swedes have something to be ashamed of. Just like the Swiss. The latter supplied precision instruments, and Swiss banks were used to pay for desperately needed purchases in Latin America.

It would be interesting to compare in detail what Germany received from the occupied, allied and neutral countries of Europe (and, as it turned out, mostly for free) with the amount of American assistance to the Soviet Union (we paid for it). It turns out that there is neither a general figure for European aid to Hitler, nor individual countries. Only fragmentary data. For the Germans, even judging by the Skoda alone, this help was extremely important. As for us, for example, the supply of American Studebakers after the Battle of Stalingrad, which made the Red Army mobile and maneuverable. But, I repeat, historians do not have complete data on assistance to Germany. And, judging by the available data, it was huge. The four-volume book “World Wars of the 20th Century” provides the following figures: after the capture of Europe from Germany, the industrial potential doubled, and the agricultural potential tripled.

Europe helped Hitler not only with its arsenals. A number of Catholic bishops were quick to call the invasion of the USSR a “European crusade.” 5 million soldiers burst into our territory in the summer of 1941. 900 thousand of them are not Germans, but their allies. In addition to Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, and Finland declared war on us. Spain and Denmark did not declare war, but sent their soldiers. The Bulgarians did not fight with us, but they advanced 12 divisions against the Yugoslav and Greek partisans and thereby gave the Germans the opportunity to transport part of their troops from the Balkans to the Eastern Front.

It was in the summer of 1941 that 900 thousand Europeans opposed us. In general, during the war this figure increased to 2 million people. Our captivity included Czechs (70 thousand), Poles (60 thousand), French (23 thousand) and then, in descending order, Belgians, Luxembourgers and... even neutral Swedes.

This special topic or a special conversation about why Europeans were so willing to help Hitler in the war against the USSR. Anti-communism undoubtedly played a significant role. But not the only one and, perhaps, not the main one. Perhaps we should return to this topic separately.

And finally, European countries helped Germany eliminate its constantly growing deficit due to the conscription of Germans into the army. work force. According to incomplete data, 875.9 thousand workers were delivered from France to German factories, from Belgium and Holland - half a million each, from Norway - 300 thousand, from Denmark - 70 thousand. This made it possible for Germany to mobilize almost a quarter of its population, and they, as soldiers, were head and shoulders above their allies in all respects - Italians, Romanians or Slovaks.

All this taken together ensured Germany's significant superiority at the initial stage of the war, and then gave it the opportunity to hold out until May 1945.

What about the Resistance movement? A number of Russian authors believe that its role and significance in the occupied industrial countries Western Europe is extremely bloated. To some extent this is understandable: it was important to emphasize in those years that we were not alone in the struggle. V. Kozhinov, for example, gives the following figures: in Yugoslavia, almost 300 thousand members of the Resistance died, in France, whose population was 2.5 times larger, - 20 thousand, and in the ranks German army About 50 thousand French died. Doesn't comparing these losses mean anything? Was it by chance that the Germans kept 10 divisions in Yugoslavia? Of course, the heroism of the French members of the Resistance is undeniable and its memory is sacred. But try to put on one side of the scale all the damage that they caused to the Nazis, and on the other - all that real help, which European countries obligingly provided to Germany. Which bowl will win?

No, the question must be posed more broadly, the historians answered. Take the first two weeks of the war in France and the USSR. Already on the fifth day of the war, real war, which began on May 10, 1940, and not what the Germans called “sedentary,” the Americans and British called “strange,” when there was simply no fighting, the new French Prime Minister Reyne called Churchill and said: “We have been defeated.” Churchill immediately flew to Paris, hoping to lift the spirits of the Allied government. But he didn't succeed. Did the French troops try to get out of the encirclement, did they have their own Brest Fortress, your Battle of Smolensk? Their heroic battles surrounded near Vyazma? Did the Parisians go out to dig anti-tank ditches? Did anyone call them to action? Did you propose a wrestling program? No, the leadership - both civilian and military - led France to become a collaborator and work for Germany throughout the war. The country has lost its honor. The majority of the French fled to the south and west; they did not want to fight, the main thing was to save their wallets. De Gaulle called to them from London, but only hundreds of people responded.

It is believed that on June 22, 1941, Germany attacked the Soviet Union. In fact, this is not entirely true; several countries started a war against the USSR, among them:

Romania - about 200 thousand soldiers,
Slovakia - 90 thousand soldiers,
Finland - about 450 thousand soldiers and officers,
Hungary - about 500 thousand people,
Italy - 200 thousand people,
Croatia as part of the security division

And these are only those countries that officially declared war on the Soviet Union. According to various sources, from one and a half to two and a half million volunteers who fought in Wehrmacht and Waffen SS units took part in this “crusade” against the USSR.

These were representatives of such countries as: Holland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, France, Switzerland, Spain, Luxembourg. As during the Patriotic War of 1812, essentially all of Europe took up arms against Russia.

The famous American historian George G. Stein in his book “Waffen SS” describes the national composition of these units:

Dutch - 50 thousand people, Belgians - 20 thousand people, French - 20 thousand people, Danes and Norwegians - 6 thousand people each, 1200 people each from Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and other European countries.

One of the best divisions of the Reich, the Viking, consisted of European SS volunteers. The name symbolized that its ranks included representatives from the Aryan peoples of Nordic blood.

So on March 10, 1942 Leningrad Front The Norwegian Legion was deployed and helped keep the city in the blockade ring until the spring of 1943. But due to heavy losses, most of the legionnaires refused to renew the contract, and were, by order of Himler, replaced by the Latvian SS Legion.

The blockade of Leningrad can generally be considered a pan-European enterprise. In addition to the Norwegians, the “Netherlands” legion and a Belgian battalion operated near Volkhov. Spanish volunteers from the Blue Division fought here, Finnish and Swedish troops besieged Leningrad from the north, and Italian sailors prepared for battle on Ladoga.

The German historian Müller-Hillebrandt, who was a major general of the Wehrmacht General Staff during the war, recalls that many Frenchmen who were refused entry into their armed forces by the Germans were greatly offended.

It all started with the fact that Heinrich Himmler had a conflict with the leadership of the Wehrmacht due to the fact that he tried to take the best for his SS units. The best in terms of physical fitness, health, and intellectual condition. He actually selected the guardsmen, and the Wehrmacht received, as his leadership believed, second class, so to speak.

After the army generals “complained” to Hitler, a limit was set for Himler to recruit Germans into guard units. But Himler quickly found a way out of the situation; he began to recruit representatives of the so-called Volksdeutsch, Germans living outside Germany, into his units. These could be Germans from Holland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, and from anywhere.

“I swear to you, Adolf Hitler, as leader, to be faithful and brave. I vow to obey you and the commander you appointed until death. And may God help me." This is a fragment of the oath of the European Waffen SS volunteers upon joining the service.

Unlike the oath that the Germans took, the text did not mention Hitler as Chancellor of the Reich; this is a kind of psychological trick that this is not service in the ranks of the German occupiers, but in pan-European SS units.

Among the Alpine riflemen there were also not only Germans, there were a total of twelve mountain rifle divisions, of which two were Austrian, one was Yugoslav German, one was Bosnian Muslim, another consisted of Albanians, and another included both Austrians and Norwegians. So we can assume that every second German mountain shooter born outside the borders of the Third Reich in 1937.

This a large number of volunteers from European countries captured by Hitler is explained by many reasons; it was fashionable at that time in Europe racial theory and the bright successes of the National Socialist ideology, and simply the desire to profit.

According to Himler's plans, the racially inferior peoples of the USSR were to be thrown back beyond the Urals, and their numbers were reduced several times. Aryans of Nordic blood were supposed to settle in the occupied territories of the eastern lands.

The Second World War is unique among all wars; never before in history have there been such cases of mass transfer of citizens of conquered countries to serve the occupiers. Almost the majority of the population voluntarily joined Hitler’s banners.

Not only armed formations of the European Waffen SS and foreign units of the Wehrmacht took part in the war against the USSR; the entire industry of Europe also worked for the war machine of the Third Reich. In the first years of the war, almost every second shell was cast from Swedish ore.

In the summer of 1941, every fourth tank in the German army was Czech or French. Germany won its first victories largely thanks to Scandinavian iron and Swiss optics for sights.

Few people know that the most powerful Wehrmacht tank during the attack on the USSR was the French B2. Half of the super-heavy guns that shelled Leningrad and Sevastopol were produced in France and the Czech Republic.

In 1938, in Munich, representatives of England and France treacherously gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler. If not for this conspiracy, Germany would economic reasons perhaps it would not have been able to start a full-scale war.

Czech defense industry was at that time one of the largest in Europe. From its factories, the Reich received more than one and a half million rifles and pistols, about 4 thousand guns and mortars, over 6,600 tanks and self-propelled guns.

The supply of raw materials was of particular importance for Germany. American oil companies, through their branches in Latin American countries, donated tens of millions of dollars worth of gasoline to Hitler. Rockefeller's Standard Oil company supplied the Third Reich with fuel, lubricants and fuel worth $20 million.

Henry Ford, a big admirer of Hitler, had branches of his enterprises in Germany, which until the very end of the war supplied the Germans with very good trucks, about 40 thousand in total. For America, war has become good business.

It is worth noting that in the occupied territory of the USSR, the Germans were able to launch only two hundred out of 32 thousand enterprises. They produced three times less production than a country like Poland.

“If we see that Germany is winning, we must help Russia. And if Russia gains the upper hand, we must help Germany. And let them kill each other as much as possible in this way. All this is for the benefit of America." This statement was made by the future US President on June 24, 1941 Harry Truman, American newspaper New York Times.

In 2000, Nestle, in connection with its use at one time slave labor paid more than $14.5 million to the fund to settle the claims of victims of its actions, Holocaust survivors, and Jewish organizations. The company admitted that in 1947 it acquired a company that used forced labor during the war years, and also stated: “there is no doubt or it can be assumed that some corporations from the Nestle group operating in countries controlled by the National Socialist (Nazi) regime, exploited forced laborers.” Nestle provided monetary assistance to the Nazi Party in Switzerland in 1939, winning a lucrative contract to supply chocolate to the entire German army during World War II.


Allianz is considered the twelfth largest financial services company in the world. It is not surprising that, having been founded in 1890 in Germany, it was the largest insurer there when the Nazis came to power. As such, she quickly found herself involved in dealings with the Nazi regime. Its director, Kurt Schmitt, was also Hitler's Minister of Economics, and the company provided insurance for Auschwitz facilities and personnel. Her CEO is responsible for the practice of paying insurance compensation for Jewish property destroyed as a result of Kristallnacht to the Nazi state instead of the entitled beneficiaries. In addition, the company worked closely with Nazi state in tracking the life insurance policies of German Jews sent to death camps, and during the war, insured for the Nazis property taken from the same Jewish population.


Although Bayer is notorious for having its start as a division of the manufacturer of the Zyklon B gas used by the Nazis in gas chambers, it's not the only pharmaceutical company with skeletons in its closet. The Swiss chemical companies Ciba and Sandoz, as a result of a merger, formed Novartis, which became famous primarily for its drug Ritalin (a notorious psychostimulant widely used in the United States to treat childhood hyperactivity; approx. mixednews). In 1933, the Berlin branch of Ciba terminated all Jewish members of its board of directors and replaced them with more "acceptable" Aryan cadres; Meanwhile, Sandoz was engaged in similar activities regarding its chairman. During the war, companies produced dyes, medicines and chemicals for the Nazis. Novartis openly admitted its guilt and tried to make amends for it in a way typical of other accomplice companies - by donating $15 million to the Swiss compensation fund for victims of Nazism.

BMW admitted to using 30,000 forced unskilled workers during the war. These prisoners of war, forced laborers and concentration camp prisoners produced engines for the Luftwaffe and were thus forced to help the regime defend itself from those who were trying to save them. During wartime, BMW concentrated exclusively on the production of airplanes and motorcycles, with no claim to anything other than being a supplier of military vehicles to the Nazis.


Reemtsma was founded in 1910 in Erfurt, Germany. In 1918, production was automated. In 1923 production was moved to Altona, now part of the city of Hamburg.

During Hitler's time, despite the official anti-tobacco policy of the NSDAP, the company flourished. In 1937, the company owned 60% of the country's cigarette market. In 1939, Philipp F. Reemtsma was appointed head of the Fachuntergruppe Zigarettenindustrie (the cigarette production department of the Wehrwirtschaftsführer - an association of companies that worked for the front).

In 1948, the company's activities were resumed, and in 1980 the Tchibo coffee company became the owner of the majority of shares, which sold its share in 2002 to Imperial Tobacco. It is noteworthy that now the Reemtsma company has representative offices in Kyiv and Volgograd, near where the Battle of Stalingrad took place.

The history of the Nivea brand dates back to 1890, when a businessman named Oskar Troplowitz bought the Beiersdorf company from its founder.

In the 1930s, the brand positioned itself as a product for active life and sports. The main products were protective creams and shaving products. During World War II, Allie Hayes Knapp, who became First Lady under Theodore Hayes, was in charge of the advertising side of the brand. According to her, in her advertising campaigns she tried to avoid the militaristic component, focusing on depicting an active life in peaceful circumstances. However, the sporty, smiling girls from Nivea posters could inspire the Wehrmacht fighters no less, or even better, than Hitler’s mustachioed face from NSDAP posters.

It is noteworthy that during the war, several countries at war with Germany appropriated the rights to the trademark. The process of purchasing the rights by Beiersdorf was completed only in 1997.

The Maggi company was founded in 1872 in Switzerland by Julius Maggi. The entrepreneur was the first to appear on the market with ready-made soups. In 1897, Julius Maggi founded Maggi GmbH in the German city of Singen, where it is still based today. The Nazis' rise to power had almost no effect on business. In the 1930s, the company became a supplier of semi-finished products to German troops.

Considering that no one from the organization’s management was seen to be particularly active political life, the brand has preserved itself and continues to delight. This time also for residents of the ex-USSR.

But what about our neutrals?

“...In the very first days of the war, a German division was sent through the territory of Sweden to operate in Northern Finland. However, the Prime Minister of Sweden, Social Democrat P. A. Hansson, immediately promised the Swedish people that not a single German division would be allowed through Swedish territory and that the country would in no way enter into a war against the USSR. Sweden took upon itself to represent the interests of the USSR in Germany, and yet the transit of German military materials to Finland began through Sweden; German transport ships transported troops there, taking refuge in Swedish territorial waters, and until the winter of 1942/43 they were accompanied by a convoy of Swedish naval forces. The Nazis achieved the supply of Swedish goods on credit and their transportation mainly on Swedish ships ... "

“...It was Swedish iron ore that was the best raw material for Hitler. After all, this ore contained 60 percent pure iron, while the ore received by the German military machine from other places contained only 30 percent iron. It is clear that production military equipment made of metal smelted from Swedish ore, it cost the treasury of the Third Reich much less.

In 1939, the same year when Hitler's Germany unleashed the Second world war, it was supplied with 10.6 million tons of Swedish ore. Wow! After April 9, that is, when Germany had already conquered Denmark and Norway, ore supplies increased significantly. In 1941 by sea 45 thousand tons of Swedish ore were supplied daily for the needs of the German military industry. Little by little, Sweden's trade with Nazi Germany increased and eventually accounted for 90 percent of all Swedish foreign trade. From 1940 to 1944, the Swedes sold more than 45 million tons of iron ore to the Nazis.

The Swedish port of Luleå was specially converted to supply iron ore to Germany through the Baltic waters. (And only Soviet submarines after June 22, 1941, at times caused great inconvenience to the Swedes by torpedoing Swedish transports, in the holds of which this ore was transported). Supplies of ore to Germany continued almost until the moment when the Third Reich had already begun, figuratively speaking, to give up the ghost. Suffice it to say that back in 1944, when the outcome of the Second World War was no longer in doubt, the Germans received 7.5 million tons of iron ore from Sweden. Until August 1944, Sweden received Nazi gold through Swiss banks.

In other words, wrote Norschensflamman, “Swedish iron ore ensured the Germans’ success in the war. And this was a bitter fact for all Swedish anti-fascists.”

However, Swedish iron ore came to the Germans not only in the form of raw materials.

The world-famous SKF concern, which produced the best ball bearings on the planet, supplied these, not so, at first glance, tricky technical mechanisms to Germany. Fully ten percent of the ball bearings received by Germany came from Sweden, according to Norschensflamman. Anyone, even someone completely inexperienced in military affairs, understands what ball bearings mean for the production of military equipment. But without them, not a single tank will move, not a single submarine will go to sea! Note that Sweden, as Norschensflamman noted, produced bearings of “special quality and technical characteristics” that Germany could not obtain anywhere else. Importing bearings from Sweden became especially important for Germany when the VKF bearing plant in Schweinfurt was destroyed in 1943. In 1945, economist and economic advisor Per Jakobsson provided information that helped disrupt the supply of Swedish bearings to Japan.

Let's think: how many lives were cut short because formally neutral Sweden provided Nazi Germany with strategic and military products, without which the flywheel of the Nazi military mechanism would, of course, continue to spin up, but certainly not at such a high speed as it was?

In the autumn of 1941, that same cruel autumn, when the existence of the entire Soviet state was at stake (and therefore, as a consequence, the fate of the peoples inhabiting it), King Gustav V Adolf of Sweden sent a letter to Hitler in which he wished “dear Reich Chancellor further success in the fight against Bolshevism..."

Sweden received even more military orders after the outbreak of World War II. And mostly these were orders for Hitler's Germany. Neutral Sweden became one of the main economic pillars of the national Reich. Suffice it to say that in 1943 alone, of the 10.8 million tons of iron ore mined, 10.3 million tons of iron ore were sent to Germany from Sweden. Until now, few people know that one of the main tasks of Navy ships Soviet Union, who fought in the Baltic, was not only the fight against fascist ships, but also the destruction of ships of neutral Sweden transporting cargo for the Nazis.

Well, how did the Nazis and the Swedes pay for the goods they received from them? Only by what they looted in the territories they occupied and most of all in the Soviet occupied territories. The Germans had almost no other resources for settlements with Sweden. So, when they once again tell you about “Swedish happiness,” remember who paid for it for the Swedes and at whose expense.

The war in Europe was more about political influence and control of territories, the war was on eastern front, was a war of destruction and survival, these are absolutely two different wars, they just took place at the same time.

Civilized Europe always diligently erases from the history of the Second World War these shameful facts of its collaboration with the bloodiest and most inhumane regime of the twentieth century, and this is the truth about the war that needs to be known and remembered.

English publicist of the 19th century T. J. Dunning:

Capital... avoids noise and abuse and is distinguished by a fearful nature. This is true, but it is not the whole truth. Capital fears no profit or too little profit, just as nature fears emptiness. But once there is sufficient profit available, capital becomes bold. Provide 10 percent, and capital agrees to any use, at 20 percent it becomes animated, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it tramples on everything human laws, with 300 percent there is no crime that he would not risk, at least under pain of the gallows. If noise and abuse bring profit, capital will contribute to both. Evidence: Smuggling and Slave Trade




And I’ll also remind you, The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

In total, according to statistical data from the Eastern Troops Directorate, as of February 2, 1943 total number Soviet citizens in German military service amounted to 750 thousand, of which “Hiwi” - from 400 to 600 thousand, excluding the SS, Luftwaffe and Navy. Hivi (German Hilfswilliger, willing to help; Ost-Hilfswilligen, eastern volunteer helpers) - the so-called voluntary assistants of the Wehrmacht, recruited (including forcibly mobilized) from the local population in the occupied territories of the USSR and Soviet prisoners of war. As of February 1945, the number of Hiwis reached 600 thousand people in the Wehrmacht, up to 60 thousand in the Luftwaffe and 15 thousand in the navy.

It is believed that on June 22, 1941, Germany attacked the Soviet Union. In fact, this is not entirely true; several countries started a war against the USSR, among them:
Romania - about 200 thousand soldiers,
Slovakia - 90 thousand soldiers,
Finland - about 450 thousand soldiers and officers,
Hungary - about 500 thousand people,
Italy - 200 thousand people,
Croatia as part of the security division

And these are only those countries that officially declared war on the Soviet Union. According to various sources, from one and a half to two and a half million volunteers who fought in Wehrmacht and Waffen SS units took part in this “crusade” against the USSR.

These were representatives of such countries as: Holland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, France, Switzerland, Spain, Luxembourg. As during the Patriotic War of 1812, essentially all of Europe took up arms against Russia.

The famous American historian George G. Stein in his book “Waffen SS” describes the national composition of these units:
Dutch - 50 thousand people, Belgians - 20 thousand people, French - 20 thousand people, Danes and Norwegians - 6 thousand people each, 1200 people each from Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and other European countries.

One of the best divisions of the Reich, the Viking, consisted of European SS volunteers. The name symbolized that its ranks included representatives from the Aryan peoples of Nordic blood.

So on March 10, 1942, the Norwegian Legion was transferred to the Leningrad Front, it helped keep the city in the blockade ring until the spring of 1943. But due to heavy losses, most of the legionnaires refused to renew their contract, and were, by order of Himmler, replaced by the Latvian SS Legion.

The blockade of Leningrad can generally be considered a pan-European enterprise. In addition to the Norwegians, the “Netherlands” legion and a Belgian battalion operated near Volkhov. Spanish volunteers from the Blue Division fought here, Finnish and Swedish troops besieged Leningrad from the north, and Italian sailors prepared for battle on Ladoga.

The German historian Müller-Hillebrandt, who was a major general of the Wehrmacht General Staff during the war, recalls that many Frenchmen who were refused entry into their armed forces by the Germans were greatly offended.

It all started with the fact that Heinrich Himmler had a conflict with the leadership of the Wehrmacht due to the fact that he tried to take the best for his SS units. The best in terms of physical fitness, health, and intellectual condition. He actually selected the guardsmen, and the Wehrmacht received, as his leadership believed, second class, so to speak.

After army generals “complained” to Hitler, Himmler was given a limit on the conscription of Germans into guard units. But Himmler quickly found a way out of the situation; he began to recruit representatives of the so-called Volksdeutsch, Germans living outside Germany, into his units. These could be Germans from Holland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, and from anywhere.

“I swear to you, Adolf Hitler, as leader, to be faithful and brave. I vow to obey you and the commander you appointed until death. And may God help me." This is a fragment of the oath of the European Waffen SS volunteers upon joining the service.

Unlike the oath that the Germans took, the text did not mention Hitler as Chancellor of the Reich; this is a kind of psychological trick that this is not service in the ranks of the German occupiers, but in pan-European SS units.

Among the Alpine riflemen there were also not only Germans, there were a total of twelve mountain rifle divisions, of which two were Austrian, one was Yugoslav German, one was Bosnian Muslim, another consisted of Albanians, and another included both Austrians and Norwegians. So we can assume that every second German mountain shooter was born outside the borders of the Third Reich in 1937.

Such a large number of volunteers from European countries captured by Hitler is explained by many reasons, this is the racial theory fashionable in Europe at that time and the striking successes of the National Socialist ideology, and simply the desire to profit.

According to Himmler's plans, the racially inferior peoples of the USSR were to be thrown back beyond the Urals, and their numbers were reduced several times. Aryans of Nordic blood were supposed to settle in the occupied territories of the eastern lands.

The Second World War is unique among all wars; never before in history have there been such cases of mass transfer of citizens of conquered countries to serve the occupiers. Almost the majority of the population voluntarily joined Hitler’s banners.

Not only armed formations of the European Waffen SS and foreign units of the Wehrmacht took part in the war against the USSR; the entire industry of Europe also worked for the war machine of the Third Reich. In the first years of the war, almost every second shell was cast from Swedish ore.

In the summer of 1941, every fourth tank in the German army was Czech or French. Germany won its first victories largely thanks to Scandinavian iron and Swiss optics for sights.

Few people know that the most powerful Wehrmacht tank during the attack on the USSR was the French B2. Half of the super-heavy guns that shelled Leningrad and Sevastopol were produced in France and the Czech Republic.

In 1938, in Munich, representatives of England and France treacherously gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler. If not for this conspiracy, Germany, for economic reasons, might not have been able to start a full-scale war.

The Czech defense industry was at that time one of the largest in Europe. From its factories, the Reich received more than one and a half million rifles and pistols, about 4 thousand guns and mortars, over 6,600 tanks and self-propelled guns.

The supply of raw materials was of particular importance for Germany. American oil companies, through their branches in Latin American countries, donated tens of millions of dollars worth of gasoline to Hitler. Rockefeller's Standard Oil company supplied the Third Reich with fuel, lubricants and fuel worth $20 million.

Henry Ford, a big admirer of Hitler, had branches of his enterprises in Germany, which until the very end of the war supplied the Germans with very good trucks, about 40 thousand in total. For America, war has become good business.

It is worth noting that in the occupied territory of the USSR, the Germans were able to launch only two hundred out of 32 thousand enterprises. They produced three times less production than a country like Poland.

“If we see that Germany is winning, we must help Russia. And if Russia gains the upper hand, we must help Germany. And let them kill each other as much as possible in this way. It's all for the good of America." This statement was made by future US President Harry Truman on June 24, 1941, to the American newspaper The New York Times.

Neutral countries in the service of the Nazis

“...In the very first days of the war, a German division was sent through the territory of Sweden to operate in Northern Finland. However, the Prime Minister of Sweden, Social Democrat P. A. Hansson, immediately promised the Swedish people that not a single German division would be allowed through Swedish territory and that the country would in no way enter into a war against the USSR. Sweden took upon itself to represent the interests of the USSR in Germany, and yet the transit of German military materials to Finland began through Sweden; German transport ships transported troops there, taking refuge in Swedish territorial waters, and until the winter of 1942/43 they were accompanied by a convoy of Swedish naval forces. The Nazis achieved the supply of Swedish goods on credit and their transportation mainly on Swedish ships ... "

“...It was Swedish iron ore that was the best raw material for Hitler. After all, this ore contained 60 percent pure iron, while the ore received by the German military machine from other places contained only 30 percent iron. It is clear that the production of military equipment from metal smelted from Swedish ore was much cheaper for the treasury of the Third Reich.

In 1939, the same year when Nazi Germany unleashed World War II, it was supplied with 10.6 million tons of Swedish ore. Wow! After April 9, that is, when Germany had already conquered Denmark and Norway, ore supplies increased significantly. In 1941, 45 thousand tons of Swedish ore were supplied daily by sea for the needs of the German military industry. Little by little, Sweden's trade with Nazi Germany increased and eventually accounted for 90 percent of all Swedish foreign trade. From 1940 to 1944, the Swedes sold more than 45 million tons of iron ore to the Nazis.

The Swedish port of Luleå was specially converted to supply iron ore to Germany through the Baltic waters. (And only Soviet submarines after June 22, 1941, at times caused great inconvenience to the Swedes, torpedoing Swedish transports in whose holds this ore was transported). Supplies of ore to Germany continued almost until the moment when the Third Reich had already begun, figuratively speaking, to give up the ghost. Suffice it to say that back in 1944, when the outcome of the Second World War was no longer in doubt, the Germans received 7.5 million tons of iron ore from Sweden. Until August 1944, Sweden received Nazi gold through Swiss banks.

In other words, wrote Norschensflamman, “Swedish iron ore ensured the Germans’ success in the war. And this was a bitter fact for all Swedish anti-fascists.” However, Swedish iron ore came to the Germans not only in the form of raw materials.

The world-famous SKF concern, which produced the best ball bearings on the planet, supplied these, not so, at first glance, tricky technical mechanisms to Germany. Fully ten percent of the ball bearings received by Germany came from Sweden, according to Norschensflamman. Anyone, even someone completely inexperienced in military affairs, understands what ball bearings mean for the production of military equipment. But without them, not a single tank will move, not a single submarine will go to sea!

Note that Sweden, as Norschensflamman noted, produced bearings of “special quality and technical characteristics” that Germany could not obtain anywhere else. Importing bearings from Sweden became especially important for Germany when the VKF bearing plant in Schweinfurt was destroyed in 1943. In 1945, economist and economic advisor Per Jakobsson provided information that helped disrupt the supply of Swedish bearings to Japan.

Let's think: how many lives were cut short because formally neutral Sweden provided Nazi Germany with strategic and military products, without which the flywheel of the Nazi military mechanism would, of course, continue to spin up, but certainly not at such a high speed as it was?

In the autumn of 1941, that same cruel autumn, when the existence of the entire Soviet state was at stake (and therefore, as a consequence, the fate of the peoples inhabiting it), King Gustav V Adolf of Sweden sent a letter to Hitler in which he wished “dear Reich Chancellor further success in the fight against Bolshevism..."

Sweden received even more military orders after the outbreak of World War II. And mostly these were orders for Nazi Germany. Neutral Sweden became one of the main economic pillars of the national Reich. Suffice it to say that in 1943 alone, of the 10.8 million tons of iron ore mined, 10.3 million tons were sent to Germany from Sweden.

Until now, few people know that one of the main tasks of the ships of the Soviet Navy that fought in the Baltic was not only the fight against fascist ships, but also the destruction of ships of neutral Sweden carrying cargo for the Nazis.

Well, how did the Nazis and the Swedes pay for the goods they received from them?

Only by what they looted in the territories they occupied and most of all in the Soviet occupied territories. The Germans had almost no other resources for settlements with Sweden. So, when they once again tell you about “Swedish happiness,” remember who paid for it for the Swedes and at whose expense.

The war in Europe was more about political influence and control of territories, the war on the eastern front was a war of destruction and survival, these are completely two different wars, they just took place at the same time.

Civilized Europe always diligently erases from the history of the Second World War these shameful facts of its collaboration with the bloodiest and most inhumane regime of the twentieth century, and this is the truth about the war that needs to be known and remembered.

English publicist of the 19th century T. J. Dunning: “Capital avoids noise and abuse and is distinguished by a fearful nature. This is true, but it is not the whole truth. Capital fears no profit or too little profit, just as nature fears emptiness. But once there is sufficient profit available, capital becomes bold. Provide 10 percent, and capital agrees to any use, at 20 percent it becomes animated, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it violates all human laws, at 300 percent there is no crime that it would not risk, at least on pain of the gallows. If noise and abuse bring profit, capital will contribute to both. Proof: smuggling and slave trade."

After the war, Germany lay in ruins. Industry was destroyed, food was issued on ration cards. But in 1948 a “miracle” happened. Factories began to open, goods appeared on the shelves, and the German mark became the most desirable currency in the world.

Marshall Plan

First post-war years in Germany they were called "zero". As the “father” of the German miracle, Ludwig Erhard, later wrote: “That was the time when we in Germany were engaged in calculations, according to which there were one plate per capita every five years, a pair of shoes every twelve years, every fifty years - one suit at a time.” [С-BLOCK]

The first step towards Germany's exit from this crisis was the well-known “Marshall Plan”.

In addition to preparing the ground for subsequent cold war, he was faced with clear economic tasks. Western Europe has always been the most important market for American capitalism. Back in the days of " Great Depression"The United States was able to get out of the crisis by conquering the European sales market. [С-BLOCK]

The “mechanism” is simple - the greater the demand in Europe, the more offer from the USA, the more jobs there are, the higher the purchasing power of American citizens.

IN post-war period Europe needed American goods more than ever. There was only one problem: there was nothing to buy them with, national currencies were depreciating. Therefore, in 1947, the United States found itself at a crossroads - either to abandon promising markets and slow down the growth of its own economy, or to provide material support to post-war Europe and receive not only " regular customer and client,” but also an ally. The USA bet on the latter and were right.

In accordance with the Marshall Plan, Germany was provided with total$3.12 billion in loans, equipment and technology. And although the “plan” was not the main thing acting force post-war reconstruction Germany, he allowed what would later be called the “German miracle” to take place. Within a few years, production of both agricultural and industrial products will exceed pre-war levels.

"Prosperity for all"

The main creator of the “new Germany” was not the American Secretary of State, but the first Minister of Economics of the Federal Republic of Germany, later Federal Chancellor, Ludwig Erhard. Erhard’s main concept was contained in the postulate that the economy is not a soulless mechanism, it rests on living people with their desires, aspirations and needs. [C-BLOCK]

Thus, free enterprise was to be the foundation for Germany's economic revival. Erhard wrote: “I see the ideal situation where a common person can say: I have enough strength to stand up for myself, I want to be responsible for my own destiny. You, state, do not worry about my affairs, but give me so much freedom and leave me so much from the result of my work that I can, on my own and at my own discretion, provide for the existence of myself and my family.”[С-BLOCK]

In Erhard’s policy, the state was assigned the role of a “night guard” who “protected” entrepreneurial activity from monopoly, external competition, high taxes and other factors that stood in the way of the liberal market.

Introduction of free market economy in post-war Germany there was no simple solution. It was exclusively Erhard’s initiative, an “anti-law” that contradicted the policies of the occupation authorities and nullified all previous attempts to pull Germany out of the crisis through a planned economy and state regulation.[С-BLOCK]

And it worked. Some time later, two Frenchmen Jacques Rueff and Andre Pietre, who were in Germany at that time, wrote: “Only eyewitnesses can tell about the immediate effect that the currency reform had on the filling of warehouses and the wealth of storefronts. From day to day, stores began to be filled with goods and factories began to resume work. The day before, hopelessness was written on the faces of the Germans, the next day the whole nation looked to the future with hope.”

New brand

But for free enterprise another important condition was necessary - currency stability. In the post-war period, the Reichsmark was valued no more than the “Kerenki” had once been in the RSFSR.[С-BLOCK]

On June 21, 1948, a monetary reform was carried out aimed at confiscating worthless money and creating a hard currency. This is how the Deutschmark appeared, which later became famous as one of the most stable currencies of the 20th century. [С-BLOCK]

The monetary reform was prepared in the strictest secrecy. Firstly, in order not to provoke intervention by the USSR, and secondly, in order to avoid a panicky disposal of the old Reichsmarks.

But on the eve of the reform, rumors still leaked to the masses, causing real “shopping hysteria” - the Germans tried to buy everything that money could still buy. As a result, prices on the black market have jumped to astronomical heights.[С-BLOCK]

The exchange rate of the old currency for the new was purely confiscatory in nature. Firstly, for 10 old marks they gave one new one, with the same paying ability. Secondly, every adult could exchange only 400 Reichsmarks for 40 Deutschmarks at a time on June 21, and then another 200 Reichsmarks for a new 20 within a few days. Upon expiration, all remaining Reichsmarks were either partially retained in banks or devalued.[C-BLOCK]

Through such tough measures, Erhard managed to ensure a stable exchange rate for the new currency, as well as achieve an even distribution of funds between different segments of the population, while before that most of the country's currency was concentrated in the hands of a small but very rich group of people. Now a broad and stable middle class was being formed.[С-BLOCK]

In the 50s, the German mark became one of the most reliable currencies in the world, in which residents of many countries kept their savings. Even when DM devalued in 1977 to almost half its value in the 1950s, its purchasing power remained one of the best in the world.

Freedom to prices!

Literally a few days after the monetary reform, prices were “set free.” From now on, pricing policy was based on the principle of liberalization, with the only caveat that the state retained the right to partial control over them. So he compiled a list of “appropriate prices” for some consumer products, and also adopted a ban on arbitrary price increases in order to avoid the greed of entrepreneurs. [С-BLOCK]

It was followed by antitrust decrees, according to which the market share of one company could not exceed 33%, two or three - 50%, and four or five - no more than 65%.

Tax breaks were introduced, which discouraged companies from “shadow business.” In general, numbers speak louder than words. By 1950, Germany had reached the pre-war level of production, and by 1962 it exceeded it three times. [С-BLOCK]

Once, after the restoration of the German economy and its entry into the first positions in the world market, Erhard was asked what the key to successful economic development was. To this he replied: “the resourcefulness of entrepreneurs, the discipline and hard work of workers and the skillful policies of the government.”

On the same topic:

"Marshall Plan": who helped Germany recover after the war

Lend-Lease for Nazi Germany

During the war, some American companies supplied fuel and weapons to both their army and the Nazis.

On October 1, 1941, the first Lend-Lease protocol was signed between the USA and the USSR, which received assistance from America in tanks, aircraft, fuel, food and other materials. However, American companies generously supplied all this to their own enemies - Germany. Business – and nothing personal.

American components for VAU

Some American companies, indeed, supplied fuel and weapons to both the Nazis and their own warring army. It would seem, why also supply the fascists with everything they need? In fact, this demarche can be explained quite simply: Germany paid much more.

In addition, not a single German shell fell on American territory. But if this shell is intended for someone else, even for an ally, England, it’s okay - this is not the USA.

Apparently, this is what the corporation decided International Telephone and Telegraph(ITT) and arranged the supply of components and even entire ready-made components for missiles “ Fau" And, as you know, the Germans bombed London with them. Such cynicism and greed cannot but amaze.

What can't be bought for a lot of money can be bought for a lot of money. Politicians were also bought, turning a blind eye, in particular, to the large contract of the same ITT with the Nazi government at a time when America was already at war with it.

According to the contract, ITT faithfully supplied Germany with special communications equipment, high-frequency equipment, selenium rectifiers, fuses for artillery shells (30,000 every month), radar equipment, telephones, switches and much, much more.

It is known that the automobile tycoon Henry Ford sympathized Hitler and even before the Second World War, he invested a huge fortune in the economy of Nazi Germany. And already in 1940, its factories began mass production of five-ton trucks for the Nazis.

Ford V 3000S-SSM Maultier

The Ford plant in Europe also operated at all its capacities, supplying the Nazis with cars for various purposes, tires, aircraft engines, auto parts and much more. At the same time, the production of engines for cars for the British was abbreviated. And the production of aircraft engines for the English Spitfires and Hurricanes stopped altogether.

The German Ambassador to the USA rewards Henry Ford for helping the Nazis!

IBM computers for concentration camps

No less “moral” people headed the company IBM, which supplied calculating machines, spare parts for them and special paper for... concentration camps. Apparently, in order to replenish the contingent of death camps, the Americans increased the supply of machines that helped the Nazis quickly count the population of those countries where the Wehrmacht had already set foot, and identify those subject to arrest.

This was done by cross-sectional and comparative analysis - the method made it possible to identify Jews who had been hiding their nationality for more than one generation. After the war, IBMers spent a long time fighting off Holocaust victims in the courts demanding compensation. However, there was something to pay: during the war, the company’s capital tripled.

The monstrosity of the situation lies in the fact that this capital was the profit received after “investing” in this “concentration camp” business. After all, it was with gold extracted from crowns, cigarette cases, watches and other things taken from prisoners that the Nazis paid American suppliers - and the total amount of such “loot” amounted to almost 400 million dollars in gold.

And the Germans paid generously. For example, the company Standard Oil", which supplied Germany with millions of barrels of oil. In general, a refueling base for German submarines was set up on the Canary Islands. In addition, this corporation owned a patent for tetraethyl, which was part of the fuel for aircraft. And paying, say, the British Air Force patent royalties for it actually meant refueling German planes that bombed the capital of Foggy Albion.

Moreover, “ Standard Oil", which supplied the Nazis with large quantities oil than the native army, in 1942 it generally made a sharp reduction in methanol supplies to the United States. A scandal broke out. After all, we were talking about components such as acetic acid (explosives are made from it), fuels and lubricants, synthetic rubber, etc.

In the midst of war Rockefellers, who owned the company, supplied the Nazis, through front companies, with a gigantic batch of cotton (10,000 tons), from which gunpowder is produced. And also 25,000 tons of explosives. But all this was so lacking both in America itself and in the Red Army, which was suffocating without Lend-Lease help.

While shaving with a Gillette machine, drinking Coca-Cola, or enjoying cartoons from Warner Bros., remember that you owe all this, among other things, to Hitler, who generously paid the Americans for his support...

60th Prime Minister of Great Britain 1937-1940 Arthur Neville Chamberlain in Munich

Hands clasped in friendship, Adolf Hitler and England’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, are shown in this historic pose at Munich on Sept. 30, 1938. This was the day when the premier of France and England signed the Munich agreement, sealing the fate of Czechoslovakia. Next to Chamberlain is Sir Neville Henderson, British Ambassador to Germany. Paul Schmidt, an interpreter, stands next to Hitler. (AP Photo)

What do we think about when we go up the escalators? Otis"or using checks" American Express"? It’s easier to talk about what we are not thinking about at this moment. Don’t we think about the fact that these American companies invested gigantic amounts in... Nazi Germany.

However, their contribution compared to other American companies looks simply ridiculous. Tens of millions of dollars - these are the amounts that companies pumped into the Reich Rockefellers, Rothschilds And Du Ponts. We'll talk about them today.
The story about the very interesting relations of American companies with the National Socialist regime should perhaps begin with Bank for International Settlements– currently the European subsidiary body of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The BIS was founded in 1930 by the Central Banks England, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, three private banks USA and private banks Japan.

During the fighting in Europe, the Bank for International Settlements accumulated and transferred to the Reichsbank most gold reserves of countries occupied by Germany - the financial representatives of these powers could not comprehend that the Germans and the allies could be at the same time, so they naively tried to transfer their capital to Western banks through the BIS. In addition, since 1942 in Reichsbank valuables requisitioned from Jews began to be deposited. Gold items - monocles, spectacle frames, watches, cigarette cases and crowns, obtained by the Gestapo, were melted down into 20 kilogram bars and sent to the BIS. In total, gold worth a total of 378 million dollars was obtained in this way.

Now let's move on to those who regularly transferred and received money through BIS. The company rightfully holds the palm in this matter “ Standard Oil of New Jersey"(Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey), which can now be found at gas stations Esso(trademark ExxonMobil, into which Standard Oil Co. was renamed. of New Jersey). This company put so much effort into supporting Hitler that at times one could get confused as to who they were actually working for. Rockefellers who owned this company.

One of the most interesting moments cooperation is associated with a patent for tetraethyl(a component of aviation fuel), which was owned by Standard Oil. Tsimes is that the Royal Air Force, making patent payments to a British company " Ethyl", actually refueled the Luftwaffe planes bombing London - "Ethyl" immediately deposited the money in the banks of the Hitler concern " I.G. Farben", which also produced aviation fuel.

However, the main part of Standard Oil's collaboration with the Nazis was the sale of oil. The company's tankers, flying a neutral Panamanian flag (bypassing the British blockade), carried hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil to Spanish Canary Islands, where it was pumped into German tankers heading to Hamburg. Moreover, part of the oil was processed here at a plant built with money from Standard Oil, and the fuel was poured right on the spot into German submarines that went hunting in the Atlantic.

Such a fuel flow looked especially strange to Hitler against the backdrop of the fuel crisis of the American armed forces - at a time when the US General Staff was seriously considering the prospects of moving infantrymen on roller skates to save fuel, Standard Oil pumped more oil to Germany than it delivered to the US Army.!

Fighter for the Fuhrer

If Standard Oil is the leader among American companies in terms of quantity and cost of supplies, then the company Ford" took its toll with targeted attacks on the Allied economies. So, in 1940, it stopped producing aircraft engines for the British " Hurricanes" And " Spitfires» - the freed factory capacity was transferred to the production of 5-ton trucks for the German armed forces. To please German interests, supplies of car engines to the UK were also reduced, and tires went mainly only to the Reich - despite the fact that the American army was in dire need of them.

« General Motors", which in Germany belonged to " Opel", also worked hard for the Fuhrer. It is curious that 50% of bomber power units " Junkers-88"was produced precisely at the Opel factories, and in 1943 the German branch of General Motors developed and produced engines for" Messerschmitt-262" - the first jet fighter of the Luftwaffe.

Junkers 52 with American engines helps the Wehrmacht bomb Soviet cities!

The concern did some interesting things during the war SCF is the world's largest manufacturer of ball bearings. At a time when huge quantities of bearings (more than 600,000 pieces annually) were received by Nazi customers through South America , « Curtis-Wright Aviation Corporation, which produced engines for the American Air Force, for a long time I didn’t receive the coveted steel balls at all. " Pratt-Whitney", which also produced aircraft engines, was also forced to reduce production due to disruptions in deliveries from SKF.

It is curious that when on October 14, 1943, the commander of the US Army Aviation, General Henry Arnold gave the order to carry out an air raid on the SKF ball bearing plant in Germany Schweinfurt, the enemy somehow found out about the operation and managed to prepare a defense, eventually shooting down 60 American aircraft. On October 19, Arnold bluntly told the London News Chronicle: “They would not have been able to organize a defense if they had not been warned in advance.”

The activities during the Second World War and the American campaign were very interesting ITT(“International Telephone and Telegraph”), whose products today almost each of you can find in your home. It is especially interesting that the directors of ITT were Walter Schellenberg(chief of the political intelligence service of the Reich) and SS Brigadefuehrer Kurt von Schröder, who was also a member of the board of directors BIS.

In 1938 American company acquired 28% of the company's shares " Focke-Wulf", thereby providing all possible assistance in air raids on Great Britain. However, ITT’s help to the Nazis was not limited to the purchase of shares: after the United States entered the war, the company entered into a large contract with the Germans for the production of switches, telephones, air reconnaissance and warning systems, as well as radar equipment and fuses for artillery shells. Rockets " Fau" falling on Great Britain also carried some of the finished goods supplied by ITT. Finally, the company provided uninterrupted telephone, telegraph and teletype communications between Latin American countries and the Axis countries. The situation was sometimes morbid: American intelligence transmitted through ITT channels turned out to be Berlin And Rome faster than in Washington.

The horror of Nazism in the USA, Henry Ford, Rockefeller, DuPont

10 famous corporations that collaborated with the fascists (IBM, Kodak, Ford, Coca-Cola, BMW, Nestle, etc.)

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

Bronislav Kaminsky: "bastard" worse than a general Vlasov"

Almost everyone knows about the Soviet general Andrei Vlasov and his Russian Liberation Army, who went over to the side of the fascists. However, Vlasov is not the only major figure in the chronicle of betrayal of the Motherland. An even more cruel and cold-blooded traitor was Bronislav Kaminsky - SS Brigadefuhrer, leader of the Russian People's Liberation Army, also known as the 29th Grenadier (First Russian) SS Division.

Nothing foretold

Bronislav Kaminsky was born in Vitebsk. At the time of the Great October revolution he was a student at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. Having dropped out of school, Kaminsky became interested in revolutionary ideas - he not only volunteered for the Red Army (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army), but also became a member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Returning to peaceful life, Kaminsky became a chemical technologist, worked at a factory, and participated in socialist competition. However, this did not stop him from free time distill moonshine. Kaminsky's father was a Pole, so Bronislaw ardently defended the idea of ​​​​incorporating Poland into the USSR as a special autonomy.

Kaminsky did not escape the wave of repressions. In 1935 he was expelled from the party, and in 1937 he ended up in a camp, where he served as a technologist in the production of alcohol. In an effort to ease his fate, Bronislav Kaminsky becomes an informant for the NKVD. This allows him to be released at the beginning of 1941. Before the start of the war and the arrival of the Germans, Kaminsky worked in the village of Lokot (present-day Bryansk region, then the center of the Brasovsky district in the Oryol region) at a distillery.

The war provided an opportunity to unfold

On October 4, 1941, the 17th entered the village of Lokot tank division under the command of Lieutenant General von Arnim. The Germans were joyfully greeted by those who sought to achieve the “final and complete defeat of Judeo-Bolshevism.” The leaders among the collaborators were technical school teacher Konstantin Voskoboynik and distillery engineer Bronislav Kaminsky. The first was appointed head of the village.

With the full approval of the German authorities, Kaminsky and Voskoboinik formed police and administrative bodies with the aim of maintaining the Nazis' "new order". The notorious Lokot self-government was created. The collaborators began an active armed pursuit of the partisans who had gone into the forests to fight the fascists.

Kaminsky gains power

At the beginning of 1942, on Christmas night, Voskoboinik was killed by partisans from Saburov’s detachment. Kaminsky immediately tells the Nazis about his “Aryan origin,” remembering his mother, a Russified German. The German command gives the go-ahead for the transfer Lokot autonomy into his hands.

Kaminsky sincerely believed Hitler’s propaganda, which presented Germany as a “state of national labor.” Manifesto of the People's Republic created with his participation socialist party Russia echoes its hatred of the Bolsheviks and anti-Semitism with Nazi propaganda brochures and leaflets.

Kaminsky believed: after the end of the war, “Great Russia” should be organized in the spirit of fascist ideology. Nazi reformer - such an apt nickname was given to him by the US Slavic historian Alexander Dallin.

There is no place for Jews

Lokot autonomy followed the example of the Hitlerite state in everything. Special instructions prohibited marriages of Jews with representatives of other nations. The newspaper "Voice of the People" published anti-Semitic articles. The Labor Code adopted in the autonomy included an article with the characteristic heading “Jewish labor force.”

In 1943, Kaminsky, together with the Russian liberation movement he created, people's army(RONA) will be relocated to the city of Lepel. The newspaper “New Way” (Vitebsk) described Kaminsky’s policy as follows: “When appointing an employee to a position, only his business qualities are taken into account. As for the party, social, national (there is no place for Jews) position, this does not matter.”

Words did not diverge from deeds. Jewish ghettos were created in some villages and towns of the Lokot Autonomy. The authorities, represented by Kaminsky, decreed that everyone who shelters communists and Jews should be shot.

In September 1942, the police of the Lokot self-government shot all the Jews living in the village of Navlya as revenge for the explosion of a bridge across the river by partisans. Executions continued in the Suzemsky and Sevsky regions. In one area alone, 223 people were brutally murdered simply because they were Jews.

Close friendship with the Nazis

Hitler's command did not leave Kaminsky's “independent autonomy” unattended. Elbow served as the base of the Nazi communications headquarters and the deployment point of the SD Sonderkommando. Along the Abwehr line, Kaminsky was supervised by A. Dollert. He survived Hitler's defeat and wrote, under the name Sven Steenberg, a large work about the collaborators of the USSR.

Dollert regularly reported to his superiors about the state of affairs in the autonomy he supervised. One of the reports contains the mention: “With the population, enemies and led military units, Kaminsky behaves like a typical Russian - infinitely generous and infinitely cruel.”

Massacres of the population

Kaminsky and his combat formations carried out brutal terror against those who were waiting for the return of Soviet power. His agents, posing as partisans, walked around the villages. Having found out who was breathing what, the provocateurs called a convoy and herded those arrested into former building stud farm No. 17, turned into Lokot prison.

It was here, in the service of Kaminsky, that the notorious Tonka the Machine Gunner, the executioner Antonina Makarova, committed her atrocities. In 1945, not far from the prison, at the bottom of a pit, 22 pits full of corpses were discovered. In total, more than 2,000 people were shot there.

Executions were also carried out in anti-tank ditches (the village of Kholmetsky Khutor) - 95 bodies were found, in Voronov Log (the village of Gorodishche) - 800 bodies, near the Pogrebsky dachas in the copse - 2,500 bodies. Among the dead were underground fighters, partisans, communists, their relatives and many Jews. Cases of reprisals against all residents of some villages and burning of houses have been recorded.

Fighting partisans

Bronislaw Kaminski's good organizational skills and charisma allowed him to inspire many people to commit atrocities. Soldiers and former civilians who had gone over to the fascist side furiously rushed into battle with the “people's avengers.” The first anti-fascist brigade (commander Gil-Rodionov) lost 1026 people in battles with the Kaminans.

For only one month of 1944, from April 11 to May 15, according to information from the chief of staff of the 3rd tank army Heidkämper, as part of Operation RONA " Fun party“The partisans lost 14,288 people. The Polotsk-Lepel partisan zone actually ceased to exist. Thanks to this, the Nazis were able to secure for some time rear areas Army Group Center.

For the successful conduct of the operation, RONA was separately noted by the fascist command. Kaminsky himself received the Iron Cross, 1st class.

SS Brigadeführer

British historian Colin Heaton wrote: “Kaminsky’s brigade committed many atrocities, fighting well on the side of the Germans.” Kaminsky was invited to join the SS troops with the rank of Brigadefuehrer.

On August 1, 1944, RONA was reorganized into the 29th SS Grenadier Division. Kaminsky himself received the rank of Waffen-Brigadeführer and Major General of the SS troops.

Warsaw Uprising and inglorious death

When participating in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising (August 1944), Kaminsky’s troops, without looking, shot everyone who came to their hand. The soldiers robbed shops, warehouses, apartments, and raped women. The massacres lasted for several weeks. Not only Polish women were raped, but also two German girls - members of a pro-Nazi organization. According to historians, up to 30 thousand people became victims of the executions.

Even seasoned fascists shuddered at the degree of atrocity and looting shown by the troops of the Russian division. On August 28, 1944, after a short court-martial, Bronislaw Kaminski, along with the lower-ranking leaders of the 29th Division, was shot by the SS Sonderkommando “according to martial law for encouraging requisitions and robberies.”

Khivi: how many Soviet citizens helped the German occupiers

From the first weeks of the invasion of German troops into the USSR, not only the heroism of the Soviet people was evident, but also the conciliatory, and sometimes downright hostile, position of some citizens of the country.

Militia fighters, soldiers of the Red Army (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army) and civilians of the occupied territories went over to the side of the enemy.

Who are the Hiwis?

The name of the collaborators comes from the German word hilfswilliger, that is, “willing to help.” The fascist command used this term to refer to all residents of occupied countries who served in the German troops or worked for the benefit of Germany. These included prisoners of war, voluntary defectors, local residents of occupied areas, including those forcibly deported. Initially, the Nazis called such people “our Ivans,” but quite quickly the term “Khivi” became official.

What did the Khivi do with the Germans?

The Nazis used citizens of occupied countries in the army as drivers, cooks, grooms, security guards at rear facilities, loaders, sappers, storekeepers, and orderlies. Those who confirmed their loyalty and showed it in practice were allowed to take punitive measures, forays against partisans, and also participate in military operations regular army. They could also become police officers in occupied areas.
Khivi were actively used as propagandists - on the front line, with the help of megaphones, they called on the Red Army soldiers to throw down their weapons and go over to the Germans - “civilized progressive people.” Red Army volunteers also served in combat units of the Wehrmacht, receiving the status of hilfswilliger. Their presence worked to increase the influx of defectors.
In 1943, the headquarters of the Nazi 6th Army developed the “Main Directions for the Training of Voluntary Helpers.” The document stated that the purpose of training and education was to prepare hilfswilliger as “reliable comrades in the fight against Bolshevism.”
The Khivi did not include prisoners of war who were used for forced labor in concentration camps, and almost 5 million Ostarbeiters - residents of the occupied territories, deported to Germany for forced labor. Among them there were many women and teenagers.

Red Army soldiers captured by Germans made a choice between death and betrayal of their homeland in favor of survival. They were afraid to escape back to the Red Army troops or partisans - those who were captured and survived were usually considered traitors. Shooting one’s own seemed unforgivable to many, but why not join the auxiliary services? There were not so many ideological opponents of Soviet power among the prisoners of war.
Civilians in the occupied territories went over to the Nazis for various reasons. Some residents of the republics annexed to the USSR in 1940 have not forgotten how Soviet power was imposed “with fire and sword.” They sincerely believed that the Germans were better and more civilized.
Many coveted benefits from the occupiers, guaranteed rations, and monetary rewards. When a dilemma arose - a half-starved life for oneself and children or paid work and loyalty to the authorities - not everyone could resist.
In addition, at all times there have been selfish and unprincipled people who were ready for betrayal and cruelty for the sake of power and money. They were also in demand by the Germans and took their places in the ranks of the Hiwis.

The scale of the phenomenon

The experiment using hiwi brought results that exceeded the wildest expectations of the Germans. By the spring of 1942, the rear units of the German army included at least 200 thousand volunteer assistants, and by the beginning of 1943 their number reached a million.
The lack of an unambiguous interpretation (who is considered a Khiwi and who is forcibly mobilized) and the loss of German archives do not allow us to name exact figure. According to the archives of the NKVD, in the period until March 1946, proceedings were initiated against 283 thousand Vlasovites, representatives of Cossack units and eastern legions, and these are only those who survived and were discovered.
Researcher S.I. Drobyazko believes that the SS, Wehrmacht, police and paramilitary units on Hitler’s side (ROA, RONA, Cossacks, Eastern and Baltic divisions) consisted of over a million people during the entire period of the war.
According to estimates by the German Office of Eastern Forces, as of February 2, 1943, the total number of Soviet citizens in German military service reached 750 thousand, including Khivi - from 400 to 600 thousand. These statistics do not include the Navy, Luftwaffe and SS. As of February 1945, the number of Khivi was determined to be 600 thousand people in the Wehrmacht, 15 thousand in the navy and 60 thousand in the Luftwaffe.

Few received monuments

An unusual fact: in August 2011, in the French city of Brébier in the Pas-de-Calais department (Lens agglomeration), a monument to three Soviet Khivi was erected. Four volunteer assistants were assigned to the German air defense battery. On September 1, 1944, the day before the Allies entered Lens, the Germans decided that they no longer needed the Khivi. Grigory Malinin and Alexey Teslenko were shot on the spot, Alexander Milaikov was killed while trying to escape. Ilya Lavrentyev managed to escape - later the allies handed him over to the USSR.
The inscription on the memorial plate reads: “In memory of three Russian soldiers, prisoners of war of the German air defense unit Dienststelle Feldpost 49300. Shot by the Germans during the retreat on September 1, 1944, on the day of the liberation of Brebier, and buried in this cemetery. For us - memory, for them - immortality."

High ranks and inglorious end

There were quite a few successful Red Army officers among the Khiwis. This is not only Lieutenant General Andrei Vlasov, head of the ROA, but also the chief of staff of the Red Army division, Lieutenant Colonel Gil-Rodionov, who again went over to the side in 1943 Soviet power, Hero of the Soviet Union, air squadron commander Bronislav Antilevsky, commander of the 41st rifle division Colonel Vladimir Baersky.
All of them went over to the Nazi side after being captured. Their fate ended with a natural ending: Baersky was hanged in May 1945 by Czech partisans under the command of the Soviet captain Smirnov, Vlasov was hanged after trial in 1946, Antilevsky was shot in the same year, posthumously deprived of the title of Hero and orders in 1950.
The Khiwis who lived to see the end of the war and returned to the USSR were condemned as traitors and traitors to their homeland. Those who took part in the hostilities were sentenced to death or hanging; the rest went through camps and exile. 148 thousand people were sentenced to 6 years in special settlements.