Symbols of the Third Reich. The price of victory

In his autobiographical and ideological book Mein Kampf, Hitler stated that it was he who had the brilliant idea to make the swastika a symbol of the National Socialist movement. Probably, little Adolf first saw a swastika on the wall of a Catholic monastery near the town of Lambach.

The swastika sign - a cross with curved ends - has been popular since ancient times. It has been present on coins, household items and coats of arms since the 8th millennium BC. The swastika symbolized life, sun, and prosperity. Hitler could have seen this archaic solar symbol in Vienna on the emblems of Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

Having dubbed him a Hakenkreuz (Hakenkreuz is translated from German as a hook cross), Hitler appropriated the glory of the discoverer, although the swastika appeared as a political symbol in Germany even before him. In 1920, Hitler, who was, albeit unprofessional and untalented, but still an artist, allegedly independently developed the design of the party logo, which was a red flag with a white circle in the middle, in the center of which was a black swastika with predatory hooks.

The color red, according to the leader of the National Socialists, was chosen in imitation of the Marxists. Seeing a hundred and twenty thousand demonstration of leftist forces under scarlet banners, Hitler noted the active influence of the bloody color on the common man. In Mein Kampf, the Führer mentioned the “great psychological significance” of symbols and their ability to powerfully influence a person. But it was precisely by controlling the emotions of the crowd that Hitler managed to introduce the ideology of his party to the masses in an unprecedented way.

By adding a swastika to the red color, Adolf gave a diametrically opposite meaning to the favorite color scheme of the socialists. By attracting the attention of workers with the familiar color of the posters, Hitler seemed to “recruit” them.

In Hitler's interpretation, the red color personified the idea of ​​movement, white - the sky and nationalism, the hoe-shaped swastika - labor and the anti-Semitic struggle of the Aryans. Creative work was mysteriously interpreted as a sign of anti-Semitism.

In general, it is impossible to call Hitler the author of National Socialist symbols, contrary to his statements. He borrowed the color from the Marxists, the swastika and even the name of the party (slightly rearranging the letters) from the Viennese nationalists. The idea of ​​using symbolism is also plagiarism. It belongs to the oldest party member - a dentist named Friedrich Krohn, who submitted a memorandum to the party leadership back in 1919. However, the savvy dentist is not mentioned in the bible of National Socialism, Mein Kampf.

However, Kron put a different meaning into these symbols. The red color of the banner is love for the homeland, the white circle is innocence for the outbreak of the First World War, the black color of the cross is grief over losing the war.

In Hitler’s decoding, the swastika became a sign of the Aryan struggle against “subhumans.” The claws of the cross seem to be aimed at Jews, Slavs, and representatives of other peoples who do not belong to the race of “blond beasts.”

Unfortunately, the ancient positive sign was discredited by the National Socialists. The Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 banned Nazi ideology and symbols. The swastika was also banned. Recently she has been somewhat rehabilitated. Roskomnadzor, for example, recognized in April 2015 that displaying this sign outside of a propaganda context is not an act of extremism. Although the “reprehensible past” cannot be erased, even today the swastika is used by some racist organizations.

What is a swastika? Many will answer without hesitation - the fascists used the swastika symbol. Someone will say - this is an ancient Slavic amulet, and both will be right and wrong at the same time. How many legends and myths are there around this sign? They say that on the very shield that the Prophetic Oleg nailed to the doors of Constantinople, a swastika was depicted.

What is a swastika?

The swastika is an ancient symbol that appeared before our era and has a rich history. Many nations dispute each other's right to invent it. Images of swastikas were found in China and India. This is a very significant symbol. What does the swastika mean - creation, sun, prosperity. The translation of the word “swastika” from Sanskrit means a wish for good and good luck.

Swastika - origin of the symbol

The swastika symbol is a solar sign. The main meaning is movement. The earth moves around the sun, the four seasons constantly replace each other - it is easy to see that the main meaning of the symbol is not just movement, but the eternal movement of the universe. Some researchers declare the swastika to be a reflection of the eternal rotation of the galaxy. The swastika is a symbol of the sun, all ancient peoples have references to it: at excavations of Inca settlements, fabrics with the image of a swastika were found, it is on ancient Greek coins, even on the stone idols of Easter Island there are swastika signs.

The original drawing of the sun is a circle. Then, noticing the four-part picture of existence, people began to draw a cross with four rays to the circle. However, the picture turned out to be static - and the universe is eternally in dynamics, and then the ends of the rays bent - the cross turned out to be moving. These rays also symbolize four days of the year that were significant for our ancestors - the days of the summer/winter solstice, the spring and autumn equinox. These days determine the astronomical change of seasons and served as signs when to engage in farming, construction and other important matters for society.

Swastika left and right

We see how comprehensive this sign is. It is very difficult to explain in monosyllables what a swastika means. It is multifaceted and multi-valued, it is a sign of the fundamental principle of existence with all its manifestations, and among other things, the swastika is dynamic. It can rotate both right and left. Many people confuse and consider the direction where the ends of the rays point to be the side of rotation. It is not right. The side of rotation is determined by the bending angles. Let's compare it with a person's leg - the movement is directed where the bent knee is directed, and not the heel at all.

Left-handed swastika

There is a theory that says that clockwise rotation is the correct swastika, and counterclockwise is a bad, dark swastika, the opposite. However, this would be too banal - right and left, black and white. In nature, everything is justified - day gives way to night, summer - winter, there is no division into good and bad - everything that exists is needed for something. So it is with the swastika - there is no good or bad, there is left-handed and right-handed.

Left-handed swastika - rotates counterclockwise. This is the meaning of cleansing, restoration. Sometimes it is called the sign of destruction - in order to build something light, you need to destroy the old and dark. The swastika could be worn in left rotation; it was called the “Heavenly Cross” and was a symbol of clan unity, an offering to the one who wears it, the help of all the ancestors of the clan and the protection of heavenly forces. The left-sided swastika was considered a collective sign of the autumn sun.

Right-hand swastika

The right-hand swastika rotates clockwise and denotes the beginning of all things - birth, development. This is a symbol of the spring sun - creative energy. It was also called Novorodnik or the Solar Cross. It symbolized the power of the sun and the prosperity of the family. The sun sign and the swastika in this case are equal. It was believed that it gave the greatest power to priests. The Prophetic Oleg, who was spoken of at the beginning, had the right to wear this sign on his shield, since he was in charge, that is, he knew the Ancient Wisdom. From these beliefs came theories proving the ancient Slavic origin of the swastika.

Slavic swastika

The left-sided and right-sided swastika of the Slavs is called – and Posolon. The swastika fills the Kolovrat with light, protects from darkness, Salting gives hard work and spiritual perseverance, the sign serves as a reminder that man was created for development. These names are only two of a large group of Slavic swastika signs. What they had in common were crosses with curved arms. There could be six or eight rays, they were bent both to the right and to the left, each sign had its own name and was responsible for a specific security function. The Slavs had 144 main swastika symbols. In addition to the above, the Slavs had:

  • Solstice;
  • England;
  • Svarozhich;
  • Wedding Party;
  • Perunov light;
  • Heavenly boar and many other types of variations based on the solar elements of the swastika.

Swastika of the Slavs and the Nazis - differences

Unlike the fascist one, the Slavs did not have strict canons in the depiction of this sign. There could be any number of rays, they could be broken at different angles, they could also be rounded. The symbol of the swastika among the Slavs is a greeting, a wish for good luck, while at the Nazi congress in 1923, Hitler convinced supporters that the swastika meant the fight against Jews and communists for the purity of blood and the superiority of the Aryan race. The fascist swastika has its own strict requirements. This and only this image is the German swastika:

  1. The ends of the cross should be bent to the right;
  2. All lines intersect strictly at an angle of 90°;
  3. The cross must be in a white circle on a red background.
  4. The correct word to say is not “swastika”, but Hakkenkreyz

Swastika in Christianity

In early Christianity, they often resorted to the image of the swastika. It was called the “gamma cross” because of its similarity with the Greek letter gamma. The swastika was used to disguise the cross during the times of persecution of Christians - Catacomb Christianity. The swastika or Gammadion was the main emblem of Christ until the end of the Middle Ages. Some experts draw a direct parallel between the Christian and swastika crosses, calling the latter a “whirling cross.”

The swastika was actively used in Orthodoxy before the revolution: as part of the ornament of priestly vestments, in icon painting, in frescoes that painted the walls of churches. However, there is also the exact opposite opinion - the gammadion is a broken cross, a pagan symbol that has nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Swastika in Buddhism

You can encounter a swastika wherever there are traces of Buddhist culture; it is the footprint of Buddha. The Buddhist swastika, or “manji,” denotes the versatility of the world order. The vertical line is opposed to the horizontal one, like the relationship between heaven and earth and the relationship between male and female. Turning the rays in one direction emphasizes the desire for kindness, gentleness, and in the opposite direction - for hardness and strength. This gives an understanding of the impossibility of the existence of force without compassion, and compassion without force, the denial of any one-sidedness as a violation of world harmony.

Indian swastika

The swastika is no less common in India. There are left- and right-handed swastikas. Rotation clockwise symbolizes the male energy “yin”, counter-clockwise - the female energy “yang”. Sometimes this sign denotes all the gods and goddesses in Hinduism, then, at the line of intersection of the rays, the sign “om” is added - a symbol of the fact that all gods have a common beginning.

  1. Right rotation: denotes the sun, its movement from east to west - the development of the universe.
  2. Left rotation represents the goddess Kali, magic, night - the folding of the universe.

Is the swastika prohibited?

The swastika was banned by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Ignorance has given rise to a lot of myths, for example, that the swastika stands for four connected letters “G” - Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Goebbels. However, this version turned out to be completely untenable. Hitler, Himmler, Göring, Goebbels - not a single surname begins with this letter. There are known cases when the most valuable specimens containing images of swastikas in embroidery, on jewelry, ancient Slavic and early Christian amulets were confiscated and destroyed from museums.

Many European countries have laws that prohibit fascist symbols, but the principle of freedom of speech is almost undeniable. Each case of the use of Nazi symbols or swastikas looks like a separate trial.

  1. In 2015, Roskomnazor allowed the use of swastika images without propaganda purposes.
  2. Germany has strict legislation regulating the depiction of swastikas. There are several court decisions banning or allowing images.
  3. France has passed a law banning the public display of Nazi symbols.

I advise people who look at Adolf Hitler as the embodiment of all the worst that can be and at Nazi Germany as the embodiment of World Evil and the Army of Darkness (please forgive me the unnecessary pathos) not to read the reflections below. And in general, think about whose LiveJournal they read.
Despite the inhospitable introduction, the thoughts will not be about the actions of the Nazis at all, but about accompanying them, so to speak.
Each country now has an almost obligatory set of attributes: Flag, Coat of Arms, Anthem for the state as a whole and many smaller attributes (not to go far for examples - the flag of the Russian Navy). Now the time is much calmer than the first half of the last century (at least at first glance), the methods of influencing the human mass have changed to more advanced ones, and state symbols now resemble more a tribute to tradition than anything else. Maybe I’m wrong, but from Russian symbols I immediately remember our tricolor flag (1. I hate the “tricolor” hybrid. 2. I can’t help but feel that the meaning of the flag is being stubbornly forgotten) and the mutant eagle, which gazes around, in a place to at least occasionally look straight ahead. Yes, there are, as I said, “smaller” attributes, but now I’m still talking about national symbols and motives in them.
The USSR will be richer in this regard, although not by much: the hammer and sickle (worker and collective farmer), the pentagram. There are a lot of propaganda posters, but there are some common motifs (the color red, the proletariat, etc.). I confess: I don’t remember how socialism and the color red are connected. It seems that everything is somewhat deeper than the “flame...” of either the mentioned “.. socialism” or the “... struggle” with someone or for something there (well, quotes from Lenin’s speeches don’t pop up now) .
In terms of state symbols, I like the Third Reich. Yes, I understand why this is so: Hitler, who was leading the country out of the crisis and strengthening his power, needed leverage over the masses of people, and well-thought-out symbolism helps with this. Maybe, if you dig deeper, everything in the USSR will turn out to be no less interesting, but in this regard I have certain doubts.

Does everyone remember the Reich flag?

With the most “terrible” symbol, the sight of which usually reflects displeasure and hostility on the faces of passers-by. I am not going to say that the swastika symbolizes the Aryan race. But I hope no one will argue with the fact that the swastika is an extremely ancient symbol, meaning at least the sun, found in many (if not every) cultures, including the Slavic ancestors. An extremely positive symbol with many derivatives. And if it were not for prejudice, then, most likely, I would wear it myself in one form or another. The problem is that this symbol is under a moral prohibition, and where this prohibition is violated, the Nazi component is usually exposed. I don’t have anything special against such a component, it just distracts attention from the essence, which is not good.

With the coat of arms, everything is no less curious.

The eagle is revered in our country today. The truth is again as a tribute to tradition, since this bird is more imperial. besides it there is the same swastika, oak leaves. If you scour the Internet and books, this set of symbols can be sorted out literally, feather by feather. Oak leaves are one of the motifs. Which is found in addition to the coat of arms on awards, posters and is used as widely as the eagle with a swastika. Unfortunately, I don’t remember a specific interpretation and can’t find it.

In addition, in the Reich there was a great love for runes, as an indicator of connection with the past. You don’t have to look far for an example - everyone has seen the emblem:

Yes, the example is already moving into the realm of particulars, but the motif of the runes was, nevertheless, common to Germany in those years.

In general, I will be even glad if I turn out to be wrong on the topic of Reich symbols and in modern society or in the USSR for example, someone finds something interesting. But for now the order of things remains such that in terms of attributes, the Reich is more than just pleasant to me.
PS. All information in the post is mainly gleaned from memory. on the other hand, almost the same thing can be easily found in Google on the first pages.

The symbols of Germany that exist today are not just images, they are logos that represent an entire state. And each of them has its own story.

German tricolor

Every country has an Anthem, Coat of Arms and Flag. These are three attributes that no state can do without. Germany is no exception. Each character listed has come a long way and can tell a lot about itself.

The German eagle is very similar to the Roman eagle. More precisely, this is its modification, so to speak. Back in 800, Charlemagne ordered the restoration of the fundamental symbol of the mighty bird and after that proclaimed the eagle the emblem of his state. However, the mascot image of the German capital is, oddly enough, a bear. This animal is a symbol of Germany. Moreover, it was adopted as a coat of arms in Berlin in the 13th century. The bear is a symbol of strength and foresight.

Oak leaves

Many have heard about the eagle, but not everyone knows another symbol of Germany. Oak leaf - this is what we are talking about. In Germany, oak has long been considered a “German” tree. There are several good reasons for this. One of them lies in the fact that durable wood and leaves with clearly defined lines have become full-fledged symbols of perseverance, courage and immortality since the distant times of the Germans.

After some time, the oak acquired another meaning, becoming a symbol of fidelity. After 1871, when the German Empire was created, they became quite popular. They spread very quickly. Almost everywhere: on coins, orders and even monuments one could see this national symbol of Germany, which successfully replaced the outdated bay leaf.

Lands of Germany

Everyone knows that this country is divided into federal states, of which there are only 16. The largest is Bavaria, and the smallest is Saarland. Each land has its own flag and coat of arms. And, I must say, they are distinguished by much more complex images than the state symbols of Germany. Although some flags and emblems of the lands are known to everyone.

For example, the flag of Bavaria is white and blue diamonds in a row. After all, this is exactly the emblem that appears on BMW cars. The coat of arms of the federal state of Bavaria is two lions holding a four-part shield. Inside it, by the way, there is another small shield.

I would like to note that almost half of the coats of arms of German lands depict animals. For example, the emblem of the state of Baden-Württemberg depicts three griffins, Berlin is symbolized by a bear, Brandenburg is symbolized by an eagle, Essen is symbolized by a lion, and Niedersachsen is symbolized by a horse. The remaining coats of arms display buildings, architecture and other interesting images. Bremen can be recognized by its red emblem with a silver key, Hamburg is a castle with three towers, and North Rhine Westphalia is a river and a horse.

Each nation has its own symbols, which reflect the traditions and character of the nation, which has been formed for a long time during its rich history. Likewise, the images emblazoned today on the coats of arms of the lands originate in very ancient times and are directly related to the history of the German people.

Flower symbol

Speaking about the national symbols of Germany, I would like to pay special attention to such a little-known one as the cornflower. Everyone knows that each country has “its own” plant. In Germany, this is the cornflower - a delicate and incredibly beautiful flower growing in the fields. It is considered a symbol of a happy omen. It is interesting that during the reign of William the First, this flower was a symbol of dominion. Then the cornflower even got a second name - “the flower of the emperor.” Thus, there are even several representatives of the “plant” symbols of Germany - these are cornflower and oak, which was already mentioned above.

German anthem

And finally, a few words about the country's national anthem. After all, as already mentioned, the symbols of Germany are not only flags and coats of arms. It's also an anthem. This is an oral symbol of the country, which in words is able to convey in words what most fully characterizes both the state and the people living in it. The authorship of “Song of the Germans” belongs to Joseph Haydn, the composer, and the poet Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Literally translated, the name of the anthem means “Germany above all.” The song feels the patriotism of the people, their love for their country, traditions and everything connected with their Motherland. Perhaps it is on this love that this mighty and strong state rests.

National Socialism, like any other movement based on the principles of totalitarianism, attached great importance to symbolic language. A carefully developed symbolic series should, in Hitler's opinion, influence the consciousness of the masses and, bypassing logic and common sense, purely magically convince them of the fate of National Socialism, evoke nostalgia for heroic times, and turn the desire to return the heroism of Nordic origins into support for the Nazi movement . The leading symbol of National Socialism is the swastika. This is one of those basic symbols that were very widespread in ancient times. Already in the 6th millennium BC. The swastika was in circulation in Iran. Later it is found in the Far East, Central and Southeast Asia, Tibet and Japan. Pre-Hellenic Greece also widely used the swastika. The Greek meander owes its origin to this symbol. This sign did not bypass the indigenous inhabitants of the American continent. In the Caucasus and Lithuania, the swastika was used as an ornamental decoration quite recently - until the middle of the 20th century. The meaning of this symbol is not precisely established. According to Rene Guenon, the swastika is one of the varieties of the horizontal cross, a symbol of the center, pole, fundamental Principle. The segments forming curved ends, in this interpretation, symbolize a circle, the manifested world. The left and right rotation of the symbol in this context does not carry any semantic load, since the whole difference lies in which side to look at the rotation from, from below or from above. However, the most common view of the swastika is that this symbol is seen as a solar sign. Geopolitician Karl Haushofer believed that the swastika was a symbol of thunder, fire and fertility among the ancient Aryan magicians. It is characteristic that there is no historical evidence of the use of the swastika by Germanic tribes. Hitler himself saw the swastika primarily as a symbol of the creative movement and the superiority of the Aryans over other peoples. However, it was not the National Socialists who brought this symbol into modern history. The swastika on the NSDAP flag came from the coat of arms of the Thule society. More organic and demonstrative from the point of view of racial theory was the use by the Nazis of runes, which formed the basis for the writing of the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian peoples. However, like the Hebrew alphabet and the major arcana of the Tarot, the runic system also had magical and mantic meanings. Each rune not only recorded a specific sound, but also had its own name and magical function. From the Elder Edda it is known that the discovery of the wonderful properties of runes belongs to Odin (Wotan), made by him during a rite of dedication to himself on the world tree Yggdrasil. It was Futhark's magical function that attracted the Nazis. Hitler was wary of Kabbalists operating with sephiroths, and in contrast to the Jewish machinations, he used the protective properties of runes, which, like everything Aryan, should be more powerful than the witchcraft of lower races. Two runes (soulu, zig), symbolizing the solar disk in motion, as well as thunder and lightning, make up the SS sign. The rune (teiwaz), dedicated to Tyr, the god of war, was used, along with a single rune, in the emblem of the Hitler Youth in order to instill militancy in youth. In rituals related to agriculture, the rune (algiz), a rune of protection with the ideographic meaning of roots and branches, was often used. The symbolic series of the Third Reich also includes an eagle and an oak (oak leaves), appealing to the imperial principle. These symbols of statehood have been well known since the times of Imperial Rome and are often found as attributes of absolute power. The “Death’s Head,” which served as the emblem of the SS division of the same name, was borrowed from the Rosicrucians, but unlike rumor, which attributed to this symbol the meaning of death and destruction, it initially had a completely different meaning, associated with the victory of spirit over matter. Color in Nazi symbolism was represented by the triad red-white-black. “As National Socialists, we see our program in our flag. The red field symbolizes the social idea of ​​the movement, the white field the nationalist idea. The swastika is the fight for the victory of the Aryan movement and at the same time, the swastika symbolizes creativity,” Hitler told Rauschning. Although the presence of the swastika in the National Socialist movement was not due to Hitler, the development of the Nazi banner was largely due to him. Hitler also came up with the idea of ​​a personal standard, which was designed to mark the presence of the leader. It is possible that the Fuhrer used his personal standard as a talisman.

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"symbols of the Third Reich" in books

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In the capital of the “Third Reich” On a warm April evening, Vladimir Petrovich Korotkikh landed at the Friedrichstrasse station in Berlin. The driver of the trade mission met him on the platform and took him to the staff dormitory on Heiwebergstrasse. In fact, massive


author Ilyin Vadim


"As ruler of the Third Reich..."

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“As ruler of the Third Reich...” Hitler expressed his gratitude to me after completing this series of flights during the election campaign. He told me then that he wanted to buy a Ju-52. I found out that the Junkers plant is ready to sell such an aircraft to Hitler; as it turned out, it cost 275


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6. IN THE HEART OF THE THIRD REICH In 1933, shortly after Hitler came to power, Harro Schulze-Boysen, a 23-year-old German aristocrat, great-nephew of the famous Admiral Tirpitz, and his friend, the Jew Henri Erlanger, were arrested by the SS. Schulze-Boysen has been


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Disc plane from the Third Reich

From the book 100 Great Mysteries [with illustrations] author

Disc plane from the Third Reich We recently came across an interesting manuscript. Its author worked abroad for a long time. In Montevideo, in Paraguay, he had the opportunity to meet a former prisoner of the KP-A4 camp, located near Peenemünde, in northern Germany, where, as now

On the ruins of the Third Reich

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Sketches of the Third Reich

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Symbols of the Third Reich

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Symbols of the Third Reich National Socialism, like any other movement based on the principles of totalitarianism, attached great importance to symbolic language. A carefully developed symbolic series should, in Hitler's opinion, influence the consciousness of the masses and,