Large seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Where is the Atlantic Ocean? Ocean characteristics, North and South Atlantic Oceans

The Komi Republic is a republic within the Russian Federation, located in the northeast of the European part of Russia. A satellite map of the Komi Republic shows that the region borders Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, Perm region, Tyumen, Arkhangelsk, Kirov and Sverdlovsk regions. The area of ​​the region is 416,774 square meters. km. The main part of the region's territory belongs to the Far North.

The republic is divided into 5 urban districts and 15 municipal districts. Largest cities Komi - Syktyvkar (capital), Ukhta, Vorkuta, Pechora and Usinsk. The region's economy is based on the extraction and subsequent processing of combustible minerals and wood.

Interesting fact: a 6-7 magnitude earthquake occurred on Sysol in 1939, which lasted 17 hours.

Weathering pillars on the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau

Brief history of the Komi Republic

The territory of the modern Komi Republic went to the Moscow Principality in the 15th century. In 1921, the Autonomous Region of Komi was formed, and in 1936, the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. From the 1930s to the 1950s, the region's population grew significantly due to the activities of the Gulag network. In 1992, the Komi Republic was created.

Mount Manaraga (1662 meters)

Sights of the Komi Republic

On detailed map Komi Republic from a satellite you can see numerous natural attractions of the region. There are 78,000 lakes in the region, the most interesting of which are Lake Donty, Lake Kadom, Lake Vad and Lake Sindor. Among nature reserves we can highlight the “Virgin forests of Komi”, which includes the Pechora-Ilychsky reserve and national park"Yugyd Va".

Reserved river Shchugor

It is also worth visiting the city of Inta, the ancient villages of Yb, Vylgort, Zelenets and Votcha, the ruins ancient city on the Torre Porre Iz plateau, the protected Shchugor river and weathering pillars on the Manpupuner plateau. Among the attractions of Komi, it is worth noting the Kaninskaya, Ledyanaya, Uninskaya, Medvezhya and Tufovaya caves, the Bogatyr-Shchelye rock, the Lekiz rock group and Mount Manaraga.

→ Komi Republic

Detailed map of the Komi Republic

Map of the Komi Republic with cities, regions and villages

1. 7. () 13. () 19.
2. () 8. () 14. 20. ()
3. () 9. () 15. 21. ()
4. () 10. () 16. 22.
5. () 11. () 17. 23. ()
6. () 12. () 18.

Satellite map of the Komi Republic

Switching between the satellite map of the Komi Republic and the schematic map is done in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Komi Republic - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Komi Republic: August 22, 1921
Population of the Komi Republic: 856,631 people
Telephone code of the Komi Republic: 821
Komi Republic Square: 415,900 km²
Vehicle code of the Komi Republic: 11

Regions of the Komi Republic:

Izhemsky Knyazhpogostsky Koygorodsky Kortkerossky Pechora Priluzsky Sosnogorsk Syktyvdinsky Sysolsky Troitsko-Pechora Udorsky Ust-Vymsky Ust-Kulomsky Ust-Tsilemsky.

Cities of the Komi Republic - list of cities in alphabetical order:

Vorkuta city founded in 1936. The population of the city is 58,133 people.
Vuktyl city founded in 1968. The population of the city is 10,205 people.
Yemva city founded in 1941. The population of the city is 12906 people.
Inta city founded in 1940. The population of the city is 26,271 people.
Pechora city founded in 1940. The population of the city is 40,048 people.
City of Sosnogorsk founded in 1939. The population of the city is 26571 people.
Syktyvkar city founded in 1780. The population of the city is 244,646 people.
City of Usinsk founded in 1966. The population of the city is 38,800 people.
Ukhta city founded in 1929. The population of the city is 97,806 people.

Komi Republic- a subject of Russia, which is located in the northeast of the European region of Russia on the border with the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The capital of the republic is the city Syktyvkar. In addition to it, the republic has 8 more large and small cities under its control.

Nature of the Komi Republic is of great value for the whole of Russia, because more than 15% of the Komi area is protected areas, including nature reserves, National parks and nature reserves. Pearl and center ecological tourism Komi is made by such parks as the Pechora-Ilyichsky Biosphere Reserve and the Yugyd Va National Park.

Those wishing to get acquainted with the history of the region should go to the ethnographic museum in the village of Ust-Vym or to the oldest monastic ensemble in this region - the Ulyanovsk Trinity-Stefanovsky Monastery near Syktyvkar.

Sights of the Komi Republic: Manpupuner, Monument to Court Eike, Yugyd va, Monument to an electrician, Buredan Waterfall, Mount Manaraga, House-Museum of I. P. Morozov, National Gallery of the Komi Republic, Mansi blockheads, National Museum Komi Republic, Pechora-Ilychsky Biosphere Reserve, St. Kazan Church of Syktyvkar, Fire Tower of Syktyvkar, St. Stephen's Cathedral, Trinity-Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery, Weathering pillars, Buredan Waterfall, Mount Erkusey (Shaman Mountain), Ghost Town Halmer-Yu.

Map of Komi from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Komi online in real time. A detailed map of Komi was created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Komi allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Komi. The Komi map from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Komi Republic located in the northeast of the European region, near the Ural Mountains. Administrative center is the city of Syktyvkar.

The location of the Komi Republic makes it weather and the climate is unstable and cyclical. During the year, intrusions of both cold and warm air masses are possible, so sudden temperature changes are quite normal for this region of Russia. Weather conditions are especially harsh in winter time– winter in Komi is long and cold with big amount snow.

Natural attractions have great importance for the Republic Komi. Protected areas and protected areas occupy 15% of the entire territory of the republic. Komi was especially glorified by two nature reserves, thanks to which it received the name “pearls of ecological tourism.” These are the national parks “Svetlaya Voda” and the Pechero-Ilychsky Biosphere Reserve.

Those tourists who want to get acquainted with the past of the Komi Republic and plunge into the atmosphere of the past should visit one of the largest and most significant ethnographic museums under open air in the village of Ust-Vym.

The most significant historical and architectural landmark is one of the oldest monasteries in Komi - the Ulyanovsk Trinity-Stefanovsky Monastery.

There are also very mysterious places in the Komi Republic that are covered in legends and speculation. One of them is the Ural Stonehedge, located in a remote area in the Urals. This amazing monument consists of 8 stone pillars, the origin of which is still unknown.

Outdoor recreation in Komi Republic very popular, since the Komi territory is considered one of the most environmentally friendly in all of Europe. It is often said about Komi that it is here that the very air that the entire population of Europe breathes is born.

Physiography Russia and USSR
European part: Arctic, Russian Plain, Caucasus, Ural


Introductory chapters:

  • Seas washing the territory of Russia
  • From the history of geographical study of Russian territory
    • The initial period of scientific research on the territory of Russia
    • The period of major expeditionary research, including industry research
    • Soviet period of industrial and comprehensive research

Seas of the Atlantic Ocean

Three inland seas The Atlantic Ocean - the Baltic, Black and Azov - washes small areas of Russian territory. All of them protrude deeply into the mainland, and their connection with the ocean is through other seas and shallow straits. Weak connection with the ocean determines their rather unique hydrological regime. The climate of the seas is decisively influenced by the westerly transport of air masses.

Table 1. Seas washing the territory of Russia

The ancient Slavs called the Baltic Sea Varyazhsky. This is the westernmost of the seas washing the shores of Russia. It is connected to the ocean through the shallow Danish Straits and the North Sea. The Baltic Sea was formed in Quaternary times in a tectonic trough that arose at the junction of the Baltic shield with the Russian plate. During periods of glaciation, its basin was blocked continental ice. In the Holocene, the sea went through several lacustrine and marine stages in its development and, apparently, at a certain period of time connected with the White Sea.

Depths Baltic Sea small. The maximum depth is located south of Stockholm (470 m). In the Gulf of Finland near the coast of Russia the depth is less than 50 m, near the Kaliningrad coast - somewhat more.

The main features of the climate of the Baltic Sea are formed under the influence of the steady transport of temperate air from the Atlantic. Cyclones often pass through the sea, accompanied by western, southwestern and northwestern winds, cloudy weather and heavy rainfall. Their annual number reaches 800 mm or more. In summer, cyclones carry moist, cool air, so average temperature July 16-18°C, and water temperature 15-17°C. In winter, Atlantic air causes thaws, as its average temperature in January is about 0°C. The cold arctic air that sometimes breaks through here can lower the temperature to -30...-35°C. The Gulf of Finland, located near the borders of Russia, is covered with ice in winter, off the coast Kaliningrad region there are only floating ice. However, in exceptionally severe winters the entire sea froze (1710, 1809, 1923, 1941, 1955, etc.).

About 250 rivers flow into the Baltic Sea, but about 20% of the annual river flow is brought into the sea by the river. Neva (79.8 km 2). Its flow exceeds the flow of the other three largest rivers: the Vistula, the Neman and the Daugava, combined. The flow of the Neva is regulated by lakes, so it is characterized by one spring-summer maximum. Strong, long-lasting westerly winds raise water levels in the eastern part Gulf of Finland, which caused catastrophic floods in St. Petersburg, located at the mouth of the Neva (1824, 1924). Limited water exchange with the ocean and significant river runoff determine the low salinity of sea water (2-14‰, off the coast of Russia - 2-8‰).

The fauna of the Baltic Sea is depleted in species due to high desalination, low mixing of waters and poverty of plankton. Fishes of commercial importance are: herring, Baltic sprat, cod, whitefish, duck, lamprey, smelt, salmon. The sea is home to seals, whose numbers are declining due to pollution sea ​​waters.

The Black Sea is the warmest among the seas washing the shores of our Motherland. In ancient Greece it was called Pont Euxine, which means “hospitable sea.” It is almost equal in area to the Baltic, but differs sharply in volume and depth (see Table 1). The connection between the Black Sea and the ocean is carried out through a system of internal seas (Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean) and straits (Bosporus, Dardanelles, Gibraltar). Greatest length The water area of ​​the Black Sea from west to east reaches 1130 km, the maximum width (from north to south) is 611 km, the minimum is only 263 km.

The Black Sea lies in a deep tectonic basin with crust oceanic type and Cenozoic sedimentary cover. The maximum depth of the sea reaches 2210 m. The depression is outlined by a continental slope, which in a number of places (especially off the Caucasian coast) is strongly dissected by underwater canyons. The shelf is most developed in the northwestern part of the sea, off the coast of Ukraine. The coastline of the sea is weakly dissected.

Geographical position of the sea and relatively small area water mirror determine throughout its entire water area a uniform climate, close to the Mediterranean, with warm, humid winters and relatively dry summers. However, the orography of coastal areas causes some differences in the climate of individual parts of the sea, in particular an increase in precipitation over the eastern part due to the influence of the Caucasus mountain barrier.

In winter, the synoptic situation determines the predominance of northeastern winds with an average speed of 7-8 m/s over almost the entire sea area. The development of strong (more than 10 m/s) and especially stormy winds is associated with the passage of cyclones over the sea. The average air temperature in winter decreases from the open sea to the coast. In the northeastern part, near the coast of Russia, it approaches 0°C, in the northwest it is -2"C, and in the southeast + 4...+ 5°C.

In summer, northwest winds prevail over the sea. Their average speed is 3-5 m/s, decreasing from west to east. Strong, especially stormy, winds are rarely observed in summer and are also associated with the passage of cyclones. The average air temperature in August varies from + 22°C in the northwest to 24-25°C in the east of the sea.

Numerous rivers flowing into the Black Sea annually bring 346 km 2 of fresh water into it. The Danube gives the greatest flow (201 km 2 / year). All rivers in the northwestern part discharge 270 km 2 /year of fresh water into the sea, i.e. almost 80% of the total flow, while the rivers of the Caucasian coast bring only 43 km 2. The greatest flow occurs in spring, the lowest is observed in autumn.

There is a cyclonic current on the sea surface along the coast. In the central part of the sea, two rings of cyclonic currents can be traced: one in the western part, the other in the eastern part of the sea. Along Russian shores the current carries water from the south. Through the straits, water exchange occurs with neighboring seas. Through the Bosphorus, the surface current carries Black Sea water, and deep current supplies saltier and heavier water from the Sea of ​​Marmara to the Black Sea. The salinity of the Black Sea waters in the central part is 17-18‰, and with depth it increases to 22.5‰. Near the mouths of large rivers it drops to 5-10‰.

The Black Sea is very unique in the distribution of dissolved gases in the water column. Saturated with oxygen and therefore favorable for life here only upper layer to depths of 170-180 m Below oxygen is quite quickly replaced by poisonous hydrogen sulfide, widespread throughout the entire water column from lower limit oxygen layer to the bottom, so the deep layers of the Black Sea are devoid of life.

There are 166 species of fish in the sea. Among them there are Pontic relics (beluga, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, herring), Mediterranean forms (mullet, mackerel, horse mackerel, red mullet, sprat, anchovy, tuna, stingray, etc.) and freshwater (ram, pike perch, bream). Of the mammals in the Black Sea, endemics have been preserved - the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin (dolphin) and the white-bellied seal, or monk seal, listed in the Red Books.

The Sea of ​​Azov is the smallest and shallowest on the planet. Its area is 39.1 thousand km 2, the volume of water is 290 km 2, the greatest depth is 13 m, the average is about 7.4 m. The narrow and shallow Kerch Strait connects it with the Black Sea. The Sea of ​​Azov is shelf. The topography of its bottom is quite simple: the shallow coast turns into a smooth and flat bottom. Depths slowly and smoothly increase with distance from the coast.

The sea is deeply cut into the land, its water area and volume of water are small and do not have a significant impact on the climate; therefore, its climate has continental features, more pronounced in the northern part of the sea, which is characterized by cold winters and hot, dry summers. In the southern regions, which are more influenced by the Black Sea, the climate is milder and wetter. The average temperature in January is -2...-5°С, but with stormy winds from the eastern and north-eastern directions, temperatures can drop to -25...-27°С. In summer, the air over the sea warms up to 23-25°C.

Two rivers flow into the Sea of ​​Azov large rivers- Don and Kuban and about 20 small rivers. The Don and Kuban bring over 90% of the annual river flow to the sea, so almost all fresh waters flow into the eastern part of the sea. The vast majority of runoff occurs in the spring and summer. Water exchange with the Black Sea occurs through the Kerch Strait. From Sea of ​​Azov About 49 km 2 of water flows out per year, and about 34 km 2 of Black Sea water flows in, i.e. outflow to the Black Sea predominates. The salinity of sea waters in the Sea of ​​Azov in the first half of the century was about 11‰. Then, due to a reduction in the influx of river water used for irrigation and an increase in the influx of Black Sea water, salinity began to increase and by the beginning of the 80s it reached 13.8‰.

The shallow Azov Sea warms up well in summer. In July-August, the average sea water temperature is 24-25°C. Maximum warming (up to 32°C) occurs near the coast. In the open sea the temperature does not exceed 28-28.5°C. The long-term average annual water temperature at the sea surface is 11°C.

Ice forms on the Sea of ​​Azov every year, but due to frequent and rapid changes in weather conditions, ice can appear and disappear repeatedly during the winter, turning from stationary to drifting and back again. Ice formation begins at the end of November in the Taganrog Bay. The final clearing of the sea from ice occurs in March - April.

Huge bodies of water The planets that cover most of it and the surrounding islands and continents are called oceans. Among them, the largest are Atlantic and Pacific. These are two giants that people don’t know everything about. Humanity knows where the Atlantic Ocean is, what its boundaries are, underwater inhabitants, relief, etc.

Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is considered the second largest after the Pacific. However, it is better studied and developed in comparison with other water areas. Where is the Atlantic Ocean, what are its boundaries? This giant is located along the length of the entire planet: in the east the border is North and South America, in the west - Europe and Africa. On South Atlantic waters go to South ocean. In the north, the giant is limited to Greenland.

In those places where the Atlantic Ocean is located, there are practically no islands, which distinguishes this water area from others. One more distinctive feature is the complex bottom topography and broken coastline.

Atlantic Ocean parameters

If we talk about the area, the water area occupies more than ninety million square kilometers. Where the Atlantic Ocean is located, huge water reserves. According to scientists, there are almost 330 million cubic kilometers of water in this basin.

The Atlantic Ocean is quite deep - the average depth reaches 3800 meters. Where the Puerto Rico Trench is located, the depth exceeds eight kilometers.

The Atlantic Ocean is divided into two parts: northern and southern. Conditional boundary between them passes along the territory of the equator.

Bays, seas and currents

The area of ​​seas and bays accounts for about sixteen percent total area ocean: approximately fifteen million square kilometers, with a volume of thirty million cubic kilometers. The most famous seas The Atlantics are: North, Mediterranean, Aegean, Black, Azov, Caribbean, Labrador Sea, Baltic. By the way, where is the Baltic Sea in the Atlantic Ocean? It is located near the Northern Arctic Circle, at 65°40" N latitude ( northern point), and in the south the sea is defined by the border with coordinates 53 ° 45 "N, located near Wismar. In the west, the border is located at Flensburg, in the east - in the St. Petersburg region.

Many people are interested in the question: “Where is the North Atlantic Current located in the Atlantic Ocean and what other currents are there?” The ocean is huge and stretches from north to south, across all hemispheres. Because of this location, different areas have different climates. But not only the proximity of the poles affects the weather: it is also influenced by currents that carry large volumes ocean waters. Thanks to them, the west is warmer than the eastern part. This feature is associated with the Gulf Stream and its branches - the Antilles, Brazil, and North Atlantic. In the eastern part there is not only warm current, but also cold - Bengal and Canary.

The North Atlantic Current is the northeastern continuation of the Gulf Stream. It starts at the Great Newfoundland Gully. West of Ireland the current is divided into two parts, one of which is the Canary.

Northern part of the ocean

The northern edge of the Atlantic is rugged coastline. A small part has connections with the North Arctic Ocean: It communicates with it by several narrow straits. In the northeast is the Davis Strait, connecting the Baffin Sea with the ocean. Closer to the center northern border The Denmark Strait is located, and the border between Norway and Iceland is the Norwegian Sea.

In the southwest of the North Atlantic Ocean is the Gulf of Mexico, connected to the Gulf of Florida. Also in this part is the Caribbean Sea. And besides, many other famous bays: Hudson, Barnegat, etc. The largest islands are located in this part of the basin: Cuba, Haiti, British Isles. There are also island groups closer to the east, but they are small. Among them, the most popular are the Canary Islands, the Azores Islands, and Cape Verde. Closer to the west are the Bahamas.

Southern part of the water area

The southern boundaries of the ocean are not as indented as in the northern part. There are no seas here, but there are very large bay- Guinean. The most distant point of the Atlantic in the south is Tierra del Fuego, framed by small islands.

In the southern part of the ocean there is no large islands, but there are separately located formations. An example is the islands of Ascension and Saint Helena.

There are also currents in the south, but here the waters move counterclockwise. The most powerful and major current this part is the South Passat, which branches off the coast of Brazil. One of its branches goes to the shores South America, and the second connects with Atlantic current and moves east, where part of the current separates and passes into the Bengal.

There are two huge oceans on Earth, and knowing where the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are located, we can say for sure that these two great natural creatures will never meet.