Types of agreement in Russian. What is coordination? Management as a type of subordination

Home norm of agreement in Russian is agreeing the subject with the predicate in a sentence ( Sun is up. The roosters crowed.), and agreement of the defined with the main word in the phrase ( red apple, wooden table). But the Russian language is very multifaceted, so sometimes it can be quite difficult to determine the dependent form. To do this you need to know about some rules.

1. B official speech semantic replacement of agreement is considered incorrect in cases where the noun male, denoting a profession or type of activity, agrees with the verb in the feminine gender (if the person who names the noun is a person female):

The doctor entered the room (incorrect). - Doctor Tikhonova entered the room (corr.).

As we see, only if there is a proper name indicating that it belongs to the feminine gender, the predicate is consistent with the proper name in the feminine gender. The same thing happens when there is a separate application, which is expressed by a common noun:

Alyona, my curator, today I could not come to class.

2. At the same time, in other phrases like "common noun + proper"(names of cities, rivers, countries, names of animals, etc.) the predicate agrees with the common noun:

Hero City Moscow these days looked pretty gloomy. Kitty Cherry had white nose and funny tassels on the ears.

3. Collocations with collective nouns require singular agreement, without any exceptions. Semantic coordination in this case it is a case of colloquialism and is strictly not allowed.

The crowd of people were noisy and worried (incorrect). - The crowd of people was noisy and worried (corr.).

The bride's relatives did not really like the groom (incorrect) - The bride's relatives did not really like the groom (corr.).

Agreement with the pronoun “who”, “what”.

Pronouns “who” (“someone”) and “what” (“something”) by default require singular agreement: Who- male, What- average.

Whoever came in into the room, everyone praised the new renovation.

Something light and bright settled in her soul.

Agreement with words of a different gender and number possible only if used with a qualifying pronoun “that” (that, that, those):

Those who came to a meeting, got a lot of pleasant impressions.

The one that was by me, a long time ago changed And became another.

Agreement of nouns associated with the numerals “two”, “three”, “four” with definitions.

1. Nouns masculine and neuter gender in such phrases are consistent with the definition V genitive case plural. In this case, the noun in such a phrase will be in the genitive case: two open windows, four small cucumbers.

2. Nouns The feminine gender in this case takes on the form of the nominative plural, and is consistent with the definition in the same form: three green birches, two huge parcels. If a noun takes the genitive plural form, then the definition can also take the genitive plural form:

From the hillock one could see two snowy tops.

As you can see, in each of these cases the numeral is in the nominative case, regardless of what case the other parts of the phrase are in.

Agreement between the predicate and the subject, which is a collective quantity (“most”, “half”, “row”, “part”).

  1. If the controlled word is in the plural, then the collective noun comes into agreement with the predicate, as a result of which the predicate is used in the form single person: Most employees supported reform.
  2. If the noun does not have controlled words or the existing controlled word is singular, then the predicate is also used in the singular person form: Range of symptoms indicated for pneumonia. Majority supported lifting sanctions.

There are several from this rule exceptions when the predicate can be used in the plural:

  • If a noun has several controlled words in the plural form: Most girls, young women and women adore sweets.
  • If in a sentence there are other members of the sentence between the subject and the predicate, subordinate clause with a plural conjunction or participial phrase: Some of the visitors who watched the premiere remained openly dissatisfied. Most of the visitors who watched the premiere remained openly dissatisfied.
  • If the sentence contains a compound nominal predicate, the nominal part of which is expressed by participles and adjectives: Some of the trees in this forest were coniferous.
  • If, along with the subject, there are homogeneous predicates: Range of symptoms worsened And become much sharper.

The same rules apply to sentences with the words “many”, “little”, “how much”, “several”, “as much”, “a lot” as the subject and the predicate in agreement with it.

  • 4. Syntactic relations in a phrase.
  • 5. Coordination as a type of subordinate connection. Types of approval: complete and incomplete.
  • 6. Management as a type of subordination. Strong and weak control, nominal adjacency.
  • 7. Adjunction as a type of subordinating connection.
  • 8. Sentence as the main unit. Syntax. The main features of the proposal.
  • 9. Actual division of the sentence.
  • 11. Types of proposals based on the substitution of positions of the main and secondary members of the sentence. Parcellation.
  • 13. Simple verbal predicate, complication of a simple verbal sentence.
  • 14. Compound verb predicate
  • 15. Compound nominal predicate.
  • 16. Definitely personal proposals.
  • 17. Vaguely personal sentences
  • 18. Generalized personal sentences.
  • 19. Impersonal and infinitive sentences.
  • 20. Nominative sentences and their types. Question about genitive and vocative sentences.
  • 21. Syntactically indivisible sentences and their varieties.
  • 22. Addition, its types and methods of expression.
  • 23. Definition, its types and methods of expression. Application as a special type of definition.
  • 24. Circumstance, its types and methods of expression. The concept of determinants.
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions
  • 26. Proposals with isolated members. The concept of isolation. Basic conditions for the isolation of minor members of a sentence.
  • 27. Separate definitions and applications.
  • Dedicated Applications
  • 28. Special circumstances.
  • 29. Isolated revolutions with the meaning of inclusion, exclusion and substitution. Isolation of clarifying explanatory and connecting members of the proposal.
  • Clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence
  • 30. Proposals with appeal. Ways of expressing appeals. Punctuation marks when addressing.
  • 31. Introductory words and phrases, their lexical-semantic categories and grammatical expression.
  • 32. Plug-in structures.
  • 33. Complex sentence as a unit of syntax. Means of expressing syntactic relations in a complex sentence. Types of sl. Suggestion
  • 34. Types of complex sentences by the number of predicative parts (open and closed structure). Communication means ssp.
  • 35. Compound sentences with connecting and connecting relations.
  • 36. Compound sentences with disjunctive and adversative relations.
  • 37. Complex sentences of undivided and dismembered structure.
  • 43. Complex sentences with conditional and causal relationships.
  • 44. Complex sentences with concessional relations.
  • 45. Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of purpose and consequence.
  • 46. ​​Types of subordination in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.
  • 47. Non-union complex sentences. Semantic relations between parts of the non-union word. Sentences and means of their expression.
  • 48. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence
  • 52. Text as the highest communicative organization of speech. The main features of the text: coherence, integrity, completeness, articulation.
  • The order of syntactic parsing of a complex sentence
  • The order of syntactic parsing of a complex sentence
  • The order of syntactic parsing of a non-conjunctive complex sentence
  • Parsing a simple sentence:
  • Syntactic analysis of the phrase:
  • 5. Coordination as a type subordinating connection. Types of approval: complete and incomplete.

    Coordination is a type of subordinating connection in which dependent word is likened in its form to the dominant word, for example: important question, main street, new houses. The main word in agreement is a noun (or a word in its meaning), a dependent adjective, a participle, as well as a numeral and a pronoun similar in form to the adjective: green oak, green oak in the distance, third oak from the road, this oak. Sometimes the dependent word in agreement can be a noun: hero city, teenage girl, giant cliff.

    A dependent word can agree in number, gender and case, or in number and case, or in case only.

    When agreeing, a change in the main word causes a corresponding change in the dependent word: green oak - green oak - green oak etc.

    Agreement is expressed using the ending of the dependent word.

    Coordination varies complete And incomplete .

    At complete In agreement, the subordinate word takes all forms of the subordinating word, as far as the grammatical categories of both words allow, for example: dark night(agreement in gender, case and number); last minutes(agreement in case and number); marks are set(agreement in number).

    At incomplete In coordination, not all coordination possibilities have been exhausted, for example: I see him ready to leave(coordination of the adjective ready with its pronoun in gender and number, but not in case; cf. the outdated construction I see him ready to leave - with full agreement). In case of incomplete agreement, the assimilation of the dependent word to the main word does not occur in all of their categories of the same name: for example, in combinations with cardinal numerals ( two large tables, two large books) adjective large agrees with nouns only in case, not agreeing in number, but the numeral two agrees with nouns in gender but not in case

    6. Management as a type of subordination. Strong and weak control, nominal adjacency.

    Control is a type of subordinating relationship in which the dependent word is placed in a certain case form (without a preposition or with a preposition), determined by the lexico-grammatical meaning of the dominant word, for example: read a letter, be interested in art, love for the motherland. Stand out different kinds control depending on the morphological nature of the dominant word, the presence or absence of a preposition before the dependent word, the nature of the connection between both words.

    Management can be substantive ( book reading), adjectival ( capable of music), verb ( write with a pen), adverbial ( answered better than me).

    There is a difference between direct and unprejudiced control ( see the picture), and mediocre, or prepositional ( look at the picture).

    Management is called strong , if there is a necessary connection between the dominant and dependent words, which is expressed in the fact that the dominant word needs to be distributed in a certain case form, for example: testing the machine, breaking the silence, full of vigor.

    At weak In management, the connection between both words is optional; it is not determined by the lexico-grammatical features of the dominant word as a necessary connection, for example: the sun has set behind the forest, I often walk in the evenings.

    Nominal adjacency- this is such a connection of words in which the indirect case of a name is added to a verb, noun, adjective or adverb without a preposition or with a preposition, and at the same time proper- or adverbial-characterizing or completive relations arise. Thus, the difference between nominal adjacency and weak control is that with nominal adjunction, it is not the objective meaning of the adjoining name that prevails, but the attributive one (in in a broad sense this word) meaning itself case form or all of the prepositional-case group, which acts in this case as a potential adverb or potential “adjective form”.

    The meanings of word forms that enter into a connection of nominal adjacency lie in the area of ​​not only grammatical, but also lexical semantics and cannot be described in detail in syntax. In the syntactic description, these meanings should be as general as possible. As a result of such a generalization, the following circle of characterizing meanings can be outlined for word forms that enter into a connection of nominal adjacency: 1) proper-characterizing; 2) adverbial-characterizing: temporary meaning (temporal); spatial or local (including both direct meaning, as well as transfers arising on its basis, the meaning of origin, derivation, attribution, etc.); quantitative (measures); conditional; causal (stimulus, reason, reason); purpose (including purpose, purpose); restitution; togetherness.

    Nominal adjunction is a weak connection. This connection turns out to be strong only with words whose semantics necessarily require a dependent word form that compensates for their informative insufficiency: to be, to be, to appear, etc. In these cases, complex relationships arise.

    One of the grammatical connections in the Russian language is agreement. Examples of such connections occur very often in speech. Along with control and adjacency, coordination is part of its three main types.

    Between what parts of speech is the coordination connection established?

    Nouns or other parts of speech acting as a noun (pronouns, participles, adjectives, substantivized words) are combined with full participles, ordinal and collective numerals, adjectives, pronouns (relative, possessive, demonstrative, attributive, negative and indefinite) and nouns - agreed upon by applications using the “harmonization” connection. Examples: a singing artist, some excitement.

    What is agreement expressed in?

    Often the main and dependent words in a sentence are in the same gender, number and case. This connection is called “coordination”. Examples of exceptions are also found here. This is an application when the dependent word may not be combined in gender (mother-doctor). if at least some grammes are repeated in both the dependent and the main word, then this is agreement.

    Example sentences

    1. The laughing girl’s eyes were slyly narrowed.

    • Were who? the girl has a feminine noun, singular, in the genitive case, singular.
    • The girl has Which? laughing - feminine participle, singular, genitive, singular.

    2. The baby had bracelets on both arms.

    • Were on what? on the handles is a feminine noun, plural, in the genitive case.
    • On the handles how many? both are the collective numeral of the feminine gender, plural, in the genitive case.

    3. What joy her face shone!

    Agreement is very common in speech. Examples of phrases: a laughing girl ( full communion with a noun), on both hands (collective noun with a noun), what joy with a noun), on the ninth floor (ordinal number with a noun), she is mine (personal pronoun with possessive pronoun), who did not expect them (personal pronoun with full participle).

    Features of combinations of cardinal numbers with nouns

    It's pretty interesting case. After all, they can act as the main word if they are in the nominative or accusative cases - there is a connection “management”. And in indirect cases they become dependent words, agreeing with the noun in gender, number and case. Thus, using the same phrase, two types of communication can be demonstrated - “coordination”, “management”. Examples:

    1. Seven hours later, Tatyana reached the place where the picnic was organized.

    • Seven (main word in the nominative case) what? hours (genitive case) - management.

    2. Seven hours later, Tatyana reached the place where the picnic was organized.

    • How? for hours (the main word in the plural in the instrumental case) how many? seven (plural cardinal in the instrumental case) - agreement.

    Differences in agreement between participles, adjectives and substantivized nouns

    Considering coordination with examples, some especially attentive people notice some features. Not expressed in spelling, they nevertheless play a role during parsing. Examples will help to understand these differences, where the coordination connection can be traced:

    1. The student on duty, neat and smart, reported on the group’s readiness for classes.

    • Student on duty - agreement, where the main word is “student”, and the dependent word - “on duty” - is an adjective.

    2. The attendant, neat and smart, reported on the group’s readiness for classes.

    • “Duty” in this case acts as a substantivized noun, in the form of an adjective, and is the main word. Its dependent words would be “neat” and “tidy”, which would agree with it.

    Three in sentences

    The combination of words in Russian is subject to special rules. You should know that there are three main connections in phrases: Examples of them in Russian speech are used quite widely. It is thanks to them that words are combined into sentences. It will help to consider and analyze all three - control, coordination, adjacency - examples taken from one sentence: “A fluffy kitten with a striped tail happily played with an orange ball.”


    This kind grammatical connection presupposes the presence of a main word that controls the dependent one. Often the main role is played by a verb, which requires a certain case form from the noun. In the example under consideration, from the verb “played” to the word “ball” you can ask the question “with what?” This question requires placing the dependent noun in the instrumental case. Therefore, these words are connected by control. Even if you replace the noun “ball” with another, for example, “butterfly” or “ball”, it will also be in the instrumental case. Numerals (both), pronouns (im), substantivized words (homeless) can also act as dependent words. Main words can also be a variety of parts of speech. For example: verbs, nouns (fingers what? hands), participles (running Why? by waves), cardinal numbers in the nominative or accusative case(two whom? person), adverbs (joyfully from what? from thought), adjectives (cheerful from what? from understanding).


    This type of connection is not based on the grammatical meaning of the dependent word, but only on the lexical one. Adjacent to the main thing such as an adverb, infinitive, gerund, immutable adjective or standing in a simple comparative form, inconsistent applications(nouns). In the example about the kitten, adjacency is also used in the phrase “played merrily” (played How? funny).

    Coordination. Puns and jokes

    Also present in this sentence is the connection of agreement. Examples: fluffy kitten, with a striped tail, an orange ball. Here you can see the complete agreement of main and dependent words in gender, number and case. However, there are cases of incomplete agreement. This occurs when a connection is observed between nouns, where the dependent is an application and is expressed by a noun of a different gender. For example, a spouse is a director, a sister is an administrator, and the like. Interesting cases occur when there is a play on words. The pun is based on the fact that the masculine and genitive forms of the noun are the same in pronunciation and spelling. Therefore, it is quite easy to turn coordination into control, which changes the entire meaning of what is being said.

    1. He could not help but love his doctor wife.

      The nouns "spouse" and "doctor" in this text are related by agreement, and both are in the accusative case.

    2. He could not help but love the doctor's wife.

      In this context, only the word “spouse” is in the accusative case. Asking a question to your spouse whom? doctor”, it can be established that the dependent is in the genitive case, which is required by the main word. Therefore, communication is called control. In terms of spelling, all the words are the same, only in the second case there is no hyphen, which changes not only the grammatical categories of the dependent word, but also the very meaning of what was said.

    The Russian language is very interesting and multifaceted. The subtle nuances of using word connections should be carefully studied and understood so as not to get into a stupid situation.

    Today we will talk about such a concept in Russian as coordination. You will learn what approval is, what its peculiarities are, and we will also tell you what types of approvals exist.

    Harmonization: Definition of the Term

    In the subordinating syntactic connection There are three types: control, adjacency and coordination. Coordination means that the dependent component is likened to the dominant one in such grammatical categories, which are called the same name (number, gender, case). Simply put, in agreement there is a main word and a dependent word, which is completely similar in gender, number and case to the main word. Moreover, a change in the dominant word also entails a change in the dependent word. For example, “red apple”. Here the word "red" has a single number, neuter gender And Nominative case. But, having already changed to “red apples” we see that the categories are also changing - plural, “red apple” - genitive case.

    Unlike control and adjacency, the coordination connection type is a weak connection. After all, in agreement there are no main words that would always require the presence of dependent agreed words as one of the conditions for their use. Meanwhile, sometimes there are cases when the presence of a dependent word is required, for example: “our arrival upset everyone,” “she had cheerful look". Dependent words (in the first case, “our”, in the second, “cheerful”) cannot be eliminated here.

    In agreement, the main word is considered to be the word whose form is determined by the meaning conveyed in the statement. In accordance with the form of the main word, the form of the dependent word is also selected. However, in certain combinations, such as, for example, “young student,” using this criterion it is impossible to distinguish between the dependent and main elements, since they are distinguished only for semantic reasons.

    Types of approvals

    Agreement in the Russian language can be complete or incomplete. In the second case, the dependent word is not likened to the main word in all categories of the same name. For example, if we talk about cardinal numbers (two small chairs, two small people), the adjective “small” agrees with nouns only in case, while no agreement occurs in number. And the numeral “two” agrees with nouns in gender, but not in case.

    The meaning of the word CONORDATION in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language


    approvals, plural no, cf.

    1. Action and state according to verb. agree and agree. Design approval.

    2. One of the expressions grammatical dependence words in speech, which consists in the fact that the dependent word is placed in the same case, number, gender or person in which the word on which it depends (gram.), for example. my son, my son, my daughter, things are going, things are going.

    Ushakov. Dictionary Russian language Ushakov. 2012

    See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CONORDATION is in the Russian language in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    • CONCORDING in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
      - 1) reaching a preliminary agreement, general agreement between a group of interested responsible persons regarding the release of a document of a certain content, protocol, agreement, ...
    • CONCORDING in big encyclopedic dictionary:
    • CONCORDING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
      (gram.). - By the name S. we mean a more or less complete similarity of the grammatical form of one word grammatical form another with whom...
    • CONCORDING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , -I, Wed. 1. he. agree, -sya. 2. In grammar: subordinating connection, in which a grammatically dependent word is likened to a grammatically dominant word...
    • CONCORDING in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      CONCORDING, the view will subordinate. syntactic connections, in which the dependent word is likened in the grammatical expression. values ​​to the subordinate...
    • CONCORDING in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
      (gram.). ? By the name S. we mean a more or less complete assimilation of the grammatical form of one word to the grammatical form of another, with which ...
    • CONCORDING in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
      coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, ...
    • CONCORDING in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      - a subordinating relationship (see Subordination) of the components of a phrase, in which grammes or part of the grammes of the dominant word are repeated in the dependent word. At …
      A type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is likened in the expression grammatical meanings the dominant word. New area, V new apartment, To …
    • CONCORDING in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    • CONCORDING in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
      Syn: interaction, coordination, regulation, reconciliation, fitting, selection, linking Ant: ...
    • CONCORDING in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
      Syn: interaction, coordination, regulation, reconciliation, fitting, selection, linking Ant: ...
    • CONCORDING in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
      1. Wed. The process of action by value. verb: agree (1*), agree (1*). 2. Wed. A type of syntactic connection in which the dependent word ...
    • CONCORDING full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    • CONCORDING in the Spelling Dictionary:
    • CONCORDING in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      <= согласовать, -ся согласование В грамматике: подчинительная связь, при которой грамматически зависимое слово уподобляется грамматически главенствующему слову в роде, числе …
    • CONCORDING in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
      a type of subordinating syntactic connection in which the dependent word is likened to the subordinating word in expressing grammatical meanings...
    • CONCORDING in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
      approval 1. cf. The process of action by value. verb: agree (1*), agree (1*). 2. Wed. A type of syntactic connection in which the dependent...
    • CONCORDING in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    • CONCORDING in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      I Wed. process of action according to ch. agree I, agree I II cf. A type of syntactic connection in which the dependent word is placed ...
    • AGREEMENT ON MEANING in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
      The choice of the number form or gender of the predicate is based not on grammatical similarity to the form of expression of the subject, but on the semantic relationship between both...
    • DIRECT AGREEMENT in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
      Agreement of the verb connective in gender and number with the subject, and not with the nominal part of the compound predicate (see reverse agreement ...