What is the significance of the two crowns on the head? Scientific and medical opinion.

Our grandmothers saw a certain omen for the fate of a man who had two crowns on his head. What does this rare sign mean? They said I was destined to marry twice. But this was true in ancient times, when people got married once in a lifetime. Now, in times of easy marriages and quick divorces, this sign has lost its relevance. A person with only one crown can marry five times.

What do two crowns on a head give a person?

What does the appearance of several hair “centers” mean for the baby’s fate? There is an unusual assumption that in humans the half of the brain above which the top of the head is formed is more developed. If it is on the left, it means that the corresponding hemisphere works better, and vice versa. Based on such reflections, we can draw a conclusion about the harmonious development of a person who has two crowns on his head, which means: both hemispheres of his brain work equally. Unfortunately, the results of the studies are unknown. And were they carried out? But if this is true, then a person with two tops gets an advantage, since he has both logic and to the same degree! To him, any problem seems simple and easy to solve.

Sign: two crowns on the head

People have long begun to notice that the owner of a double-crowned head can easily get out of any trouble. He is spared by adversity and problems. Such a person is usually called lucky. Perhaps there is a reason for this. It is believed that if a child has two on his head, it means that a lucky person is growing up in the family! But not everyone believes in this. In some regions of Russia it was believed that a rogue had two crowns on his head, which meant: this person was cunning and resourceful. He will use any situation for his own benefit without remorse. Whether this is so is unknown. It is necessary to check by examining the lives of the owners of this sign. Nose great pleasure young mothers believe in the first part of the sign. It is better to consider your child lucky, and not to believe that he will grow up to be a scoundrel!

Are two heads a sign of ability?

In the north of the country, this wondrous sign received a completely different interpretation. It was believed that not everyone could become a shaman, but only those whom the Higher Powers had marked. Such special signs were considered to be the presence of an extra finger, a huge or several crowns on the head. Only a person who had the “mark of God” could claim to be allowed to study the secrets of the shamanic art. Some peoples believed that an angel especially protects a person with several hair “centers.” That is, this lucky person does not lose touch with the Higher Powers, who constantly watch over him, give advice and tips. Two tops - an angelic sign! A person with such a mark may have clairvoyance, he has a well-developed imagination, he is capable of how many people use this? Official statistics, of course, is missing. But it is still necessary to develop what the Lord has given.

So, no matter how you look at it, a person with two tops is clearly lucky. And he has more abilities, and angels protect him, and his marriages are guaranteed!

The article provides information about what one, two, three crowns on a person’s head mean. See the opinions of esotericists and doctors regarding this phenomenon.

In life there are different unexplained phenomena. The majority of people have one crown on their heads - this is considered the norm. And some have two or even three curls in the crown area. Many interpretations, superstitions, and signs arise around such an anomaly. They say that this is God's mark. People who have it are strong magical powers thanks to the connection with space.

How to determine how many crowns there are on a person’s head?

A person with an angelic mark is considered happy in life. But many people don’t know what she looks like. It's not difficult to look at it at all. It looks like a swirl of hair on your head. Some people experience two or three or more of these whirlpools. It is like the source around which hair is formed.

Due to the fact that there are several of them, it can be difficult to form a hairstyle. Especially if the individual has short hair. Therefore, in order not to emphasize this feature, people go to experienced stylists who do the styling. Shape the hairstyle so that the tops do not stand out too much on the head.

Two tops - what does that mean?

IMPORTANT: Girls who have more than one crown are more comfortable wearing long curls.

What does one, two, three crowns on people's heads look like?

In the image below you will see what the two tops of a baby's head look like. Now this phenomenon is not particularly surprising. Previously, simple illiterate people always treated such incomprehensible features of other people with great caution. Due to the underdevelopment of science in this direction, this phenomenon was simply observed. And it turned out that such unique people completely harmless to others, quite the contrary. The only thing is that they were considered darlings of fate.

Thanks to public opinion people with several crowns received positive charge energy. There was always increased attention to them and this actually led to action; the lucky ones achieved a lot with their work.

Why does a person have two or three crowns on his head: reasons, medical opinion

These protrusions on the skull do not affect health and psychological development person. Medical specialists did not notice any supernatural features or abnormalities or health threats. Doctors believe that the cause of their appearance is only parental genes and nothing more.

According to unfinished studies medical workers did not confirm the fact that people with two or three vertices have more developed brain activity than patients with one. Other factors influence this. Several crowns on the back of the head are a manifestation of the special structure of the skull. This factor was influenced by the genetic component.

What does two crowns mean, curls on the head of women, men, children: folk signs, esoteric opinion

A few pretty curls on the top of the head in the northern part of the country meant that the Heavenly Forces were favorably disposed towards this person. And he can become a shaman - a wizard with superpowers. Because like a man, a woman with such a mark never loses contact with the Angels. They can perform rituals, heal people, predict what will happen.

No one can officially confirm this. Science is silent about this, because this area has not been sufficiently researched.

Esotericists also believe that two-headed people have the gift of clairvoyance. Because the structural features of their skull are a sign, like birthmarks, moles or other differences from generally accepted norms.

There is an opinion among the people that people with this sign will be lucky and loved. They are promised at least two marriages. But it used to be unusual to marry a second time. There were no divorces in those days. And now this is a common practice, unfortunately. Men, women and those with the same crown can be married several times. After all, divorces are not prohibited - this is not a novelty. Whether you believe in this sign is up to you to decide.

What does the three crowns on the head of women, men, children mean: folk signs, esoteric opinion

Three crowns are much less common. Again, thanks to them, a person has extraordinary abilities. According to magicians, children with three swirls of hair on the back of their heads are unique and are called indigo.

According to scientific research in the field of phrenology, people with three marks depend on rhythms, which sets the world, chronological hours. Because of this, men and women do not control their states, feelings, personal rhythm, sensations. These people are irresponsible, dependent on others, and cannot keep their word. Their opinions often change; stability is not for such individuals.

A man has two crowns - what does it mean?

Men with three crowns are lucky in love. Such extraordinary personalities appeal to many ladies. They have a cool disposition, a complex character, but they have genius abilities. These individuals complete everything with special passion if it is their favorite topic.

What does one crown on the head mean for women, men, children: folk signs, esoteric opinion

According to doctors' studies, people with one crown do not differ in anything special from individuals with two or three. But according to esotericists, there are differences (this has already been discussed above). Individuals with one crown are endowed with a personal rhythm, unlike men and women with two crowns. That is why he is able to control his feelings and is more organized.

Video: If a person has two tops?

Tops on the Head (revealing the truth) Tops on the head. Oddly enough, despite the relative prevalence this phenomenon, to date there is no clear opinion on this issue. Some associate the number of tops with the number of “marriages” of such children, as well as with the fact that such children have a happy destiny or are very lucky and tenacious (two-core). All this is true, however, the reasons for this are somewhat different. In my article I will try to shed light on " the harsh truth" of this phenomenon. Introduction

I saw observers in my vision... Two giants who fought for my Soul... And neither of them could defeat the other... They suggested that I choose the master over myself... I asked them, what are you are you like that?... - They answered me: we fed on you for thousands of years and created kings over the sons of men... and through them we ruled over you... - I raised my eyes to see them... And the first giant was like the lion and his clothes were light, and the second giant was like a snake... his face was terrible and his cape was multi-colored, but still... dark... The Testament of Amram. Dead Sea Scrolls (1st century AD).

First, a little history. In my articles, I have already mentioned that planet Earth has long been conquered by the alien Race of the Annunaki (translated as those who descended from Heaven), which secretly controls people through Secret Societies and conducts all kinds of genetic experiments on people, with the aim of removing outstanding genes (to improve their own species) and breeding rulers, bosses, leaders, kings, dictators and presidents over people in order to control the human masses with their help. Along with the Annunaki, other races (not necessarily negative) are also doing the same thing. As a rule - Reptilian. The goal is to breed a new species of human and view it further development for the purpose of studying the planet, managing, controlling, conquering other planets, collecting information, and so on. The goals of these experiments are always different and not necessarily harmful to Humanity. In order to better control such "human" bodies in the human world, they need to have as much of their reptilian genetics as possible in such a "carrier body". In order to see in more detail how such avatar bodies are controlled, you can familiarize yourself with the film “Avatar”. Carrier bodies or Avatars are simply necessary for Alien Races, since they do not survive in the atmosphere of planet Earth (the composition of the planet’s air and its gravity are not suitable for them), thus, only a short stay on planet Earth or life in special conditions is possible for them. underground bases below the surface of the planet. Earth is a very old planet. A lot of various types humanity inhabited the Earth before us. Even before the appearance of the Lemurians, there lived people who breathed carbon dioxide and exhaled oxygen. Over time, almost all carbon dioxide was absorbed by living beings. It turned into hydrocarbons and lay underground in the form of oil and coal deposits. The previous humanity died out due to a lack of carbon dioxide in the air. Then the Curators of the Earth from the constellation Sirius brought to Mars new model a person who inhaled poison - oxygen, and exhaled life-giving force - carbon dioxide. They populated the old planet with these people. The task of the new humanity is to remove hydrocarbons from the earth and saturate the planet’s atmosphere with carbon dioxide in order to enable the next race of people-gods to breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen on Earth again. To prevent people from destroying each other and the Planet as a whole, the Sirians pledged to look after human race, to direct their progress in line with the Venusian civilization of the Hathors and the Martian civilization of the “grays”. So that humanity does not die out from its stupidity and laziness and does not destroy itself through wars and chemistry, the “grays” take several healthy women from earthlings every 200 years and impregnate them on the bases of the Moon and Mars with the seed of superhuman beings. The euthanized women are then returned to Earth. Women have their memories erased and don't remember where they were. But young mothers give birth to amazing children - demigods who have cosmic knowledge, siddhis and open third eye. These people-demigods lead humanity to knowledge, enlightenment and direct them to the path of God. One of these demigods was the ancient Greek Orpheus. At that time, the Land was falling somewhere, and new seas and oceans were formed in place of the continents. When the ocean calmed down, a civilization of giants arose on new continents. Then again the death and again the birth of the great peoples who inhabited the Earth before Atlantis and Lemuria. Then there was a war on spaceships between aliens for spheres of influence on the Planet. Earthly civilizations took over thermonuclear weapons- and the world wars began. The earth was leaving its orbit. Then they followed Global Floods, and new continents were populated by new peoples. Then again the death of Atlantis, then the flourishing Ancient Egypt, the islands of Crete and the civilization of Sumer. Martian bases on the Moon and inner surface The lands monitor the development of our civilization and make a selection of peoples, bringing the necessary ones to this moment time hybrids. Hybrids are a genetic mixture of humanoids from Earth and humanoids from other planets. They are very similar to us and the Grays. The color of their elastic skin can be anything from white to blue, from bronze to red. The length of their bodies ranges from 150 centimeters to 3 meters in height. Some hybrid aliens look just like non-humans. But still, upon closer examination, it is clear that these are earthly humanoids. Many of them have large compound eyes and a sort of “pasted” forehead. For some - long noses and pointed ears. All of them are divided into individuals of both male and female. These hybrids reproduce sexually. However, a quarter of all humanoids that are bred on the motherships of Mars and the Moon are one hundred percent people without any genetic or ethical impurities. They look exactly the same as earthlings. Only a little taller, slimmer and smarter than the indigenous earthlings. The fact is that the aliens, who once upon a time founded their colonies on Earth, have always had sexual relations with earthly women. Women from such contacts could not give birth on Earth. They simply died because their fetus was born too big. Born children also died on Earth. Therefore, the Grays always kept an eye on such women - before giving birth, they took them to their bases on the Moon and Mars, where the mothers successfully gave birth. Women don't remember anything when they are sent to Earth after giving birth. And the Grays, as a rule, keep the children for themselves. These children live either on orbital stations, orbiting planets solar system, or suffer among human nations and make brilliant discoveries for earthlings. General characteristic feature for such children the aliens are theirs high growth- from 180 to 250 centimeters. The men are fair-haired, blue-eyed, slightly tanned, and well-shaven. And the women are slender and big-eyed, beautiful and kind. Such humanoids usually fly in on disk-shaped UFOs and go out to people to teach the peoples of the earth to live peacefully and enlighten. Soul Stealers. The Secret of the Tops of the Head - Was there a boy? Maybe the boy never existed? M. Gorky (Life of Klim Samgin) Despite the fact that there are many “convenient” and conventional wisdom Regarding the tops of a person’s head and the phenomenon of white bones, we believe that parents, and indeed the Indigo Children themselves, have the right to know the truth, no matter how harsh it may be.

In the photo, the baby has 2 tops of his head. Left-handed and Right-handed. On the base Alien Race After the kidnappers, all information is removed from the stolen Souls and the genetic material is collected, the pregnant mother or child is returned by the kidnappers to the same point in space and time, and then, the kidnappers, from the obtained genetic material they grow a Hybrid and, as a rule, more than one. According to my version, the number of cloned human doubles is equal to the number of tops of a child's head. If a person has 2 crowns, it means that somewhere on planet Earth he has a cloned double. If a person has 3 tops, it means he has 2 doubles (with him - three), etc. It should be borne in mind that some destructive civilizations, for example the Anunnaki, by stealing a fetus or a child, do not improve a person, but deliberately "worse" it. They remove outstanding genes from him and divide, embodied on Earth, outstanding personality into several mediocre clones, thus averaging them to overall indicator 5 races. The crown is an area of ​​the human body covered by hair, on which there is no specific direction of hair growth. Hair on the top of the head can grow clockwise or counterclockwise. At the same time, at different people the number and location of the tops can vary greatly. The most well-known location is at the top of the skull. in some people, two, three, or even more separate crowns can be distinguished in this place. But top part The heads are far from the only place where the tops of heads meet. They can be located on the face, back and even limbs. The crowns can be seen where the human body has hair (that is, those parts of the human body that were used by the kidnappers to grow the Hybrid). If the Hybrid is grown using the “express method”, then body parts (mainly parts of the skull) of the stolen embryo and the alien race of the abductors are used. This is how you get the “tops of your head.” Why parts of the skull? The fact is that such a Hybrid is controlled via the upper human energy channel, and in order for the channel to work correctly and without failures, there needs to be a maximum match between the genetics of the Hybrid and the genetics of the alien “operator” who remotely controls it. This is achieved by merging parts of the human skull and the alien race of abductors. Bones of such Hybrids in the human world - white, due to the fact that the Hybrid is grown on alien base, where energy and background radiation maximally increased. Thus, the calcium content in the Hybrid’s musculoskeletal system decreases. In addition, the bones of the kidnappers themselves are usually white and differ in structure from human bones. The problem of the tops of human heads is closely intertwined with the problem of chipization of earthlings, which is carried out by some alien races. At the same time, chips are often implanted directly into people’s bones to make them difficult to detect and remove from the human body. In order to fully control the grown Hybrid, human genetic material is crossed with one or more genomes of the Kidnapper Race (depending on the planned task: observation, coming to power, collecting information or some other mission). The goals of an experiment are always different and not necessarily harmful to humanity. If we weed out the banal “space espionage”, then this is usually: genetic experiments; analysis of compatibility of brain function, introduction of implants to enhance the ability to control the Hybrid; promotion spiritual level a chosen person (in the case of the “High Soul” incarnation on Earth); studying the ecology of the Earth and implementing measures for its restoration; informants, etc. galactic espionage; some high mission (most rare view) (see Jesus Christ). Because remote control The hybrid goes through an additional energy channel on his head, then the crossing occurs by comparing and merging the skulls of the kidnapped person and the Race of the kidnappers of this child. Thus, the extra crown is an “extra” part of the skull of a race of kidnappers or other abducted children, for better remote attunement to such a child and influence on his actions and emotional-mental component, for the purpose of control and collection of information. Hence the number of tops. 2 (two) crowns on the head - two skulls, 3 (three) crowns on the head - three skulls, etc. This is the root distinctive features such Hybrids from people.

Human Embryo Thus, each Hybrid has at least two or more tops. An extra crown with positive Rh blood indicates that the head of such a Hybrid is made from the skulls of two or more people (simple genetic experiment), and with a negative Rh blood, it says that his head is made from the skulls of a person and a representative(s) of another world (genetic experiment + some kind of alien task), such Hybrids are more important and represent great value for an alien race of abductors. Since, in this case, alien genetics took over in the Hybrid - defeated human genetics. This can only be achieved in one way - frequent stress and the suffering of such a child in childhood and youth. All this suffering, stress and life difficulties- also the fruit of the activities of “operators”. In this way, they achieve the victory of their genetics over human genetics, with the goal of even greater influence on the Hybrid and further control over it. When the genetics of such a Hybrid with age are irreversibly rebuilt to suit the genetics of the “operator”, stress and suffering stop, because control has already been achieved and the Hybrid can be used in the “operator” scenario to the fullest. In some esoteric schools this is called “Karma”. That is why such Hybrid children are so different from all other children. These are not really people. They are only half human or even less. This explains the mutations (an extra vertebra, a different structure internal organs etc.), bones are white, not gray-yellow (as in the 5th race) and the blood composition of such children is different (negative Rh blood). Thus physical body acquires mutations inherent in the race of kidnappers. The genome of the Alien Race took over the development of such a child. That is why such children often question their blood relationship with their “earthly” parents and, to some extent, this is true. In pronounced Hybrids, in addition to negative Rh blood, strictly defined blood groups also predominate. As a rule, this is blood group 3 or 4. What are the external signs of such Hybrids among us? Researchers know following criteria the presence of pronounced alien genetics in the Hybrid (usually with negative Rh blood): They have a somewhat enlarged head, with a pronounced elongation of the occipital part and (or) the allocation of hemispheres (two, less often three) in the upper part; Possible early baldness or, conversely, thick and curly hair; Large forehead and/or inexpressively small mouth; Skin of grayish, creamy tones or very white, chalky color; The eyes are convex and round (protruding), or large almond-shaped, if without eyebrows, then with pronounced brow ridges; The color of the eyes is blue-blue or gray, if dark, then with golden specks, or changeable. May have a reptilian appearance (so-called vertical pupil) or one eye is different from the other. At the same time, the expression of the eyes can change: sometimes mirrored, sometimes iridescent, sometimes the pupils narrow to a vertical line; Can have unusual shape teeth. Sharp teeth triangular shape or an unusual "bite". Fangs tend to be enlarged and pronounced in Reptilian Hybrids; The body is thin, slender, strong or muscular; They may have extra vertebrae, which almost certainly indicates the Reptilian nature of the controlling "operator"; They have weak hair, especially on the face, and the weaker the hair, the “purer” the original alien genotype; Sometimes, flat feet, which do not cause them any discomfort; Cone-shaped breasts (in women); The arms are long and thin fingers, very mobile and dexterous, and the nails have a pinkish tint, sometimes claw-shaped. Moreover, they may have six or four fingers, in the latter case the resemblance of small membranes between them is noticeable. The hand is extremely mobile and plastic (as if it is “without bones”); When meeting, they rarely shake hands and avoid shaking hands, which is often misinterpreted by others; Avoid direct gaze(hide their gaze), which is often misinterpreted by others; They don't like to talk about themselves. Neither about the places where they were born, nor about their parents, they avoid questions about their tastes and habits. They don’t like to talk about their childhood; They avoid visiting doctors, hospitals, museums, laboratories and shops, and are also absolutely indifferent to noisy public shows, do not like football, are indifferent to public events And gambling, politics; They speak very competently, concisely and precisely construct phrases. They often speak only with quotes from books, proverbs and sayings, aphorisms, anecdotes, and use running jokes. They express themselves using complex speech combinations, which are often misinterpreted by others. They don’t like it when people make fun of them, they don’t understand subtle humor and jokes; They may burr; They quickly fall into a trance; Hybrids are very hardy, indifferent to food and sleep, and can go three days without eating or sleeping; Amazingly lucky in extreme situations"born in a shirt"; Avoid large bodies of water, do not swim in the sea and avoid direct sun rays(typical of Reptilian Hybrids); Hybrids are like claws, neat, punctual and obligatory. Not prone to lyricism, tearfulness and display of emotions; Prefer classical or choral music; They try to stay in the shadows (secret leaders, " gray cardinals"). They show secrecy. They wear inconspicuous clothes and accessories or do not follow fashion at all; Hybrids have very acute hearing, “hear” the sounds of plants and animals; Pronounced superpowers: telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, astral karate, teleportation, clairvoyance, clairaudience etc. The superpowers of such Hybrids depend on the specific alien race; Very high immunity and vitality; Resistant to alcohol (do not get drunk), GMO drugs and most earthly diseases; High humidity sometimes leads to shortness of breath; Possess a phenomenal and reliable memory, colossal volume knowledge of the universe and astrophysics, esotericism and ancient history Earth. Walking Directory; Often everyone knows thoroughly about the contactee. They are comfortable with computers and electronics, but do not have the skills to work with a hammer, axe, chisel, etc. After meeting them, the poltergeist phenomenon may appear in the contactee’s house. Women experience headaches or pain in the lower abdomen. If the Hybrid is of a Reptilian nature, then after communicating with him, women will “twist” their legs. Legs ache; Dogs and cats react to them. The cat raises its “hair on end and its tail like a pipe,” and the dog and aquarium fish tuck their tails between their legs (Hybrids have powerful, heightened and alien energy). In a number of cases, the aliens themselves indicate that their representatives, the so-called scouts or informants in the guise of people, are on Earth. They have bones of a white “sugar” color and they talk about only one thing - this is a Hybrid.

What does it mean to have two or three crowns on a man’s head? Maybe you know signs from friends?

  1. This is hereditary on my line. I don’t see anything other than magnetic induction in the two tops of the heads.
  2. The main thing is what is in the head and not on the head. Known with one crown and married three times.
  3. Most likely, this means that he has three or two tops!
  4. So besides you he has 2 or 3 mistresses
  5. this is Satan, for example Hitler only had two)))))
  6. This anatomical feature of the structure of a man’s head, according to old beliefs, predicts great love for him. And in the minds of others, the double-crowned man appears as a man with complex character, but gifted with extraordinary abilities. Ambiguous in his passions, he differs from others in his strong passion for something.
    Esoteric teachings associate the sign of two crowns with the Cosmos. Higher powers marked the owner of such a skull structure with a special sign so that he would be different from other people. Like a birthmark, the two crowns are interpreted by esotericists as a message from above, so you should definitely listen to the advice of such people. Among supernatural abilities occult science attributes the gift of clairvoyance to the two-topped people. The presence of a rare sign on the head indicates a predisposition to esoteric practices. Developed imagination is able to partially confirm such guesses through coincidences, but there is not a single exact confirmation or at least statistics about such a mark on the head that would indicate a connection with the Higher Powers. There is no evidence that this is an additional channel of energy or communication with the Cosmos that is inaccessible to other people.
    Regardless of affiliation with a particular religion, for believers, the two crowns on a person’s head previously represented an angelic sign. The anatomical feature was perceived as divine providence, when two guardian angels are sent to protect a person from birth. Double custody becomes a guarantee that a person with such a mark on the head will be able to avoid any unpleasant situations in life, because he, unlike many other people, is protected not by one, but by two angels. It is hardly permissible to associate God’s mark with a person’s superpowers or as a predetermination of his fate. When parents discovered two tops of a child’s head, meanings that had no basis were attributed to the phenomenon. These are just centuries-old ideas about a lucky mark (previously such unusual facts it was difficult to explain scientific point vision). But the positive attitude that this folk sign carries is capable of working miracles and turning a person with two crowns into the darling of fate.
  7. I don’t know... what’s on the head... you certainly can’t add it to your head...)))
  8. I only know one person with two crowns - this is my husband...) Married twice, really. Just a coincidence...) His father is also married twice, but he has one crown...))
  9. This is the structure of the skull. The rest is old wives' tales
  10. does not mean anything)
  11. There is an acquaintance with two crowns, for forty years now, and still not married. Although there were a lot of girls.

Men are not inclined to believe in omens, so even the most common one - “knock on wood three times to avoid the evil eye” - is considered ordinary stupidity among them, and their skepticism only intensifies with age.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

What do two tops mean?

Have you noticed where the hair on your head comes from? From the top of my head. From there, hair “streams” are formed, then descending to the back of the head, forehead and temples. Usually a person has only one such crown. But there are also two crowns on the head. Like everything unusual, this phenomenon aroused interest among our ancestors. Hence the appearance folk signs, ready to tell us what it means to have two crowns on a man, woman or child.

Two tops of a child

This phenomenon is easiest to observe in babies. The second crown can form in any part of the head - either next to the main one or closer to the back of the head or temples. People consider this phenomenon to be a sign - if you find two tops of a baby’s head, he will be happy.

Other signs say that the owner of two crowns will have to:

  • Marry twice (today the unusualness of such a phenomenon as remarriage has been completely erased. And in the times when such a sign arose, marriage was concluded once and for life - the exception was cases when the spouse died early).
  • Where the top of the head has formed, that half of the brain is more developed. As we know, right hemisphere is responsible for Creative skills, and the left one is behind logical thinking. Those with two crowns are equally well developed in both.
  • The sign of two crowns also gives a person the ability to get away with it, that is, to cope successfully with any, the most difficult situations. Sometimes this is given negative meaning- a person is considered cunning and resourceful. In any case, such a skill will only benefit him, while others will simply envy the lucky one.

In some northern peoples Only a person with an unusual marking, including two crowns, could become a shaman. It was believed that such people were marked by higher powers so that ordinary people would not pass by their special talents.

Two tops of a man or woman

Everything that relates to signs about a child with such a feature hairline, applies to either a man or a woman.

In addition, the sign of two crowns says the following about such people:

  • The dreams they have often come true.
  • They love solitude and peace.
  • They have a certain talent - they play well musical instrument, sing, dance, make crafts, etc.
  • They have two guardian angels, so troubles often avoid them.

To strengthen the connection with higher powers, which all owners of two crowns have, is not worth