Bilingual essay competition results. Regulations on the third Moscow open city competition of children's creativity "Bilingua" (bilingual essay competition)

We invite children from Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation to participate and foreign countries for which Russian is a non-native or second native language, aged 10 to 20 years!

The competition under the motto “We create in different languages!” is designed to promote in children the formation of a value-based attitude towards the languages ​​and cultures of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The second important goal of the competition is to support students (including from Russian schools abroad) who show interest in the Russian language and Russian cultural heritage and implement it in literary creativity.

Topics for the 2017 bilingual essay writing competition:

  • Homeland is the country that lives in me.
  • He who does not know foreign languages ​​does not understand anything in his native language. (I. Goethe)
  • Sometimes a moment of understanding is worth more than a lifetime of experience (Star Wars film).
  • Museum of Russia: how do I see it?
  • It’s easy to find a friend in your native land, but how to find him in another country?

The competition is held in three age groups: 10-12 years old, 13-16 years old, 17-20 years old; taking into account subgroups: a) Russian as a second native language; b) Russian as a foreign language.

The authors of the best works (up to 25 people) will be invited to Moscow in November 2017 for an awards ceremony and participation in one of the major city events organized with the support of the Moscow Government. As part of the finals of the competition, training and educational seminars are planned for teachers and parents of the winners of the competition, in order to further expand the scope of application of native languages ​​while improving the quality of the study and use of Russian as the state language.

The application form and additional information are contained in the Competition Regulations.

Contact information: Elena Sergeevna Sineva, tel. 8-916-901-20-52; Devaykina Oksana Vyacheslavovna, tel. 8-967-114-06-02, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

In 2017, the competition is held by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow in collaboration with the Council for Nationalities under the Moscow Government and the International Pedagogical Society in Support of the Russian Language, with additional support from the representative office of the Aga Khan Foundation in the Russian Federation. The implementing partners for the preparation and conduct of the competition are the Autonomous non-profit organization Center for Promotion of Interethnic Education “Ethnosphere” and Moscow State Pedagogical University.

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In accordance with the provisions of the National Policy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025 and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the approval of the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy (December 24, 2014 No. 000), the Russian language and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation are referred to, among others, as objects of state cultural policy. As one of the primary tasks, these documents note the need to create conditions for the preservation and development of all languages ​​of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation. Great importance is given to the issues of support and development of both the Russian state language and the native languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation living in the city of Moscow in the National Policy Strategy of the city of Moscow for the period until 2025, approved in June 2016.

Holding the children's creativity competition "Bilingual" as one of the forms of work to disseminate the native language, affirm the importance of the state Russian language, support bi- and multilingualism and diverse cultural traditions, is designed to help strengthen the unity of the peoples living in Russia, based on mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue, formation of civic consciousness and respect for the country’s historical past among multinational Russian youth.

The creation of parallel written essay texts in two (Russian and native) languages ​​contributes to the formation and manifestation of a linguistic personality, demonstrates the importance of different languages, their beauty and richness, and teaches respect for them as an object of intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of the world. Participation in the Bilingual competition also gives authors the opportunity to realize their desire for self-expression by resorting to figurative means of writing and following language norms.

The concept and rules of the competition take into account the need to find new means to increase interest in the rich diversity of Russian culture and history in various regions of Russia and the world.

I.General provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure and regulations for conducting the third Moscow open city competition of children's creativity “Bilingua” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. In 2017, the competition is held by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow in cooperation with the Council for Nationalities under the Moscow Government (hereinafter referred to as SNPM) and the International Pedagogical Society for the Support of the Russian Language (hereinafter referred to as IPO) in interaction with organizations of the capital’s education system. The implementing partners for the preparation and conduct of the competition are the Autonomous non-profit organization Center for Promotion of Interethnic Education “Ethnosphere” and Moscow State Pedagogical University.

1.3. The competition is held from June to November 2017.

1.4. To prepare and conduct the competition, an Organizing Committee is created, which includes representatives of the organizers of the competition, educational and public organizations of the city of Moscow, including national and cultural associations.

1.5. To evaluate the works submitted for the competition, the Organizing Committee of the competition forms a competent jury.

1.6. Participants in the competition can be students aged 10 to 20 years from educational institutions in Moscow, regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries for which Russian is a non-native or second native language.

1.7. The competition is held in three age groups: 10–12 years old, 13–16 years old, 17–20 years old, taking into account subgroups: a) Russian as a second native language; b) Russian as a foreign language.

1.8. In order to ensure wider participation of children and students in the competition, country and regional stages of the competition may be announced, respectively, in countries and regions of the Russian Federation. To do this, an organization that is ready to act as coordinator of the country/regional stage sends an official letter to the Organizing Committee of the competition indicating the expected number and geography of participants in a particular country/region and information on the coordination of this stage with local authorities supervising the field of education. The Organizing Committee, no later than 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the above letter, sends an official response to the initiators of the country/regional stage and, if approved, publishes information about the conduct of the country/regional stage on the websites of the implementing organizations of the competition.

1.10. The best works of the competition laureates will be published in the scientific and information almanac “Ethnodialogues” and posted on the website www. etnosfera. ru.

1.11. As part of the final part of the competition, training and educational seminars are planned for teachers and parents of the winners of the competition, in order to further expand the scope of application of native languages ​​while improving the quality of learning and use of Russian as the state language.

II.Goals and objectives of the competition

2.1. Competition goals:

2.1.1. Formation of a value attitude towards the native and Russian languages, towards the native and Russian culture, and the culture of multinational Russia.

2.1.2. Development of cultural diversity, bilingualism and multilingualism among youth.

2.1.3. Attracting the attention of young people to the importance of language as an object of intangible cultural heritage.

2.1.4. Fostering a careful and respectful attitude towards linguistic norms and the peculiarities of the cultural and linguistic portrait of the peoples of the world.

2.1.5. Identification and development of the creative potential of talented young authors.

2.2. Competition objectives:

2.2.1. Formation of intercultural dialogue skills among young people.

2.2.2. Stimulating and supporting the interest of young people from different countries in studying the Russian language and culture, Russian history.

2.2.3. Uniting the cognitive and creative interests of young authors around a single topic, developing their communication skills.

2.2.4. Promotion of children and youth gifted in the field of verbal creativity, providing them with methodological assistance in the development of their creative abilities.

2.2.5. Providing support to foreign educational institutions and their students who show interest in Russian cultural heritage and implement it in artistic creativity.

2.2.6. Exchange of experience between teachers and parents on the formation of the creative personality of students, motivation to study and use native languages, especially the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

III.Topics and conditions of the competition

4.1. To participate in the competition, you are invited to write creative works (essays) - parallel texts in Russian and your native languages.

4.2. Topics of the Bilingual competition in 2017:

4.2.1. Homeland is the country that lives in me.

4.2.3. Sometimes a moment of understanding is worth more than a lifetime of experience (Star Wars film).

4.2.4. Museum about Russia: how do I see it?

4.2.5. It’s easy to find a friend in your native land, but how to find him in another country?

4.3. Participation in the competition is strictly individual; collective works will not be accepted for consideration.

4.4. In competition entries, statements that positively assess manifestations of extremism, xenophobia and human rights violations are not allowed.

4.5. In determining the finalists, preference is given to the winners of the regional and country stages of the competition.

4.6. Job requirements:

4.6.1. Works submitted to the competition must be original (translations are not considered), previously unpublished, not previously distributed on the Internet, created in two languages ​​- Russian and native.

4.6.2. The volume of work (for each language) must be at least 1 (one) and no more than 5 (five) printed pages in the Word text editor, Times New Roman font, 14 point, line spacing - 1; in total – from 3 to 12 thousand characters.

4.6.3. When considering work the following will be taken into account: Compliance with the chosen topic. Knowledge of factual material on the topic being discussed (absence of factual errors). A creative approach, originality of artistic design, the ability to show one’s individuality, express one’s own point of view, and figurative presentation. The level (quality) of presentation of the work in Russian and the native language of the competitor, the persuasiveness of the argument.

4.7. In each age group and in each subgroup, up to 4 winners can be determined for each nomination (topic).

4.8. Form of submission of materials: one work per author is accepted for the competition. Materials are sent to the email address *****@***ru.

4.9. Each competitive work must be accompanied by an application for participation in the competition, containing a description of the work indicating its title, surname and first name of the author (in full), age, country and locality of residence, name of the educational institution (public organization) and full contact information for communication. The application must be signed by the author/performer.

4.10. Works submitted to the Competition are not reviewed and will not be returned.

4.11. The ceremonial closing of the competition involves the performance of the competition laureates with their works and the presentation of awards and prizes to the winners in various categories.

V.Stages of the Competition

§ June 6 – June 30, 2017: announcement and dissemination of information about the Competition;

§ July 1 – September 20, 2017: holding regional and country stages of the competition; collection and synthesis of works by the Organizing Committee of the competition;

§ until October 15, 2017: formation of a list of laureates to participate in the final events and ceremonial summing up of the competition in Moscow;

§ November 16–19, 2017: final events of the Competition and awarding of the competition laureates in Moscow.

Contact Information: , ; ,konkursesse16@ mail. ru


Application for competition work

Third Moscow open city competition of children's creativity "Bilingua"

Job title: ________________________________________________________________________________


Topic of the work (from those indicated in clause 4.2. Regulations on the competition): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Author's full name ( legibly in Russian and English (for visa invitation) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gender (underline): husband of wives

Do you need a visa? __________________________________________________________________________

(for citizens living in foreign countries)

My native language is _____________________ Russian language for me is _________________

(select answer: step-native, second native, foreign)

Age ____________ Educational institution ____________________________________________________________


(underline as necessary: ​​with Russian language of instruction, with another (specify which) language of instruction.

Address and full name of the educational institution / public organization represented by the competition participant: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Full name of the director of the educational institution / head of the public organization _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Full name of teacher/supervisor ________________________________________________________________________________


Parents' full name: mother_____________________________________________________________________________


Class________ Course (faculty) ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________


A country ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Postal address (home): ________________________________________________________________


Form of participation: ___________________________________________________________________________________ (remote only / I am ready to come to the final of the competition at my own expense)

Phones: Email address(es): SKYPE

Applications for participation are still being accepted.

We invite children from Moscow, other regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries for whom Russian is a non-native or second native language, aged 10 to 20, to participate!

The competition under the motto “We create in different languages!” is designed to promote in children the formation of a value-based attitude towards the languages ​​and cultures of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The second important goal of the competition is to support students (including from Russian schools abroad) who show interest in the Russian language and Russian cultural heritage and implement it in literary creativity.

Topics for the 2017 bilingual essay writing competition:

Homeland is the country that lives in me.

He who does not know foreign languages ​​does not understand anything in his native language. (I. Goethe)

Sometimes a moment of understanding is worth more than a lifetime of experience (Star Wars film).

Museum of Russia: how do I see it?

It’s easy to find a friend in your native land, but how to find him in another country?

The competition is held in three age groups: 10-12 years old, 13-16 years old, 17-20 years old; taking into account subgroups: a) Russian as a second native language;

b) Russian as a foreign language.

The authors of the best works (up to 25 people) will be invited to Moscow in November 2017 for an awards ceremony and participation in one of the major city events organized with the support of the Moscow Government. As part of the finals of the competition, training and educational seminars are planned for teachers and parents of the winners of the competition, in order to further expand the scope of application of native languages ​​while improving the quality of the study and use of Russian as the state language.

The application form and additional information are contained in the Competition Regulations.

Contact information: Sineva Elena Sergeevna, tel. 8-916-901-20-52; Devaykina Oksana Vyacheslavovna, tel. 8-967-114-06-02, [email protected]

In 2017, the competition is held by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow in collaboration with the Council for Nationalities under the Moscow Government and the International Pedagogical Society in Support of the Russian Language, with additional support from the representative office of the Aga Khan Foundation in the Russian Federation. The implementing partners for the preparation and conduct of the competition are the Autonomous non-profit organization Center for Promotion of Interethnic Education “Ethnosphere” and Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Organizing committee of the competition.