How to choose a hobby. 3 Ways to Find a Hobby - wikiHow

Hobbies allow you to explore interests outside of your job. They allow you to be creative and try new things. If you're tired of an old hobby, a new hobby will help you get your creativity back. Be sure to check your budget before choosing a new hobby, as some can be expensive. Don't worry, you have plenty of options even if you're on a small budget.


Building your current interests

    Pay attention to what interests you. Examine what you do when you have free time. Do you like reading books? Maybe try writing a book yourself. Love a cold beer at the end of the day? Maybe your hobby is making beer at home. Turn something you already love to do into a hobby.

    Think about what you value most. What traits do you value? Do you value wisdom or courage? Do you feel drawn to people from whom you receive feedback? Do you admire artistic expression? Let these traits guide you when choosing a hobby.

    • For starters, maybe you should volunteer at the library if you value learning, or maybe you should try painting if you admire people who can express their feelings through art.
  1. Analyze your abilities and personality. Some hobbies require special skills.

    Pay attention to what ignites your passion. The way you talk about problems can also reveal your passions, and these are passions that can become hobbies.

    • Think of topics that you can talk about endlessly. Ask your friends and family what you talk about most. Now think about what it is about this topic that you love so much and think about how you can turn it into a hobby. Maybe you like local politics and if you enter the lower level, maybe it will become your hobby.
  2. Continue where you left off. If you've been riding bikes, grab an adult bike and ride around your neighborhood.

    Learn what you liked. If you liked drawing, take a class or two at a local college or art museum.

    Look at grown-up versions of what you loved. If you loved comics, go to a comic-con to find people with similar interests. Maybe you liked board games as a child? Explore a huge number of new board games in a market that offers from role playing games to cooperative ones.

Exploring new territories for ideas

    Visit a craft store. Go through it to find out what hobbies you can take up. You may find something you never thought of, like building airplanes or working with clay.

    Visit a hardware store. Just like a craft store, a hardware store provides the opportunity to explore a variety of hobbies. You might want to take up woodworking or gardening. The hardware store has everything you need.

    Check out your local library. There you will find "how-to-do-anything" guides on different topics. Dig through them to find new hobby ideas. Those that interest you can become your hobbies.

    Calculate your time. Your time is valuable and you have limited resources. Make sure you have free time for your new hobby by giving it a couple of minutes a day.

    Browse web pages for various hobbies. Some sites are devoted to hobby research, and you can use them to figure out what you'd like to do in your free time.

    Try more than one hobby. The first one you try may not be what suits you. Don't be afraid to move on and try something different. You have the right to choose if something doesn't interest you.

    Say yes." That's right, don't be afraid to say yes to activities that you would normally say no to. Going to an art museum might not sound too exciting to you, but if your friend invites you to go, give it a try anyway. You may find a hobby that works for you." you never expected to enjoy, such as painting or restoration.

  1. Redefine yourself. The thing that holds you back from trying something new is your thoughts of “I'm not that kind of person.” Maybe you think you're not brave enough or outgoing enough for certain activities. Don't be afraid to go beyond these limitations.

    • Think for a moment about those crazy hobbies you rejected because you thought you couldn't do it. Maybe you've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or ballroom dancing, but thought you didn't have the talent. Sign up for classes anyway. Maybe you have talent and you don’t even know it.
  2. Sign up with a friend. Your friends have the same interests that are comparable to yours, so you can enjoy their hobbies as well. Ask them to show you their favorite hobbies and explain to you what they do.

    • For example, your best friends good at swing dancing. You can go to class with them or you can borrow from them basic lesson until your legs get used to it.
  3. Check your local class directory. Social colleges offer a wide range of activities for a small fee. Check them out and you might find something that interests you.

    • You can order catalogs from most colleges, although many have online catalogs.

How to find your hobby? The person who has favorite hobby, will never be bored. A hobby that brings pleasure will help you not get bogged down in routine and will make you take your mind off problems. Everyone is different, so there is no universal hobby. Finding something you like can only be done through trial and error; the tips in this article will help you with this.

How to find your hobby: temperament

Psychologists are unanimous that when choosing a hobby, a person should take into account his temperament. How can a choleric person find his hobby? Choleric people are active and mobile from birth; it is difficult for them to stay in one place for a long time. Therefore, they should not engage in activities that require perseverance: embroidery, knitting. But they travel with pleasure, especially if the road is difficult and dangerous. Hiking is a wonderful hobby for a temperamental person. In addition, such people can be recommended dancing and sports.

How to find your hobby as a phlegmatic person? Representatives of this type cope with everything they undertake. The range of hobbies available to them is wide. A phlegmatic person might like it Mind games(checkers, chess), creative activity(drawing, singing, playing musical instruments). They have enough patience to master the art of beading, wood carving, and knitting.

Sanguine people have many advantages, but consistency is not one of them, which is something to remember when choosing a hobby. They should pay attention to creative activities, which do not imply monotonous activity. For example, this could be drawing or writing. Sanguine people may also enjoy dancing and acting in the theater. An exciting hobby is vital for melancholic people who are often depressed. It is advisable that the new activity does not require excessive activity, otherwise they will quickly abandon it. This could be photography, handicrafts, playing musical instruments.

Making a list

How to find your hobby? It’s worth starting your search with memories of your childhood years. It is likely that there are activities that a person dreamed of at a young age, but his desire remained unfulfilled. It's time to correct the mistake you made and start enjoying life again.

You need to make a list of all the things you liked to do as a child, and then cross out from it everything that doesn’t seem real or is no longer attractive. Everything else should be left, be it roller skating or cycling, drawing, or the art of origami. Also, with the choice of a hobby, remembering the lessons that attracted you while studying at school will help. If this is a labor lesson, you can try to get carried away with sewing, knitting or cooking. Those who enjoyed literature may once again become interested in reading books without the excuse of lack of time, and even think about writing their own novel.

The benefits of communication

How to find a hobby you like? You can get a hint from friends and relatives by asking how they spend their free time. It is possible that some of them have interesting hobby, which can be divided. A common hobby is a wonderful reason to communicate more often with loved ones, for which there is always not enough time.

In addition, there are thematic forums, whose users are happy to share stories about their favorite activities and help beginners with advice. Don't immediately give up hobbies that seem too complicated or exotic. It is possible that such activities will soon become your favorite thing.


How to find an interesting hobby? Analyzing your current lifestyle will help simplify your search. For example, a person who is a natural homebody is reluctant to leave his home. If he is satisfied with a sedentary lifestyle, it is worth choosing the appropriate one, which does not mean that the activity should be boring. Knitting, beading, scrapbooking - in order to indulge in such hobbies, no active action is required.

It may be that a person looking for an exciting hobby, on the contrary, dreams of a change of scenery. In this case, he should pay attention to activities that involve spending time outside the apartment. For example, this could be attending interesting courses (foreign language, photography, extreme driving), sports, travel.

Creative solutions

How can you find your hobby? It is not at all necessary to dwell on exactly those hobbies that first come to mind. For example, a person decides to combine business with pleasure: find a new hobby and take care of his health. In this case, it is not at all necessary to make visiting the gym your hobby. Why not give preference to horse riding, rock climbing, and roller skating instead of banal exercise equipment? Sea positive emotions guaranteed.

Also, you shouldn’t specifically chase fashion. Just because a hobby is popular does not mean it will be suitable for a particular individual. When choosing your hobby, we must not forget that there are two identical people does not exist in nature.

Hobbies and work

Psychologists advise choosing a hobby that not only has nothing to do with professional activity, but is also the exact opposite main job. For example, if work activity implies constant communication with people, it’s worth finding a hobby that doesn’t involve teamwork.

If social contacts There is little in a person’s life; his hobby should contribute to spending time outside the home and socializing. For example, you can join an amateur theater, join political party, engage in charitable activities.

It is obvious that people who have sedentary work are recommended to engage in activities that involve activity, staying on fresh air. And vice versa.

Trial and error method

Finding a suitable hobby is easy if the person searching for it is ready to make mistakes and move on. It is not at all necessary to immediately stop at a single activity if several seem exciting. Why not find out in practice which of the hobbies you are interested in is the most addictive.

This does not mean that you need to immediately quit a new business when faced with the first problems and failures. Don't be embarrassed when things don't work out the way they should. No matter how difficult a new hobby may turn out to be, you can gradually master it and begin to truly enjoy it.

A universal hobby

How to find a hobby for a woman or a man? Another common mistake that many people in need make is dividing potential hobbies by gender.

Men do not have to give up knitting or growing flowers just because these hobbies seem “feminine” to them. Whereas the fair sex can easily afford to go fishing or hunting, tinker with equipment and indulge in other activities that are traditionally considered “male.”

Important points

How to find your hobby? Don’t forget that many hobbies involve expenses. For example, a person who is interested in photography will eventually have to splurge on good equipment. Material costs also include attending courses, trainings, and seminars that you like.

Not all activities that seem expensive at first glance turn out to be so in reality. For example, what should people do who are attracted to romance? distant countries, but there is no money for trips abroad? It is likely that they were not even in neighboring cities, which can be visited without serious material costs, receiving a lot of new impressions and making new friends.

It is also worth making sure that you have free space in the house. Let's say, having started making soft toys, a person will have to find an area to store them.

Think about what you really like. Perhaps there was something you did with passion as a child and then abandoned? What if you try to start over?

Write a list of hobbies that you've heard about, and then re-read it carefully and think about each item. Maybe you find some activity interesting. It's okay if there are a few activities on this list that caught your attention. Try to learn more about each of them and try to do them. Soon the moment will come when you will understand what exactly can become the work of your whole life.

Some hobbies are related to an active lifestyle. You can practice dancing, yoga, archery or crossbow shooting, fishing or hunting. With such activities you will always be in good physical (and psychological, if you like it) shape.

Most common hobby– creative, when people create something. This could be wood and bone carving, painting, photography, knitting, crafting, cooking and much more. Here you can easily find friends with similar interests, and many of those who don’t know how to do anything “like that” admire the skills of real masters.

There are also quite a few people who collect collections. You can follow the beaten path and start collecting coins, watches, stamps, postcards, pens, porcelain figurines, etc., or you can choose something more original for yourself, such as buttons, dishes, candlesticks, old Cell Phones, wallets, etc.

Look at what the people around you, your friends and acquaintances, are doing. Perhaps one of their hobbies will appeal to you too. Talk to them, find out more about the subject that particularly interests you. The more you ask, the faster you will understand whether you want to do this too.

If you are particularly “hooked” by something, collect all possible information about it on the Internet, in the library, directly from people who are passionate about the same thing.

Consider whether you have free time for this activity. It is also important to have a clear understanding of how much material resources will it require, and will you be able to invest in your hobby required amount money. If your income does not allow this, look for something else.

You should definitely find like-minded people. It will be much more interesting for you to develop together. You will be able to quickly go through the path of a beginner and improve your knowledge and skills, you will learn from experience from more competent people, and then share it and your achievements. When you find something to do soul, your life will become richer, brighter and more fulfilling. Troubles and adversities will give way to joy and soul other peace. And it is possible that after some time your hobby will become a matter of utmost importance to you.

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When looking for a hobby, move from the general to the specific. Determine the nature of your preferences, select several areas and gradually, through trial, discover your passion.

Are you looking for an active hobby or a quiet one, group or solo? Objectively also take into account your financial capabilities and time. It will be very difficult for an office worker to collect expensive watercolors of the 19th century, and someone who wants to learn to play the violin needs much more than one lesson a month.

Make a list approximate directions, where you would like to try yourself: in sports, collecting, handicrafts, creativity or somewhere else. Next step pick one or two areas and start refining.

Try several hobbies from each area. You should not immediately buy a yearly subscription to an expensive swimming pool or purchase all the equipment for skiing. Go camping with a tent borrowed from a friend, take one-time lesson vocals, visit the photo exhibition. Feel around gradually, analyze. Perhaps at your first stop it will become clear to you that soup in a pot is not for you, but you will want to learn more songs with a guitar.

Perhaps you already have some hobby that can be expanded or supplemented. For example, if you love to read, buy one good book every month and build a good library as an inheritance for your children.

Pay attention to your friends. Usually we are friends with people who are close in spirit and views. Think about what you like in friends? Is one of them an exemplary family man and do you like his home - the embodiment of comfort, full of comfort? Perhaps you like handicrafts. Try updating the pillows and curtains in your home. Ask a friend for “those pies.” If you feel comfortable, continue moving in this direction - study books, magazines on home economics, visit handicraft stores. Explore as much as possible to catch your hobby.

You can do the opposite: ask each of your friends and family to suggest you try one hobby. Sometimes, from the outside, people close to you can see abilities that you don’t see.

If you still can’t find a hobby, you should look for it on the Internet. There are special sites that help you decide on a hobby. You can take tests to determine your aptitudes and abilities. Try to trust the tests. In addition, such sites offer large lists of all kinds of hobbies, conveniently structured by various properties. Read the lists carefully - suddenly you stumble upon your hobby!

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We talk about hobbies and offer you several interesting options. Choose yours and find something you like!

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

How to find a hobby is a question that worries people of all ages. Both those who sit at home and those who go to work every day are looking for the answer. Spending your free time in an exciting way lifts your spirits, restores interest in life and gives you self-confidence. Therefore, it is highly recommended to find such an activity for those who do not already have one.

How to find a hobby: the main aspects of the search

Interesting hobbies are not easy to find. This takes some people several months. But there are lucky people who manage to find something they like in just a few days. It is more difficult for those who are not interested in anything at all. In this case, you need to remember your childhood and what you did then. Perhaps it was fishing, creating outfits for dolls, bead weaving, or drawing wall newspapers. Having remembered your abilities, you can test them again. If the result is satisfactory and you like the process, then you can return to a long-forgotten activity.

If you're still not interested in anything, it's worth finding out about activities that you didn't know existed before. For example, mehendi is popular now. This technique involves drawing various patterns on the body with henna. This is a temporary tattoo that is quickly washed off. In addition, once you get the hang of doing mehendi on yourself and your friends, you can make good money from it. If you want to have your own hobby that others don’t have, then you can learn to play African drums. This exotic activity greatly improves your mood. If you have pets, you can paint them. Dogs are often painted in the colors of tigers, lions, and jaguars. Kendo is another unusual activity that is suitable for both men and women. Being carried away by it, a person learns to wield a samurai sword.

If you are a fan of a series or book of any subject and have an uncontrollable imagination, then you can start writing fan fiction. This means that a person comes up with a plot for the development of any situation from a film, book or TV series. Such a hobby will help not only develop your imagination, but also expand your circle of acquaintances. By publishing your fanfiction on thematic groups, a person meets new people who are also fans of his favorite movie or book.

If everything in life seems boring and dull, then capoeira will help you live more fun. This is a Brazilian martial art that consists of several elements. This includes elements of dance and games. It is important that the hobby you choose fits into your family budget. Of course, many people dream of traveling around the world, but they need to spend money on it. If the budget does not allow, then you can start traveling around your country.

A completely free hobby is running or race walking. Everyone probably has a tracksuit and sneakers at home. Walking at a faster pace is better than running in that it puts less pressure on the spine.

A hobby can bring not only pleasure, but also profit. Today, the Internet contributes to the popularity of some people's activities. If you have imagination and desire, then creating a kanzashi will do. Jewelry with kanzashi can be an excellent gift for a lady, and hairpins with flowers can be given to a little girl.

Butterflies will also help you earn money. It is recommended to breed them and then sell them for weddings, corporate events and birthdays. This hobby will suit calm people who are diligent. In addition, the process of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon is very bright event, which prompts philosophical reflection.

A profitable business related to animals is raising aquarium fish.

If it’s a pity to throw away old decorative items, furniture and glass bottles, then they can be turned into stylish attributes for the home. The decoupage technique will help you do this. Scrapbooking is another activity that involves decoration and decoration. It involves creating a photo album with a beautiful cover. The cover can be made from various materials and choose a variety of decorative elements.

If you like drawing, then you can do it in your free time. If you don’t want to paint with oil paints, then it is recommended to try creating paintings using the ebru technique. First you need to apply paint to water surface, and then make an imprint on a flat one. This results in blurred contours. If you master this technique, the paintings will turn out very beautiful. Using the ebru technique you can paint not only still lifes and landscapes, but also portraits.

When considering online hobby options, don’t forget about the hobbies of your friends. They can encourage you to take up a new hobby. Going to salsa with a colleague once is another opportunity to find something you like.

Visualizing your desires will also help you find a hobby. Sitting or lying in a calm environment, you can imagine yourself as a happy person in all aspects. What you do in your spare time in your dreams will become your hobby.

There are studies online on how to find a hobby in 3 months. And this technique works. It involves studying classes comprehensively over three months. This allows you to highlight the most interesting ones and cross out the unnecessary ones. Following this technique, you will be able to try a lot of new things for yourself and choose the best. At first glance, it seems that 3 months is too long to find a hobby, but it is an integrated approach that will allow you to cover a wide variety of activities and study them to some extent.

If you have absolutely no ideas about what hobby to choose, then you should start with classic classes: numismatics, coin collecting, embroidery. Over time, new interests will appear that will allow you to increase your range of activities in your free time.

Today, a woman can master the same art as a man. She can attend freestyle wrestling courses, go to sports clubs and play football. But if you like more diligent hobbies, then it's worth taking a closer look at:

  • felting wool;
  • soap making;
  • quilling;
  • knitting.

If a woman mainly leads a sedentary lifestyle, then it would be useful to exercise in her free time from work. active species sports Alpine skiing, rock climbing, or swimming will improve your health and give a beautiful relief to your body. A man is also not limited in his choice of hobbies. If a man likes cooking, then this will not surprise anyone. But if he knows how to use the carving technique to decorate dishes he has prepared himself, then this is already aerobatics. Using fruits, vegetables and special knives, you can create real works of art. Over time, your passion for carving techniques can develop into a full-time job.

Many older people, after retirement, find themselves with a lot of free time. And, as a rule, they don’t know what to do with themselves. For older people there is huge selection hobby. For example, groups are constantly being recruited to study PC by older people. There are also special groups of dance studios where older people are taught to dance. Many of them dream of traveling when they retire. Traveling to other cities can be the beginning of such a hobby. If your health allows, you can go in for sports.

It’s easy for a teenager to try new activities, because he has more than enough maximalism. Boundless faith in themselves and their talents, as well as desire and perseverance help very young boys and girls find activities to their liking. Parents can only ensure that their child does not choose a hobby that is harmful to themselves and others.

How to find a hobby you like?

To find a new hobby, you need to take a closer look at the world around you. Listen to the conversations of work colleagues, stories of friends and relatives, and perhaps you will be able to hear useful information to find a hobby. When a person discovers something new for himself, he is transformed before his eyes. A hobby helps you forget about problems and concentrate. Having a favorite activity, you are not at all afraid of a temporary lack of Internet or mobile communications.

To find an interesting hobby:

  • try to get to know yourself;
  • take time to find a hobby every day
  • write down in a notebook the feelings from any activity you experience;
  • choose a hobby based on age, specifics of work and inclinations.

The time spent searching for something you like is worth the result. Favorite hobby heals mental wounds, keeps the body in good shape and brings additional income.

“Tell me what your hobby is and I’ll tell you who you are!” Indeed, a hobby is a manifestation of a person’s inner self, his character and life purpose.

But there are people who, even from the height of their years, cannot understand what exactly their true passion is.

Help you decide on your favorite activity modern techniques, including psychological test. They explain how to choose a hobby—and enjoy it.

Comes from childhood

Some people wonder: how to come up with a hobby? “Invent” - not really the right word. You need to find a hobby... in yourself.

Most often, hobbies extend to adult life straight from childhood. My fellow countryman Roman grew up mostly in male company. His father, uncle, and older brother always took him fishing with them.

It is not surprising that at the age of 35, Roman is the owner of a rich collection of fishing gear; knows the difference between a jerkbait and a wobbler; regularly goes “at night”; traveled half of Russia in search of rich “boot.”

Hence, rule number 1: If you can’t come up with a hobby, remember what you liked most as a child. Did you like to sew outfits for dolls?.. Take a magazine with patterns and make something for yourself. Did you like caring for animals?.. Get a couple of parrots first. Did you draw wall newspapers at school? Try to pick up paints and a brush again!

As psychologists say, the most correct solution- what came to mind first. So go back to your roots and look for your hobby in the distant past.

Let's take an example from others

Another way to find something you like is to “play around”. Look around, see what your relatives, friends, and colleagues do in their free time. Listen to their stories: maybe you will be “infected” by someone’s enthusiasm and try yourself in a new role.

This happened to my dorm roommate Marina at one time. A mutual friend, Tanya, signed up for salsa classes and invited us to go, as they say, “for company.” Without much enthusiasm, Marina agreed, and what do you think?..

Tanya gave up these “dances,” as she herself called them, a long time ago, and Marina was passionate about them. Moreover, she has mastered other dance styles and currently performs at various events, earning a lot of money and getting great pleasure from what she loves.

Rule #2: take an example from others. Perhaps someone's passing hobby will become your hobby for life!

Fantasy to help

The third way to discover your hobby is to use your imagination. Imagine yourself absolutely happy man, which has everything you need. What do you do at the same time? Do you sing? Do you play musical instruments? Or maybe you spend days in the garage, delving into the “insides” of the car (after all, there are different hobbies)?

In general, the image that first pops up in your head can be regarded as “the passion of your life.”

It’s good, of course, if the hobby is affordable. However, it happens that a person imagines himself as a “frog-traveler” who roams the expanses of the whole world. You need a lot of money for such a hobby; however, there are equivalent alternatives to such expensive hobbies.

In fact, in our country there are many most interesting places, about which few people know. Mysterious dolmens Krasnodar region; mesmerizing amazonites Murmansk region; exciting Golubinsky failure Arkhangelsk region... In general, you don’t need to go to the ends of the earth and spend incredible amounts of money to exercise your right to a hobby.

So, rule number 3: don't be afraid to dream. Finding out your purpose means making 50% of your dreams come true.

Five-minute test

Unfortunately, in some cases people cannot understand their addictions on their own. In particular difficult cases Psychologists are getting involved. They offer many questionnaires that allow you to determine your hobby with high degree reliability.

Each test consists of a huge number of questions that require “killing” a lot of time. But I spent time and found a very simple, understandable and accessible test. There are five questions in total; for each of them there are five options. You need to choose one, and then count the number of answers under the individual letters.

So, just a few minutes and you will find out your hobby:

  1. As a schoolchild, what subjects interested you most?
    A. Physical Culture.
    B. Music, fine arts, literature.
    IN. Proceedings.
    G. Geometry, algebra, chemistry, physics.
    D. Biology, botany, geography, natural history.
  2. A video of your favorite singer is shown on TV. During this time you:
    A. You start dancing or singing along.
    B. Can you imagine what kind of visual image they would create if they were the director of the video?
    IN. Studying appearance performer - costume, makeup, hairstyle.
    G. Repeats the words of the song in his head.
    D. Analyze whether the plot of the video and the behavior of the singer coincide with the meaning of the song.
  3. Another working day has ended. What will you do when you return home?
    A. A five-minute exercise won't hurt!
    B. Pick up an interesting book.
    IN. You will sit down for embroidery/knitting/ikebana.
    G. Get another difficult crossword puzzle.
    D. Take your dog for a walk and off you go!
  4. What qualities and abilities of a person do you most admire?
    A. Excellent physical training and the desire for healthy image life.
    B. Creative approach, creativity, rich imagination.
    IN. Patience, perseverance, “golden hands”.
    G. Analytical warehouse intelligence, ability to solve mathematical problems.
    D. Courage, readiness for adventure and risk.
  5. Ideal date in your opinion?
    A. Riding around the city on bicycles or rollerblades.
    B. Going to a museum, theater or concert.
    IN. Meeting at home with candles, romantic music and champagne.
    G. A conversation in a small cafe where you can get to know each other better.
    D. Hiking in the mountains or skydiving.
Now let's count the number of "yes". The letter that turns out to be dominant will help you determine your main hobby.
  • A. Sports. Devoting myself active image life, you will be able to satisfy the natural need for movement. Suitable hobbies– yoga, martial arts, swimming, billiards, tennis, dancing.
  • B. Creativity. A rich imagination is your strong point. So “saddle up” with your choice of photography, drawing, website creation, carving, writing poetry and prose.
  • B. Handicrafts. Your task is to bring maximum comfort and warmth into life. Ideal options- sewing, knitting, cooking, embroidery, floriculture.
  • G. "Mind games." You need maximum intellectual tension. Suitable hobbies - chess, studying foreign languages, proving theorems, solving charades and puzzles.
  • D. Adventures. Your element is adrenaline, and main feature– curiosity. Both of these principles must be satisfied. Travel is suitable extreme species sports, fishing, hunting.
The test is simple and requires only a few minutes of attention. But at the same time it helps to “put your brains together” and determine your true interests.

Personally, I have no problems choosing a hobby, but for the sake of experiment, I decided to take this test. And the result coincided with reality. Four selected option “B” - the result is very reliable. And I am really interested in poetry and work in creative environment.

After my friends passed this test, it became clear: it works “fifty-fifty.” I can explain this by a limited number of questions, and also by the fact that a person may have more than one hobby.

Time, money and company

Passed the test?.. Here are a few more secrets that explain how to find a hobby you like. - Before you start doing something; - make sure you have enough time for it.
  • Try to turn your hobby into a source of income. Can you sew? Dress up your friends. Do you like to sing? Speak at corporate events. By the way, my brother, who has been obsessed with aquarium fish, still makes good money from them today!
  • Look for like-minded people in real life and on social networks. It is better to go to the theater not alone, but in a group; stamps and badges should be exchanged with similar collectors; roots and seedlings of all kinds of flowers can also be shared with similar gardeners.
And there is no need to be upset if a hobby that at first seemed “native” quickly became boring. Try something different - and through trial and error, you will definitely find something you like!