How much scholarship do college students get? Who can receive a social scholarship and how is it calculated?

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 15 types of calculating the amount of scholarships awarded to students, doctoral students, graduate students, interns and residents.

Of course, the size of these scholarships does not allow the student to feel like a wealthy person, but if the student has a certain right to several types of scholarships, the total amount of his income can be approximately 20 thousand rubles. Let's do some calculations that will clearly show you how you can get this amount.

Amount of minimum, increased and social scholarships for the 2018 – 2019 academic year

So, the minimum state academic scholarship in our country is 1633 rubles for higher education (bachelor’s programs, specialist’s programs, master’s programs) and 890 rubles for secondary vocational education (training programs for skilled workers, office workers, training programs for mid-level specialists), the maximum is 6 thousand rubles. The last scholarship can be received by university students who do not have bad grades.

For well-study students, an increased scholarship is provided - from 5 thousand to 7 thousand rubles, for postgraduate students, its amount ranges from 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles. To be fully eligible to receive such an increased scholarship, a student or graduate student must not only be an excellent student, but also become an active participant in creative, sports and other social endeavors at his university.

State scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students, postgraduate studies or scientific and pedagogical personnel ranges from 3120 rubles, scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the specialties of technical and natural sciences - from 7696 rubles, trainee assistants – from 3120 rubles, residency – from 6717 rubles Doctoral students receive from 10000 rubles

State social scholarship, for the 2018 – 2019 academic year, is paid in the amount of 890 rubles per month for secondary vocational education and 2452 rubles for higher education.

Students who also receive academic benefits are entitled to receive this payment. Also entitled to a social scholarship are persons who are orphans, live without parental care, disabled people (groups 1 and 2), veterans and disabled combatants, people affected by nuclear power plants and persons whose family income is per one of the members family does not exceed the minimum in the region.

Read also: How to get a student loan?

In addition to the above types of scholarships, a number of nominal scholarships are accepted in the Russian Federation: for example, the scholarship named after. A.I. Solzhenitsyn is 1,500 rubles, the scholarship named after. V.A. Tumanova - 2000 rubles. A personal scholarship may also be awarded to students studying in the specialty of journalism, literature, etc. A.A. Voznesensky - 1500 rubles.

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for well-study students ranges from 1400 to 2200 rubles, the amount for graduate students is from 3600 rubles to 4500 rubles.

There is also a special scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation and a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, paid to those students who are studying in the highest priority specialties for the state: economics, modernization. The amount of payments ranges from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand. For graduate students, this amount is paid in the amount of 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles.

Let's conclude: if you are interested in your successful studies, this can be rewarded with a ruble: the better you study, the more scholarship payments you can receive.

If you believe that you may benefit from additional scholarships, you should contact the Dean's Office to obtain the necessary information.

Scholarships for students in 2017-2018 excite and worry every student, regardless of their place of study. But, let's start with the most important thing and with some pretty good news - there will be an increase in the scholarship.

Will there be promotion in universities?

It has already become known from official sources that increasing the scholarship fund for this year is already on the list of planned events, which, you see, is very pleasing.

According to the latest data, the increase in scholarships in 2017 will be 5.9%, in 2018 – 4.8%, and in 2019 – 4.5%.

As a result, we can conclude that throughout all three years the scholarship will be indexed, even despite the not very significant increase, this news is very good.

There are rumors that at the moment the Russian government is considering a bill according to which deputies plan to level the minimum scholarship amount at the level of the minimum wage, and the minimum wage, starting this year, will be 7,800 rubles. If such a bill is adopted and approved, then students can count on a significant increase in their financial benefits and devote more time to classes and lessons, rather than looking for an additional source of income.

Types and amount of future scholarships.

Today, several types of scholarships can be distinguished, and each student can count on receiving this cash benefit only under the following conditions.

  1. The student’s academic performance, that is, the session must be closed without the marks “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory.” If there is a low grade in at least one subject, then the scholarship payment will stop for the next semester.
  2. Social status of the student. Simply put, some groups of students, in addition to academic cash payments, can count on social benefits.
  3. From the educational institution. In other words, each university has a completely legal right to set its own scholarship amount, but not below the minimum specified in the law.
  4. Depending on extracurricular activities. If a student takes an active and constant part in various projects and events of the educational institution, then he has a completely legitimate right to count on an increased scholarship.

So, what payments and in what amount are university students entitled to this year?

  • First, academic scholarship. All students who entered the institution on budget places have the right to count on this scholarship. The main and mandatory condition for permanently receiving such a scholarship is, of course, the timely passing of all exams and tests, that is, studying without debt, and the complete absence of such marks as “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory”. The minimum amount of such a scholarship this year will be 1,340 rubles monthly. If a student studies with excellent marks, he has the right to count on an increased scholarship in the amount of no more than 6,000 rubles.
  • Secondly, social scholarship. According to the law, the following students can count on a social scholarship.
  1. Students from low-income families, with the appropriate document.
  2. Students left without parents.
  3. Students who received a dose of radiation as a result of accidents.
  4. Disabled people of groups I and II, as well as disabled children.
  5. Students who completed military service under contract in the RF Armed Forces. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, FSB of the Russian Federation for a period of at least 3 years.

The minimum scholarship amount is 2010 rubles monthly. To receive this scholarship, the student must provide the following package of documents. These are documents confirming the family’s low income, as well as a document confirming his education with federal funds. All collected documents are provided directly to the social protection authorities. If academic debt arises, the payment of the social scholarship also stops.

  • Thirdly, a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation. Who is eligible to receive this type of cash benefit?
    1. Students of only senior years of universities, to be more precise, such a scholarship can be assigned and awarded starting from the 3rd year.
    2. Students for outstanding academic achievements, scientific discoveries and inventions.
    3. Students with at least half of the marks “excellent” for the last two sessions, with a complete absence of bad indicators and results.
    4. Students who are winners or prize-winners of scientific Olympiads at various levels.
    5. A student who is the author of articles published in scientific journals. In this case, the scholarship amount may be 5,000 rubles.

    As for the correspondence department, they are not entitled to such a monetary payment. Regarding the size of the scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, it is 1,440 rubles every month. At the same time, today the law specifies those areas and subjects that can definitely count on receiving this type of scholarship.

  • Fourthly, a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation. This is a special reward that is assigned only to students who have distinguished themselves in scientific activities. Simply put, students must be winners or prize-winners of scientific Olympiads, have their own publications, and be the author of a scientific invention. The amount of such a scholarship is 2,200 rubles. If you are studying in economically important areas, the amount of the Presidential scholarship will be significantly higher and amount to 7,000 rubles.
  • As you can see, if you study well and actively participate in the social and scientific life of your higher educational institution, then as a result you can receive a fairly good amount of money, and not search for additional income outside your specialty.

    Scholarship payments are familiar to all students in the country without exception - every student of a higher or secondary educational institution received it at least during the first semester while he was an applicant. But in addition to the academic scholarship paid to students who receive “excellent” and “good” grades, there is also a social scholarship, which is a kind of social assistance measure for students in need of financial resources. The procedure for its payment has changed since January 1, 2017 - let’s figure out how to apply for a social scholarship in 2019.

    What is a social scholarship?

    A social scholarship is a student payment provided to full-time students under a budget program financed from the state treasury that meets the requirements of applicants for this scholarship.

    The social scholarship is intended to alleviate the difficult financial situation of low-income university students and is paid in a fixed amount every month for one year, without affecting the student’s right to receive other types of scholarships - academic, gubernatorial, presidential, and so on.

    Who is eligible to receive a social scholarship?

    A special university commission is responsible for compiling lists of applicants for social scholarships. The decision to award a payment or to refuse a scholarship is based on the degree of social vulnerability of the student.

    The main conditions for providing a social scholarship are:

    • completing a full-time educational program;
    • admission to an educational institution in a free department financed from the country’s budget;
    • receiving any type of social assistance from the state.

    The list of persons entitled to receive a social scholarship includes:

    • orphans;
    • children without parental care;
    • students who lost their only parent or both parents during their studies;
    • children who were assigned a disability group after birth;
    • disabled people of groups I and II;
    • disabled people who received a disabled group after participating in hostilities or liquidating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
    • students from low-income families.

    Features of assigning a social scholarship

    The list of students who have the right to apply for social benefits from the university is closed, however, the assignment of a social scholarship has its own characteristics, according to which this financial assistance can be awarded in excess of the established norm.

    Thus, full-time 1st and 2nd year students whose education is financed from the budget and who are going to receive a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree can apply for payment.

    Such students, subject to passing exams with “4” and “5”, will receive an increased social scholarship in the amount of 6,307 rubles (or more if a regional increasing coefficient is in effect in the given region).

    A scholarship awarded under such conditions can be awarded based on the results of an interim assessment and only if there is documentary evidence of the student’s difficult financial situation.

    The possibility of receiving funds does not depend on the student’s place of registration - both city residents and nonresident students apply for scholarships on equal terms.

    Another advantage of this type of payment is that it is accrued not only directly during the period of study (as in the case of an academic scholarship), but also while the student is on academic leave, on maternity leave for a child under 3 years old, or on sick leave due to pregnancy and childbirth.

    Social scholarship amount in 2019

    The amount of the social scholarship is approved by the management of the educational institution after agreeing on its size with the trade union organization and the student council of the university.

    The amount of social benefits within the university cannot be lower than the amount approved by the Government of the country for the current year, taking into account the current level of inflation, the level of professional education and the category of students when making a decision. The university has the right to increase the amount of payments at its discretion, but at its own expense - the funds should not be allocated from money allocated from the country’s budget.

    The minimum amount of the scholarship payment can also be increased by a regional coefficient, taking into account the educational process in one of the educational institutions of the Far North or equivalent territories (for example, a scholarship at Altai universities will be increased by a coefficient of 1.4).

    Next, you need to go to the dean’s office to see the university administration, taking with you your student ID and the required set of documents, including a certificate from the SZN authorities. You will need to write a statement expressing a request for the accrual of social benefits, as well as indicating the reasons why the student needs additional financial income.

    What documents will be needed to apply for a social scholarship?

    The list of documents required to assign a social scholarship includes the following papers:


    Where to get it

    The form will be issued on site
    Russian passport (with photocopy)

    Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

    Certificate of completion of studies at this university indicating the form of study, course, etc.

    By place of study
    Certificate of scholarship amount for the previous 3 months

    In the accounting department of the university

    Certificate of receipt of any social benefit from the state (targeted payments, benefits for the poor, survivor benefits, etc.)

    USZN bodies

    Nonresident students must also prepare:

    Certificate in form No. 9 on temporary registration in the city where the university is located or a certificate of occupancy in a student dormitory

    At the hostel management

    Receipt for payment for a place in a dormitory or certificate of accommodation outside the dormitory

    At the passport office at your place of residence

    Students from low-income families are provided with:

    Certificate of family composition

    Housing department, passport office at the place of registration
    Income certificates for all family members for the previous 3 months

    According to form 2-NDFL at the place of work or from the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, certificates of payment of unemployment benefits (from the Employment Center), pensions (from the Pension Fund), other benefits (from the USZN authorities)

    How are social scholarships calculated and paid?

    When the university administration receives from a student an application for a scholarship and a certificate from the SZN authorities, the commission examines the provided papers for authenticity and registers the application. The rector draws up a local act (Order) on the appointment of monthly payments. The order is transmitted to the accounting department of the university.

    The scholarship accrual period is 1 year, after which you will have to obtain a certificate again and submit a new application if there are legal grounds to continue receiving the payment.

    If a student is expelled or voluntarily leaves the educational institution, or if the student is subject to systematic violation of discipline, the scholarship will be canceled and payments will cease.

    Legislative acts on the topic

    Common mistakes

    Error: A student studying on a paid basis through correspondence education applies for a social scholarship on the basis of the fact that he is disabled.

    The scholarship for Russian students is significantly inferior to similar payments in developed European countries.

    State aid is all that a university student can count on, otherwise he will be forced to devote less time to study and be torn between classes and part-time jobs.

    The country must create conditions that allow one to focus on knowledge, so scholarships are a very pressing issue.

    The legislative framework

    The procedure for paying scholarships is regulated by Article 36 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

    A scholarship is a monetary payment awarded to a student in order for him to strive to master a relevant educational course. Only those students and graduate students who have chosen to study full-time can count on receiving it.

    If we talk about timing, the scholarship should be paid at least once a month.


    Among the main types of scholarships can be distinguished:

    • academic;
    • for graduate students;
    • social.

    Academic scholarship directly depends on academic performance and scientific work, and is assigned to students in need of social support.

    Scholarship Fund is a source of payment of scholarships, the distribution of which is made on the basis of the institution’s charter and in the manner established by the council of the higher educational institution. Agreement on the document cannot be carried out without the student union and student representatives.

    In order to be appointed academic scholarship , the head of the educational institution must sign the corresponding order submitted by the scholarship committee. Such payment stops 1 month after the order to expel the student (due to academic failure or graduation) was issued. The scholarship committee may include a member of the student union or a student representative. A student who studies with “excellent” grades, or “good” and “excellent” grades, or only “good” grades, can count on an academic scholarship.

    Graduate student begins to receive a scholarship immediately after the rector has signed the enrollment order. Further payments depend on the results of the annual knowledge assessment (exams).

    If a student or graduate student is very interested in educational and scientific activities and has achieved success in them, then he may be assigned increased scholarships. To do this, he needs to write an application to the dean’s office and attach all the necessary documents to it.

    Who is eligible to receive a scholarship?

    The first scholarship is the most pleasant moment for a student. Anyone who is admitted to a budget-funded, full-time place can count on the regular payment. If a freshman is or, then he must also be paid a social stipend.

    Disqualification may occur after any unsuccessful session.

    Payment amounts

    Currently, scholarships of various kinds (15 types) are paid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The amount of this monetary allowance is such that it is unlikely that the student brethren can be very happy about it.

    Graduate students, residents, interns and doctoral students receive a little more, but this is still very far from what is necessary. True, if a student or graduate student does not have any other source of income, then he has the opportunity to receive some additional scholarship. The most successful ones manage to receive about 20 thousand rubles monthly.

    Minimum stipend student at a university is 1,571 rubles, at a vocational school - 856 rubles. Despite the not very modest amount, a student studying at a higher educational institution without “C” grades can receive about 6 thousand rubles. And if the session showed “excellent” results, then you can think about increased scholarship , the size of which in different educational institutions varies from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles. A similar payment for a graduate student ranges from 11,000 to 14,000 rubles. True, to receive such significant scholarships, a student or graduate student must not only shine with knowledge, but also show interest in the social and sports life of the university.

    Increase in scholarships in 2018-2019

    Last year, the Ministry of Education raised the issue of increasing scholarships for all students studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. During the debate, representatives of the Russian Ministry of Education planned to increase student payments in 2018 by 4.0%, which will be valid until the end of 2019.

    During the first half of this year, it is planned to index scholarships by 6.0% (of the inflation rate) for the 2017-2018 academic year. Thanks to this, payments to students will be increased once again.

    Scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic years will increase in the following way:

    • for 62 rub. for university students;
    • for 34 rub. for technical school students;
    • for 34 rub. for college students.

    Features and amount of social scholarship

    Receive social scholarship are entitled to:

    In addition, a student who has a certificate in hand stating that his family income does not reach the amount established at the place of his registration can apply for a social scholarship. This document must be updated annually.

    The social scholarship is stopped paid if the student has unsatisfactory grades and is restored as soon as he has passed the required subjects from the moment the payment was suspended.

    Along with a social scholarship, a student has the right to receive an academic one on a general basis.

    The procedure for calculating and paying presidential and government scholarships

    Presidential scholarship can be received by all students who have chosen specialties that are considered a priority for the country’s economy. Graduate students studying in the Russian Federation can count on receiving only 300 scholarships. The appointment is made annually for a period of 1 to 3 years.

    Students who have achieved success and special merit can also receive a presidential supplement. The awarding of such a scholarship requires the development of a list of areas in which the development of students will ultimately result in significant benefits for the state.

    Primary requirements to receive the presidential supplement:

    • day department;
    • half of the subjects within 2 semesters must be passed with “excellent” marks;
    • active scientific activity leading to achievement of success confirmed by diplomas or certificates;
    • development of innovative inventions or derivation of theories, information about which was published in any Russian publication.

    A student who has earned a presidential scholarship has the right to undergo an internship in Germany, France or Sweden.

    A student of a state educational institution of higher and secondary education can also count on receiving government scholarship. To do this, the institution’s teaching council must nominate several candidates (full-time, budgetary basis) studying in the 2nd year (for a college) and the 3rd year (for a university). A graduate student can be admitted to the competition no earlier than the 2nd year.

    The nominated candidate must meet the following requirements:

    • high level of academic performance;
    • publication in a scientific journal;
    • participation or victory in any competition, festival or conference held at the All-Russian and international level;
    • participation in a grant, all-Russian and regional scientific exhibition;
    • the presence of a patent indicating the authorship of a scientific discovery.

    Other aids for students

    The occurrence of certain circumstances may result in payment to a student or graduate student lump sum benefit, for example, if he has . To do this, the head of the educational institution must receive an application from the student, and the group in which he is studying and the student trade union organization must approve it.

    A graduate student annually receives an allowance equal to 2 scholarships for the purchase of textbooks. An orphan student or one without parental care receives an annual allowance for the same needs in the amount of 3 scholarships.

    In addition, students are entitled to various types of compensation:

    • for successful full-time studies at the expense of budget funds;
    • academic leave in accordance with medical indications.

    Changes for 2018-2019

    What categories of students are eligible for scholarships?Scholarship amount per year of study
    2017-2018 2018-2019
    Minimum scholarship (academic)
    College students856 890
    College students856 890
    University students1571 1633
    Social scholarships
    College Students856 890
    College students856 890
    University students2358 2452
    A stipend paid to residents, trainee assistants, and graduate students3000 3120
    A scholarship awarded to graduate students working in natural sciences and engineering fields7400 7696

    For another type of scholarship for distinguished students, see the following video: