Interpretation of the test for a non-existent animal. Non-existent animal test

How to punch correctly? This topic is of interest to many, because, despite the fact that at the global level everyone strives for understanding, on the streets of cities life is seething and sometimes “hits you in the face.” Every person should be able to defend himself, especially if he is a man.

Of course, in some situations you can resolve the conflict by talking, but I personally have not found myself in such situations. A person must either win or leave offended. This is exactly what happens in life. They approach you, present you with something, and it may even be to increase your self-esteem. And here you are - it hits the nail on the head, and someone’s self-esteem has not increased, but fallen. You can settle some minor conflicts by talking - when you stepped on your foot, when you touched your shoulder, and then only if both people turned out to be adequate.

Well, now let's get down to business directly.

Which part of the fist should you hit?

There are people who believe that it is necessary to beat with bones ring finger and little finger, but I assure you that they are wrong. Either they have never fought, or they are just fools. I remember one guy tried to prove to me that you need to hit with the bones of your little and ring fingers, and that they are the strongest, and said that this is how the coach taught them. I don’t know how true this is, but it would be better for the guys to run away from such a coach before he cripples them. Moreover, this is a Thai boxing coach.

When I still didn’t know how to hit correctly, I by example I was convinced that hitting with the ring and little fingers was not correct. I'll tell you a little story.

It was in adolescence. My friends and I had a room on the technical floor of a nine-story building. There were many rooms there, and in principle it was possible to occupy them all, but we limited ourselves to one. Naturally, we first agreed with the plumbers for a bottle of vodka. They began to settle in, drag furniture there, and whatever else they wanted, and little by little the room became theirs. floor began to look like a room in an apartment. There were like 6 of us. They installed electricity there and did a lot of other things - in general, it was cool.

One day, a friend and I decided to make another table. The design of the table was simple. We had a kind of tabletop with canopies on one side. We simply screwed these canopies to the wall, and placed the legs under the other side when we raised the table. In general, we made a table, and we are sitting, proud. Then a third one comes, or there was one already, it doesn’t matter, the point is that we have some kind of conflict. As a result, we offended him in some way, and he decided to break our table, which we had been installing for a couple of hours. I lost my temper, ran up and hit him a couple of times. And due to inexperience, I hit him somewhere in the forehead or on the top of the head. The fact is that he fell while breaking the table and did not have time to get up yet. And I hit with the part of my fist where the little finger and ring fingers are located.

He came out, loudly knocking on the pipes, and hearing such noise, a neighbor from the top floor came out to investigate, who knew that we had a room there. We had to get out of those. floor, and understand the situation, and then I noticed that my fist began to swell. I thought it was a bruise, but it turned out to be a fracture. Only the next day I told my family that something was wrong with my arm, and we went to the hospital. The doctor said it was a fracture, injected me with painkillers and began to return the bone to its place. When he removed the plaster, he said that he had placed the bone incorrectly, and this happened because they turned up late. If memory serves, he offered to break it and install it again, but I refused.

After some time, a classmate who also did not know how to hit broke his little finger on the head of the same “comrade”. There is nothing to his head, but his other fingers are broken.

My uncle also broke his little finger in his youth due to inexperience. He too, he just hit it wrong. These are only the cases of fractures that I know of.

Of course, in a fight and while working on the bag, you still have to impact the more vulnerable parts of the fist, but the main thing is that there is no emphasis on these parts. Firstly, if you hit correctly, the blow will be stronger, since the impulse from the legs will pass through the hand in a straight line. Secondly, you will insure yourself against fractures.

My “homemade pear” was filled with sand and was slowly compacted. It happened that when I worked at the very bottom, the next day the top of the fist, namely the bones that go to the knuckles, really hurt, but there were no fractures.

You can also hit with your fist like a sledgehammer, but this option is more suitable for fighting on the ground. You hit with the side of your fist from the little finger side, but not with your finger, but with the edge. Also very interesting and...

You can also hit with the upper (back) part of your fist, and this blow can also be useful to you on the street.

How to make a fist correctly

It's time to talk about how to make a fist. There is nothing complicated here, but, nevertheless, difficulties may arise for people who are completely unprepared.

We see an open palm in front of us. Now we bend our fingers, placing the pads on the place where calluses often form. Place your fingers comfortably, and if necessary, slightly tighten the skin from the palm. There should be no discomfort or pain. Now wrap your fingers into a fist and put thumb on the index and middle. That's basically all - as you can see, nothing complicated.

If you realize that your fist is not clenched tightly, then clamp some object in your fist. This item will help you clench your fist tightly and increase the power of your blow. A lighter is perfect. And of course this is only used in the event of a street fight.

Types of punches to the head

Eat the following types punches to the head:

  1. Straight
  2. Side
  3. Uppercut

Well, now I propose to look at each one in turn.

Direct hit. A direct blow is a short blow, unlike a side blow, and, accordingly, less time is needed to carry it out. The shortest path between two points is a straight line.

We will in turn divide the direct blow into a jab and a cross.

Jab - a straight blow with the left hand.

Cross - straight punch right hand.

If you are left-handed and stand in a right-handed stance, then the opposite will happen for you.

How to throw a jab? I'll try to explain it in a nutshell. Despite the fact that direct strikes are called straight, the trajectory of the hand moves along an arc. You stand in a stance, and at the same time as you step forward, send your fist towards the target. It should fly like lightning and return just as quickly to the temples or chin (depending on the style). Do not forget that during the strike you must send the shoulder along with your hand. The toe of the foot should point in the direction of the fist strike. The legs should be tense.

How to hit a cross? Along with sending your hand to the target, you should turn the toe of your right foot in the direction of the fist. The fist must also quickly reach the target, “sting” and return. During the strike, the shoulder should cover the chin, and the gaze should be from under the eyebrows.

Side impact. There is a right side kick, and a left side kick . The main mistake of beginners in mastering side kicks is strong abduction of the arm, that is, a swing. There should be no swing. Along with turning your body, your fist should fly away from your head towards the target.

Left side. Left side can become powerful weapon, but you need to know how to use them. You can hit with a step and with two legs, which makes this blow incredibly powerful. But the main thing for you is to know the technique of a regular side kick. To do this, you need to charge yourself a little like a spring, wrapping your right leg and sitting down on your left leg, while turning your body a little. Next we straighten our legs, while we need to move our left foot to the toe, which will be directed towards the impact. The fist should be in a position as if you were holding a mug, or simply turned at a slight angle so as not to injure yourself. Don't throw a side punch, keeping the side of your fist facing you.

Right side. The right side kick technique is a little easier, but no less it needs to be practiced until it becomes automatic. It is fought in almost the same way as the right straight, but with a hook, and when sending your hand you need to turn the toe of your right foot. During training, pay attention to how the impulse comes from the legs and passes through the body. This is very important, because it is by feeling the blow that you can deliver a knockout blow.

Uppercut. Uppercuts to the head are blows from below and, accordingly, to the jaw. They are very helpful in boxing itself, but are practically useless on the street when you are without gloves. Hitting your jaw with your bare hand can hurt your fingers. The uppercut must be hit without swinging your hand - from the head, like all blows, but the body will help to accelerate. Don't forget about your feet, the toes of which should turn towards the fist when hitting.

If you are already hitting, then you need to hit hard and confidently, and preferably in a series and until the end, so that the opponent has no chance.

There is one interesting two stroke that can help you on the street. The cool thing is that you can start with your hands down.

To carry out a combination, you need to make sure that your opponent stands slightly to the side of you. He is in this position, firstly, he will not see you as a threat, and secondly, this is an excellent position for throwing a combination. For example, the enemy is standing on the left side. You make a slight twist with your pelvis moving to the right, and then the explosion comes. Due to the acceleration that we took with this turn, we increase the speed of the hand and, accordingly, the strength. The left hand rises from below and flies straight at the opponent’s head, and the blow is delivered with the back of the fist. We gain hand speed not only through acceleration with the body, but also through additional extension of the forearm. Raising our arm up, we first raise our elbow, and only then our forearm, and at the moment of impact, the arm should be almost completely straightened. But, together with the blow with the left hand, we turn the right leg, the toe of which will be directed towards the blow. The toe does not necessarily have to be directed towards the impact, but turned towards it. The main thing is to set the impulse with your foot. And this is only the first part of the blow.

The second part of the blow is the right side, which should be destructive force. That is, as soon as the left hand has reached the target, it needs to be thrown a little to the side to accelerate the right one even more, and immediately after the first blow there is a second blow.

This is not a tricky, but quite interesting combination. But before you use it outside, practice on a punching bag.

Remember that the goal is a knockout, and the target points for a knockout are the chin and weights.

Body punches

You can hit a fist not only to the head, but also to the body. The best blows to the body are blows to the solar plexus and blows to the liver.

A liver strike is carried out with the left hand to the opponent’s right side. This is, in fact, a left side only on the body.

I think everyone knows where the solar plexus is. The solar plexus can be hit from different distances, but the optimal distance is the middle distance, when hitting with the back hand. At the same time, do not forget to turn your fist and leg.

  1. You hit with your fist, but your whole body must work, since a blow is a movement not only of the hand, but complex work bodies.
  2. Do not forget that your teeth should always be clenched so that if they hit your jaw, it will remain in place.
  3. Your goal is a knockout, and accordingly, the target points are the chin, weight and back of the head.
  4. You must act like a machine - purposefully and unwaveringly, and if you see that your opponent has fallen, then the victory is yours, and you can go have tea. Don't kick...
  5. You should always attack first. Whoever attacks first wins.
  6. Don’t wait for a sign from above—regularly practice hitting the punching bag. Preparation ensures you are prepared.

That's all. I also want to offer several articles.


At one time I was very pestered with the question: how do you hit with 3 dice? This is a turning point! Although those who asked such questions beat me with two bones and broke their arms from such blows. We have a rule: we hit the hard with the soft, and the soft with the hard, so we don’t break our hands. Many sports fighters who have never hit a person in the face and suddenly get into a fight very often injure their striking hands - a severe bruise or fracture of the bones of the hand - as a rule. To dispel all the myths in this debate “from which end is better to hit eggs - from the blunt or from the sharp”, I will quote excerpts from Jack Dempsey’s book “Explosive Strikes and Aggressive Defense”, kindly provided to me by a friend of mine who once had this question too interested.

Jack Dempsey, nicknamed “The Bonecrusher of Manassa,” is an American professional boxer, world heavyweight champion, and a prolific knockout artist. He fought more than 80 fights, winning 62 of them and knocking out his opponents in more than 50. Boxed from 1915 to 1927. By 1950, he wrote the book “Explosive Strikes and Aggressive Defense,” in which he criticized modern boxing, which, in his opinion, had turned into show business, where boxers game plan replaced the true knockouts. This man was born just 10 years after boxing gloves officially appeared in boxing. This boxer was not just a puncher, but also defended himself very competently - many years have passed, and modern boxers are still playing with all their might in the so-called. "Dempsey's sunshine" is still relevant. Dempsey learned to box when the art of pugilism was still based on the developments gained in the era of bare-knuckle competition. This is why Dempsey's recommendations are more than valuable.

So Jack Dempsey Explosive Strikes and Aggressive Defense Line of Power.
Impact surface of the fist.

For a blow to be truly powerful, it must be delivered along the “line of force.” This line runs from your shoulder straight down your arm, through your hand, and ends at the knuckle of your little finger. You can check it yourself - rest your fist against the wall at chin level and try to lean firmly and reliably on your fist. The conclusion is clear: the natural and most reliable end of your hand, creating an ideal and rigid striking structure without distortions and unnatural bends in the joints, is the knuckle of your little finger. Respectively, greatest strength and we will achieve the hardness of the blow by hitting it with it. For comparison, lean on the other 2 knuckles - the index and middle fingers. Note the unnatural twist of the wrist. This position of the hitting hand has now become very popular, and in vain, since it creates a direct threat of fracture and dislocation of the wrist.
Unfortunately, the palmar bone behind the little finger is also the weakest of all 5 bones. It is very easy to break. Therefore, under no circumstances try to aim with your little finger knuckle! If you only hit it, you risk getting a severe fracture of the carpal bones. The problem is solved like this: INSTEAD OF YOUR LITTLE FINGER KNACE, AIM WITH THE KNACE OF YOUR RING FINGER. Look at the position of the knuckles of your fist: the knuckles of the middle finger, ring finger and little finger are located almost in one straight line. This is the ideal striking surface of your fist. If you aim with the knuckle of your ring finger, you will almost always hit with 3 knuckles at once, distributing them between them shock pulse and thus insuring the striking surface of the fist from damage. In addition, the shock impulse will pass very close to the ideal “line of force”.
All other options are dangerous!

Middle finger
The knuckle of the middle finger is the strongest, but also sticks out the most. If you try to aim with it, then you will hit with it alone. This is the source of most hand injuries. The bone of the middle finger is quite strong, but not so strong that it can withstand the full force of a blow “with investment” alone. Especially when the hand is not protected by anything.
- Forefinger
The knuckle of the index finger is strong - and sometimes it will hit the target along with the other three. It will hit - well, okay. But purposefully hitting with it is a big mistake, since the displacement of the striking point from the “line of force” causes an unnatural position of the wrist and is fraught with a fracture.
- Thumb
Avoid any strikes that use your thumb as the striking surface. Not only is it located farthest from the “line of force” (and therefore simply not able to deliver a strong blow), but it also breaks easily and is knocked out of the joint.
CONCLUSION: ALWAYS AIM WITH THE KNIGHT OF YOUR RING FINGER. Nature will take care of the rest - the shape of the fist will not allow the other 2 knuckles to remain away from the blow. This will not only strengthen the blow (since the “line of force” runs nearby), but will also significantly protect the fist - there are 3 strike kittens at once, and besides, the knuckle of the middle finger is the strongest on the hand.
Over time, you will understand that these principles are equally refer to both direct blows and hooks, and uppercuts. If the blows are placed correctly, the striking surface of the hand remains the same.
Let's summarize. The power of a blow depends on the "mass investment" and whether the blow is struck along a "line of force." Blows delivered along this line hit the target with 3 dominoes: the middle one, ring finger and little finger. In order to evenly distribute the shock impulse between them and avoid injuries to the hand, it is necessary to aim at the target with the knuckle of the ring finger. Any blows that do not reach the target with this striking surface (in particular, swings) are inherently incorrect. They deviate from the line of force, lack striking power and can easily injure the striker.

If you cannot step into the enemy, hit him straight with your shoulders turned, but if you have the opportunity to step forward even a little, hit him using the “falling blow” principle.
Setting up the technique of direct strikes at the “falling step”
Stand in a left-handed stance. Bend your knees slightly, transfer the main weight of your body to your front left leg, so that the metatarsus of your right foot touches the floor lightly. Now, WITHOUT PRELIMINARY AUXILIARY MOVEMENT, take a long, quick step with your left foot in the direction of the target. I emphasize - WITHOUT additional movements! You will definitely want to move back a little - don't do it. The idea is that you sharply bend your left loaded leg and allow your body to FALL FORWARD with a long stride. The whole movement is fast, convulsive and from the outside looks extremely clumsy. But it is precisely this clumsy leap that is the basis of a knockout direct blow. This is the basis for setting up the heaviest direct blow with the investment of the entire body weight.
Actually, when we walk, each step we take includes a slight “fall.” The human step in general is a series of ups and downs. In the “falling step,” the falling stage is taken to its maximum, it is enhanced for two reasons: 1. before the step, almost all the weight is on the front leg 2. the step is so long that it gives gravity the opportunity to give the body an unusual moment “ free fall" It is for this reason that at the end of the movement your left leg “slams” heavily into the floor. In the twilight of his career, Joe Gans rarely missed with his long, straight left—but when he did, the landing of his left foot could be heard half a block away.
Despite the fact that at the beginning of the step your weight was loaded mainly on your left leg, you did not fall to the floor. Why? Because after lifting your left leg off the floor, the toe of your right leg instinctively pushed you forward with a leap, trying to maintain the balance of your body falling forward. Left leg acted as a trigger for the subsequent push with the right foot.
I repeat again - there is no preliminary movement before the "falling step" - and especially the backward movement, which is a natural reaction of your body! Shifting your weight back will slow down the strike, signal the opponent to start the strike, and weaken the strike itself. In a fight there is no room for luxury, which is unnecessary movements. There may be only one convenient moment to hit the target. Therefore, no preparation. PAY ATTENTION TO A VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL – THIS PUNCH IS BEEN PUT WITH THE FIST IN A VERTICAL POSITION.
Twisting the fist and turning it palm down is used in the now very popular “semi-straight punches” - which are fought by rotating the shoulders. But that's why they are semi-straight. THERE IS SUCH A RULE: AS soon as you start placing your fist with your palm down, you start to turn your punch, and the straight line turns into a barely noticeable loop. This is nature, it is impossible to deceive it, it loves round movements, there is more harmony in them. That's how it works human body. But the "falling step kick" is a PURE STRAIGHT KICK - it doesn't require any rotation. They will only smear it and give it unnecessary curves. The blow must go clearly in a straight line!
Be sure to learn how to make this kick with a long step - then you will not care whether your step is half a meter long or several centimeters, which are almost invisible from the side.
After you learn how to do the “straight in the fall”, compare it with the straight, applied only by twisting the torso - and you will see for yourself that in the second version you will never achieve such a penetrating effect and investment as with the “falling step” . The fact is that in a left-sided stance, the fighter is turned to the enemy with his left shoulder - which significantly reduces the torque put into the left blow. So it turns out that the left blow through rotation of the shoulders is stronger the further the left shoulder is pulled back at the beginning of the blow. Pulling the left shoulder back in itself gives a signal to an experienced opponent about what kind of blow will be delivered. In addition, it weakens your defense and creates the risk of receiving an oncoming knockout blow.
Basics of “investing” body weight into a blow
The basis for throwing a strong punch is to move your body weight. There are only 4 ways to invest our body weight in a striking movement: 1). fall forward 2). forward movement leap forward 3). shoulder rotation with connection strong muscles back and transferring body weight from one leg to the other 4). upward movement of body weight - for example, when throwing uppercuts.
Each blow combines at least 2 of the 4 listed components. The more components in a blow, the stronger it is. That is why the most powerful blow that can be delivered with the left hand is a direct blow delivered at a “falling step”. It combines 3 elements simultaneously - falling, forward movement of the body and twisting of the torso. Today this blow has been almost completely forgotten and erased from the combat arsenal. Meanwhile, the “falling step” itself guarantees the presence of a hard direct blow, in which the most of your mass.
Exists whole line reasons due to which the straight line at the “falling step” almost ceased to be used. New-fashioned instructors teach boxers to strike exclusively by twisting the body. For some reason, stepping forward with a strong insertion of the left hand into the blow is considered a dangerous maneuver - they say that the enemy can dodge and knock out with a counter blow. Well, spanking with jabs is much safer.

But if you think about it - what's the difference? Essentially, every time you extend your left fist towards the target in an attempt to reach your opponent, you expose yourself to the danger of receiving a counter punch. Moreover, a boxer who is accustomed to using a jab uses it much more often than a striker who puts knockout power into his front hand. This is understandable - they don’t exchange knockout blows in vain and don’t poke them anywhere. So isn’t it better to hit hard with your front hand, with the goal of knocking out your opponent, and not just slap him in the face?
My advice is this: use a light jab exclusively in the “deuce” - when your left fist hits the opponent in the top part head - lifting it and thereby allowing the right blow to clearly hit the upturned chin. In all other cases, use the technique of direct strikes “in the fall.”
The importance of throwing a knockout punch with the left hand
For the street puncher great value is acquired by delivering a knockout blow from the LEFT hand. Why do we start on the left? The fact is that for a “standard right-hander” the left fist is much more important than the right (we don’t take left-handed people into account, it has its own specifics). At first, such a statement may seem strange, because we are trying to deliver a knockout blow as quickly as possible and, logically, we should start with a “strong” right.
Will explain. In a left-sided stance, the left hand is closer to the opponent. Accordingly, it reaches its target faster and is more difficult to parry than the right one. A well-placed left straight or hook will at a minimum keep your opponent off balance and open him up to a finishing right hand. Hitting with your left is not only easier, but also much safer. The hitting hand covers the rebound, on the other hand it is protected by the right hand. The left hand is one of the least vulnerable striking positions. It is for this reason that the striking series is usually started with the left. Starting with a right hand against an experienced opponent is so dangerous that this blow even received the name “slay 3.14 zdyulina” (another translation option is “sucker punch”). However, I in no way deny the possibility of using this blow with lethal effect.
Unfortunately, modern boxing has almost lost the skill of the knockout left punch, replacing it everywhere with the play jab, which serves only as preparation for the knockout right punch. At the same time, for some reason everyone forgot that a correctly placed blow with the front hand can successfully knock out the enemy no worse than the back hand.
Fight and knockout blow
A fight has a number of significant differences from fighting in the ring (emphasis mine, A.B.). The main thing is very high level injuries. Always remember: the longer the fight goes on, the more likely you are to become crippled. Each new minute of a street collision dramatically reduces your chances of getting out of it without serious injuries or injuries. Several things follow from this: important conclusions: the fight must be ended as quickly as possible. The best way stopping a fight means knocking out your opponent. Therefore, the fight should be dominated by HEAVY KNOCKOUTS. The place for light jabs and beautiful maneuvers is in the ring. In a fight, it is not beauty that is important, but efficiency.
Mid-range exchange rule
In a head-on collision and mid-range exchange of blows, the straighter you hit, the more more chances being “inside” your opponent’s attack.
General rule The exchange is that the one of the opponents who dominates on the “central straight” has significantly more high percent hitting the target.
The opponent, “pushed out” from the central line, is forced to throw punches along circular trajectories with an additional swing. Displacing the enemy from the “central straight” at a medium distance leads to the fact that he is left to work mainly with SWINGS (swing is a sweeping blow with the hand along an arcing path like a stick, see below in the text - A.B.) with all the ensuing consequences. Circular blows of a person forced out of the “central straight” are often delayed or fly by, because must pass longer distance compared to the trajectory of a direct strike - which is also the shortest distance to the target. If the swings hit, then they cause significantly less damage than counter straight ones. center line" Remember: any type of swing used against competent work straight - has no chance of success.
From this comes the rule for mutual exchanges at medium distance - try to “round off your blows” as little as possible, strive to master the central straight line and find yourself “inside” the line of attack, pushing the enemy’s attacking limbs to the periphery.
About swings
The swing is one of the most ineffective strikes and is more dangerous for the striker himself than for the one at whom it is aimed (there is no strength or investment in the body in the strike itself, there is a high probability of damage to the striking limb, the strike is struck sweepingly and for a long time, it is well read, It’s much easier to escape and defend yourself than from direct action).
Don't confuse swing with hook! The hook is a short side blow with a body attachment, a purely melee weapon. The dependence is this: the greater the distance, the more the “hook” loses its effectiveness and in the end turns into a “swing”. By the way, a sweeping “uppercut” at long and medium distances is not an uppercut at all (for a true uppercut, like a hook, is a melee weapon), but the same swing, but which opens up the striker even more. The paradox is that “swing” is the most natural striking movement for the average person. The real place of this blow is in the trash heap. Give it up and never think about it - of course, unless you want your brains blown out.

In modern crime situation It is very important to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones. Mastery of any self-defense techniques can always be useful to you at a critical moment. At the same time, it is important that you, while offering resistance to the enemy, do not suffer from own actions myself. To do this, it is important to correctly follow the technique of performing the technique. Let's look at the main nuances of punching.

We hit with our fists

  1. Firstly, in order to understand how to punch correctly, you need to form it correctly, in otherwise you risk seriously injuring your hand, and even breaking your thumb. When forming a fist correctly, the thumb should be on top of the rest. It cannot be hidden inside, otherwise the entire force of the blow will be directed specifically at it, and, most likely, the incident will end in a dislocation or fracture.
  2. Considering the striking technique directly, it should be noted that it is better not to hit with knuckles. Use the flat surface formed by the first phalanges of tightly closed fingers.
  3. The most effective blow will be one in which the athlete’s weight is invested, this means that at the moment of moving the fist towards the enemy, the whole body must work, including the arm, shoulder and thigh.
  4. It is advisable not to fully extend your elbow at the moment of impact. In general, it is better to fix it in the position: the arm is raised parallel to the floor, and the elbow angle is 90 0. Working with your whole body will make the blow stronger from this position.

For example, with a right hand strike right side in boxing is carried out in the following way. The right leg is tightly fixed on the floor, the main support of the body falls on it, then, along with the movement of the body, energy moves from the legs to the hand, clenched into a regular fist - the body gradually turns, the movement of the lower back and waist turns into the work of the entire torso. It is the boxer’s body that is the main source of energy, the fist is only the means by which this energy is delivered to the opponent.

Video - instructions for placing a strike

Tips from Bodyuk - how to properly prepare your fist


Now that it has become clear how hard to punch, you can practice the blow, but not one article or training video will give you the effect that real classes in the gym with a trainer who will control the entire process and guide you on the right path. Constant training and self-improvement can lead you and yours to excellent shape. After which you will feel much more confident on the dark streets of the city, and your body will automatically, without your control, respond to the attacker at a critical moment.

For some reason for some unknown reason men believe that during a fight it is necessary to use fists. However, as practice shows, the palm is no less effective in suppressing the attacker’s aggression. In addition, this option is not so traumatic. In particular, palm striking reduces the risk of injury to the knuckles, not to mention possible receipt fractures. This method of fighting not only looks like an effective solution during an attack, but also represents a good diversionary maneuver.

How effective is an open palm strike?

At first glance, the palm may not seem like a very serious “weapon” in hand-to-hand combat. However, to evaluate the effectiveness of the strike in the specified way, just put your partner opposite and pointedly poke him in the middle of the chest. In this case, the person will at least be thrown off balance. Well, if a strong blow is struck with the palm, he will be knocked down.

Here it is absolutely not necessary to invest excessive energy and give impulse with the entire body weight. This method is primarily suitable for dealing damage from the side, where it is unlikely that you will be able to use the mass.

How to hit with your palm in the frontal direction?

If it is necessary to push the opponent in the chest, the blow with the palm is delivered not with its base, but with the so-called heel. The latter is a section of the pad located under the little finger. In this case, the palm should be somewhat rounded, and the fingers should be tense and tightly closed.

When striking, you need to make sure that your elbow follows the direction of movement and does not go too far to the side. Ideally, it should move in the same plane as the “heel” of the palm. Only in this case the blow will be as effective as possible. To apply additional force, it is enough to complement the movement by turning the body.

Strike with the outer edge of the palm to the neck

It is recommended to strike with the edge of your palm in the neck with a backhand. The strongest and most accentuated impact will be achieved when penetrating from the side on which the working arm is attached to the body. To avoid limb injury, it is advisable to pre-tighten your fingers. This palm strike is also suitable for attacking the neck area.

Palm attack to the eye

The eyes act as an extremely vulnerable, painful point on the body. No matter how aggressive the opponent is, a precise strike with the palm of the hand in the indicated area will make him regret his own intentions.

This attack is carried out with the base of the palm, which should lie exactly in the area of ​​the eye opening. To ensure a crushing blow, it is recommended to move from bottom to top.

With a successful attack to the eye, there is a high probability of the enemy losing consciousness due to the development of a sharp pain syndrome. That is why such actions should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when the attacker behaves particularly aggressively.

Punch to the lip

The nasolabial fold protrudes sufficiently vulnerable spot. There are many nerve endings here. In addition, in the presented area, the cranial bone connects to the cartilaginous nasal tissue.

The blow is made with the same heel of the palm. It is advisable to punch it into the lip with emphasis, at arm's length. This way you can increase the chances of damaging not only soft fabrics, but also the teeth of the attacker.

Hitting the ear with the palm of the hand

IN in this case a side attack is performed. A blow is made when the shoulder and elbow are in the same plane. Special meaning here it is precisely the position of the elbow. If the latter is placed below the shoulder and wrist, the hand is likely to slide up over the opponent's head.

When hitting the ear area with the edge of the palm, additional movement of the pelvis, legs and shoulder girdle is important. The attack can be carried out in combinations, for example, moving the hand that protrudes forward in the stance, alternating it with the other limb and repeating the impulse after a small step forward.

You can punch on both sides of the head at the same time. What can such a blow to the ears with the palms lead to? The consequences here are as follows:

  • the appearance of persistent noises, ringing sensations in the head;
  • temporary loss of orientation in space;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • partial or complete hearing loss (in case of a strong, precise blow).

Punch to the bridge of the nose

Performed with an outstretched arm in the direction from bottom to top. The main energy is concentrated at the base of the palm.

Even a slight push to the bridge of the nose is fraught with the development of painful shock, the occurrence of heavy bleeding from the nasopharynx, up to the complete loss of the opponent’s fighting ability. A strong, focused attack with the palm of the hand in the presented area allows you to crush the bridge of the nose. The consequence of this is often the penetration of bone fragments into deep tissues and brain damage. Therefore, when performing such strikes, you need to try not to overdo it.

Attack to the jaw

The presented type of attack is a kind of exception to the rule. In this case, the blow is delivered not along an upward or straight trajectory, but diagonally. Here you can use both the “heel” of the palm and its base.

The effect of such an attack is similar to an uppercut. With the right emphasis and transfer of additional energy by turning the body, a knockout to the opponent is practically guaranteed. In addition, there is a possibility that the opponent will bite his tongue.

"Dead Palm"

This palm movement is often called a volleyball hit. The hand is relaxed when attacking. Penetration with the help of technology occurs tangentially in the direction from top to bottom and slightly inward. The movement is accompanied by a corresponding bending of the body.

The presented attack is more aimed at damaging the skin and surface tissues rather than causing damage internal organs. Its implementation requires a very slight swing, which will not allow the enemy to take countermeasures.

Advantages of palm fighting

There are several benefits that can be gained from palm striking:

  1. The density of the hand is the first and one of the main advantages. Correct positioning palms allow you to produce stronger blows compared to using your fists. As is known, main problem In boxing, it is necessary to fix the fingers with bandages and protect them with gloves. Even experienced fighters often break their bare fists when launching strong attacks. However, it is difficult to imagine that the palms could be damaged in battle.
  2. The ability to transition from a strike to a grab - an open palm allows you not only to attack, but also to carry out throws and destabilize the opponent’s balance. Fighting using this part of the body removes the restrictions that are present when using gloves while working with fists.
  3. Shape - when attacked with a fist, it diverges like a sphere. The palm has a concave shape. Therefore, the energy from its contact with surfaces has a point concentration. Thus, a punch to the head can pass through the hairline. At the same time, a palm attack under the same conditions can cause serious injuries, including concussion.


The decision to fight with your palms also has its downsides. It is immediately worth noting that in this case the arm turns out to be shorter compared to placing a fist. The difference here is insignificant - only a few centimeters. However, in a fight, even this is enough so that the loss of impact force has to be compensated by the movement of the legs and body.

The next comparative disadvantage is considered big square palms. This feature negatively affects the passage of the hand through the opponent’s defense. Where fists can easily pierce an opponent's limbs, the palm can get stuck.

Essentially, a closed fist causes damage through the middle and middle knuckles. index finger. The palm formed by ligaments and muscles is much softer. That is why attacks with the pads of this part of the body often only cause redness of the skin, while the result of working with fists is abrasions, hematomas, and bruises. Consequently, fighting with the palms should be based on a proven technique, as well as an accentuated investment of impulse in the blow.


As you can see, the palm is a fairly effective tool when it is necessary to defeat an aggressor in hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, it is worth considering practicing the above strikes along with mastering fist fighting techniques. In this case, you can get a much greater chance of quickly neutralizing the enemy in self-defense.

How to punch correctly?

Self-defense - important thing. It can save your life if used correctly. , how to punch correctly so that it hurts both the enemy and you yourself do not get injured? We offer some useful tips.

Form your fist correctly. The fact is that if you form your fist incorrectly, you run the risk of breaking your thumb and severely damaging your hand. How to make a fist correctly? It is necessary that the thumb is at the top, and not inside the fist. To do this, bend four fingers and then place your thumb on top. If it is inside the fist, then in this position the force of the blow will be on it and you risk dislocating or breaking it.

How to punch correctly? Hit not with your knuckles, but with a flat surface, clench your fist as tightly as possible so that your fingers form a plane, and hit with the first phalanges. It is better if you clench your fist tightly at the moment of impact.

Put your full weight into the punch. It should not be the strength of your one arm, but the entire weight of your body. The blow is delivered by simultaneously using the arm, shoulder, and thigh, using almost the entire body.

Do not straighten your elbow all the way, this wastes energy, and your arm is in a vulnerable position, which will result in a much weaker blow than it could have been. You can simply fix your hand in a certain position - the elbow angle is 90 degrees and the hand is parallel to the floor, and then move your body.

Let's look at the boxing technique of punching with the right hand from the right side: with the right leg firmly on the floor, leaning on it, turn the body, starting from the waist. This creates a twist that transfers energy from the legs and body to the shoulders and arm. The lower back is a kind of transition that transfers energy from one source to another, and then forms a unified movement of the entire body.

Remember that the fist in the blow is not the most important thing at all, it is the final means, and the main work is done by the body.

Practice. Initially, it is better to train without any improvised means, you can look at the movements of the body and the position of the hand and fist in front of the mirror, making sure that the punching technique is well honed, you can move on to the punching bag. If you really want to, you can practice with a partner, but few people will agree to endure the blows. Training is very important, because if you find yourself in a dangerous situation without training, you can forget how to punch correctly, and in the end you will only make your situation worse. During training, your body remembers what it needs to do and then, in stressful situation, it will remember on its own, without strict control on your part.