Think like a millionaire read. Admire rich people

Poverty is in the head. Wealthy people differ from the majority not only in the number of zeros in their annual income. They think differently. How to change your thoughts so as not to hinder your own enrichment and become a millionaire? T. Harv Eker reveals 17 secrets in the book "Think Like a Millionaire".

Many people want to get rich. But cash flow always goes only to those who become rich, with some effort along the way. Meanwhile, first you need to decide on your desires. After all, those who no longer want to be poor and want to become rich will remain poor. Why? Because you can want wealth endlessly. Because your financial program and your thoughts are focused on poverty. Because to overcome yourself and change your income, you will need to get out of your comfort zone. You can change your personal financial program by reading the book “Think Like a Millionaire” by T. Harv Eker - reference book those who actually become rich every day.

The first part of T. Harv Eker's book "Think Like a Millionaire" is devoted to describing your financial program and talking about the principles of wealth. The main reason people are poor is that they are not internally ready to earn and save large amounts. Therefore, the main task is to tame your fear of losing money. First you change your thoughts. New thoughts will lead you to new feelings. Changed feelings will allow you to act in new ways. By acting effectively, you will achieve qualitatively new results. Truly rich people are always self-confident; they have an internal self-sufficiency that allows them to take the possible loss of money with ease. They know they can always get rich again!

In the second part of the book, the reader is taught lessons about wealth. You will see seventeen differences in the thinking and actions of the rich, poor and middle class. These differences need to be written down on paper, hung on the wall in the office or at home and memorized! I'm bringing mine here brief interpretation secrets of millionaires. Believe me, the book itself describes everything in more detail and detail, with examples from life, declarations and a workshop for an aspiring millionaire on each lesson of wealth. The secrets of millionaires listed below are the very first and most general theoretical prerequisites for changing your life for the better.

Secrets of millionaires

1. Your life depends only on you

Think positively about wealth, strive for success, get rid of being a victim, forget about excuses and stop complaining.

2. The rich work for profit.

Why do you work where you are underpaid? Usual answers - good team, a familiar job, enough pay to pay the bills. In other words, you are paying for the comfort zone in which you are currently located with your potentially large income.

3. It’s not enough to want to be rich, become rich

You can want to become rich and think about it endlessly, this will certainly make you feel better, but it will not add more money to your wallet. Becoming rich means constantly mastering new areas of knowledge, expanding your business functions, increasing professional qualifications, receive additional education and get richer every day!

4. Expand the horizons of your thoughts, aspirations and desires

Get used to good things. Constantly think about how it can be improved. Are you tired of vacuuming your home? Hire a housekeeper. Are you too lazy to cook dinner? Go to a restaurant. Do what you like! But only within your budget!

5. Consider possibilities

A new idea that is voiced usually contains only 10% of its capabilities. Think about where else you can use the results of your work. For example, I wrote this post here for myself. Maybe find a community in which to post it? Get maximum benefits wherever you are and whatever you do. To the question: “Do you have a discount card?” Always answer: “Yes.” They will ask you to show, show another card, you weren’t asked about the discount card of this particular store. Demand discounts, receive discount cards for this store, ask about ongoing promotions. Strive to buy expensive and high-quality items cheaper.

6. Admire rich people

Tomorrow you will become like them. Leave behind the threshold of your consciousness envy, condemnation and irritation towards rich people. An example from life. A white BMW, a two-seater coupe with low-profile tires, was swaying on the sidewalk for pedestrians. Two people came out of this car, looking very much like rednecks. Where did they get such a car?! Surely some kind of bandits! Stop, I told myself. Even if they are bandits, they risk a lot while practicing their dangerous craft. Am I ready for such sacrifices in the name of such a machine? Not yet. That's why I don't have a car like that.

7. Hang out with rich and successful people

They will teach you to be rich. The poor will teach you to complain about life and stay poor. Eliminate losers from your social circle.

Make it an opportunity to brag about your habit. Declare yourself and your strengths to the world in a way that no one else will. Learn to love yourself. You are one and only.

9. Solve your problems

Any problem is new opportunity overcome yourself and become better, acquire new knowledge and useful skills. The rich are looking for ways to solve their problems, the poor are looking for new ways to justify inaction and escape from their problems.

10. Be prepared for gifts of fate

Believe that anything is possible. The main thing is your desire. The universe will always find ways to help you. An example from life. I continue to get rid of the psychology of poverty. I agreed with my successful friend about business meeting, which was supposed to take place in a restaurant with average prices for me. He didn't like the service there. We went to another restaurant with prices three (!) times more expensive. I felt uncomfortable there at first, but then I got used to it and had a delicious dinner, spending the amount planned for this dinner, that is, I accepted a gift of fate from my friend. For which I thank him very much.

11. Get paid for the results of your work, not for the hours worked

A stable salary always limits your earning potential. Achieve piecework wages and provide yourself with orders. This point, for me at least, is the most difficult. However, I always take advantage of opportunities additional income, albeit in small ways.

12. Choose both

Work or rest? The eternal dilemma of losers. Why not combine both? While doing monotonous work, you can listen to the radio with headphones, that is, combine business with pleasure. You can also listen to audiobooks with works by your favorite author. And you can listen to audiobooks in a car that is stuck in a traffic jam, without getting annoyed, but enjoying it.

13. Take care of your capital

The rich think about how to increase their capital. The poor think about how to spend their salary. Look for new ideas, learn to extract income from ordinary things. Give a passenger a ride to the metro if you have a car and if it’s on your way. Charge for delivery of anything that can be delivered and that you are asked to deliver. Round amounts to big side selling something. Charge your percentage for any services.

14. Manage money wisely

Money must bring money. Anything that doesn't bring in new money is wasted money. Before you buy anything, think about whether you should put this money on deposit in a bank? Keep records of all your income and expenses. This will help you see the “black holes” where and to whom your money is wasted. Remember that a rich man is not the one who has more money, and the one who has more of them remains. Control your money yourself, otherwise money will control you.

15. Work to live, don't live to work

Make your money work for you instead of you. Find out exactly how much money you need for your own comfort. Calculate total amount, the interest on which will ensure your comfortable life. Think about how you can get this money. Make a plan for your actions. Create your investment plan.

16. Act despite the fear of losing money

When investing, imagine that you are giving it away. If this gift is successful, you win. If you lose the money you invested, you will also win because you will receive good lesson from your own experience, where you can and cannot invest money. One day I was on the subway, reading a newspaper, and didn’t notice how my wallet was pulled out of my trouser pocket. It was a good lesson. I mentally thanked my teachers for making me once again think about money. Think about saving and increasing your money even when you are reading the newspaper on the subway.

17. Learn and improve

Be open to everything new. Learn and acquire new skills, enjoy the results achieved. One of my friends says that every book he reads on marketing increases his salary by at least $10.

T. Harv Ecker

Think like a millionaire

I dedicate this book to my family:

to my beloved wife

and wonderful children -

At first glance, writing a book is a personal matter for the author. In fact, if you want your book to be read by thousands or, hopefully, millions of people, it will take the whole team specialists.

First of all, I want to thank my wife Rochelle, daughter Madison and son Jess. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I do. I would also like to thank my parents, Sam and Sarah, my sister Mary and her husband Harvey for their endless love and support. Also, a huge thank you to Gail Balsilie, Michelle Burr, Shelley Weenes, Roberta and Roxanne Riopel, Donna Fox, A. Cage, Jeff Fagin, Corey Cowanberg, Chris Ebbeson and the entire Peak Potentials Training team for your work and passion for making a difference in people's lives . Thanks to you, Peak Potentials has become one of the fastest growing companies offering services in the field personal growth.

Thank you to my incredible agent, Bonnie Solow, for your tireless help, support, and guiding me through the maze of publishing. Also a huge thank you to the HarperBusiness publishing team: publisher Steve Hanselman, who believed in this project and invested so much time and effort into it; to my wonderful editor, Herb Shefner; Marketing Director Kate Pfeffer; advertising director Larry Hughes. Special thanks to my colleagues Jack Canfield, Robert G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen for friendly attitude and support for my first steps as a writer.

Finally, I am deeply grateful to all of the Peak Potentials workshop participants, technical support teams, and our business partners. Without you, these seminars would not be possible.


“Who the hell is T. Harv Eker and why should I read his book?”

At the very beginning of my seminars, I shock my listeners by immediately declaring: “Don’t believe a single word I say.” Why do I say this? Because we're talking about about my personal experience. None of the ideas or viewpoints I hold can be said to be right or wrong, trustworthy or not. They simply reflect my own achievements and the incredible successes that several thousand of my students have achieved. Still, I hope that by using the principles described in this book, you can radically change your life.

Don't just read. Study this book as if your destiny depends on it. Try all the principles for yourself. Take into account the most effective ones. And feel free to discard those that don’t work.

Perhaps I am not objective, but now in your hands, perhaps, the most outstanding book about money that you had to read. And I am aware that this is a rather bold statement. In fact, the book is about what people usually lack in order to make their dreams of success come true. And dreams and reality, as you probably already know, are completely different things.

Of course, you read other books, bought audio recordings, went to special courses and learned many methods of enrichment, for example in real estate, market valuable papers or running a business. What did this lead to? No need! At least most of you! You received a temporary boost of energy and returned to your previous positions.

A solution has finally been found. It is simple, natural and obvious. And it comes down to one simple idea: if the “financial program” embedded in your subconscious is not “set up” for success, no matter what you teach, no matter what knowledge you have and no matter what you do, you are doomed to failure.

After reading this book, you will learn why some are destined to be rich while others struggle to survive. You will understand real reasons success, average income and financial failures and begin to change your financial future for the better. You will learn how childhood experiences influence our financial program and how they lead to defeatist attitudes and habits. You will become acquainted with “magic” declarations, and thanks to them, a pessimistic way of thinking will be replaced by “ rich thinking" And you will think (and succeed) just like rich people do. In addition, you will learn practical step-by-step methods for increasing your income and achieving material well-being.

In the first part of the book, we will analyze how each of us tends to reason and act in financial sector, and identify four main methods for revising your “monetary program.” In Part 2, we'll talk about the differences in thinking between the rich, the middle class, and the poor, and look at seventeen exercises that can change your life forever. material side your life for the better.

In the pages of this book you will get acquainted with some of the thousands of letters that I receive from former listeners my intensive course “Think Like a Millionaire”, who achieved serious success.

So what is mine life path? Where am I from? Have I always been successful? If!

Like many of you, I was considered very capable, but it was of little use. I read every book, listened to every tape, and attended every seminar. I really, really, really wanted to achieve something! Whether it was money, independence, self-fulfillment, or simply living up to my parents' expectations, I was literally obsessed with the delusion of success. Between the ages of twenty and thirty, I started my own business several times with the idea that it would make me rich, but the results were either disastrous or disastrous.

I worked like crazy, but there wasn’t enough money. I had Loch Ness syndrome: I had heard that there was such a thing as profit, but I had never encountered it. I thought: “I just need to find good business, bet on the right horse, and everything will change.” I was wrong. Nothing worked... at least for me. Finally the day came when I realized exactly this, the second half of the phrase. Why did others succeed in a business that invariably ended in failure for me? Where did Mr. Ability go?

I began to seriously study myself. I examined my true beliefs and discovered that despite my claims to be wealthy man, I had a deep-seated fear of wealth. I was afraid. I was afraid of failure, or, even worse, afraid of succeeding and then losing everything - what an idiot I was! Worse yet, I could lose the only thing that was in my favor - personal potential. What if I discovered that I was nothing and was doomed to struggle for existence?

Fortunately, after some time I received good advice from a very rich man, a friend of my father. He came to our house to play cards with the “guys” and accidentally drew attention to me. This was my third return to my parents' house, and I lived in the "lowest class apartment" - in other words, in the basement. I think my father complained about my pitiful situation, because when he saw me, the man’s eyes reflected the kind of sympathy that is usually reserved for the relatives of the deceased at a funeral.

He said: “Harv, I started out just like you, with a complete fiasco.” Great, I thought, now I feel much better. I need to tell him that I’m very busy... I watch the plaster crumble from the wall.

Meanwhile, he continued: “But then I was given advice that changed my whole life. I want to give it to you." No, not this, now there will be lectures in the spirit of “Father teaches his son,” and he is not even my father! “Harv, if things don’t work out the way you want, it only means that you don’t know something.” At that time, I was a rather self-confident young man and believed that I already knew everything in the world, but, alas, the state of my bank account said otherwise. Eventually, I started to listen.

“Do you know that most rich people think alike?” - he asked. “No,” I replied. “I never thought about it.” “Of course, there are no clear rules, but in most cases the rich have one way of thinking, and the poor have a completely different way of thinking. It is the way of thinking that determines actions, and therefore their results, he said. “Do you think if you thought and behaved like a millionaire, could you become rich?” I remember that I answered not very confidently: “I think so.” “Then all you need to do is learn to think like a millionaire.”

At that time I was very skeptical and therefore could not resist asking: “What are you thinking about now?” To which he replied: “I think that rich people should stick to their obligations, and now I have obligations to your father. The guys are waiting for me. Bye". He left, but I remember his words well.

T. Harv Ecker

Think like a millionaire

I dedicate this book to my family:

to my beloved wife

and wonderful children -

At first glance, writing a book is a personal matter for the author. In fact, if you want your book to be read by thousands or, hopefully, millions of people, it will require a whole team of specialists.

First of all, I want to thank my wife Rochelle, daughter Madison and son Jess. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I do. I would also like to thank my parents, Sam and Sarah, my sister Mary and her husband Harvey for their endless love and support. Also, a huge thank you to Gail Balsilie, Michelle Burr, Shelley Weenes, Roberta and Roxanne Riopel, Donna Fox, A. Cage, Jeff Fagin, Corey Cowanberg, Chris Ebbeson and the entire Peak Potentials Training team for your work and passion for making a difference in people's lives . Thanks to you, Peak Potentials has become one of the fastest growing companies offering personal development services.

Thank you to my incredible agent, Bonnie Solow, for your tireless help, support, and guiding me through the maze of publishing. Also a huge thank you to the HarperBusiness publishing team: publisher Steve Hanselman, who believed in this project and invested so much time and effort into it; to my wonderful editor, Herb Shefner; Marketing Director Kate Pfeffer; advertising director Larry Hughes. Special thanks to my colleagues Jack Canfield, Robert G. Allen, and Mark Victor Hansen for their friendship and support of my first steps as a writer.

Finally, I am deeply grateful to all of the Peak Potentials workshop participants, technical support teams, and our business partners. Without you, these seminars would not be possible.


“Who the hell is T. Harv Eker and why should I read his book?”

At the very beginning of my seminars, I shock my listeners by immediately declaring: “Don’t believe a single word I say.” Why do I say this? Because we are talking about my personal experience. None of the ideas or viewpoints I hold can be said to be right or wrong, trustworthy or not. They simply reflect my own achievements and the incredible successes that several thousand of my students have achieved. Still, I hope that by using the principles described in this book, you can radically change your life.

Don't just read. Study this book as if your destiny depends on it. Try all the principles for yourself. Take into account the most effective ones. And feel free to discard those that don’t work.

I may not be objective, but what you now have in your hands is perhaps the most outstanding book on money you have ever read. And I am aware that this is a rather bold statement. In fact, the book is about what people usually lack in order to make their dreams of success come true. And dreams and reality, as you probably already know, are completely different things.

You, of course, read other books, bought audio recordings, took special courses and learned many techniques for getting rich, for example in real estate, the stock market or running a business. What did this lead to? No need! At least most of you! You received a temporary boost of energy and returned to your previous positions.

A solution has finally been found. It is simple, natural and obvious. And it comes down to one simple idea: if the “financial program” embedded in your subconscious is not “set up” for success, no matter what you teach, no matter what knowledge you have and no matter what you do, you are doomed to failure.

After reading this book, you will learn why some are destined to be rich while others struggle to survive. You will understand the true reasons for success, average income and financial failures and begin to change your financial future for the better. You will learn how childhood experiences influence our financial program and how they lead to defeatist attitudes and habits. You will be introduced to “magic” declarations, and thanks to them, “rich thinking” will replace the pessimistic way of thinking. And you will think (and succeed) just like rich people do. In addition, you will learn practical step-by-step methods for increasing your income and achieving material well-being.

In the first part of the book, we will analyze how each of us tends to think and act in the financial sphere, and identify four main methods for revising our “money program”. In the second part we will talk about the difference in the way of thinking of rich people, representatives of the middle class and the poor and look at seventeen exercises that can forever change the material side of your life for the better.

In the pages of this book you will meet some of the thousands of letters I receive from former participants of my intensive Millionaire Thinking course who have achieved serious success.

So what is my life path? Where am I from? Have I always been successful? If!

Like many of you, I was considered very capable, but it was of little use. I read every book, listened to every tape, and attended every seminar. I really, really, really wanted to achieve something! Whether it was money, independence, self-fulfillment, or simply living up to my parents' expectations, I was literally obsessed with the delusion of success. Between the ages of twenty and thirty, I started my own business several times with the idea that it would make me rich, but the results were either disastrous or disastrous.

I worked like crazy, but there wasn’t enough money. I had Loch Ness syndrome: I had heard that there was such a thing as profit, but I had never encountered it. I thought: “You just need to find a good business, bet on the right horse, and everything will change.” I was wrong. Nothing worked... at least for me. Finally the day came when I realized exactly this, the second half of the phrase. Why did others succeed in a business that invariably ended in failure for me? Where did Mr. Ability go?

I began to seriously study myself. I examined my true beliefs and discovered that despite my professed desire to become a wealthy person, I had a deep-rooted fear of wealth. I was afraid. I was afraid of failure, or, even worse, afraid of succeeding and then losing everything - what an idiot I was! Worse, I could lose the only thing I had in my favor: my personal potential. What if I discovered that I was nothing and was doomed to struggle for existence?

Fortunately, after some time I received good advice from a very rich man, a friend of my father. He came to our house to play cards with the “guys” and accidentally drew attention to me. This was my third return to my parents' house, and I lived in the "lowest class apartment" - in other words, in the basement. I think my father complained about my pitiful situation, because when

I dedicate this book to my family: my beloved wife and wonderful children – Madison and Jess


Copyright © 2005 by Harv Eker. All rights reserved Published by arrangement with HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.

© Kurilyuk M.V., translation into Russian, 2014

© Publishing House "E" LLC, 2016

At first glance, writing a book is a personal matter for the author. In fact, if you want your book to be read by thousands or, hopefully, millions of people, it will require a whole team of specialists.

First of all, I want to thank my wife Rochelle, daughter Madison and son Jess. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I do. I would also like to thank my parents, Sam and Sarah, my sister Mary and her husband Harvey for their endless love and support. Also, a huge thank you to Gail Balsilie, Michelle Burr, Shelley Wines, Roberta and Roxanne Riopelle, Donna Fox, A. Cage, Jeff Fagin, Corey Cowanberg, Chris Ebbeson and the entire team Peak Potentials Training for your work and desire to change people's lives for the better. Thanks to you Peak Potentials has become one of the fastest growing companies offering services in the field of personal growth.

Thank you to my incredible agent, Bonnie Solow, for your tireless help, support, and guiding me through the maze of publishing. Also a huge thank you to the publishing team. HarperBusiness: to the publisher Steve Hanselman, who believed in this project and put so much time and effort into it; to my wonderful editor, Herb Shefner; Marketing Director Kate Pfeffer; advertising director Larry Hughes. Special thanks to my colleagues Jack Canfield, Robert G. Allen, and Mark Victor Hansen for their friendship and support of my first steps as a writer.

Finally, I am deeply grateful to all the workshop participants Peak Potentials, technical support services and our business partners. Without you, these seminars would not be possible.


“Who the hell is this Harv Eker and why should I read his book?”

At the very beginning of my seminars, I shock listeners by immediately declaring: “Don’t believe a single word I say.” Why do I say this? Because we are talking about my personal experience. None of the ideas or viewpoints I hold can be said to be right or wrong, trustworthy or not. They simply reflect my own achievements and the incredible successes that several thousand of my students have achieved. Still, I hope that by using the principles described in this book, you can radically change your life.

Don't just read. Study this book as if your destiny depends on it. Try all the principles for yourself. Take into account the most effective ones. And feel free to discard those that don’t work.

I may not be objective, but what you now have in your hands is perhaps the most outstanding book on money you have ever read. And I am aware that this is a rather bold statement. In fact, the book is about what people usually lack in order to make their dreams of success come true. And dreams and reality, as you probably already know, are completely different things.

You, of course, read other books, bought audio recordings, took special courses and learned many techniques for getting rich, for example in real estate, the stock market or running a business. What did this lead to? No need! At least most of you! You received a temporary boost of energy and returned to your previous positions.

A solution has finally been found. It is simple, natural and obvious. And it comes down to one simple idea: if the “financial program” embedded in your subconscious is not “set up” for success, no matter what you learn, no matter what knowledge you have and no matter what you do, you are doomed to failure.

After reading this book, you will learn why some are destined to be rich while others struggle to survive. You will understand the true reasons for success, average income and financial failures and begin to change your financial future for the better. You will learn how childhood experiences influence our financial program and how they lead to defeatist attitudes and habits. You will be introduced to “magic” declarations, and thanks to them, “rich thinking” will replace the pessimistic way of thinking. And you will think (and succeed) just like rich people do. In addition, you will learn practical step-by-step methods for increasing your income and achieving material well-being.

In the first part of the book, we will analyze how each of us tends to think and act in the financial sphere, and identify four main methods for revising our “money program”. In the second part we will talk about the difference in the way of thinking of rich people, representatives of the middle class and the poor and look at seventeen exercises that can forever change the material side of your life for the better.

In the pages of this book you will meet some of the thousands of letters I receive from former participants of my intensive Millionaire Thinking course who have achieved serious success.

So what is my life path? Where am I from? Have I always been successful? If!

Like many of you, I was considered very capable, but it was of little use. I read every book, listened to every tape, and attended every seminar. I really, really, really wanted to achieve something! Whether it was money, independence, self-fulfillment, or simply living up to my parents' expectations, I was literally obsessed with the delusion of success. Between the ages of twenty and thirty, I started my own business several times with the idea that it would make me rich, but the results were either disastrous or disastrous.

I worked like crazy, but there wasn’t enough money. I had Loch Ness syndrome: I had heard that there was such a thing as profit, but I had never encountered it. I thought: “You just need to find a good business, bet on the right horse, and everything will change.” I was wrong. Nothing worked, at least for me. Finally the day came when I realized exactly this, the second half of the phrase. Why did others succeed in a business that invariably ended in failure for me? Where did Mr. Ability go?

I began to seriously study myself. I examined my true beliefs and discovered that despite my professed desire to become a wealthy person, I had a deep-rooted fear of wealth. I was afraid. I was afraid of failure, or, even worse, afraid of succeeding and then losing everything - what an idiot I was! Worse, I could lose the only thing I had in my favor: my personal potential. What if I discovered that I was nothing and was doomed to struggle for existence?

Fortunately, after some time I received good advice from a very rich man, a friend of my father. He came to our house to play cards with the “guys” and accidentally drew attention to me. This was my third return to my parents' house, and I lived in the "lowest class apartment" - in other words, in the basement. I think my father complained about my pitiful situation, because when he saw me, the man’s eyes reflected the kind of sympathy that is usually reserved for the relatives of the deceased at a funeral.

He said: “Harv, I started out just like you, with a complete fiasco.” Great, I thought, now I feel much better. I have to tell him that I’m very busy, watching the plaster fall off the wall.

Meanwhile, he continued: “But then I was given advice that changed my whole life. I want to give it to you." No, not this, now there will be lectures in the spirit of “Father teaches his son,” and he is not even my father! “Harv, if things don’t work out the way you want, it only means that you don’t know something.” At that time, I was a rather self-confident young man and believed that I already knew everything in the world, but, alas, the state of my bank account said otherwise. Eventually, I started to listen.

Current page: 1 (book has 12 pages total) [available reading passage: 7 pages]

T. Harv Ecker
Think like a millionaire

I dedicate this book to my family:

to my beloved wife

and wonderful children -

Madison and Jessa

From the author

At first glance, writing a book is a personal matter for the author. In fact, if you want your book to be read by thousands or, hopefully, millions of people, it will require a whole team of specialists.

First of all, I want to thank my wife Rochelle, daughter Madison and son Jess. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I do. I would also like to thank my parents, Sam and Sarah, my sister Mary and her husband Harvey for their endless love and support. Also, a huge thank you to Gail Balsilie, Michelle Burr, Shelley Weenes, Roberta and Roxanne Riopel, Donna Fox, A. Cage, Jeff Fagin, Corey Cowanberg, Chris Ebbeson and the entire Peak Potentials Training team for your work and passion for making a difference in people's lives . Thanks to you, Peak Potentials has become one of the fastest growing companies offering personal development services.

Thank you to my incredible agent, Bonnie Solow, for your tireless help, support, and guiding me through the maze of publishing. Also a huge thank you to the HarperBusiness publishing team: publisher Steve Hanselman, who believed in this project and invested so much time and effort into it; to my wonderful editor, Herb Shefner; Marketing Director Kate Pfeffer; advertising director Larry Hughes. Special thanks to my colleagues Jack Canfield, Robert G. Allen, and Mark Victor Hansen for their friendship and support of my first steps as a writer.

Finally, I am deeply grateful to all of the Peak Potentials workshop participants, technical support teams, and our business partners. Without you, these seminars would not be possible.


“Who the hell is T. Harv Eker and why should I read his book?”

At the very beginning of my seminars, I shock my listeners by immediately declaring: “Don’t believe a single word I say.” Why do I say this? Because we are talking about my personal experience. None of the ideas or viewpoints I hold can be said to be right or wrong, trustworthy or not. They simply reflect my own achievements and the incredible successes that several thousand of my students have achieved. Still, I hope that by using the principles described in this book, you can radically change your life.

Don't just read. Study this book as if your destiny depends on it. Try all the principles for yourself. Take into account the most effective ones. And feel free to discard those that don’t work.

I may not be objective, but what you now have in your hands is perhaps the most outstanding book on money you have ever read. And I am aware that this is a rather bold statement. In fact, the book is about what people usually lack in order to make their dreams of success come true. And dreams and reality, as you probably already know, are completely different things.

You, of course, read other books, bought audio recordings, took special courses and learned many techniques for getting rich, for example in real estate, the stock market or running a business. What did this lead to? No need! At least most of you! You received a temporary boost of energy and returned to your previous positions.

A solution has finally been found. It is simple, natural and obvious. And it comes down to one simple idea: if the “financial program” embedded in your subconscious is not “set up” for success, no matter what you learn, no matter what knowledge you have and no matter what you do, you are doomed to failure.

After reading this book, you will learn why some are destined to be rich while others struggle to survive. You will understand the true reasons for success, average income and financial failures and begin to change your financial future for the better. You will learn how childhood experiences influence our financial program and how they lead to defeatist attitudes and habits. You will be introduced to “magic” declarations, and thanks to them, “rich thinking” will replace the pessimistic way of thinking. And you will think (and succeed) just like rich people do. In addition, you will learn practical step-by-step methods for increasing your income and achieving material well-being.

In the first part of the book, we will analyze how each of us tends to think and act in the financial sphere, and identify four main methods for revising our “money program”. In the second part we will talk about the difference in the way of thinking of rich people, representatives of the middle class and the poor and look at seventeen exercises that can forever change the material side of your life for the better.

In the pages of this book you will meet some of the thousands of letters I receive from former participants of my intensive Millionaire Thinking course who have achieved serious success.

So what is my life path? Where am I from? Have I always been successful? If!

Like many of you, I was considered very capable, but it was of little use. I read every book, listened to every tape, and attended every seminar. I really, really, really wanted to achieve something! Whether it was money, independence, self-fulfillment, or simply living up to my parents' expectations, I was literally obsessed with the delusion of success. Between the ages of twenty and thirty, I started my own business several times with the idea that it would make me rich, but the results were either disastrous or disastrous.

I worked like crazy, but there wasn’t enough money. I had Loch Ness syndrome: I had heard that there was such a thing as profit, but I had never encountered it. I thought: “You just need to find a good business, bet on the right horse, and everything will change.” I was wrong. Nothing worked... at least for me. Finally the day came when I realized exactly this, the second half of the phrase. Why did others succeed in a business that invariably ended in failure for me? Where did Mr. Ability go?

I began to seriously study myself. I examined my true beliefs and discovered that despite my professed desire to become a wealthy person, I had a deep-rooted fear of wealth. I was afraid. I was afraid of failure, or, even worse, afraid of succeeding and then losing everything - what an idiot I was! Worse, I could lose the only thing I had in my favor: my personal potential. What if I discovered that I was nothing and was doomed to struggle for existence?

Fortunately, after some time I received good advice from a very rich man, a friend of my father. He came to our house to play cards with the “guys” and accidentally drew attention to me. This was my third return to my parents' house, and I lived in the "lowest class apartment" - in other words, in the basement. I think my father complained about my pitiful situation, because when he saw me, the man’s eyes reflected the kind of sympathy that is usually reserved for the relatives of the deceased at a funeral.

He said: “Harv, I started out just like you, with a complete fiasco.” Great, I thought, now I feel much better. I need to tell him that I’m very busy... I watch the plaster crumble from the wall.

Meanwhile, he continued: “But then I was given advice that changed my whole life. I want to give it to you." No, not this, now there will be lectures in the spirit of “Father teaches his son,” and he is not even my father! “Harv, if things don’t work out the way you want, it only means that you don’t know something.” At that time, I was a rather self-confident young man and believed that I already knew everything in the world, but, alas, the state of my bank account said otherwise. Eventually, I started to listen.

“Do you know that most rich people think alike?” - he asked. “No,” I replied. “I never thought about it.” “Of course, there are no clear rules, but in most cases the rich have one way of thinking, and the poor have a completely different way of thinking. It is the way of thinking that determines actions, and therefore their results, he said. “Do you think if you thought and behaved like a millionaire, you could become rich?” I remember that I answered not very confidently: “I think so.” “Then all you need to do is learn to think like a millionaire.”

At that time I was very skeptical and therefore could not resist asking: “What are you thinking about now?” To which he replied: “I think that rich people should stick to their obligations, and now I have obligations to your father. The guys are waiting for me. Bye". He left, but I remember his words well.

Since I had no other prospects for improving my situation in life, I took up the study of rich people and their thoughts, deciding to find out what the hell was going on here. I learned everything I could about the logic of their thinking, focusing primarily on the psychology of wealth and success. These studies led me to the conclusion that rich people do think differently than poor or even middle-income people. Over time, I realized that my own way of thinking was preventing me from becoming rich. And most importantly: I developed several effective methods and strategies to change the way you think and think like millionaires think.

Finally I said to myself, “Enough talking, it’s time to get down to business,” and decided to go into business again. I was young and healthy, and, apparently, that’s why I opened one of the first stores selling fitness products in the United States. I had absolutely no money, so I had to take out a loan of two thousand dollars.

I used everything I learned about rich people, their business practices and their way of thinking. The first thing I did was believe in my success. I promised myself that I would do my best and would not even think about quitting this business until I earned a million or a little more. This was completely different from what had happened to me before, when I did not think far ahead, constantly became a victim of circumstances or was faced with the need to solve problems.

I had to “adjust” my way of thinking whenever I noticed that financial issues were spoiling my mood or interfering with the interests of the business. I used to think that I should listen to my inner voice. Then more than once I became convinced that my mind was the main obstacle on the path to success. I began to brush aside all thoughts that did not move me towards future well-being. I used all the principles discussed in this book. Did this help me? It really helped, my friends!

The business grew so successfully that in just two and a half years I opened ten stores. And a little later he sold half of his shares for $1.6 million to one of the largest American companies.

After that I moved to sunny San Diego. He retired from work for a couple of years and dedicated free time improved his methods and began providing individual business consulting. I believe that these consultations were quite effective, since my clients began to bring friends, partners and subordinates to the classes. Soon I was working with a dozen or even two dozen students at a time.

One of my clients suggested that I open my own school. I liked the idea and jumped on it. This is how The Street Start was founded Business School, which taught thousands of Americans the “worldly wisdom” of doing business to achieve “quick” success.

While traveling around the country giving lectures, I noticed one strange thing: Two people sitting next to each other in the same room, learning the same principles and techniques. One of them adopts the learned strategy and soars to the heights of success. What do you think is happening to his neighbor? Nothing special!

This is where I realized that you can have the best “tools” in the world, but if your “case” (I mean head) is a mess, you are in big trouble. I developed intensive course"Think Like a Millionaire" based on your personal attitude towards money and success. When I united personal attitude(“case”) with external prerequisites (“tools”), it gave simply stunning results! This is exactly what you will learn from my book: how to learn to treat money correctly in order to get rich, how to think in order to become rich!

I am often asked: was my success accidental, does it continue? My answer is this: using the principles that I tell my students about, I have earned more than one million dollars and become a multimillionaire more than once. All my investments and all my projects are super successful! Sometimes people tell me that I have the gift of King Midas: everything I touch turns to gold. And they are right, although they do not understand that the Midas gift and a financial program with a mindset for success are one and the same. And this is exactly what you will get by studying and successfully applying the principles that I preach.

At the beginning of each seminar, I usually ask the audience: “How many of you came here to learn something?” This is a tricky question. Writer Josh Billings puts it this way: “It's not a lack of knowledge that holds us back; knowledge itself is where our greatest problem" This book is less about “learning” and more about “unlearning”! You need to understand how your previous way of thinking and acting brought you to your current financial situation.

If you are rich and happy, congratulations. If not, I propose to consider several possibilities that your “case” may not yet consider worthy of attention or at least applicable in practice.

Although I advise you to “don’t believe a word I say” and suggest that you test all ideas through your own experience, I still ask you to believe what you read. Not because you know my story, but because thousands of people have been able to change their lives using the principles outlined in these pages.

By the way, about trust. I remember one of my favorite jokes. The man is walking on the edge of a cliff, suddenly loses his balance and falls down. Fortunately, at the last moment he manages to grab onto something and hangs, clinging from last bit of strength. So he hung and hung, and finally began to call for help: “Help, someone!” No one answered. The man kept screaming and screaming, “Someone help!” Finally a deep, booming voice was heard: “It is I, Lord. I will help you. Unclench your fingers and trust me." The answer was: "Is there anyone there more

The conclusion is simple. If you want to climb to high quality new level life, be ready to unclench your fingers, abandon your old way of thinking and acting and accept a new one. The results will not keep you waiting.

Part one
Your financial program

Our world is dualistic: top - bottom, dark - light, cold - hot, inside - outside, fast - slow, right - left. These are just a few examples illustrating thousands of polar concepts. Opposites exist in unity with each other. Would be Right side, the network would not be left? Of course not.

Therefore, if there are “external financial laws,” there must also be “internal” ones. External laws– knowledge of business, financial flow management, investment strategies – of course, are important. But internal laws are no less important. Does a carpenter's skill depend on the sophistication of his tools? Of course modern instruments are needed, but it is much more important to be able to use them correctly and be a master of your craft.

I have this saying: “To find yourself in in the right place V right time- too few. You have to be the right person in the right place at the right time."

What are you? How do you reason? What do you believe in? What are your habits and inclinations? How do you feel about yourself? How confident are you? How do you treat other people? Do you trust others? Do you believe that you deserve the best? Are they able to act in spite of fear and anxiety, regardless of inconvenience and well-being? Are you able to work in a bad mood?

The point is that your character, way of thinking and beliefs play key role in determining your degree of success.

Here's what one of my favorite writers, Stuart Wilde, says about this: “The key to success is your energy. Work tirelessly - and people will be drawn to you. And when the right ones are among them, strike them!”


Your income grows as long as your aspirations grow!

Why is the financial program so important?

Have you ever heard of high-profile bankruptcies? Have you watched someone lose a lot of money or watched someone's business get off to a great start but then wither and wither? Now you know why this happens. Can be found external reasons: an unfortunate set of circumstances, an economic downturn, a dishonest partner, or something else. In fact, the source of the problem is in the person himself. That's why it's so easy to lose everything short term, having received a lot of money and at the same time being psychologically unprepared for wealth.

The vast majority of people do not have the internal willingness to earn and save large sums, as well as to fight the temptations that are the inevitable companions of money and success. This, my friends, is the main reason for their poverty.

People who have won the lottery can provide excellent evidence of this. Numerous studies show that, regardless of the amount of winnings, most winners return to their original financial situation and the amounts with which they are accustomed to dealing.

But look at those who have made millions with their own minds. When such people lose money, they usually get it back quickly. The example of Donald Trump is very indicative in this regard. Trump owned billions, lost everything to the last cent, and a few years later he returned and even increased his fortune.

What is the essence of this phenomenon? The fact is that a person who managed to become a millionaire may lose money, but will never lose his main driving force success is the mindset of a millionaire. Of course, in the case of Donald, this is more likely the way of thinking characteristic of a billionaire. Have you ever thought that Donald Trump couldn't be Total only a millionaire? If Trump's property was valued at only $1 million, how would he value his financial position? Most would agree that he would most likely feel like a loser in financial distress!

The bottom line is that Donald Trump's financial "stabilizer" is programmed for billions, not millions. Many people's financial stabilizers are programmed to receive thousands, not millions, some - hundreds, not thousands: there are also those whose financial stabilizers do not work at all. The material wealth of these people is always at zero, and they cannot understand why!

Most people don't realize their full potential - there's no getting around it. Opinion unsuccessful. Research shows that 80% of people will never be as financially independent as they would like, and 80% will never say they are truly happy.

The reason is simple. The majority of people act unconsciously. They seem to sleep on the move, work and reason superficially, based only on what is accessible to their shallow understanding. They live in a world of visible events.

The fruit is grown by the roots

Imagine a tree. Let's say this is the tree of life. Fruits grow on the tree. In our life, fruits are the results we achieve. We look at the fruits (results). They don't satisfy us. There aren't enough of them, they're too small, or they don't taste very good.

What do we do in most cases? Most often we pay more more attention fruits, that is, results. But what actually makes these fruits what they are? Seeds and roots!

What is hidden inside gives birth to what is on the surface. The invisible creates the visible. What does this mean? That if you want to change the quality of the fruit, first of all change the quality of the roots. If you want to change the visible, change the invisible first.


If you want to change the fruits, first change the roots. If you want to change the visible, first change the invisible.

Of course, there will be people who will say: you can only believe what you see. I will ask these people this question: “Why do you pay your electricity bills?” We do not see electricity, but we use it and do not deny its existence. If you have any doubts that it exists, just stick your finger into the socket, and I guarantee that your doubts will be instantly dispelled.

By own experience I know that in our world things invisible to the eye have much more power than visible ones. You can feel about this statement as you like, but neglecting it is very risky. Why? Because you are going against the laws of nature, denying that the internal creates the external, that the invisible creates the visible.

We humans are creations of nature and do not exist outside of it. By obeying the laws of nature and improving " root system", our inner world, we improve our lives. IN otherwise life is cracking.

In any forest, in any field, in any greenhouse in the world, what is underground creates what is above the earth. And therefore it is completely pointless to waste time and effort on already grown fruits. You cannot change the fruit that is already hanging on the branch. But you can change the fruits that will appear in the future. To achieve this, you need to get to the roots and strengthen them.

Four quadrants

The main thing to understand is that life happens on several levels simultaneously. Everything that happens to us affects at least four planes of existence. These four squares embody the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Many people do not understand that the physical component of the world is just a “printout” of the other three.

Let's say we wrote a letter on the computer. Click on the “Print” button, and the printer issues paper version letters. We look at the sheet and (here you go!) we see a typo. We take a trouble-free eraser and erase the mistake. After that, we print the letter again and see the same typo.

How so? We just fixed it! This time we take a larger eraser and use three stronger and longer ones. We even study a three-hundred-page book “ Effective work eraser." Now we are well savvy and ready to act. Click “Print” and the error appears again! "This is impossible! – we exclaim, frozen in amazement. - How so! What's happening? Some kind of mysticism!”

What happens is that the error cannot be corrected in the “printout”, on physical level existence. It can only be corrected in the “program”, that is, on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Money is a result, well-being is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is also a result. We live in a world of cause and effect.


Money is a result, well-being is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is also a result.

We live in a world of cause and effect.

Have you ever heard the statement that lack of money is... a big problem? Listen to me: lack of money is by no means a problem. Lack of money is simply an indicator of what is going on inside.

Lack of money is a consequence, but what is the cause? It boils down to this: the only way change external condition- this is to begin to change the internal state.

Whatever the results of your activities - significant or insignificant, good or bad, positive or negative - never forget that the outside world is just a reflection of your internal state. If in outside world things are not going well - it's because something is wrong with your inner world. It's so simple.

Declarations: the secret of change

In our classes we use methods intensive training, which allow you to quickly absorb the material and remember better. Key concept here is participation. Our approach is perfectly illustrated by the old proverb: “When you hear, you forget, when you see, you remember, when you do, you understand.”

So when you get to the core principles section, put your hand on your heart and say each principle out loud, “declare” it. Then touch your forehead index finger and make another declaration. What is such a declaration? It is simply a statement that you say confidently and loudly.

What is the point of declarations? Everything in this world is woven from one substance - energy. Energy has frequencies and vibrations. Every declaration you make has a specific vibrational frequency. The moment you speak, energy vibrates in every spot of your body, and when you touch yourself, you can feel it. Declarations not only convey a special message to the world, they send a powerful message to your own subconscious.

The difference between a declaration and a statement is small, but, in my opinion, fundamental. By “statement” we mean “a statement that proves that the goal you set out to achieve has been achieved.” A “declaration” is defined as “a formal statement of intent to undertake certain actions or take a certain position.”

Statement is a statement of the actual achievement of the goal. I don’t like this too much, because whenever we say something that hasn’t happened yet, the inner voice usually whispers: “It’s not true, it’s bullshit.”

However, a declaration is not a statement of fact, but only an expression of intention to do something or become someone. And the inner voice will be silent, because we are not saying that this is a fait accompli, but only that we intend to do this in the future.

The declaration, by definition, is official character. This is an officially declared charge of energy, directed both at oneself and at the outside world.

The definition contains another essential concept - action. You must take those actions that will help bring your intention to life.

I have to admit, when I first heard all this, I thought, “No way. All this nonsense with declarations is not for me.” But, since in financially I was broke, so I decided that, damn it, I couldn’t get rid of it and decided to “declare.” Now I am rich, and therefore it is not surprising that I sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the method.

In any case, I think it's better to do stupid things and be rich than not do stupid things and be poor. And what do you think?

In light of all of the above, I invite you to place your hand on your heart and say:

DECLARATION. Place your hand on your heart and say:

“My inner world gives rise to the world around me.”

Now touch your forehead and say:

"I think like a millionaire."