Financial training programs in Belgium. Education system in Belgium

Belgian universities attract students from of Eastern Europe more than other Western European universities. What conditions are created in Belgium for foreigners? What is unique about studying in this country?

Belgian education is considered one of the best in the world – 7 state universities is among the 300 best universities in the world, of which 5 are included in the best universities according to the THE ranking.

The country's higher education institutions are popular among foreigners due to their multiculturalism - educational programs are conducted in the most common European languages:

  • Dutch;
  • French;
  • German;
  • English.

Education in Belgium is inexpensive compared to average European prices - a year of study costs 1036-4863 US dollars per year. The common currency is the euro.

The main advantage that Belgian universities have is the mark of the international PISA ranking, thanks to which the state educational program is ranked 19th in the world.

Higher education

The advantage of Belgian universities over European ones is that the study program at higher educational institutions is comfortable for graduates from Eastern European countries.

  • September-January;
  • February-June.

Admission to universities is possible from 17-18 years of age.

Education programs

Education after school in the country is possible in the following educational institutions:

  • Universities;
  • University Colleges;
  • Art universities (art history, architecture) and a military academy.

In Belgium, higher education is carried out according to the Bologna system, according to which you can obtain bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees.

Bachelor's and master's degrees are presented in all educational institutions - the first degree takes 3-4 years, the second - 12-24 months. A doctor's degree can be obtained in 3-4 years only in higher educational institutions (classical, technical, medical universities).

The bachelor's degree is divided into categories:

  • Professional – involves mastering professional skills at a level sufficient to work in the chosen profession;
  • Academic – focuses on theoretical and scientific knowledge. After this category, admission to a master's program is possible.

Peculiarity Bologna system also consists of assessing students' knowledge. The highest possible score – 100 (equivalent to Russian 5) – is earned by accumulating points for assignments during the semester, as well as exam answers.

Conditions for admission

The specifics of admission directly depend on the applicant’s level of knowledge, the availability of certain documents, the specialty and university that he has chosen.

For admission you need:

  • Present a certificate of completed secondary education that meets the requirements of the Belgian Ministry of Education;
  • Assess the level of knowledge of a foreign language and decide in which language the training will take place;
  • Pass profile exam, if required (mainly for technical, medical and artistic specialties);
  • Receive documents confirming enrollment;
  • Submit documents for a student visa.

You can enter Belgian educational institutions both after the 9th grade (college, art school) and after the 11th grade (university, academy).

List of required documents

Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian applicants upon admission to a Belgian higher education institution must present the following documents:

  • Universal International Certificate of Education;
  • Confirmation of no criminal record;
  • Medical report on health status;
  • Assurance of financial solvency;
  • Passport (of a citizen of your country).

Depending on the specialty, gender and skills of the applicant, the package of documents may vary.

Study visa

For getting study visa you must contact the Belgian embassy in your country (Russia, Ukraine, etc.). The minimum period for submitting documents is 7 days, the optimal period is a month.

The main criterion for obtaining a visa is a documented reason for visiting the state.

After obtaining a visa and residence permit, in the absence of violations on the part of the student and permanent residence in the country for 5-10 years, it is possible to obtain Belgian citizenship.

Cost of education

Due to the relatively low cost of training Belgian education more accessible to applicants from Eastern Europe.

Example of prices per year of study in best universities countries:

Tuition fees may increase. The final price depends on such factors as quotas for studying for foreigners - the number of Belgian students in their home universities must be equal to or exceed 98%.

If residents of other countries do not fall into the established 2%, they can pay at least half of the established amount for the year of study and be included in the number of students. To get a place within the quota, you must submit documents no later than 10 months before the start of the academic year.

Is it possible to get education for free?

The average amount of expenses per student per year is 4-5.5 thousand dollars. Since students pay less upon admission, Belgian universities receive the rest of the amount from various sponsors, programs, and grants.

Possibility of admission to free education not available in the country. However, you can try to win a place in a grant program or a scholarship - this money will be enough to partially or fully cover the cost of education.

Scholarships and grants for foreigners

You can study at state universities for free - to do this you need to get into one of the international scholarship programs.

List of organizations providing free training:

  • NATO;
  • Communities (Flemish or French) in Belgium.

Detailed information can be found on the official websites of organizations.

Typically, grant programs last for 3-10 months. There are scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate studies.

Candidates for scholarships are subject to high requirements:

  • 4th-5th year studies at a university in your native state;
  • Proficiency in English or one of the state languages at the basic conversational level.

Each applicant is required to prepare a thesis project worthy of study at a bachelor's or master's degree.

Features for internship and exchange programs

Some educational institutions on site post-Soviet space cooperate with Belgian universities, especially in the following areas:

  • Medicine;
  • Agriculture;
  • Natural Sciences.

Thanks to international cooperation, exchange study projects for foreign students emerge. To find out about the possibility of exchange training or internship in Belgium, you can contact the administrative department of the educational institution at your place of residence or the Belgian Embassy in the country.

Student Accommodation and Meal Options

The minimum amount you should expect while living in Belgium is 600 euros.

Name International name Place in TOP-300 Location (city) Short description Official site
Catholic University of LeuvenKatholieke Universiteit Leuven78 LeuvenClassic university with the opportunity to study various specialties. The main bias is the humanities, art, philosophy.
Ghent UniversityUniversiteit Gent96 GhentTraining program in Dutch. Main directions: medicine, veterinary science, biology.
Louvain Catholic UniversityUniversité catholique de Louvain145 Louvain-la-NeuveFrench-language program in two directions: social sciences, humanities and mathematical studies.
Brussels Free UniversityFree University of Brussels (VUB)199 BrusselsDutch language of instruction. Programs offered: humanities, social sciences, arts, technical specialties, medicine.
University of LiegeUniversité de Liège232 LiegeUniversity with French program training in the following areas: natural sciences, medicine, engineering specialties.

Higher education in Belgium is rightfully recognized as one of the most prestigious. In 2004, this country entered into the Bologna Process and organized a higher education system in the form of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, thanks to which diplomas from Belgian universities became recognizable and widely in demand throughout Europe.

Since the population of Belgium is divided into linguistic communities: French, Flemish and German, this state willingly accepts foreigners for education and gives them the opportunity to study at a university in the desired specialty.

The most prestigious universities in Belgium

Universities in Belgium are divided according to the type of management into public, private and Catholic, which are run by the country's religious parties. Here is a list of universities offering undergraduate and graduate education in Belgium:

  1. Catholic University of Leuven(Catholic University of Leuven) is the country's first higher education institution; today there are 55,000 students studying here. Tuition fee per year is $1,500.

  2. Ghent University(Ghent University) - 27th place in the world ranking of universities, the first French-language university in Belgium. Leading areas of education: biology, chemistry, physiology. Tuition fee per year is $1,300.

  3. Louvain Catholic University(Catholic University of Louvain) - 29th in the world ranking of universities. Most requested educational direction at this university - statistics and related disciplines. Tuition fee per year is $4,500.

  4. Brussels Free University(VUB) Vrije Universiteit Brussel - famous research activities in Humanities and Social Sciences. It has two branches: French-speaking and Dutch-speaking. Tuition fee is $1,591.

  5. University of Liege(University of Liege) - 49th place in the world ranking of universities, leading areas of education are natural sciences, pharmacology and veterinary medicine.

  6. University of Antwerp(University of Antwerp);

  7. Université Libre de Bruxelles;

  8. Institute of Tropical Medicine(Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp);

  9. University of Mons;

  10. University of Namur;

To study at universities in Belgium, you need to know French well, since all educational process built on it.

Advantages of studying at Belgian universities

Successful students from Russia and the CIS countries choose Belgian universities for several reasons:

  • High level of education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 42.2% of Belgians under the age of 30 have a tertiary education, while in other European countries the percentage of the population with a tertiary education is only 30%. Belgium is in 19th place in the ranking of countries with the most high level education according to the international PISA program and in 18th place according to the UN education index. Students from the Flemish part of the country are considered especially successful.

  • Diversity of languages ​​and cultures. Universities in Belgium have students who speak Dutch, English, French and German languages, and this is a tremendous opportunity for intercultural communication and broadening one’s horizons. Belgian universities take an active part in Erasmus programs, and therefore are popular among students from the European Union and beyond.

  • Budget cost of training. Compared to countries such as the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK, the cost of studying in Belgium is quite reasonable for the average foreign student. On average, studying at a Belgian university costs 4,000 euros per year, and in state universities this amount sometimes does not exceed a thousand euros per year.

Receiving higher education in Belgium gives the student the opportunity to find a job in any European country, since Belgian diplomas are valued throughout Europe.

Disadvantages of studying in Belgium

Despite the huge number of advantages, universities in Belgium also contain some disadvantages that may confuse foreign students:

  1. The language barrier. If you do not speak English or French well, you may have serious difficulties with the educational process.

  2. Cost of living in Belgium. In addition to paying for studies, the student will have many household expenses related to food, as well as accommodation in a dormitory. The cost of living in Belgium is about 8,000 euros per year.

  3. A high passing score for many specialties, especially medicine, chemistry and other areas related to the natural and technical sciences.

Main directions of higher education

The leading areas of study in Belgian universities are science and technology, medicine, politics, journalism, as well as theology and religious studies. Belgium is famous for its scientists who have made the greatest discoveries in the field of physics and chemistry, including Georges Lemaitre, the founder of the Big Bang theory. Belgian scientists received three Nobel Prizes in medicine, as well as one prize each in physics and chemistry.

For those who want to make a career in journalism, Belgian universities offer internships at the headquarters of leading international organizations. It is known that Brussels has surpassed Washington in terms of the number of successful journalists, so those who want to become “sharks of the pen” strive to enroll in Belgian universities.

Although Belgium is a secular society, great attention The country pays attention to the study of various religious movements, and the religious authorities are responsible for the development of Catholic churches. Universities in Belgium are an opportunity for future philosophers, theologians and religious scholars to conduct a variety of research, develop their own theories and communicate with like-minded people in different religious movements.

Graduates of Belgian universities associated with religion teach at universities and also realize themselves in scientific and philosophical activities. No less popular in Belgium is the direction associated with fine arts and music. Many Belgians and Belgian women are interested in music and the visual arts, so this direction is popular.

Belgium has several art academies that produce artists, photographers, fashion designers, sculptors and designers, as well as musicians. One of the oldest art schools Belgium is Royal Academy Fine Arts - branch of the University of Ghent. Those who want to connect their lives with music should pay attention to the Liege Conservatory, which offers a huge number educational programs who train vocalists, musicians and conductors.

How to enter a university in Belgium for Russians

To enroll in a Belgian university, a Russian applicant must have a certificate of secondary education. Further, everything depends on the specifics of the educational institution where the student is preparing to enroll. For example, for admission to medical or technical university You will need to pass exams in special subjects such as physics, chemistry, mathematics.

If Russian student enters the art academy, he will be offered to take entrance tests. Depending on the policy of the university and the specifics of the course of study, the admissions committee may require the student to provide a certificate confirming proficiency in English or French. All admission requirements must be obtained directly from the educational institution.

Documents for visa application

As soon as a student is accepted to study at a university, he must begin to legally live and receive education in this country. Submission of documents for a class D visa is carried out in person at the Belgian consulate at the applicant’s place of residence. An appointment to submit documents is made a few days before the procedure. Before submitting documents, you must collect originals and photocopies of some documents in advance:

  • Visa application form with completed fields and signatures (in two copies);
  • A valid passport (with more than 12 months left until expiration);
  • Documents that confirm the student’s admission to a higher education institution (for example, a certificate from the university about enrollment in the faculty);
  • If the education will not be a full-time education - proof that this training is preparation for full-time and the main occupation of the future student ( syllabus and a letter of recommendation);
  • Documents providing access to education (certificates, diplomas, list of marks - an appendix to a diploma or certificate);
  • A bank statement confirming the availability of funds for living in Belgium;
  • Medical certificate of health;
  • Medical insurance with coverage of 30,000 euros for the entire duration of the visa;
  • Certificate of no criminal record from the police.

Copies of documents and originals are provided to the Belgian diplomatic mission, which the applicant then receives back. All documents (except passport and insurance) must be legalized and apostilled. The translation of documents must be legalized twice: as a separate paper in accordance with the procedure outlined in the country of origin, and then at the Belgian consulate.

Studying at universities in Belgium is an opportunity to receive a high-quality higher education and prestigious European diploma, which gives good prospects for building future career. In addition, Belgium and the country's capital Brussels are the center of political and economic life Europe, where a huge number of international organizations and representative offices are located large companies and business centers.

Belgian students have the chance to study in one of the official languages ​​of the country, mainly French or Dutch, and choose one of the many courses at English. The cost of higher education in Belgium depends on the university, program, language of instruction and citizenship of the student, but in any case the prices are quite reasonable. On average, EU citizens pay about 900 euros per year, and foreigners from third countries, including Russians and Ukrainians, up to 4175 euros.

About a quarter of the Belgian population total number of which just over 11.5 million people are immigrants. Locals welcoming and friendly. The country has a high standard of living, many places for tourism, rich culture and traditions, excellent cuisine. Foreign students, after graduating from university, have good chances find a decent job in Belgium or another country European Union, and perhaps even register your own Belgian company.

Higher education in Belgium

Belgian universities consistently occupy high positions in prestigious international ratings. For example, in the TOP-300 QS World University Rankings 2019 There are 6 Belgian universities located. The highest position 81st place at the Catholic University of Leuven, which is considered one of the best higher education educational institutions Europe.

A feature of the Belgian higher education system is the division of universities into language groups depending on the region. The courses are mainly taught in French and Dutch. As a rule, few representatives of German-speaking Belgians go to study in Germany or attend programs in French and English.

Types of universities in Belgium

Currently, there are more than 100 universities in Belgium where students study over 300 thousand students. The structure of higher education is based on the Bologna process, which includes a credit system ( ECTS) and offers the following training cycles:

  1. Bachelor's degree(3 years).
  2. Master's degree(1–2 years).
  3. Doctoral studies(3–4 years).

A bachelor's degree implies a specialized professional education or academic, which is designed for further master's studies. After this, students can devote themselves to research activities and receive doctorate.

The academic year at universities in Belgium consists of two semesters:

    • autumn (September-January)
    • spring (February-June)

The procedure for admission to a Belgian university depends on the specific educational institution. Typically, a high school diploma that meets Belgian requirements is sufficient for enrollment. Depending on the language of instruction, students from CIS countries must contact one of special institutions Belgium, which carry out the relevant assessment. The following resources will help with this:

  • Universities in Flanders (Dutch) -
  • Universities of the French group -

Further, much will depend on the direction of study. For example, for admission to technical and medical specialties need to pass the exam. When choosing an arts curriculum, you will be required to take placement tests. After enrolling in a university, you must open a student visa and apply for a residence permit in Belgium.

For students from third countries, including Russians and Ukrainians, when obtaining a visa prerequisite is sufficient financial security to cover everyday expenses, about 600 euros per month. Also, depending on the course, you may need a certificate of proficiency foreign language. In any case, detailed information about entry requirements should be obtained directly from the educational institution.

For foreigners planning to connect their future with this European country you need to know that the opportunity to obtain Belgian citizenship does not appear until after 5-10 years permanent residence in Belgium.

Cost of studying and living for students in Belgium

The costs of studying at universities in Belgium for foreigners largely depend on the university itself, the curriculum and the student’s citizenship. Most local higher education institutions are funded by the state, so the government annually sets a special registration fee, the amount of which varies depending on the territorial affiliation of the university.

The highest cost of education is at universities in the French group. For Belgians and Europeans this amount is about 375–837 euros in year. For other foreigners in the area 4175 euros. At Flemish universities, students from third countries pay up to 1.5 thousand euros in year. Through various international cooperation programs, foreigners can count on scholarships and grants to fully or partially cover the costs of studying in Belgium.

Living costs mainly depend on the city and the lifestyle of each student. In Brussels you will need at least 1000 euros per month, excluding rental housing. In Antwerp there is often enough 700 euros. A room in a student dormitory will cost on average 150-450 euros per month. Rent an apartment or room privately from 500-600 euros. You will have to spend at least 150-200 euros monthly.

Best Universities in Belgium

Catholic University of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

The first Belgian university in the city of Leuven (near Brussels) was founded back in 1425. Today it is the largest and prestigious university in the country, the center of Belgium's research potential. The main language of instruction is Dutch, however, a large number of programs are offered in English. Today, the university has over 56 thousand students, of which about 9 thousand are foreigners from more than 150 countries.

The University of Leuven has branches in 11 other Belgian cities, including Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp. The university includes 16 faculties, the largest library, 15 student campuses, modern athletic facilities, scientific laboratories and parks. On English language Bachelor's programs in the field are presented technical sciences, business, philosophy and theology. Of the 180 master's programs, more than 80 are also in English.

Official website of the Catholic University of Leuven -

Ghent University (Universiteit Gent)

The second most prestigious university in Belgium dates back to 1817. The educational institution has given the world many outstanding personalities, including astronauts, government officials and even Nobel laureates. The first Belgian university to teach in Dutch. Currently, over 41 thousand students study at the university, and the educational process is provided by about 9 thousand employees.

The structure of the university consists of 11 faculties and 117 departments with more than 230 courses of study. Particularly popular among students are such areas as microelectronics and biotechnology, and among foreigners mainly engineering sciences. A large number of programs are presented in English.

Official website of Ghent University -

Free University of Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

One of the most prestigious French-speaking universities is located in the capital of Belgium, Brussels. Founded in 1834. There are four university graduates Nobel laureate and owners of a number of others international awards, in particular in the field of medicine. More than 30% of university students and teachers are foreigners from different countries. The educational institution actively cooperates with the most famous universities in the world, for example, the University of California and Oxford.

Students are offered to study at 12 faculties, with an extensive list of disciplines, including law, philosophy, architecture, medicine, economics, art and other sciences. The language of instruction is mainly French, but a large number of programs, especially master's programs, are presented in English. Modern infrastructure The university includes 4 student campuses, libraries, museums, sports grounds and university hospitals.

Official website of the Free University of Brussels -

Belgium occupies an important place in the education system of the European Union, following modern standards and adhering to European traditions. Originating in the 15th century, it remains flexible and ready to change: in 2004, as a result of entering the Bologna process, the previously existing system of bachelor-master-doctoral degrees was introduced, which made diplomas from Belgian universities recognized by educational and commercial organizations in most countries of the world . Belgium's historical division into linguistic communities has played a significant role in education and helped expand international connections and increase foreigners' access to universities. In addition to linguistic and cultural diversity, the Belgian university system has many other advantages.

Universities in Belgium - List

78 1 Leuven600 USD1,500 USD
96 2 Ghent UniversityGhent1,141 USD1,373 USD
145 3 Louvain Catholic UniversityLouvain-la-Neuve$4,787$4,787
199 4 Free University of Brussels(VUB)Brussels1,673 USD1,673 USD
232 5 University of LiegeLiege4,816 USD4,816 USD
250 6 University of AntwerpAntwerp$7,497$8,074
339 7 Université Libre de BruxellesBrussels4,816 USD4,816 USD
1455 8 Institute of Tropical Medicine AntwerpAntwerp$2,30713,841 USD
1489 9 University of MonsMons423 USD577 USD
1891 10 University of NamurNamur963 USD963 USD

Why choose Belgian universities?

  • Low cost of training
  • Studying at universities in Belgium will cost several times less than in neighboring countries- The Netherlands, Switzerland and Great Britain. Even taking into account the fact that a significant part of the leading Belgian universities are private, the cost of education here still barely exceeds €4,000 per year, and in public and religious institutions it does not reach €1,000. In addition, successful students are entitled to a reduction or waiver of tuition fees, which reduces overall costs by several hundred euros. Thus, it turns out that studying in Belgium is even cheaper than studying in Russia. Considering high quality education and good positions Belgian universities in international rankings, Belgium is an excellent place to obtain higher education without special expenses.
  • Multilingual culture
  • The territory of Belgium is divided between three major linguistic communities: French, German and Flemish. Educational establishments different regions exist independently of each other and are controlled by local governments, with the main difference between educational institutions being the main language of instruction. In the Flemish region, this role is played by the Dutch language, in French-speaking territories - French, in German-speaking territories - German. For foreigners, a pleasant factor will be the presence of English-language programs in all regions of the country. There are no bilingual media in Belgium, no major scientific associations, sports federations and clubs. On the one hand, such a division excludes the existence of an integral cultural community, on the other hand, it creates a unique cultural landscape where three large groups coexist within one state. Belgian universities attract students who speak the three most popular European languages, providing an atmosphere of multiculturalism and tolerance.
  • Multinationality
  • Belgium's universities provide excellent opportunities for international and intercultural exchange. On city streets and on educational campuses you can hear the most different languages- from Dutch to Russian. This diversity is ensured not only by the presence of three official languages, but also by a high level of immigration. The so-called “new Belgians”, permanently residing in Belgium, make up about 25% of the population and contribute to cultural diversity countries. In addition, relatively low student fees and the participation of Belgian universities in Erasmus programs have led to an increase in the popularity of Belgium among applicants from other EU countries and the world.
  • High level of education
  • According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 42.2% of Belgians aged 24-29 have completed higher education, while average in Europe it is 31.6%. International PISA program placed Belgium 19th in the ranking of countries with the highest level of education, and the UN Education Index - 18th. By the way, students from the Flemish part of Belgium demonstrate the highest academic performance in the country.
  • Technology and Science
  • Belgium is one of the most advanced countries in the field of science and technology. Responsible for the development of industries at the national level Federal Administration science policy (BELSPO) and local science departments in three regions: Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels. Among the famous Belgians, Georges Lemaitre is especially famous, who made a huge contribution to basic science with his theory of the “Big Bang” in 1927 and who developed the hypothesis of an expanding Universe. Belgian scientists have won three Nobel Prizes in medicine (1919, 1938 and 1974), one prize each in physics (2013) and chemistry (1977). Belgium is therefore an attractive place to start a scientific career.
  • Politics and journalism
  • Brussels universities will be of interest to those who plan to connect their careers in politics or the media. The capital of Belgium, having overtaken Washington in the number of ambassadors and journalists, has become a real center of world politics. The headquarters of many international companies and organizations are located here. That is why you can start your career as a brilliant journalist by studying at a Belgian university.
  • Theology and religious studies
  • Belgium is one of those countries where a strong religious bias has persisted despite the secularization of society. Control of the secular branch is exercised by governmental communities and municipalities, while religious authorities are responsible for organizing the activities of the religious branch, represented mainly by Catholicism. This feature has historical roots: the modern division of the higher education system into secular and religious segments is caused by political confrontation between liberal and Catholic parties which existed in the 19th century. This also has consequences in terms of the university system: Belgium is a country with big amount universities under the leadership of the church. That is why students interested in studying theology, philosophy and religious studies should consider Belgium as a country of study, since this is where they can get as close as possible to the object of their research.

    Belgian universities in world rankings

    According to the QS ranking, the top 150 universities in Europe and the top 300 universities in the world include four educational institutions in the Flemish region of Belgium: Catholic University of Leuven (82nd place), Ghent University (124th place), Free University of Brussels (194th place) place) and the University of Antwerp (208th place in the world); In total, seven universities in the country are in the world top 300. THE ranking places only 5 Belgian universities in the top 300, but puts the Catholic University of Leuven in 35th place. It must be said that relative to the territory and population of Belgium, such indicators can be considered very high. Thus, if we rely on official ratings, Belgium can be called one of priority areas when choosing a country of study.

    Best Universities in Belgium

    The largest Belgian university in the world ranking is the Catholic University of Leuven. This is the country's first higher education institution, with its founding in 1425 Belgian higher education traces its history. During the reign of Napoleon, the University of Leuven was closed, but later, in 1834, it resumed its activities. Today, about 55,000 students study at the Catholic University of Leuven.
    Ghent University, founded in 1817, became the first French-language university in Belgium. The most developed areas at the university are life sciences (biology, medicine, physiology, etc.), the veterinary faculty ranks 27th in the world rankings. It is the second largest university in Belgium by the number of students.
  • Louvain Catholic University - Université Catholique de Louvain
  • The largest French-language university in Belgium, separated from the ancient University of Leuven, main building which is located in the city of Louvain-la-Neuve, specially built for it. The university's other campuses are located throughout the country. The statistics course taught at the University of Louvain ranks 29th in the world ranking of educational programs, so this is where you should go to study this and related disciplines.
  • Free University of Brussels - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
  • The Free University of Brussels, one of the world's top 200, appeared in 1970 as a result of the split of the university of the same name into a French-language and a Dutch-language university. To avoid confusion, the names of both are not translated: the older one is “addressed” in French, the one who separated, about whom we're talking about here, in Dutch. The Free University is known for its active research activities in the field of social sciences and humanities, as well as a large number of researchers from abroad: 77% of all master's students and candidates of science are foreigners.
  • University of Liege - Université de Liège (ULG)
  • The state university in Liege has existed since 1817 and has its own weather station and the largest student library. Known as a leading center in the field of sciences and life and medicine: the leading areas are pharmacology and veterinary medicine, which ranks 49, as well as the direction of natural sciences.

    University groups and additional lists

    Higher education throughout Belgium is represented by universities, university colleges and art schools. The opportunity to complete bachelor's and master's degrees is provided by all types of educational institutions, while a doctorate degree can only be obtained at a university.
    If a bachelor's and master's degrees can be obtained at a university college, then for doctoral studies it is necessary to enroll at a university. Thirteen Belgian universities (6 Flemish and 7 French) are in turn divided into state, which are mainly general universities, private with a narrower specialization, and Catholic, falling under the category of private, but managed exclusively by religious organizations.

    Belgian universities by region

    As mentioned above, the main criterion for the division of a university in Belgium in addition to legal status is the language affiliation of the educational institution. Depending on the region, an international student may choose a university that teaches in Dutch or French.
  • Universities in the French region
  • The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, please refer to the official website of the educational institution. Faculty
  • Universities of the Flemish region
  • The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, please refer to the official website of the educational institution.

    University colleges in Belgium

    In 1994, by decree on higher education about 160 institutes in the Flemish region were reorganized into 22 university colleges; In total, there are about fifty educational institutions of this type in Belgium. University colleges exist both within universities and independently. In contrast to university education aimed at further scientific activity, a college course has more practical orientation. This type of educational institution offers not only bachelor’s programs, but also training in master's programs 8 following directions: Agriculture, social sciences, economics, medicine, art, education and linguistics.
    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, please refer to the official website of the educational institution.