We are not given life to be what we are. Why does a person need life and a purpose for existence? Ancient philosophers and the meaning of life

Why was life given to man? Interest Ask. Since ancient times, people have wondered about the meaning of life. Parents give life to a person. And, in my opinion, our primary duty is not to live it in vain. But how to do that? The answer to this question lies in the world in which we live. At first the world, the environment that surrounds a person is not ideal. Throughout the history of mankind, man has made many interesting and useful steps that have shaped not only his own story, as well as her environment. But, unfortunately, the person also made many wrong steps.

Vivid examples of the former can be, for example, the development of sciences, enriching knowledge about nature and man himself. Leonardo da Vinci, the Wright brothers, Jacques Cousteau. The list of people and their achievements that have benefited humanity and our planet is endless. But, unfortunately, not only lofty motives often guided outstanding people. Wars of conquest, inept use of one's own achievements, as well as human greed and selfishness caused great harm to humanity and the planet. Humanity and the planet are still healing the wounds caused by the Second World War. Wounds from Chernobyl disaster and the recent sensational disaster at the Fokushima Nuclear Power Plant will take many centuries to heal.

In my opinion, these examples clearly reflect acute problems humanity and point to the meaning that every person seeks in life. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good.” And I completely agree with him. Now I’m in ninth grade, I have parents, and when I grow up, I’ll probably have children. And I believe that right now, by studying and acquiring useful knowledge, I ensure a happy future for myself and my loved ones. And what, if not the happiness of loved ones, is the main goal and meaning in a person’s life?

Why was life given to man?

Why was life given to man? How to use it correctly? And, in general, what is life and death?

IN human life There are two most important, mysterious and awe-inspiring events - birth and death.

Death is always near us, like life. Death is the shadow of every earthly creature, its obligatory and inevitable end. Once we were born, we must die. At the same time, of all earthly creatures, only people think about death. Animals spend their days without even suspecting death, and therefore only care about what is necessary in their lives. this moment. They do not question why the world exists, do not reflect on why it is the way it is, and what happens to those creatures that disappear from the face of the earth.

Only a person, thanks to the intelligence that God has endowed him with, vividly realizes that he is mortal, especially after forty years, sometimes through the example of other people who died prematurely and tragically.

In our life people are concerned different problems in accordance with your education, social status, interests. Modern society is becoming more and more stratified, and the difficulties of mutual misunderstanding have become the norm even in the family. Not only common values ​​have been lost, but also the semantic content of the central concepts of existence. If it were possible to film a person’s life, its everyday moments, and view it at an accelerated pace, the result would be a rather depressing picture in its monotony: he woke up, ate, worked, watched TV - and the day passed. Tomorrow - the same. And the next day, and every day the same thing. And so from year to year, all my life and until death.

Unfortunately, many people “kill” their time by spending it in idleness: gambling and computer games, seized by a thirst for pleasure, profit and an incredible desire to dominate people, they step over all moral and ethical standards, lying in wait and exposing others for the sake of their “high” goals, while forgetting that life is fleeting and can end at any moment.

Once Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans, feasting with his courtiers and his friends, was healthy and cheerful and did not think about death at all, but in the midst of the feast a mysterious inscription appeared on the wall: “Mene, tekel, peres...” (Dan 5.25-28). For me, God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it; tekel - you are weighed on the scales and found very light; peres - your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians. And Belshazzar was killed that same night.

For many, death is a bitter and meaningless end to their existence. They are afraid of her, try not to see her, and if they think about her, it is with horror and disgust. Death as going to nowhere is scary. If my existence ceases with death, then why plan, work, why think about the future? Therefore, you need to take everything from life - this is what many people think. Hence the desire to be distracted, to have fun, leading to alcoholism, drug addiction, computer addiction,... senseless crimes.

After the murder of Abel by Cain, the indispensable condition of human existence is not life, but death. And it is quite natural that this event, closely intertwined with our entire existence, became a source of innate fear in human nature.

Some holy fathers said that man is three-component; When dying, the spirit and soul are separated from the body and begin life in new conditions. “Death is the birth of a person from earthly temporary life into eternity,” says Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov.

An amazing attitude towards death can be seen from the letter of Bishop Theophan the Recluse to his dying sister: “Farewell, sister! The Lord bless your outcome and your path after your outcome. After all, you won't die. The body will die, and you will move to another world, remembering yourself and recognizing the whole world around you. Your father and mother, brothers and sisters will meet you there. Bow to them, and convey our greetings to them, and ask them to take care of us... May the Lord grant you a peaceful outcome! A day or two, and we are with you. Therefore, do not worry about those who remain. Farewell, God be with you."

We all experience fear before death. We will never be able to completely get rid of this fear, because this fear is necessary. Life is given to a person so that he can do something, accomplish something on earth, and the fear of death forces him to take care of his life. People who lived their time in labor and with benefit for others often felt that they had already done their job on earth, and when their time came, they had no fear of death.

I call on those who are completely attached to the material goods of the earth and deny afterlife, interrupt your “mad feast during the plague”, think about the eternal mysteries of the true place of humanity in the universe.

I am in 11th grade and dream of entering the KI FSIN, the former Vladimir Military School. I hope everything works out for me.

This year I have very little free time, since I need to prepare for the Unified State Exam, but I cannot deny myself the pleasure of doing my favorite thing - reading fiction.

This year, by chance, M. Litvak’s book “If you want to be happy” fell into my hands. I read it with great pleasure, then several books by Vladimir Levy, Dale Carnegie, Nikolai Kozlov and other psychologists. And you know... I became kind of curious about life. I'm surprised at myself. I want to help someone, leave a mark behind myself... Give the world something new, better, higher.

The next year I will focus primarily on family and study. Family, because it comes first, and studies, because I want to finish school well and enter a decent university. I want my parents to be proud of me, so that I achieve everything I want in life.

“Why was life given to us?”

I have something to sing
appearing before the Almighty,
I have something to justify myself to him.

V.V. Vysotsky

What is the meaning of human life? What do we live for? What should we arrive at? And what it should be final result our life? I think these questions interest every sane person on earth. Over the centuries, many have puzzled over these questions: scientists and philosophers, politicians and artists, old and young. And, indeed, why do we live, why do we exist for a tiny period of time in eternity, calculated in billions of years?

A person is a grain of sand in the vast space of the Universe, he is nothing in it, but if there are thousands of people, they are capable of much. Already now, due to human activity, the balance of the ecosystem has been disrupted, thousands of animal species are dying, the bowels of the earth have been turned outward, and not only our planet, but also the cosmos is littered with garbage.

This is a problem for all of humanity that needs to be addressed urgently. And there are many such problems. Humanity has a responsibility to solve them. Yes, global problems humanity decides, but what about individual people?

How should they live and what should they strive for? The meaning of life for many great people was serving the people. Often they were unhappy, poor, lonely and misunderstood, but they did not give up their business. They persistently pursued their goal: they painted paintings and symphonies, discovered laws and derived formulas. They were sure that sooner or later people would need their discoveries. Sometimes they even sacrificed life, love, affection, but this is so difficult.

And I want to be like such people, but I don’t want to. I want to do something big, useful for people, and at the same time you understand how difficult it is, you need to sacrifice a lot, give up a lot. And it’s scary to suddenly find yourself alone and misunderstood.

And yet I believe that any work, any aspirations are only for the benefit of a person. While a person is young and full of strength, he should strive to achieve new heights. Only youth is capable of this. Lack of experience is not a hindrance, the main thing is desire. Life, of course, is a complicated thing, but how can you understand it if you don’t experience everything that it presents to you?

If the meat is off the knife
You haven't eaten a bite
If you fold your arms
Watched from above.

And he didn’t join the fight
With a scoundrel, with an executioner -
So in life you were
Nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it.

Each person creates his own unique world around himself. What it will be like - bright, colorful, filled unforgettable impressions, or dull, gray, monotonous - it depends only on ourselves.

Many can object to me, arguing that a person is only a unit, small, insignificant, on which nothing depends in this world, full of hostility, injustice and lies. Yes, there is a lot of evil in the world, and, of course, one person will never change it, but you still need to try to do something, and to improve and improve the world you need to start with yourself. Everyone can do this. Where to start?

From self-improvement and self-development. Life does not stand still. So we are constantly developing, changing, striving for perfection and improving our lives. Self-development makes life fuller and happier.

The goal of every person is to realize all the potential inherent in him. While studying personal development, it is very important to educate yourself, your intellectual and creative growth. But as it happens, a person’s education ends when he receives a matriculation certificate or a university diploma. What's next? Is it interesting to live for a person who is completely absorbed by everyday life, who is not passionate about anything and has stopped in his development? And learning new things is so interesting!

Whatever we learn - foreign languages or dancing, growing flowers or the art of communication - we will develop intellectually and creatively, in addition, we will grow in our own eyes. It will be interesting for people to talk to such a person, and their love and self-respect will increase.

There are a lot of areas for self-development. The main thing is the desire to improve. You can engage in restoring health, vision, hardening, developing flexibility and plasticity, cleansing the body, meditation, yoga. Or use the Internet to your advantage - create your own website or blog, run mailing lists, publish your works: be it poetry or photographs.

Every person has the ability to improve the world around them. It’s so nice to create beauty, cleanliness and comfort in your home. If you have a desire, you can do design and decor.

What about personality development? You can develop self-confidence, communication skills, and cooking skills. It's even better to get rid of bad habits and improve your positive sides. In addition, you can start creating your own image and style or learn how to do a massage.

And most importantly - training! Always! Throughout your life! You can study at courses, seminars, and trainings. You can learn to work on a computer if you don’t already know how. You can learn anything: creativity (drawing, photography), foreign languages, driving a car, planning personal finances.

There should always be changes for the better in life. Without change and variety, life becomes monotonous and monotonous. Therefore, by changing something, we make life more interesting. And even more than that, changes in life are important! In order to move, develop, become wiser.

But why then do we think one thing, but in life things don’t happen the way we want? Why do we say this and act differently? Everything is very simple. Most people are concerned about where they work, how much they earn, what their status is. Many, unfortunately, are not at all interested in what is going on in their soul, and there is no time left for their soul... But it is important that a person develops both in breadth and depth. After all, any development is a change in the situation for the better. By creating something, we fill life with meaning and happiness of creation.

Almost each of us initially contains powerful creative and spiritual potential that can be unleashed. In everyone it is possible to “awaken” at least pronounced abilities. Of course, this requires a lot of work.

To begin with, a person must understand what he really wants and clearly define the goal. It is unlikely that anyone will do this for you. Therefore, it is best to turn to your intuition, to your heart and your soul. Work on yourself, listen to yourself, your heart, your soul. But how much joy and happiness you will experience when you realize that you have found your business, your passion, your hobby, which you enjoy doing. Besides, creativity commitment to business often entails not only satisfaction from what has been done, but also success and material well-being.

It is also very important to focus on achieving your creative purpose, concentrate, discard everything unessential and insignificant. After all, it is impossible to immediately run in two directions or climb three mountains at the same time. So in life, it is impossible to achieve success in several forms at once. So direct your vitality and energy to achieve your dreams. It is important to understand that if you don’t find something you like, life will one day turn into a disgusting everyday life... Start living not “outside”, grabbing, consuming information, energy, material goods from society, but just the opposite, “from within.” And then life will be transformed, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow.

A person must succeed in this life. Figuratively speaking, we are all born princes and princesses in this life in order to become kings and queens. A king, in my understanding, is not necessarily a president or a major leader, he is a person who knows how to do his job in a way that no one else can do. Each of us is created in one copy. And you can become a king only by learning to make your business your own in my own way in a way that no one else can do.

We can consider a king to be a cook who prepares hodgepodge in a way that no one in the city can prepare it, or a seamstress with whom it is impossible to make an appointment a month in advance because she sews in such a way that you will simply fall in love. Every person has a need that yearns to be satisfied. This is the need to satisfy one's own importance. The essence of this need is the desire to be the first, the only and unique. It is this need that forces us to move forward, to do something, even after it would seem that we already have everything - an apartment, food, work, children, friends. But there is no peace, I always want something else. Satisfy your sense of importance.

A. Maslow believed that there is only one way that can lead to this. This is the way to develop your abilities, the way to transform your abilities into skills, that is, self-actualization. So, to become happy, you need to constantly satisfy your sense of self-importance through personal growth.

A person's greatest wealth is his life! Our life is multifaceted. It is important to know your purpose. If you know how to set goals and achieve them; if activity is always with you; if you like creativity, change and variety; if development, self-improvement and a good relationship with loved ones; if you have hobbies or interests; if you do not forget about rest and entertainment; if you treat yourself and your feelings, emotions and sensations with love; if you know how to overcome obstacles, appreciate beauty, strive to gain knowledge; If you bring novelty into your life, observe, then your life will be interesting and fulfilling. Her companions will always be: saturation with impressions and your successes!

May you enjoy your life! Start with yourself, make your life better and believe that sooner or later the world around you will shine with new colors. They will be so beautiful that you cannot help but say: “How beautiful the world around me is!”

The work was sent by Svetlana Gennadievna Tkachenko,
teacher Literature MOU Secondary school No. 56, Novokuznetsk,

We all benefit from thinking about our personality and our lives. We know that every person chooses one or another life option, or the life option is imposed on him.
Domestic psychologist Vladimir Nikolaevich Druzhinin suggested that long years Historical existence, humanity has invented several options for life.

7 stand out approximate options life:

Life is an achievement;

Life as creativity;

Life as a preface;

Life is a dream;

Life according to the rules;

Life is a pastime;

Life against life.
The most important ideas, on which Druzhinin relies in his book, are the following.
There are options for life that are independent of the individual, invented by humanity and reproduced over time. A person, depending on specific circumstances, can choose one or the other, but a life option can be imposed on him.
The concept of life option is holistic psychological characteristics individual existence and is determined by the type of person’s attitude towards life. There are psychological parameters that can be used to describe life options, but they are difficult to formalize, although they can be verbalized.
Life option shapes human personality, typifies it. The individual turns into a representative of a vital personality type. He enters life, into one or another version of life, using his abilities, temperament, character, and comes out as a typed personality. A change in life option is possible.


The author gives seven life options in the book, each of which is analyzed in depth and in detail. And, by the way, far from impartial, as required natural science paradigm. V.N. Druzhinin demonstratively does not try to bind himself with the postulates of the notorious scientific nature. He warns in the preface that this book is not Scientific research, and perhaps only one grand hypothesis. And in the text itself, no, no, and even a slight irony towards scientists breaks through, even the title of one of the chapters sounds like this: Review, necessary in any monograph.
Druzhinin believes that cartoons and the grotesque can be ways of understanding life, so he boldly and talentedly uses them when describing life options.
Life options are the result of social existence, the individual either becomes involved in them against his will, or actively chooses them. Life options typify his personality.
Druzhinin believes that in Adler, for example, the concept of lifestyle works within only one of the life options: life-achievement.
Viktor Frankl, in turn, recognizes only such an option as life-service.
Considering the most typical, polar options for life, V.N. Druzhinin, as a criterion, is guided by the one introduced by K.A. Abulkhanova concept of timeliness optimal coordination of the time structure of activities with external social change, resolving contradictions between personal and social time.


As one of the options for life, Druzhinin describes life as a preface. Current life is seen as preparation for real life, authentic life. In fact, all life turns into a search.
What is the basis of the subjective model of the world, in which human existence is regarded as preparation for life? According to Druzhinin, a person’s hypertrophied ability to build a forecast and ideal plans for the future. This is especially evident in different religions, for which earthly life, the one and only, is seen as a vale of suffering, as preparation for another life, more perfect.
This approach to existence is clearly expressed in the aphorism of Andrei Knyshev: You need to work on yourself all your life in order to become as good as possible by the time you die.


This option is, without a doubt, the most attractive for the author. According to Druzhinin, creative process internal, intrapsychic. The idea is primary, and its external implementation in text, musical notation, on a CD or on a concrete wall is secondary.
A person in a creative state seems to surrender to his psychic reality. More precisely, we can say: a reflective person becomes a passive participant in the life of his second self as a creative person. A person implementing this life strategy is forced to coordinate two streams of his life, internal (creative) and external. It is clear that for him the life of the spirit is more important.


This option is in many ways opposed to the previous one, since a person of action chooses the external flow of life rather than the internal one.
A man of action must distinguish between defeats and victories, and creative person can neglect this; moreover, a black-and-white assessment of the world prevents creative realization: But you yourself should not distinguish defeats from victories (B. Pasternak).
But here’s what’s important: it is the person of action who is the type of personality most approved Western civilization! This is a person who clearly understands what he wants and is sure that his successes and failures depend only on him (he has an internal locus of control).
Druzhinin does not at all sympathize with such a person, as one might assume. He has an extremely negative attitude towards the personality, before whom most Russian psychologists are accustomed to adore the self-actualizing personality. V.N. Druzhinin quotes A. Maslow, accompanying this with his comment: A self-actualizing person accepts himself as he is. He has no feelings of guilt, shame or anxiety. He feels the joy of life. [He freed himself from such a chimera as conscience. What a scoundrel this self-actualizing person is! V.D.]. And further: Personally, when reading Maslow’s books, instead of a pink, sugary portrait of a self-actualizing personality, what appears before my eyes is a portrait of an egocentric and egoist, objectively and calmly looking at his surroundings, indifferent to the pains and anxieties of this world, realizing his selfhood with infantile spontaneity without regard to those around him and not feeling shame or remorse.
That's it!


A desirable option for everyone whose burden of troubles, labors and worries is too heavy to bear. Such a life is generated by the desire to plunge into a world where there are no problems, pain, anxiety, but there is peace and bliss.
The range of care options is huge: from alcoholism to Internet addiction. Question of questions: perhaps the reason people leave for such a world is not only their individual psychological characteristics and social situation, but also that socially approved life options require the impossible from a person?


Another life strategy option. Those who choose to live by the rules free themselves from worries about the future, about the results of their actions, and in general from a feeling of uncertainty. All his worries and anxieties are connected with external events that could disrupt his life and the lives of his loved ones. But if everyone around is trying to break the rules, then the person who follows them finds himself in a difficult situation in the position of an eternal scapegoat. And then a person’s confidence in the future is replaced constant anxiety for his fate and the fate of those who trusted him.
That is why people who live by the rules are the main potential clientele of psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, psychics, sorcerers, and traditional healers. Life according to the rules is the life of the majority.


This is the path of people who have nothing more to desire. The main flaw of this version of life is the absence of the past and the infinity of the present. In fact, it is an escape from boredom.
Such a person can structure his time in two ways: to go into active search pleasures, entertainment, adventures, etc., or to give your destiny into the hands of time organizers, who, according to Berne, are especially valued in modern world. Time organizers provide a person with many options for spending time: he forgets about the non-existent meaning of life and fills the present with events and the past with memories.


This option is chosen by people for whom aggression and hatred have become habitual states, people who received global psychological trauma. Life becomes a struggle for them. A person declares war on the world around him, but at the same time declares war on himself, since he is part of this world and cannot exist without it.
Life against life anti-world devouring the everyday human existence. Truly, people who have joined or chosen this version of human existence are ambassadors of death, imagining themselves as fighters against evil.
Druzhinin considers the internal condition for choosing the option of life against life to be extremely strong emotional sensitivity and the rigidity of the psyche of some people with a poor mental life and an extroverted consciousness.


Reading the book by V.N. Druzhinin, I admired the brilliant language, precise comparisons, vivid passages, boundless erudition of the author, unexpected and apt quotes. Before us is not heavy treatise, but an elegant psychological and philosophical essay that easily deals with stereotypes of psychological thinking.
It's great that such a book exists.
It's sad that out of seven life options, only one is truly constructive - life-creativity. But this is from the usual, stereotyped positions. In the end, for example, both life as a dream and life according to the rules have a lot of attractive sides!
It is a pity that the book does not describe the option of life as service, which is mentioned several times.
Reflecting on the content of each described version of life, I often wondered: what about the author himself, who comprehended the most important life strategies, which option did he prefer?
Vladimir Nikolaevich had an amazing gift as an existential designer: he managed to assemble his short, bright, unique life from individual elements, pieces of a mosaic so that it could not even fit into his own typology. This is probably a characteristic of truly talented people.

Our conversation is getting quieter
Because honor comes from the muse
Not to those who write,
And to those who find and read.


Meaning- that's the most important thing in life. The desire to make dreams come true, to implement plans.
S.V. Kovalev believes that the meaning of a person’s life should not only lead him to the desire to survive in this world, but to the meaning, the Question “For what?” Answering the question “For what?” we bring some clarity to our meaning of life, which supports it in the most difficult situations. The meaning of life is a dual function. On the one hand, meaning is necessary for a person to overcome difficulties, if only he believes and understands that he is not playing a stupid role in a fairy tale invented by an idiot. On the other hand, meaning should have a path to the intended goal, and not a refuge from difficulties and troubles. That is, it is necessary to look for the meaning of life not only in desires, but also in in the truest sense real life. The meaning of life has four sources: calling, social context, purpose (mission) and transpersonal level. The meaning of life can be figuratively expressed as the phenomenon of a “matryoshka doll” - when one is layered into another. The four levels of meaning in life are when the social level (mission) is layered on top of the level of vocation, and above it is purpose and above is the existential level of being in the world. Therefore, people at different semantic levels make different statements about the meaning of life. Some people think it's the main one semantic level, achieving their calling (in the profession), someone in fulfilling their mission in society, someone in their destiny, and someone in realizing themselves in creativity, creative activity, and someone in the transpersonal unity of natural, social and spiritual principles and in understanding the short duration of one’s stay on earth. Before we can talk about the meaning of life, each person needs to answer six questions: “Who?”, “Why?”, “What?”, “How?”, “Where?” (“When?”, “With by whom?"), "For what?".
The question "Why?" If a person does not answer the question “Why am I here in this world?” then everything is meaningless and chaotic for him!
The question "What?" If a person answered to himself why he is here in this world, then he must explore what to realize and he is responsible for his destiny.
The question "How?" The answer to this question lies in his mission, that is, how he can know happiness in this life by fulfilling his destiny.
Meaning - In what world?
Mission - For what?
The question "Where?" The answer to this question lies in what professional field he intends to fulfill his calling and mission.
The question "For what?" Answering the question “For what?” we bring some clarity to our meaning in life.
Environment - Where?, When?, With whom?
Behavior/actions -What?
Abilities - How?
Beliefs - Why?
Values ​​- Why?
Intentions - For what?
Identity - Who?
S.V. Kovalev believes that human well-being is based on 5 postulates:
* health;
* relationships;
* Love;
* money;
* Job;
He answers the question: “What should you want for real well-being?”

Kovalev quotes Flemming Funch, who believes that for the meaning of life it is necessary to gain some clarity. Clarity is understanding your essence, being responsible for what you understand and acting on what you understand. Clarity is the triad of understanding, responsibility and action.
There are 6 levels of clarity in our world: personal, diodic (clarity of self and other), group clarity, social clarity, planetary clarity and stellar (cosmic) clarity.
Flemming Funch believes that each person has his own state of development in various fields life. “Spheres are not just different areas of life.<..>Man with a certain level ability may well choose a fairly narrow sphere of action in which there will be no trouble.<..>
1. Personal clarity
Clarity in the personal sphere means that a person accepts responsibility for what he is. He admits that he is the cause of his situation and does not blame others for it. .. He can clarify the situation simply by looking at it. Something may not become clear only if a person does not know what to look at. He is aware of his intentions and naturally works to implement them. He always has something to do. Such a person perceives his sensations and intuitive impulses without the need to bring them to the level of intellect. He is simply able to simply Be, without necessarily giving it any meaning. He is completely confident that he is moving in a positive direction.
2. Interpersonal (diodic) clarity
Interpersonal clarity means taking responsibility for the space that includes two people. Essentially, this means that a person can get along with almost anyone. He can maintain relationships with a variety of people without the need to evaluate them and react to their actions and statements. Such a person is comfortable maintaining several different points of view at the same time, even if they do not agree with each other. He can convey his ideas in a variety of ways, dealing with people who have different realities. He is flexible enough to interact with another person mutually in an acceptable way, does not need to impose your fixed ideas on him. He directly perceives other people's intentions with a minimum of mental interpretation. He has an intuitive sense that is useful to others. He knows how to notice the positive intentions in everyone, and simply allow them to be, without the need to interpret or change them.
3. Group clarity
Clarity in the field group activities means that a person is able to take responsibility for a space that contains the activities of many people that develop over time. This means that he understands which groups he is in and which he is not, and is able to sense the spirit, inner essence groups. If necessary, he can create new group. He is able to maintain relationships with any existing group. In addition, he is able and willing to take action. Such a person prefers to do something rather than talk and think about it. He does not react negatively to reactions to his actions and is able to defend his position. He knows how to create his own “additional parts” that can exist independently. He feels comfortable in the presence of multiple incompatible or contradictory points of view without the need to change any of them.
4. Public clarity
Clarity in the public sphere means taking responsibility for a common space that spans multiple groups and infrastructures and government issues. This includes a person's ability and willingness to become a public figure when necessary, maintaining a public role without the need to react negatively. In addition, a person is able to lead activities in which he himself is not interested. This means that he directly senses the cycles, forces and ideas that shape the development of a situation over time, and can easily or manage without focusing only on specific events. It can generate ideas and principles without the need to relate them to specific situations.
5. Planetary Clarity
Clarity in the planetary sphere means taking responsibility for entire closed systems and everything that is contained in them. This means that a person has a direct sense of how everything fits together. he intuitively feels and speaks, taking into account the situation as a whole. He is fluent in many interrelated disciplines and naturally considers the birth, growth, decline, cessation and ecology of any action, principle or idea without any judgment or negative reactions to any part of the ongoing cycles. Such a person radiates harmony with all life.
6. Stellar clarity
Freedom from attachment to a specific planet, species or system. Lack of responses to problems of this magnitude. Feeling the cycles of stars and solar systems.
Complete clarity
The ability is in direct mutual understanding with everything that is. Ability to remain balanced in any environment. No automatic reactions. Complete confidence in yourself as a perfect creative source.<..>
The sequence of areas is a good guide for which areas a person should be involved in.
But be careful with someone who has not achieved personal clarity, they are probably not ready for it.
A person with clarity in the personal sphere should be involved in interpersonal relationships, but should not be immersed in a group setting. When he has interpersonal clarity, the time will come to bring him into contact with groups whose actions are somewhat beyond his capabilities" (3, pp. 358-365).

1. Kovalev S.V. Neurotransformation. M.: Your books. 2014.
2. Kovalev S.V. How to live to survive. M.: Your books. 2014.
3. Flemming Funch Transformative Processing, M.: Novaya Planeta, 2002.

Material Psychologos

Wheel of Life Balance

Analyze your life priorities conveniently using a drawing where the main directions and values ​​of life are presented as radii of the circle of life.
Get rid of the illusion that the circle life values will always have the same axes: no, y different people your list of values ​​and your priorities, and the psychologist can select one or another circle for different audiences and different tasks.
At a minimum, select different illustrations even for the same topic.
If we remember that men are more development-oriented and live on the offensive, and women are more focused on preservation and protection, then the theme of Business and work for men is apparently better reflected by the “Career” ray, and for women by the “Finance” sector. and with the decoding “Have a financial protection plan.”
In the synthonic approach, the wheel of life balance is usually represented as the Wheel of Life with the following axes: Home and Space, Family and Friends, Health, Money, Career, Free time, Love, Fun and relaxation.

The essence of our existence? Why were we given life? Saint Gregory the Theologian: “We have come into being in order to prosper; and prospered after they came into being; paradise was entrusted to us to enjoy; the commandment was given to us, so that by keeping it we might earn glory.” But we already come to a rather vicious world, often paying for the sins of our parents. It is impossible to prosper correctly in the world. As a result, a person dies and, as a result of inevitable worldly sinfulness, will be doomed to eternal torment. What is all this for? Natalia.

Archpriest Mikhail Samokhin answers:

Hello. Natalia!

Life is given to man in order to serve God. Indeed, man was originally destined for prosperity, paradise, glory, but people themselves rejected all this at the time of the Fall. And now a person needs to cleanse his soul and devote his whole life to getting closer to God. You will prosper only when you feel God, prayerfully communicate with Him, and rejoice in His presence in your life. I don’t agree with you that we are paying for the sins of our parents. According to the teachings of the Church, everyone is responsible for their own sins. We inevitably reap the consequences of sin. Sin in this sense is like a disease that, to one degree or another, infects everything that surrounds a person. I also disagree with the statement about the inevitability of sin. There are always righteous people and saints in the Church; it’s just that in our times the Lord providentially hides them. Pray that the Lord will open the possibility of salvation to you and show you your path in life.

Sincerely, Archpriest Mikhail Samokhin.

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