Kindergarten 199. Private kindergarten - an alternative to municipal institutions

Kindergarten No. 199 Moscow

Raising children is a very responsible process, and it needs to start from the very beginning. early age. At the same time, very important point there seems to be a continuity of various age stages child development. That is why it is more successful to visit a kindergarten operating directly at the school. In this case, teachers use complementary and consistent programs that allow the child’s personality to develop comprehensively.

One of such preschool institutions in Moscow is kindergarten No. 199, working at the Integration school.

The educational process in kindergarten is built on the basis of an activity-based approach, allowing the child to receive necessary knowledge and skills in the course of one or another direction of development chosen by him with the help of teachers, most suitable for him according to his personal characteristics and interests.

To others important aspect The work of the teaching staff of kindergarten No. 199 in Moscow is the focus of developmental activities on the individual characteristics of pupils. This allows children not only to fully reveal themselves, but also to form an active attitude towards their lives and gain independence skills that will definitely come in handy as they move further along the path of life.

In addition, the physical development of pupils and monitoring their health is also a priority. For these purposes, hardening and procedures for fresh air¸ incl. A lot of time is spent walking around the territory of kindergarten 199. The preschool operates during the day - from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., five days a week.

The educational process in “Integration” is built on the principle of combining basic government programs with private opportunities child care facility, allowing you to more freely use the latest technology and technologists.

Kindergarten No. 199 provides its students with the opportunity to fully prepare for subsequent studies at school, both in “Integration” itself and in any other.

In fact, the activities of the teaching staff of kindergarten 199 are aimed at continuous preschool training.

According to the concept in force in kindergarten, by the time a child enters first grade, he should have:
developed speech– there should be no delays or unpronounceable sounds;
intellectual abilities at the appropriate level;
developed individual independence, i.e. the ability to make decisions and implement them;
cognitive activity;
developed fine motor skills brushes;
internal position on basic issues of life.

Kindergarten No. 199 in Moscow. Educational programs

The preschool institution implements educational programs aimed at:
development speech function and training in the basic rules of the Russian language, including familiarization with the basic concepts of phonetics, vocabulary, learning to read and write
expansion of mathematical and logical skills, incl. learning simple arithmetic, familiarization with basic mathematical operations
studying in English, which, just like teaching the rules native speech, carried out in game form
formation of attitude towards cultural values, compliance with the rules of behavior in society, as well as a reasonable and humane attitude towards living nature
strengthening the health of pupils and introducing them to basic sports

Kindergarten No. 199 in Moscow will allow your child to enter life fully equipped.

State budget educational institution Moscow city "School No. 199"​ - Preschool department No. 1 (former kindergarten combined type №2635) Academichesky district (South-Western Administrative District)

Preschool departments of school No. 199:

The basic program that everyone works on age groups- “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten” - comprehensive educational program, which presents all the main content lines of education, training and development of a child from birth to 7 years.

The leading goals of the program are the creation favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities according to age and individual characteristics, preparing a child for life in modern society.
These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, educational, artistic, motor, elementary labor.

To achieve the goals of the program, the following are of paramount importance:
. care for health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development every child;
. creating in groups an atmosphere of humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which will allow them to be raised sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Making the most of a variety of children's activities: integrating them to improve efficiency educational process;
. creativity ( creative organization) the process of education and training;

Variability of use educational material allowing the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;
. respect for results children's creativity;
. ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;
. coordination of approaches to raising children in conditions of the preschool educational institution and families. Ensuring family participation in the life of kindergarten and preschool groups as a whole;
. maintaining continuity in the work of the kindergarten and primary school, eliminating mental and physical overload in the content of a child’s education preschool age.

In addition to the basic program “Raising and teaching children in kindergarten” teaching staff uses a number of partial programs. Modern dynamic developing world places increased demands on people in terms of social adaptation And safe behavior at home and on the street. In these special conditions acquires special activity program “Basics of safety for preschool children” (authors: R.B. Sterkina, N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva).

The task of adults is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various complex and sometimes dangerous situations. life situations. This program is aimed at “forming in children a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others, acquiring the ability to maintain life and health in unfavorable, life-threatening conditions, and providing assistance to victims.”

The main sections of the program are:

  • Child and other people (task: the child must understand what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with other people)
  • Child and nature.
  • The child is at home.
  • Child's health.
  • Child's emotional well-being.
  • Child on the street.

Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in different situations. That is why we conduct not only educational, but also play and practical classes.

Another program used in our kindergarten is the program “ Young ecologist"(author S.N. Nikolaeva).
A person’s ecological culture is manifested in his attitude towards Nature, in his ability to handle it. The formation of this culture is a long process that usually begins in the family and continues in kindergarten and beyond. Purpose of formation ecological culture consists of raising a responsible careful attitude to Nature.
Throughout the year, the kindergarten hosts classes on ecology for children of middle and senior preschool age, environmental holidays, and quizzes both indoors and on the territory of the kindergarten.

The program presents the following sections on which children receive basic information:

  • About the universe, inanimate nature The earth and its significance in the life of living beings.
  • About the relationship of plants and animals with their environment.
  • On the role of the habitat in the process of ontogenesis - growth and development individual species plants and higher animals.
  • About the relationship within communities.
  • About human interaction with nature.

Since the kindergarten has a swimming pool, we use it in our work program “Teaching swimming in kindergarten” (authors: T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva).
Bathing, playing in water, swimming are beneficial for all-round physical development child. Regular swimming has a positive effect on hardening child's body: the mechanism of thermoregulation is improved, immunological properties are increased, adaptation to various conditions is improved external environment. Also strengthened nervous system, sleep becomes stronger, appetite improves, the overall tone of the body increases, movements improve, and endurance increases.

At the first stage, not all children enjoy interacting with water; some are afraid to enter the water and are afraid of the depth. Psychologists have found that main danger on the water - not actions in it, but a feeling of fear and fear of depth.

That is why the first steps of learning to swim are aimed at helping the child overcome this unpleasant and not a harmless feeling.

Enrolling a child in a municipal kindergarten is not always feasible: there are queues, and the inconvenient location is a hindrance. Many parents consider private kindergartens in Moscow as an alternative to public preschool institutions and very quickly become convinced of the advantages of choice.

Private kindergarten-school: we continue the educational and educational processes

Practice shows that adaptation to school occurs quickly and naturally if a stage is not missed preschool preparation. This sequence provides a unified educational process, emotionally and physically prepares children to acquire new skills. Unlike the usual municipal private kindergarten No. 199(partner private school"Integration") has a number of advantages:

Small group size (from 8 to 12 children). Teachers, educators, and coaches pay due attention to each child, so the principle individual approach to education is fully respected;
the ability to choose a convenient visiting schedule: part-time, several times a week;
nutritious nutrition including vegetables, fruits, and vitamin drinks in the diet;
a clearly organized daily routine: alternating walks, recreational activities, and classes. Children three to five years old need a change of activity; they get tired of the monotony. This feature must be taken into account when drawing up the class schedule and gaming events;
presence of a psychologist, speech therapist on staff, medical worker, organized security;
Well-equipped separate rooms for games, sports, sleeping and eating.

By choosing this private kindergarten in JSC, you can count on an expanded training program.

Comprehensive development of a child’s personality in private kindergarten No. 199

Except standard programs training, private preschool institutions children study a number of other disciplines. The set of activities is determined based on the child’s development level. Parents can consult on this topic with a psychologist or teachers. The list of items that our private kindergarten in Moscow usually offers covers what you need to get started schooling areas of expertise:

Invoice and letter;
speech development;
the basics of aesthetic culture: development of musical and creative skills;
physical training.

Within integrated development classes in modeling and design are held, dance lessons and vocal exercises are organized.

As a rule, children with three years old. Several years of visiting allow children to realize that they are part of a team and receive the necessary school curriculum base, learn to speak correctly and coherently, and not be shy about communication. Offensive school period V this option is not stress, it becomes a logical continuation of education and upbringing.