What is differentiation. Competitive differentiation strategy - its types and directions

It means the development of differences, the separation of parts from the whole. In this work I use the concept of differentiation mainly in relation to psychological functions. While one function is still so merged with another or with several other functions, for example, thinking with feeling or feeling with sensation, that it cannot act independently, it remains in an archaic (see) state, it is not differentiated, that is, it is not isolated from the whole as special part and does not have, as such, independent existence. Undifferentiated thinking cannot think separately from other functions, that is, sensation, or feeling, or intuition is always mixed in with it - in the same way, undifferentiated feeling is mixed with sensations and fantasies, as, for example, in the sexualization (Freud) of feeling and thinking in neurosis. Not differentiated function, By general rule, is also characterized by the fact that it is characterized by the property of ambivalence and ambitendence (divide of feelings and dual orientation) / 100- Bd.6. S.249, that is, when each situation clearly carries with it its own negation, which is where specific delays arise when using an undifferentiated function. An undifferentiated function has a united character even in its individual parts; for example, the undifferentiated ability of sensation suffers from confusion of individual spheres of sensation (“color hearing”); undifferentiated feeling - from a mixture of love and hatred. Since any function is completely or almost unconscious, it is not differentiated, but is merged both in its individual parts and with other functions. consists in isolating one function from other functions and in isolating its individual parts from each other. Without differentiation, direction is impossible, because the direction of a function or, accordingly, its orientation rests on its isolation and on the exclusion of everything that does not belong. Merging with the irrelevant makes direction impossible - only a differentiated function is capable of a specific direction.

Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries:

Psychological Encyclopedia

(Differentiation; Differenzierung) - the separation of parts from the whole, necessary for conscious access to psychological functions. “While one function is still so merged with another or with several other functions, for example, thinking with feeling or feeling with sensation, that it is not ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

1. In embryology, the process by which a group of initially similar cells produces a number of cells various types. 2. In sociology, the process during which groups, roles, statuses, etc. are formed within society. In psychology there are two distinctly different ways...

Psychological Encyclopedia

(differentiation) - 1. In embryology - stage embryonic development, during which unspecialized cells or tissues become specialized and begin to adapt to perform certain functions. 2. In oncology - the degree of similarity of tumor cells with...

The process of differentiation is used in marketing to increase the competitiveness of a company's product in the market and consists of endowing the product with special distinctive properties that are important target audience. The concept of “differentiation” was first proposed by Edward Chamberlin in 1933 in his theory about monopolistic competition. The concept has been fully integrated into marketing theory and is by far the most commonly used.

In this article we will look in detail existing species product differentiation and give examples of successful use of the theory of product differentiation in practice.

The real meaning of the theory

By correctly using a product differentiation strategy, any company can ensure the required level of sales and profits even in a highly competitive market. Let's take a closer look at how this method works.

A highly competitive market is characterized by big amount players, the presence of leading players and the constant emergence of new companies. If all companies sold a homogeneous product with the same characteristics on the market, then as a result competition only those players who have access to cheaper resources or those who have the opportunity to high level investment in product support. In practice, in highly competitive markets, small companies that produce differentiated products for a certain part of consumers can also easily exist.

What does this mean? A product differentiation strategy allows even small companies to become successful in competitive industries by reducing the impact of high resource endowments on a company's market share. It is enough for a company to correctly define its product (based on knowledge strengths company and existing opportunities in resources), find a group of consumers for whom the selected competitive advantage the product will be significant and set a price that will ensure the required level of profit.

Product differentiation reduces direct competition, makes it difficult to compare products with each other, and allows any company to become a mini-monopoly in its segment, setting a price for a product that will cover all the costs of its production and ensure the required profitability of sales. The higher the product differentiation in an industry market, the wider the consumer choice and the more difficult it is to literally compare products.

Types of Product Differentiation

In practice, there are two types of product differentiation: vertical and horizontal differentiation. Horizontal differentiation means “different products for different needs,” while vertical differentiation means “different products for the same need.” Both types of differentiation complement each other and can exist in the company’s product portfolio simultaneously.

Fig. 1 Types of product differentiation using the example of the shampoo market

  • Using a horizontal type of product differentiation, the company identifies consumer segments in the market with different needs and begins to produce a specific product for each audience need.
  • Using vertical product differentiation, the company focuses on one consumer need and strives to offer him different ways satisfy this need.

How to differentiate a product?

Let's move on to practical application concept, namely to the process of product differentiation itself. In order to correctly apply the model in practice, three conditions must be met:

  • First, determine the “must” product characteristics: the minimum that all market products must have. Such characteristics will represent the starting point for differentiation.
  • Secondly, carry out detailed analysis properties of competitors' products
  • Thirdly, compile a list of important consumer properties of the product for each consumer market segment. The list is easily compiled using a simple survey. The resulting characteristics will represent possible forms product differentiation.

After fulfilling the three conditions described above, all you have to do is find free niches using the most suitable one for your product. In practice, 7 is used successful strategies product differentiation that can be combined with each other or used separately. Let's look at each of the seven strategies in more detail.

Differentiation at the product level

This strategy can be called a “pure product differentiation” strategy. Using it, you must convey to the consumer one single idea: “Your product offers the consumer something that no other product on the market can offer.”

This strategy is based on the presence of truly unique properties and characteristics of the product, on the absolute innovation of the product. Thanks to the use of such a competitive strategy, it creates separate category in a market in which your product acts as an absolute monopolist. An example of such differentiation would be the emergence of a light beer category under the Miller brand on the market. This product founded the Lager beer category, which subsequently included other brands.

Differentiation by product characteristics

By using this type of product differentiation strategy, you convince the consumer that your product has the best functionality for them. This strategy is often used in industries information technologies and electronics. For example, a manufacturer claims that its product has more high resolution, a brighter monitor, a more powerful processor. In consumer goods, this strategy manifests itself in the endowment of the product additional properties. For example, juice containing 20 essential vitamins, baby food with the addition of useful microelements (which competitors do not have).

Differentiation by price

The price differentiation strategy is constantly used by manufacturers. It means selling a product to satisfy the same need, but at a lower or higher price. Low price important when the consumer wants to save on purchasing a product; a high price is used if necessary to attract an audience for whom status, prestige, design are important, high quality, high service speed and high efficiency.

Going into a niche

The strategy of focusing on a specific niche is suitable for small companies. They concentrate all their efforts on the target audience, which in its preferences differs significantly from the market as a whole, and therefore has very specific requirements for the product. For such an audience, an “ideal product” is created that will not be of interest to the entire market, but will gain incredible success among a specific target audience.

Differentiation through additional services

There are situations when the product on the market is very homogeneous and it is impossible to find significant criteria for differentiating the product. In this case, the company has another way to distance itself from competitors: to include additional services with the purchase of goods. For example: a product with free delivery to your home, with free assembly and installation.

Differentiation through communication

Another way to differentiate a homogeneous product is through special communication with the consumer. Communication can cause certain emotions, establish closer contact with the audience, and evoke special loyalty. For example, SPLAT toothpastes were chosen special way communications with consumers: the manufacturer includes letters in each product package, which creates closer communication between the brand and its audience.

Differentiation through packaging

And lastly, one of the most common ways to differentiate a product is through the design and shape of the packaging. You can create a unique design that will attract attention and make the product stand out on the shelf. You can also give your product an interesting, memorable shape, release the product in a unique volume, etc.

Pros and cons of differentiation

A differentiation strategy has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that the strategy:

  • helps reduce pressure from substitute products
  • ensures survival even for small companies
  • allows you to increase audience loyalty
  • increases the profitability of the product due to the ability to set a higher price

The disadvantages of the strategy include: increased costs for the production of heterogeneous goods (small batches are required different materials and packaging), the need for investment in communication distinctive properties product (sometimes quite high), the development of cannibalization and competition within the company’s assortment (when one product begins to compete and eat up the sales of a similar product of the company, not competitors), the creation of a confusing wide assortment.

When deciding to use a differentiation strategy, you should remember one important idea: product differentiation should be based on product characteristics that are important to the consumer.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. There are words whose meaning seems clear, but different areas human activity they mean something of their own, specific.

One of these words is “differentiation”. In this article we will analyze the specifics this concept V various areas applications.

General concept

The word "differentiation" is borrowed from Latin language(differentia) and is translated as “ difference, difference."

In a more general sense, it means the division of the whole into parts, levels, stages, steps. This term is an antonym for, reverse process leading to unification.

Simple examples: all letters of the alphabet can be differentiated (divided) into vowels and consonants, sounds into hard and soft, a group of students into classes or groups, humanity into races, etc.

Differentiation always occurs according to some common characteristics.

Let's use the example of dividing the school staff into classes. The criterion by which students are divided is their age (not taking into account those who, for some reason, became repeaters). Therefore, it is logical that 7-year-old children study in the first grade, and 17-year-old young people study in the 11th grade.

Differentiation in the economy

Let us consider this concept as a development process in relation to different areas human activity and signs by which this process is happening.

Differentiation in the economy is an established system economic relations V certain society. in this context, the meaning is given: a separate territorial subject, i.e. a region or an entire state, or the entire world community.

Thus, within the Russian Federation there are many territorial entities, economic activity which are determined historically according to the industry principle.

For example, Krasnodar region is an agricultural region, and Far East– fishy. Within the global community: Japan is a country producing high-tech goods, and Ecuador is a global supplier of bananas and oil.

Conclusion: the basis of differentiation in the economy lies in division of labor according to industry and (or) territorial basis.

In this case, the following factors are of fundamental importance to the level of differentiation:

  1. provision of labor resources;
  2. production volumes;
  3. degree of implementation in manufacturing process achievements of science;
  4. target orientation of production;
  5. factors of the socio-political sphere:
    1. level economic development business entity,
    2. the degree of development of economic relations with other entities,
    3. legal basis.

This should not be confused with the economic aspect social differentiation, i.e. with the division of society into layers with different levels income.

Thus, in the Russian Federation, the differentiation of incomes of the population has reached huge values: the difference in the salaries of the ten percent of the highest paid and ten percent of the least paid workers reaches 40 times! This is almost 8 times higher than in economically developed countries.

Differentiated approach in pedagogy

All people have different abilities, different degrees of learning ability and different psycho-emotional status, therefore differentiated approach to training– this is the most effective method achieving maximum results in acquiring knowledge.

What is it? Differentiation of training is carried out at the external and internal levels:

External differentiation implies separation educational institutions within general education program depending on the developmental level of its students. The “advanced” level of child development makes it possible to study at a lyceum or gymnasium, correctional schools Designed for children with reduced intellectual status.

Classes are allocated to a special group pedagogical support(for children with learning difficulties) and specialized classes(With in-depth study any items).

Internal differentiation is the division of students in a class (group), previously created according to random characteristics, into certain subgroups (by level of training, by psycho-emotional status, etc.). As a rule, teachers, focusing on such a conditional division of students, use the method of an individual approach.

What can be differentiated in psychology

Differentiation in psychology means the ability of an individual to be a person (?), while remaining a socialized member of society.

A simple example: there is a person, he, that is, adequately coexists with the other members of any collective, fulfills his civic duties in relation to the state in which he lives.

But at the same time, he has his own hobbies, spiritual attachments, and his own point of view. The higher the psychological differentiation of a person when normal level socialization, the more he is stable psychologically, the more complete you are as a person.

It is worth noting that excessive passion for computer “shooters” has a detrimental effect on the unformed child’s psyche.

Immersed in virtual world, the child stops developing psycho-emotionally, i.e. slows down his psychological differentiation is personal and there is no adequate socialization in society.

Language differentiation

This term in linguistics implies the emergence of new varieties of language. Simply put, this is the emergence of adverbs, dialects and dialects.

Example: the Russian language exists, but in almost every “outback” it has its own peculiarities. So, in one district of the Tver region they say not “mountain”, but “gorushka”, not “go”, but “go”. And there are countless such changes in the Russian language, as, indeed, in the languages ​​of the whole world.

There are 3 main reasons for language differentiation:

  1. territorial(example - in the previous paragraph);
  2. social– changes occur due to the differentiation of society into different social groups. An example would be youth slang(remember, I wrote about this and that) ;
  3. functional-stylistic– changes occur as a result of the introduction into everyday use of words from scientific, official business, journalistic and colloquial vocabulary. For example, “IT technologies” ( scientific style); “notarial deed” (official business); “act” (journalistic); “to go fishing” (colloquial style).

In science

Differentiation in science means separation from a specific scientific direction new disciplines as knowledge accumulates.

This process is inseparable from scientific progress. Research within a narrow specialization allows one to gain a deeper insight into the essence of phenomena and processes.

This process is similar chain reaction: as information accumulates from the “mother” science, a “daughter” direction is highlighted. It develops, and with the expansion and deepening of knowledge about its object, it differentiates by several more scientific disciplines. And this can continue indefinitely.

Example: the study of heredity biological organisms led to the creation of a new scientific field - genetics. Then new specializations emerged from this discipline - medical genetics, molecular, biochemical. And the development of these areas, in turn, will inevitably lead to the creation of new disciplines.

Let us visually examine differentiation in science using the example of pedagogy:

*click on the picture to open it full size in a new window

The diagram shows only 3 levels of pedagogy as a science. The development and deepening of third-level knowledge will lead to the creation of differentiation at the next level.

Brief summary

Differentiation is the process of separating parts from a whole. Along with integration, these are two opposing processes that underlie the development of sciences and the evolution of humanity.

In this article we analyzed only a small fraction of the meanings of this term. If you want to know more about this and other concepts, read our blog!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Differentiation- identification of significant distinctive features subject of research, carried out by the method of analyzing the sign (property, parameter) of the subject. The concept of differentiation comes from the Latin differentia - difference.

Differentiation (differentiation) in marketing - the process of developing a number of significant features of a product designed to distinguish it from competitors’ products, identifying attractive and beneficial differences between goods and (or) services for the consumer. At its core, differentiation is the separation of a manufacturer’s offer from total mass competing offers from other manufacturers. It is differentiation that allows you to gain a foothold in the consumer’s mind, take an advantageous market position and thus gain a real competitive advantage.

Product differentiation- the creation of similar goods, with slight differences, that satisfy the same need, due to the use of other production technologies, the materials from which they are made, the quality of work or other indicators.

A successful differentiation strategy must include five points:

  1. Creating a name for a differentiable object- Creation unique name product, seller, understood and remembered, suitable for use in various brand communications and a variety of other contexts of use.
  2. Identification- sticking labels on products, creating a system of signs and symbols that, taken together, convey the brand idea and strategy to the target audience in a generally understandable way.
  3. Personification- identifying the person behind the brand. People are wired to want to do business with and buy from people they know and trust. Personification makes it clear that the person behind the brand is responsible for the quality of the product or service. Conversely, by hiding behind the logo and the words “company,” the brand creates additional barriers to mistrust and suspicion.
  4. Creation of new products, product classes- formation of ideas for new products (groups of products). Ideas for new products can also be identified through analysis of both production and sales capabilities and potential market needs.
  5. Offer differentiation- this is an offer of a different, higher (compared to competitors) level, based on the provision additional services, service, great benefits for the buyer that are not directly related to the product.

Service differentiation- a component of a comprehensive offer, services accompanying the product, differing in their level from the services of competitors.

Price differentiation is the offering of homogeneous goods and services at different prices, one of the methods of competition. Price differences are due to either price discrimination or product differentiation. Price discrimination is the difference in prices for the same product to different categories of buyers. Price discrimination refers to the practice of setting different prices for the same product, provided that the differences in prices are not related to costs.

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Differentiation(Differentiation; Differenzierung) - separation of parts from the whole, necessary for conscious access to psychological functions.

“As long as one function is still so fused with another or with several other functions, for example, thinking with feeling or feeling with sensation, that it cannot act independently, it remains in an archaic state, it is undifferentiated, that is, it is not isolated from the whole as a special part and does not, as such, have an independent existence.

Undifferentiated thinking cannot think separately from other functions, that is, sensation or feeling, or intuition is always mixed in with it - in the same way, undifferentiated feeling is mixed with sensations and fantasies, as, for example, in the sexualization (Freud) of feeling and thinking in neurosis. An undifferentiated function, as a general rule, is also characterized by the fact that it is characterized by the property of ambivalence and ambitendence (divide of feelings and dual orientation), that is, when each situation clearly carries with it its own negation, which is where specific delays arise when using the undifferentiated function . An undifferentiated function has a united character even in its individual parts; for example, the undifferentiated ability of sensation suffers from confusion of individual spheres of sensation (“color hearing”); undifferentiated feeling - from a mixture of love and hatred. Since any function is completely or almost unconscious, it is not differentiated, but is merged both in its individual parts and with other functions. Differentiation consists of separating one function from other functions and separating its individual parts from each other. Without differentiation, direction is impossible, because the direction of a function or, accordingly, its orientation rests on its isolation and on the exclusion of everything that does not belong. Merging with the irresistible makes direction impossible - only a differentiated function is capable of a certain direction" (PT, par. 695).

Differentiation is both natural process mental growth, and conscious psychological action - it is necessary for the process of individuation. A person dependent on his projections retains a weak sense of who and what he is.

SPIRIT (Spirit; Geist) - archetype and functional complex; often personified and experienced as inspiration, animation or an invisible "presence".

"Spirit, like God, denotes an object of mental experience and experience that cannot be proven to exist in outside world and cannot be understood rationally. This is the meaning of the word "spirit" in its in the best possible way"(CW 8, rag.626).

"The archetype of the spirit in the form of a man, a dwarf or an animal always arises in a situation where understanding, introspection, good advice, planning, etc., but a person does not have enough resources for this. And then the archetype compensates for this state of spiritual deficiency with a certain content designed to fill the void" (CW 9i, par. 398).

One must distinguish the spirit as psychological concept and the traditional idea of ​​it in a religious context.

"WITH psychological point From our point of view, the phenomenon of the spirit, like any autonomous complex, is realized in the form of the desire of the unconscious to surpass or at least equal the aspirations of the ego. And if we want to be fair to the essence that we call spirit, then we should rather speak of a “higher” consciousness rather than of the unconscious” (CW 8, par. 643).

"<...>popular modern idea spiritual evil is consistent with the Christian view, which views spiritual evil in terms of common good(summum bonum) as God himself. In fact this is also the idea evil spirit. But in modern understanding it is impossible to adhere to the latter, since the spirit is not necessarily evil; rather, he should be called indifferent to morality, neutral or indifferent to it" (CW 9i, par. 394).