Human possibilities are limitless. Being in a cold environment

Since ancient times people have attached great value their development and assessment of their own abilities. Centuries ago, there was an opinion that man chose the wrong vector of development. In what sense? Instead of making efforts and engaging in self-development, people do not stop working on what surrounds them. With little or no self-care, a person tries to make the conditions around him as comfortable as possible. On the other hand, not all people have a materialistic mindset. Many people value things that money cannot buy. It is important to realize that the best "investment" is the effort made to improve a person's spiritual, social and physical capabilities.

Do you have potential?

One famous philosopher and psychologist William James, who lived in the 20th century, came to the conclusion that most people do not realize the potential that was originally inherent in them. According to him, every baby has prospects that its parents do not even think about. This is why most people remain at a low level of development of their talents - they do not realize how wide the horizon of their abilities is.

Let's look at examples of how human capabilities develop. New social skills are formed quite quickly. If people understood that they could learn something so quickly, their lives would turn out completely differently. For example, to be able to play well musical instrument and to become known as a master of his craft, it will take the average individual about one year. Is this too much? Not at all! The possibilities are so incredible that even in such a short period of time he can learn something truly beautiful. Therefore, thoughts that you cannot achieve a certain level development or some specific purpose, often formed on the basis of stereotypes lazy people. To see how amazing they are, you just need to set a goal and pursue it. But what will help you achieve your goals and reveal new human capabilities?

The importance of systematic effort

Most people never achieve success because they are not persistent enough in their aspirations.

Patience and a little effort. This proverb accurately emphasizes the importance of systematic effort. Even if, in an effort to develop some kind of talent or quality, the attempts look unconvincing, and the results cannot be called victorious, it is important to continue to push the road in the intended direction every day and not give up.

Many people believe that they are special from birth.

So, people celebrate talented individuals. This is how many justify themselves. Don't think that talented people born that way. In most cases we see not so much gifted people, so many hardworking and purposeful people. It is important to make every effort to develop your personality. Such efforts bring great inner satisfaction.

Human physical capabilities develop according to the same principle. In this regard, of course, much does not depend on us. For example, a person whose height is 160 centimeters cannot become a professional basketball player, no matter how hard he tries. However, he is still capable of succeeding in this matter if he persistently strives for the goal.


To stimulate the development of human capabilities, it is important to do right choice and be able to concentrate efforts. Let’s remember the proverb again: “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.” To develop individual abilities and talents, it is important not only to follow your own path, no matter what, but also to choose this path correctly, completely focusing on it.

Let's return to the example of a short man who is confident that human capabilities are limitless. He set his goal to become a professional basketball player. What can be noted in this situation with positive side? Firstly, the fact that a person is not afraid to set ambitious goals. Secondly, he makes every effort and does not give up, despite the difficulties that he will definitely have to face. However, a person will still not be able to achieve his goal and become a professional basketball player. What's wrong? It's all about taking the wrong road.

For the best realization of opportunities, people should soberly assess their abilities and circumstances in order to set achievable goals. At the same time, it is important not to be distracted by extraneous tasks, the incidental solution of which can stop development and interfere with conquering peaks.


Opportunities can only be revealed if he is able to overcome such qualities of any personality as laziness and inertia. Understanding the value of the task at hand - motivation - will help you cope with such obstacles on the path to developing your personality. In sports, people are motivated by the desire to be a winner, to gain fame, fame, and wealth. All this helps them constantly improve and become more self-confident.

Unusual Potential

It is much more interesting for most people around to see social opportunities man, but his unusual talents and abilities of the body. This happens because extraordinary mental qualities are not noticeable, while phenomenal capabilities human body everyone will notice.

People are used to thinking that they have their limits. According to scientists, it is partly for this reason that a person sometimes cannot overcome some obstacle or height, although he has the potential for this. The limits of human capabilities can be tested in stressful situations, when the mental boundary - that which is holding back - ceases to function as usual. This is proven by many examples. Surely you have heard more than once about people who, out of fear of danger, covered a height of more than two meters in seconds or showed strength tens of times greater than their usual strength. All this means that human capabilities much larger than we used to think. With this in mind, we shouldn’t think that we can’t do anything.

Let us consider what human capabilities have been demonstrated in different areas. These real cases confirm that almost everything is achievable.

Being in a cold environment

The time a person can spend in water is an hour or an hour and a half. During this short period, death occurs due to shock, difficulty breathing or cardiac arrest. It would seem that human physical capabilities simply do not allow expanding this boundary. But there are other facts.

During WWII Sgt. Soviet troops swam in cold water 20 kilometers, thereby completing its combat mission. It took the soldier 9 hours to cover such a distance! Doesn't this mean that the world of human possibilities is much greater than we imagine?!

One British fisherman proves this fact. Within 10 minutes of the shipwreck in cold water, all his comrades died due to hypothermia, but this man survived for about five hours. And after he got to the shore, he walked for another three hours barefoot. Indeed, when it comes to cold environments, human capabilities are much wider than is commonly believed. What can be said about other areas?

Feeling hungry, or How long can you live without food

There is a general consensus among experts that a person can survive without food for about two weeks. However, doctors in some countries have witnessed amazing records, helping to realize the fantastic potential human body.

For example, one woman fasted for 119 days. During this period, she received a daily dose of vitamins to support her work. internal organs. But such a 119-day hunger strike is not the limit of human capabilities.

In Scotland, two women checked into a clinic and began fasting in order to get rid of excess weight. It’s hard to believe, but one of them did not eat food for 236 days, and the second for 249 days. The second indicator has not yet been surpassed by anyone. The resources of our body are indeed very rich. But if a person can go without eating for so long, the question arises of how long he can go without drinking.

Is water life?

They say that without water a person can survive no more than 2-3 days. In fact, this indicator depends on the individual capabilities of a person, his physical activity and temperature environment. Scientists say that under optimal circumstances, the maximum you can live without water is only 9-10 days. Is it so? Is that the limit?

In the fifties, in the city of Frunze, a man was found who had suffered a head injury and had lain without help for 20 days in a cold and deserted place. When he was found, he was not moving, and his pulse was barely palpable. However, the next day the 53-year-old man could speak freely.

And another case. A steamship sank in England at the end of World War II. shipwrecked in Atlantic Ocean, escaped on a boat and stayed on it for four and a half months!

Other fantastic records

People can achieve much greater results than what is considered the norm, and sometimes an incredible achievement. It's all about our brain, which on a subconscious level shows a person his limit. This mechanism undoubtedly brings benefits to our body. However, by understanding how such a system works, we can achieve much greater success in the area in which we have decided to develop.

It is impossible to list all the records that show that human capabilities are incredibly great. Such achievements have been made in sports, including in the field of strength training. There are also people who cannot breathe for a very long time. Extraordinary abilities indicate the broadest opportunities and prospects.

The fact that a person’s potential is greater than he thinks is shown by one category of people, which many, unfortunately, do not treat with due respect. These are people with disabilities. How do such individuals confirm that the human body has enormous potential?

Showing strengths

Many people with disabilities are adept at how to pursue their goals and not give up despite great obstacles. Human development in such difficult conditions not only produces results, but also strengthens character. Thus, among the disabled there are a huge number of excellent writers, poets, artists, musicians, athletes, and so on. All these talents are largely the result of heredity, but it is precisely the character that people with certain features, makes them professionals in their field.

History knows many great people who achieved success in various fields of activity, although they were sometimes considered inferior. Here's just one example. Polina Gorenshtein was a ballerina. After she fell ill with encephalitis, she became paralyzed. The woman lost her sight. Despite all the troubles that arose in connection with serious illness, the woman began to engage in artistic modeling. As a result, her few works are still among the exhibits of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Where is the limit?

We can reasonably believe that our possibilities are truly limitless, both in physically, and mentally. Therefore, the level of development at which a person is in this moment time depends solely on his desires and efforts. It is important to strive for excellence at all costs, despite the obstacles that arise.

Finding the ability to restore lost body parts of the human body is the dream of scientists of all times and peoples. After all, many people wonder: why a lizard, having lost its tail, can completely restore its original appearance and functions, but a person cannot regenerate a lost arm or leg.

Damaging vitally important organs or losing limbs, a person’s life changes radically, making him inferior and causing a lot of inconvenience. However, such injuries will cease to be a problem and become a thing of the past if medicine learns to “grow back” lost organs or parts of the human body.

More recently, such procedures for the regeneration of human organs could only be found in science fiction films. But today it has become a reality. Regenerative medicine has stepped forward quite far and, as practice shows, is making significant progress in realizing its dreams.

Progress achieved in regenerative medicine

Modern restorative medicine is focused on two main trends. The first is to grow the missing organs and tissues on the patient’s body or in test tubes separately from him, with subsequent transplantation to the injured area. Initial phase In this direction, the solution to issues related to the skin is considered. First, new skin tissue was removed from corpses or from the patients themselves. Today, leather is grown in large quantities in special laboratories. If these are internal organs that do not consist of a single layer of cells various types, then slightly different methods are used.

One of the first internal organs to grow was the bladder, and then successfully implanted into the patient. This body is one of the most important in ensuring the vital functions of the body. It consists of connective, muscle tissue, as well as mucous membrane. It is known that a filled bladder has a capacity of about one liter of urine and resembles the shape balloon. So, for its cultivation, a special frame base was made in the form of a full urea. Next, living cells were placed on it in layers. The organ took root well with the patient and subsequently performed its functions remarkably well.

Another area of ​​this medicine is the following: to restore or “repair” damaged and injured areas of the body with the help of the body itself, while using its reserve reserves and hidden abilities. IN in this case possible additional resources and delivery of a kind " building material» to ensure the recovery process natural structure DNA. Let us note that, according to leading experts in this field, every person’s body has a reserve resource of stem cells - about thirty percent of them, which are consumed throughout life.

Experts studying the patterns of aging of living organisms, including humans, have concluded that species duration human life can be about 130 years, the reserve of which accrues up to 50 years. The fact is that external factors and the deteriorating conditions do not help this in any way. Ecology, stressful situations, emotional and physical stress squeeze and wear out the body to the core even before the moment when, according to scientists, we should be in the prime of our strength. If a person could use his internal reserves in time, this could greatly help in treatment after injury and in rehabilitation after serious illnesses with complications, especially in childhood and adolescence.

Ability to grow bone tissue

Since the middle of the 20th century, a group of Soviet researchers led by leading biologist Lev Polezhaev, successfully conducted the most difficult work to reconstruct the cranial vault in humans. Previously, the method was successfully tested on animals. The area where the skull was missing was almost twenty square centimeters. Along the edges of the hole, specially crushed bone tissue in the form of powder was poured. This entailed a recovery process and, as a result, the damaged areas were completely regenerated.

Recently, Israeli scientists specializing in the development of regenerative medicine have discovered another way to “grow” bone tissue from the human body’s own fat deposits, obtained by liposuction. When positive results preclinical testing, in the near future, new technologies will begin to be practiced in Europe and Israel, including the cultivation of bones and dental tissue for dentistry, as well as complete replacement bones of a lost limb. Today, reconstruction of bone tissue is possible only in small areas of a few centimeters. The next step is to grow larger bones, such as the hip bone.

The new technology has already proven its effectiveness and practicality in animals. And if the tests on humans are successful, which does not raise any doubts, then this will truly provide tremendous assistance in regenerative medicine and will open up new ones in it. unique opportunities.

To summarize the above, we can be completely confident in the reality of the regenerative functions of our body. Many facts and techniques have already been provided that prove the success of curing diseases that were previously considered incurable. The possibility of complete restoration of injured or lost body tissues and even internal organs has also been proven.

Unique unexplored capabilities of the body

Although the human body has been quite well studied by scientists and specialists in the field of genetics, there are still many unsolved and inexplicable mysteries that show the unique capabilities of our body. Many of them are very difficult for our minds to understand. There are a lot of amazing cases that happened with ordinary people. After all, according to scientists, our body uses only ten percent of its capabilities out of a hundred. The following cases prove that amazing abilities are hidden in him.

Society knows of a case when a resident of the Russian Federation, walking with her small child, was distracted for a minute and saw that the baby ran out onto the road right under the wheels of a car. Eyewitnesses were shocked that the frightened mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car.

Also during the war there was interesting case, when a fighter pilot got hit by an iron bolt in his steering wheel, causing it to jam. Frightened by the possible fatal accident, the pilot pulled the steering wheel towards himself with all his strength and leveled the flight path. Already on the ground, after a thorough inspection, the mechanics found this bolt cut off. Further examination showed that to cut such a part, a force of 500 kilograms is required.

One day in the last century, an elderly woman’s house in a Russian village caught fire. Grandmother Matryona was sick, she saw and heard very poorly, and practically could not walk. The entire village came running to the scene of the fire. Already grieving for the poor old woman, the residents were surprised when they saw Matryona climbing over a high fence with a large chest.

There are tens of thousands of such phenomenal phenomena all over the world. These are just a few of them. And we can only admire our body and ask questions: Where is the limit of human capabilities? And does it even exist...?

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Scientists conducted and demonstrated an experiment involving fleas to make people think about their possibilities! Human capabilities are limitless!

They took glass jar, in which the fleas were placed and then covered with a lid. [You probably know that in ordinary life fleas jump very far and high. For example, from dog to dog. – Approx. from Cold E.]

The fleas, in their usual habit, jumped high, but they realized that it hurt because they hit their heads on the lid, and they began to jump a little short of reaching it so as not to hit their heads on obstacles.

The fleas stay in the jar for three days; after the lid is opened, not a single flea can jump higher than this limit!

It is surprising that their behavior now will not change until the end of their lives, and what is most terrible is that even with further reproduction, all their offspring will follow their example.

Man acts according to absolutely the same principles. A man, trying not to bang his head against the wall, obeys many life situations and begins to restrain himself.

All sorts of difficult situations in life they intimidate us and can shake our truth and self-esteem. Just like fleas in a jar, we may not even realize that the lid has been gone for a long time and it has been removed, and now we have a choice!

Think about whether this invisible lid is slowing you down, in the form of TV, radio news, the media, your favorite environment, all these stupid stereotypes and templates. All this can form beliefs about our limitations, puts us in open jar where we can't afford to jump.

Answer yourself, maybe you are sure that this or that idea can only bring you bruises and abrasions?!

How can you get rid of imaginary restrictions?

Analyze your life and highlight all your failures and achievements. Get it out of your head, no goals achieved, which are no longer relevant. And “reanimate” those you once selected important goals, which still light you up and with confidence in your strength and victory, set about implementing them.

It will be very cool if you come up with new inspiring dreams and goals, and see a new bright picture of your life. But here is a tool for performing the most cherished desires- Card of Desires.

You perceive failures as normal and necessary step to victory. Go beyond your comfort and you will achieve great things.

Throw away the gray one and everyday life! Enjoy life and enjoy what you do! Be happy and filthy rich! Be free! You can do a lot!

There is no lid, like that spoon in the movie "The Matrix".

Human capabilities are limitless! NO COVER!!! There are no boundaries!!!

Discover Happiness “Love – Rejoice – Dream – Develop – Prosper”


I love the expression “limitless possibilities.” Just think about it. Possibilities WITHOUT limits. I think the topic will be relevant for many. After all, we are so accustomed to thinking that we ourselves cannot advance, are unworthy of something better, etc. and so on.

How often this negativity is ingrained in us from childhood. Casual remarks from adults who are simply tired from a day of work plant entire complexes in us. After all, it is known that by the age of 5 we form our ideas about life.

Then something is added, of course, but very little. Is it really interesting that we live in the consciousness and boundaries of the consciousness of a five-year-old child? And it was formed in us and was determined by what we received from our parents. But even the most best parents cannot know everything and live within the limitations of their own consciousness.

How often have we been told: “You can’t do this,” “You won’t succeed.” And we squeeze ourselves into strict limits when we say: “I can’t”, “I don’t have the money for this!”, “What will they think about this?”... And then you can list who, what might think about this.

All these limitations often prevent us from expressing ourselves using our limitless possibilities. If we understand that all restrictions nest only in our heads and have nothing to do with reality, I think life will be much more interesting, joyful, and this will only bring us all health.

I once read about putting our thoughts in order. And there was an example about a wardrobe. Imagine that you opened it and found a bunch of unnecessary stuff there. It's out of fashion, it doesn't suit you, it doesn't fit, you don't like it, etc. What can be done in this case? Of course, take everything apart, simply give something to someone, take it to church, etc. Now we are starting to arrange all the remaining things in a new way. The closet becomes more spacious. And if you buy new thing, there is a place for it.

We need to do the same with our thoughts. Get rid of everything obsolete, make room for new ones. How far we can go with this depends only on ourselves.

Every time you hear about an incurable disease, know that it is not true. There is a power that can heal everything. You just need to dive into yourself and discover the medicine within yourself. There are a great many examples of such healing. I would like to briefly remind you of one of them.

I already wrote to you that my acquaintance with psychology began through books Louise Hay. Her story cannot leave anyone indifferent. At the age of five she was raped by her stepfather, then fate threw her one thing after another. terrible trials. Including a diagnosis of cancer. She gave up medicine and started new image life, engaging in forgiveness, healing, proper nutrition, relaxation and cleansing. This is how she cured herself of cancer.

As Dr. Pachuta of the National AIDS Association said, “There has never been an epidemic in the world with a 100% mortality rate—ever!” Any disease on earth that affected many people could not be dealt with by someone.

Lost in dark thoughts, we are doomed. In order to find a way out of the situation, you need to take a positive approach. We need to learn to use the Power within us for healing.

Here are some examples of such unlimited possibilities person:

  • Peter Terren can carry a frenzied tension through himself. In the pose of a thinker, wrapped in foil, he remains alive and well after being electrocuted with a voltage of 500 kilovolts.
  • Biologist Kevin Richardson can spend the night in a cage with lions. For unknown reasons, the lions accept him as one of their own.
  • Vietnamese Thai Ngoc has not slept at all since 1973, from the very moment he suffered from fever.
  • An autistic person from Great Britain, Daniel Tammet, has difficulty speaking, does not distinguish between left and right, and does not know how to insert a plug into a socket, but at the same time he can easily carry out the most complex tasks in his mind. mathematical calculations. Daniel knows 22,514 digits after the decimal point of pi by heart and understands eleven languages, including Welsh, Esperanto and Icelandic, which he learned in 7 days.
  • Jody Ostroit is able to notice details that cannot be seen with the naked eye. For example, internal structure leaf of a plant, which can only be seen with an electron microscope.
  • Imaginary death was demonstrated in 1950 by yogi Babashri Ramdaji Jirnari. He climbed into a chamber studded with nails, after which the chamber was filled with cement and filled with water. A day later they took Babashri Yogi out of it, rubbed him and he came to life.

I recently saw an amazingly beautiful video on the Internet. Dance Men and women, however, they are not just dancers, but people with disabilities. However, this did not stop them from performing this sensual and beautiful dance.

By believing that anything is possible, we can open our minds to solutions to the problems we encounter in life.

We live and always have the right to choose: either we surround ourselves with walls of restrictions, or we break them, feeling safe and allowing goodness and blessings to enter our lives.

Finding the ability to restore lost body parts of the human body is the dream of scientists of all times and peoples. After all, many people wonder: why a lizard, having lost its tail, can completely restore its original appearance and functions, but a person cannot regenerate a lost arm or leg.

By damaging vital organs or losing limbs, a person’s life changes radically, making him inferior and causing a lot of inconvenience. However, such injuries will cease to be a problem and become a thing of the past if medicine learns to “grow back” lost organs or parts of the human body.

More recently, such procedures for the regeneration of human organs could only be found in science fiction films. But today it has become a reality. Regenerative medicine has stepped forward quite far and, as practice shows, is making significant progress in realizing its dreams.

Advances made in regenerative medicine

Modern restorative medicine is focused on two main trends. The first is to grow the missing organs and tissues on the patient’s body or in test tubes separately from him, with subsequent transplantation to the injured area. The initial phase in this direction is considered to be the solution of issues related to the skin. First, new skin tissue was removed from corpses or from the patients themselves. Today, leather is grown in large quantities in special laboratories. If these are internal organs that do not consist of one layer of cells of different types, then slightly different methods are used.

One of the first internal organs to grow was the bladder, and then successfully implanted into the patient. This organ is one of the most important in ensuring the vital functions of the body. It consists of connective, muscle tissue, as well as mucous membrane. It is known that a filled bladder has a capacity of about one liter of urine and resembles the shape of a balloon. So, for its cultivation, a special frame base was made in the form of a full urea. Next, living cells were placed on it in layers. The organ took root well with the patient and subsequently performed its functions remarkably well.

Another area of ​​this medicine is the following: to restore or “repair” damaged and injured areas of the body with the help of the body itself, while using its reserve reserves and hidden abilities. In this case, additional resources and the supply of a kind of “building material” are possible to ensure the process of restoring the natural structure of DNA. Let us note that, according to leading experts in this field, every person’s body has a reserve resource of stem cells - about thirty percent of them, which are consumed throughout life.

Experts studying the patterns of aging of living organisms, including humans, have concluded that the species life expectancy of a human can be about 130 years, the reserve of which accrues up to 50 years. The fact is that external factors and deteriorating conditions do not contribute to this in any way. Ecology, stressful situations, emotional and physical stress squeeze and wear out the body to the core even before the moment when, according to scientists, we should be in the prime of our strength. If a person could use his internal reserves in time, this could greatly help in treatment after injury and in rehabilitation after serious illnesses with complications, especially in childhood and adolescence.

Ability to grow bone tissue

Beginning in the middle of the 20th century, a group of Soviet scientists led by leading biologist Lev Polezhaev successfully carried out the most difficult work of recreating the vault of the human cranial bone. Previously, the method was successfully tested on animals. The area where the skull was missing was almost twenty square centimeters. Along the edges of the hole, specially crushed bone tissue in the form of powder was poured. This entailed a recovery process and, as a result, the damaged areas were completely regenerated.

Recently, Israeli scientists specializing in the development of regenerative medicine have discovered another way to “grow” bone tissue from the human body’s own fat deposits, obtained by liposuction. If the results of preclinical testing are positive, new technologies will begin to be practiced in the countries of Europe and Israel in the near future, including growing bones and dental tissue for dentistry, as well as completely replacing the bone of a lost limb. Today, reconstruction of bone tissue is possible only in small areas of a few centimeters. The next step is to grow larger bones, such as the hip bone.

The new technology has already proven its effectiveness and practicality in animals. And if the tests on humans are successful, which is beyond doubt, then this will truly provide tremendous assistance in regenerative medicine and will open up new unique opportunities in it.

To summarize the above, we can be completely confident in the reality of the regenerative functions of our body. Many facts and techniques have already been provided that prove the success of curing diseases that were previously considered incurable. The possibility of complete restoration of injured or lost body tissues and even internal organs has also been proven.

Unique unexplored capabilities of the body

Although the human body has been quite well studied by scientists and specialists in the field of genetics, there are still many unsolved and inexplicable mysteries that show the unique capabilities of our body. Many of them are very difficult for our minds to understand. There are many amazing cases that happened to ordinary people. After all, according to scientists, our body uses only ten percent of its capabilities out of a hundred. The following cases prove that amazing abilities are hidden in him.

Society knows of a case when a resident of the Russian Federation, walking with her small child, was distracted for a minute and saw that the baby ran out onto the road right under the wheels of a car. Eyewitnesses were shocked that the frightened mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car.

Also during the war, an interesting incident occurred when a fighter pilot got an iron bolt in his steering wheel, causing it to jam. Frightened by a possible fatal catastrophe, the pilot pulled the steering wheel towards himself with all his strength and leveled the flight path. Already on the ground, after a thorough inspection, the mechanics found this bolt cut off. Further examination showed that to cut such a part, a force of 500 kilograms is required.

One day in the last century, an elderly woman’s house in a Russian village caught fire. Grandmother Matryona was sick, she saw and heard very poorly, and practically could not walk. The entire village came running to the scene of the fire. Already grieving for the poor old woman, the residents were surprised when they saw Matryona climbing over a high fence with a large chest.

There are tens of thousands of such phenomenal phenomena all over the world. These are just a few of them. And we can only admire our body and ask questions: Where is the limit of human capabilities? And does it even exist...?