A blow to the head and you're a genius: eight real cases. Tommy McHugh: Poetry and Fine Art



Do you want to be a genius? There are many smart people, but not many of them can boast of significant achievements and successes. The greatest minds have one thing in common that makes them geniuses.

Being a genius and having exceptional intellectual abilities are not the same thing. Smart people are a dime a dozen, yet not many of them can boast of significant achievements. What is important here is creativity, the ability to force your own imagination to work in almost any situation.

Take Benjamin Franklin, for example. He lacked Hamilton's outstanding analytical skills and Madison's philosophical depth. However, his lack of classical education did not prevent the self-educated Franklin from becoming the best inventor, diplomat, scientist, writer and business strategist of the American Enlightenment. By flying a kite, he proved the electrical nature of lightning and invented a special rod to tame it. He built efficient stoves, mapped the Gulf Stream, created bifocals, magnificent musical instruments, and a unique style of crude American humor.

Albert Einstein followed a similar path. As a child, it took him a long time to learn to speak, so his parents had to seek advice from a doctor. House servants called Albert “stupid,” and one relative considered him “mentally retarded.” In addition, Einstein openly did not want to obey any kind of authority, as a result of which one teacher kicked him out of school, and another declared that the boy would never be any good - the verdict he rendered still amuses his descendants. These traits made Einstein the patron saint of absent-minded schoolchildren around the world.

But Einstein's contempt for authority also led him to question established concepts in ways that the academy's well-trained staff had never even considered. And his slow speech development allowed him to maintain freshness of perception when observing those everyday phenomena that other people took for granted. “A normal adult does not think at all about the problem of space and time,” Einstein once explained. “I developed intellectually so slowly that space and time were occupied by my thoughts when I became an adult.”

This was the case in 1905, when he was a third-class examiner at the Swiss Patent Office, having graduated from the Zurich Polytechnic, where he finished fourth in his group of five graduates. Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the universe by proposing two cornerstones of modern physics: the theory of relativity and quantum theory. And he did this by abandoning one of the basic assumptions made by Isaac Newton at the beginning of his Principia, that time runs parallel, second by second, no matter how we observe it. Today, the name and image of Einstein - a halo of tousled hair, a piercing gaze - are inseparable from our ideas about a typical genius.

Then there's Steve Jobs. Much like Einstein, who, while agonizing over his theories, picked up the violin and played Mozart (he said it helped him reconnect with cosmic harmony), Jobs believed in the high purpose of beauty, believed that art, precision and the humanities must be connected. After dropping out of college, Jobs took calligraphy and dance classes, and then went to seek spiritual enlightenment in India - as a result, every product he created, from the Macintosh to the iPhone, unlike the products of his competitors, had an almost spiritual quality. nature's beauty.

Studying the biographies of such people led me to Leonardo da Vinci, who, in my opinion, is the greatest creative genius in history. Again, this does not mean that he was exceptionally intelligent. Da Vinci could not boast of the superhuman intellect of such theorists as Newton or Einstein, nor the mathematical abilities of his friend Luca Pacioli.

But he could think like an artist and a scientist, and this gave him something more valuable: the ability to visualize theoretical concepts. Pacioli may have developed Euclid's theories by conducting influential studies in the fields of mathematical perspective and geometric proportions. However, it was Da Vinci's illustrations that brought them to life - images of rhombicuboctahedra and dozens of other polyhedral geometric shapes - which ultimately turned out to be more important. Over the years, he did this kind of illustration for such sciences as geography (the three-dimensional maps he drew for the military leader Cesare Borgia), anatomy (his famous drawings of the “Vitruvian Man” and the fetus in the womb), and many others - and all this is simultaneously with work on a number of works that have become masterpieces of world art.

Like Franklin, da Vinci was largely self-taught. He was born out of wedlock, which meant he could not follow in the footsteps of his notary father and was not entitled to attend one of the “Latin schools” where the classics and humanities were taught to the sleek young men of the early Renaissance. Moreover, like Einstein, da Vinci showed exceptional independence.

It seemed that he was often hurt by his own illiteracy; it was not for nothing that he called himself “uneducated”, not without irony, but at the same time da Vinci could not stand “stupid people” who dared to treat him without due respect. “They walk around, putting on an important air, filled with conceit, dressed up and decorated with the results not of their own, but of other people’s labors,” he wrote in one of his notebooks.

Thus, da Vinci learned to challenge conventional wisdom, ignoring the dusty scholasticism and medieval dogmas accumulated over the millennia since the decline of classical science. He was, in his own words, a student of experience and experiment. “Leonardo da Vinci, disscepolo della sperientia,” he once signed. This approach to problem solving was revolutionary to say the least, foreshadowing the scientific method developed more than a century later by Francis Bacon and Galileo Galilei. And he elevated da Vinci above even the greatest minds of the time. “Talent reaches a goal that no one can achieve,” wrote the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. “Genius is the one that no one can see.”

As with Einstein, da Vinci's most inspiring trait was curiosity. Thousands of pages in his surviving notebooks are replete with observations that interested the scientist. He wanted to know what causes people to yawn, how people walk on ice in Flanders, what the methods are for squaring a circle, what causes the aortic valve to close, how the eye perceives light, and what this means for artistic perspective. He set himself the task of understanding such issues as the structure of the calf placenta, crocodile jaws, facial muscles, and understanding the nature of moonlight and the edges of shadows. “Describe how a woodpecker’s tongue works,” he noted in one of my favorite entries. Da Vinci's great and noble ambition was to know everything unknown about everything that could be known, including the cosmos and our place in it.

Often his curiosity was aroused by things that most of us, due to our age, do not even think about. Take, for example, the blue sky. We see it almost every day, but it’s unlikely that many of us, as adults, continue to wonder why it is that particular color. But da Vinci’s interest in this subject did not wane. He wrote many pages in his notebook, exploring how various hazy or bright shades of blue appear as a result of the scattering of light by water vapor. Einstein also puzzled over this question: based on the work of Lord Rayleigh, he developed a mathematical formula for the scattering of light.

Da Vinci never stopped his observations of the world around him. Walking along the fortress moats of the castle of Milan, he paid attention to the alternate movement of pairs of wings of four-winged dragonflies. Walking through the streets of the city, he watched how the facial expressions of people talking to each other correlated with their emotions. When he saw birds, he noted which ones moved their wings faster on the ascent and which ones moved faster on the descent. As he poured water into a bowl, he watched the formation of whirlpools.

Like Franklin—who ran away to England as a teenager and later measured the temperature of ocean currents, becoming the first person to accurately map the Gulf Stream—da Vinci tirelessly tracked and studied the swirling movements of the air during his travels.

Thanks to these observations, his paintings were filled with a number of vivid artistic details, from the water ripples around the ankles of Jesus standing in the Jordan River in the painting “The Baptism of Christ” and ending with incredible drawings of the Flood. He was also the first person to explain how blood flow from the heart causes the aortic valve to close. And his drawing of the “Vitruvian Man” - a work that combines anatomical accuracy with stunning artistic beauty - has become a celebrated symbol of the connection between art and science.

There are geniuses in a certain field, such as Leonhard Euler in mathematics or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in music. But, in my opinion, the most interesting geniuses are those who are able to discern a system in the infinite beauty of nature. Da Vinci's genius spanned many disciplines at once. He cleaned the flesh from the faces of dead people, outlined the muscles responsible for the movement of the lips, and then from under his brush the most unforgettable smile in the world was born. He studied human skulls, made multi-layered drawings of bones and teeth, and then, with incredible physiology, he embodied in painting the agony of St. Jerome in the desert. He explored the mathematical laws of optics, showed how light rays hit the cornea, and then in The Last Supper he created the magical illusion of a visual change in perspective.

Of course, there were many other knowledge-hungry encyclopedists, and other Renaissance men emerged during the Renaissance. But none of them painted a portrait of the Mona Lisa, much less did so at the same time as creating unsurpassed anatomical drawings from multiple dissections, as well as diagrams for the diversion of rivers, an explanation of how light reflects from the Earth to the Moon, a dissection of the still beating the heart of a slaughtered pig to understand the workings of the ventricles, the design of musical instruments, the production of theatrical performances, the use of fossils to challenge the biblical account of the flood, and then the creation of drawings of the flood. Da Vinci was a genius, but not simply because he was a man of great intelligence. He was, more importantly, the embodiment of the universal mind, a man who took more interest in more things than anyone in history.

Walter Isaacson is the former editor-in-chief of Time and the author of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life; Einstein: His Life and Universe; Steve Jobs and Leonardo Da Vinci, on the basis of which this article was written.

Walter Isaacson

We look up to them, look up to their actions and study their biographies in schools. These are people who were able to change not only their lives, but also the course of history on our planet. Geniuses.

Karl Marx, John Lennon, Steve Jobs, Mahatma Gandhi, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Leo Tolstoy... Everyone can continue this list on their own, drawing inspiration from their gallery of idols. But how did these people take their place in the history of civilization, why did they succeed, and what is the secret of their success? Is it possible to derive a formula that will answer all these questions? It turns out that yes.

Scientists from different countries and at different times asked these questions, studying various aspects of genius. But only our information age, with its ability to quickly collect and process information, has made it possible to conduct such research more fully. As a result, most researchers have come to the conclusion that the recipe for any success has only three components: ability, experience and chance. To make the description more vivid, let's see how this recipe works in the case of the most popular group, the Beatles, and the richest man on the planet, Bill Gates.


This point will be the shortest and will not raise any questions from readers. We are overfed with stories about how young talents begin to read before they can walk, add fractions in their heads while sitting on potties, and graduate from educational institutions with excellent results several years earlier than their peers.

Bill Gates Since childhood, he had an excellent memory and a passion for exact sciences. According to his schoolteacher, he once recited a three-page monologue from a book verbatim, skimming it only once. At the age of thirteen I wrote my first program. Musical talents of the band members The Beatles It’s also unlikely that anyone will deny it. Well, geniuses, what can I say!

So, is it all about extraordinary innate abilities?

It turns out not. In 1921, the then young scientist Lewis Terman began research that would become his life's work. He will travel to many educational institutions throughout America and find the most gifted students using special tests. Little geniuses. And then, over the years, he will follow their lives and careers. The idea of ​​this study was that you can find gifted children in childhood and raise them to become geniuses. However, the results were somewhat unexpected.

Over the years, only a few people on Terman's list have achieved good results in business or science. But no one became a person of world or even national importance. Moreover, critics have proven that if a scientist had taken a group of ordinary children of the same size for observation, their success would have been no different from the selected ones. As a result, the disappointed scientist summed up his many years of research: “We are convinced that success and intelligence are not at all interrelated.”

Oops, so innate abilities are necessary, but are not at all the key to victory? So what then?


This is the favorite excuse of all chronic losers: “I’m just unlucky.” Let's check, maybe there really is some reason in their words?

Bill Gates was born into a very successful and wealthy family in America. Accordingly, he studies at the most privileged school in the city, which (attention!) has a computer. Let me remind you that this is 1968 and this is about the same as if your school had a working cosmodrome. Then the father of one of his classmates invites him to his first “computer” job. Just a fantastic chain of coincidences!

Or here The Beatles, For example. Four talented young people live in the same city, meet by chance and form a group. Then they accidentally get a contract to work in Hamburg. In a completely incredible way they find (or he finds them) an excellent producer, Epstein, who had a huge influence on their future fate. And so on, and so on - a continuous chain of happy random events.

As we can see, chance plays a huge role in a success story. But why do some know how to use every smile of fortune, while others know how to throw away their lottery winnings? Obviously, just luck is not enough, there is a third component to the recipe.

10,000 hour rule

As part of their research into success, scientists analyzed the biographies of many famous people and found an interesting pattern. Each genius had to devote at least 10,000 hours to honing his skill on the way to victory. In other words, no matter what the field, it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve a level of proficiency commensurate with world-class expert status. Depending on personal abilities, this figure may vary slightly, but only slightly.

Group The Beatles before the trip to Hamburg, I wasn’t too different from my competitors. And the guys returned from there completely different. Pro. What is the reason? As the author of the book “Geniuses and Outsiders” Gladwell Malcolm writes, it is as follows:

From 1960 to the end of 1962, the Beatles visited Hamburg five times. On their first visit, they worked 106 evenings, five or more hours per evening. On their second visit they played 92 times. The third time - 48 times, spending a total of 172 hours on stage. On their last two visits, in November and December 1962, they performed for another 90 hours. Thus, in just a year and a half they played 270 evenings. By the time their first great success awaited them, they had already given about 1,200 live concerts. Can you imagine how incredible this figure is? Most modern bands don't play that many concerts throughout their entire existence. The harsh school of Hamburg is what distinguished the Beatles from everyone else.

What about our Bill? Many people believe that Bill Gates- this is just a darling of fate who managed to steal something there, cheat here and simply be in the right place at the right time. BUT!

At the age of thirteen, he gets acquainted with computers and literally gets sick with them. He lives in the computer lab, skipping classes and rest. In high school, he already works in a large company as a software tester. Over seven months in 1971, Gates and his comrades logged 1,575 hours of computing time on the computer, which equates to eight hours of work seven days a week. When a computer center appeared nearby, Bill went there at night, since the only free time when the cars were free was from three to six in the morning. As a result, by the time he created Microsoft, his programming experience had already totaled seven years. And the number of hours worked far exceeded 10,000. Do you still think that this is just a darling of fate?

So, as I promised in the title of the article, the recipe for success is simple to the point of banality. This ability + luck + ability to work. Take one component out of this cocktail, any one, and you will simply become a good specialist in your field. Take away two and you are left with nothing. And only all three elixirs make a genius out of a person.

A problem that has no solution, a “dead end” or the need to create something fundamentally new. That's when we want to be as brilliant as Sherlock Holmes or Nikola Tesla.

At other times (when everything is going well) we have more important things to do than working hard to develop our genius;) Therefore, most people would prefer a magic pill or a magic button on the brain;)

The good news is that there is a “button”. But with some reservations.

Modern brain research has shown us two interesting facts, which allowed us to find an ingenious solution to this problem itself.

All creative ideas and powerful solutions are born in the neocortex - the cerebral cortex. However, most of the time we practically do not use this resource, since any communication (as well as experiencing or thinking about communication-related situations) involves the areas of the brain responsible for emotions.

In other words, we are simply not used to using the resource we have, or we don’t know how to do it.

Considering that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis of details, and the right hemisphere is responsible for holistic perception (intuition) and creativity, the brain begins to work truly effectively when both hemispheres are used simultaneously. Since they functionally complement each other.

However, any specialized activity combined with personal habits causes greater activity in either the left hemisphere of the brain or the right. Due to this, every person by the age of 25 is accustomed to using predominantly one of the hemispheres.

And genius is born in the synchronous (!) work of both hemispheres of the brain.

The solution was always in sight

The solution was obvious already in the last century. These facts have been known to mankind for a long time, and, indeed, any person can become an order of magnitude more brilliant, if only he synchronizes the work of the hemispheres and increases the work of the cerebral cortex.

The question is how to do this environmentally? The use of medications is eliminated. Stimulation with frequency effects of various devices raises the same doubts as stimulation with medications.

We need something natural, close to human nature.

And here it is a brilliant solution!

If we get an imbalance in brain function due to the characteristic mental and physical activities that we perform daily... Then there is nothing stopping us from using another type of mental and physical activity to create balance.

There is only one question left - how quickly will it give results?

The answer is in 15 minutes.

"Magic button" of the brain

Back in 1983, John Grinder developed exercises that allow you to synchronize the work of the brain hemispheres and activate the neocortex.

After 15 minutes of doing the exercise, a person is able to calculate mathematical examples and read twice as fast. And the main thing is to find solutions to his problem, which he could not solve before.

John Grinder began actively teaching it, and NASA even ordered him to develop a specialized exercise for its operators, whose work requires increased attention and precision under conditions of high stress and great responsibility.

Having learned these techniques directly from their author, in 2005 we conducted our own research on this condition in Moscow. Indeed, the instruments showed that the work of the brain hemispheres is aligned and synchronized, and the alpha and beta rhythms of the brain (responsible for the work of the cerebral cortex) increase by about 2.5 times.

How long does the effect last?

Obviously, one execution of an exercise induces a state of high productivity for a limited period of time. It can last from a few minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the activity performed after it. However, this is usually enough to find the right solution or perform something at a level above normal.

With a little training, the quality of the condition increases significantly, and it takes 5-7 minutes to complete the exercise.

With regular practice 1-2 times a week for 3 months, a cognitive skill is formed and the necessary physiological development is achieved, thanks to which you can no longer do without exercise.


Based on feedback from seminar participants, it is known that the technique also gives good results in learning foreign languages, in public speaking, as well as in various types of creative and intellectual activities.

Separately, it is worth noting the very impressive results in such work, which could be defined as self-coaching (working with goals, business planning, preparing for complex communication and leadership tasks).

Where can I find these exercises??

On May 20, I will conduct a training master class, which will also be filmed. At the master class, I will show you how to perform the exercises correctly so that the desired effect occurs. I will also share a Russian addition to John Grinder’s method - a very convenient training program. And several techniques that will help you work more effectively with business tasks.

Who is the presenter?

My name is Egor Bulygin. I am an entrepreneur, director of a training center and business coach.

I have been conducting trainings for more than 12 years, and I have been involved in entrepreneurship for 22 years. I am also the author of two books: “Brain. Operation Manual" and "Practice for Success".

I studied the methodology proposed at the master class from John Grinder and have been conducting training on it for more than 10 years (since 2005) in the cities of RRussia, Europe and online. The number of my clients has exceeded 1000 people, tens of thousands have taken my free courses.

However, you should not think that I am simply copying the seminar of the author of the technique. After his official offer to Grinder to teach his method, my colleagues and I spent a year testing, researching with instruments and supplementing it with auxiliary techniques in our psychological laboratory.

The result of this work was our own training programs, based on the John Grinder methodology, but specialized for different areas of activity.

As a leader and entrepreneur, I myself am the #1 user of these techniques. And now I invite you to a master class that teaches how to use the most important of them in a business context.

The question of how to become a genius, of course, worries not only parents who want to turn their children into geniuses, but also already fully accomplished people. It’s not for nothing that they say that genius is a little talent and a lot of work. The most striking example of this is Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo comes from a poor family that could not provide him with a very expensive education. As a child, his parents sent him as an apprentice to a drawing workshop, where through hard work he managed to develop an innate talent for drawing and become a famous artist. But this is not the only thing Leonardo is famous for. According to the testimony of his contemporaries, Leonardo not only drew brilliantly, but was also a brilliant musician. He could immediately reproduce any melody and immediately come up with words for it. He was also unusually pleasant to talk to, which made him a favorite of salon regulars.

So, let's look at 10 ways to become a genius by training and developing your abilities.

Navigator by methods

Method 1. Fantasize for your own pleasure

You cannot become a genius without developed creative abilities. They, like other abilities, not only can, but also need to be trained. Creative abilities cannot be developed without fantasies. It is recommended to fantasize regularly – up to ten times a day. In addition to development, this will also bring tangible health benefits - during fantasies, those parts of the brain that were previously busy with intense systemic work and analysis relax and rest.

Imagination develops your imagination, without which it is impossible to create anything new. Fantasize and thereby develop your abilities as a storyteller, writer, artist, musician, perception of the world around you in all colors and colors. Develop your inner “third eye”.

Method 2: Use your dreams

Information that comes to us in a dream often carries very important information for a specialist. But, unfortunately, we forget most of our dreams immediately after waking up. In order not to lose very valuable information, try to remember your dream immediately after you wake up, without opening your eyes. If you succeed, try to write it down and analyze it later. Get a kind of dream night light, which you keep every time you were able to remember your dream. You will receive very valuable food for thought. After all, at night, in a calm state, your brain processes the information received during the day, highlights the main thing and presents it from an unusual perspective. After analyzing it, you will receive additional food for thought and creativity, which cannot be overestimated. In addition, you will become calmer, more balanced and, as a result, happier, while simultaneously developing the creative component of your intellect.

Method 3: Play creative games

Geniuses are people who stand out from the crowd, who think outside the box. After all, moving in a common rut it is impossible to create anything new and original.

Play a game: in two minutes, write down as many ways as possible to use, for example, a clothespin. If you come up with absolutely incredible ideas related to an unusual shape, size and unusual use of an ordinary clothespin, then you have a developed imagination and you need to develop it even more.

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Now you need to choose the most original solution and analyze why it came to your mind. By working and developing in this direction, you can make significant progress on the path to genius.

Method 4. Develop your drawing abilities

Many artists draw from life. But each of them is able to make a drawing, so to speak, from their heads, using only their imagination. Try to draw something, not just by sketching, but by inventing it yourself. You can start with an ordinary geometric figure and begin to play with it and complete it as your imagination allows. You will be surprised how far it can take you. The main thing is not to bind yourself to conventions and not to be afraid to experiment. Only by moving along unconventional paths will you be able to stand out from the crowd.

Method 5. Improve your wit

Many people not only do not know how to joke, but also do not take jokes at all. Perhaps complexes and prejudices are at work. Most people can't tell jokes because they simply can't remember them.

Try to train not just your memory, but your imagination: not just remember the sequence of words, but understand the meaning, the essence of the joke. You need to create an association with something and next time it will be easier for you to remember the joke itself.

It’s easier to start with short, to-the-point, witty statements. Try to understand their meaning, create an association, remember it, and only then reproduce it. At the same time, try to create as many new associations as possible and develop your imagination at the same time.

Method 6. Every creature in the world has the same root

Everything in the universe consists of homogeneous atoms and is interconnected. It has been proven based on the study of DNA mitochondria that all people have one common mother, the so-called Eve. Therefore, it is worth playing this game more often: write on a piece of paper two words that at first glance are completely unrelated to each other and find the commonality between them. For example: a worm and a meteorite. You can play alone or with a group. You will be surprised how far your imagination can take you.

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Method 7. Not a day without a line

Make yourself a rule: read and learn new information every day from an encyclopedia, dictionary, reference book or any other book. This will not only help develop your intellect, but will also significantly replenish and expand your vocabulary, which will also make you an irresistible interlocutor.

By forcing your brain to work hard, you not only develop your intelligence and imagination, but also increase your life expectancy. After all, it has been proven that people who do mental work live significantly longer than people who do physical work.

Method 8. Write letters

Develop your epistolary genre. In the modern world, people have stopped writing letters to each other. At best, SMS messages will be sent. Develop this side of your talent and enrich yourself and those around you. Read the published correspondence of famous people. You will discover for yourself that a hundred years ago people were much more educated than they are now. Their letters amaze with the beauty and sophistication of their style.

Read the correspondence of outstanding personalities: business, everyday life, love - this will give you true pleasure or at least significantly increase your vocabulary.

Method 9. Write poetry

Remember how your heart sang and rejoiced when you were happy - in love or simply when you were a child. As the subject of your feelings. And then, over time, everything disappears somewhere.

Try to revive forgotten feelings within yourself. To do this, you need to learn how to create associations, and then rhyme them.

Don't be afraid to write any nonsense. Remember what in the world is connected and has a common beginning.

Method 10. Play more often

Remember the children. They can play always, everywhere and with any objects. Take yourself back to childhood, renounce your problems and worries. Many different games for adults have been invented. Don't neglect them. They will help develop the underdeveloped facets of your intellect.

According to statistics, only 2% of all people living on Earth have the makings of genius, and 98% are ordinary people who do not stand out in any way. If your vanity does not allow you to put up with this state of affairs, you can try to change the statistics in your favor.

It turns out that becoming the owner of an outstanding mind is quite possible if you know exactly what to do and apply all your perseverance.

Some experts are inclined to believe that genius is inherent in every person from birth. If you are lucky and the parents are able to discern the hidden talents of their child, then he will truly grow up to be a luminary, to the surprise of everyone around him.

If this spark goes out without breaking into a bright flame, a person will never know about his lost magnificent future. What to do, how to independently develop this ability and become the smartest person? To achieve your goal, you will have to work hard and expand the boundaries of your knowledge and capabilities.

How to become a genius - brain training

A person must have a specific strategy. A great way to develop your own mind is to solve all sorts of puzzles, logic problems, rebuses, solve riddles and build logical chains as often as possible.

You need to learn to truly enjoy every paradox, the awareness of which requires significant mental effort. You cannot remain hostage to habitual and standard ideas about the world around you; you must not be afraid to change them to completely opposite ones.

The following will help you develop your own capabilities and become a genius: adviсe(they are suitable for both women and men):

You should get into the habit of reading educational or scientific literature every free minute.

You need to learn to get inspiration from the most unexpected things - visit exhibitions of contemporary artists, get acquainted with philosophical treatises, surround yourself with extraordinary people.

Accept all the paradoxes and complexities of the world around you.

Perceive all occurring phenomena from the point of view of an expert, but at the same time think like a beginner.

Think as much as possible on a variety of topics, make assumptions and find solutions to problems.

Develop critical thinking.

Do not follow generally accepted rules and standard ideas about the world, draw your own conclusions.

Learn to draw, even if you have no talent or ability for this activity.

Take up new hobbies, diversify your leisure time and find new activities.

Get enough sleep and monitor your own health.

If a person decides to become a computer genius, then the first advice for him is to familiarize himself with all the characteristics of his own PC and understand its structure. After that necessary:

Start learning programming languages.

Sign up for computer courses.

Every day try to learn something new using the computer.

Each time, set new goals for yourself, gradually making them more difficult (create a small program or web page, etc.).

Chat online with other smart people.

Don't spend all your time on the PC, take breaks and meet with real friends.

Ways to become a negotiation genius

A talented negotiator knows well the psychology of communication, is fluent in verbal and nonverbal methods of influencing the audience, “reads” another person by his facial expressions and gestures, and knows how to hide his own emotions. You can learn this, but it will take more than one training.

How to become a genius in 5 minutes

Becoming a real genius is not an easy task, and it is unlikely that you can achieve it in just 5 minutes. However, life is given to a person to learn, we should not forget about it.

Long-term work on oneself, and such a quality as perseverance, will help to significantly develop and improve the mind.

Even a child can get closer to perfection if he follow these tips:

You will have to fall in love with mathematics and become friends with numbers.
Learn to remember the names of people around you.
Watch films of various genres, including documentaries.
Be able to concentrate on the moment.
Carefully study every unclear question and find an answer to it.
Be inquisitive.
Study the lives of other brilliant personalities.
Participate in brainstorming sessions.
Develop fast reading.
Take notes on your thoughts and reflections.

Brain exercises - how to become a genius in any field

A person who aspires to become a genius in a particular field must devote the maximum amount of time to studying the subject. You will have to attend all kinds of seminars, read specialized literature, communicate with industry experts, and also perform many other tasks.

This will take a lot of time, so you should learn to plan it correctly.

A woman is a genius - can a woman become a genius?

Of course, a woman can become a genius if she puts in the effort and adheres to all the recommendations outlined. Many ladies deliberately refuse this, preferring a family to a career.

To develop as a person, you need to have desire, patience and perseverance. Everything will work out if you set your life rhythm correctly and learn something new every day.

Can a child become a genius?

The genius of a child largely depends on his parents. The school will provide only fundamental knowledge in all subjects, and you will have to develop your thinking and logic more deeply on your own.

To know as much as possible, you need to read a lot, show interest in different areas of life and not be afraid to experiment. From childhood, a child must be taught to work and think about his every action. If everything is done correctly, his mind will develop significantly.