20th Army combat path. Rzhev-Sychevsk offensive operation

On Tuesday, August 16, Major General Yevgeny Nikiforov took office as commander of the 20th Army stationed in Voronezh. Nikiforov's predecessor, Major General Sergei Kuzovlev, was transferred to the post of commander of the 58th Army, part of the Southern Military District.

Official sources report that in the 58th Army, Yevgeny Nikiforov served as deputy commander. It was this army that took part in military clashes with the Georgian armed forces in August 2008. According to some reports, Yevgeny Nikiforov was involved in the armed conflict in southeastern Ukraine.

However, little is officially reported about the new commander: he graduated from Kolomenskoye in 1991 artillery school, and in the spring of 2005 he became the commander of a separate airborne brigade. He received the ranks of major and lieutenant colonel ahead of schedule. The latter circumstance characterizes him as an officer with direct combat experience.

In fact, he demonstrated this experience almost immediately, declaring during the ceremony of assuming the post of commander of the 20th Army:

We have a very serious task ahead of us: forming two divisions. I'm sure that in deadlines we will complete these tasks on time, without undermining combat readiness and without reducing the level of combat training.

Let us recall that the 20th Army was redeployed to Voronezh from Germany in the early 1990s. The army headquarters functioned in our city for 16 years, after which, in 2010, this unit was transferred to the village of Mulino, Nizhny Novgorod region.

It is curious that it was in this village that alumni gatherings were held military department Voronezh State University.

The decision to return the 20th Army to Voronezh was made last spring. Against the backdrop of the flaring military confrontation in Ukraine, the state is preoccupied with strengthening the border military infrastructure.

In April 2015, the commander of the Western Military District, Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov, met with the Voronezh governor Alexei Gordeev. After this meeting, the head of the region announced the “importance for Voronezh region the return of the 20th Army here."

We are happy about the redeployment. At one time, the army was seen off with sadness, because it was always very prestigious for us that it was stationed here,” Alexey Gordeev said then.

The return of the army implied the creation of new infrastructure in the region. According to federal press reports, General Sidorov told Governor Gordeev that the Ministry of Defense plans to build a new military camp in the area of ​​the Baltimore airfield.

There was also talk about expanding the test site located in the Bogucharsky district. As noted, for final decision this issue The Ministry of Defense needs to further explore the issue with the government bordering the region Rostov region, which is part of the Southern Military District.

In fact, the 20th Army returned to Voronezh in July last year, but for the time being there were no structural changes in its staff. Construction of a military camp did not begin in the area of ​​the Baltimore airfield.

As for Boguchar, the Ministry of Defense eventually announced its intention to create there military base by 5.2 thousand people. According to the calculations of the military department, the construction of this base will cost 2.17 billion rubles.

The statement by the new commander of the 20th Army, General Yevgeny Nikiforov, about the immediate start of the formation of two new divisions, obviously means that after some calm in the Voronezh region they will again begin the costly business of military construction.

The staff strength of one ground division ranges from 12 thousand people to 24 thousand people. It seems that many young Voronezh residents will soon have a chance to prove themselves in military service.

The transfer of the commander of the 2nd Shock Army A. A. Vlasov to the service of the Germans was, of course, one of the most unpleasant episodes of the war for our country. There were other Red Army officers who became traitors, but Vlasov was the highest-ranking and most famous.

To say that Vlasov’s colleagues who wrote memoirs after the war were put in an awkward position is to say nothing. If you write about a former commander, they’ll say, “How come you didn’t see that bastard?” If you write badly, they will say: “Why didn’t you ring the bells? Why didn’t you report and tell where it should go?”

In the simplest case, they preferred to simply not mention Vlasov’s last name. For example, one of the officers of the 32nd Panzer Division of the 4th Mechanized Corps describes his meeting with him as follows: “ Leaning out of the cockpit, I noticed that the regiment commander was talking to high general spectacled. I recognized him immediately. This is the commander of our 4th mechanized corps. I approached them and introduced myself to the corps commander."(Egorov A.V. With faith in victory (Notes of the commander tank regiment). M.: Voenizdat, 1974, P.16). The surname “Vlasov” is not mentioned at all throughout the entire narrative of the battles in Ukraine in June 1941. In the case of the 4th Mechanized Corps, the taboo imposed on the name of the traitor general rather played into the hands of Soviet historiography. By the beginning of the war, the 4th Mechanized Corps had assembled 52 KVs and 180 T-34s, and it was not easy to explain where they went against the backdrop of stories about their “invulnerability.”

Silence was widespread. M.E. Katukov also simply chose not to mention that his brigade was subordinate to the army commanded by A.A. Vlasov. One might assume that the brigade commander did not encounter the army commander, but photographs of A. A. Vlasov’s visit to the 1st Guards remained. tank brigade. The army commander then congratulated the Katukovites on yet another success.

However, even if Katukov wrote about this visit of Vlasov, it is unlikely that the mention corresponded to the actual impression of December 1941. If the surname “Vlasov” was mentioned in the memoirs, then, most likely, with a minus sign. For example, cavalryman Stuchenko writes:

« Suddenly, three hundred to four hundred meters from the front line, the figure of army commander Vlasov in an astrakhan gray hat with ear flaps and the same pince-nez appears from behind a bush; behind him is an adjutant with a machine gun. My irritation boiled over:

- Why are you walking here? Nothing to see here. People are dying in vain here. Is this how they organize a fight? Is this how they use cavalry?

I thought: now he will remove me from office. But Vlasov, feeling unwell under fire, did not quite in a confident voice asked:

- Well, how should we attack, in your opinion?"(Stuchenko A.T. Our enviable fate. M.: Voenizdat, 1968, P.136-137).

Meretskov spoke in approximately the same spirit, retelling the words of the chief of communications of the 2nd Shock Army, General Afanasyev: “ It is characteristic that commander-2 Vlasov did not take any part in the discussion of the planned actions of the group. He was completely indifferent to all changes in the movement of the group"(Meretskov K.A. In the service of the people. M.: Politizdat, 1968, P.296). To believe or not to believe this image is a personal matter for the reader. It is possible, by the way, that it was Afanasyev who witnessed the breakdown of Vlasov’s personality, which led to betrayal. The commander of the 2nd strike was captured literally a few days after “discussing the planned actions.” So this description may be relatively accurate and objective.

Against this background, when Vlasov was either not mentioned at all, or was definitely mentioned with a minus sign, something had to be done with the period when he commanded the 20th Army. This army attacked quite successfully, and on important direction. If Katukov could remain silent on the pages of his memoirs, then in more general descriptions It was no longer possible to ignore the role of the 20th Army and its commander. Therefore, a version was put forward that Vlasov, being formally the commander of the army, did not take real part in the hostilities due to illness.

In the photo: The commander of the 20th Army, Lieutenant General Vlasov, and the divisional commissar Lobachev present awards to the tankmen of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade who distinguished themselves in battle. Western Front, January 1942. After Vlasov's betrayal, his face was painted over with mascara. Source: Frontline Illustration 2007–04. "1st Guards tank brigade in the battles for Moscow."

Actually, the first version was that A.A. Vlasov was ill during the December counteroffensive Soviet troops near Moscow he did not command the 20th Army, voiced by L. M. Sandalov. At that time he himself was the chief of staff of the 20th Army. In a collection of articles and memoirs published on the anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, Sandalov wrote:

« - Who has been appointed commander of the army? - I asked.

- One of the army commanders who recently emerged from encirclement Southwestern Front, General Vlasov,” answered Shaposhnikov. - But keep in mind that he is sick now. In the near future you will have to do without it. You no longer have time to go to front headquarters. In addition, I have a fear that the troops of your army may be distributed to new operational groups. The commanders of these groups have neither headquarters, nor communications to control the battle, nor rear support. As a result, such improvised task forces become incapable of combat after a few days in combat.

“There was no need to disband the corps control,” I noted.

“My parting advice to you is this,” Shaposhnikov interrupted me, “to quickly form an army command and deploy the army.” Not a step back and prepare to attack"(Battle for Moscow. M.: Moskovsky Rabochiy, 1966).

Accordingly, Sandalov dates the appearance of A. A. Vlasov on December 19: “ At noon on December 19, an army command post began to set up in the village of Chismene. When I and a member of the Military Council Kulikov were checking the position of the troops at the communications center, the adjutant of the army commander came in and reported to us about his arrival. Through the window you could see someone getting out of a car that had stopped near the house. tall general in dark glasses. He was wearing a fur cap with a raised collar. It was General Vlasov"(Ibid.). One cannot help but think that in this description one can see the gloomy future of the “man in a bekesh” - dark glasses, a raised collar.

Former boss The headquarters of the 20th Army does not stop there and shifts the time of transfer of command to the “man in bekesh” to December 20–21, 1941: “ Silently, frowning, Vlasov listened to all this. He asked us again several times, citing that due to ear disease he had difficulty hearing. Then, with a gloomy look, he muttered to us that he was feeling better and in a day or two he would take control of the army completely into his own hands.».

If we call a spade a spade, then Vlasov, in the memoirs of his chief of staff, takes up his duties at the moment the front is stabilized. Most major achievements were left behind, and persistent and slow gnawing began German front near Volokolamsk and on the Lama River.

The practice of silence has become a system. In 1967, the book “Moscow Battle in Figures” in the “Index command staff fronts, armies and corps that participated in the battle of Moscow,” Major General A.I. Lizyukov was named as commander of the 20th Army instead of Vlasov. There is a double mistake here: at the beginning of the battle A.I. Lizyukov was a colonel and received a major general only in January 1942. Sandalov in this regard, as a person well acquainted with the realities of the war, is more consistent. Lizyukov is mentioned in his memoirs as a colonel and is the commander of the operational group. A colonel as an army commander is absurd even by the standards of 1941.

Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov (right) presents the Order of Lenin to the commander of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade, Major General tank troops M.E. Katukov. Western Front, January 1942.Source: Frontline Illustration 2007–04. "1st Guards Tank Brigade in the battles for Moscow."

Nowadays, in an article in the Military Historical Journal (2002. No. 12; 2003. No. 1), dedicated to L. M. Sandalov, his version regarding the time frame of A. A. Vlasov’s absence was outlined. The authors of the article, generals V.N. Maganov, V.T. Iminov, made Sandalov the person who actually served as army commander. They wrote: " Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov, who was appointed commander of the army, was ill and was in Moscow until December 19, so the entire burden of work on forming the army, and subsequently on managing its combat operations, fell on the shoulders of the chief of staff L.M. Sandalov».

However, if in the 1960s, when access to WWII documents was practically closed to independent researchers, it was not forbidden to write about sore ears and arrival at the command post on December 19, then today this is no longer convincing. Each army commander left behind a trail of orders with his signature, which can be used to track the periods of active command and the date of assumption of office.

Among the orders of the 20th Army in the Central Military District of the Russian Federation, the author managed to find only one, signed by A.I. Lizyukov. It is dated November 1941 and Lizyukov is designated in it as the commander of the operational group. After this come the December orders, in which Major General A. A. Vlasov is named as the commander of the army.

(TsAMO RF, form 20A, op. 6631, d. 1, l. 6)

The most surprising thing is that one of the first combat orders of the 20th Army was not signed by Sandalov. A certain Colonel Loskan appears as the chief of staff. The surname “Sandalov” appears on orders starting from December 3, 1941. However, with the advent of Sandalov, army orders begin to be typed.

(TsAMO RF, form 20A, op. 6631, d. 1, l. 20)

As we can see, there are two signatures on the document - the army commander and his chief of staff. The signature of a member of the Military Council appears a little later. A situation similar to some orders of the 4th Army in the summer of 1941, when orders were signed by one chief of staff, is not observed. Then, despite the presence of a commander (General Korobkov), some of the orders remained only with Sandalov’s signature. Here we have a situation that is strikingly different from that described in the memoirs. “The man in the bekesh” was not a guest, but a host at the headquarters of the 20th Army by the time L. M. Sandalov arrived there.

Maybe A.A. Vlasov was listed as the commander of the 20th Army, and a completely different person signed the orders? For comparison, let's take a document that was guaranteed to be signed by Vlasov - the report of the 4th Mechanized Corps to the commander of the 6th Army (July 1941).

(TsAMO RF, f.334, op.5307, d.11, l.358)

If you take the signature of the commander of the 4th mechanized corps and the signature taken at random on the order of the 20th army and with the help graphic editor putting them side by side we will see that they are similar:

The characteristic features of the two signatures are visible to the naked eye: the beginning of the painting, similar to “H”, and clearly visible “l” and “a”. We can conclude that A. A. Vlasov signed orders for the 20th Army starting at least from December 1, 1941. If he was sick during this period, then the headquarters location was on long time didn't leave. The style of the orders is approximately the same, corresponding to the then accepted norms and rules for writing orders. First, information about the enemy is given, then the position of the neighbors, then the task of the army troops. Characteristic feature Orders 20 A, which somewhat distinguishes them from similar documents of other armies, is the entry of the start time of the attack into the finished document.

Attempts to erase from the history of the war the activities of A. A. Vlasov as a corps commander and army commander are understandable, but useless. Especially in the current conditions. At the end of 1941 and at the beginning of 1942, Andrei Andreevich Vlasov was on in good standing. This is historical fact. Suffice it to say that following the results of the offensive near Moscow, A. A. Vlasov was given the following description by G. K. Zhukov: “ Lieutenant General Vlasov has commanded the troops of the 20th Army since November 20, 1941. He led the operations of the 20th Army: a counterattack on the city of Solnechnogorsk, an offensive of army troops in the Volokolamsk direction and a breakthrough of the defensive line on the Lama River. All tasks assigned to the army troops, comrade. Vlasov are carried out in good faith. Personally, Lieutenant General Vlasov is well prepared operationally and has organizational skills. He copes well with commanding army troops. The position of commander of army troops is quite suitable" As we see, Zhukov directly indicates that in the first half of December 1941, the leadership of the 20th Army was carried out by Vlasov. The fighting near Solnechnogorsk and the outbreak of battles near Volokolamsk took place precisely at this time.

Story Soviet general A. A. Vlasova, who brought him to the well-deserved scaffold, remains one of the mysteries of the Second World War. Author open letter“Why did I take the path of fighting Bolshevism” for a long time was a completely ordinary person who did not stand out in any way. Attempts to simply erase his activities from the history of the war rather prevented the identification of the reasons for the breakdown that so miserably broke the personality of General Vlasov.

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20th Army I Formation created in June 1941 in the Oryol Military District. The army included the 61st, 69th Rifle and 7th Mechanized Corps, the 18th Rifle Division, and a number of artillery and other units. On June 26, the army was included in the army group of the Headquarters of the High Command.

On July 2, the army was transferred to the Western Front and led defensive battles in Belarus. Its mechanized corps took part in a frontal counterattack north of Orsha on July 6. Until mid-July, army troops held defensive lines in the areas of the cities of Orsha and Rudnya and pinned down large enemy forces advancing on Smolensk. In July - September the army took part in the Battle of Smolensk. During the attack on Smolensk at the end of July, she was surrounded. After its breakthrough, the army troops united with the main forces of the front. Then its formations fought stubborn defensive battles south of Yartsevo, covering the Dorogobuzh direction. In October the army took part in the Vyazemskaya defensive operation, during which it was surrounded by the enemy in the area west of Vyazma. Part of her troops broke out of the encirclement and reached the Mozhaisk defense line.

On October 20, 1941, the field administration of the army was disbanded, and the troops were transferred to other formations of the front.

20th Army II Formation created on November 30, 1941 on the basis of a directive from the Supreme Command Headquarters dated November 29, 1941 on the basis of the operational group of Colonel A. I. Lizyukov. The army was subordinate to the Western Front. It included the 331st and 352nd rifle divisions, 28, 35 and 64th rifle brigades, 134th and 135th separate tank battalions, artillery and other units. As part of the troops of the right wing of the front, she participated in the Klin-Solnechnogorsk offensive operation, during which, in cooperation with the 16th, 30th and 1st shock armies, she defeated the main forces of the enemy’s 3rd and 4th tank groups, throwing them back to the border of the Lama and Ruza rivers and liberating a number of settlements, including Volokolamsk (December 20). During the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya strategic operation 1942 The army broke through the enemy’s defenses at the turn of the river. Lama and, pursuing him, by the end of January reached the area northeast of Gzhatsk. In August 1942, as part of the Rzhev-Sychevsk offensive operation, the army carried out the Pogorelo-Gorodishchensk operation. Subsequently, until March 1943, in cooperation with other troops, it defended the Rzhev-Vyazma line. In March, its troops took part in the Rzhev-Vyazemsk offensive operation. Then, until mid-July, the army, being in the second echelon of the front, occupied a defensive line to the west and southwest of Vyazma.

On August 10 it was included in the Kalinin Front, and on September 1 it was again transferred to the reserve of the Supreme Command Headquarters.

On October 15, it was included in the Baltic Front (from October 20, the 2nd Baltic Front), on November 5 it was transferred to the reserve of the Supreme Command Headquarters, on April 10, 1944 it was included in the troops of the Leningrad Front.

Based on the directive of the Supreme Command Headquarters of April 18, 1944, on April 21, 1944, the 20th Army was disbanded, its field control was turned to the formation of the field control of the 3rd Baltic Front.

20th Army 1st Formation formed in June 1941 in the Oryol Military District. The army included the 61st, 69th Rifle Corps and 7th Mechanized Corps, 18th Rifle Division, artillery and other units.
On June 26, 1941, the army was included in the army group of the Headquarters of the High Command.
On July 2, 1941, the army was transferred to the Western Front and fought defensive battles in Belarus. Its mechanized corps took part in a frontal counterattack north of Orsha on July 6. Until mid-July, army troops held defensive lines in the areas of the cities of Orsha and Rudnya and pinned down large enemy forces advancing on Smolensk.
In July - September 1941, the army took part in the Battle of Smolensk (July 10 - September 10). During the enemy's offensive on Smolensk at the end of July, the army found itself surrounded. After breaking through the encirclement, the army troops united with the main forces of the front. Then its formations fought stubborn defensive battles south of Yartsevo, covering the Dorogobuzh direction.
In October 1941, army troops took part in the Vyazma defensive operation (October 2-13), during which they were surrounded by the enemy in the area west of Vyazma. Part of her troops broke out of the encirclement and reached the Mozhaisk defense line.
On October 20, 1941, the field administration of the army was disbanded, and the troops were transferred to other formations of the front.

Army commanders: Lieutenant General Remezov F.N. (June - July 1941); Lieutenant General P.A. Kurochkin (July - August 1941); Lieutenant General Lukin M.F. (August - September 1941); Lieutenant General Ershakov F.A. (September - October 1941)
Member of the Military Council of the Army - Corps Commissar F. A. Semenovsky (June - October 1941)
Chief of Army Staff - Major General N.V. Korneev (June - October 1941)

20th Army 2nd Formation formed on November 30, 1941 on the basis of a directive from the Supreme Command Headquarters of November 29, 1941 on the basis of the operational group of Colonel A. I. Lizyukov. It included the 331st and 352nd rifle divisions, the 28th, 35th and 64th rifle brigades, the 134th and 135th separate tank battalions, artillery and other units.
The army was subordinate to the Western Front. As part of the troops of the right flank of the front on December 6-25, 1941, she participated in the Klin-Solnechnogorsk offensive operation. During the operation, its troops, in cooperation with the troops of the 16th, 30th and 1st shock armies defeated the main forces of the enemy's 3rd and 4th tank groups, drove them back to the Lama River - Ruza River line and liberated several settlements, including Volokolamsk (December 20).
During the Rzhev-Vyazemsk strategic operation (January 8 - April 20, 1942), army troops broke through the enemy’s defenses at the Lama line and, pursuing him, by the end of January they reached the area northeast of Gzhatsk.
In August 1942, as part of the Rzhev-Sychevsk offensive operation (July 30 - August 23), the army carried out the Pogorelo-Gorodishchensk operation. Subsequently, until March 1943, in cooperation with other troops it defended the Rzhev-Vyazma line.
In March 1943, its troops took part in the Rzhev-Vyazemsk offensive operation (March 2-31). Then, until mid-July, the army, being in the second echelon of the front, occupied a defensive line to the west and southwest of Vyazma.
Since July 23, 1943 - in the reserve of the Supreme Command Headquarters.
On August 10, 1943, the army was included in the Kalinin Front, and on September 1, it was again withdrawn to the reserve of the Supreme High Command Headquarters.
On October 15, 1943, the army became part of the Baltic Front (from October 20 - the 2nd Baltic Front), on November 5 - it was withdrawn to the reserve of the Supreme Command Headquarters, on April 10, 1944 - it was included in the Leningrad Front.

The army was disbanded on April 21, 1944 based on the directive of the Supreme Command Headquarters of April 18, 1944; its field control was turned to the formation of the field control of the 3rd Baltic Front.

Army commanders: Lieutenant General Vlasov A.A. (November 1941 - March 1942); Lieutenant General Reiter M.A. (March - September 1942); Major General Kiryukhin N.I. (October - December 1942); Lieutenant General M. S. Khozin (December 1942 - January 1943); Major General, from April 28, 1943 - Lieutenant General N. E. Berzarin (January - March and August - September 1943); Major General Ermakov A. N. (March - August and September 1943); Lieutenant General Lopatin A.I. (September - October 1943); Lieutenant General Gusev N.I. (November 1943 - April 1944)

Members of the Army Military Council: divisional commissar P. N. Kulikov (November 1941 - December 1942); divisional commissar, from December 1942 - Major General A. A. Lobachev (November 1941 - April 1944)
Chiefs of Army Staff - Colonel, from December 1941 - Major General L. M. Sandalov (November 1941 - September 1942); Major General, from February 1944 - Lieutenant General V. R. Vashkevich (September 1942 - April 1944)

  1. Dear forum participants! I am collecting any information on the 73rd page of the division (471st page of the regiment) during the period
    July-October 1941. Maybe someone knows if there are documents on the division in TsAMO. Thanks in advance.

    392, 413 and 471 rifle regiment,
    11 artillery regiment,
    148th separate anti-tank fighter division,
    469th separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion,
    51st reconnaissance battalion,
    25th engineer battalion,
    78th separate communications battalion,
    68th medical battalion,
    186th motor transport battalion,
    522 field postal station,
    440 field cash desk of the State Bank.

    Combat period

    * 73rd Infantry Division.
    The division was formed in Omsk (Siberian Military District) in August 1939. The 178th Siberian Division was also formed on its basis. Since April 1941, the division was maintained under state number 04/120. On June 10, it received an assigned strength of 6,000 people. In July, the division arrives in the Gusino, Krasnoye area, where on July 4-5 it replaced the 137th Infantry Division at the Vysokoye-Orsha line. Until July 16, it defended Orsha together with the 17th Tank Division of the 5th MK. Then, under enemy pressure, it slowly retreated to Gnezdovo and Smolensk. And on August 4th we had to retreat in disarray to the Solovyov crossing. After crossing the Dnieper, she hastily recovered. On August 15, it consisted of 6947 personnel...
    In May 1941, the 19th Army of General Konev (38th, 102nd, 127th, 129th, 132nd, 134th, 151st, 158th, 162nd, 171st rifle divisions). Konev was also assigned to the 25th MK (50th, 55th tank and 219th motorized divisions). However, later, when the war began, in July, the mechanized corps was removed from his army and subordinated to the 21st Army. At the same time, the 20th Army was hastily formed in the Oryol Military District (73rd, 110th, 118th, 137th, 144th, 160th, 172nd, 229th, 233rd I, 235th, rifle divisions)

    REPORT No. 20 K 8.00 6.7.41. BACK FRONT HQ
    GNEZDOVO Card 500,000
    First. On the night of July 5, 1941, front troops continued to occupy the second defensive line, carried out defensive work, improved fortified areas and fought for crossings on the river. Berezina, r. Drut and R. Zap. Dvina
    Second. 13th Army. The enemy unsuccessfully attacked army units on the river. Berezina. In the Chernyavka area, the battle finally reached the eastern bank of the river. Berezina 100th Rifle Division of the 2nd Rifle Corps. Units of the 13th Army are preparing for the morning attack on Borisov.
    Third. On the night of July 5, 1941, the 22nd Army carried out defensive work to strengthen fortified areas and defended crossings on the river. Zap. Dvina and fought with enemy reconnaissance groups.
    Enemy actions in front of the army front on the 4th and on the night of July 5, 1941 were active.
    At 1.00 on 5.7.41, after artillery preparation in the Yakubinki, Kushliki sector, the enemy with up to two infantry regiments crossed the river. Zap. Dvina and seeks to expand the bridgehead on the right bank of the river. Zap. Dvina
    During 3.7.41, the enemy tried to cross the river with reconnaissance units. Zap. Dvina in the area of ​​Drissa, Disna, but had no success.
    An air raid was carried out on Vetrino and after the bombing, 4 enemy tanks, supported by artillery fire from one battery, broke through into the defense area, 3 of them were destroyed, one returned back.
    At 12.30 on July 3, 1941, Polotsk was heavily bombed. One bomb fell in the command staff's canteen, causing casualties.
    The Polotsk fortified area, in addition to field units, is occupied by 5 newly formed machine-gun battalions.
    At the front edge of the fortified area, work is being done to create anti-tank obstacles (ditches, rubble, traps, mines).
    The troops of the fortified area are fully supplied with ammunition and weapons.
    The position of troops in other sectors is unchanged.
    Fourth. 20th Army. Army units continue to strengthen the occupied defense line and pull up newly arriving units in accordance with combat orders. By the end of July 4, 1941, the army included:
    69th Rifle Corps:
    233rd Infantry Division without the 68th Anti-Tank Division, 383rd Engineer Battalion, 74th Motorized Battalion, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 794th Infantry Regiment;
    73rd Infantry Division - in full force:
    The 137th Infantry Division concentrated only the 624th Infantry and 278th Artillery Regiments;
    The 229th Infantry Division has only two battalions of the 783rd Infantry Regiment.
    61st Rifle Corps:
    18th Rifle Division - without artillery and special units divisions;
    172nd Infantry Division - without two battalions of the 747th Infantry Regiment, without howitzer artillery regiment, a separate engineer battalion and separate battalion communications.
    7th Mechanized Corps - in full force.
    There is no information about the 144th Infantry Division, armored trains Nos. 47, 48 and 49, as well as air force ah army, 38th fighter, 31st and 28th mixed aviation divisions.
    The artillery depot east of Lepel was blown up on 4/7/41 when leaving Lepel.
    Army headquarters - temporary storage facility. 12 km northeast of Krasnoye.
    Fifth. The 21st Army continued to strengthen the line of main resistance along the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper at the front: (legal) Mogilev, Loev.
    The 45th Rifle Corps - 187th Rifle Division, reserve regiment, motor transport school battalion - having repulsed a group of enemy tanks that had broken through in the Chigirinka area, continues to hold the western bank of the river with its forward detachment. Drut and develops defensive work along the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper at the front (legal) Mogilev, Gadilovichi.
    148th Infantry Division (only three echelons arrived) on the way to the concentration area.
    Corps headquarters - 0.5 km south of Dabuzh.
    The 63rd Rifle Corps, having repelled two enemy attempts to cross the river. Dnieper in the Rogachev region, continues defensive work along the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper.
    167th Rifle Division - at the line Gadilovichi, Rogachev, Tsuper.
    117th Rifle Division - at the line (claim) Tsuper, Smychek.
    61st Rifle Division - no information received.
    Corps headquarters - Buda Koshelevo.
    66th Rifle Corps - 232nd and 154th Rifle Divisions - no changes.
    53rd Infantry Division (110th Infantry Regiment, 36th Cannon Artillery Regiment) and combined detachment occupy defenses in the Rechitsa region, the remnants of the 53rd Infantry Division and the 110th Infantry Division are transferred to the 21st Army and occupy defenses on the Shklov front.
    Corps headquarters - Gomel.
    The 132nd Rifle Division - army reserve, has the task of reaching the Shelomy, Rzhavka, Rudnya area.
    Army headquarters - Gomel.

    Lieutenant General Malandin

    Major General Semenov

    REPORT No. 21 BY 20.00 5.7.41. BACK FRONT HQ
    GNEZDOVO Card 500,000
    First. During the day, the troops of the Western Front fought predominantly defensive battles, continuing to hold their occupied position with the units remaining in the rear of the enemy’s mobile formations. Front troops simultaneously concentrated in the Vitebsk region and forests north of Orsha to launch a counterattack against the enemy’s motorized mechanized units that had broken through in general direction on Lepel.
    Second. Data on the position and action of units of the 3rd and 10th armies, 21st rifle, 6th mechanized and 6th cavalry corps have not been received since 26-27.6.41.
    The second echelon of the 3rd Army headquarters, consisting of 180 people, having emerged from the encirclement, arrived and settled in the Gusino area. Instructions to withdraw were received from the commander of the 3rd Army at 18.00 on June 26, 1941 in B. Berestovitsa (50 km south of Grodno).
    The task force was supposed to depart on the night of May 27, 1941 to Peski, where a bridge was built for it by the 35th pontoon regiment. The commander of the 6th Infantry Division with the headquarters and part of the forces of his division emerged from the encirclement in the David Gorodok area.
    Third. 13th Army. Borisov direction. As a result of stubborn fighting on the day of July 5, 1941 in the Borisov area, army units began to retreat and by 12 o’clock, conducting holding battles, reached the front of Krupki, Chernyavka, Brodets.
    The 44th Rifle Corps, consisting of the 50th Rifle Division, BTU (Probably the abbreviated name of the school), 1st Motorized Rifle Division, conducting stubborn battles with units of the enemy's 17th and 18th motorized divisions, retreated to the Krupki, Vydritsa line . There was no information about the 50th Infantry Division (the data requires verification).
    Corps headquarters - Slaveni.
    On the night of July 5, 1941, the 2nd Rifle Corps, having regrouped, went over to defense along the eastern bank of the river. Berezina at the front:
    161st Rifle Division - Chernyavka, (law) Zhurovka.
    100th Rifle Division – Zhurovka, Brodets; The division is fighting with small reconnaissance groups of the enemy's 10th motorized division.
    Corps headquarters - Mikheevichi.
    42nd brigade of troops People's Commissariat Internal Affairs, which voluntarily began to retreat, was stopped and went on the defensive on the Esmona, Osovets front.
    The headquarters of the 13th Army is Teterin.
    Fourth. 22nd Army. During the day, army units fought with enemy units that had broken through in the area of ​​Yakubinka and Kushliki and repelled attempts by his reconnaissance agencies to penetrate and the location of army units.
    51st Rifle Corps:
    The 170th Rifle Division takes up defensive positions in the Sebezh fortified area on the Zasitino, Vetrenka, Teplyuki front;
    112th Rifle Division in connection with the withdrawal of units of the 27th Army Northwestern Front was forced to retreat to the line (claim) Teplyuki, Ustye;
    The 98th Rifle Division, together with units of the 174th Rifle Division, fought with the enemy unit that had crossed over at the line (claim) Ustye, Drissa, Dadeki, Vodva, Kulikovo. There is no information about the results of the battle yet.
    Corps headquarters - Klyastitsy.
    62nd Rifle Corps:
    The 174th Infantry Division with units of the Polotsk fortified region continues to successfully defend itself on the line of Kushliki, Vetrino, Gomel, (leg.) Ulla;
    The 186th Infantry Division with part of its forces continues to successfully defend the eastern bank of the river. Zap. Dvina nor the participation of Ulla, Beshenkovichi. The division repelled an enemy attempt to cross in the Ulla area. 15 echelons of the division are on the way in the Sebezh, Vitebsk area.
    Corps headquarters - 4 km southeast of the station. Losvida.
    The 179th Rifle Division is conducting defensive work in the Nevel area and is replenishing its units.
    The 128th and 153rd rifle divisions were reassigned to the 20th Army by directive of front headquarters No. 16.
    The headquarters of the 22nd Army is Velikie Luki. Command post and a communication center - a forest 10 km north of Nevel.
    The detachment of Major General Terpilovsky (Lepel Mortar School, 2nd echelon of the 247th Infantry Regiment of the 37th Infantry Division) on the night of July 5, 1941 withdrew to Vitebsk for reorganization.
    Fifth. 20th Army. Army units continue to strengthen the occupied defense line and bring up newly arriving units.
    The 69th Rifle Corps occupies the defensive line of Beshenkovichi, Senno, Bogushevsk, Orsha and continues to unload newly arriving units.
    The 153rd Rifle Division occupies the Beshenkovichi, Senno line.
    The 229th Rifle Division occupies the Bogushevsk area.
    233rd Rifle Division - Shily, Cossacks, Klyukovka.
    The 229th Infantry Division arrived and unloaded at the station. Orsha one rifle regiment 4, control of the 229th rifle division, communications battalion, anti-aircraft artillery battalion.
    The corps headquarters is in the forest north of Babinovichi.
    The 73rd Rifle Division, having replaced units of the 137th Rifle Division, occupies the Zarechye, Zaprudye, Shchetinka front (3 km southwest of Orsha).
    18th Rifle Division - at the Shchetinka, Kopys line.
    The 137th Infantry Division, having handed over the defense area to units of the 73rd Infantry Division, concentrated in the forest 3 km north of Orsha, its 624th Infantry Regiment and the 497th Howitzer Artillery Regiment were unloaded in the Krichev area and were on the move to the division’s concentration area.
    128th Infantry Division - army reserve - in the Vitebsk region.
    The 7th Mechanized Corps (14th and 18th Tank Divisions) by 10.00 on July 5, 1941 was concentrated in the area of ​​Vorona, Falkovichi, Novorotye (10 km east of Vorona).
    14th Tank Division - in the Novorotye, Vorony, Falkovichi area.
    18th Tank Division - in the area (claim) Vorony, Art. Krynki, Stasevo.
    Corps headquarters - Korolevo.
    The 5th mechanized corps (17th and 13th tank and 109th motorized divisions) is concentrated in the area of ​​Selecta, Selishche, Orekhovsk.
    The 17th Panzer Division, minus one battalion, reached the forest area northeast of Select.
    The 13th Tank Division without the 25th Tank Regiment and two motorized rifle battalions - in the Selishche, Vysokoye area.
    The 109th Motorized Division, consisting of two tank and one and a half motorized rifle battalions, entered the forest area at a crossroads south of Orsha.
    The 50th, 51st and 52nd armored trains did not arrive in the army, since according to the head of the military communications service of the Western Front, armored train No. 51 operates in the Kalinkovichi direction, armored trains No. 50 and 52 are in the Zhlobin area in contact with the enemy.
    Headquarters of the 20th Army - state farm 12 km southeast of Krasnoe
    Sixth. 21st Army. During the day, the strengthening of the main resistance zone along the eastern bank of the river continued. Dnieper on the front Shklov, Loev.
    The 61st Rifle Corps (53rd, 110th and 172nd Rifle Divisions) occupies the Shklov-Mogilev line.
    The position of the divisions is being clarified.
    Corps headquarters - forest south of the station. Lupolovo.
    45th Rifle Corps. The 187th Infantry Division takes up defensive positions along the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper from Vilchitsa to Sverzhen. By 10 o'clock the forward detachments of the division occupied:
    The forward detachment of the 292nd Infantry Regiment is Kosichi, the forward detachments of the 236th Infantry Regiment are in the area of ​​Komarichi and Madora.
    The advanced detachment of the 338th Infantry Regiment, as a result of a battle with the enemy with a force of up to 45 tanks at the Nezovka, Glukhaya Seliba line, retreated to the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper. At 10:30 the enemy captured Bykhov, losing 10 tanks. The enemy's attempt to force the river. The Dnieper in the Gadilovichi area was recaptured.
    Corps headquarters is a forest 0.5 km south of Dabuzh.
    The 63rd Rifle Corps has completed its regrouping and continues defensive work.
    In the morning, the enemy crossed the river with the strength of a battalion of infantry and tanks. Dnieper south of Rogachev. A counterattack by units of the 63rd Rifle Corps was thrown back to the western bank of the river. Dnieper.
    The 167th Infantry Division takes up defensive positions along the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper from Zborovo to Tsuper.
    The 117th Infantry Division is conducting defensive work along the eastern bank of the river. The Dnieper from Tsuper to Streshin, having a tete-de-pont (bridgeheads (French) - Yu.K.) on the western outskirts of Zhlobin.
    The 61st Rifle Division concentrated and strengthened the area of ​​​​Gadilovichi, Gorodets, Fundamenka, Star. Kryvsk.
    Corps headquarters - Gorodets.
    The 66th Rifle Corps continues defensive work along the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper.
    232nd Rifle Division - at the line (claim) Streshin, Unoritsa.
    The 154th Rifle Division continues work on creating anti-tank ditches on the northwestern outskirts of Gomel.
    Corps headquarters - Gomel.
    110th Infantry Regiment of the 53rd Infantry Division - in the Rechitsa area.
    The 67th Rifle Corps (102, 151.132nd Rifle Divisions) is concentrated in the Chechersk, Gomel, Dobrush area. Arrived one at a time rifle regiment from each rifle division, artillery, corps control and corps units.
    On the night of 3 to 4, 741, 4 detachments with a strength of one to a regiment, the rest of 100–200 people each were sent in vehicles to the direction through Rechitsa to Shatsilki, Parichi, Bobruisk with the task: by actions behind the enemy’s rear, to connect his existing mechanized units in the Rogachev direction .
    At 2.00 on July 5, 1941, the detachments made crossings, one in the Shatsilka area, the second in Parichi, and the strongest detachment was 15–20 km south of Bobruisk. In addition, two armored trains operate to Bobruisk via Kalinkovichi.
    The 20th Mechanized Corps retreated to the Dulebo area on July 4, 1941, and to the Gorodishche and Belevichi areas on July 5, 1941.
    Seventh. The 19th Army is transported by railway. The first two echelons of the army command by 16.00 on 5.7.41 approached Smolensk.
    25th mechanized corps 48, 51st tank and 220th motorized divisions (corps control was concentrated in the forest southwest of Boyar) 10 km northwest of Liozno.
    Eighth. Units of the 4th Army continue to be reorganized and re-equipped in the following areas:
    28th Rifle Corps: 6th Rifle Division - Krasnopolye (part of the forces of the 6th Rifle Division reached the David Gorodok area).
    42nd Rifle Division - Gorki, Zaruchye, Kurganovka.
    55th Rifle Division - Pokot.
    Headquarters of the 28th Corps - Pokot.
    47th Rifle Corps: 143rd Rifle Division - Dobrush, 121st Rifle Division - no data received.
    Headquarters of the 47th Corps - Bartolomeevka.
    Headquarters of the 4th Army - forest 2 km south of Novozybki
    Ninth. On the night of July 5, 1941, the enemy carried out raids on Vitebsk, Orsha, Mogilev, Gomel and Smolensk. Smolensk and the areas where troops were concentrated were bombed and shelled; in other points only reconnaissance was carried out.
    Smolensk was bombed by 7 planes; about 60% of the bombs dropped did not explode. Fires broke out in 4 locations in the city and were quickly extinguished.

    Chief of Staff of the Western Front
    Lieutenant General Malandin

    Head of Operations Department
    Major General Semenov

    ZAPFRONT HQ GNEZDOVO 5.7.41 Map 500,000
    1. Units of the Western Front at 12.00 on July 5, 1941 continued to hold back the enemy on the line of the Western River. Dvina, Polotsk fortified area, Senno, r. Bobr, Berezina, Bykhov and further rivers. Dnieper.
    2. The enemy concentrated the main group of up to two tank and two motorized divisions in the area of ​​Lepel, Dokshtitsy, Glubokoe and is developing operations towards Vitebsk. At the same time, in the direction of Rogachev, Zhlobin, up to one or two tank divisions unsuccessfully tried to cross the river. Dnieper
    Enemy actions on the river. Berezina do not carry the same activity.
    The total strength of the enemy on the Western Front is estimated at 4-5 tank and 3-4 motorized divisions.
    3. On the front of the 22nd Army, the enemy crossed the river with two regiments on the night of 5/7/41. Zap. On the Dvina River in a section 8-10 km southeast of Disna and in the Ulla area, at 18:00 enemy tanks broke through to Sirotino.
    4. The 20th Army continues to occupy and prepare the anti-tank line on the Beshenkovichi-Shklov line. The forward echelon of the 20th Army consisting of:
    1st Motorized Rifle Division, combined units of the 44th and 2nd rifle corps with the support of tanks, attacks the enemy in the direction of Borisov with the task of seizing the crossing across the river. Berezina. To the left, our units hold the front along the river. Berezina to Bozhino, bending your left flank in the direction of the station. Drut, and hold crossings across the river. Drut at the station Chechevichi also has a friend.
    5. Units of the 21st Army firmly occupy the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper, continuing to concentrate its main forces. During the night of 5.7.41 and during the day of 5.7.41, the enemy made repeated attempts to cross the river. The Dnieper in the area of ​​Rogachev, Bykhov, but was recaptured with losses in tanks and people.
    To eliminate the enemy’s attempts to break through with his main group in the direction of Polotsk and Vitebsk, the following measures were taken:
    a) The commander of the 22nd Army was ordered to attack the 98th on July 5, 1941 -motorized rifle division from the Borkovichi area and the 174th Infantry Division with a tank regiment from the side of Polotsk to destroy those who broke through to the right bank of the river. Zap. Dvina of the enemy. The strike was prepared by a successful air attack. There's a fight going on, the result is not yet clear.
    b) To destroy the enemy when he advances in the direction of Vitebsk, I have prepared a counterattack with the forces of the 7th and 5th mechanized corps and the air force in the direction of Senno, with the development of the success of the 7th mechanized corps - on Kamen, Kublichi and the 5th mechanized corps - on Lepel.
    At the same time, units of the 44th and 2nd Rifle Corps launched an attack on Borisov from 18.00 on July 5, 1941 with the goal of capturing it and developing an attack in cooperation with the mechanized corps on Dokshtitsy.
    Counterattacks will begin tomorrow at dawn with the goal of encircling the breakthrough tanks and destroying the enemy's 57th motorized corps.
    c) On the night of July 5, 1941, the forests in the area of ​​Lepel, Glubokoe, and Dokshtitsy, where enemy tanks and motorized infantry were concentrated, were set on fire by aviation.
    d) expelled by the 21st Army strong units in the direction of Bobruisk for destruction separate groups enemy tanks and motorized infantry east of Bobruisk, blowing up all bridges, creating traffic jams in the area of ​​enemy operations. These actions significantly disorganize him.
    6. Order is established in the organization and arrangement of the rear:
    a) The basing of armies is given with the allocation of the necessary rear institutions and warehouses; the supply of troops takes on a planned character.
    b) Military roads are being organized and some order is being introduced in the rear.
    c) With great difficulties, but communication between command and control and troops is being established; There is a lack of funds, since for the most part they are abandoned.
    d) We began to withdraw particularly damaged units of the 13th and 4th armies to the rear in order to put them in order.
    I will report on the progress of the battle on 6/7/41 immediately upon receipt of the results.

    Commander of the Western Front
    Marshal Soviet Union Tymoshenko

    Member of the Military Council of the Western Front
    L. Mekhlis

    Chief of Staff of the Western Front
    Lieutenant General Malandin

    IN OBD Memorial in the advanced search line type "73 SD" and by the names of the fighters, you can roughly link fighting 73 SD to populated areas. You can also try the following options: “471 sp 73 sd” “471 sp”

    Also, in OBD Memorial, in the advanced search line “73 SD”, mark “search for reports” and look at reports of casualties for the period you are interested in

    Try to find on the Internet about the battles of the 20th Army in the encirclement in July-August at the beginning near Smolensk, its exit from the encirclement and the second time - the encirclement and death of the 20th Army in October 1941 near Vyazma when the 16th was encircled, 19 1st, 20th, 30th Armies of the Western and 24th, 32nd and parts of the 43rd Armies of the Reserve Fronts.

    General information
    according to the 20th Army

    The 20th Army of the first formation was created in June 1941 in the Oryol Military District. The army included the 61st, 69th Rifle and 7th Mechanized Corps, the 18th Rifle Division, and a number of artillery and other units. On June 26, the army was included in the army group of the Headquarters of the High Command.
    Since June 25, 1941, as part of the Reserve Front, led by Marshal S.M. Budyonny 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd armies are deployed at the line Staraya Russa- Bryansk.
    On July 2, the army was transferred to the Western Front and fought defensive battles in Belarus. Its 7th Mechanized Corps took part in a frontal counterattack north of Orsha on July 6. Until mid-July, army troops held defensive lines in the areas of the cities of Orsha and Rudnya and pinned down large enemy forces advancing on Smolensk.
    In October, the 20th Army took part in the Vyazma defensive operation, during which it was surrounded by the enemy in the area west of Vyazma. Part of her troops broke out of the encirclement and reached the Mozhaisk defense line.
    Lieutenant General Remezov F.N. (June-July 1941);
    Lieutenant General P.A. Kurochkin (July-August 1941);
    Lieutenant General Lukin M.F. (August-September 1941);

    Just in case, field mail number 73 SD 1 f.-522 PPS

    In general, there is a ton of material, both here on the forum and on the Internet.
    Therefore, before going to TsAMO, study everything that is freely available; if you don’t have enough information, or you don’t find an answer to your question, then it makes sense to go to TsAMO.

  3. Hello!
    73rd RIFLE DIVISION (I formation).
    392nd joint venture, 413th joint venture and 471st joint venture, 11 ap, 148 optd, 469 back, 51 rb, 25 sab, 78 obs, 68 medical battalion, 186 atb, 522 pps, 440 pkg.
    02.07 - 27.12.1941

    On August 1, September 1 and October 1, 1941
    Western Front: 20th Army - 73rd SD, 144, 233, 153, 229 SD.

    20th Army
    First formation
    In July-September the army took part in the Battle of Smolensk. During the attack on Smolensk at the end of July, she was surrounded. After its breakthrough, the army troops united with the main forces of the front. Then its formations fought stubborn defensive battles south of Yartsevo, covering the Dorogobuzh direction.
    In October, the 20th Army took part in the Vyazma defensive operation, during which it was surrounded by the enemy in the area west of Vyazma. A small part of its troops broke out of the encirclement and reached the Mozhaisk defense line.
    On October 20, 1941, the field administration of the army was disbanded, and the troops were transferred to other formations of the front.
    Lieutenant General Ershakov F.A. (September-October 1941).

    And then find here on the forum or on the Internet EVERYTHING about the battles near Vyazma and the death in October 1941 surrounded by the armies of the Western and Reserve Fronts, including the 20th Army of Lieutenant General F.A. Ershakov.
    For example,
    ODB “FEAT OF THE PEOPLE IN THE WWII” - http://www.podvignaroda.ru/ - here there are COMBAT JOURNALS OF THE WESTERN FRONT (June, July, August, October 1941, Reports, Maps, Combat reports etc.

    On October 1, 1941 (from the OBD "Feat of the People").

  4. Hello! I would also be interested to know about the 73rd division. It included many natives of the Kalinin region, and most of them went missing in the battles of July - October 1941.
  5. There are few documents in the OBD Feat of the People about the battles of the 73rd SD in October 1941...
    COMBAT ORDER No. 67.
    27.09.41 01.30.
    1. The enemy, continuing to defend at the front of the army with two divisions, simultaneously concentrates a group of troops with a force of 2-3 infantry and one tank division in the direction of Kardymovo, Solovevo, preparing to go on the offensive in the coming days.
    2. On the right - units of 16 A defend the line along the river. Scream. The boundary line with it is the same.
    On the left - units 24 A are defending. Boundary line Star.Rozhdeistvo, Leykino, (claim) Prasolovo.
    3. 20 A - firmly defend the line along the eastern bank of the river. Dnieper in the area: Solovyevo, Zaborye, Sarai (1 km north of Baidik), Motovo, Chuvakhi, br. (ford on the Ustrom River) and further along the northeastern bank of the river. Ustrom - to (lawsuit) Prasolovo, concentrating the main efforts on his right wing.
    Advanced detachments and outposts hold the bridgehead occupied on west bank R. Dnieper and along the eastern bank - in the Zlydnya area.
    4. 144 SD with 592 dads, 1 and 2 batteries, 872 ap VET, 222 engineering battalions, having a software on the western bank of the river. Dnieper, defend the strip: the mouth of the river. Howl, lake. Old Dnieper, Zaborye, junction of roads (1.5 km south of Zaborye), St. Platavets, Klimova, (lawsuit) Kovali.
    Pay special attention to the defense of your right flank. I assign responsibility for the junction with 108 SD to 144 SD.
    5. 73 SD with 1/302 ap, 5 batr/872 ap PTO (without 471 SP and 2/562 ap) on the night of September 27 and 28, 1941, surrender the division’s combat sector to the 471st joint venture of the 144th SD. After which, following the route Kucherovo, Borovka, Novoselki, by 07.00 on September 28, concentrate in the area of ​​​​Podkholmitsa, Elcha, Mikhailovka, making up my reserve. Prepare the specified area as ___ area (according to special instructions), meaning a counterattack in the direction of Elcha, Svirkoluchye and in the direction of Kuzino, Tishkovo,
    Shtadiv - Mikhailovka district.

    Defense areas of the divisions of the 20th Army on October 1-2, 1941.
    Defense areas 144 and 73 SD 20 Army.

    Defense areas 73 SD 20 Army.

    Chief of the Operations Department of the Western Front Headquarters, Lieutenant General Malandin
    about the beginning of the enemy's offensive.
    11:35 02.10.1941
    To: ZENIT Trofimchuk.
    The enemy opened a strong artillery attack at 02.10 at 07.00. mortar fire on the front of the 30th, 19th and 16th Armies.
    At 07.15, in the 244th SD sector, the enemy launched an offensive with up to four battalions.
    At the same time, smoke curtains were installed in the Ostroluki region, Pavlovshchina and at the 89th SD 19th Army site.
    At the 20th Army site, attempts to advance at site 73 SD Forces of up to 1.5 companies were repulsed.
    Counterpreparation on our part art. mortar fire on the 16th Army sector has been largely suppressed.
    In the air in front of the front of the 19th Army, up to 60 aircraft were noted, and in the sector of the 30th Army, pr-k was bombed by 8 aircraft in Bely and 3 aircraft in St. Kanyutino. There are no changes on other sectors of the front.
    Malandin, Kazbintsev.

    at 04:30 03.10.41.
    First. The army, with its advanced detachments, successfully repelled repeated attempts at force reconnaissance of the pr-ka in certain areas of our location. The main forces of the army continued preparing their defensive lines. The position of the parts remains unchanged.
    Third. 471 sp defends on a previously occupied line.
    According to additional data, at 07.00 on 02.10 the forward detachment of the regiment, located 1.5 - 1 km west. and southwest Poganoe was attacked by infantry of up to 2 companies, supported by 7 machine guns and mortars. The pr-k directed his attack on the flanks of the companies from the area of ​​​​the ravines at the mouth of the river. Merilitsa (up to the company) and from the west. the edges of the forest south of Poganoe (up to the company). Under pressure from the right flank rifle company moved away a bit. Subsequently, with the introduction of company support and our fire, the pr-k withdrew with losses. Attempts to attack the avenue from the southeast. the edges of the forest south of Golovino were also repulsed by our fire.
    Fifth. 229 SD and 73 SD at previous levels.
    Korneev. Mikhailov. Nyryanin.

    16.30 03.10.41. Transmitted by codogram (encryption).
    1. On the morning of 03.10, the enemy launched an offensive with strong reconnaissance units, supported by mortars and artillery: a) on the forward detachments at Mitkovo, Pashkov - with two platoons; b) on plot 471 sp two battalions; c) in the 457th rifle division with two battalions.
    2. As a result of the battle, the enemy pushed back unit 471 joint venture and occupied Belaya Griva (265287-G) and, with the force of two battalions with a battery, broke through to the Seltso region (265289). The latest information requires verification. The fight continues. To eliminate the enemy, a regiment of 229 SD and one battalion of 144 SD are sent out.
    3. In other areas, enemy attacks were repulsed. Units in former areas.

    by 20.00 03.10.1941
    4. 20 THE ARMY, firmly defending itself on its right wing, parts of the left wing fought with the enemy, who was trying to wedge into the army’s defense position.
    On the morning of 03.10, the enemy, with strong reconnaissance units, supported by mortars and artillery, launched an offensive in the following directions: on the forward detachments at Mitkovo, Pashkovo - with a force of up to two platoons; on site 471 joint venture – two battalions; in the 457th joint venture sector - two battalions.
    As a result of the battle, the pr-k pushed back units 471 joint venture and White Mane occupied; with a force of up to two battalions with a battery, he broke through to the Seltso area, where he was fighting with units of the 129th SD. To eliminate the enemy, one regiment of the 229th SD and one battalion of the 144th SD are sent out.
    In other areas, enemy attacks were repulsed by fire from army units. The parts are in their original position.

    by 08:00 10/04/1941
    9. 20 ARMY. The army, firmly holding its occupied lines in the west along the river. The Dnieper, in the south, is fighting stubbornly, repelling persistent attacks from the river in the direction of Kucherovo.
    By the end of 03.10, the area of ​​the 137th PD held Belaya Griva with a force of up to 2 battalions, Seltso with a force of up to a regiment, Gorby with one battalion, Samoboltaevka with a battalion.
    The 144th SD with its forward detachments is fighting in the west. bank of the river Dnieper, repelling repeated attacks by small groups of pr-ka. Reinforced platoons occupying positions in the west. on the outskirts of Pashkovo, under fire from the pr-ka they retreated 100-200 meters. The remaining advanced detachments occupy the same position.
    471 sp 73 SD. The right flank firmly holds the line (claim) of the river mouth. Nerpitsa, Poganoe, Baidik, the left flank fought during the night on 04.10 to capture Belaya Griva.
    73 SD at the same level. According to additional data, as a result of a night attack by division units, pr-k was driven out of the Seltso area.

    At 08:00 October 4, 1941
    By the end of 3.10. our troops fought with the enemy in the same directions.
    <…>The 20th ARMY, firmly holding its position on the right flank, fought in the center and on the left flank with strong enemy reconnaissance groups.
    Up to two enemy infantry battalions, displacing the units 471 sp 73 SD, occupied Belaya Griva and up to two battalions broke through to the Seltso area. In other sectors of the army, the position of the units remains unchanged.
    Measures have been taken to restore the situation in the Belaya Griva and Seltso districts...

    And in this most crucial and difficult period of hostilities, when the main (main) line of defense of the Western Front in the sectors of the 30th and 19th Armies had already been broken through, when the divisions of the 30th Army were fighting surrounded, on the personal order of the commander of the Western front I.S. Konev are removed from the front and the rifle divisions of the 19th and 20th Armies begin to be withdrawn from the battle to form the “supposedly new” 16th Army of General K.K. in the Vyazma region. Rokossovsky!?
    For example, check out the order of the commander of the 20th Army on the removal of the 73rd SD from the front...

    STORM 20. 19.30 10/04/41.
    1. 73 SD with its artillery without 2/11 ap 471 joint venture at 24.00 04.10 move out of the occupied area and, following the routes: 1) Mikhailovka, Usvyatye, Bizyukovo, Krasny Kholm, 2) Podkholmitsa, Bol. Shevelevo, Markovo, Petrovo, by 07.00 05.10 occupy the defense line of Safonovo, Krasny Kholm, where they will be at the disposal of the commander of the 16th Army.
    2. Submit the diagram of the anti-tank area occupied by the division to the commander of the 144th SD.
    3. About the performance and arrival at new area convey.
    Commander of the 20th Army, Lieutenant General Ershakov.
    Member of the Military Council, Corps Commissar Semenovsky.
    Chief of Army Staff, Major General Korneev.

    KORNEEV to the Chief of Staff of the Western Front
    Lieutenant General SOKOLOVSKY.
    22.00 04.10.41
    KORNEEV. I'm reporting.
    <…>At the same time, due to the lack of reserves and the departure of the 73rd SD, withdraw the 229th SD without one regiment to reserve.
    The Army Military Council asks you, if possible, to allocate one SD in order to finally deal with the 137th Infantry Division and thus free your hands on the flanks.
    He asks to leave the 73rd SD in place, since he has concerns about the strength of the defense on the 70-kilometer front.
    The 73rd SD, on your order, sets out at 22.00 and by 7.00 on 5.10 must occupy the indicated line.
    I'm waiting for instructions.
    Send the 73rd SD immediately. It is not possible to give another unit. In other directions, especially for KHOMENKO, the situation is not improving, but getting worse. Therefore, the command cannot be scattered.

    CODOGRAM from the 20th ARMY.
    From "STRELA" 23:15 04.10.41
    1. By 23.00, army units in their southern sector continue to fight stubbornly to restore the previous situation. The situation on the right and left flanks of the army remains unchanged. The enemy continues to occupy Belaya Griva, 236.5, 224.8, Samoboltaevka.
    White Mane is surrounded by parts 471 sp. In the evening 04.10 1st battalion 471st rifle regiment broke into Belaya Mane, but under strong impact enemy fire retreated to its original position. Height 236.5 is lined with parts of a separate artillery regiment. In other sectors of the army there was rare rifle and machine gun fire.

    04:25 05.10.41.
    First. The army firmly defends the border of the Dnieper and Ustrom rivers. With its center, overcoming strong fire resistance and counterattacks of the pr-ka, it develops a strike in a southern direction in order to restore the situation in the Bol sector. Mane, Klematino.
    Second. 144 SD is fighting stubbornly to restore the situation in the Bol region. Mane. 471 sp at 19.00 two battalions, with artillery support, launched an attack on Bel. Mane, covering this locality from the west and east. As a result of the battle, some of the units burst into the populated area, but the units, met by strong fire from machine guns, machine guns and mortar fire, retreated to initial position. In other sectors, units of the division occupy the same position. The pr-k does not show activity. Our artillery suppressed a mortar and destroyed a dugout in the Makeevo area.
    <…>Fifth. 73 SD at 23.30 it moved from the occupied area to the Safonova area, Krasny Kholm.
    Korneev. Mikhailov. Lednev.

    by 08:00 05.10.41.
    9. 20 THE ARMY firmly defends the border of the Dnieper and Ustrom rivers. With its center, overcoming strong fire resistance and counterattacks of the pr-ka, it develops an offensive in a southern direction in order to restore the situation in the Belaya Griva, Klemyatino sector.
    471 sp Two battalions with artillery support at 19.00 on 04.10 attacked Belaya Griva from the east and west. Some of the units that broke into Belaya Griva, met by heavy fire from machine guns, machine guns and mortars, retreated to their original position.
    73 SD at 22.30 on 04.10 it set out from the occupied area to the Safonovo, Krasny Kholm area.

    by 20:00 05.10.1941
    <…>9. 20 THE ARMY firmly holds the occupied defense lines on the right and left flanks and since the morning of 10/05/41 continues the offensive in the center with common task restoration of the previous position.
    471 sp, Having semi-encircled the avenue in Belaya Griva, he directs efforts towards mastering this point. Attacks by units of the 471st rifle regiment are met with heavy machine-gun and mortar fire.

    At 20:00 October 5, 1941
    During 4.10 and 5.10, our troops fought stubborn defensive battles with the enemy in the Smolensk, Bryansk, Poltava-Kharkov, Melitopol directions and countered the breakthrough of his motorized units in the KANYUTINO, KIROV, Orel, Sinelnikovo directions.
    6. THE WESTERN FRONT TROOPS on the right wing continued to strengthen their positions on the previous lines; in the center and on the left wing they fought fierce battles with the advancing enemy units.
    The 20th ARMY firmly defended the borders of the river. Dnieper and r. Ustrom, with its center, overcame strong fire resistance and enemy counterattacks, developing an offensive in a southern direction in order to restore the situation in the Belaya Griva area.
    73 SD- on the march to the Safonovo area, Red Hill.

    At 20:00 October 7, 1941
    The 20th ARMY, covering itself from the front with rearguards, continued to retreat to a new line of defense. The enemy did not show activity at the army front, influencing the retreating columns of our units only with aviation.
    To ensure the entry of front troops to a new line of defense in the VYAZMA area, the following are concentrated: the control of the 16th ARMY, 73 SD, 50 SD, 38 SD and 229 SD with amplification devices.
    73 SD at 1:00 7.10 approached the Vyazma region.
    50 SD at 3:00 7.10 passed the Durovo area.
    The location of 38 and 229 SD is being clarified. Communication with the 16th ARMY is only by radio.
    Information about the presence of the enemy in the Vyazma area is not confirmed (*).
    [(*) Note mine – Although by this time the Germans had already completed the encirclement of Soviet troops near VYAZMA!]

    by 08:00 10/08/1941
    6. As a result of the breakthrough of the front of the reserve 43rd and 33rd ARMIES, the enemy occupied Spas-Demensk, Yukhnov, and began moving motorized mechanized units north in the direction of Vyazma.
    By 17.00 on 07.10, up to 40 tanks and 50 vehicles with infantry had cut off the Moscow-Minsk highway near Okhotino. As a result of this, the headquarters of the 16th ARMY was cut off from its troops.
    By 21.00 07.10 73 SD (without artillery and one joint venture) and with 5 anti-tank guns reached VYAZMA, where she received the task of defending the line Krasnoe Selo, Abrosimovo with a front to the southwest, having a front line to the north-west. bank of the river Vyazma. The division has been given the task active actions prevent the capture of the highway pr-com.

    Cipher telegram from the commander of the 20th Army, Lieutenant General ERSHAKOV
    with the decision to break through the encirclement south of VYAZMA.
    21:26 October 10, 1941.

    "Main forces 129, 144, 108, 112, 73rd SD, 19th Infantry Division are fighting in the area of ​​PANFILOVO, VYPOLZOVO, NESTEROVO, VOLODARES, 38th Infantry Division - in the forest area south of LUBENKO. The main assault is scheduled for 10:00 19:00. The offensive will develop through the northern forest. RED HILL, BYKOVO, RYZHKOVO.
    Ershakov. Semenovsky. Korneev."