Yamal funnels. Yamal black hole

Scientists for the first time descended to the bottom of a giant “black hole” in Yamal November 15th, 2014

Remember how you and I found out about what appeared. So, the researchers finally got to her.

Researchers have completed an expedition to a huge crater that was discovered in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Scientists have compared it to the Bermuda Triangle. Russian scientists have explored the bottom of a giant sinkhole in Yamal for the first time. They confirmed the preliminary version that the funnel has natural origin, TASS reports with reference to the press service of the district government.

Here are the details...

On November 10, scientists set out on a third expedition to the crater; they managed to take samples of soil and ice. It is located 4 km from the gas pipeline and at a considerable distance from gas fields. According to scientists, human activity could not have influenced the formation of the sinkhole.

In the summer, scientists were unable to explore its bottom due to the constant collapse of the soil. For scientific works participants last expedition descended to a depth of 200 meters at strong wind, gusts of which reached 20 m/s. Now specialists will have to study the chemical composition of the samples taken.

According to the chairman of the presidium of Tyumen scientific community SB RAS Academician Vladimir Melnikov, sinkholes in Yamal were formed in 2012 and 2013 as a result of climate warming. In Yamal, frozen rocks have begun to thaw. In some places they became less dense, and through them shale gas found its way out, which is found throughout the Subarctic shelf. Presumably, this was the reason for the formation of the funnel.

The next expedition to the craters is planned for April 2015. This time, for a safe descent, the expedition was accompanied by a rescuer and a climber. The first researcher went down with a georadar and illuminated the bottom of the funnel. After which, a group of researchers carried out ice sampling. As Komsomolskaya Pravda writes, this will help determine gas composition, and understand the source of the water at the bottom of the hole.

According to scientists, the shape of the funnel is a mushroom, the total depth is 35 meters, 10 of which are water, the width of the vertical channel (trunk) is 18 meters, and on the surface it expands to 40. Over time, a lake is formed in this place, of which there are already many in Yamal, but, according to researchers, there will be no fish there, since the reservoir is too small for this.

Anton Sinitsky also said that between the Yamal sinkhole and the Bermuda Triangle there is connecting link- This gas hydrates, which are methane atoms in a stable state in a water molecule. Outwardly it looks like a piece of ice. At the bottom of the world's oceans, such gas hydrates occur in the form of layers and flakes. But no one knows how to get them. One of the working versions Bermuda Triangle The point is that these gas hydrates lie at the bottom in its area. Something happens and their peace is disturbed. As a result, methane begins to be actively released, the water begins to boil, and its density decreases. Accordingly, the ship simply cannot stay afloat any longer. So the common link between the Yamal funnel and the triangle is gas hydrates, which are in a frozen state here.

The natural sinkhole, which was discovered in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, will be filled with water by the fall of 2015 and will become a lake. About this on Tuesday corr. TASS was told by the director of the Russian Arctic Development Center Vladimir Pushkarev, who is part of scientific expedition examined the object.

“For the first time we went down to the bottom of the crater. The feeling cannot be expressed in words. IN Once again I was struck by its shape, which resembles a cone. The walls of the crater consist mainly of ice with small particles of rock. It can be seen that in summer water flows down the walls of the funnel. Its bottom has already turned into a small lake that is frozen. We calmly walked on the ice and took soil samples for research,” said Pushkarev.

According to him, scientists will have to conduct a series of laboratory studies to understand what kind of gas is in the soil of the crater. “We also have to examine the ice for its chemical composition. We have already taken measurements of the accumulation of harmful gases at the bottom of the funnel. We didn't find them. Air has accumulated in the funnel without harmful impurities And dangerous gases, which can have a detrimental effect on the condition of living organisms. All this suggests that in the lake formed at the bottom of the funnel, bacteria are formed and here can subsequently arise new life", noted Pushkarev.

Meanwhile, a second crater was found in Yamal:

The new crater is located on another peninsula - Gydansky, not far from the coast of Tazovskaya Bay. The diameter of the crater is significantly smaller than that of the first one - approximately 15 meters. The other day, the deputy director of the state farm, Mikhail Lapsui, became convinced of its existence.

However, there is no need to talk about a discovery as such. According to the nomads, the crater appeared at the end of September last year. They just didn't make this fact widely public. And when they heard about similar phenomenon on the neighboring peninsula, they told local authorities about it.

Mikhail Lapsui confirms the identity of the Gydan and Yamal natural formations. By the way, and in terms of distance from Arctic Circle they differ little. Externally, except for the size, everything is very similar.

Judging by the surrounding upper limits soil, it was released to the surface from the depths of permafrost rocks. True, those reindeer herders who call themselves witnesses to the phenomenon claim that there was first a haze over the area where the ejection occurred, then a fiery flash followed and the earth shook.

At first glance, this is speculation. However, this version of the release should not be dismissed out of hand, says Anna Kurchatova, executive director of the Subarctic Research and Training Site, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, since when methane is mixed with air in certain proportions, an explosive mixture is formed.

In a conversation with a RG correspondent, Anna Kurchatova explained the formation of the failure by the explosive release of gas into the atmosphere during displacement formation ice. They are driven, in particular, by sharp warming in the Arctic. There is plenty of scientific evidence of this. Being in an impenetrable underground cavity, the “squeezed” gas suddenly bursts out, throwing off a multi-ton soil “lid”. It pops out like a cork from a champagne bottle.

And even The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

In the summer of 2014, a large sinkhole was discovered on the Yamal Peninsula, not far from the world’s largest Bovanenkovo ​​oil and gas condensate field. This event aroused great interest not only in scientific world, but also among ordinary people.

Researchers headed to a mysterious failure on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and by the end of 2014 natural phenomenon visited three expeditions organized by the Center for Arctic Development. As part of the expedition, except researchers, there were climbers and rescuers. Scientists descended to the bottom of the crater, took soil samples and measured air parameters. Thanks to the data obtained, it was possible to prove that the cause of this funnel was global warming.

It turned out that the formation of the crater occurred in the fall of 2013. In the summer of 2012–2013, before the crater appeared, the air temperature in Yamal was 5 degrees above normal. This is a significant deviation for the tundra, where summer temperatures, as a rule, do not exceed + 5-10 degrees. Due to such an anomaly, the permafrost, located at a depth of 20 meters, melted.

When the upper layers of underground permafrost begin to thaw under the influence high temperatures, the methane gas contained in them is released. It is found in permafrost soils in the form of relict gas hydrates. Methane begins to rise to the surface of the earth through pores and cracks in the earth's crust, but is prevented from coming out permafrost. Under the pressure of compressed gas, the soil literally swells. Formed giant bubble or a hill that is clearly visible against the background of a flat tundra landscape.

The same thing happened at the site where the Yamal crater formed, as evidenced by data obtained from satellite images.

On the picture: space images from Marina Leibman's presentation

Well, then melted upper layer can't stand it and breaks out under the onslaught of methane. An explosion occurs, which is evidenced by parts of the soil scattered around the circumference of the crater, as well as at some distance from it.

In the first year after its formation, the Yamal crater was a crater about 35 meters deep, and its diameter on the surface was 40 meters. About a third of the sinkhole was already filled with water in 2014.

More than three years have passed since the formation of the crater in Yamal. At the site of its formation, almost nothing reminds of giant hole, which caused so much noise. It filled with water and looks no different from the numerous tundra lakes on the Yamal Peninsula. The diameter of the new lake is about 80 meters.

But the story with unusual funnels does not end there. Since the formation of the first failure in different areas tundra on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, several more similar natural objects. In some cases, there are even eyewitnesses who claim that before the formation of the hole, a flash was visible and smoke was observed. All of them are smaller in diameter than the first funnel, but have a similar reason for their appearance - global warming. And the tundra has already begun to respond to the climate changes taking place on our planet.


From time to time our planet provides us with food for thought. One of them turned out to be a “hole” in the Earth, discovered by pilots in Yamal, the diameter of which was several hundred meters. This hole appeared not far from a large gas field - Bovanenkovskoye. And off we go.

People of science immediately began to argue about the origin of this failure. Professor Ivan Nesterov hypothesized that a crater was formed from a collision with a meteorite consisting of space ice, not burned up in the atmosphere. Viktor Grokhovsky, a great expert on meteorites, told him a decisive “no.”

The expedition that went to the site of the failure took various measurements. Scientists took a sample of soil and water from the crater itself. They didn't forget about the air. In their opinion, the failure not only formed, but the rock was thrown out. In this case, no burns or charring were recorded. The preliminary conclusion of the expedition members is as follows: the explosion occurred inside the permafrost. How can it be? Permafrost for many kilometers inside, and suddenly an explosion?

Such a failure on the edge of the earth - Yamal, it turns out, is far from the first on the planet. Similar failures have already been recorded before. In 2010, in the center of the capital of Guatemala, for no apparent reason, an entire garment factory collapsed in the blink of an eye. Then, a few kilometers from this “black hole” a new one formed. Scientists discovered that both failures were formed after hurricanes. But it’s warm there, and in Yamal there is eternal cold and frozen ground.

It would seem that there is no connection between these territories. But it turned out that there is. Only in hot areas do hurricanes rage outside, and in permafrost - inside. Drilling generates waste that is pumped into the ice. So they burst out, forming such craters. There were such disasters in both Northern and South America, in China, in New Zealand. And far from alone. In some cases, entire neighborhoods had to be evacuated.

In Brazil, more than a hundred houses instantly went underground. The reason here was the rain. But in our north there is more than one hole either. About five years ago, reindeer herders discovered a hole in the ground, the diameter of which was slightly smaller, but it appeared earlier than Bovanenkovsky. There were about five of them in total. And now it’s time for scientists to think about it. The pace of gas production in Yamal is growing, factories, villages, roads and other infrastructure for life are being built.

The task of scientists today is to eliminate natural surprises to a minimum. Without thorough research it is difficult to predict further events. Lest nature take revenge on some man-made disaster for our attitude towards her. But that's not all. Gas and oil production is carried out not only in the north, but also in Siberia. So, it can also be subject to cataclysms? Anything can happen, although I really wouldn’t want it. So what is the reason?

Both gas and oil have been produced for more than half a century, but holes only began to appear a few years ago. Scientists suggest that the reason is climate warming. Of course, the Arctic is more sensitive than the Siberian ecosystem. There is more ice and arctic permafrost there, and they are melting more intensely. Soils in permafrost are thawing, and this greatly worries scientists around the world. After all, climate change in our north entails climate change throughout the planet.

Now climatologists around the world are already confident that all the anomalies taking place in Asia, Europe, Africa, and America are caused by climate change and warming in our polar regions.
We should all think about the fact that nature does not forgive thoughtless interference in it. After all, it may be too late. And we must not forget about this. Much has already been done over the years when man considered himself the master and king of nature.

Yamal funnel [VIDEO]

Scientists have been carefully studying this unusual natural phenomenon for the past four years. Russian Academy Sci. Their area of ​​interest was the mysterious sinkhole in Yamal, which appeared in September 2013, as well as its “twin brothers” emerging throughout Siberia.

Natural anomaly or alien tricks?

Considering the activity of researchers to study unusual education, we can talk about the emergence in Russia of a new anomalous zone - Yamal. The culprit behind the formation of a huge crater more than sixty meters wide is still not known for certain. Moreover, not far from the first crater, located thirty kilometers from settlement Bovanenkovo, several more similar soil failures have recently appeared. It should be noted that if, in most cases, scientists look condescendingly at the study by enthusiasts of the so-called anomalous zones, then in in this case geologists and geophysicists of the SB RAS are showing serious concern. Recently my version of education mysterious sinkholes put forward by the ufological community. In their opinion, the Yamal craters in the Earth owe their origin... to aliens, or rather to them aircraft. Researchers have suggested that the craters are nothing more than mothballed underground spaceports from which the UFO launched. However, employees of the Earth Cryosphere Institute do not agree with this opinion, officially stating that the giant craters are a consequence of natural geological activity. At the same time, scientists reluctantly note that quite serious natural anomaly still exists. It is expressed in unusual chemical composition water located at the bottom of mysterious sinkholes, as well as massive release of methane from cavities in the earth's crust.

Dive into mystery

It is noteworthy that before the appearance of the Yamal funnel, local reindeer herders, according to media reports, the night before observed a large spherical heavenly body. Huge fire ball, after hanging above the Earth for several seconds, it exploded. The tundra was illuminated by a bright flash. The soil from the explosion was scattered over several tens and even hundreds of meters. Subsequently, at the site of the explosion, reindeer herders discovered a crater in the Earth, whose internal diameter was about 60 meters. According to scientists who studied this phenomenon, the funnel is so wide that a cargo helicopter can freely descend into it. It is not surprising that in order to confirm or refute numerous versions of the origin of the Yamal funnel, it was decided to organize the descent of scientists into it. The first attempts to reach the bottom of the funnel were unsuccessful: its internal walls constantly collapsed. When scientists finally reached the bottom of the Yamal crater, they were able to take samples of water and ice for isotope analysis. Laboratory research, taken samples made it possible to quite accurately determine the nature of the formation of the crater. The data from these studies seriously frightened scientists.

When will permafrost burst?

According to their researchers, this funnel will eventually turn into one of the tundra lakes, of which there are many here. At the same time, the ufological version of the formation of the Yamal funnel, except for a strange glow and subsequent explosion, does not have any factual confirmation. The opinion of scientists about the nature of the appearance of this funnel already threatens this region with a gigantic natural disaster. According to employees of the Earth Cryosphere Institute Siberian branch RAS, the crater was formed due to the explosion of swamp gas accumulated in an underground cavity. Soon after the first, a second similar funnel appeared. There are a few more in line. At the same time, the most unpleasant thing is that this region literally packed gas fields and gas pipelines. If such explosions and accumulations of underground gases take on an avalanche-like character, it is difficult to calculate what financial and environmental consequences this could turn around. But that's only half the story. Scientists are confident that the increased frequency of explosions and the appearance of craters in Yamal is due to the consequences of climate warming. Already today, Yamal is celebrating the appearance of more than 200 blue lakes due to the retreat of permafrost, which did not exist before. At the same time, holes and failures form in the ground. In addition to the already described funnel, the Batagai crater, called local residents"Gateway to Hell"

Death Bubbles

Today, scientists have counted more than 7,000 methane bubbles ready to explode at any minute. If this process begins, it threatens to turn into a large-scale natural disaster. In addition to fires and soil failures, methane entering the atmosphere will significantly increase climate warming in the region, as well as a significant reduction in oxygen in the atmosphere. What this threatens is well known from the example of mass Permian extinction, which occurred about 252 million years ago. Then, as today, the global thawing of permafrost began. Entered the atmosphere a large number of methane from earth's crust. As a result, 96% of everyone on the planet died out marine species and 73% land. Something similar could happen today.

When will the ancient monsters wake up?

At the same time, in the event of a sharp melting of permafrost, humanity will face another terrible threat - unknown viruses that can be released from under the ice. Considering that the stamps of these viruses are millions of years old, there are no vaccines against them. How quickly they can be created is not known. Today, in permafrost there are the remains of a huge number of historical animals, ancient people, fossil plants, and along with them stamps of diseases that affected these creatures hundreds of thousands of years ago. Moreover, the problems have already begun. In 2016 in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug from a sudden outbreak Anthrax 2,300 deer died, and people were also infected. According to scientists, the causative agent of the disease was a pathogen that managed to survive in the body of a deer that died from this disease many years ago. Last year, the animal's body thawed and the pathogen escaped. It’s scary to even imagine what will happen with a large-scale retreat of permafrost...

A scientific expedition of the Russian Center for Arctic Development, led by Vladimir Pushkarev, descended to the bottom, the depth of which is 200 meters.

Descent into the Yamal funnel. Author of the photo: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP " Russian Center development of the Arctic")

According to the expedition, the walls of this amazing cone-shaped funnel consist of ice with the inclusion of small particles rocks. At the time of descent, the bottom of the funnel was the frozen surface of a lake formed as a result of the accumulation of rainwater. It is expected that in next year rainwater will fill the funnel completely.

Descent to the bottom of the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
Descent to the bottom of the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)

The expedition did not discover the presence of any toxic gases at the bottom of the crater. Selected rock samples from the Yamal funnel will be subjected to laboratory analysis.

At the bottom of the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
Yamal funnel. View from the bottom. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
Sampling in the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
One of the samples. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)

Some scientists (RAS Academician Vladimir Melnikov) believe that the cause of the formation of the sinkhole is global warming.