Institute of Physics named after L. Kirensky, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - a separate division of the Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS http://site/ru/institute/iph http://site/@@site-logo/logo.png

Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - a separate division of the Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS

Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (IP SB RAS) was organized on the basis of the Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on October 12, 1956 on the initiative and under the leadership of three laboratories: physics of magnetic phenomena (lab. head L.V. Kirensky) , biophysics (head of the laboratory) and spectroscopy (head of the laboratory). In 1959, a crystal physics laboratory was opened (laboratory head K.S. Aleksandrov). These laboratories laid the foundations for the formation of the scientific directions of the institute.

The institute was headed by:

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - (2011 - 2017)

Since May 2017 - Director, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences D.A. Balaev.

The Institute is a structural unit of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is part of the organizations united by the Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). The Presidium of the SB RAS carries out the scientific and organizational management of the Institute, as well as, together with the Department of Physical Sciences of the RAS, the scientific and methodological management of the Institute and coordination of its research. The Joint Scientific Council for Physical and Technical Sciences of the SB RAS on issues of scientific and methodological guidance interacts with the Division of Physical Sciences of the RAS and coordinates the activities of the Institute. In the structure of the Institute -.

The Institute conducts research in the following scientific areas in accordance with the Charter and the Program of Basic Scientific Research of State Academies of Sciences for 2013–2020:

- current problems of condensed matter physics, including the physics of dielectrics, magnetic materials and nanostructures;

- physical materials science, including materials for electronic technology and spintronics, superconducting materials;

- current problems of optics and laser physics, including the physics of photonic crystals, new optical materials, technologies and devices;

- modern problems of radiophysics, including radiophysical methods for diagnosing the environment.

All areas relate to priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation and correspond to the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation.

In its scientific areas, the Institute occupies a leading position both in the Russian Federation and in the world. The authority of the Institute at the global level is confirmed by its participation in scientific and technical projects carried out in accordance with international scientific agreements, and the participation of specialists on an ongoing basis in the activities of international scientific and technical organizations. The scientific topics of the Institute are promising and correspond to the world level. More than 100 foreign scientists participate in scientific research at the Institute on an ongoing basis. The leading role of the Institute is also confirmed by such indicators as the number of publications, their citation rate, impact factor of publications, and the Hirsch index. According to the RSCI database for February 2013, the Institute occupies 18th position in the ranking of Russian research organizations.

The Institute employs one academician and one corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 40 doctors of science and 87 candidates of science. The share of researchers in the total number of employees is 67.7%. The number of young scientists is 85 people, graduate students - 34 people.

Three recognized scientific schools have been operating at the Institute for more than 25 years. 81 people participate in the activities of scientific schools, including 46 young researchers.

Institute employees regularly participate in the expert commissions of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, federal and regional government bodies and state corporations, are permanent members of scientific advisory boards and commissions of government bodies, and are members of the expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission.

The training of highly qualified specialists (postgraduate and doctoral studies) at the Institute is carried out in five scientific specialties.

01.04.01 - instruments and methods of experimental physics;

01.04.03 - radiophysics;

04/01/05 - optics;

01.04.07 - physics of condensed matter;

04/01/11 - physics of magnetic phenomena;

04/01/02 - theoretical physics.

The Institute works on projects of the Program of Fundamental Research of State Academies of Sciences for 2013–20, programs of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Integration Projects of the SB RAS, RFBR grants, Presidential Grants, regional programs, foreign grants and under agreements with foreign partners. The Institute takes part as an executor and co-executor in 20 government contracts under Federal target programs.

The Institute has basic departments and scientific and educational centers together with the Siberian Federal University, Siberian State Aerospace University named after. Academician M.F. Reshetnev, with JSC Information Satellite Systems named after. Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Altai State University, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P. Astafieva. The share of employees engaged in teaching activities is 33% of all scientific workers.

The Institute in 2012 together with the Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev and, with the participation of employees of this institution, created a small innovative enterprise “Coatings and Technologies”.

The Institute operates 34 unique scientific installations. The share of equipment aged up to three years inclusive is 26%.

In 2011, according to the results of an assessment of the automated system for recording the results of intellectual activity of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ASU RID RAS), the Institute was classified as a 1st category institution.

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Physics named after. L. V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Institute of Philosophy SB RAS)
International name

Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Volkov Nikita Valentinovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Russia, Russia, Krasnoyarsk

Legal address

660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, 50, building 38


Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky SB RAS- one of the institutes of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Located in Krasnoyarsk.

General information

The main directions of scientific activity of the institute correspond to the approved programs of the SB RAS. Within the framework of current problems of condensed matter physics, work is being done on the physics of dielectrics, magnetic materials and nanostructures; physical materials science - study of materials for electronic technology and spintronics, superconducting materials; current problems of optics, radiophysics and laser physics - radiophysical methods of environmental diagnostics, physics of photonic crystals, new optical materials, technologies and devices.



During its existence, the institute was headed by the following scientists:


The institute includes about 15 different laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Crystal Physics
  • Laboratory of Resonance Properties of Magnetically Ordered Substances
  • Laboratory of Radiospectroscopy and Spin Electronics
  • Laboratory of Analytical Methods for Research of Substances (fulerenes, plasma-chemical reactor, purification of non-ferrous rolled products, induction heating and smelting)
  • Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Laboratory of Coherent Optics
  • Laboratory of Electrodynamics and Microwave Electronics (production and design of microstrip bandpass filters)
  • Laboratory of Radiophysics for Remote Sensing of the Earth
  • Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Phenomena
  • Laboratory of Magnetodynamics
  • Laboratory of Strong Magnetic Fields
  • Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Films
  • Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
  • Laboratory of Theory of Nonlinear Processes
  • Science Library
  • Printing and publishing department
  • Scientific and Technical Information Group and Patent Department
  • Optical workshop
  • Cryogenic station


The institute employs 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 corresponding member. RAS, 30 doctors of science and 85 candidates of science, postgraduate and doctoral studies in 5 specialties.


  • Director - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nikita Valentinovich Volkov (since 2011).
  • Deputy Director for Research:
    • Ovchinnikov Sergey Gennadievich, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences;
    • Vtyurin Alexander Nikolaevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
    • Zyryanov Viktor Yakovlevich, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences;


  • Gold medal and diploma of the competition “100 Best Organizations in Russia. The science. Innovation. Scientific developments." in the category “100 Best Research Institutions and Organizations in Russia.” (St. Petersburg, 2010)

see also

Write a review of the article "Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky SB RAS"



  • Kirensky L.V. Institute of Physics in Krasnoyarsk // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - 1957. - No. 10. - P. 104-107.
  • On the development of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center: information / - Krasnoyarsk, . - 47 s.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky: prospectus. - Krasnoyarsk, 1974; 1977; 1982; 1985.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky SB RAS // Million. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 12-13.
  • Mashukov Yu. Origins. The main stages of the formation of science and education in the Krasnoyarsk region // Perspective XXI. The science. Education. Creation. - 2002. - March 4. - P. 1-2.
  • 50 years of the Institute of Physics named after. L.V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Krasnoyarsk, 2006. - 258 p.
  • Kupershtokh N. A. Academic scientific schools of Krasnoyarsk in the field of physical and biophysical research // History of science, education and culture in Siberia: collection. mat. All-Russian scientific Conf., Krasnoyarsk, October 23 - 24. 2007 - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyar. state ped. University, 2008. - P.54-60.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky SB RAS. Institute laboratories. Main achievements. 2006-2010 ; Experimental facilities of the Institute. - Krasnoyarsk, 2011. - 62 p. + 57 s. + CD


An excerpt characterizing the L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS

- Go, go, killed in a battle in which they ordered the best Russian people and Russian glory to be killed. Go, Princess Marya. Go and tell Lisa. I will come.
When Princess Marya returned from her father, the little princess was sitting at work, and with that special expression of an inner and happily calm look, characteristic only of pregnant women, she looked at Princess Marya. It was clear that her eyes did not see Princess Marya, but looked deep into herself - into something happy and mysterious happening within her.
“Marie,” she said, moving away from the hoop and waddling back, “give me your hand here.” “She took the princess’s hand and placed it on her stomach.
Her eyes smiled expectantly, her sponge with mustache rose, and childishly happily remained raised.
Princess Marya knelt in front of her and hid her face in the folds of her daughter-in-law's dress.
- Here, here - do you hear? It's so strange to me. And you know, Marie, I will love him very much,” said Lisa, looking at her sister-in-law with sparkling, happy eyes. Princess Marya could not raise her head: she was crying.
- What's wrong with you, Masha?
“Nothing... I felt so sad... sad about Andrei,” she said, wiping her tears on her daughter-in-law’s knees. Several times throughout the morning, Princess Marya began to prepare her daughter-in-law, and each time she began to cry. These tears, the reason for which the little princess did not understand, alarmed her, no matter how little observant she was. She didn’t say anything, but looked around restlessly, looking for something. Before dinner, the old prince, whom she had always been afraid of, entered her room, now with a particularly restless, angry face and, without saying a word, left. She looked at Princess Marya, then thought with that expression in her eyes of attention directed inward that pregnant women have, and suddenly began to cry.
– Did you receive anything from Andrey? - she said.
- No, you know that the news could not come yet, but mon pere is worried, and I’m scared.
- Oh nothing?
“Nothing,” said Princess Marya, looking firmly at her daughter-in-law with radiant eyes. She decided not to tell her and persuaded her father to hide the receipt of terrible news from her daughter-in-law until her permission, which was supposed to be the other day. Princess Marya and the old prince, each in their own way, wore and hid their grief. The old prince did not want to hope: he decided that Prince Andrei had been killed, and despite the fact that he sent an official to Austria to look for his son’s trace, he ordered a monument to him in Moscow, which he intended to erect in his garden, and told everyone that his son was killed. He tried to lead his previous lifestyle without changing, but his strength failed him: he walked less, ate less, slept less, and became weaker every day. Princess Marya hoped. She prayed for her brother as if he were alive and waited every minute for news of his return.

“Ma bonne amie, [My good friend,”] said the little princess on the morning of March 19th after breakfast, and her sponge with mustache rose according to an old habit; but just as in all not only smiles, but the sounds of speeches, even the gaits in this house since the day the terrible news was received, there was sadness, so now the smile of the little princess, who succumbed to the general mood, although she did not know its reason, was such that she reminded me even more of general sadness.
- Ma bonne amie, je crains que le fruschtique (comme dit Foka - the cook) de ce matin ne m "aie pas fait du mal. [My friend, I'm afraid that the current frishtik (as the cook Foka calls it) will make me feel bad. ]
– What’s wrong with you, my soul? You're pale. “Oh, you are very pale,” said Princess Marya in fear, running up to her daughter-in-law with her heavy, soft steps.
- Your Excellency, should I send for Marya Bogdanovna? - said one of the maids who was here. (Marya Bogdanovna was a midwife from a district town who had been living in Bald Mountains for another week.)
“And indeed,” Princess Marya picked up, “perhaps for sure.” I will go. Courage, mon ange! [Don't be afraid, my angel.] She kissed Lisa and wanted to leave the room.
- Oh, no, no! - And besides the pallor, the little princess’s face expressed a childish fear of inevitable physical suffering.
- Non, c"est l"estomac... dites que c"est l"estomac, dites, Marie, dites..., [No, this is the stomach... tell me, Masha, that this is the stomach...] - and the princess began to cry childishly, painfully, capriciously and even somewhat feignedly, wringing his little hands. The princess ran out of the room after Marya Bogdanovna.
- Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu! [My God! Oh my God!] Oh! – she heard behind her.
Rubbing her plump, small, white hands, the midwife was already walking towards her, with a significantly calm face.
- Marya Bogdanovna! It seems it has begun,” said Princess Marya, looking at her grandmother with frightened, open eyes.
“Well, thank God, princess,” said Marya Bogdanovna without increasing her pace. “You girls shouldn’t know about this.”
- But how come the doctor hasn’t arrived from Moscow yet? - said the princess. (At the request of Lisa and Prince Andrey, an obstetrician was sent to Moscow on time, and he was expected every minute.)
“It’s okay, princess, don’t worry,” said Marya Bogdanovna, “and without the doctor everything will be fine.”
Five minutes later, the princess heard from her room that they were carrying something heavy. She looked out - the waiters were carrying a leather sofa that was in Prince Andrei's office into the bedroom for some reason. There was something solemn and quiet on the faces of the people carrying them.
Princess Marya sat alone in her room, listening to the sounds of the house, occasionally opening the door when they passed by, and looking closely at what was happening in the corridor. Several women walked in and out with quiet steps, looked at the princess and turned away from her. She did not dare to ask, she closed the door, returned to her room, and then sat down in her chair, then took up her prayer book, then knelt down in front of the icon case. Unfortunately and to her surprise, she felt that prayer did not calm her anxiety. Suddenly the door of her room quietly opened and her old nanny Praskovya Savishna, tied with a scarf, appeared on the threshold; almost never, due to the prince’s prohibition, did not enter her room.
“I came to sit with you, Mashenka,” said the nanny, “but I brought the prince’s wedding candles to light in front of the saint, my angel,” she said with a sigh.
- Oh, I'm so glad, nanny.
- God is merciful, my dear. - The nanny lit candles entwined with gold in front of the icon case and sat down with the stocking by the door. Princess Marya took the book and began to read. Only when steps or voices were heard, the princess looked at each other in fear, questioningly, and the nanny. In all parts of the house the same feeling that Princess Marya experienced while sitting in her room was poured out and possessed everyone. According to the belief that the fewer people know about the suffering of a woman in labor, the less she suffers, everyone tried to pretend not to know; no one spoke about this, but in all the people, in addition to the usual sedateness and respect for good manners that reigned in the prince’s house, one could see one common concern, a softness of heart and an awareness of something great, incomprehensible, taking place at that moment.

Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky SB RAS

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Physics named after. L. V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Institute of Philosophy SB RAS)
International name

Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Volkov Nikita Valentinovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Legal address

660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, 50, building 38


General information

The main directions of scientific activity of the institute correspond to the approved programs of the SB RAS. Within the framework of current problems in condensed matter physics, work is being done on the physics of dielectrics, magnetic materials and nanostructures; physical materials science - study of materials for electronic technology and spintronics, superconducting materials; current problems of optics, radiophysics and laser physics - radiophysical methods of environmental diagnostics, physics of photonic crystals, new optical materials, technologies and devices.



During its existence, the institute was headed by the following scientists:


The institute includes about 15 different laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Crystal Physics
  • Laboratory of Resonance Properties of Magnetically Ordered Substances
  • Laboratory of Radiospectroscopy and Spin Electronics
  • Laboratory of Analytical Methods for Research of Substances (fulerenes, plasma-chemical reactor, purification of non-ferrous rolled products, induction heating and smelting)
  • Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Laboratory of Coherent Optics
  • Laboratory of Electrodynamics and Microwave Electronics (production and design of microstrip bandpass filters)
  • Laboratory of Radiophysics for Remote Sensing of the Earth
  • Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Phenomena
  • Laboratory of Magnetodynamics
  • Laboratory of Strong Magnetic Fields
  • Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Films
  • Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
  • Laboratory of Theory of Nonlinear Processes
  • Science Library
  • Printing and publishing department
  • Scientific and Technical Information Group and Patent Department
  • Optical workshop
  • Cryogenic station


The institute employs 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 corresponding member. RAS, 30 doctors of science and 85 candidates of science, postgraduate and doctoral studies in 5 specialties.


  • Director - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nikita Valentinovich Volkov (since 2011).
  • Deputy Director for Research:
    • Ovchinnikov Sergey Gennadievich, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences;
    • Vtyurin Alexander Nikolaevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
    • Zyryanov Viktor Yakovlevich, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences;

see also



  • Kirensky L.V. Institute of Physics in Krasnoyarsk // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - 1957. - No. 10. - P. 104-107.
  • On the development of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center: information / - Krasnoyarsk, . - 47 s.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky: prospectus. - Krasnoyarsk, 1974; 1977; 1982; 1985.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky SB RAS // Million. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 12-13.
  • Mashukov Yu. Origins. The main stages of the formation of science and education in the Krasnoyarsk region // Perspective XXI. The science. Education. Creation. - 2002. - March 4. - P. 1-2.
  • 50 years of the Institute of Physics named after. L.V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Krasnoyarsk, 2006. - 258 p.
  • Kuperstokh N.A. Academic scientific schools of Krasnoyarsk in the field of physical and biophysical research // History of science, education and culture in Siberia: collection. mat. All-Russian scientific Conf., Krasnoyarsk, October 23 - 24. 2007 - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyar. state ped. University, 2008. - P.54-60.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky SB RAS. Institute laboratories. Main achievements. 2006-2010 ; Experimental facilities of the Institute. - Krasnoyarsk, 2011. - 62 p. + 57 s. + CD


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS" is in other dictionaries:

    Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Biophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBP SB RAS) International name Institute of Biophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Founded 1981 ... Wikipedia - (IF) SB RAS, organized in 1956 in Krasnoyarsk. Research in physics magicians, phenomena, physics of TV. bodies, optical and radiospectroscopy, geophysics... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    Department of Physical Sciences RAS- The Department of Physical Sciences is located in the building of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Sparrow Hills in Moscow. The Department of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (OFN RAS) is a structural division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which includes academicians, scientific... ... Wikipedia

    Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center SB RAS- Upper Akademgorodok. Gold autumn. Krasnoyarsk Academgorodok is a district of the city of Krasnoyarsk, located on the western outskirts of the city. Administratively, it is part of the Oktyabrsky district. Located near the Siberian Federal University.... ... Wikipedia

    SB RAS- Official emblem of the SB RAS In May 1957, on the initiative of academicians M. A. Lavrentiev, S. L. Sobolev and S. A. Khristianovich, the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (SB USSR Academy of Sciences) was formed, since 1991 the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy... ... Wikipedia

    Institute of Philosophy SB RAS- Institute of Physics SB RAS Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, education and science, Russian Federation, physics ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Physics named after. L. V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Institute of Philosophy SB RAS)

original name

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

International name

Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Former name

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


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Volkov Nikita Valentinovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

The president

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Scientific director

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Postgraduate studies

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Doctoral studies

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


Russia 22x20px Russia, Krasnoyarsk

Legal address

660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, 50, building 38

Metro station

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Wikimedia Commons logo [] on Wikimedia Commons

Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky SB RAS- one of the institutes of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Located in Krasnoyarsk.

General information

The main directions of scientific activity of the institute correspond to the approved programs of the SB RAS. Within the framework of current problems of condensed matter physics, work is being done on the physics of dielectrics, magnetic materials and nanostructures; physical materials science - study of materials for electronic technology and spintronics, superconducting materials; current problems of optics, radiophysics and laser physics - radiophysical methods of environmental diagnostics, physics of photonic crystals, new optical materials, technologies and devices.



During its existence, the institute was headed by the following scientists:


The institute includes about 15 different laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Crystal Physics
  • Laboratory of Resonance Properties of Magnetically Ordered Substances
  • Laboratory of Radiospectroscopy and Spin Electronics
  • Laboratory of Analytical Methods for Research of Substances (fulerenes, plasma-chemical reactor, purification of non-ferrous rolled products, induction heating and smelting)
  • Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Laboratory of Coherent Optics
  • Laboratory of Electrodynamics and Microwave Electronics (production and design of microstrip bandpass filters)
  • Laboratory of Radiophysics for Remote Sensing of the Earth
  • Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Phenomena
  • Laboratory of Magnetodynamics
  • Laboratory of Strong Magnetic Fields
  • Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Films
  • Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
  • Laboratory of Theory of Nonlinear Processes
  • Science Library
  • Printing and publishing department
  • Scientific and Technical Information Group and Patent Department
  • Optical workshop
  • Cryogenic station


The institute employs 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 corresponding member. RAS, 30 doctors of science and 85 candidates of science, postgraduate and doctoral studies in 5 specialties.


  • Director - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nikita Valentinovich Volkov (since 2011).
  • Deputy Director for Research:
    • Ovchinnikov Sergey Gennadievich, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences;
    • Vtyurin Alexander Nikolaevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
    • Zyryanov Viktor Yakovlevich, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences;


  • Gold medal and diploma of the competition “100 Best Organizations in Russia. The science. Innovation. Scientific developments." in the category “100 Best Research Institutions and Organizations in Russia.” (St. Petersburg, 2010)

see also

Write a review of the article "Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky SB RAS"



  • Kirensky L.V. Institute of Physics in Krasnoyarsk // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - 1957. - No. 10. - P. 104-107.
  • On the development of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center: information / - Krasnoyarsk, . - 47 s.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky: prospectus. - Krasnoyarsk, 1974; 1977; 1982; 1985.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky SB RAS // Million. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 12-13.
  • Mashukov Yu. Origins. The main stages of the formation of science and education in the Krasnoyarsk region // Perspective XXI. The science. Education. Creation. - 2002. - March 4. - P. 1-2.
  • 50 years of the Institute of Physics named after. L.V. Kirensky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Krasnoyarsk, 2006. - 258 p.
  • Kupershtokh N. A. Academic scientific schools of Krasnoyarsk in the field of physical and biophysical research // History of science, education and culture in Siberia: collection. mat. All-Russian scientific Conf., Krasnoyarsk, October 23 - 24. 2007 - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyar. state ped. University, 2008. - P.54-60.
  • Institute of Physics named after L. V. Kirensky SB RAS. Institute laboratories. Main achievements. 2006-2010 ; Experimental facilities of the Institute. - Krasnoyarsk, 2011. - 62 p. + 57 s. + CD


An excerpt characterizing the L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS

I suddenly had a wild desire to help this sad, lonely man. True, I had absolutely no idea what I could do for him.
“Do you want us to create another world for you while you’re here?” Stella suddenly asked.
It was a great idea, and I felt a little ashamed that it hadn’t occurred to me first. Stella was a wonderful person, and somehow, she always found something nice that could bring joy to others.
– What kind of “other world”?.. – the man was surprised.
- But look... - and in his dark, gloomy cave a bright, joyful light suddenly shone!.. - How do you like this house?
Our “sad” friend’s eyes lit up happily. He looked around in confusion, not understanding what had happened here... And in his eerie, dark cave the sun was now shining cheerfully and brightly, lush greenery was fragrant, birdsong was ringing, and there was the amazing smell of blooming flowers... And in fact in its far corner a stream gurgled merrily, splashing droplets of the purest, freshest, crystal water...
- Here you go! As you like? – Stella asked cheerfully.
The man, completely stunned by what he saw, did not utter a word, only looked at all this beauty with eyes widened in surprise, in which trembling drops of “happy” tears shone like pure diamonds...
“Lord, it’s been so long since I’ve seen the sun!” he whispered quietly. -Who are you, girl?
- Oh, I'm just a person. The same as you - dead. But here she is, you already know - alive. We walk here together sometimes. And we help if we can, of course.
It was clear that the baby was happy with the effect produced and was literally fidgeting with the desire to prolong it...
- Do you really like? Do you want it to stay that way?
The man just nodded, unable to utter a word.
I didn’t even try to imagine what happiness he must have experienced after the black horror in which he found himself every day for so long!..
“Thank you, honey...” the man whispered quietly. - Just tell me, how can this remain?..
- Oh, it's easy! Your world will only be here, in this cave, and no one will see it except you. And if you don’t leave here, he will stay with you forever. Well, I’ll come to you to check... My name is Stella.
- I don’t know what to say for this... I don’t deserve it. This is probably wrong... My name is Luminary. Yes, he hasn’t brought very much “light” so far, as you can see...
- Oh, nevermind, bring me some more! – it was clear that the little girl was very proud of what she had done and was bursting with pleasure.
“Thank you, dears...” The luminary sat with his proud head bowed, and suddenly began to cry completely childishly...
“Well, what about others who are the same?..” I whispered quietly in Stella’s ear. – There must be a lot of them, right? What to do with them? After all, it’s not fair to help one. And who gave us the right to judge which of them is worthy of such help?
Stellino's face immediately frowned...
– I don’t know... But I know for sure that this is right. If it were wrong, we would not have succeeded. There are different laws here...
Suddenly it dawned on me:
- Wait a minute, what about our Harold?!.. After all, he was a knight, which means he also killed? How did he manage to stay there, on the “top floor”?..
“He paid for everything he did... I asked him about this - he paid very dearly...” Stella answered seriously, wrinkling her forehead funny.
- What did you pay with? - I did not understand.
“The essence...” the little girl whispered sadly. “He gave up part of his essence for what he did during his life.” But his essence was very high, therefore, even after giving away part of it, he was still able to remain “at the top.” But very few people can do this, only truly highly developed entities. Usually people lose too much and end up much lower than they were originally. How Shining...
It was amazing... This means that having done something bad on Earth, people lost some part of themselves (or rather, part of their evolutionary potential), and even at this, they still had to remain in that nightmarish horror, which was called - “lower” Astral... Yes, for mistakes, indeed, one had to pay dearly...
“Well, now we can go,” the little girl chirped, waving her hand contentedly. - Goodbye, Luminary! I will come to you!
We moved on, and our new friend was still sitting, frozen with unexpected happiness, greedily absorbing the warmth and beauty of the world created by Stella, and plunging into it as deeply as a dying person would do, absorbing the life that had suddenly returned to him... .
“Yes, that’s right, you were absolutely right!” I said thoughtfully.
Stella beamed.
Being in the most “rainbow” mood, we had just turned towards the mountains when a huge, spiked-clawed creature suddenly emerged from the clouds and rushed straight at us...
- Be careful! – Stela squealed, and I just managed to see two rows of razor-sharp teeth, and from a strong blow to the back, I rolled head over heels to the ground...
From the wild horror that gripped us, we rushed like bullets across a wide valley, not even thinking that we could quickly go to another “floor”... We simply did not have time to think about it - we were too scared.
The creature flew right above us, loudly clicking its gaping toothy beak, and we rushed as fast as we could, splashing vile slimy splashes to the sides, and mentally praying that something else would suddenly interest this creepy “miracle bird”... It was felt. that she was much faster and we simply had no chance to break away from her. As luck would have it, not a single tree grew nearby, there were no bushes, or even stones behind which one could hide, only an ominous black rock could be seen in the distance.
- There! – Stella shouted, pointing her finger at the same rock.
But suddenly, unexpectedly, right in front of us, a creature appeared from somewhere, the sight of which literally froze our blood in our veins... It appeared as if “straight out of thin air” and was truly terrifying... The huge black carcass was completely covered long, coarse hair, making him look like a pot-bellied bear, only this “bear” was as tall as a three-story house... The monster’s lumpy head was “crowned” with two huge curved horns, and the eerie mouth was decorated with a pair of incredibly long fangs, sharp as knives, just by looking to which, with fright, our legs gave way... And then, incredibly surprising us, the monster easily jumped up and... picked up the flying “muck” on one of its huge fangs... We froze in shock.

In the early 1950s. in Krasnoyarsk, two research groups were formed, two new scientific directions: biophysics at the medical institute (the work was started by I.A. Terskov and I.I. Gitelzon, later L.V. Kirensky joined it) and spectroscopy under the leadership of A.V. Korshunova - at the Siberian Forestry Institute. Kirensky clearly understood the colossal effect that could be achieved by combining these scientific areas already existing in the city into a single research center, the importance of which was especially great in the context of the growing importance of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the development of the industrial potential of Siberia.

The decisive argument confirming the reality of the idea of ​​organizing an academic institute in Krasnoyarsk was the scientific results obtained by magnetologists at the pedagogical institute in the post-war years. In 1951, the All-Union Conference on Magnetism was held in Sverdlovsk, at which Krasnoyarsk magnetologists presented 10 reports. The success of Krasnoyarsk physicists was eloquently demonstrated by the conference resolution, which summed up the development of magnetism research in the country over a five-year period. Almost every paragraph of the resolution, where specific achievements in the field of magnetism were noted, referred to the research of scientists at the Krasnoyarsk Magnetic Laboratory of the Pedagogical Institute. The conference participants noted the birth of the third (after Moscow and Sverdlovsk) center for magnetism. Later, the concept of “Siberian school of physicists and magnetologists” - the school of Kirensky - steadily entered into everyday communication.

Academic science in Krasnoyarsk dates back to October 12, 1956. It was this date that dated the resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the organization of the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. L.V. Kirensky was appointed the first director of the institute, who held this post until his death in 1969. The very fact of the creation of such an institute on a local personnel basis served as an indicator of the high scientific level achieved by that time by Krasnoyarsk scientists.

Kirensky’s assistants in the organization and development of the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences were I. A. Terskov, I. I. Gitelzon, A. V. Korshunov, as well as direct students of L. V. Kirensky - A. Ya. Vlasov, A. I. Drokin , A. M. Rodichev, M. K. Savchenko, I. F. Degtyarev, V. S. Cherkashin, D. A. Laptey. Under the leadership of L.V. Kirensky, the institute quickly grew and developed.

The first laboratories that laid the foundations for the formation of the scientific directions of the institute were the laboratories of physics of magnetic phenomena (laboratory head L.V. Kirensky), biophysics (laboratory head I.A. Terskov) and spectroscopy (laboratory head A.V. Korshunov). In 1959, the fourth laboratory was organized - crystal physics (laboratory head K. S. Aleksandrov). Together with the institute, a scientific library was opened - the first in the Krasnoyarsk scientific center. Its holdings include more than 100 thousand volumes of scientific literature, including the personal libraries of the largest scientists transferred to the public domain: academician L.V. Kirensky, professor of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical Institute B.F. Tsomakion (1879-1955), professor of Tomsk University I.A. Sokolov (1881-1957).

The Institute of Physics SB RAS is located at: 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, 50, building 38. Website: