My son changed for the worse after the army. Does an army change people?

These guys serve in the 740th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade. Some of them will soon be able to complete writing this diary by one of the most important schools life in the destiny of every real man. And someone still has to work hard, mastering a profession that is important for the country and people - the profession of defender of the Fatherland.

Not at all indifferent, and sometimes the most severe critic-observers who monitor the successes of military personnel conscript service, - these are their relatives and friends. It was from them that I decided to find out how the guys served and how much the army way of life had changed them.

Private Vadim Lobazin serves as a driver mechanic in the 740th air brigade, and in the civilian field he is a teacher of physics and computer science from the city of Nesvizh. He will go into reserve in May. His wife, daughter and mother are waiting for him at home. One of his older brothers learned military science through reservist training programs, and the other graduated Military Academy Republic of Belarus, became an officer.

I was drafted at the age of 26, but I was not afraid of difficulties: if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary,” recalls Vadim.  - However, it was not easy, of course: new order and the team, but there was a family and a child left at home - and you had to get used to it. Here I mastered a military specialty - I operate the transport-loading vehicle of the Osa air defense system. Became more aware of spiritually : began to appreciate more true friendship and understood the value of family - the support of loved ones. The service is ending, and it’s nice to think that I was able to honorably repay my debt to the Motherland. And my mother, it seems to me, was not very worried when she sent me to serve, because I am her third son, who wore military uniform

. By the way, like my brother, I wanted to enter the Military Academy, but did not pass due to health reasons.

Nina Nikolaevna said that she supported Vadim’s decision to serve, and not look for ways to stay “in civilian life.”

I think every guy should go through this school of maturation,” Nina Nikolaevna shared her thoughts. 

“We, of course, miss him and are waiting for him, but it’s nice to know that Vadim has gained trust and authority in that army team. Elizaveta, Vadim’s wife, spoke with pleasure about how the army changed her loved one: happened to Vadim. He began to value family more. I think this kind of isolation even contributed to the strengthening of our relations. It would seem that we are far from each other, but I understand that we have become closer...

A meeting at a checkpoint for two hours is so little. But it’s okay, there’s only a little time left to wait. We - Nina Nikolaevna, me and our daughter Alisa - are really looking forward to it!

Corporal Ivan Voronets has already served in the brigade for 15 months. He comes from the resort village of Naroch. He recently turned 20 years old, with a sense of accomplishment he awaits his transfer to the reserve, but is confident that everyone who considers himself a real man should go through army school.

I remember the first six months of my service by studying equipment and weapons,” said Ivan.  - I wanted to start quickly practical work . It was much more interesting to prepare for live shooting at the firing ranges. Now “in civilian life” I will remember with pleasure how I participated in the combat work of the Osa air defense system. I am proud to have become a combat vehicle operator. Of course, I was worried during the first shooting. I was afraid of capturing the wrong target, but in the end we received “excellent” marks for shooting. What was difficult? This is a relocation of equipment to railway transport

and the study of theory: instructions, characteristics of weapons... By the way, my older brother Valera served in a neighboring military unit, during dismissals we met and shared our impressions. Last November, after serving, he went home, and very soon it will be my turn. Mom was constantly worried about food, clothing, and relationships in the team. But I explained that there was no reason to worry, and she herself, having been in the brigade, was convinced of this.

But Ivan and Valera’s father immediately noted that their sons had matured in the army. Ivan came on vacation, and it was clear that he had become so pumped up and strong,” said Ananiy Ivanovich. - But they were not weaklings; they were constantly engaged in kayaking on Lake Naroch. And in our apartment we have a crossbar above the doors - both guys were constantly doing pull-ups. I wouldn’t say that the army has changed Valera and Ivan much, they have always been my assistants, they still are, they are not afraid of work. By the way, I served in military service as a tanker in “training” in Pechi, as a driver-mechanic. We are, of course, waiting for Ivan to come home, and I wish that upon his return he will find

Good work good experience working with cars, worked as a car mechanic. Before serving, thanks to the military commissariat, I received a license with open categories B and S.

My position - driver-electrician of the control center - obliges me to maintain the BTR-60 in good condition,” Evgeniy began his story.  - During my service, I took part in field trips and live-fire exercises more than once. I admit, I especially liked the practical component of the service: the training grounds, the smell of gunpowder, and repairing vehicles in the field. I think all this is real men's work . At first it was hard for me to get used to the serious physical activity , strict daily routine. But, having arrived at the military unit, I got used to everyday life in the army. Mom wasn't particularly worried. I still have younger brother

and sister. She has enough trouble with them too. Nina Mikhailovna - Zhenya's mother - is now sure: the army gives the guys good life experience

and teaches independence. We definitely meet at least once a month, and I see changes in Zhenya’s character,” said Nina Mikhailovna. - He began to appreciate the care of loved ones more. If earlier he took this for granted, now he sees how important it is to have the support and love of his family. Strengthened and changed in

better side

and relationships with siblings. I didn’t worry about his food and the organization of his life in the military unit. He quickly began to grow stronger and get better - I think that this was due to a strict daily routine and good nutrition. True, at first, at her son’s request, she brought him a lot of sweets. Of course, I'm glad that he likes it there. But we are really looking forward to his return. Private Maxim Fomich comes from the village of Kostyuki, Borisov district. He is 20 years old and half of his military service has been completed. “In civilian life” he is a car mechanic, and in the army he is a mechanic-driver of a transport-loading vehicle for the Osa air defense system. I like this car, there are features of its driving, since both the front and rear axles are rotary, - from technical nuances

Zinaida Mikhailovna immediately admitted that she was really looking forward to her son returning home, because Maxim was their most valuable assistant in the household. But she is very proud that her son is in the anti-aircraft missile brigade good standing and was awarded the encouragement of the command.

We have him great guy“: calm, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke,” said Zinaida Mikhailovna. 

- And we were never ashamed of him. During his studies at school and college, he was awarded certificates more than once. By the way, he joined the army and dreamed of becoming a driver of a military vehicle there. And so it happened. Now I see how much he likes it, he says that he is ready to remain to serve under a contract. In the army, I think he became even more patient and diligent. I wish his service to be easy.

Lieutenant colonel

Igor Zhuk,

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Issue No. 33


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We would like to touch upon one of the topics that concerns both the conscript himself and his loved ones.

We surveyed 140 conscripts and asked them the question: “Do you think the army affects character?”

The answers turned out to be interesting, in terms of percentage almost 50% to 50%.

Half of them think that military life will allow them to become more responsible, collected, and disciplined.

And the other part doubts the benefits of the army for character. And they are confident that the army can break a person, make him more withdrawn, tougher, and aloof.

We would like to quote the opinion on this matter of soldiers who have already returned home from service. Go!

Artem, 22 years old, Tomsk.

“I am a conscript soldier, I was drafted into the army in the spring, and left for service at the end of June. At first I had a 2-week training camp, where we were trained both physically and politically, namely: classes were held in public-state, fire, tactical, combat, special and technical training.

During the KMB (young soldier course, more about it and other stages of service - in article) we were punished for all our mistakes. Physical violence now, of course, not anymore. Therefore, the punishment measures were push-ups, squats and other strength loads.

Some say that after the army people come out more courageous and confident, I agree with this, but now I can conclude that it all depends entirely on the person himself. How he will show himself from the first days in the army depends on this. further service. The most important thing is that you should never give in to slack, someone will feel it and start using it to the last, and it is already unlikely that you will be able to regain your normal status in the team.

I want to say only one thing, if you want to change, do everything for it yourself, in current army No one will help you with this, but on the contrary, they will hinder you. There are people everywhere who are stronger than you, mentally and physically! But you can’t give in to them, otherwise you risk changing your life the worst side, and this will manifest itself when returning to loved ones.”

Alexander, 23 years old, Barnaul.

"I have always been the most calm person among all friends, relatives, acquaintances. It’s very difficult to piss me off, to make me worry... It was. Well, that’s what I thought before the army.

After meeting the little elephant, everything turned upside down. I had no idea that my nerves actually existed and could manifest themselves. Insomnia, loss of appetite, wild desire to return home. But do you know what is most important? IT'S GETTING COMBINED AND REALIZING THAT YOU ARE A MAN. YOU HAVE CAME TO SERVE. AND THIS IS NOT A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN LYE UNTIL THE MORNING, LOOKING AT THE CEILING AND THINKING ABOUT HOW BAD YOU FEEL. Seriously.

As soon as you realize that everything around you is not forever, it is given for something - it will become better and easier. You need to learn to fight back; understand who is around you and what they want; squeeze out all the benefits and advantages from the army. And believe me, there is a lot to learn here.

For example, you soon stop being gentle, kind and helping everyone. My friends said that I became tougher. What's bad? My eyes just opened to those around me. You begin to understand that sometimes you were used for your kindness. After all, this way the whole environment can sit on your neck. Therefore, I firmly declare that all changes are for the better!

Yes, some people may not like them, but don't worry, it's not your problem. Are you doing well and confident? So move on with your life!”

By the way, one of the soldiers, who has now been resting for several months after army service in civilian life, not long ago he gave us an interview while still a conscript, at the beginning of his service. The interesting thing is that his words once again confirm what Artem and Alexander say in their statements. Here is an excerpt from that interview:

“...if previously we all got up, went to school or work, while leisurely lighting a cigarette, drinking coffee, watching TV series at night, and so on, then thanks to the army you really begin to understand how important every second of your life is.

...the main skill that a person acquires if before that he was extremely withdrawn and suffered from social phobia. Just think. You live with the same people for 365 days. You will recognize them. Find out the types and behavior.’s not worth observing from the outside how to live in life (especially in the army). There were many situations. For example, greedy man chokes on a bun while sitting on the toilet (sorry for being blunt) so as not to give this bun to the guys from his . This is clearly not worth doing.”

This article will be updated with the opinions of those who went through military time. If you are one of such people, then we ask you to post your opinion regarding the service in the comments below this post. We are confident that we will collect enough different points vision. We hope that this will benefit all those who are just planning to go to serve!

The other day I met with my old friend Sasha, it turns out that he has already served in the army, and is even going to continue his military career under a contract. I wondered what it was like to serve the Motherland, whether the army changes a person, and this is exactly what Sasha told me about.

“A year of service has passed, it’s time to draw conclusions. I was eager to join the orderly ranks of soldiers. I already knew a little about the army; my father gave it fifteen years of his life. For me it was great way to get away from everyday life and problems, a necessary change of scenery for a new, more successful start. It was a step outside of my comfort zone. Only by leaving it do we learn something.

Having waited for the first summons, I, without thinking twice, “started” to the military registration and enlistment office. Met me there kind words: “My friend, you are absolutely healthy and fit for service, so shouldn’t you go collect a bunch of certificates confirming this, while the wind is fair and there are no stones.” This was followed by a week of running around clinics and dispensaries. Finally, the documents were collected and a shipping date was set. On the last night, I cleared my scalp of excess hair with a razor and only then realized that there would be no turning back. Early in the morning we were loaded into a military KAMAZ, and we set off from the military registration and enlistment office towards Blagoveshchensk, where we were to be assigned to military units. One of the recruits said: “Why won’t there be climate control?” - after which an empty vodka bottle flew in from the street, breaking the glass. It seems that thoughts are material.

At the assembly point we went through a final fitness check and an interview with an officer. After that, we were dressed in a brand new uniform, putting it on, I realized that the joke about two sizes in the army - large and small - was not a joke at all. Looking ahead, I will say that this was far from my last “epiphany.”

Arriving at the unit began to break my ideas about the service. To begin with, we were stripped naked and our duffel bags were emptied, removing the remnants of memories of a past free life, for example - blocks of expensive cigarettes and far from disposable machines. I had to think about where I could hide things so deep and far away that they couldn’t be found. The second revelation was that in the army they don’t swear, they use swear words here. I was also greeted by a phenomenon that has been talked about for decades - hazing. I didn’t see anything wrong with her, but I realized that not the best representatives of our world were at the helm. Once in our regiment there was a meeting of division officers responsible for the education personnel, and one of them gave a very precise phrase: “There are a lot of people here who are the bottom, that’s why they do everything to plunge people who are better than them into this bottom, so that one day they can swim to a higher level at the expense of others.” “These “people” set their own moral standards, and if you did not fit into them, then you became an outcast. The fundamental ones were selfishness, absolute idleness, living “highly” - for the sake of your own “I”, sometimes so stupid and useless that. this made me sick. Despite all the obvious disadvantages, a person with common sense has the opportunity to learn to defend and defend his ideals and views, or to switch to “ dark side" The army does not change people, it only reveals all their positive and negative qualities, makes them brighter and more obvious.

During the year it was difficult to maintain warmth and a piece of light within. People saved me. I received kind, soul-warming letters from home. I couldn’t do without books, thanks to which, even in the conditions in which my mortal body was located, I was able to learn something good and resist the onslaught of dirt and evil that surrounded me.

At one point during my service I became an ascetic. I threw out all the things that burdened me and hid the most precious things. When you have nothing, you have nothing to fear. Even now, having returned home, out of old habit, I clear my personal space of unimportant things, keeping only the most necessary items.

Again, there was a lot positive points. For example, Officers - just like that, with capital letters- people who were able to instill in me the most real patriotic feelings, who themselves, despite the fact that they saw a lot of disadvantages in our country, love it very much and serve it not because of money, but at the behest of their hearts. I really remember one lieutenant colonel who always sat down to eat with the soldiers at the same table, and did not extol himself like the rest of the “command”. Among the officers there were very educated people with humor, which made the learning process interesting and entertaining. It is on such people that our army also rests, thanks to them.

How does an army change people? As I already wrote above - no way, everyone will express themselves individually, nothing more. Is it worth going there? I won’t give an answer to this question; everyone decides for themselves. I didn’t regret it - it helped me shake myself up, look at old life in a new way. But I can say for sure that if you try to turn away from it and you succeed, then you will lose a year of learning about life, since the army, if it doesn’t change, then teaches a person to think a little differently, not so naively.”


Now I’m reading about the news on conscription, and on the branching of thoughts, I remembered several messages that I received in a personal message. I rarely read it, so I remembered them recently. The messages are related to my military service. In several posts I mentioned that I served and took part in hostilities in Chechnya. Mother wrote one letter young man, who is currently serving, she is afraid that he will be sent to Chechnya. Two more letters - dear friends who are leaving for the army this year, they ask how the army changes a person, what they will have to face. Even a small dispute broke out with another subscriber, the essence of which was that he (we mostly talked about him) is already cool, and no army is afraid of him. The man furiously proves that he will not be forced to wash his foot wraps, but he has a black belt in karate, and he himself will beat anyone, and the grandfathers themselves will run around in his sixes.
I’ll tell you a little about how and where I served, to answer the questions, so to speak.
I was called up in 1999, in November. This was the so-called two-nine call. This name is very common in the army, and it immediately becomes clear social status person, his position in the army hierarchy. Two means that the conscription was autumn (there are only two of them - spring, which, by the way, begins these days, and autumn), nine - the year of conscription.
I served in the ODON - the Dzerzhinsky division of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Reutovo, near Moscow, and took part in hostilities while on a business trip from our unit - in Khankala (although some from our unit also went to Grozny).
First, I want to immediately reassure the woman who wrote me the letter. Firstly, now only contract soldiers serve in Chechnya. Secondly, even in my time, those going to Chechnya signed consent to do so (however, there were plenty of people willing).
Well, I’ll briefly answer the questions of the guys who are joining the army. Does it change a person? Of course, it changes, and changes greatly. As an example, even at the KMB (a month-long course for young soldiers that conscripts undergo, after which they take the oath and receive positions) there was not a single soldier who liked hazing. We were beaten, subjected to various physical tests, constantly humiliated - most often just for fun. They forced you to eat cigarettes if you saw someone smoking, they pierced plywood (a blow to the chest), moose (struck crossed arms on the forehead - sometimes they hit you with the elbow, sometimes even with the leg). Three people still with the KMB were discharged. One - I don’t remember his last name, but, by the way, he was just one of those that my interlocutor, who boasted of beating grandfathers and so on - some karate champion of his city - had his arm broken. Another - he was poisoned when he was forced to eat a sandwich with shoe polish, or I don’t know what this thing is called that is used to clean boots - he didn’t clean his shoes well and on morning examination it was noticed. Another sergeant forced him to run around the lake (our military training took place in a unit that belonged to our division, but was located in Sofrino, and not in Reutovo), he fell ill, suffered complications in his lungs and became disabled. There was constant talk among the soldiers about suicide and self-harm. Then I learned, for example, that if you hold your hand for a long time hot water, then transfer it to the cold, wrap it in a towel and break it - the fracture will not be painful. I don't know if this is true. There were those who were going to poison themselves with bleach, and kept a soluble capsule with chlorine (the capsule was from the medicine that was given in the medical unit). The most common method was to cut the veins. This did not happen at the KMB, but already in the unit we had six cases of this. Also, already in the unit, two people hanged themselves on an antenna - an antenna field on the territory of the division (I was always surprised that it was called a field - it was half a forest, and half - something like a park dug up with pits).
When all this was happening, it was impossible to imagine that any of these guys would ever be grandfathers - they so fiercely and convincingly protested against hazing, hated it so much and swore that they would never, ever torture anyone themselves. And now a year has passed - and how people have changed! There was not a single one who during this time did not find some justification for the bullying, and who, ultimately, did not become a grandfather himself. This change affects the personality much more than any bullying. Well, they, of course, have a significant role to play. It is impossible to imagine that under these conditions a person remains the same. You become somehow - not just stronger, but - more downtrodden, more cautious, you learn to attach value to your words, and to be afraid of everything. Of course, there are people whom this strengthens and makes men, but more often these are unnecessary, stupid and unnecessary difficulties. And they do much more harm than good. In general, hazing corrupts the army precisely as fighting strength. How many grandfathers have I seen after, cowardly during military clashes, hiding behind young soldiers... The main thing that hazing destroys is the Brotherhood of War, necessary for the successful conduct of any military operations. Mutual assistance is replaced by hazing with mutual responsibility some and lack of rights for others. It’s good that our officers were normal men, and not those who, as they say, have multiplied now and who often shift their responsibilities to their grandfathers - in this form the army is generally meaningless.
But this is reasoning. Now I would like to give some advice to those who are joining the army, I hope they will be useful. Firstly, you need to behave as evenly and calmly as possible, and not be afraid to refuse. Otherwise, they will sit on your neck. Especially - if you have some money - people will constantly come up and ask when you start “rushing around” (serving the grandfathers). Among the things you need to have are a couple of packs of cigarettes (even if you don’t smoke), threads, spare chevrons. It’s better to ask your parents to bring the sheet right away - it will be needed for hemming (for collars).
In general, in terms of army psychology, I, of course, will answer all the questions that are asked to me, but I advise you to read our resource - When I started working on it about a year ago, and began to study with interest some criminal procedures and concepts, I was surprised to catch myself thinking that they differ very little from the army. Of course, in the army no one is forced down or raped, but in general there are a lot of similarities, down to the details. Well, perhaps in prisons some caste issues are more firmly established than in the army, simply because people spend longer there, and somehow the conditions are more difficult, which gives them relief. For example, in the army there is often a shabby, downtrodden, dirty soldier, a kind of scapegoat for the entire company, whom everyone considers it their duty to humiliate and push. In prison, the analogue of such a soldier is a devil or a snitch, the same downtrodden person who does not take care of himself and humiliates himself in front of everyone.