How to get rid of greed for money. Why do people get greedy

Many adults can remember situations from childhood when they did not want to share their favorite toys or candies with friends, brothers and sisters, and because of this, quarrels often arose with other children. From an early age, children are usually taught the idea that being greedy is bad, that no one loves or recognizes greedy people. Some people lose this controversial quality as adults, while some retain it and even develop it. Is it good to be greedy, why? greed is it considered a vice? How to get rid of greed?

Why do people get greedy

Some parental mistakes in raising a child lead to the development of such character traits as greed. Psychologists note that those who in childhood were seriously punished for displaying this quality, scolded, and forcibly forced to share their favorite things, toys, and sweets with others, become greedy. Parents most often do not understand that for a child to give away something of his own, loved and dear, means to tear off part of his being from himself. Children perceive their favorite things as an integral part of themselves, so they should not be forced to give anything. The child shares with those he trusts and who are close to him. Very often people who grow up in dysfunctional families become greedy. Since childhood, such children know only one model of behavior - constant saving, the need to protect, save, save in order to survive. Sometimes an adult who grew up in such a family, even after he gets rich, saves on every penny; for him, this saving turns into a mania. Greed is also born in people due to lack of confidence in themselves, in the future, due to the instability in which they find themselves. Therefore, it is important to know about.

How greed affects life

Undoubtedly, a greedy person has a hard time with the people around him. Often his relationships with family and friends deteriorate, or even break down completely. The danger is that greedy people, in an effort to increase their wealth, often fall for the tricks of scammers and invest their funds in extremely dangerous and dubious companies. Greedy people love to complain about life, about their material insecurity, to save on everything, even on their loved ones, on gifts for relatives, on health. Sometimes this quality turns into obsession. Therefore it is important to know how to deal with greed?

How to get rid of greed

A person who wants to get rid of greed needs to realize that this quality is caused by his own lack of confidence both in himself and in the people around him. Greedy people prohibit themselves from getting what they want for the money they earn, not to mention doing something nice for others. Such people have a poorly developed sense of self-esteem. To overcome greed in themselves, they, first of all, must love themselves and understand that they deserve better, for example, that beautiful skirt that they have been dreaming of for several months or that they deserve a new, expensive hair dryer, and not an old, almost collapsed and dangerous for the life of the device. Showing respect is necessary.

By spending money on himself and his desires, of course, in reasonable quantities, a person learns to accept and love himself, to realize that he deserves more. Once this realization comes, greed will be over. On the way home from work, you can stop by your favorite store and buy yourself that delicacy that you really wanted to try. Then praise yourself and focus on the feeling of the perfect action. The man made himself feel good in this way.

Learn to share

Go through your things

What is greed? Pathological greed breeds poverty and leads to illness. Living or working with a greedy person becomes a nightmare. About, how to relieve yourself, your husband, mother-in-law, parents or boss from feelings of greed is discussed in this article.

A conspiracy from a greedy boss

There are situations that your boss promises to raise your salary. But only in words. But you work for two people, often stay late, cope with all tasks perfectly, and increase the company’s profit several times. Of course, you can stop overexerting yourself and work “like everyone else.” But if you need this increase in salary, then try the following magic ritual.

Before the ceremony, sew 3 linen bags, 5x10 cm in size, always on the waxing moon. Crush dry peppermint into fine sand. Prepare salt, sawdust, whole grains of wheat and a container of church water. Conduct the ceremony exactly at midnight. Cover the curtains with curtains or thick fabric. Light a thick candle and place it in a candlestick in the middle of the table. Turn off the overhead lights.

Take 3 sewn bags. Pour mint into the first, salt with sawdust and wheat into the second, and leave the third empty. Place the bags on the table so that they form a triangle. Take a candle and a container of water in your hands and read the spell 3 times, chanting the water:

“How fresh and good the water is, you can wash yourself with it and drink it. So let my work be useful and well paid. Let the boss stop hiding money, and start sharing it with me, so that not only he, but also me, will have a joyful life. He will earn his bread and break off a piece for me; he will earn money for wine, and pour me a sip. Let it be so. Amen."

Spray the bags with enchanted water, as well as all corners of the room where the ritual was performed. Put out the candle. With bags in hand, go outside. The first one must be left at the crossroads with the words “ Paid in full", take the second to your workplace (you can do it the next day during working hours), and burn the third, saying: " The empty one is not mine, I don’t need it. I need goodness, prosperity and good luck in business" The next day, go to Church and light a candle for the health of your envious people.

A conspiracy to get rid of the greed of a husband or mother-in-law

To get rid of the greed of the husband, mother-in-law, or other relatives, it is necessary to perform a simple magical ritual. First, convert your completed years to a simple number. For example, at the moment you are 22 years old. Add 2+2 and get 4 as a result.

Take the number of identical paper bills that equals the resulting prime number. With your left hand, open a random page of the Bible and put money there. Exactly one week later, take them out and go to Church. After serving, light a candle for the health of the person you want get rid of the pathological feeling of greed. When leaving, donate the entire amount of money to the needs of the Church, and treat the beggars sitting at the entrance to any sweet. Leave without ever looking back. For the rest of the day and night, don't talk to anyone.

The ritual does not end there, but You need to continue it only after your first salary. Take 100 rubles from it in your right hand and cross yourself, saying: “ Let greed leave God’s servant (name) and find another" Go to the store and buy bread and milk with it, don’t take the change. These products must be eaten by the person for whom the ritual is directed.

If in the family both the husband and parents are greedy, then the conspiracy should be carried out for each individual separately. It is better for about 1 month to pass between rituals.

How to get rid of the feeling of greed yourself

If you notice that you have become greedy(not to be confused with frugality), and this is causing you difficulties in life, then try to get rid of this vice as soon as possible. A simple ritual will help you with this.

On Monday, be sure to walk to the nearest Church. Light candles for your health, for the health of your enemies and for the health of your friends. All this time mentally say prayer for greed addressed to God so that he can help you get rid of the harmful feeling:

“Help, Lord, mortal sin has entangled me, bewitched me, fettered my will and subjugated my desires. Help, Lord, deliver me from my greed."

When returning home, stop at any intersection and throw a small coin in front of you.

At home, cook pumpkin porridge with millet grains without salt. Before using, say the words:

“Just as there is a lot of millet in pumpkin porridge, so may I have a lot of goodness in my house. Just as there is a lot of salt in pumpkin porridge, so let there be so much greed in me.”

You must eat all the porridge, without leaving a single spoon. Immediately wash the pan, plate and spoon and wipe dry with a towel.

Start your morning with new things: new soap, a new brush with toothpaste, a new package of grains for porridge, a new carton of milk, a new loaf of bread, etc. It is also advisable to change your appearance: do a new hairstyle, make-up, put on a new set of underwear. On this day it is very important have breakfast with one dish, lunch with two, and dinner with three.

remember, that magical rituals and conspiracies should be carried out only in this case, if you truly believe in the power of their action. Otherwise, you will have to look for another way.

In everything in our world, of course. Everything will pass, because everything passes. The roses in the vase will fade, the vase will break, and the house in which the roses smelled will sooner or later be destroyed. Everything in this world has its end. Except for one thing - human greed. Greed truly has no end.

Legends are made and folk tales are told about human greed. Greed defies any elementary logic. Sometimes, when a person has little, greed does not appear in him - he is content with little. But if his income suddenly increases, then his greed also increases.

Remember Russian folk tales. Those heroes who showed greed, as a rule, ended their stories poorly. And those who, on the contrary, did not pursue any personal benefits and selfish goals, were generously rewarded.

Why is greed so destructive, what consequences does it lead to, and how to deal with it?

Greed breeds poverty: what does it mean?

Have you ever tried gambling? At least once in our lives, each of us has experienced such a feeling as excitement. The reason for gambling is greed - the desire to simply get for the sake of accumulation. Remember your feelings at that moment: consciousness narrows to one point - the desire to receive the maximum of any material resources here and now. And the willingness to risk everything for it. This condition can sometimes be very painful and even lead to serious mental disorders.

Remember Herman from Pushkin’s story “The Queen of Spades”. Greed not only pushed him to violence, but also drove him to a madhouse. “Three, seven, ace,” he mumbled incessantly. It became a kind of meditation for him. And the thirst for winning is literally the meaning of life.

Often, when any human vices are considered, they say that these are our instincts, our animal nature, which a rational being is called upon to overcome. But such a vice as greed, in this case, is a kind of exception.

Surprisingly, animals do not show greed. Science knows of no cases where an animal, for example, would suffer from overeating. An animal always has a clear sense of proportion: how much to eat, when and in what proportion. And the accumulation of material wealth (if such is possible in the animal world) is also not observed. Even if any animal creates reserves for the winter, it is in the quantities strictly prescribed by nature. Nature itself tells him how much food he needs. Most often, food is prepared with a small reserve, but always in adequate volumes.

In a word, such a quality as greed is not found in the animal world. Consequently, this quality appeared in humans precisely in the process of evolution. How so? Indeed, in the process of evolution, our consciousness should become more altruistic, but here such a strange step back is taking place. The reason for this strangeness is the following.

The animal is limited by its instincts and strives exclusively to satisfy them. It does not strive for any development or expansion of consciousness in the process of its life activity. A person, possessing a more perfect mind, at a deep intuitive level longs for expansion of his consciousness, knowledge of a higher reality, and spiritual development. It is the thirst to expand the boundaries of our consciousness that is one of those qualities that distinguishes us from animals.

And here the following problem arises: if the soul that has incarnated in the human body does not yet have sufficient experience, then it tries to satisfy this thirst for expansion with the help of the tools that it used in the past, that is, with the help of animal models of behavior. Due to the lack of experience, such a soul does not realize that it desires knowledge of the highest reality, infinity and expansion of consciousness, and begins to satisfy its thirst in a physical way: by absorbing food and accumulating material wealth. This is a certain stage of development. From the point of view of the human chakra system, this is.

The chakras in the human body correspond to the levels of consciousness, as well as the six worlds of Samsara. So the Manipura chakra is the level of the world of “pretas” or, in other words, hungry ghosts. These creatures are in their development already above the level of animals, but below the level of humans. They have a more developed consciousness than animals, but their distinguishing feature is greed. Those souls who, dying, leave this world through the Manipura chakra, are embodied in the world of hungry ghosts.

The life of hungry ghosts is pure suffering. Their entire existence is filled with hunger, thirst and desires that cannot be satisfied for a number of reasons.

Also, souls who are afflicted with the disease of greed are often punished by poverty. Or rather, it is even incorrect to talk about punishment here, because the Universe is favorable to us and wishes us only one thing - that we develop. Therefore, she cannot punish anyone. In this case, poverty is rather a cure for greed. After all, if a person pulls everything towards himself, then the only way to make him think is to deprive him of the opportunity to accumulate material values. In this way, the soul is “cured” from such a vice as greed. When a person is deprived of material goods (and sometimes even the ability to satisfy his basic needs), sooner or later he will begin to look for reasons for this.

At first, as a rule, a person will look for ways to “deceive” the Universe. A striking example are fans of various kinds of esoteric practices for attracting money. It’s not that doing this is harmful, but rather simply pointless. If a person has already “burned through” all his good karma due to endless accumulation and acquisitiveness, then no matter how much you repeat mantras and prayers, no matter how much you bury money in a cemetery on a full moon, there will be no money. But if he still has some good karma left, then such practices will help “burn through” its remnants, and then things will be very bad. Because if a person does not have good karma, then the chance of encountering adequate knowledge that can help get out of such a situation is zero.

When the experience of such searches for happiness and material wealth is completed (or, due to good karma, is simply rejected as unnecessary), then a person begins to more consciously delve into the causes of his suffering. Here, as a rule, he encounters the concepts of the law of karma and the fact that there is always balance in the world. And if a person only pulls everything towards himself, then sooner or later all sources of income for him will be cut off. This is exactly how the Universe “heals” egoists. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) there is no other way.

Only by immersing oneself in poverty and misery can an egoist understand that the accumulation of material wealth does not lead to development. Just as the body tries to block and destroy a cancer cell that suddenly begins to consume the body’s resources only for itself, the Universe, seeing that a person becomes a consumer, cuts off all sources of income for him. And this is not a punishment, but simply a rational approach: why waste resources on someone who will use them only for themselves?

Proverbs about greed

Our ancestors, seeing the results that greed leads to, came up with many instructive sayings for future generations in order to protect them from common mistakes:

  • If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
  • Not for yourself, not for people.
  • The stingy rich man is poorer than the beggar.
  • Fur coat lies there, and he himself trembles.
  • The dog lies in the hay - and does not eat itself, and does not give it to the cattle.
  • Self-interest blinds the eyes.
  • There is nowhere to put the money, and there is nothing to buy a wallet with.
  • Money to a miser is like hay to a dog: he neither eats nor gives it to others.
  • I am ready to sell my own mother for money.
  • He looks into the coffin and saves money.
  • There is a cow in the yard and water is on the table.
  • I don’t make noise myself, nor will I give it to anyone else.
  • It is not the one who has little who is greedy, but the one who wants more.
  • Stingy as bees: they collect honey and then die.
  • For nothing, it will go away by steam.
  • You'd rather beg milk from a chicken.

Greed. Synonyms

In the Russian language there are many synonyms for the word “greed”, which reflect the destructiveness, and most importantly, the stupidity of this vice.

For example, “gluttony.” The synonym reflects the fact that human greed is limitless and cannot be satisfied.

Another indicative synonym is “tightness.” That is, a greedy person presses everything to himself. And it looks stupid and strange.

“Greedy”, “stingy”, “gluttonous” - this is what they say about a greedy person, reflecting all the negative character traits that appear when a person is overcome by greed.

How to get rid of greed?

Sooner or later, life lessons in the form of poverty and misery, which a soul infected with greed will inevitably go through, will lead this soul to the understanding that being greedy is at least unprofitable. It is at this moment that the further evolution of the soul begins.

The world of "pretas", or hungry ghosts, which was mentioned above, is an intermediate stage of evolution between the animal world and the human world. These creatures already possess a certain primitive mind, vaguely reminiscent of a human one, but it is precisely the feeling of greed that does not allow them to reveal in themselves all the qualities of a real Man.

Oddly enough, such a problem of the Manipura chakra as greed begins to be solved precisely at the level of Manipura. Although it usually happens differently: the problem of any chakra can be solved at a higher energy center.

When a person suffering from greed, through observations of the outside world, comes to the conclusion that the cause of poverty is greed (or simply encounters a similar concept due to his good karma), then he begins to look for ways to solve this problem.

When such a person comes across knowledge about the law of karma, which says: “What goes around comes around,” he, again using the qualities of the Manipura chakra, which in everything and always seeks only personal gain, makes simple mathematical conclusions and comes to conclusion: in order to get rid of poverty, you need to start giving something to someone, and then everything will start to come back.

At first, such a person, as a rule, doubts, but then, seeing that other methods do not work and life does not change, he still decides to take a risk and begins to share something: money, things, knowledge, etc.

And here everything depends on the karma of a greedy person. If, with his greed, he has already driven himself into such a karmic hole that he has debts for ten lives ahead, then perhaps he will give until he gets tired of it or he simply doubts the concept of the law of karma.

But such neglected cases, as a rule, are quite rare, so most often, after some time (everything depends, again, on the accumulated karma), the person actually begins to return what he gave to others. Here greed usually intensifies again, and the person, delighted that he has learned the secret of success, begins to give everything to everyone. And suddenly - a misfire, the law stops working. Why?

There are two reasons: firstly, you don’t need to give everything and not to everyone: giving an alcoholic money for vodka is not a donation, but complicity in degradation. It is the so-called “sacrifice in ignorance” that is the first reason that a person gets, to put it mildly, the wrong result.

The second reason why a person does not receive a “response” for his donations is motivation. If the motivation is selfish, then the return will be delayed. Here is an important point: the law of karma is absolute and will work in any case. But motivation is also important in any matter, and if a good deed has a selfish motivation, then the person will not immediately receive the fruits of this act.

This is how the Universe “educates” us: if you are attached to a result, be kind enough to wait for it for a couple of lives. And if you act from altruistic motives, the fruits will return immediately so that you can use them for your further development and helping others. Everything is fair. It is important to always remember: everything that happens to us is the fruit of our actions. And if we give, but it is not returned to us, it means that we are either giving to the wrong person, not as needed, and not what is needed; or we do it with unworthy motivation.

So, the fight against greed begins precisely at the level of the Manipura chakra, and at first the motivation is still selfish. But over time, when a person sees that the fruits of his actions are not just returned to him, but also change the world for the better, his motivations begin to change.

For example, if a person donated to the publication of a book about vegetarianism, he may notice that not only did these funds return to him in one way or another, but the society around him became healthier. And he himself suddenly began to encounter vegetarians and information about it.

And then a person understands that if you invest your money in the development of the world around you, then the world around you miraculously begins to change. And having invested in the publication of a book that will sell out its entire circulation on the other side of the globe, a person will notice that suddenly his relatives began to think about giving up meat... And his work colleagues, who had previously joked about his “diet”, also began to talk casually that meat is actually harmful. And seeing all this, a person’s consciousness rises. The energy rises at least to the level of the Anahata chakra, where the consciousness of a real Man is achieved, who acts not for his own good, but for the good of all living. There are also a number of restrictions on Anahata, but there is definitely no greed there.

Thus, the pill for greed is donations. And you can donate not only money or some material goods. You can donate, for example, your own time. Listen to someone, give advice, share knowledge. This will be a donation that will allow you, first of all, to overcome your selfishness and, as a result, get rid of greed.

It is from the level of the Anahata chakra that the real spiritual development of a person begins. Because up to the level of this chakra, a person’s motivations remain selfish. And spiritual development for selfish reasons is only an initial stage that cannot last long. Otherwise, it is fraught with troubles - both for the person himself and for those around him.

In a word, greed is cured by altruism. Redirect attention from yourself to those around you and try to act at least not only for your own good, but also for the good of others. It’s best to start with your family, it’s easier. As a rule, most people realize that by benefiting their family, they are benefiting themselves too. Therefore, it is better to start at least at the level of your loved ones, and then develop more unbiased altruism, constantly expanding the circle of those you can help. It's truly inspiring. Seeing how the world around you changes thanks to your efforts is much more pleasant than accumulating some material wealth that our soul will still leave here.

Remember more often about Alexander the Great, who conquered half the world, but asked to be buried empty-handed, thereby showing the whole world that he could not take anything with him. And he, despite all his kshatriya ambitions, was well aware of this.

Surely many of us have been told since childhood that we cannot be greedy, almost forcing us to share the last candy or favorite toy with our neighbor. To the question “Why?” the answer was almost always the same: that’s how it should be, you should be generous (polite) and so on. With age, many understood why it is impossible to be greedy, although with some kind of deformed idea of ​​​​this feeling. And, most likely, if one person offers something to another out of politeness, then he may secretly hope that the other person will refuse out of the same politeness. But he may agree, again out of politeness. Who was taught how? In order to never think about it again and completely forget about the feeling of greed, we offer you ways to overcome it.

1. Admit the problem

As in most cases, first you need to admit the existence of this problem and honestly say to yourself: “Yes, I am greedy!” What's wrong with that? Everyone has their own shortcomings, and since you undertake to eradicate them, you will have to face the truth. Just remember that all people have vices. Even the most holy or exemplary at first glance. There Buddha, like our great classic Dostoevsky, at one time passionately indulged in gambling. And Tolstoy did not know the limits of his lust so much that he left behind about four hundred direct descendants today.

2. Boomerang effect

After the first step, you need to build new psychological attitudes in your head. But they must have such power that the old ideas about your stinginess go away. One of the main attitudes is as follows: “If I give something to someone or share it with someone, it won’t make me feel worse.” The main law of the Universe is at work here, which is often called the “boomerang effect.” Do good, and it will definitely come back to you. If you repeat this principle in your head every day, it will soon become entrenched in your subconscious and become something you take for granted.

3. Help people more often

Try to help people as often as possible. Scientists say that this practice quickly helps to overcome greed. Anything will do: advice, help with work, and many other things like that. Start with your loved ones and family, then you can move on to friends, and then even to people you don’t know. But without unnecessary fanaticism. And don't expect gratitude from them. You do it because you want to, from the bottom of your heart, and not for something. As they say, if you have done something good, throw it into the water.

4. But don't be generous to everyone.

When becoming generous to others, you must remember that you don’t need to lavish your generosity on everyone. There are two outcomes here: either they will sit on your neck, or they will use your kindness for other purposes. For example, you shouldn’t give money to every beggar on the street. After all, there are those who really need them, and there are those who just need a hangover. You might say that helping someone with a hangover can also be added to the list of good deeds. It’s possible, we don’t argue. We will leave the solution to this issue at your discretion.

5. Give gifts to loved ones

Get into the habit of giving gifts to relatives and friends for no reason. And your present doesn’t have to be expensive. It could be some small trinket. After all, the main thing is your attention, which is higher than the cost of the gift.

6. Don't get attached to things

Don't get so attached to things that it looks pathological. Of course, each of us has something favorite and memorable. A mug, a rare book, a watch, socks and much more. But remember that none of this lasts forever, just like you yourself. And the rule “I carry everything I own with me” will not work in the next world. Your last wooden bed won't hold all your favorite things. And you are not a pharaoh, but an ordinary mortal.

And remember that generosity is one of the main adornments of a gentleman.

Hello to all readers of my blog! Recently, life gave me a new discovery, I saw how greedy a person I am! This was shown to me very timely, since I began to sometimes be proud of myself and my achievements. And this is what happened.

Since my work is related to real estate and website promotion, I decided to make my own website for new buildings in Anapa. Let him, I think, hang there, not ask for anything to drink, and if he starts bringing money, then I won’t mind at all.

No sooner said than done. Using my knowledge, I quickly made it popular. People began to contact me to help them find an apartment in Anapa. I redirected all of them to one realtor I knew, who was already involved in the selection.

The first call that I was not okay with generosity - greed rang when I decided that the realtor who works with me may not tell me that he made a deal with my client and, accordingly, not share fee.

I decided to change the realtor to another one, whom I trusted more, then I changed this one to a third one. Realizing that there would be no end to this, I decided to work off my clients myself and not share with anyone.

By that time, I was already receiving, on average, two applications a day, and then more. And I began to work as a real realtor. At the same time, I want to note a very important point. I don’t take money from the client, not a penny. In Anapa, work is structured in such a way that realtors enter into an agreement with the developer and work at the same prices as the developer, and if a person comes from the realtor to the developer, then the developer then simply pays the realtor a certain commission. But For the buyer, the price for an apartment is always the same.

And in this situation, when I, essentially, do everything for free for clients, I was faced with such a scam that I could not even imagine. About 90% of my clients, for whom I spared no time or money, simply cheated on me. Having extracted all the information, as they say, everything that was acquired through back-breaking labor, they often go directly to the developer and enter into an agreement to purchase an apartment, without mentioning who sent them there, that is, simply throwing money at me

I understand everything, when on the secondary market realtors take a commission above the property being sold, there I understand the buyer’s motive to bypass the realtor. But here!!! At the same price, and they still try to cheat!

I began to notice that I began to gradually hate those people to whom I had said ““” not so long ago. I already hated anyone who started contacting me! For me it was such a shock, from which, to be honest, I have not yet fully recovered.

One of the most striking episodes of this story was how I saw the face of greed, its eyes. You won't believe it, but I saw her live! A young, attractive couple came to me for a consultation on choosing an apartment. We talked for a long time, at the end of the conversation, when they received from me all the information they were interested in, the girl asked me, “ We don't owe you anything now, do we?" I answered as it is, “ no, the developer will pay me for bringing you to him. You don't owe me anything" The girl smiled at me and at that moment I saw instead of the girl, or rather instead of her face, a mask, a creepy, stinking grin, something like in the movie “Aliens.” Those who have seen will understand; those who have not seen cannot be explained.

She did not completely obscure the girl, but only somehow appeared through her, it was not scary, I understood that she was not from this world and would not bite me off anything here. She grinned and giggled, and I clearly heard her thoughts, “ Fuck you, you’ll see more of us, we got everything we wanted from you, and then we’ll go and buy an apartment ourselves, without you».

Well, now I can hear your thoughts too. I answer them right away. No, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, I don’t indulge in cannabis and I don’t use mushrooms. But I saw it, really!

And I realized who it was. This showed me greed! In all its glory! When I regained the ability to reason sensibly, I asked myself, “ why did they show it to you?" And I got it! It's not theirs, it's my greed!

I remembered how I steal by downloading licensed films, how I steal by downloading paid trainings and books. I realized that all these people, my clients, were showing me my own greed! I'll tell you this revelation! I had no idea I had so much of this in me!

How to get rid of greed, the traditional Hawaiian method

Since I no longer want to deal with such clients, I began to seriously think about how to get rid of greed. The first thing that came to mind was the cleansing method known as. I often practice this method. Not regularly, but often, and he helps me in different situations. On the first day I spent at least half an hour on cleansing, then the second day, and the third.

Surprisingly, the number of applications from the site has sharply decreased; apparently those whose lessons I no longer need have left. Proud that I had conquered my greed, I asked God and told him something like this: “ My dear, you see how cool I already am, there are practically no stains left on me, check me, send me the situation, and we will check if I really conquered greed in myself».

And he organized, as always, in the best possible way, so much so that for half a day afterwards I was shaking from the “injustice”! I realized that three days was clearly not enough for me to cure this defect. Looks like we'll have to fight for a couple more days

How to overcome greed, a religious approach

This could be the end of the story, but the article is still not so much about me as about how to overcome greed for money, so I would like to add what the holy scriptures and people I respect say about this vice.

For example, the Koran contains the following lines: “ Truly, the keys to worldly possessions are located next to the Arsh, and the Almighty sends them to His servants as they spend. To the extent that you are generous to your family, Allah sends you the keys to this worldly destiny.».

Let’s not focus on “slaves” now, I don’t like it myself, but note “ To the extent that you are generous to your family, Allah sends you the keys to this worldly destiny.».

What are these words about? That the more you care about your family, the more opportunities you have to earn money for them. Not for yourself! For family! It is important. What if we expand the concept of family from our immediate relatives and take responsibility for them? I haven’t tried it yet, but for some reason I’m sure that the amount of money earned will increase. What if we take responsibility not only for relatives, but for those who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to earn money that we have? That is, in order to recover from greed, it is necessary not only to sit in meditation, cleansing yourself and space. You need to start donating.

Let's remember rich people. Most of them donate considerable sums to charity. And the phrase immediately comes to mind “the more you give, the more you receive”, and I, lately, have somehow been postponing this moment, although I used to practice such activities.

I know that many people think that when I have a lot of money, then I will also donate. You won't! Wealth is the ability to share, to be generous. You need to start now, when there is not enough money. We need to change our paradigm from the worldview of a beggar to the worldview of a generous person, capable of not only taking, but also giving! It doesn't happen that it snowed first and then got colder. Change always comes from within, first you need to change your attitude, then your environment will change, first it gets cold, then it snows!

Vedas on how to get rid of greed, envy, greed

- Good question. Envy, greed, greed. There is a cure, repeat: “Ishavasem idam sarvam” is a powerful mantra. Ishavasem idam sarvam means everything belongs to God. “Nir mama” - there is nothing of mine in this world. I came there empty-handed, and I will go there empty-handed. “Ishavasem idam sarvam,” and greed will decrease. In addition, look carefully, people are suffering, someone is missing something, help sometimes. We will feel satisfaction from this, in fact, if we act correctly, help correctly, not just throwing away means, but correctly in knowledge, we need to be attentive for this purpose.

- That is, we should not put up with the fact that many people suffer in this world, we must spread knowledge, or help with property, if we are rich, to poor and sick people, children. That is, we must be active, kindness must be active, and then we will be cured of shortcomings. But if kindness is passive, this kindness becomes overgrown with greed, envy and lust. Somewhere inside I am kind, but people don’t understand this, you see, because I am overgrown with these shortcomings. Because I am not active in my virtue. I lack the intelligence to understand where to direct my virtue.

“This life is imposed by the laws of greed, struggle and envy. Therefore, one must repeat “Ishavasem idam sarvam”, even I belong to God. Everything belongs to him, God-centric concept, the owner is already there. And I can’t compete with him, he’s taller than me. The principle of service harmonizes this world, not the principle of domination.

Let me summarize all of the above. Greed can be cured only by one medicine, faith in God, or rather, trust in him and cultivating generosity in oneself. It looks like this is exactly what I will be doing in the near future with terrible force! What about your generosity?

    Elena Kurbatova from December 25, 2015 22:09 from December 27, 2015 09:30 Galina Nagornaya from January 10, 2016 15:32 from January 10, 2016 18:26 Galina Nagornaya from January 11, 2016 02:37 Shuro4ka from January 15, 2016 14:26 from January 15, 2016 14:40 Shuro4ka from January 21, 2016 13:54 from January 21, 2016 14:40 Galina Nagornaya from January 21, 2016 15:08 Shuro4ka from January 21, 2016 15:15 Galina Nagornaya from January 21, 2016 15:34 from January 21 2016 17:11 Alexey from January 31, 2016 01:16 from February 2, 2016 00:07 Alexey from February 2, 2016 09:06 from February 2, 2016 09:34 Irina from February 4, 2016 23:48