European countries in German. German speaking countries

Are you learning German and don’t know where to speak it except in Germany? We will tell you about the most German-speaking countries.
As you know, German belongs to the West Germanic subgroup Germanic languages and is official state language The Federal Republic of Germany, with a population of 77 million, and Austria, which is home to another 7.5 million people who speak the language you are learning. The official language of the Principality of Liechtenstein ( Furstentum Liechtenstein), which occupies an area of ​​only 160 square kilometers in the Alps mountains, German is also considered.
Moreover, German is one of the official languages ​​of Switzerland; according to statistical estimates, there are about 4.6 million German-speaking citizens in Switzerland, which is 72.4% of the country's population. Luxembourg and Belgium will also welcome you with the sounds of German speech, as these areas speak their own dialects of the Germanic language. Significant groups of German-speaking populations also live in France, Italy, the USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and other countries, but the latter do not belong to the group of German-speaking countries.

Of course, in most areas of Germany and the countries listed above, residents speak dialect variants standard German language, and in order to choose which accent you want to hear first of all, we will tell you a little about the countries and their characteristics.

Literary German (Hochdeutsch) is generally accepted in education, office work, and in official institutions; it can be heard while watching German TV channels or listening to German radio stations. But in some German states you will hear the German language, which differs in some features of phonetics, morphology and vocabulary.

So, the country with the largest number of German-speaking residents is Germany, or federal Republic Germany- European Democratic state, consisting of 16 lands. Of course, in a country in which 92% of the inhabitants are German, the most pleasant thing for you and me is the language, but if you go to Germany, get ready to see a unique country that does not have great natural reserves any natural resources, but occupying a significant place in the world economy. And this is thanks to the efficiency of the population, a reasonable and practical approach to each problem, as well as to the native language.
Along with literary German, the population uses Low, Middle and High German dialects, which are often very different from literary language. There are also mixed dialects. It makes sense to visit not only the largest German cities(Berlin, Hamburg, Munich or Cologne), but also relatively small, especially since anywhere in Germany you will find cultural attractions, since for modern Germany characterized by diversity and wide use culture. In the country, for example, there are more than 4,570 museums, and their number is constantly growing. And, of course, you will be able to try special German cuisine, visit beautiful ancient castles, and all this will be flavored with pure German.

Why is it interesting? Austria? Austrian Republic - European state, with its capital in Vienna, whose longest border is in the north with Germany. The mountainous terrain and mild climate also affected the language; even the Austrians themselves admit that “their” German is much more melodic and softer. This is facilitated by the fact that the suffix –l is very common in the Austrian accent.
Despite the fact that the largest ethnic group- German-speaking Austrians make up 88.6% of the country's population; the spoken and official language of Austrians differs significantly from the official German language of Germany: Austrian dialects are close to the Bavarian dialect of Germany and the German language of Switzerland.
The Austrian German language is distinguished partly by vocabulary, slightly grammatical features and pronunciation style. The Austrian version of German is also different because it was not standardized by Duden's rules*, as a result it retained its local flavor.

For example: in Austria you can hear “Guten Morgen, gnädige Frau”, “Guten Abend, Herr Ingenieur”, “Grüß Gott, Herr Doktor”, in Germany the greeting is limited to the greeting itself and brief address with the mention of the surname - “Guten Morgen”, “Guten Abend, Herr Müller”.

Since many Austrianisms go back to the clerical language of the Habsburg Monarchy, many are used in the language own words to denote political or legal concepts. The Austrians also gave their names to the months, e.g.

Jänner is used everywhere instead of Januar and Feber instead of Februar or Hornung.

Also, the Austrian version has many of its own culinary names and products, for example, in German the word for tomatoes is “Tomaten”, and in Austrian it is “Paradeiser”.

Because Lately there has been a tradition to visit Austria in winter to ski with mountain slopes, then if you want to get to know the country from the point of view of its culture, visit numerous theaters, operas or the well-known family circus "Pikard", you would be better off visiting cities with beautiful architecture in summer period. At this time it is easier to have a casual conversation with an Austrian over a glass of beer and national dish from beef or pork.

Of course, the dwarf principality - the state - is very attractive for life or a tourist trip. Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein borders Austria to the east and Switzerland to the west and is a prosperous industrial country with a developed financial services sector and high level life. The country has a small number of inhabitants, only 35,360 people (according to 2008 data), official language which is German, but in everyday life you are more likely to hear the Alemannic dialect of German**, which is also common in southern Germany. And while in Germany the Alemannic dialect is being replaced by the Berlin variant of German, in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, on the contrary, the position of the Alemannic dialect is strengthening: in forums and SMS messages, young people write mainly in the dialect; on television and radio, more and more programs are broadcast in Alemannic

Whatever country you choose for your trip, remember that literary German is understood in any of them, and by learning the peculiarities of local pronunciation, you will give your speech a special charm and expressiveness.

June 2012


*Konrad Alexander Friedrich Duden (January 3, 1829 - August 1, 1911) - German philologist, compiler of the famous spelling dictionary German language named after him.

** The Alemannic dialect (West South German dialect) of the German language belongs to the South German dialects of the High German cluster.

- (Spanish Alemañol, a combination of the words alemán and español) mixed language Spanish-speaking population of German-speaking countries, which is a combination of German vocabulary based on spanish grammar. Alemanyol arose after the 1960s,... ... Wikipedia

German is one of the most commonly used languages ​​in the world, ranking tenth in popularity among all languages. It is also one of the most widely spoken languages: German is spoken by more than 90 million people throughout... ... Wikipedia

The request for "German" is redirected here; see also other meanings. German language Self-name: Deutsch, deutsche Sprache Countries ... Wikipedia

Originates in early middle ages when the languages ​​of the ancient Germans begin to contact each other, creating the basis for the formation common language. More early development the German language is directly related to the development of the Proto-Germanic language,... ... Wikipedia

Under the variety of language (German: Varietät) in in a general sense understand functioning in certain time, V certain place and in certain group people a variant of a language that has some differences from other variants. In other words, any language... ... Wikipedia

Multilingual inscriptions and signs in Namibia The German language in Namibia is recognized as one of the national languages ​​along with Afrikaans, ... Wikipedia

Self-name: Lëtzebuergesch [lətsəbuərjəʃ] Countries ... Wikipedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Grimm. Wilhelm Grimm Wilhelm Grimm ... Wikipedia

Self-name: Diutsch, Tiutsch Countries: southern Germany (south... Wikipedia

Self-name: Nederdüütsch, Plattdüütsch, Plautdietsch Countries ... Wikipedia


  • Russian-German phrasebook, Orlova O., Kerner F.. Russian-German phrasebook contains the minimum words and phrases necessary Russian citizens traveling to German-speaking countries. The purpose of the phrasebook is to help those who do not speak German...
  • Popular Russian-German phrasebook, Prokopyeva N.N., compiler. The Russian-German phrasebook contains words, phrases and expressions necessary for Russian citizens traveling to German-speaking countries as tourists, on a business trip, to study, etc.…

Abbreviations: city – city, r. – river, peninsula – peninsula, lake. – lake, state – state, ist. - historical name.

Transcription individual words is given after them in Russian in parentheses.In my opinion, the method of conveying in Russian letters the sound of letters and letter combinations of geographical names, of course, is not ideal and carries a number of significant inaccuracies in pronunciation, but it is more convenient than classical transcription.

In order to find what you need geographical name, for now we use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F(type in the search bar that appears (usually at the top right) the right name and press Enter). A more convenient search method will appear a little later.


Aachen n Aachen
Abijan n (Abidjan) Abidjan (capital of the state of Cote d'Ivoire)
Abu Dhabi n (-Dhabi) Abu Dhabi (capital of the United Arab Emirates)
Accra n Accra (capital of Ghana)
Addis Abeba n Addis Ababa (capital of Ethiopia)
Adelaide n Adelaide
Aden n Aden
Adria f, Adriatisches Meer Adriatic Sea
Afghanistan n (-ga-) Afghanistan, Republik Afghanistan Republic of Afghanistan
Africa n Africa
Ägäis f Aegean Sea
Ägypten n Egypt
Alaska n Alaska Peninsula
Albanien n Albania
Alеuten pl (Aleuten) Aleutian Islands
Alexandria n Alexandria
Algerien n Algeria (state)
Algier n (Algeria) Algiers (capital of Algeria)
Al-Kuweit n Kuwait city (capital of Kuwait)
Alma-Ata n Alma-Ata
Alpen pl Alps (mountains)
Alster f Alster river
Altai m Altai, Altai region; Altai Mountains
Amazonas m r. Amazon
America n America
Aman n Amman (capital of Jordan)
Amsterdam n Amsterdam
Amudarja m Amu Darya river
Amur m Amur river
Anden pl Andes (mountains)
Andorra n Adorra
Andorra la Vella n (-lya) Adorra and Andorra la Vella (capital of Andorra)
Angara f Angara river
Angola n Angola
Anhalt n Anhalt and Anhalt (original region in Germany)
Ankara n Ankara
Antananarivo n(-in) Antananarivo (capital of Madagascar)
Antarktika f Antarctica
Antarktis f Antarctica
Antillen pl Antilles
Antwerpen n Antwerp
Apennin m, Apenninen pl Apennines, Apennine Mountains
Apenninenhalbinsel f Apennine Peninsula
Apia n Apia (capital of Western Samoa)
Äquatorial-Guinea n (guinea) Equatorial Guinea
Arabien f, Arabische Halbinsel Arabia, Arabian Peninsula
Aralsee m Aral Sea
Archangelsk n (-kang-) Arkhangelsk
Argentina n Argentina
Arktik m see Arktischer Ozean
Arktis f Arctic
Arktischer Ozean Arctic Ocean
Ärmelkanal m English Channel (strait)
Armenien n Armenia
Aschgabat n Ashgabat
Aserbaidschan n (-jan) Azerbaijan
Asian n Asia
Asowisches Meer Sea of ​​Azov
Assyrien n ist. Assyria
Asuncion n (-zion) Asuncion (capital of Paraguay)
Athen n Athens
Äthiopien n Ethiopia
Atlantik m, Atlantischer Ozean Atlantic Ocean
Ätna m Etna (volcano)
Australian n (Australia)
Azoren pl (Azores)


Babel n, Babylon ist. Babylon
Baden n, Baden (part of Baden-Württemberg)
Baden-Baden n Baden-Baden
Baden-Würtemberg n Baden-Württemberg (state in Germany)
Bagdad n Baghdad
Bahamaseln pl Bahamas
Bahamas pl Bahamas (state)
Bahrein n Bahrain
Baikal m, Baikalsee Lake Baikal
Baku n Baku
Balaton n Lake Balaton
Balearen pl Balearic Islands
Balchaschsee m Lake Balkhash
Balkan m Balkans (peninsulas and mountains)
Balkanhalbinsel f Balkan Peninsula
Bamako n Bamako (capital of Mali)
Bandung n Bandung
Bangkok n Bangkok (capital of Thailand)
Bangladesh n (-dash) Bangladesh
Bangui n (bangui) Bangui (capital of the Central African Republic)
Banjul (-jul) Banjul (capital of Gambia)
Barbados n (island and state)
Barcelona n (-tse-) Barcelona
Barentssee f Barents Sea
Basel n Basel
Basse-Terre n (Basseterre) Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe)
Beyerische Alpen pl Bavarian Alps
Bayern n Bavaria (state in Germany)
Beirut n (berut) Beirut
Belgium n Belgium
Belgrade n
Belize n (belize) Belize (state)
Belingshausensee f Bellingshausen Sea
Belorußland n, see Weißrußland Belarus
Bengasi n Benghazi (capital of Libya)
Benin n Benin (state)
Beringmeer n Bering Sea
Beringstrasse f Bering Strait
Berlin n Berlin
Bermudainseln pl Bermuda
Bermudas f Bermuda (state)
Bern n Bern
Beskiden pl Beskydy (mountains)
Bethlehem n ist. Bethlehem
Birmindham n Birmingham
Bischkek n Bishkek
Bissau n Bissau (capital of Guinea Bissau)
Bodensee m Lake Constance
Bogota n Bogota (capital of Colombia)
Böhmen n Czech Republic, East Bohemia
Böhmerwald m Bohemian Forest (mountains)
Bolivien n (-vi-) Bolivia
Bologna n (-logna) Bologna
Bombay n (-bay) Bombay (Mumbai)
Bonn n Bonn
Bordeaux n (-to) Bordeaux
Borneo n Borneo, see Kalimantan
Bosnien und Herzegowina f Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosporus m Bosporus (strait)
Boston n (-ten) Boston
Botswana n Botswana
Brahmaputra m Brahmaputra river
Brandenburg n Brandenburg
Brasilia n Brasilia (capital of Brazil)
Brasilien n Brazil
Bratislava n (-va) Bratislava
Braunschweig n Braunschweig (city and historical region of the state of Lower Saxony)
Brazzaville n (-zavil) Brazzaville (capital of Congo)
BRD see Bundesrepublik Deutschland Germany, Federal Republic of Germany
Bregenz n Bregenz
Bremen n Bremen (city and state in Germany)
Breslau n Breslau (formerly German name Wroclaw)
Brest n Brest
Bretagne f (-tanier) Brittany (historical region in France)
Bridgetown n (Bridgetown) Bridgetown (capital of Barbados)
Bristol n (-steel) Bristol
Brno n Brno
Brocken m Brocken (peak in Harz)
Brünn n German name of the city of Brno
Brussel n Brussels
Buchara n Bukhara
Budapest n Budapest
Buenos Aires n Buenos Aires
Bug m Bug river
Bujumbura n Bujumbura (capital of Burundi)
Bukarest n Bucharest
Bukowina f Bukovina
Bulgarien n Bulgaria
Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD) Federal Republic of Germany
Burgenland n Burgenland (land in Austria)
Burkina-Faso n Burkina Faso (state)
Burma n, see Myanmar
Burundi n Burundi (state)
Byzanz n ist.Byzantium


Calais n (calais) Calais
Cambridge n (Cambridge) Cambridge
Canberra n Canberra
Cannes n (kan) Cannes
Caracas n Caracas (capital of Venezuela)
Cayenne n (Cayenne) Cayenne ( administrative center Guianas)
Celebes n Celebes, see Sulawesi
Ceylon n (Caylon) Ceylon, see Sri Lanka
Champagne f (shapanie) Champagne (historical region in France)
Changjiang n (tshan jian), see Jangtsekiang
Charkow n Kharkov
Chemnitz n (cam-) Chemnitz (1953-1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt)
Chicago n (chi-) Chicago
Chile n (Chile) Chile
China n (china) China, Volksrepublik China People's Republic of China
Chisinau n Chisinau, see Kischinjow
Colombo n Colombo
Conakry n (-kri) Conakry (capital of Guinea)
Cookinseln pl (cook-) Cook Islands
Cookstraße f (cook-) Cook Strait
Cote d'Ivore n (kotdivoar) Cote d'Ivoire (state)
Cotonou n (-well) Cotonou (Benin)
Cottbus n Cottbus
Curacao n (Ciracao) island in Curacao


Dacca n (dakka) see Dakka
Dahome n Dahomey, see Benin
Dakar n Dakar (capital of Senegal)
Dakka see Dacca
Damaskus n Damascus
Dänemark n Denmark
Danzig n Danzig (former German name of Gdansk)
Dardanellen pl Dardanelles (strait)
Daressalam n Dar es Salaam (capital of Tanzania)
Delhi n (Delhi) Delhi
Den Haag n (hack) The Hague
Dessau n Dessau
Deutsche Demokratische Republik ist. German Democratic Republic
Deutschland n Germany
Djakarta Jakarta see Jakarta
Djawa see Java
Djibouti n (Djibouti) Djibouti (city and state)
Dnepr m Dnepr river
Dnepropetrovsk n Dnepropetrovsk
Dnestr m Dniester river
Doha n Doha (capital of Qatar)
Dominica n Dominican Republic (island and state in the West Indies)
Don m river Don
Donau f Danube river
Donezbecken n Donbass
Donezk n Donetsk
Dortmund n Dortmund
Dover n Dover
Dresden n Dresden
Dschibuti see Djibouti
Dublin n (yes-) Dublin
Duisburg n (dus-) Duisburg
Duna f Duagava river
Dunkerque n (dekerk) Dunkirk
Duschanbe n Dushanbe
Düsseldorf n Düsseldorf
Dwina, die Nördliche Dwina – Northern Dvina


Edinburgh n (-bourke) Edinburgh
Eifel f Eifel and Eifel (mountains)
Eisenach n Eisenach and Eisenach
Eisenstadt n Eisenstadt and Eisenstadt
Ekuador n Ecuador
Elba n Elba Island
Elbe f Elbe river
Elbrus m Elbrus
Elfenbeinküste f Ivory Coast
El Salvador n El Salvador (state)
Elsaß n Alsace (original region in France)
Elsaß – Lothringen n ist. Alsace-Lorraine
Ems f river Ems
England n England
Erfurt n Erfurt
Erlangen n Erlangen
Er-Riad n Riyadh (capital of Saudi Arabia)
Erzgebirge n Ore Mountains
Essen n Essen
Estland n Estonia
Etsch f German name of the Adige river
Euböa n Euboea (island in Greece)
Euphrat m Euphrates river
Europa n Europe


Färöer pl Faroe Islands
Ferner Osten Far East
Feuerland n Tierra del Fuego
Fichtelgebirge n Fichtelgebirge (mountains in Germany)
Fidschi n Fiji (islands and state)
Finnischer Meerbusen Gulf of Finland
Finnland n Finland
Flandern n Flanders
Florenz n Florence
Florida n Florida (Peninsula and US State)
Franken n Franconia (original region in Germany)
Frankfurt am Main n Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt (Oder) n, Frankfurt an der Oder Frankfurt an der Oder
Fränkische Alb Franconian Alb, Fränkischer Jura Franconian Jura (mountains)
Frankreich n France
Franz-Joseph-Land n islands of Franz Joseph Land
Freetown n (freetown) Freetown (capital of Sierra Leone)
Frisco open cm San Francisco
Fudschi, Fudschijama m Fuji (volcano)


Gaborone n Gaborone (capital of Botswana)
Gabun n Gabon (state)
Gambia n Gambia (state)
Ganges m river Ganges
Gdansk n Gdansk
Gdynia n (gdina) Gdynia
Gelbes Meer Yellow Sea
Genf n Geneva
Genfer See m Yellow Lake
Genua n Genoa
Georgetown n (Georgetown) Georgetown (capital of Guyana)
Georgien n Georgia
Gera n Gera
Ghana n (ga-) Ghana (state)
Ghasa n (ha-) Gaza City
Gibraltar n Gibraltar
Glasgow n (Glasgow) Glasgow
Gobi f Gobi (desert)
Golfstrom m Gulf Stream
Golf von Bengalen m Bay of Bengal
Golf von Biscaya m Bay of Biscay
Golf von Mexico m Gulf of Mexico
Gorki n Gorky
Görlitz n Görlitz
Goteborg n Gothenburg
Gotha n Gotha
Göttingen n Göttingen
Graz n Graz
Greenwich n (greenich) Greenwich
Grenada n Grenada (island and state)
Griechenland n Greece
Grönland n Greenland island
Großbritanien n Great Britain
Grusinien, Georgien (more often)
Guadeloupe n (guadalupe) Guadeloupe
Guatemala n (gwa-) Guatemala (state)
Guayana n (guayana) Guiana
Guinea n (gi-) Guinea (state)
Guinea-Bissau n (gi-) Guinea-Bissau (state)
Guyana n (Guyana) Guyana (state)
Györ n (Gyor) Gyor


Haidarabad n (-baht) Hyderabad (India)
Haidarabad n (-baht) Hyderabad (Pakistan)
Haiti n Haiti (island and state)
Halbinsel Kola f Kola Peninsula
Halbinsel Malakka f Malacca
Halle n Halle
Halligen pl Halligen Islands (in the North Sea, Germany)
Hamburg n Hamburg (city and state in Germany)
Hannover n Hannover
Hanoi n Hanoi
Harare n Harare (capital of Zimbabwe)
Harbin n Harbin
Harz m Harz (mountains)
Havanna n (-va-) Havana
Havel f (-f-) r. Havel
Hawaii n Hawaii (islands and US state)
Hebriden pl Hebrides
Heidelberg n Heidelberg and Heidelberg
Helgoland n Helgoland island and Helgoland
Hellas n east Hellas
Helsinki n Helsinki
Hermannstadt n German name of Sibiu (Romania)
Hessen n Hesse (state in Germany)
Himalaja m Himalayas (mountain system)
Hindukusch m Hindu Kush (mountain system)
Hinterindien n half of Indochina
Hiroshima n (-shi-) Hiroshima
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt n (ho-tshi-min) Ho Chi Minh City
Holland n Holland
Hollywood n (holivut) Hollywood
Holstein n Holstein (original region in Germany)
Honduras n Honduras (state)
Hongkong n Hong Kong
Honiara n Honiara (capital of the Solomon Islands)
Honolulu n Honolulu (administrative center of the state of Hawaii, USA)
Houston n (Houstn) Houston
Huanghe m Huanghe River
Hudson m (hadsn) Hudson River
Hudsonbai f Hudson Bay
Hudsonstraße f Hudson Strait
Hwangho (Huanghe) see Huanghe


Iberische Halbinsel Iberian Peninsula
Ijsselmeer n (IJssel-) IJsselmeer (bay in the Netherlands)
Indian n India
Indik m see Indischer Ozean
Indischer Ozean m Indian Ocean
Indonesia n Indonesia
Indus m Indus river
Innsbruck n Innsbruck
Ionisches Meer n Ionian Sea
Iraq m Iraq
Iran m Iran
Ireland n Ireland
Irtysch m Irtysh river
Isar f river Isar
Islamabad n Islamabad (capital of Pakistan)
Island n Iceland
Israel n Israel
Istanbul n (Istanbul) Istanbul
Italien n Italy
Izmir n (Ismir) Izmir


Jaffa n Jaffa
Jakarta (Djakarta) n Jakarta (capital of Indonesia)
Jamaika n Jamaica (island and state)
Jamossoukro (yamoussoukro) n Yamoussoukro (capital of Côte d'Ivoire)
Jangon n Yangon (capital of Myanmar)
Jangtsekiang m Yangtze River, Yangtzejiang
Japan n Japan
Java n islands of Java
Jemen Yemen
Jena n Jena
Jenissej m Yenisei river
Jerewan n Yerevan
Jerusalem n Jerusalem
Jokohama n Yokohama and Yokohama
Jordan m Jordan River
Jordanien n Jordan (state)
Jugoslawien n ist.Yugoslavia, Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien Federal Republic Yugoslavia
Jura m Jura (mountains)
Jütland n half of Jutland


Kabul n Kabul
Kairo n Cairo
Kalifornien n California Peninsula
Kalimantan n Kalimantan island
Kaliningrad n Kaliningrad
Kalkutta n Kolkata
Kama f Kama river
Kambodscha n Cambodia
Kamerun n Cameroon
Kampala n Kampala (capital of Uganda)
Kamtschatka n Kamchatka Peninsula
Canada n Canada
Kanal m English Channel
Kanaren pl, Kanarische Inseln Canary Islands
Kap Canaveral n (canaveral) Cape Canaveral
Kap der Guten Hoffnung n Cape of Good Hope
Kap Hoorn n Cape Horn
Kapstadt n Cape Town
Kap Verde n (verde) Cape Verde (state)
Kapverden pl, Kapverdische Inseln (-ver-) Cape Verde Islands
Karakum f Karakum
Karasee f Kara Sea
Karatschi n Karachi
Karibik f see Karibisches Meer
Karibisches Meer n Caribbean Sea
Karl-Marx-Stadt n see Chemnitz
Karlovy Vary n Karlovy Vary
Kalsbad n German name of the city of Karlovy Vary
Karlsruhe n Karlsruhe
Kärnten n Carinthia (state in Austria)
Karolinen pl Caroline Islands
Karpaten pl Carpathians (mountains)
Kathago n Carthage
Kazakhstan n Kazakhstan
Kasan n Kazan
Kasbek m Kazbek (mountain)
Kaspisches Meer m, Kaspisee Caspian Sea
Kassel n Kassel
Qatar n Qatar (state)
Katmandu n Kathmandu (capital of Nepal)
Kattegat n Kattegat (strait)
Kaukasus m Caucasus, Caucasus Mountains
Kaunas n Kaunas
Kenya n Kenya (state)
Khartum n (kartum) Khartoum (capital of Sudan)
Kiel n Kiel
Kiew n Kiev
Kigali n Kigali (capital of Rwanda)
Kilimandscharo m Kilimanjaro (mountain range)
Kingston n (-ten) Kingston (capital of Jamaica)
Kinshasa n (-sha-) Kinshasa (capital of Zaire)
Kirgisien n see Kyrgysstan
Kiribati n Kiribati (state)
Kischinjow n see Chisinau Chisinau
Klagenfurt n Klagenfurt
Kleinasien n Asia Minor Peninsula
Koblenz n Koblenz
Köln n Cologne
Colombia n Colombia
Komoren pl Comoros (state)
Kongo m Congo river and Congo (state)
Königsberg n Könisberg (since 1946 Kaliningrad)
Konstantinopel n source Konstantinople, see Istanbul
Kopenhagen n Copenhagen
Kordilleren pl (dillera) Cordillera (mountains)
Korea n Korea, Republik Korea – Republic of Korea, South Korea
Koreanische Demokratische Volksrepublik – Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Korinth n ist.g. Corinth
Korsika n Corsica peninsula
Kosovo m Kosovo (state)
Kostarika n Costa Rica
Krakau n German name of Krakow
Krakow n (-kuf) Krakow
Kreta n Crete peninsula
Krim f Crimea
Kroatien n Croatia
Kronstadt n Kronstadt
Kronstadt n German name Brasov (Romania)
Kuala Lumpur n Kuala Lumpur (capital of Malaysia)
Kuba n, Republik Kuba Cuba, Republic of Cuba
Kuban m Kuban river
Kuibyschew n Kuibyshev, see Samara
Kurilen pl Kuril Islands
Kurland n east Kurland
Kusnetzkbecken n, Kusbass Kuznetsk basin, Kuzbass
Kuweit n (-wet) Kuwait
Kyrgysstan n Kyrgyzstan


Labrador n Labrador Peninsula
Ladogasee m Lake Ladazh
Lagos n Lagos (capital of Nigeria)
Lahor n Lahore
Laos n Laos
La Paz n (pass) La Paz (actual capital of Bolivia)
Laptewsee f Laptev Sea
Las Palmas n Las Palmas
Lateinamerika n Latin America
Lausanne n (lausan) Lausanne
Lausitz f Lausitz (region in East Germany)
La Valetta see Valetta
Leeds n (lits) Leeds
Leipzig n Leipzig
Lena f Lena river
Leningrad n see Sankt Petersburg
Lesotho n Lesotho
Lettland n Latvia
Lhasa n (lasa) Lhasa
Libanon m Lebanon (mountains), Lebanon (state)
Liberia n Liberia
Libreville n (-ville) Libreville (capital of Gabon)
Libyen n Libya (state)
Lichtenstein n Liechtenstein
Lilongwe n ​​Lilongwe (capital of Malawi)
Lima n Lima (capital of Peru)
Linz n Linz
Lisbon n Lisbon
Litauen n Lithuania
Liverpool n (Liverpool) Liverpool
Livland n (lif-) source Livlandia
Ljubljana n Ljubljana
Lodz n (lots) Lodz
Loire f (loar) Loire river
Lombardei f Lombardy (region in Italy)
Lome n Lome (capital of Togo)
London n London
Los Angeles n (Los Angeles) Los Angeles
Lothringen n Lorraine (original region in France)
Luanda n Luanda (capital of Angola)
Lübeck n Lübeck
Luneburger Heide f Luneburg Heath
Lusaka n Lusaka (capital of Zambia)
Lüttich n German name of the city of Liege
Luxemburg n Luxembourg (city and state)
Lyon n (lyo) Lyon


Maas f. Meuse river, Meuse
Madagaskar n Madagascar (island and state)
Madras n Madras
Madrid n Madrid
Magdeburg n Magdeburg
Magellanstrasse f Strait of Magellan
Maghreb m Maghreb (name of a group of countries in North Africa west of Libya/Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco/)
Mähren n Moravia (original region in the Czechoslovak Republic)
Mailand n Milan
Main m Main river
Mainz n Mainz
Makedonien n, Mazedonien Macedonia
Malabo n Malabo (capital of Equatorial Guinea)
Malaiischer Archipel Malay Archipelago
Malakka n Malacca Peninsula
Malawi n Malawi (state)
Malaysia n Malaysia (state)
Male n Male (capital of the Republic of Maldives)
Malediven pl (van) Maldives (island and state)
Mali n Mali (state)
Malmö n Malmö
Malta n Malta (island and state)
Managua n Managua (capital of Nicaragua)
Manama n Manama (capital of Bahrain)
Manchester n (Manchester) Manchester
Mandschurei f Manjuria (region in China)
Manila n Manila (capital of the Philippines)
Mannheim n Mannheim
Maputo n Maputo (capital of Mozambique)
Marmarameer n Sea of ​​Marmara
Marne f Marne river
Marokko n Morocco (state)
Marseille n (-sey) Marseille
Martinique n (nickname) Martinique Island
Maseru n Maseru (capital of Lesotho)
Maskat n Muscat (capital of Oman)
Mauretanien n Mauritania (state)
Mauritius n Mauritius (island and state)
Mazedonien n see Makedinien Macedonia
Mbabane n Mbabane (capital of Swaziland)
Mecklenburg n Mecklenburg
Meklenburgische Seeplatte Mecklenburg Lake District
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern n Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (state in Germany)
Meißen n Meissen and Meissen
Melanesien n Melanesia Islands
Melbourne n (Melburne) Melbourne
Memel n Memel (since 1923 the city of Klaipeda); German name of the Neman river
Meneng n Meneng (capital of Nauru)
Mesopotamien n ist. Mesopotamia, Muzhdureche
Mexico n Mexico (state), Mexico City (capital of Mexico)
Minsk n Minsk
Mississippi m Mississippi river
Missouri m (-su-) Missouri river
Mittelamerika n Central America
Mitteleuropa n Central Europe
Mittelmeer n Mediterranean Sea
Mitlerer Osten Middle East
Mocambique n Mozambique
Mogadischu n Mogadishu (capital of Somalia)
Moldau f Vltava river; ist.Moldova
Moldavien n see Moldova
Moldova n (va) Moldova
Monaco n Monaco (state and capital)
Mongolei f Mongolia
Monrovia n (-in-) Monrovia (capital of Liberia)
Montblanc m (mobla) Mont Blanc mountain
Monte Carlo n Monte Carlo
Montenegro n Montenegro
Montevideo n (-vi-) Montevideo (capital of Uruguay)
Moroni n Moroni (capital of the Comoros Islands)
Mosel f Mosel river
Moskau n Moscow
Moskwa f Moscow River
Mount Everest m (Mount Everist) Everest, see Tschonolungma
Munich n Munich
Murmansk n Murmansk
Myanmar n Myanmar (state)


Nagasaki n Nagasaki
Naher Osten, Nahost Middle East
Nairobi n Nairobi (capital of Kenya)
Namibia n Namibia
Nanking n (-dying) Nanjing
Nantes n Nantes
Nassau n Nassau (capital of the Bahamas)
Nauru n Nauru (island and state)
N’Djamena (-j-) n N’Djamena (capital of Chad)
Neapel n Naples
Neckar m Neckar
Neiße f river Neisse
Neman m (nye-) Neman river
Nepal n Nepal (state)
Neubrandenburg n Neubrandenburg
Neufundland n Newfoundland Island
Neuguinea n (-guinea) island of New Guinea
Neuseeland n New Zealand(island and state)
Newa f Neva River
New Orleans n (New Orleans) New Orleans
New York n (New York) New York City
Niamey n (Niame) Niamey (capital of Nigeria)
Netherlands pl Netherlands
Niederösterreich n Lower Austria (state in Austria)
Niederrhein m Bas-Rhin
Niedersachsen n Lower Saxony (state in Germany)
Niederschlesien n Lower Silesia(historical region in Poland)
Niger m Niger (river)
Niger n Niger (state)
Nigeria n Nigeria
Nishni Nowgorod n Nizhny Novgorod
Nikaragua n Nicaragua (state)
Nikosia n Nicosia (capital of Cyprus)
Nil m river Nile
Ninive n (-ve) Nineveh
Nizza n Nice
Nordamerika n North America
Norddeutsche Tiefebene North German Lowland
Nordliche Dwina Northern Dvina
Nordrhein-Westfalen n North Rhine-Westphalia(land in Germany)
Nordsee f North Sea
Norway n Norway
Nouakchott (Nouakchott) n Nouakchott (capital of Mauritania)
Nowosibirsk n Novosibirsk
Nuakschott see Nouakchott
Nuku'alofa n Nuku'alofa (capital of Tonga)
Nürnberg n Nuremberg


Ob m Ob river
Oberösterreich n Upper Austria (state in Austria)
Oberreinische Tiefebene Upper Rhine Lowland
Oberschlesien n Upper Silesia (original region in Poland)
Ochotskisches Meer, Ochotsker Meer Sea of ​​Okhotsk
Ödenburg n German name of the city of Sopron (Hungary)
Odenwald m Odenwald (mountains in Germany)
Oder f Oder river
Odessa n Odessa
Odra f Odra, Polish and Czech name of the Oder river
Oka f Oka river
Olymp m Olympus (mountain)
Oman n Oman (state)
Omsk n Omsk
Onegasee m Lake Onega
Öresund m Öresund (strait)
Osaka n Osaka
Oslo n Oslo
Ostchinesisches Meer East China Sea
Osterinsel f Easter Island
Österreich n Austria
Ostindien n East Indies
Ostpreußen n ist.East Prussia
Ostrava n Ostrava
Ostsee f Baltic Sea
Ottawa n Ottawa
Ouagadougou n Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso)
Ozeanien n Oceania


Pakistan n Pakistan
Palästina n Palestina
Palermo n Palermo
Pamir m Pamir
Panama n Panama (state and capital)
Panamakanal m Panama Canal
Papeete n Papeete (capital of Tahiti)
Papua-Neuguinea n (-guinea) Papua New Guinea
Paraguay n (-guai) Paraguay
Paramaribo n Paramaribo (capital of Suriname)
Paris n Paris
Pazifik m Pacific Ocean
Peking n Beijing
Pergamon n Pergamon
Perm n Perm
Persischer Golf Persian Gulf
Peru n Peru
Petersburg n Petersburg, see Sankt Petersburg
Pfalz f Palatinate (original region on the territory of Germany, part of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate)
Pfälzer Wald m Palatinate Forest (German mountains)
Philadelphia n Philadelphia
Philippinen pl Philippines (state)
Phnom-Penh n (Phnom Penh) Phnom Penh (capital of Cambodia)
Phonikien n, Phonizien Phenicia
Pilsen n Pilsen
Piräus n Piraeus
Pjongjang n Pyongyang
Plattensee m German name of Lake Balaton
Plowdiw n Plovdiv
Plzen n (Plzen) Pilsen
Po n r.Po
Polen n Poland
Polynesien n Polynesia
Pommern n Pomerania (original region in territorial Poland)
Port-au-Prince n (port-au-Prince) Port-au-Prince (capital of Haiti)
Port Louis n (Port Louis) Port Louis (capital of Mauritius)
Port Moresby n (port of Moresby) Port Moresby (capital of Papua New Guinea)
Port of Spain n (port of Spain) Port of Spain (capital of the state of Trinidad and Tobago)
Porto Novo n Porto Novo (capital of Benin)
Port Said n (-seet) Port Said
Portsmouth n Portsmouth
Portugal n Portugal
Posen n former German name of Poznań
Potsdam n Potsdam
Poznan n (posnan) Poznań
Prag n Prague
Praia n Praia (capital of Cobo Verde)
Preßburg n Presburg (German name for Bratislava)
Pretoria n Pretoria (capital of South Africa)
Preußen n East Prussia
Provence f (-you) Provence (historical region in France)
Puerto Rico n Puerto Rico
Pyrenäen pl Pyrenees, Pyrenees Mountains
Pyrenäenhalbinsel f Iberian Peninsula


Quezon City n (Quezon City) Kaezon City (Philippines)
Quito n (Quito) Quito (capital of Ecuador)
Rabat n Rabat (capital of Morocco)
Rangun n see Jangon
Rawalpindi n Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Republik Südafrika Republic of South Africa
Reunion n (reunion) Reunion Island
Reykjavik n Reykjavik
Rhein m Rhine river
Rheinische Schiefergebirge Rhine Slate Mountains
Rheinland n Rhineland
Rheinland-Pfalz n Rhineland-Palatinate (state in Germany)
Rhodos n Rhodes (island and city)
Rhone f Rhone river
Riga n Riga
Rigaer Bucht f Gulf of Riga
Rio de Janeiro n (Rio de Janeiro) Rio de Janeiro
Rom n Rome
Roseau n Roseau (capital of Dominica)
Rostock n Rostock
Rostow am Don n Rostov-on-Don
Rotes Meer Red Sea
Rotterdam n Rotterdam
Rwanda n Rwanda (state)
Rügen n Rügen islands
Ruhr f.Ruhr
Ruhrgebiet n Ruhr Basin
Romania n Romania
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Russia n Russia


Saale f r.Sale
Saar f Saar river
Saarbrücken n Saarbrücken
Saarland n Saar (land in Germany)
Sachalin n Sakhalin island
Sachsen n Saxony (state in Germany)
Sachsen-Anhalt n Saxony-Anhalt, etc. Saxony-Anhalt (state in Germany)
Sächsische Schweiz Saxon Switzerland
Sahara f (zakha- and sakha-) Sahara (desert)
Saigon n see Ho-chi-Minh-Stadt
Saint George's n (Saint George's) St. George's (capital of Grenada)
Salomonen pl Salomon Islands (state)
Salomoninseln pl Salomon Islands
Thessaloniki n Thessaloniki (city) and Thessaloniki
Salzburg n Salzburg (city and state in Austria)
Samara n Samara
Sambesi m Zambezi river
Sambia n Zambia
Samoainseln pl Samoa Islands
Sana n Sanaa (capital of the Republic of Yemen)
San Francisco n (Saint Francisco) San Francisco
San Jose n (Jose) San Jose (capital of Costa Rica)
Sankt Helena n Saint Helena
Sankt Petersburg n St. Petersburg
San Marino n San Marino (state and capital)
San Salvador n (-va-) San Salvador (capital of El Salvador)
Sansibar n Zanzibar island
Santiago de Chile n Santiago (capital of Chile)
Santiago de Cuba n Santiago de Cuba
Santo Domingo n Santo Domingo (capital of the Dominican Republic)
Sao Paulo n (Sao Paolo) Sao Paulo
Sao Tome n Sao Tome (capital of Sao Tome and Principe)
Sao Tome und Principi n (Sao Tome und Principe) Sao Tome and Principe
Sapporo n Sapporo
Sarajevo n Sarajevo
Sardinien n island of Sardinia
Saudi-Arabien n Saudi Arabia
Shanghai n Shanghai
Schlesien n Silesia (original region in Poland)
Schleswig n (Schleswig) Schleswig
Schleswig-Holstein n (Schleswig) Schleswig-Holstein (land in Germany)
Schottland n Scotland
Schwaben n Swabia (original region in the Federal Republic of Germany)
Schwäbische Alb Swabian Alb, Schwäbischer Jura Swabian Jura (mountains)
Schwarzes Meer Black Sea
Schwarzwald m Black Forest (mountains in Germany)
Schweden n Sweden
Schweiz f Switzerland, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Swiss Confederation
Schwerin n Schwerin
Seattle n (Seattle) Seattle
Seeland n Zealand island
Seine f (zen(e) and sen) river Seine
Senegal n Senegal
Seoul (Seoul), see Söul
Serbien n Serbia
Sewansee m Lake Sevan
Sevastopol n Sevastopol
Seychellen (seshelen) pl Seychelles (state)
Sheffield n Sheffield
Sibirien n Siberia
Siebenbürgen n Transylvania (original region in Romania)
Sierra Leone n Sierra Leone (state)
Simbabwe n (Zimbabwe) Zimbabwe (state)
Sinai m, Sinaihalbinsel f Sinai Peninsula
Singapore n (Singapore) Singapore (state and capital)
Sizilien n island of Sicily
Skandinavien n (-vi-) Scandinavia
Skopje n Skopje (Skoplje)
Slowakei f Slovakia
Slowenien n Slovenia
Soest n (Sost) Soest (Germany)
Sofia n Sofia
Solingen n Solingen
Somalia n Somalia
Söul n (soul) Seoul
Sowjetunion f Soviet Union
Spain n Spain
Spessart m Spessart (mountains in Germany)
Spitzbergen n Spitsbergen islands
Spree f Spree and Spree
Sri Lanka n Sri Lanka (state)
Steiermark f Styria (state in Austria)
Stettin n Stettin (German name for the city of Szczecin)
Stiller Ozean Pacific Ocean
Stockholm n Stockholm
Strasbourg n (Strasbourg), Straßburg (Stras-) Strasbourg (g)
Straße von Calais f (calais) Pas de Calais (strait)
Straße von Gibraltar f Strait of Gibraltar
Straße von Malacca f Strait of Malacca
Stuttgart n Stuttgart
SU (Sowjetunion) Soviet Union
Sucre n Sucre (the official capital of Bolivia)
South America n South America
Sudan m Sudan (state)
South China Sea
Sudeten pl Sudeten Mountains
Südkorea n South Korea
Suez n (zuets) Suez
Suezkanal m (Zuets) Suez Canal
Suhl n Suhl
Sulawesi n Sulawesi Peninsula
Sumat(e)ra n Sumatra island
Sund m Oresund, Sound (strait)
Sundainseln pl Sunda Islands
Surabaja n Surabaya
Suriname n Suriname (state)
Suva n Suva (capital of Fiji)
Swasiland n Swaziland (state)
Swerdlowsk n Sverdlovsk
Sydney n Sydney
Sylt n Sylt island
Syrdarja m Syrdarya river
Syria n Syria
Szczecin n (Szczecin) Szczecin


Tadschikistan (-ji-) n Tajikistan
Tahiti n Tahiti
Taiwan n (taeuan) ​​Taiwan island
Tallinn n Tallinn
Tanganjikasee m Tanganyika island
Tanger n Tangier
Tansania (Tanzania) Tanzania
Tarawa n Tarawa (capital of Kiribati)
Taschkent n Tashkent
Tasmanien n Tasmania Island
Tatra f Tatras (mountains)
Taunus m Taunus (mountains)
Taurien n east Tavrida
Tbilissi n Tbilisi
Tegucigalpa n (-si-) Tegucigalpa (capital of Honduras)
Teheran n Tehran
Tel Aviv n (tel a vif) Tel Aviv
Teutoburger Wald m Teutoburg Forest (mountains)
Thailand n Thailand
Theben n Thebes
Theiß f r.Tisa
Themse f river Thames
Thessalien n East Thessaly (region in Germany)
Thimbu n Thimphu (capital of Bhutan)
Thrakien n, Thrazien east Thrace (region in Greece)
Thüringen n Thuringia (state in Germany)
Thüringer Wald m Thuringian Forest (mountains)
Tiber m Tiber river
Tibet n Tibet
Tienschan m Tien Shan
Tigris m river Tiger
Tilsit n source Tilsit (since 1946 Soviet)
Timor n Timor island
Tirana n Tirana
Tirol n Tyrol (state in Austria)
Togo n Togo (state)
Tokyo (Tokyo) n Tokyo
Tonga n Tonga (islands and states)
Toronto n Toronto
Totes Meer Dead Sea
Toulouse n (Tulus) Toulouse
Trier n Trier
Trinidad und Tobago n Trinidad and Tobago
Tripolis n Tripoli (capital of Libya)
Tschad m ​​Chad (lake), f state
Tschechoslowakei f Czechoslovakia
Tschomolungma m Chomolungma (mountains) see Mount Everest
Tschuktschenhalbinsel f half of Chukotka
Tschuktschensee f Chukchi Sea
Tsushima n (-shi-) Tsushima Island
Tübingen n Tübingen
Tunesien n Tunisia
Tunis n Tunis (capital of Tunisia)
Turin n Turin
Türkei f Türkiye
Turkmenistan n Turkmenistan
Tuvalu n Tuvalu (islands and state)
Tyrrhenisches Meer Turrine Sea


Ufa n Ufa
Uganda n Uganda (state)
Ukraine f Ukraine
Ulan-Bator n Ulaanbaatar
Uljanowsk n Ulyanovsk
Ungarn Hungary
Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken (UdSSR) USSR
Ural m Ural, Ural Mountains
Urugvay n (-guai) Uruguay
Usbekistan n Uzbekistan


Vaduz n (va-) Vaduz (capital of Liechtenstein)
Valencia n (va-) Valencia
Valletta n (va-) Valletta (capital of Malta)
Valparaiso n (va-) Valparaiso
Vanuatu n Vanuatu (state)
Vatikan m (va-) Vatican (city-state)
Venedig n (ve-) Venice
Venezuela (ve-) Venezuela
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate pl United Arab Emirates
Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritanien und Nordirland n United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Vereinigte Staaten (von Amerika) (USA) pl USA
Versailles n (Versai) Versailles
Vesuv n (ve-) Vesuvius (volcano)
Vierlande pl Vierlande (area in the vicinity of Hamburg)
Vierwaldstätter See m (walt-) Lake Vierwaldstätter
Vietnam n (viet-), Sozialistische Republik Vietnam Vietnam, Socialist Republic Vietnam
Vilnius n (Vilnius) Vilnius
Vogtland n Vogtland (region in Saxony)
Vorarlberg n (for-) Vorarlberg (land in Austria)
Vorderindien n Hindustan Peninsula
Vorpommern n Vorpommern (original region of Germany)
Wagadugu Wagadugu, see Ouagadougou
Walachei f Wallachia (original region in Romania)
Wales n (wels) Wales
Warna n Varna
Warschau n Warsaw
Washington (Washinten) n Washington
Weichsel f Vistula river
Weißes Meer White Sea
Weißrußland n Belarus
Wellington n (Wellington) Wellington (capital of New Zealand)
Weser f Weser river
Westfalen n Westphalia (part of North Rhine-Festphalia)
Westsahara f Western Sahara
Westsamoa n Western Samoa
Wien n Vienna (capital and state in Austria)
Wiesbaden n Wiesbaden
Windhoek (-hook-) n Windhoek (capital of Namibia)
Wisla f Vistula river
Wladiwostok n (-stock) Vladivostok
Wolga f Volga river
Wolgograd n Volgograd
Wroclaw n Wroclaw
Württemberg n Werttemberg (part of Baden-Württemberg)
Xianggang n (khiangan) Hong Kong
Yamoussoukro (yamoussoukro) n Yamoussoukro (capital of Cote d'Ivoire)
Yangon n see Yangon
Yaounde n (Yaounde) Yaounde (capital of Cameroon)
Yokohama see Jokohama


Zahreb n (for-) Zagreb
Zaire n (zaire) Zaire (state)
Zaragoza n (Zaragoza) Zaragoza
Zentralafrikanische Republik (ZAR) Central African Republic
Zurich n Zurich
Zypern n Cyprus (island and state)