Scenario for a graduation concert at a music school. Graduation party at Children's Art School “We will leave our hearts here! Sol - Solo number

A music school is a special world, not like a general education school. The main difference is that students of the same class or stream intersect only by general subjects such as solfeggio, musical literature and choir

A subject (specialty, instrument), when a student masters the program individually under the guidance of a teacher, takes large quantity hours in the learning process.

An individual program in all subjects for those who are lagging behind or, conversely, for especially gifted students, almost eliminates contact between pupils and each other - many children see each other only at exams and annual final concerts.

This explains the less unity of students, which leads to the fact that organizing graduation in music school somewhat more complicated than .

Place in music

It would seem that the solution to easily organize the final celebration lies on the surface - parents and teachers should take everything into their own hands, and leave the students the role of performers. But this is not a solution - there is no sadder story than glorifying something with which you do not agree.

A script written for students by dedicated teachers whose duty as teachers obliges them to chant educational process, while children do not always support these sentiments, is unlikely to be successful and sincere. Even with boundless love for music on the part of students, they see not only bright aspects and high aspirations in learning. Each side perceives the knowledge of music from its own angle.

In this regard, it is best to find activists from among the pupils, fathers and mothers and energetic teachers with a sense of humor to create a unified scenario in which every opinion has a place.

The scenario can be based on real stories and incidents from the world of music, anecdotes and aphorisms of the greats.

From school to school

Trying to raise diversified offspring developed individuals, many parents enroll their children in all available clubs, sections and institutions additional education. As a result, the school day looks something like this:

  1. From regular school baby is coming to the sports room.
  2. At the end of the training, on legs giving way from fatigue, she wanders into the music room.

A common theme played out at music school graduation parties is coexistence. compulsory education and additional when children are very busy in other educational systems, do not have time to prepare for classes at a music school, and teachers are forced to treat this more than humanely.

Flight of a supersonic bumblebee

Interlude by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee” - the most popular work among virtuoso guitarists. Famous rock musicians, following the example of Joey DiMaio, who played “Flight of the Bumblebee” on bass guitar in 1988 and made the first rock arrangement of the work, include excerpts from it in their performance programs.

Musicians are attracted not only by the beauty, but also by the difficulty of reproducing a masterpiece. It was this circumstance that gave rise to such massive interest in sideshow and separate direction- execution of it at speed.

The music, of course, loses its features, but every year “Bumblebee” “flies” faster and faster, and the Guinness Book records more and more super-fast records - from a tempo of 270 beats per minute to 2000 bpm.

It is this theme that is regularly played out in youth comedies, where the main characters are young musicians with ambitions and a desire for fame.

You can joke endlessly about the desire to finish the program as quickly as possible and do something else. In a well-known joke, a violinist at a symphony music concert looks at his watch and suddenly begins to play his part twice as fast, explaining his actions to his neighbor by saying that he is afraid of missing the train.

Students often “push” the tempo out of a desire to hide those notes and fragments that they do not succeed in.

Music and music

You can also be ironic about the quality of a musical product. This topic is close not only to future conductors and composers, but also to everyone else.

“Everyone can do this, but you give Murka,” a phrase born of Soviet cinema, perfectly draws the line between professional and, so to speak, amateur (consumer) attitude to musical material.

Another aspect of the same topic is the attitude towards music as an activity. Is music a serious and worthy pursuit?

There is a story that once, when Fyodor Chaliapin was riding in a cab, he, out of curiosity, asked what the master was doing. Fyodor Ivanovich replied that he was singing. “We’re all singing,” the cab driver retorted, “but I’m asking about business.”

It’s hard to suffer, or Don’t torture the cat

Odessa humor is extremely rich in anecdotes about studying at a music school, in particular, violin class, and about applying the results of studies in real life. But the process of finding the right note and learning homework in other subjects is no more humane in relation to the forced listener.

Compassionate neighbors even sometimes call the police when they hear the heartbreaking sounds that the instrument emits during practice.

“Don’t torture the cat!” or “Don’t make fun of Beethoven!” - not fictitious, but real complaints from others, which are sometimes heard by students of music schools, their parents and duty officers strong point law enforcement.

For graduation at a music school, the script simply must include a play on this important component of the educational process.

Fuss around the piano

Prom program in musical educational institutions has always been and will continue to be distinguished by its great demands on the material performed - here you cannot limit yourself to “three chords”. But the classical repertoire doesn’t really allow you to expand if you really want to approach the issue with humor. What can you change, sing and play in a new way and not be accused of bad musical taste?

There are two main approaches to this issue:

  1. The first, like many decades ago, assumes that compulsory program for the exam and final performance the student receives from the teacher. The result is a classic (and sometimes boring) concert in every sense.
  2. It’s a different matter when the exam is on its own, and farewell to school is based on the “Last Bell” principle, in which the musical components are determined by the students themselves.

Having freedom of creativity, you can turn to:

  • romances performed by a duet;
  • vocal works Soviet authors who can easily be divided into 2, 3 and four voices (“Three White Horses”, “Grass near the House”, “City Flowers”, “Uchkuduk”, etc.);
  • operetta parts;
  • fragments of musicals and rock operas.

The theme song for a music school graduation can be either light and cheerful or serious in terms of the thought it contains. The latter includes the song of the group “Autograph”, “Monologue”, which has been covered more than once by masters of the Russian stage - “Monologue” about the fate of a stage person and issues of continuity.

Another work that you can look at when preparing for a musical skit comes from the world of rock music from 1975 - “Bohemian Rhapsody” by the group “Queen”.

This 4-voice composition combines several independent musical styles (opera, ballad, a cappella singing, heavy metal with falsetto singing), and therefore can be performed by a mixed vocal cast. Unusual musical form and frequent shifts moods provide an excellent opportunity for dramatic experiments (especially if you do not go into the plot of the composition, and start only from theme song). “Killer Queen” by the same authors is also interesting from the point of view of reworking and execution.

Instrumentalists who are capable of forming a trio, quintet or chamber orchestra for the sake of a common cause should familiarize themselves with the extraordinary presentation of material by the Hamburg chamber music quartet “Salut Salon”.

The musicians not only perform their parts masterfully, but add theatricality to them - they comprehensively and with good humor play out the images that this or that piece gives rise to in them.

Look for the note!

Improvisation is an important component of any musical direction - it is a special art that borders on science. Each style has its own improvisational canons, and representatives of different musical movements are very jealous of their directions, but train their sense of humor on fellow tribesmen from other musical “camps”.

You can take as a basis and reinterpret the famous anecdote about a blues guitarist and his colleague from a metal band who took part in a competition for the title “Best Guitarist of the Year.”

Contrary to the expectations of the public, the winner was not the one who produced dizzying passages, but the one who played only a couple of notes. When the loser asked the panel of judges about the motives for such a decision, the chairman of the jury replied: “You are still looking for your note, but he has already found his.”

The search for the right note, both in a practical and philosophical sense, can be made one of the leitmotifs of the plot of the farewell cabbage concert, since creative personality It is natural and necessary to be in search, so as not to turn from a person of art into a craftsman.

Scenario for Graduation Party - Graduation party at a music school

The song “The Road of Good” is playing


Good evening, Dear guests!

Our door is open to all friends!

Throw away your sad thoughts.

Let us part, but now

Connects us great feeling

Forever, no matter where we have to live,

kind and timeless art

It has also taken root in our hearts.

Years dedicated to the three muses

Give your whole life a new taste.

After us, cherish these shoots

There will be a school and a university...

Everything that became dear to you at school

It will always be just as expensive:

We'll surprise you with a clear field,

Spring water rings.

In life you will definitely find

There are so many colors that you can’t count them.

And, to great joy, you will understand:

There is a triumph of harmonies in the world!

Please accept our congratulations,

Dear graduates!

You all deserve respect

For the hard work.

Everybody wants to see your change

Of course, it’s better to see them.

Get up on stage together!

Song “Children of the World Make Friends”


So that you home school

Don't accidentally forget

Come on, everyone for questions

Answer without hesitation! The presenter asks questions - one at a time to everyone.

Who is your favorite teacher?

Which office has the fakest piano?

Why do you love solfeggio?

Who in your class encouraged others to skip class?

How many seats are there in concert hall?

What is missing in our school?

What inscriptions did you make on the desks during your studies?

How much does the microphone weigh?

Where did you hide your cheat sheets during exams?

How many lessons does your teacher teach per day?

What were you asked when you entered 1st grade?

How many times have you forgotten replacement shoes?

Will art be your profession?

How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

After this fun survey, the presenter continues the program.


Remember the first day of September?

How far this date is from us!

Our long lesson is over,

There was only no bell since class.

Remember, school is the beginning of everything,

There are miraculous sources of many rivers here.

The time has come for it to ring for you

The very last, farewell call!

Sounds last call. At your discretion, it can be an ordinary electric bell, or a bell in the hands of a first-grader girl, who is carried to the stage by a graduate. Then the school principal takes the floor. He congratulates the graduates and their parents and presents them with certificates of completion of the art school.

After this short concert, the floor is given to parents and graduates. They will thank teachers for their hard work. In their speech, you can use a poem dedicated to the school principal.

Leading: And now first-graders take the stage to congratulate the graduates.


With words of congratulations

And parting words in good hour

First class arrived today

Congratulations on your triumph!

We will follow you

All seven years the class is class.

Somehow don't forget

You then congratulate us.

Children's song "Bobik" performed by Korotya Ruslan

M. Krasev “Lullaby” performed by Danil Papkov

Bel.n.p. "Oh, jigune, jigune" performs Nazimova Dilfuza

Czech.p. "Annushka" performed by Daria Kharlanova

Sladek "The Rich Groom" performed by Cousin Violetta

Leading: Let another generation

Without indifference and laziness

It bursts in here in the morning.

Like the summer sun

Song "Chimney Sweep" performed by Vika Makarova

"Gnomes" performed by Chupina Masha.

Leading: Stars at night, They run along blue rivers into the distance.

In the morning the stars go out without a trace.

Only school remains with a person,

School is your faithful friend forever

Through the years, through partings

On any road, to the side of any

We won’t say “Goodbye” to the music.

The music will stay with you!

Song "New Song"Performed by Aliya Nizyamova


A beautiful garden where sounds bloom

The melodies are wonderful and random.

And hands catch on the keyboard

Harmonies are unexpected secrets.

“I will sow quinoa on the shore” performed by Nikitina Louise.

Leading: Today the music is heard

Not at all what it used to be.

The soul string rings -

"A game" performed by Karimova Madina


At concerts in this hall

We play the piano

Classics, pop, jazz

Whatever you want - everything is for you!

"Frog Jazz" performed by Vdovina Ekaterina

"Orange Sky" performed by Julia Andreeva

Leading: Being a flutist is not so easy; we blow it every time, but in concert performance You won't take your eyes off us

Revutsky “Song” performed by Marina Andreeva


I heard the doors slam in the corridor,

Everything starts, everything is completed on time.

What will happen after all this? And there will be a lesson.

Last lesson.

"Cancan"performed by Alena Gudkova and E.V. Safiullova.

Leading: He looks like a brother to the button accordion, Where there is fun, there he is. I won’t give any hints, everyone knows the accordion.

Ital.n.p. "Santa Lucia" performed by Sharkaeva Amalia

Host: School years! There are so few of them!

But nothing will pass without a trace.

The road to school will not be forgotten,

Friends never say goodbye.

“Both at school and at home” performed by Safiullina Liana

Olya: That's a year of study behind us

Rise and fall ahead

And this evening we wish

Walk happily through life

"Three Girlfriends" performed by the vocal group “Sunny Rain”

Anya and Elvina:

We wish you inspiration

Less failures and tears

So that you find something you like

And love music seriously

"Rio Rita" performed by Ilvina Timerbulatova and Anna Fazlaeva

Leading: The school gave you warmth

Taught me to love music

Carefree childhood was

In this school you have.

But where did all this go?

There was and is no answer! Summer has already arrived,

And we are losing you!

Leading: We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words to graduates.

The kindness of a beautiful parent There is nothing more valuable in the world

So that everything turns out great for us -

Give us parenting advice!

A word to parents

Graduate Julia:

From this stage we send thanks to you!

For being in the whirlwind of affairs

You were so wise and beautiful!

We wish you to always be busy!

All: Thank you!

Graduate Masha: Our heart will not forget about you

We will think about you often

And believe that we love you

And we will be waiting for new meetings with you

Graduate Nelya.

Our school welcomes us all as friends,

But seven years and seven winters have already flown by...

And today we sadly say goodbye to her,

And we say thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts.

“You have to trust the young” graduates sing and senior group

The music gets louder, graduates get up from their seats and go to their teachers with bouquets of flowers.

Description of work: Materials for extracurricular activities secondary school students school age(13-15 years old) (texts of songs and skits for use in “Kapustnik” at the graduation party at children’s music schools and children’s art schools). this work may be of interest to teachers of additional education (children's music schools and children's art schools).

Graduation party is a special event in the life of any school. An integral part This holiday is “cabbage”, which becomes the final chord not only of the entire event, but also of all the years spent at school.

The graduation party is a center of living ideas, unexpected discoveries, and bright creative discoveries. As a rule, people become the butt of jokes academic disciplines at school, certain events that occurred during the years of study. Teachers are not ignored either!

The most valuable thing about “cabbages” is the fact that they have no restrictions in terms of the flight of fancy and self-expression of the participants, except, of course, moral and aesthetic ones. Children who went through this holiday of humor retain for a long time good memories of this period of their lives in particular, of the school and its teachers in general.

Often teachers preparing the graduation “cabbage” at children’s music schools are faced with the problem of obtaining literary material, which would reflect the specifics of training in a MUSIC school. This work presents fragments of graduation “cabbages” different years, which, according to the author, could be useful as a “filling” for the graduation “pie”, or, in the form of ideas and blanks for processing.

“Song of Teachers” (to the tune of the song “Man is a Dog’s Friend”)

The child's teacher is a friend,

Everyone around knows this

There is no kinder creature!

If someone “gets” -

Doesn't give way to nerves

No one has noticed yet

So that he screams at the children!

Doesn't swear in vain

Doesn't throw his fists

And if it breaks down, -

No bark, no bite!

The child's teacher is a friend,

Everyone around knows this

Everyone knows how twice is two -

There is no smarter creature!

He doesn't let you be lazy

And sets an example for everyone,

And, despite the stern appearance,

He doesn't hold grudges in his heart!

Smiles very sweetly

Tries to be objective

And besides education

He has a sea of ​​charm!

"Hello Hello!" (to the tune of the song “Everything is fine, beautiful marquise!”

Performed by two graduates, then the rest join them:

Hello Hello! What news?

Well, how is your granddaughter doing?

Oh, somehow my heart is out of place these days,

How did you pass solfeggio?

I forgot the mode, and the scale too,

It looks like I'll get a four...

For the rest, dear grandma

Everything is fine, everything is fine!

Well, how can it be, my dear?

How did you forget C major?!

Even though I still love you,

But how can I bear the shame?

There were problems in the dictation,

I didn't recognize the note with a dot...

Well, it’s a “C” - I know that for sure

I sang very well!

Hello, hello, what three?

What suddenly came over you there?

Well, tell me, give it to your granny

How did it all happen...

The tone was difficult

I didn't sing the note A,

And she didn’t play the seventh chord, -

And Minnikhanov couldn’t do it!

But I passed solfeggio,

Although I only received “two”,

And for the rest, beloved granny -

Everything is fine, everything is fine!

Hello, hello, what deuce?!

What an unheard of blow...

Will give mother a headache,

What a nightmare, what a nightmare!

I didn’t pick up the textbook

Then I went to art school,

The weather was warm...

But I need to go for a walk,

After all, childhood cannot be returned again

Then the pool and aikido,

And in the morning there are tests at the city police department,

I need to know Chinese

To keep up with life,

And I was walking around London,

Studied folk language

But now I have no worries

I can spit at the ceiling

- (all) And now for us, beloved granny,

Well, just very good!

Sketch "INTERVIEW"(the interviewee’s answer comes to the previous question from the “correspondent” due to “technical problems”)

First: Can you hear me well? Hello Hello? So you studied at a music school, you had such a subject as solfeggio, where you studied tritones and seventh chords. They say it's very difficult. How did you deal with them? Can you hear me?

Second: Hello, speak... Ah, now I hear you, speak.

First: We are limited in time. Next question. What can you say about your teachers?

Second: Yes, I hear you. We suffered with them. There were so many problems with them! Some people gave up on them altogether, others remembered them only before class. Actually, to be honest, to a normal child it is simply impossible to understand them.

First: At music school everyone plays scales, but how did you feel about them?

Second: Oh, we remember them with great tenderness and love. They left an indelible mark on our hearts.

First: What can you say about the director and head teacher?

Second: Oh, it’s creepy, they didn’t give us peace for all 8 years. There was no peace for us or our neighbors. Even during the holidays it was impossible to forget about them and rest peacefully. But, nevertheless, they kept us in shape and did not let us relax.

First: Have you ever gotten a bad grade? How did you feel about them?

Second: You know, we have always been proud of them; no one can do without them at school. They lead the educational process.

First: Well, were there any excellent students among you?

Second: Hmmm, it’s a shame for them, of course, but we successfully fought them, and the teachers helped us with this. And gradually there were fewer and fewer of them.

First: Were there people who did nothing at all and skipped classes?

Second: Well, of course, there were those among us. We have always tried to follow their example. Their photographs always hung on the honor board, and the whole school was proud of them.

First: You probably often attended concerts and theaters?

Second: Hello, say there is no connection.

First: What are you going to do about the connection! OK, next question. Have things like drugs, smoking mixtures, alcohol?

Second: Ah, now I hear it. Yes, of course, after them everything is seen in a different light. But in general it is useful for general development. Without them, it is difficult for real musicians to succeed.

First: Tell me, and in secondary school did you have time to study?

Second: Who do you take us for?! This is harmful to health! No, this is not for us.

First: Have you ever visited discos or nightclubs?

Second: Yes, we were on time everywhere and were not there last place. We went regularly. After all, this is the first stage of our education.

First: Any cultured person should go to museums, exhibition halls...

Second: Come on, this is not for us. Yes, we were still children then. And in general, it was of no use to us. Why waste time on nonsense?

First: Well, everything is clear with you, now it’s clear what you are!

Second: Well, we are intelligent people!

First and Second: Thanks to the music school!!!

Sketch “Two Lessons”

Lesson through the eyes of a teacher

There are several chairs on the stage, and graduates sit on them in relaxed poses. There are “horns” on their heads. The teacher enters the classroom to the sounds of gentle music. A halo made of paper and wire “glows” above his head. Nobody pays attention to the teacher, everyone is busy with their own business.

Hello guys! How smart you are today! Did everyone get enough sleep? Well, who will answer today?

(Nobody hears)

Maybe you, Dimochka? Dima!

But I didn’t learn it, we went to visit yesterday! (Dimochka answers lazily)

OK. Next time be prepared!

And you, Mashenka?

And yesterday I spent the whole day in the hairdresser...

That's it, I see you are so beautiful today!

Well, then maybe Kolenka, is it you?

Yesterday I had a competition!

Ah!.. Well, it’s okay, you’ll answer another time.

Lenochka, come on, answer...

And I.. and I.. And we... (having come up with nothing, he reluctantly goes to the board)

Sing a scale in C major.

(sings out of tune)

Well, not bad...mmm...your throat probably hurts today. But, I see how hard you tried and I give you a B with a small minus.

For what?! I taught! This is not fair!

Well, okay, with a big plus!

(sits down with a dissatisfied look)

Guys, of course, you know who wrote Oginsky’s polonaise?

But we didn’t pass!

What is the name of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky?

But we didn’t hear!

How many years have you studied at our school?

But they didn’t tell us!

What is the name of the director of our school?

We didn't record it!

How many piglets are there in the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”?

But we didn’t count!

You guys are great today - you worked so well in class. Well, relax, I’m not asking you anything at home. The lesson is over.

Music: phonogram "Blue Car"
Alumni exit.
Speaker:“Musical Express” No. 2008 arrived on track 1 of the Nikiforovskaya DTTTI station. Numbering of carriages from the tail of the express train. I repeat... Passengers meeting us are asked to take their seats. Train stop 60 minutes.
- Song: “Music” music. Struve
Speaker: Attention to those arriving by “Musical Express” No. 2008! The graduating carriage is requested to prepare for passport control and to receive a document certifying maturity.
Exit of the presenters.

1 presenter: Yes, the station is already full, the seats are shining,
The people gathered are seething,
Parents whisper all the time
Everyone is in a hurry to praise his own.

2 presenter: Our journey is coming to an end
All that's left to do is say
Who's going on stage now?
You will have a lot to wish for.

Speaker: Dear passengers! For all questions of concern
please contact the station management: the station manager and his deputy.

1 presenter: A little excited with us
What happens in moments of separation
He is the head of our art school
Wise advisor and friend.

2 presenter: Who tell us in our school
All questions are resolved
Who calmly and skillfully
In charge of everything!

All: Of course, director!

2 presenter: The school director is invited to the stage to present certificates and congratulations).

A response from graduates.

1: How we came to this school
Everyone was a little old
And we just sat down to the notes
There is not a minute to spare.

2: Heard from everywhere in school
Knock and keys chime
If we didn't go to school, we'd only know the metallophone.

3:With this house, with this house
To us both dear and familiar, We say goodbye to despondency, He is no longer ours from now on.

4: Our school is interesting
There is no room for boredom here. Dancing, music, computer. There is enough business here for everyone.

5. I still can’t understand
No surprises:
Who graduated from this school -
Maybe mom, maybe me!

6.In our dance class -
There is a loud knock
These are young dancers - They learn the “toe-heel”.

7. Goodbye, scales and etudes,
It's time for us to part with you too
You'll hardly forget us
Del music masters

8. Thank you, music, thank you!
Thank you for the bright moment
When suddenly it opened up to me -
Your bright and beautiful world!

9.Goodbye temple of art
It's time for you and me to part. We are grateful to this school for the lessons of truth and goodness.

Song "The Song Doesn't Say Goodbye to You"

At night the stars
They run along blue rivers into the distance.
In the morning the stars
They go out without a trace.
Only school remains with a person,
School is your faithful friend forever
Through the years, through partings
On any road, to the side of any
We won’t say “Goodbye” to the music.
The music will stay with you!

We're not having fun singing today. And this is understandable: we were traveling in a comfortable, soft carriage, and now we have to change to a hard one.
And the name of the express is unclear and the route is unknown.
What kind of passengers are traveling in this carriage?

Graduates of the art school: pianists, guitarists, accordionists, accordionists and dancers.

1 presenter: Today the music is heard
Not at all what it used to be.
The guitar string rings -
Let it continue to ring.

Musical number.

1 presenter:
At concerts in this hall
We play the piano
Classics, pop, jazz
Whatever you want - everything is for you!

Musical number.

Being a choreographer is not easy We go through the barre every time, But in a concert performance you won’t take your eyes off us

Musical number.

2 presenter: Forty buttons on it
With mother-of-pearl fire.
A merry fellow, not a brawler. My vociferous accordion.

Musical number:

1 presenter: He looks like a brother to the button accordion, Where there is fun, there he is. I won’t give any hints, everyone knows the accordion.

Musical number:

Let's go to the information desk and look at the stations
Look: School of Music, Rachmaninov Institute,
There is too much work, no time to rest.
No, I don't want to go there. Let's go back to our art school!
Well, yes! I was daydreaming, there already new shift takes up space!
And my parents spent all their money on their studies.
Let's go get our tickets!

Cash register:

O.A., we can return our tickets, we’ve changed our minds about leaving!

And what! We still want to stay at the art school.
It’s nice, cozy here, kind teachers!
Write a statement to the station manager
Write Seryozha with notes!
No, I make mistakes
It’s immediately clear that I didn’t finish my studies!

Statement: (School Director), we kindly ask you to allow passengers on express train No. 2008 to exchange tickets for No. 2009 for further travel through the land of music, we promise to provide assistance to the school management:

Identify persistent truants
- exercise until you lose your pulse
- participate in all school concerts
- We ask you not to change the conductors. We will stay with them.
- Listen, maybe we’ll try to find out what the head teacher, teachers, parents think about this:
- So they told you the truth. They will start telling us how we are dear to them!

Congratulations: We invite the head teacher of our school to the stage.

1 presenter:
Our head teacher is kind and fair
Maintains order in the school
So that no one is late
And I didn’t skip class.

Congratulations to the teachers.

That's after a year of study
Rise and fall ahead
And this evening we wish
Walk happily through life

We wish you inspiration
Less failures and tears
So that you find something you like
And love music seriously

Our heart will not forget about you
We will think about you often
And believe that we love you
And we will be waiting for new meetings with you

Song "Lavender"

IN school life Anything can happen,
A student loses his diary
Forgets notes at home
The academic does not give up.
Sometimes he doesn't know the play
He composes whatever he likes,
And when it’s completely silent,
He says: “I taught”
Chorus: Children, dear children,
Our meetings with you -
Bright dreams
Children, dear children,
A lot of years will pass
We will remember you.
The school gave you warmth
Taught me to love music
I had a carefree childhood
In this school you have.
But where did all this go?
There was and is no answer! Summer has already arrived,
And we are losing you!

1 presenter: We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words to graduates.

2 presenter: The kindness of a beautiful parent There is nothing more valuable in the world
So that everything turns out great for us -
Give us parenting advice!

Speaker: Passengers of Musical Express No. 2008 should board; the train is on the first track.
- It’s a pity to leave, because here we met so many friends and met interesting musicians.

Song "Your Honor"
Your Honor, dear school
Good for some, different for others,
Try and sit at the piano for seven years. If you are unlucky in your studies, you will be lucky on the way.
Your honor, high art.
We comprehended you until you lost your senses
I didn’t always teach the theory of solfeggio,
But the dear director handed me a certificate

Speaker: Attention passengers! Express departure in 5 minutes. The mourners are asked to leave the carriages. The musical express of the future departs from the first track of the School of Arts station No. 2008. Have a nice trip, guys!

From this stage we send thanks to you!
For being in the whirlwind of affairs
You were so wise and beautiful!
We wish you to always be busy!

All: Thank you!

Song "Without Me"

Our teacher know what's wrong with you
You're just a little tired
On this day a declaration of love
How do we lay flowers at your feet?
Chorus: Believe us without you, dears
The earth is small like an island
Without your advice life to us,
Fly with one wing
You will forgive us for our pranks,
Forget your sorrows
Don't judge us too harshly
And we will sing again!
La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Scenario High school prom at the music school “School, my school, goodbye!”

Goleschikhina Marina Aleksandrovna. Accordion teacher, MBOU DOD "Taseev Children's Music School"

Description of work: School years are wonderful. It seems that school years- these are the most best years in the life of every person. How many warm memories are associated with school times: the first fives and twos, the first declarations of love, the first steps in adult life. But everything ends someday. Years pass unnoticed, and now, the farewell prom. When organizing prom at a music school you always want to make this evening special, unforgettable and original, unlike any other. The script is the author's, using some fragments from the Internet. Words of graduates - poetry own composition.

Purpose: The prom scenario will be of interest to teachers-organizers of music schools, art schools, and parents.

Target: creating a positive emotional atmosphere for graduates.

Activate acquired knowledge, skills, abilities and the ability to apply them in practice;
Develop the ability to perform on stage in front of an audience;
enrich spiritual world children through musical plays.
Develop Creative skills students, graduates;
To cultivate a love for music as an art that has greatest strength emotional impact per person;
Cultivate respect for teachers, students, and parents.

The hall is festively decorated, music is playing, the presenters appear on stage
Presenter 1: It rings so timidly, so unsteadily
That voice of the first chord.
Lives and gains strength,
Already fluttering across the keys,
Sometimes he laughs, sometimes he cries,
He dances and sings.
A string stretched like a bow,
Her music is so tender!
Already heard in the aching sound
And the light of the soul, and pain, and torment,
Suddenly he shuddered
Soared up proudly
Strengthened, juicy chord sound!
And he beamed... And the verse... And so -
Ended academic year.

Presenter 2: Hello Dear Guys, dear parents, teachers, guests!

Presenter 1: Today in our hall it is warm from your smiles, light from your happy eyes, and happy that another school year has ended.

Presenter 2: The school year is behind us.
Wonderful summer rest ahead.
And everyone in our school is happy.
There will be no dictations or tests.

Presenter 1: Whole year we were studying
Going through the learning journey.
We have all exhausted our strength.
It's time to rest.

Presenter 2: Today we will present to your attention a creative report entitled “Difficult everyday work at our favorite music school, or what we learned in a year.”

Presenter 1: And, of course, today we will honor our dear graduates.

Presenter 2: Let us consider our festive evening open.

Presenter 1: And we invite the youngest students of our school to this stage first.

Musical numbers for students in grades 1-2

Presenter 2: Yes, our graduates once came to music school with the same little children...

Presenter 1: Everything was interesting and unfamiliar to them, and they really wanted to learn how to play an instrument, sing, and become great artists.

Presenter 2: The years flew by unnoticed. There was everything: joys and failures, victories in competitions, unlearned scales and etudes, twos and fives. Sometimes I just wanted to throw the notes into the far corner, slam the piano lid and say, “That’s it, I’ve had enough. I’m leaving music school.”

Presenter 1: But some inner voice did not allow me to turn away from the path, sometimes difficult and thorny, filled with a sea of ​​sounds pouring from instruments.

Presenter 2: And here they are, beautiful, charming graduates sitting in front of us.

Students come out junior classes and represent graduates

Student 1:
Today there is a small graduation at school,
There are only two graduates - brother and sister.
Like a thread and a needle, they are together everywhere,
At their desks, at concerts they sing and play plays.

Student 2:
Sasha is our activist, smart, beautiful,
Whatever she undertakes, she succeeds.
He performs on stage - he defends the honor of the school,
Completes all homework strictly.
As soon as he touches the keys, his soul freezes.
Sasha plays the piano so well.
And the ringing little voice drove everyone in the area crazy,
All her friends tell her about this.
Talented, diligent, beautiful and successful.
Sasha, dear, we congratulate you.
We invite you to the stage to loud applause.

Student 3:
We will say this about Dima - a joker and a merry fellow.
A charming boy, a bully and a naughty boy.
Very smart and capable, but sometimes lazy.
Scales and pieces will be remembered in spring, summer and winter.
He will remember the lessons in solfeggio, music. lit.,
To which I came so often, like a blank slate.
He forgot his notes, book, pen, pencil, notebook,
Everyone was worried about him - but he passed the subject with an A.
He often performed on stage, sang in duets and alone,
Let’s be honest, Dima is great, he’s the only one we have.
We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts, to loud applause.
We invite you to the stage.

Presenter 2:
In every family there is a head who decides everything,
Protects the family from adversity and failure.
A music school is also a family,
All our friends have become family and friends here.

Presenter 1:
Who's in charge at school? We all know about this
The director is our favorite, we respect her.
Ensures discipline, solves all matters,
It's high time to invite her to the stage.

A student runs in and says in fear
Guard, trouble, trouble.
The director disappeared without a trace.
All that’s left of him... (shows the director’s notebook)
Oh, trouble, trouble.

Presenter 2:
Wait, don't rush,
Tell me with feeling.
What did you see, how did you find out?
Why is our director missing?

So I'm going to school.
The prom has begun.
Everyone is in the hall, and everyone is on stage,
And the director is at the porch.
I asked her quietly:
“Are you going to perform soon?”
And she answers me:
“I came out to breathe some air.”

Presenters together: Well, what about you?

Student: I went to class, sat down at the piano,
I remembered the play I played.
Something hurt my heart,
My soul suddenly became sick.
I walked through the school and looked around.
The director has disappeared... Oh, trouble.

(Runs away. Graduates are confused)

What to do, tell me,
Where to look for a director?
Graduation certificates
She should give us

We studied quite a bit here,
How many pieces were played, scales.
And now the time has come
We urgently need to graduate.

But how do we leave school?
We need certificates!

Maybe one more year
Shall we spend time here, me and you?
Let's play the scales again,
Let's remember Bach and Mozart.

No, no, no, darling
I want to finish school.

Music sounds, Music Fairy enters

Fairy of Music:
I am the Fairy of Music, I live in this school.
And every day I meet guys
Cheerful and perky, affectionate and kind,
Everyone here speaks a special language.
Today is a holiday at school - the school year is over,
Today the school graduates two children.
But only Chernomor, it is cruel and vicious,
He kidnapped the director and doesn’t want to return him.
I left you a message, read it quickly.
All hope is on you, save the director.

Gives a message, graduates read

Your director is hidden in a safe place,
It won't be easy for you to find it.
You will prove to everyone that your studies were not in vain.
That you deserve the title of graduates!

Well, it's time to hit the road, dear friend,
Hurry, forward, we will win.

From the captivity of the evil Chernomor
We will free Tatyana Nikolaevna.

The graduates and the Music Fairy leave.
Presenter 1: In the meantime, our graduates are in search of Tatyana Nikolaevna, we bring to your attention best performances our guys.
Musical numbers:

Graduates enter
Where can we look for her?
Can it really wait?
A year, two, or maybe three?
Sasha, Sasha, look.

(points to the side where the first-graders are sitting)

That the kids became quiet,
How did you find yourself here?

First grader 1:
Chernomor gave us a task,
I'll wait for you here in the forest.
Prepared tests
I'll bring them now.
Brings notes on which assignments for graduates are written:
Graduates draw out notes

First grader 2:
Let's start testing, here's your first task
To your home school,
Don't accidentally forget
Come on, everyone for questions,
Answer without hesitation!

1.Who is your favorite teacher?
2.Why do you love solfeggio?
3.How many seats are there in the concert hall?
4.What is missing in our school?
5.What inscriptions did you make on the desks during your studies?
6.What advice would you give to the school principal when you leave?
7.Why did you need this education?
8.Did your neighbors often knock on the radiator when you played scales?
9.Did your parents have to convince you from time to time to continue attending our school?
10.How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?
11.How many directors changed during the training?

First grader 3:
Every day, year after year,
You went to school.
And now we want to know
What did they teach you?

Graduates draw notes with riddles

1.I stand on three legs,
Feet in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.
What's my name? ...

2.How is a piano similar?
To a running car?
They have one detail

3. Chaliapin sang to everyone’s envy,
He had enormous talent
All because I studied
Art, what is the name...

4.Sleep and rest are forgotten:
Writes a song...

5. Five ropes are hanging,
A hundred birds are singing from them. (staff and sheet music).

First grader 4:
We ask for parents and everyone sitting in the hall,
Perform your ensemble with soul and love.

The graduates perform the ensemble; at the end of the play, the director comes on stage

Presenter 1: So you saved the director,
You are real graduates.
The floor is given to the school director.
Director's speech, presentation of certificates, diplomas

Presenter 2: And now it’s time to give the floor to those who have been with you all these years, who led you through the world of beautiful art, who rejoiced with you creative victories, were upset when something didn’t work out.

Presenter 1: We invite music school teachers to the stage.
Speech by teachers.
Presenter 2:The graduates have reply word for your favorite teachers.

I enter school so timidly,
Every corner here is familiar.
How quickly time has flown by
There is no need to rush to class.
It's all behind us. It's time for excitement.
It's time for exams
But only a feeling of regret
That we are parting forever.

I enter school so timidly.
I meet dear friends.
Favorite teachers, what skillfully
They helped us all become stronger.
Thank you, our relatives
For your hard but honorable work.
For always being there,
We were not allowed to turn away from the path.

Because you are heartbroken
For each of us, always
They taught us, sparing no effort,
They gave everything to us in full.

Thank you! We are indebted to you,
And a low bow to you for the warmth of your soul.
We so want you to be proud of us,
We will meet your hopes and dreams.

The graduates' song is played for teachers.

Presenter 1: These concert numbers are performed for our graduates and spectators.

Musical numbers:

Presenter 2: We invite to the stage those people who know better than anyone what the years of study at a music school were worth. After all, it was before their eyes that their children turned from little inexperienced musicians into real artists. Only they know how much effort was put into getting this path to the end.

Presenter 1: Their parents rejoice and grieve along with the graduates. Dear parents, over to you.

Congratulations and awards to parents
Presenter 2 Graduates, a response to you.

There is nothing more expensive in the world
Walk around the earth at least a thousand times.
There is nothing more precious in the world,
Motherly, fatherly love.

Their love always warms
In heat and cold it protects us from troubles.
Their love helps us live,
And cope with the difficulty
When there is no more strength.

The love of mom and dad is holy,
And you can’t compare it with anything.

The most dear to us,
Nothing can replace it.

Together: thank you for being there and walking this path with us.

Graduates perform a song dedicated to their parents.

Presenter 1:
Well, graduate, freeze for a moment!
This day, this hour has come.
School sees you off with excitement
School childhood is leaving now!

Musical numbers of graduates:

We were all gathered together for a farewell ball.
On such a wonderful, wonderful evening,
Our hall is warmed with smiles,
Love, friendship. Forever
The music of the heart has connected
The native school became a home,
And we will never forget
Love and care of teachers.

It was all here: the downs, the ups,
Sometimes there are tears in my eyes.
We walked towards a dream, towards the stars,
And now the hour of farewell has come.
It's time to say goodbye. A little sad.
Everything is behind us, the diploma is in hand.
And my soul is sad, empty,
And you ask: “What then?”

Farewell hour. And like birds
We're leaving the nest
To return one day,
Music has made you friends forever.

The final song of the graduates is played.
Presenter 1:
It's yours finest hour– Graduation ball, farewell
IN last time on this stage you,
And in this moment happy and sad
We just want to say a couple of lines.

Presenter 2:
May a bright star shine in your life,
And music always sounds in the heart.
The school graduates you, but remember for you,
The music room door is always open.

Presenter 1: And let us consider our festive evening closed.
Presenter 2: We wish you guys and parents a good rest in the summer and gain new strength to conquer new heights in school life.