Compulsory treatment of drug addicts by court decision. Motivation to get rid of addiction

2014-03-31 11 320

Relatives of drug addicts who would like to help a loved one through compulsory treatment for drug addiction should be aware that this is prohibited by law. Changes in the legislation of our country were made more than twenty years ago. Only in Soviet time forced treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts was carried out.

After Soviet Union collapsed, Russia adjusted laws in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights. She does not allow violence against a person, even if it is for the benefit of the person. But, there are exceptional cases specified by law.

Reasons for compulsory drug addiction treatment

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction in specialized clinics is carried out in the following cases:
  • The patient experiences a state of acute psychosis, helplessness, and dementia due to drug use.
  • A person is able drug intoxication committed a criminal offense.
  • The patient presents real threat for the health and safety of others.
  • In case of drug overdose, which threatens the patient's life.
A sick person in serious condition is taken away by the ambulance service, which is called by others. Compulsory treatment of drug addicts who have committed a crime is carried out by court decision.

Of course, close people of a drug addict do not want to wait for such critical situations to cure him. Therefore, experts offer another option. You should use every opportunity to influence the drug addict and convince him to make a decision to get rid of his addiction. For this you can use not only Right words, but also to simulate situations in which the patient will have a motive to give up drugs.

It can be considered that this drug addiction treatment is forced, since the motivation is created artificially. But such actions are not prohibited by law, and therefore it is worth taking advantage of this opportunity in the name of saving the patient.

Creating motivation to start treatment

Finding an approach to a drug addict and organizing voluntary treatment can be quite difficult. A person who finds the world of illusions more attractive than reality, does not understand loved ones who are trying to persuade them to give up drugs. Required deep knowledge psychology of drug addicts, experience in communicating with them.

To get started, you can call the 24-hour drug addiction hotline. Specialist psychologists are on duty at the telephones and can provide assistance, give advice on communicating with patients, and explain how to correctly convey information about the dangers of drug addiction.

Worth to visit professional psychologist in a specialized drug treatment clinic. Competent consultation will help you understand the addicted person, his fears, concerns, reasons inappropriate behavior. After this, it will be easier to find words that will become motivation to start treatment.

Now you can invite a psychologist to your home. A personal conversation between a specialist and a patient will certainly provide positive results. It would be good if this doctor would work with a drug-addicted patient while he was in the clinic. The trusting relationship that develops during home consultations eliminates the need preliminary acquaintance, reduce the duration of the preparatory stage.

The complexity of treating adolescent drug addiction

Until the age of 18, parents are responsible for their children. But compulsory treatment for drug addiction is prohibited for them too. Doctors understand perfectly well how painful it is for fathers and mothers to see the gradual degradation of a child. But they can intervene without his consent only in the event of an overdose or severe complications of a health condition.

It is usually difficult to persuade a teenager to seek treatment for addiction. Adult drug addicts often understand the harmfulness of this passion and feel guilty before loved ones. Therefore, it is enough for them to be in difficult situation, when the opportunity arises to feel the horror of loss. After this, drug addicts agree to treatment.

Teenagers do not consider drug use a disease. For them, this is an opportunity to escape from reality into a beautiful fantasy world. Parting with such temptations and the company of friends is not easy, which does not make it possible to make a difficult decision.

Plans to introduce legal compulsory drug treatment

There is a dangerous situation in our country. The number of drug addicts is growing rapidly. Now this addiction is spreading not only among young people and teenagers; there are also children in the group of drug addicts. The Ministry of Health and deputy commissions in the Duma propose to introduce changes in legislation to legalize compulsory treatment of drug addiction. This would make it possible to stop the degradation of the country's working population, reduce the crime rate, and improve the demographic situation.

The first two rehabilitation centers are starting to operate in Russia, where for the first time drug addicts will be treated forcibly - by court decision, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. Such new way to stop drug addiction is introduced by a law signed by President Vladimir Putin. Under this law, when passing sentences, courts will be able to send drug addicts who are caught with a dose in their pocket to mandatory treatment.Experts comment on the legislative innovation.

In such cases, the problem of a vicious circle arises

Hegumen Methodius (Kondratiev) – head of the Coordination Center for Combating Drug Addiction of the Department for Charity of the Russian Federation Orthodox Church

In Russia on this moment does not exist material base to implement such a program. But from some end we must begin to resolve this issue. In such cases, we always have the problem of a vicious circle, and we need to break it somehow. When the law starts to take effect, that is, drug addicts go for treatment, they will understand that there is nowhere to treat patients, and they will begin to create a base for treatment.

IN in this case The circle is the system that we have with drug addiction. I think that the law will be a break in this circle, which will entail subsequent steps. If a person is caught in some not very serious crime related to drugs, he is offered an alternative: either he receives a punishment or undergoes treatment. Based on the results of treatment, a conclusion is made according to which punishment may not follow if the treatment was successful.

In the West this system works. But there is no need to exaggerate its effectiveness. Not everyone who gets caught chooses treatment; some choose prison. During the rehabilitation process, a person must actively engage in his own healing. They don't just put him in a clinic and give him pills. This is not detoxification, but rehabilitation and resocialization in the future. He must be an active participant in the process and his desire is necessary - without this nothing will work.

This alternative and the offer to start treatment is an incentive for many to think about treatment. Just like in life. Often, until a person is given a strict diagnosis and told: “either death or treatment,” he will not begin to monitor his health and undergo treatment. It’s the same here: “either we’ll put you in prison, or start getting treatment.” This is serious motivation.

There is virtually nowhere to send drug addicts now

Evgeny Roizman, head of the Drug-Free City Foundation, mayor of Yekaterinburg

The introduced law essentially establishes the practice of drug courts. This step in itself is positive, at least it is being taken in the right direction. The problem is that now there is virtually nowhere to send drug addicts. The state has provided only two rehabilitation centers for this purpose, which, of course, will not cope with the entire volume of workload.

Another problem is that we still do not have criminal liability for drug use. I've been listing the list for a long time now necessary measures which should be adopted at the legislative level.

Firstly, we need to close the border with all drug-producing regions. Secondly, introduce compulsory treatment by court verdict. Thirdly, it is necessary to tighten criminal penalties for drug trafficking and, of course, it is necessary to introduce criminal liability for drug use. Previously, it existed, and there were hundreds of times fewer drug addicts. In addition, it served as an excellent incentive for drug addicts to quit using drugs and undergo rehabilitation. Now, despite the return of drug courts, there is no such incentive.

There is practically no work with cravings for drugs in our hospitals.

Elena Rydalevskaya – executive director of the Diakonia charitable foundation, narcologist, St. Petersburg

Similar legislation exists in different countries peace. This is the law about alternative treatment. Dependent person He can choose either to go to prison due to drug use, or to go to rehabilitation.

But in the West, this law is supported by structures that are ready to accept this person for rehabilitation. Our treatment law, unfortunately, is not supported by structures that officially have the right to carry out long-term rehabilitation measures.

If you just go to a drug treatment center and get drunk, the person will still return to drugs due to the persistence of addiction. But in our hospitals they practically do not work with cravings for drugs; in our hospitals they work in order to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

We have practically no rehabilitation centers that have the right to work with drug addicts, who by law are supposed to be sent for treatment. The system of certification of institutions has not yet been developed; the system of issuing certificates for treatment of children who use drugs has not been developed either.

Most main question to the law - how was it enforced? You can make as good a decision as you like, but it is also important to think through the mechanism for implementing it. This is not clear yet. It is likely that the law will turn into another farce and imitation of actions. This is our big problem. Often good intentions actually turn out to be just an imitation of their implementation. Everything is limited to loud slogans.

In the implementation of the law, much depends on how it will be used and where the actions will be directed. For now existing forms medical care inadequate to the emerging demands. Therefore, many medical institutions are empty; they do not meet the real needs of drug addicts. Now these institutions may be full, but how much this will help the children is unknown.

At the moment, we are already partially introducing Western experience. We have 2 rehabilitation centers and a social adaptation, but this is not supported by the state on a regular basis. We do not have documents that would allow us to consider these centers as a structure where patients can be sent by court decision.

There are 62 rehabilitation centers in the Orthodox Church in Russia. Certification of these centers has not yet been worked out. There are rehabilitation programs, there is an understanding of how to make treatment effective, adaptation measures work. However, many mechanisms for working with drug addicts have not been developed legally. And it is not yet clear whether anything will change in connection with the adoption of the new law.

The initiative is completely undeveloped

Vyacheslav Borovskikh, psychotherapist, director of the Orthodox center for medical and social rehabilitation “Ascetic”, Yekaterinburg

Vyacheslav Borovskikh Photo:

The initiative, unfortunately, has not been developed at all. At the moment, the quality of rehabilitation in government centers is so low that they cannot even treat volunteers, let alone those who are forcibly rehabilitated. Public rehab centers, primarily Orthodox ones, many of which have already proven their effectiveness, remain outside the scope of the law.

For example, rehabilitation in state center“Ural without drugs” is based on the “12 steps” system. Is not medical system and it also does not carry any deep spiritual component. It is clear that in practice it is ineffective. In total, we have only four state rehabilitation centers in the country, two of which it will be possible to send addicts to by a court verdict. At the same time, we have eight million drug addicts. It feels like the law was passed just for show, because it is not capable of seriously solving the problem.

In addition, before introducing compulsory treatment, it would be logical to introduce criminal liability for drug use. In the meantime, the alternative to such treatment is a fine of 4 to 5 thousand rubles, or 30 days of correctional labor. The vast majority of drug addicts will choose a fine or work. To encourage a drug addict to seek treatment, the responsibility of drug use must be much worse for him than treatment or rehabilitation. Then he himself will agree to go to the rehab center, and this will at least be his own decision.

As for testing, here I agree with the head of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov that the general passion for testing has begun to resemble an epidemic. In practice, I am afraid that this will turn out to be another waste of public money. 80% of drug addicts use smoking mixtures and salt, that is synthetic drugs, half of which are still not recognized as narcotic drugs. Consequently, no tests detect them either.

A drug addict in a state of acute psychosis cannot think about treatment

Nadezhda Baskina, mother of a salt addict

I think this is the right initiative. Drug addicts are in such a state that they do not realize that they need help, and during this period they should be sent to compulsory treatment. There they can be relieved of intoxication, the person will come to his senses and be able to realize that he needs treatment. But while the addict is using drugs, he is in a state of acute psychosis, and is not able to think about any treatment. The state cannot send him for treatment without his consent. I think it's just a crime against these people.

By the way, after the police “released” my son Roman from the Drug-Free City Foundation, he no longer consumed salt. Yes, forced treatment does not seem to be for him, but nevertheless, this whole situation shook him up. Now all that remains is to pray that he doesn’t break down in the future.

When relatives and close people fail to persuade a drug addict to undergo treatment, attempts to forcefully cure him will also not be successful. You can force a person to take medicine for a viral disease, which will destroy the virus and the person will recover, but if he intends to get sick, he will find a way to become infected again.

Coercion, threats and similar methods that go against a person’s desires, even if they are unreasonable and wrong desires, will not bring any benefit.

Treatment, the effectiveness of which in the case of drug addicts is about 10%, works only if the person really wants to free himself from addiction. But even with the strong desire of a drug addict, treatment does not always help, and in the case of compulsory treatment, he will quickly return to his old ways as soon as he finds himself without supervision and control.

Compulsory treatment for drug addiction is a waste of time. It is better to spend a lot of effort and time to persuade a drug addict than to try to treat him using coercion.

Why is drug addiction not amenable to compulsory treatment?

A person strives to have fun, be happy and avoid physical and heartache. This is natural, it is correct and reasonable. It is unnatural and unwise to simply use drugs to achieve pleasure and happiness. But at some point in use (perhaps for the first time, or perhaps after six months), the narcotic substances became the only solution for a person, the only way to feel good. And when his condition worsened greatly, they became “vital” to get rid of serious mental and physical suffering. This is not a whim, no bad habit, not a whim or a whim - drugs at some point became everything for a person, and what will he say when you want to forcibly deprive him of this “saving remedy”? Yes, the addict will fight to the end to defend his position. In the end, he may give up, plunge into deep apathy, become indifferent and indifferent to everything, even his own fate and pain. This condition is terrible, it is very close to death - absolute passivity, indifference and humility, lack of emotions and desires (although in appearance it may seem that a person has become better, he has become more accommodating, flexible, he may even smile, but this is a mask). And we don’t think you want such a fate for your loved one. Only an active, caring, feeling person has a chance to get out and improve his life, his condition. And this can be achieved solely through communication with the goal of igniting or reviving own wish person to get rid of addiction, undergo treatment and rehabilitation.

Thus, coercion and other violent methods are the path towards death. Only by helping a person want to quit drugs and act in this direction can you truly help him.

Is it possible to treat addiction to alcohol and drugs without the knowledge of the patient?

Drug and alcohol addiction is not a physical illness, but a moral, emotional and spiritual degradation that is accompanied by a loss of self-respect, love for others, moral values, etc. No pills, including antidepressants, can cope with this, because they are inherently narcotic substances, taking them will lead to a change from one addiction to another. Drugs, including antidepressants, ultimately lead to degradation, pain and death.

Without the patient’s knowledge, it is impossible to restore his self-esteem, to teach him not to run away from reality, from life, from problems and difficulties, but to successfully cope with them. And so on. You can only cope with addiction with the help of a good rehabilitation program, but he himself must want to go through the program and be free.

How to force a drug addict to undergo treatment if he does not want to?

You cannot force a drug addict to undergo treatment, but you can persuade him. Confidential communication without shouting and reproaches, with love and understanding will help. Stories and examples of those who have recovered from addiction will help.

Our consultants know how to persuade a person to undergo rehabilitation. Among our employees and graduates there are those who themselves were trapped by drugs and alcohol and who can speak the same language with your loved one.

Contact us! Consultations are anonymous and free.


We will help motivate a person so that he has a desire to get rid of addiction.
We will give recommendations on how to communicate with a drug addict.

It is not often that drug addicts recognize the problem and strive to get rid of it, and relatives and friends are not able to insensitively observe the comprehensive decline of a person.

It is assumed that he is actually incapacitated because he is under the influence of a drug, and all his actions come from an uncontrollable addiction.

But what does forced treatment for drug addiction entail? How to exit wisely deadlock when a loved one is stubborn and does not realize the existence of a devastating disease?

Compulsory drug treatment: pros and cons

Many people have different attitudes towards the fact of forceful intervention, and today narcologists, based on research, confirm the uselessness and even destructiveness of a technique that implies moral and physical violence.

A law was recently approved providing for compulsory treatment of drug addicts by court decision, and legal measures are only good in theory, since a citizen held accountable for addiction:

    is registered;

    rights are significantly limited;

    risks fines for non-compliance with the sentence.

There are not many places in government institutions; the recovery procedure is mainly based on the medicinal method, which is absolutely not enough for recovery.

Even if drug treatment is approved by the court, this does not mean that the convicted person will take the path of struggle - it only implies additional costs for collection for possible failure to fulfill obligations and many years of attempts to remove the name from the dispensary register.

Forced drug treatment, or how to save a drug addict without trial and scandals?

The most important postulate of our clinic: awareness and purposefulness of getting rid of the habit. Treatment of drug addiction without consent is impossible because, if from within the resident of the center is not determined to return to normal without toxic doping, all the manipulations of doctors and psychologists are ineffective.

Proven strategy of narcologists:

    “No” to persuasion, intimidation, threats or coercion physical strength. Any pressure may be met with aggression or distrust, which will distance him from making the right decision.

    Calm, equalizing conversation. The patient must understand that he is taken into account and has good intentions, and is not judged and ridiculed.

    Motivational period. Experienced employees reveal the problem, show and extend a hand, rather than force them to obey and chain them to the bed. What are they aiming at? Firstly, to awaken the understanding that he got sick, caused harm, provoked a number of troubles and got into debt, and, secondly, to really recover.

  • Only after achieving conscious, balanced and meaningful consent do doctors begin rehabilitation.

Sometimes this result is the result of many hours of conversations with specialists, but then keep rehabilitation center for drug addicts there is no need - they willingly make contact and comply with the program, and the initial zeal and enthusiasm speeds up the completion and increases the quality of treatment.

How not to scare away and win over?

Treatment of drug addicts is carried out through painless intervention.

What to do?

1. Call the center.

2. Describe the current circumstances.

4. Do not notify the drug addict about what is planned.

It is possible that the arriving team will initially cause perceived rejection, but then the opinion will gradually change, and protective barrier– omitted.

Having practical experience of dialogue in compulsory treatment for drug addiction, interventionists know what words to choose and how to build effective interaction, since vulnerability, touchiness and sensitivity create “ special conditions"and oblige you to behave in the same special way. Be prepared that voluntary expression of will to undergo treatment will take from 2-3 to 9-10 hours, depending on your individual character.

Employees they will come and pick up drug addicts only after making sure that they are internally prepared for the upcoming treatment. Practice shows a positive trend: hundreds of previously stubborn residents recovered, found peace, established relationships and returned to normal life.

How to get a drug addict to get treatment? What words to choose and what to do to close person stopped using drugs? Clinical psychologist RC "Insight" knows the answers to these questions and will help you get rid of the horror of drug addiction forever!

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction - instead of 1000 words!

The main trap that relatives of drug addicts fall into is an endless stream of promises, apologies, reproaches and lies! You have probably heard more than once from a drug addict that he has no addiction, that he will definitely quit if he just wants to. Unfortunately, loved ones have no choice but to believe these empty words, make compromises and dream that someday compulsory treatment for drug addicts will become available to them.

It's time to act! Start compulsory treatment today!

Many people offer compulsory treatment for drug addicts in Moscow today, but remember that you should only trust the life and health of a loved one to trusted people! You may not have a second attempt at compulsory treatment.

Treatment for drug addiction in a person who struggles to deny his addiction and does not agree to treatment begins with intervention. Interventionnewest method psychological impact on the patient, which promotes awareness of the patient’s real situation and motivates him to begin treatment. It is impossible to organize an intervention on your own if you do not have a qualification as a psychologist and are not familiar with special techniques drug addicts' beliefs. Organizing compulsory treatment for drug addiction is the task of the specialists of the Insight RC, which they successfully cope with in almost 100% of cases.

Intervention is the only way to get a person to start treatment!

To the patient's relatives To start compulsory drug addiction treatment in Moscow, you need to follow simple instructions. If you do these three simple steps, drugs will never appear in your home again:

  • Step 1. Call toll free hotline RC "Insight" and receiving detailed advice. From our specialist you will learn what mistakes should be avoided when communicating with a drug addict, why an addict does not want treatment, and how to organize an intervention.
  • Step 2. Choose the most appropriate time for the intervention. Treatment drug withdrawal will do the best way, because at this moment the patient’s consciousness is more vulnerable than ever. Just call a narcologist to your home and while an experienced doctor will professionally relieve withdrawal symptoms medicines, the psychologist will convince the patient to begin compulsory treatment!
  • Step 3. After receiving consent, immediately organize the delivery of the patient to the country hospital of the Insight RC, where he will immediately begin treatment for drug addiction.

Remember that you are not alone in your problem! Thousands of drug addicts around the world do not want to be treated and thousands of mothers and wives decide to undergo compulsory drug addiction treatment! Today is your day! Call us now!