Oxford teaching English. Special exercises for speech development

Most ambitious and talented students dream of studying English at Oxford. This university is the oldest in England and Great Britain and traditionally ranks among the most high positions in ratings best universities peace. During its centuries-old existence, it has absorbed the best traditions British education, which has been heard about in all countries of the world. Why else should you choose English courses at Oxford?

  • It is much easier for graduates of this university to settle in the UK and other Western countries: a diploma plays a role big role when searching for vacancies and obtaining a residence permit abroad;
  • While taking English courses at Oxford, students bring to perfection their knowledge of everyday, business, scientific and spoken language, and also acquire a respectable British accent;
  • Diplomas from Oxford University dramatically increase the device's chances of being highly paid positions to the world's best companies;
  • In addition to the standard university program, here you can take short language courses aimed at learning general and business English;
  • It is recommended to study English at Oxford for students taking the required exams for admission to Western universities. TOEFL exams and IELTS;
  • Most of all, studies and language courses at this university are valued for their well-organized student life, which opens up opportunities for intellectual and personal growth. There are numerous extracurricular activities, sports and creative communities - by visiting them, Oxford students actively participate in public life university. Many have studied at the University of Oxford famous people: For example, Margaret Thatcher drew her debating skills from the specialized Oxford community.

Oxford and Cambridge – which to choose?

As you know, Oxford is the main competitor of another prestigious British university- Cambridge. Ironically, Oxford is the progenitor of its eternal rival: Cambridge was founded by people from Oxford University. These educational establishments compete in the rankings for many centuries, but always remain equally prestigious, which makes it somewhat difficult to choose between them and the language schools based on them. However, there is an opinion that English courses at Oxford are more suitable creative individuals who want to connect their lives with art and humanities, while in Cambridge it is better to do research in the field of natural and exact sciences.

Oxford is also of great architectural and historical value: the city was founded long before it became a student Mecca. Once here, on the picturesque banks of the Thames, there was an ancient monastic order that founded the University of Oxford back in the 11th century! Since those times, not only the university itself has been preserved, but also the historical buildings allocated for it back in the Middle Ages. Thousands of tourists come here to enjoy the view of majestic buildings possessing a special magical appeal. Walking through the ancient corridors of Oxford once inspired Lewis Carroll to create Alice in Wonderland, and now resembles the sets of the Harry Potter films: many of the spectacular scenes of this franchise were filmed here. Studying English at Oxford will especially appeal to those who want to immerse themselves in the amazing atmosphere of being involved in something global and historical!

Studying in this city can also be a great way to relax! Here you definitely need:

  • Try yourself in a popular sport among the British - rowing. Swimming on the calm waters of the Thames is very beneficial for the physical and mental health: It has been scientifically proven that playing sports has a positive effect on academic performance;
  • Visit the oldest English coffee shop and order National dish Fish & Chips at the surprisingly popular ancient pub, the Turf Tavern;
  • Look at the university landmark - an electric bell that has been ringing since the mid-19th century;
  • Look through ancient handwritten books in Britain's second largest library. This is a mandatory item in the program of students who choose to study English at Oxford.

Cost of English courses in Oxford

Contrary to widespread myths about the inaccessibility and elitism of English language courses at Oxford, their cost of education is no higher than in other top universities in the UK and Europe. The same applies to prices for academic programs: the cost of training here is considered standard by the standards of prestigious Western universities. In any case, education here will cost a fairly impressive amount, which can be reduced by saving on accommodation. Yes, the majority foreign students prefers living on campus or sharing an inexpensive apartment in the city center.

Oxford is great English city, whose traditions and history go back to ancient times, a city where ancient colorful foundations and Hi-tech. This legendary place is definitely worth a visit. Make the dream of millions of students come true - study English at Oxford! Call us or visit the website and we will create a program for your trip.

  • Foreigners make up a full quarter of the university's students;
  • The competition between Oxford and Cambridge goes so far that applicants are prohibited from applying to both universities at the same time;
  • The list of outstanding Oxford graduates includes Margaret Thatcher, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Jeremy Bentham, Adam Smith, William Golding, Lewis Carroll and many other figures in politics, science and art.

What a busy woman you are!
I've been busy all week.
This is one of the busiest shopping streets in London.
He has been busy writing letters all afternoon.
They were busy sowing seeds.

A girl with blue eyes is a blue-eyed girl. A man with long legs is a long-legged man. A woman with white hair is a white-haired woman. Children who have good looks are good-looking children.

What do you do when you want to buy clothes? You go to a shop. If you can find clothes that are the right size for you, and if they are ready to wear, you will probably buy them. They are called ready-made clothes. If you cannot find clothes that are the right size, you will go to a tailor’s shop. A tailor is a man who makes clothes. He will measure you carefully arid will then make clothes for you. Such clothes are called tailor-made clothes.

What do we call a man who is dressed badly? We call him a badly-dressed man. A woman who is dressed well is called a well-dressed woman.

What do you wear when it rains heavily? You wear a coat that will keep the rain out. Such a coat is called a raincoat. It is made of waterproof cloth, cloth that docs not let water pass through. The man in this picture is wearing a raincoat. He is also carrying an umbrella. We have a lot of rain in England. If you come to England, bring both a raincoat and an umbrella. You will find them useful.

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Download the book Intensive Oxford English Tutorial, Basic Course, Hornby A., 1991 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Constructions and phrases of the English language, Hornby A.S., 1992 - This book is intended for students of English and can be used by students in secondary and higher educational institutions and persons ... Books on English
  • English Grammar, Book for Parents, Grade 4, Barashkova E.A., 2019 - This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard(second generation) for primary school. It represents the third component educational kit, … Books on English
  • English Grammar, Textbook, Barkhudarov L.S., Shteling D.A., 2013 - This textbook outlines a systematic course in English grammar, including morphology and syntax. The course combines normative information with theory... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • English while driving, Spencer M., 2014 - Introduction. Speaking English is a skill that everyone needs. And although there is now huge selection courses and tutorials on... Books on English
  • 100 English verbs, 1000 phraseological units, Key to supermemory, Litvinov P.P., 2006 - Given tutorial offers an original technique that allows you to significantly increase lexicon English verbs in record time. The benefit is based... Books on English
  • English language in the field of computer technology and technology, Kvasova L.V., Podvalny S.L., Safonova O.E., 2012 - Translation methods are clearly presented scientific texts, not related to the competence of elementary (basic) grammar. Contains English-Russian dictionary computer terms and abbreviations... Books on English
  • Business English course, Koteva Z., 2011 - Business English course from the world famous company PONS, developed on the basis of the original English edition, intended for those who want... Books on English

Most ambitious and talented students dream of studying English at Oxford. This university is the oldest in England and Great Britain and traditionally occupies the highest positions in the rankings of the best universities in the world. During its centuries-old existence, it has absorbed the best traditions of British education, which has been heard about in all countries of the world. Why else should you choose English courses at Oxford?

  • It is much easier for graduates of this university to settle in the UK and other Western countries: a diploma plays a big role when searching for vacancies and obtaining a residence permit abroad;
  • While taking English courses at Oxford, students improve their knowledge of everyday, business, scientific and spoken language, and also acquire a respectable British accent;
  • Diplomas from Oxford University dramatically increase your chances of getting high-paying positions in the world's best companies;
  • In addition to the standard university program, here you can take short language courses aimed at learning general and business English;
  • It is recommended to study English at Oxford for students taking the TOEFL and IELTS exams required for admission to Western universities;
  • Most of all, studies and language courses at this university are valued for their well-organized student life, which opens up opportunities for intellectual and personal growth. There are numerous extracurricular activities, sports and creative communities - by visiting them, Oxford students actively participate in the public life of the university. Many famous people studied at the University of Oxford: for example, Margaret Thatcher drew her debating skills from the specialized Oxford community.

Oxford and Cambridge – which to choose?

As you know, Oxford is the main competitor of another prestigious British university - Cambridge. Ironically, Oxford is the progenitor of its eternal rival: Cambridge was founded by people from Oxford University. These educational institutions have been competing in rankings for many centuries, but always remain equally prestigious, which makes it somewhat difficult to choose between them and the language schools based on them. However, there is an opinion that English courses at Oxford are more suitable for creative individuals who want to connect their lives with the arts and humanities, while at Cambridge it is better to engage in research in the field of natural and exact sciences.

Oxford is also of great architectural and historical value: the city was founded long before it became a student Mecca. Once here, on the picturesque banks of the Thames, there was an ancient monastic order that founded the University of Oxford back in the 11th century! Since those times, not only the university itself has been preserved, but also the historical buildings allocated for it back in the Middle Ages. Thousands of tourists come here to enjoy the view of the majestic buildings that have a special magical appeal. Walking through the ancient corridors of Oxford once inspired Lewis Carroll to create Alice in Wonderland, and now resembles the sets of the Harry Potter films: many of the spectacular scenes of this franchise were filmed here. Studying English at Oxford will especially appeal to those who want to immerse themselves in the amazing atmosphere of being involved in something global and historical!

Studying in this city can also be a great way to relax! Here you definitely need:

  • Try yourself in a popular sport among the British - rowing. Swimming on the calm waters of the Thames is very beneficial for physical and mental health: it has been scientifically proven that playing sports has a positive effect on academic performance;
  • Visit the oldest English coffee shop and order the national dish Fish & Chips in the surprisingly popular ancient pub Turf Tavern;
  • Look at the university landmark - an electric bell that has been ringing since the mid-19th century;
  • Look through ancient handwritten books in Britain's second largest library. This is a mandatory item in the program of students who choose to study English at Oxford.

Cost of English courses in Oxford

Contrary to widespread myths about the inaccessibility and elitism of English language courses at Oxford, their cost of education is no higher than in other top universities in the UK and Europe. The same applies to prices for academic programs: the cost of tuition here is considered standard by the standards of prestigious Western universities. In any case, education here will cost a fairly impressive amount, which can be reduced by saving on accommodation. Thus, most foreign students prefer to live on campus or share an inexpensive apartment in the city center.

Oxford is a magnificent English city, whose traditions and history go back to ancient times, a city where ancient colorful foundations and advanced technologies are surprisingly harmoniously combined. This legendary place is definitely worth a visit. Make the dream of millions of students come true - study English at Oxford! Call us or visit the website and we will create a program for your trip.

  • Foreigners make up a full quarter of the university's students;
  • The competition between Oxford and Cambridge goes so far that applicants are prohibited from applying to both universities at the same time;
  • The list of outstanding Oxford graduates includes Margaret Thatcher, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Jeremy Bentham, Adam Smith, William Golding, Lewis Carroll and many other figures in politics, science and art.

Studying English at Oxford is a great way to master the English language! Oxford language schools and centers are open to those from any country in the world. Find out about the features of studying at English language courses in Oxford in this article and do not forget that Smapse experts are always ready to help you in choosing language courses.

Today, learning English in good level– stable trend modern world, because in almost every area of ​​life you may need knowledge of the English language. – the choice of champions, because Oxford is legendary and world famous Education Centre, where the best educational institutions not only in the UK, but also in the world are concentrated! English language courses in Oxford schools, colleges and universities provide high quality educational services, offering balanced learning programs, effectively combining study and leisure, which allows students in English language courses not only to improve their English language proficiency, but also to receive unique experience residence in the UK among students from different countries peace. The main advantage of teaching English at English language courses at Oxford is precisely this high degree balanced curriculum, because the cultural program, excursions and various events will allow you to get maximum pleasure and benefit from. Students of language courses in Oxford after classes are free to walk around the city and its surroundings, as well as travel to other nearby cities and regions, explore the most famous attractions of Great Britain and much more. As a result, course participants have a wonderful time!

Features of English language courses in Oxford

Welcome to Oxford - a unique center of prestigious and high-quality English education, wonderful and beautiful city with unique British architecture. This university city is located in the county of the same name, Oxfordshire, which is only 80 km from London, so students can easily visit the capital of Great Britain. It is worth noting that Oxford, along with, is the oldest university town Great Britain, and therefore the most famous and prestigious. A magnificent combination of beautiful ancient architecture and modern rich colors student life in a city located in the midst of picturesque countryside landscapes, we can confidently say that the experience of living and learning English in Oxford will not leave anyone indifferent and everyone will like it!

Oxford is home to many diverse language schools and other educational institutions that offer English language courses to those interested from around the world. Of course, very good preparation offers and legendary, as well as many. All this allows anyone to choose for themselves: their goals and level of English, as well as their budget. At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that for children of any age, as well as for adults, Oxford offers language courses designed for specific ages and learning goals. Thus, for children under the age of 12, language educational institutions will be most suitable, interesting and useful. Such camps are intended, first of all, to organize an unforgettable and event-filled holiday for children, during which they will at the same time gain new knowledge of the English language and be able to improve their language proficiency. It may seem that English lessons have no place in a summer holiday camp for children, but the curriculum in such institutions is structured in such a way that they are not at all perceived as an academic load - teachers teach children in a free and relaxed, even friendly, manner through games, competitions, etc. For older children, they can enroll in or for and effectively prepare for the English language proficiency test. In addition, for professionals in a particular field who want to improve their skills, multidirectional courses are offered for middle and senior managers, investors, stock traders, etc. Such English courses will allow you to qualify for higher positions in the future by providing meaningful competitive advantage in your resume.

IN general view can be represented in the form of three main groups:

  • ABOUTgeneral English– standard curriculum for a balanced study of different areas of the English language (reading, speaking, listening, pronunciation, grammar), suitable for almost anyone who wants to study English at Oxford.
  • Professional (business) English –emphasis on trainee training specialized vocabulary. To successfully complete this course, you must have at least intermediate knowledge of the English language.
  • English language to prepare for admission– emphasis on preparing applicants for admission to higher education institutions in the UK and the world. In addition, this includes.

It must be emphasized that before starting classes at any level, teachers offer students testing for their level of English proficiency in order to subsequently distribute all students into groups depending on the results of this testing. In some cases, interviews are also conducted.

It is worth mentioning separately the division of English language courses at Oxford into groups depending on the number academic hours per week and duration of classes:

  • Standard language course– 20 classes per week from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, then course participants can go about their business, visit local attractions, go on excursions to other cities or regions, counties, communicate with new acquaintances, etc. This type of English language course in Oxford is suitable for the vast majority of those wishing to study English abroad, while gaining a unique experience of living in another country and having a rest.
  • Intensive language course – 30 classes per week from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This type of English language course at Oxford is suitable for more academically minded students who are coming to Oxford primarily to improve their English language skills. Still, there is enough time to explore local attractions and travel to nearby cities and regions.
  • Super-intensive language course– 40 classes per week from 9:00 to 18:00. This type of course already implies full-fledged academic classes in English for students who strive to master the English language to the maximum extent possible. short time. There is much less free time left, but there are still weekends left - it will still be possible to make some trips.

Accommodation for English courses in Oxford

Let us take a closer look at important issue choosing the type of accommodation for a while. Course participants are invited to the following options:

  • In the home of a local family (host-family), in the home of the teacher and his family - a popular type of accommodation, because living with native speakers will radically change the entire experience of being in Oxford and studying on English language courses - the degree of immersion in the linguistic and cultural environment will increase. Basically, this accommodation option is chosen by parents for their children under the age of 12-13, who need constant supervision, care and care: children live in allocated rooms, live like a host family, and get acquainted with the peculiarities of the culture and way of life of the British. In the process of everyday communication, the child will overcome the language barrier and improve speaking skills. Even more effective from the point of view of learning English at Oxford is living with a teacher’s family. In this case, the effectiveness of teaching English at Oxford increases significantly, because the teacher constantly monitors the student’s progress, correcting and adjusting his speech, grammar, and phonetics.
  • In a hostel or hotel– suitable for those who value personal space and freedom, this type of accommodation is mainly chosen by adults and students of business English courses who are already able to live independently and cook their own food (food when choosing this type of accommodation, of course, is not included in the price of the courses ). The best choice for short-term English language courses at Oxford.
  • In a rented apartment or room– the option is similar to the previous one, but also includes greater degree freedom and independence and is suitable for those students who study English on long-term courses (from two weeks). At the same time, this placement option is the most expensive.
  • In the residence on the territory of the educational institution: Most students on English language courses at Oxford, especially in the summer, choose to live in student dormitory, because that means constant communication with peers from around the world. A place in a common spacious room, designed for several residents and equipped with everything necessary for comfortable study and life, is offered to foreign students of language courses in the vast majority of language schools and training centers. Most likely, such a dormitory is located right on the campus of a university or school where English language courses are held - this facilitates the process of communication between school and home.

Prices for English language courses in Oxford

In Oxford, language schools and universities offer a huge variety of English language courses for those wishing to study English. They differ not only in content, but also, of course, in cost. For example, those that include meals on a full board basis will cost much more than exactly the same courses, but for adults this is understandable, because children need to be cared for additional control. By general rule, the cost directly depends on the intensity of the language course, its duration, the type of accommodation offered and the content of the leisure program.

Please note that they are in great demand and popular, so it is better to book your place in advance - at least a year before the planned time of training.

Thus, taking into account their interests, goals, budget, everyone can choose an English language course in Oxford, and Smapse specialists will always help you with this. Language education, obtained in English courses at Oxford, firstly, has been very, very popular and prestigious for more than eight centuries, and secondly, it will allow you to easily enter any secondary and higher educational institution in the UK and the world in the future. – the standard of quality throughout the world.

Oxford University is rightfully considered one of the best in the world. The formation of 50 took place within its walls Nobel laureates from various areas Sciences. Therefore, many of our compatriots come to study English at Oxford. High qualifications of local teachers and modern techniques learning are combined with a stunning student atmosphere forever young city. Studying at Oxford is an excellent opportunity to gain not only valuable knowledge, but also new impressions. Even a short period of living abroad can leave an imprint on your worldview and motivate you to new achievements.

Oxford as a way to quickly learn a language

You can spend years honing your English skills in your native country or come to England for a few weeks to take courses. The second option will give you much more options because you:

  • completely immerse yourself in English-speaking environment– you’ll have to try to talk in stores, public transport, on lessons. Without noticing it, you will get rid of embarrassment and overcome the language barrier;
  • you will take courses from specialists with capital letters who are native speakers. Not having constant practice, even the best Moscow teachers cannot compare with the professionals living in England;
  • get new impressions and make new acquaintances. You will learn a completely different way of life of people and feel for yourself what it’s like European system values.

You can not only strive towards knowledge on your own, but also send your child to learn English in Oxford without worrying about his safety - the British are very peaceful, and the city itself is small and very clean. Despite the modest size of the city and the ability to explore every street on foot, there are many interesting historical sites here. By taking an English course, you will certainly be able to see all the sights and even go on excursions. Studying at Oxford is also a vacation. The city has many green areas - botanical gardens, parks, two rivers flow here. Restaurants offer a large selection of gastronomy. Oxford has a convenient location - if you wish, you can visit London, Birmingham or Bristol on the weekend.

An important advantage of our courses is the opportunity not only to study, but also to travel - after classes, students are organized interesting excursions around town. On weekends, you have the opportunity to visit the colorful surroundings of Oxford with a guide - London, Windsor castle, Blenheim Palace and other attractions of the area.

How to enroll in a language school

You can take the first step towards learning English right now - for this you need:

  • choose the type of course depending on the goals you set before the trip;
  • decide on the duration of study - you can go to Oxford for two weeks or more. When planning to enroll in British higher education institutions, many school graduates go to “pull up their language” for an entire academic year;
  • decide on a place to live. Our company will help you find and book suitable housing close to your studies.

Have you decided on the main parameters? Our manager will calculate the cost of taking the selected course and provide you with payment information. In addition, our clients can count on assistance in obtaining a visa - the manager will tell you what documents should be prepared, take care of translations and registration at the embassy.

The courses accept students with completely different initial levels of English knowledge. While already at an Oxford school, you will take a test, based on which you will be assigned to one of the groups. The procedure is designed to ensure that each student feels most comfortable and is able to fully assimilate the taught material.

Important! Training is provided in all areas - at Oxford you will learn grammar, vocabulary and correct pronunciation. Constantly alternating practical and theoretical classes, as well as using modern pedagogical methods and complete immersion in language environment, teachers will help you start communicating fluently in English on any topic.

Accommodation options

While studying English at Oxford University, you will be asked to choose your place of residence:

  • student residence. Oxford campuses are equipped with everything necessary for the comfort of students and are located in close proximity to the educational building. Important advantage this option– price. In addition, here you can meet like-minded people from different countries and spend much more time together, improving your communication skills;
  • the hotel is different high level comfort. This option is optimal for business people who need privacy and a calm working atmosphere to send letters and resolve business issues. You will have a lot of free time for walks and hobbies. However, the cost of living here is higher than on campus;
  • An English family will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the way of life of ordinary Englishmen. By choosing this accommodation option, you will be able to get to know local traditions and unique features better. The British are very hospitable and will be happy to help you learn the spoken language.

No matter where you stay, you'll feel right at home in Oxford.

Financial questions

The total cost of courses at the Oxford English School depends on the chosen place of residence, the duration of the course, and the chosen program. You can go to study for a few weeks, for example, during vacation or holidays, or for more long time– up to the whole academic school year. You need to choose a training program based on your needs. We offer:

  • main course - will improve your level of English, while you will have enough free time for rest and entertainment;
  • intensive is intended for those who want to learn a language in as soon as possible. If you are planning to move abroad or work for an international company and have little time, then this course is for you;
  • business English. As a result of completing the courses, you will be able not only to communicate on equal terms with English-speaking colleagues, but also to make new valuable acquaintances;
  • preparation for IELTS exams and TOEFL will help you successfully pass the test and enroll in study or work at a university in any English-speaking country.


Select a country and city England - London England - Oxford England - Cambridge England - Brighton England - Liverpool England - Manchester England - Other USA - NY USA - Miami USA - Boston USA - San Francisco USA - Los Angeles Ireland - Dublin Canada - Toronto Canada - Vancouver Australia - Sydney Australia - Melbourne Australia - Other Malta - Sliema Malta - St Julian's New Zealand - Auckland UAE - Dubai Singapore Select course type Standard course Intensive course English on vacation Business English English for children (up to 17 years old) English for adults (from 30 years old) Preparation for IELTS/TOEFL Preparation for GMAT/GRE Not selected Select duration of training 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks 10 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks 20 weeks 24 weeks Academic year Select type of accommodation Adoptive family Student residence Hotel Not required

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The cost announced by our manager is the price of a course at a language school without surcharges and commissions. In addition to this, your expenses will include transportation and visa processing. Additionally, you need to take enough money for current expenses.

Student reviews

I was very afraid of this trip. For me, English language courses in London were my first independent trip. But everything went well. Elite Student employees accompanied you literally every step of the way, right up to...

"I went to Ireland for 2 weeks and was wildly delighted! I lived in a wonderful family, where I was fed, probably, for the entire last year. My "Irish parents" talked to me constantly,...

The impressions after the trip are simply wonderful! I really liked the school, the teachers’ approach to teaching, the lessons were very interesting and useful. You could visit every day various events and excursions. If something isn't...

Thank you very much to the company staff from EliteStudent for organizing the trip and training in London. Separately, I would like to thank Azalea for numerous clarifications and advice on the stages of the trip and training, as well as Natalya...